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We’re Different. We’re Better.

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When Amelia Bullock founded this company in 1969 she made a very clear decision to create a different kind of real estate Company. While she understood that the inherent nature of real estate is steeped in sales she had no interest in building a sales company. Amelia saw that as limited, common, too competitive and not anything special that she would be proud to be associated with.

Based on her experience as a realtor, Amelia focused on delivering something different, something better than a transaction. for her it was the delivery of a great real estate experience. But this would not be limited to only clients. this experience had to be something all parties were invited into. And felt.

to achieve this, Amelia created a “fairness principle” that defined the specific nature with which she would deliver on her promise.

the result of Amelia’s way of doing things surely attracted clients. But it also attracted unique professionals that found her way of doing business true to their own hearts. Barbara Wallace was the first. She became Amelia’s business partner back in 1970. together they have spent the last forty years doing what they do best - being fair, being smart, being socially mindful and building a company that stood firm on these principles for us and everyone who works with us.

We coulda been a much bigger company. By all accounts we shoulda had lots more agents. And we sure woulda made considerably more sales as a result. But none of those things move us. Quantity never took precedent over quality. And sales never took precedent over smiles.

This is how iT was, how iT is, and how iT will always be.

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A CompAny of VAlueS, V iS ion, & experienCe.

in 1969, Amelia Bullock realtors was a company of one. However, the service Amelia provided far exceeded what it appeared one person could do. in short, she was amazing.

open. honesT. Fair. and TransparenT.

it was important to us going forward that we define ourselves to ensure that what we provided clients was consistent with what Amelia provided then. We understood that if we grow, the only way to do it right is through consistency and delivering on our promise every day and for every client.

our values are now whaT They have always been.

our ViSion StAtementAmelia Bullock realtors is dedicated to providing service with quality, value and integrity to everyone. from our clients to anyone who is involved in the transaction. We are a company where people are the difference and respect for all people is paramount to all else.

our pHiloSopHythrough our joint effort, we are building a company of lasting values, boldness and spirit - a company committed to the success and satisfaction of the people we represent.

our uniQue fACtorSlongevity, experience, reputation

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CompAny Core VAlueS

treat everyone with respect.

Be honest, fair and transparent.

earn client trust.

Deliver legendary service, everyday.

Create excellence at every opportunity.

embrace the power of innovation.

Drive change with gusto.

Care for our community.

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tHe AmeliA BulloCk DifferenCe.

over the past 40 years, we have listed and sold 15,000 homes in Austin. What we specialize in is knowing how to price them, how to market them and how to make each one stand out as special. Here's a list of the ten things we do that will get your home sold.

tHe AmeliA BulloCk BrAnDAround these parts our brand means something. Amelia Bullock realtors is locally owned and has been serving the Greater Austin Area for over 40 years. An Amelia Bullock listing means the process from beginning to end will be professional and meet your every expectation.

reACHAmelia Bullock realtors has a marketing and distribution agreement with leading real estate Companies of the World, one of the largest internet distribution networks in real estate. As a result more buyers and more agents, in more places, throughout the country and the world, will see your home.

expoSureeach and every Amelia Bullock listing has its own dedicated website that includes a dedicated url with your property address. each features crisp, quality photographs, including technology that e-mails your listing directly to buyers, looking for homes just like yours.

StAGinGpresentation is everything. it highlights the strengths of your home and allows your home to appeal to potential buyers. When needed, we will bring in our staging experts and reveal its greatest assets.

neGotiAtorSWe have a reputation for being top negotiators. this doesn’t mean we argue better than everyone else. or like to pick fights. it means we know what battles to pick and we know how to emerge the victor. We succeed because at the end of the day, we are reasonable and fair.

mASSiVe SynDiCAtionin the old days putting your home in the local newspaper was a big deal. today that hardly matters. through our affiliations and marketing partnerships your home will be listed on the best trafficked websites on the internet including Google Base, trulia,, frontDoor (HGtV), Zillow, enormo, and many more.

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mAnAGeriAl AnD StAff Supportour corporate headquarters is comprised of quality executives and individuals who understand economics, finance, market metrics, trends providing long term forecasting and vision that serve the benefits of our agents as well as our clients. We have full-time non-selling management at each office location.

eDuCAtion AnD trAininGthere are few occupations that sit at the crossroads of change like real estate. Beyond the obvious and ongoing social changes that occur over time, we are affected by modifications in housing laws, technologies, advertising platforms, shifts in consumer spending patterns, market trends, social media and much more. As a result, continued education and training on everything is what keeps us young and nimble and able to meet all your needs.

luxury SerViCeS All homes valued at $750,000 and above receive our Special presentation Service program which includes a personal concierge who oversees all showing appointments, prepares your home for every showing and is present at every showing to insure that your home is shown properly and safely. Amelia Bullock is the only firm in Austin that offers this personalized service. furthermore, given our unique affiliation with luxury portfolio, your properties are syndicated throughout their global network, across their website at as well as being featured on

our WeBSite While most brokerages rely on templates and homegrown Websites to feature their brand and merchandise their listings, we built our site using the nations top designer and development company. our goal was to provide users with the best experience possible and your home with a showcase environment to be seen, be witnessed and sold.

intereStinG fACtHere.

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of home buyers begin their search online

We realize the importance of internet exposure for our clients, which is why we have invested significant time and resources to our internet marketing services and website. our fully integrated approach showcases your home before the largest possible audience of qualified buyers.

properTy search - We offer the latest in property searching technology. our map search allows buyers to pinpoint their search by specific neighborhoods and streets. the explore the neighborhood™ feature allows buyers to discover points of interest - banks, restaurants, grocery stores and more - that surround your listing.

neighborhood inFormaTion - We feature detailed profiles of Austin neighborhoods including video, photos, news, housing market data, school ratings, open homes, and area listings.

virTual Tours - our virtual tours use large panoramic photos to help potential buyers visualize living in your home. using unique technology, our panoramics are high in quality and load lightning fast.

boTTom line: iF you lisT your home wiTh amelia bullock realTors, buyers will Find your home on The inTerneT.

more expoSure = more BuyerS

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web presence - When you list your home with Amelia Bullock realtors, your home will be advertised on our exclusive website, updated daily. you will receive global and local web exposure of your home through our links to,, and (for selected properties).

your home's listing will also appear on over 600 leading real estate Companies of the World® national and Global Home Search websites at

our liStinGS AppeAr All oVer tHe WeB.

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every property listing features photographs, property details, virtual tour (if available) and local information including maps, market data, nearby shopping and restaurants, and school information.

registered users of the Amelia Bullock website can sign up for daily or weekly search alerts that will email your listing directly to them when it matches their search criteria.

We are proud to have earned the Website Quality Certification (WQC), presented by leading real estate Companies of the World® to member companies that have demonstrated excellence in website design, functionality and execution

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WHere AuStin f inDS it ’S reAl eStAte

the Amelia Bullock property search has gone mobile. Search all listings in Austin Area from your iphone

introducing the new Home Search tab exclusively offered by Amelia Bullock realtors. the only place on facebook to search for any home in the Greater Austin Area.

Go WHere tHe BuyerS Are: addition to our award winning website, and you will find us on facebook, twitter, and you tube. We even have a Blog that’s written by our talented agents and staff.

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VirtuAl tourS

A VirtuAl tour promoteS your propertyinstead of just looking at photos, step inside them with our powerful Virtual tour marketing tool. A Virtual tour is designed to reach potential buyers and promote your property in a powerful new way. listings with virtual tours get clicked more than listings without a virtual tour. more clicks mean more potential buyers for your home.

piCtureSour virtual tours use large panoramic photos to help potential buyers visualize themselves living in your home. using unique technology, our panoramics are high in quality and load lightning fast. plus, still photos can be used to showcase those unique rooms and features that can't be captured with a panoramic photo.

informAtionGive buyers what they want - information! listing data such as number of bedrooms, baths, living areas, etc... are just a few of the many features that can be included in your virtual tour presentation.

DetAilSyour agent can also enter text to go with each photo. like an in-person showing, you can describe the finer points of the amenities such as granite counters, oak cabinets, tile floors or a magnificent view.

V irtuAl tourS

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internet expoSure

With our virtual tours, your tour will be automatically linked to many websites including:







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print mArketinG

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tHe AmeliA BulloCk reAltorS SiGn

A SiGn of exCellenCe

the bright yellow Amelia Bullock realtors yard sign has been a

recognizable mark of distinction in real estate since 1969. our colorful

residential yard sign is designed to increase traffic, communicate

important information and make a strong curbside impression.

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leADinG re & luxury portfolio

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leADinG re & luxury portfolio

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SHoWinG tHe HouSe

you neVer Get A SeConD CHAnCe to mAke A f irSt impreSSion the "curb appeal" that your home offers prospective buyers is extremely important. Begin with your lawn, fertilize if necessary, and keep it neat and trim.

your front Door iS A WelCominG SiGn to proSpeCtiVe BuyerS make sure it is clean and paint it, if necessary. A seasonal decoration, such as a wreath, adds an inviting touch.

WeAr AnD teAr mAke BuyerS uneASy minor imperfections that we often overlook in our own homes tend to turn prospective buyers off because they overestimate the cost of repairs. faded and scraped walls, as well as any scratched woodwork, should be restored to good condition. A little paint and furniture polish can go a long way in increasing the appeal of your home.

tHe BriGHter tHe Better Clean windows and open draperies highlight your walls and ceiling. By letting in natural light, you are letting buyers see how bright and cheery your home can be.

AVoiD Clutter Buyers have a hard time looking past clutter. By removing items that you seldom use, you let people see the space your home has to offer. items such as newspapers and toys should be put away, and stairways should be clean and free of clutter as well.

A CleAn kitCHen iS A muSt many buyers judge housekeeping based on the condition of the oven and stove. make sure both look as shiny as possible. Clean the interior of your dishwasher, removing stains, especially on the door. Clean out your kitchen cabinets, packing away unnecessary items. Countertops should be clean and free of clutter as well.

leAVe your Home WHen it 'S BeinG SHoWn Having people in the house while it is being shown can be very distracting for buyers. most people like dogs, but they distract attention. So try to keep your pet out of the way during showings.

SpArklinG BAtHroomS Will Help Sell your Home All tile grouting, and vinyl coverings should be clean and free of soap scum. fixtures should be free of watermarks and polished. if there is a window in your bathroom, open it to allow a fresh breeze to flow through.

mAkinG repAirS noW CAn meAn A HiGHer priCe lAterSince buyers tend to overestimate the cost of most repairs, it is generally in your best interest to make necessary repairs yourself rather than leave it to them. if closet doors or screen doors are off track, or if doorknobs are loose, fix them. Dripping faucets and cracked molding also suggest neglect to prospective buyers. By fixing them now you should be able to get top dollar for your house.

let your AGent Do tHe tAlkinG if a prospective buyer asks you questions or starts a conversation about your home, be polite but try to avoid entering an in-depth discussion with them. your agent is trained to increase the buyers' interest in your property and easily overcome objections they might have.

niGHt SHoWinGS in order to best highlight your property, remember to turn on porch lights and any other outside lights for night showings. inside, try to have the house well lit throughout when the hour of appointment nears.

Sell tHe HouSe f irStDo not attempt to sell the prospective buyer furniture, rugs or drapes in the house, as this practice will detract from the interest in your home. if the prospective buyer desires any personal property, discuss these issues with your agent at a later date.

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SHoWinG tHe HouSe

At Amelia Bullock realtors, we don’t just show homes, we “present” them. offered exclusively for executive homes, this unique service will enhance your home’s all-important first impression.

After arranging the showing with owner and agent, our Special presentation Service (SpS) representative arrives at the home 15-20 minutes prior to client appointment. our representative enhances the home presentation by attending to lights and draperies adjustments, securing pets, and greeting the clients. this pre-showing preparation highlights the home and its strongest features.

it is very important to have someone who knows the home to be able to present the property to other agents and their clients. our SpS representative points out special features in the home such as a hidden closet, wine cellar, and other features unique to the property. She also notes any questions and observations made by the customer. When the agent and clients leave, our SpS representative returns the home to its pre-showing state and secures the home.

this Special presentation Service has been offered exclusively at Amelia Bullock realtors for over fifteen years. our list of satisfied customers is growing everyday. to find out more about this unique service, please call ruth Curran at 512.345.2100.

SpeCiAl preSentAtion SerViCeS

to learn more about ruth and this exclusvie service, view her video on you tube.

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WHAt to expeCt . . . ContrACt to CloSe

TiTle company

CloSer, reCiepteD

ABStrACt plAnt AnD tAx DepArtment exAminer

ABStrACtor DoeS A title SeArCHtitle SeArCH inCluDeS:

SeArCH of HiStory of propertyoWnerS of reCorDlienSClouDS on titleDoCumentS fileD By leGAl DeSCriptionSeArCH of Buyer AnD SellerlienS, lAW SuitS, DiVorCeS, proBAteSDoCumentS fileD By perSon’S nAme, no property DeSCription.

Commitment to iSSue title inSurAnCe



everyone wanTs To close


title CompAny reCeiVeD CloSinG inStruCtionS from lenDer.

t itle CompAny orDerS:SurVey, WArrAnty DeeD, note, DeeD of truSt, re-leASe lien, pAy off f iGureS from exiStinG loAn,

termite report

* Some lenDerS orDer AnD SenD WitH CloSinG inStruCtionS to tHe title Co.

prepArAtion of DoCumentS

closing and Funding

morTgage company

loAn AppliCAtion proCeSS BeGinS

loAn AppliCAtion proCeSS inCluDeS:Verif iCAtion of Buyer’S inComeStABil ityCreDit HiStoryASSetS to CloSeConfirmAtion of property’S VAlue (ApprAiSAl)

informAtion GAtHereD AnD pACkAGeD

Buyer SuBmitteD for ApproVAl

Buyer ApproVeD

lenDer SenDS CloSinG inSruCtionS.



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Community inVolVement

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Community inVolVement

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3mABBott lABorAtorieSADVAnCeD miCro DeViCeSAim mutuAl funDSAmBioteC enVironmentAl Con-SultAntSAmeriCAn AirlineSAmp pACkAGinGAmWAyApple ComputerApplieD mAteriAlSAptiS iCpArtCArVeD/CommemorAtiVe BrAnDSArtHur AnDerSen & Co.At&tAuStin Community ColleGeAuStin inDepenDent SCHool DiStriCtBAker & BottS llpBAnDWiDtH GenerAl BerSen, JAmil & GooDSon llpBillinG ConCeptS CorporA-tionBmCBriGHAm oil AnD GASBriStol-myerS SQuiBBBroWn-mAroney lAW firmCABletronCArBomeDiCSCArroll touCH SyStemSCASH AmeriCACirCuit CityCiSCoCitiZenSCity of AuStinCmp meDiACoCA ColAColumBiA HeAltH CAreCompAQCryStAl Semi -ConDuCtorCSC ContinuumCypreSS SemiConDuCtorDeC/DiGitAlDel WeBB CorporAtionDell Computer CorporAtionDell proDuCtS lpDillArDSDtm CorporAtionDuke enerGyDun AnD BrADStreetDupont pHotomASkSeAton mAnufACturinGeDSerCoternSt & younGfArm CreDit BAnkfArmer’S inSurAnCefDiCfiC inSurAnCe GroupfiSHer-roSemount SyStemS

foleySforD motor CompAnyG-teCHGAStinGer WAlker HArDen ArCHiteCtSGeGenerAl motorSGreenmountAin.ComGte moBilnetHArt GrApHiCSHeBHuGeS & luCe llpiBmimSinteGrAteD SolutionSinterCrAftinternAl reVenue SerViCeiomeGAixCJAmeS BAker & ASSoCiAteSJC penneySJoHnSon & JoHnSonkeAneliV inG CenterS of AmeriCAloCkHeeD internAtionAlloiS pAul pArtnerSlotuS DeVelopment Corpo-rAtionmArtin DeCker totComAx SerVmCemCimiCroSoftmotorolA SemiConDuCtorSnAtionAl inStrumentSnAtionAl SemiConDuCtornAtionSBAnknortH AuStin meDiCAl Cen-ternorWeStnoVellomnifAxorACle Corp.oriGin SyStemSpCorDer.CompenCom SyStemSpepSiCopfiZer pHArmACeutiCAl Co.pHArmACo DynAmiCS re-SeArCHpHillipS Semi -ConDuCtorpHotroniCSpoWer ComputinGrJr nABiSCorADiAn internAtionAlroCkWellrolmrounD roCk inDepenDent SCHool DiStriCtSAmSunG AuStin SemiCon-DuCtor

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for over 40 years, Amelia Bullock realtors has provided relocation assistance on a wide spectrum - from the individual transferring employee to moving an entire division or company. We enjoy a working relationship with human resources departments, personnel and placement services and corporate recruiters of companies that have successfully moved employees to and from the Greater Austin area

Amelia Bullock realtors full time relocation Department provides support to our associates when assisting customers who are visiting our area or who have recently relocated here as well as to large and small companies who are recruiting employees from out of town.

our relocation services include:

Area tours

relocation packets/Community information

international Services

rental Assistance/interim Housing

mortgage Services

Group move Assistance

Home marketing Assistance

Corporate owned property management

relocaTion services



We Are prouD of tHe CompAny We keep

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in -HouSe mortGAGe SerViCeS

please meet Colette phillip our in house mortgage loan Consultant affiliated with Benchmark Bank, Affiliated mortgage Company.

on a professional level, Colette has won numerous professional awards including loan officer of the year and many others during her 20-year career, speak volumes about her professionalism. However, choosing her to be our in house loan officer speaks praise to her attention to detail and servitude to our clientele.

Colette brings a wealth of knowledge to your process that not only stems from her two decades of experience but from the information she gathers on a daily basis monitoring all local and national market trends.

“Cead mile failte” (a thousand welcomes), is a saying often heard in her home country of ireland that you can experience here as Colette’s door is always open to questions concerning a new home loan, refinance your existing mortgage, or about any of these loan programs offer that include:

Conventional, Jumbo, fHA and VA financing

interest only and Arm products

Home equity loans

one-time Close Construction loans

lot loans

investment property loans up to 100% financing

Competitive rates

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Here is a checklist of preparations to make before showing your home. Be sure to consult your Amelia Bullock Agent to find out what improvements they recommend.

» De-Clutter Go through your home room by room and ask yourself what you can throw away and what you can box up and put in storage. then do it again. pay extra attention to areas like bookcases, shelves and kitchen and bathroom counters.

» orGAniZe Storage space can be a dealmaker or breaker, so go through your closets and pantries and throw away, give away or put away anything you don’t need. Clean out bedroom closets so that hanging clothes are aligned and have ample space. remove items from closet floors. reorganize and clean out your kitchen cabinets and line up dishes and glassware. make sure bathroom and kitchen drawers are neatly organized – even your junk drawer.

» CleAn Give your home a deep clean from top to bottom, including windows, upholstery and carpet, and the refrigerator and oven - yes, buyers actually open them. Vacuum floors, wipe down kitchen and bathroom countertops and empty waste baskets daily.

» pAint A fresh coat of paint is the least expensive, most effective way to enhance the appearance of your home. Be sure to use neutral colors, but keep in mind that darker tones can give smaller spaces, such as powder rooms, an intimate feel. Consult your agent for recommendations. At a minimum, make sure to wash all walls and windowsills.

» BriGHten your Home light gives the impression of space, so it’s important for every room in your home to have ample light at any time of day. prior to showings, wash windows, raise blinds and turn on lights. Add floor or table lamps to brighten dark rooms or corners.

prepArinG your Home for SAle

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»mAintAin your Home’S exterior if you live in a single-family home or townhome, maintain your lawn and landscaping. in a condominium, pay attention to the area in front of the doorway. keep it neat and inform the superintendent of any problems, such as burned-out lights. make balconies, decks and patios inviting with potted plants and flowers.

»mAke repAirS Consult with your agent prior to undertaking a large-scale home improvement project, but go ahead and make easy repairs such as touch-up spackling and painting, replacing a cracked window or torn screen, fixing a leaky faucet and changing burned out light bulbs.

» remoVe perSonAl property if you do not plan on including personal property such as window treatments or light fixtures as part of the sale, then remove them and put them in storage before your first showing. this prevents a buyer from wanting them and trying to negotiate for them as part of the deal.

» remoVe petS keep pets out of the home during showings. Also be sure to conceal their food bowls and litter boxes.

» Hire A Home inSpeCtor Hiring a professional, licensed home inspector prior to putting your home on the market allows you to spot potential problems and make repairs before buyers make them an issue.

» DiSCloSe eVerytHinG By law, sellers must disclose existing structural and mechanical problems, flooding and other defects to potential buyers. Withholding this information can cause a much bigger headache than the problem itself.

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loCAl info - muD pHone numBerS, etC.

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