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Energy-Aware Scheduling of MapReduce Jobsfor Big Data Applications

Lena Mashayekhy, Student Member, IEEE, Mahyar Movahed Nejad, Student Member, IEEE,

Daniel Grosu, Senior Member, IEEE, Quan Zhang, Student Member, IEEE, and

Weisong Shi, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Themajority of large-scale data intensive applications executed by data centers are based onMapReduce or its open-source

implementation, Hadoop. Such applications are executed on large clusters requiring large amounts of energy, making the energy costs a

considerable fraction of the data center’s overall costs. Thereforeminimizing the energy consumption when executing eachMapReduce

job is a critical concern for data centers. In this paper, we propose a framework for improving the energy efficiency of MapReduce

applications, while satisfying the service level agreement (SLA).We first model the problem of energy-aware scheduling of a single

MapReduce job as an Integer Program.We then propose two heuristic algorithms, called energy-aware MapReduce scheduling

algorithms (EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II), that find the assignments of map and reduce tasks to themachine slots in order tominimize the

energy consumedwhen executing the application.We perform extensive experiments on a Hadoop cluster to determine the energy

consumption and execution time for several workloads from the HiBench benchmark suite including TeraSort, PageRank, and K-means

clustering, and then use this data in an extensive simulation study to analyze the performance of the proposed algorithms. The results

show that EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II are able to find near optimal job schedules consuming approximately 40 percent less energy on

average than the schedules obtained by a common practice scheduler that minimizes themakespan.

Index Terms—MapReduce, big data, minimizing energy consumption, scheduling



SEVERAL businesses and organizations are faced with anever-growing need for analyzing the unprecedented

amounts of available data. Such need challenges existingmethods, and requires novel approaches and technolo-gies in order to cope with the complexities of big dataprocessing. One of the major challenges of processingdata intensive applications is minimizing their energycosts. Electricity used in US data centers in 2010accounted for about 2 percent of total electricity usednationwide [1]. In addition, the energy consumed by thedata centers is growing at over 15 percent annually, andthe energy costs make up about 42 percent of the datacenters’ operating costs [2]. Considering that server costsare consistently falling, it should be no surprise that inthe near future a big percentage of the data centers’ costswill be energy costs. Therefore, it is critical for the datacenters to minimize their energy consumption whenoffering services to customers.

Big data applications run on large clusters within datacenters, where their energy costs make energy efficiencyof executing such applications a critical concern. MapRe-duce [3] and its open-source implementation, Hadoop [4],have emerged as the leading computing platforms for big

data analytics. For scheduling multiple MapReduce jobs,Hadoop originally employed a FIFO scheduler. To over-come the issues with the waiting time in FIFO, Hadoopthen employed the Fair Scheduler [5]. These two schedu-lers, however, do not consider improving the energyefficiency when executing MapReduce applications.Improving energy efficiency of MapReduce applicationsleads to a significant reduction of the overall cost of datacenters. In this paper, we design MapReduce schedulingalgorithms that improve the energy efficiency of runningeach individual application, while satisfying the servicelevel agreement (SLA). Our proposed scheduling algo-rithms can be easily incorporated and deployed withinthe existing Hadoop systems.

In most of the cases, processing big data involves run-ning production jobs periodically. For example, Facebookprocesses terabytes of data for spam detection daily. Suchproduction jobs allow data centers to use job profilingtechniques in order to get information about the resourceconsumption for each job. Job profiling extracts criticalperformance characteristics of map and reduce tasks foreach underlying application. Data centers can use theknowledge of extracted job profiles to pre-compute newestimates of jobs’ map and reduce stage durations, andthen construct an optimized schedule for future execu-tions. Furthermore, the energy consumption of each taskon a machine can be profiled using automatic power-meter tools such as PDU Power Strip [6], which is cur-rently a standard practice in data centers. Many research-ers studied different profiling techniques [7], [8], andseveral MapReduce scheduling studies rely on such tech-niques [9], [10]. Our proposed algorithms schedule

� The authors are with the Department of Computer Science, Wayne StateUniversity, Detroit, MI 48202.E-mail: {mlena, mahyar, dgrosu, fd7710, weisong}

Manuscript received 20 June 2014; revised 5 Sept. 2014; accepted 11 Sept.2014. Date of publication 0 . 0000; date of current version 0 . 0000.Recommended for acceptance by X. Gu.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:[email protected], and reference the Digital Object Identifier below.Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPDS.2014.2358556


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Page 2: Abstract— implementation,Hadoop




MapReduce production jobs having as the primary objec-tive the minimization of energy consumption.

Most of the existing research on MapReduce schedul-ing focused on improving the makespan (i.e., minimizingthe time between the arrival and the completion time ofan application) of the MapReduce job’s execution (e.g.,[11], [12], [13], [14]). However, makespan minimization isnot necessarily the best strategy for data centers. Datacenters are obligated to deliver the services by their spec-ified deadlines, and it is not in their best interests to exe-cute the services as fast as they can in order to minimizethe makespan. This strategy fails to incorporate signifi-cant optimization opportunities available for data centersto reduce their energy costs. The majority of productionMapReduce workloads consists of a large number of jobsthat do not require fast execution. By taking into accountthe energy consumed by the map and reduce tasks whenmaking scheduling decisions, the data centers can utilizetheir resources efficiently and reduce the energy con-sumption. Our proposed energy-aware scheduling algo-rithms capture such opportunities and significantlyreduce the MapReduce energy costs, while satisfyingthe SLA.

1.1 Our Contribution

To the best of our knowledge this is the first study thatdesigns algorithms for detailed task placement of a MapRe-duce job to machines with the primary focus on minimiz-ing the energy consumption. Our proposed algorithmscan be incorporated into higher level energy managementpolicies in data centers. We first model the problem ofscheduling MapReduce tasks for energy efficiency as aninteger program. In the absence of computationally tracta-ble optimal algorithms for solving this problem, wedesign two heuristic algorithms, called EMRSA-I andEMRSA-II, where EMRSA is an acronym for energy-aware MapReduce scheduling algorithm. EMRSA-I andEMRSA-II provide very fast solutions making them suit-able for deployment in real production MapReduce clus-ters. The time complexity of the proposed algorithms ispolynomial in the number of map and reduce slots, thenumber of map tasks, and the number of reduce tasks.We perform experiments on a Hadoop cluster to deter-mine the energy consumption of several MapReducebenchmark applications such as TeraSort, Page Rank, andK-means clustering. We use this data in an extensive sim-ulation study to characterize the performance of the pro-posed algorithms. We show that the current practicescheduling methods, such as makespan minimization,produce schedules having energy consumption that is farfrom optimal. We compare the performance of EMRSA-Iand EMRSA-II against the optimal solution for cases inwhich the optimal solution can be obtained in reasonableamount of time. The results show that EMRSA-I andEMRSA-II are capable of finding close to optimal solu-tions very fast. Due to the intractability of the problem,when the optimal results are not available, we show thatthe energy consumption for the schedules obtained bythe proposed algorithms is very close to the lower boundsolution obtained by the linear programming (LP) relaxa-tion of the integer program.

1.2 Related Work

We summarize the related work from three perspectives:resource allocation and scheduling in data centers andclouds, MapReduce scheduling with different objectives,and energy savings in data centers.

Resource allocation and scheduling in data centers and clouds.Hacker and Mahadik [15] proposed scheduling polices forvirtual high performance computing clusters. They pre-sented a resource prediction model for each policy to esti-mate the resources needed within a cloud, the queue waittime for requests, and the size of the pool of spare resour-ces needed. Palanisamy et al. [16] proposed a new MapRe-duce cloud service model for production jobs. Theirmethod creates cluster configurations for the jobs usingMapReduce profiling and leverages deadline-awareness,allowing the cloud provider to optimize its globalresource allocation and reduce the cost of resource provi-sioning. Ekanayake et al. [17] proposed a programmingmodel and an architecture to enhance MapReduce run-time that supports iterative MapReduce computations effi-ciently. They showed how their proposed model can beextended to more classes of applications for MapReduce.Tian and Chen [18] proposed a cost function that modelsthe relationship between the amount of input data, Mapand Reduce slots, and the complexity of the Reduce func-tion for the MapReduce job. Their proposed cost functioncan be used to minimize the cost with a time deadline orminimize the time under certain budget. Zhan et al. [19]proposed a cooperative resource provisioning solutionusing statistical multiplexing to save the server cost. Songet al. [20] proposed a two-tiered on-demand resource allo-cation mechanism consisting of the local and globalresource allocation. In our previous studies [21], [22], [23],we proposed mechanisms for resource provisioning, allo-cation, and pricing in clouds considering several heteroge-neous resources. However, none of the above mentionedstudies consider the energy saving objectives.

MapReduce scheduling with different objectives. Zahariaet al. [24] studied the problem of speculative execution inMapReduce. They proposed a simple robust schedulingalgorithm, Longest Approximate Time to End (LATE),which uses estimated finish times to speculatively executethe tasks that hurt the response time the most. Sandholmand Lai [25] designed a system for allocating resources inshared data and compute clusters that improves MapRe-duce job scheduling. Their approach is based on isolatingMapReduce clusters in VMs with a continuously adjustableperformance. Wang et al. [26] proposed a task schedulingtechnique for MapReduce that improves the systemthroughput in job-intensive environments without consid-ering the energy consumption. Ren et al. [27] proposed a jobscheduling algorithm to optimize the completion time ofsmall MapReduce jobs. Their approach extends job priori-ties to guarantee the rapid response for small jobs. Changet al. [12] proposed various online and offline algorithmsfor the MapReduce scheduling problem to minimize theoverall job completion times. Their algorithms are based onsolving a linear program relaxation. Moseley et al. [11] pro-posed a dynamic program for minimizing the makespanwhen all MapReduce jobs arrive at the same time. Theymodeled the problem as a two-stage flow shop problem,


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and proved that the dynamic program yields a PTAS ifthere is a fixed number of job-types. Pastorelli et al. [28] pro-posed a size-based approach to scheduling jobs in Hadoopto guarantee fairness and near-optimal system responsetimes. Their scheduler requires a priori job size information,and thus, it builds such knowledge by estimating the sizesduring job execution. Wolf et al. [29] proposed a flexiblescheduling allocation scheme, called Flex, to optimize avariety of standard scheduling metrics such as responsetime and makespan, while ensuring the same minimum jobslot guarantees as in the case of Fair scheduler. Sandholmand Lai [30] proposed a dynamic priority parallel taskscheduler for Hadoop that prioritizes jobs and users andgives users the tool to optimize and customize their alloca-tions to fit the importance and requirements of their jobssuch as deadline and budget. Verma et al. [8] proposed ajob scheduler for MapReduce environments that allocatesthe resources to production jobs. Their method can profile ajob that runs routinely and then uses its profile in thedesigned MapReduce model to estimate the amount ofresources required for meeting the deadline. Verma et al. [9]proposed a job scheduler that minimizes the makespan forMapReduce production jobs with no dependencies by uti-lizing the characteristics and properties of the jobs in a givenworkload. Nanduri et al. [31] proposed a heuristic schedul-ing algorithm to maintain a resource balance on a cluster,thereby reducing the overall runtime of the MapReducejobs. Their job selection and assignment algorithms selectthe job that is best suitable on a particular node while avoid-ing node overloads. Ibrahim et al. [32] proposed a schedul-ing algorithm for map tasks to improve the overallperformance of the MapReduce computation. Theirapproach leads to a higher locality in the execution of maptasks and to a more balanced intermediate data distribution.Kurazumi et al. [33] proposed dynamic processing slotscheduling for I/O intensive MapReduce jobs that use effi-ciently the CPU resources with low utilization caused by I/O wait related to task execution. However, these studies didnot consider energy efficiency as their objectives.

Energy savings in data centers. Kaushik et al. [34] proposedan approach to partition the servers in a Hadoop clusterinto hot and cold zones based on their performance, cost,and power characteristics, where hot zone servers arealways powered on and cold zone servers are mostly idling.Cardosa et al. [35] proposed a spatio-temporal tradeoff thatincludes efficient spatial placement of tasks on nodes andtemporal placement of nodes with tasks having similarruntimes in order to maximize utilization. Leverich andKozyrakis [36] proposed a method for energy managementof MapReduce jobs by selectively powering down nodeswith low utilization. Their method uses a cover set strategythat exploits the replication to keep at least one copy of adata-block. As a result, in low utilization periods some ofthe nodes that are not in the cover set can be powereddown. Chen et al. [37] proposed a method for reducing theenergy consumption of MapReduce jobs without relying onreplication. Their approach divides the jobs into time-sensi-tive and less time-sensitive jobs, where the former areassigned to a small pool of dedicated nodes, and the lattercan run on the rest of the cluster. Maheshwari et al. [38] pro-posed an algorithm that dynamically reconfigures clusters

by scaling up and down the number of nodes based on thecluster utilization. Lang and Patel [39] proposed a frame-work for energy management in MapReduce clusters bypowering down all nodes in the cluster during a low utiliza-tion period. Wirtz and Ge [40] conducted an experimentalstudy on the MapReduce efficiency. They analyzed theeffects of changing the number of concurrent worker nodes,and the effects of adjusting the processor frequency basedon workloads. Goiri et al. [41] proposed a MapReduceframework for a data center powered by renewable sourcesof energy such as solar or wind, and by the electrical gridfor backups. Their proposed framework schedules jobs tomaximize the green energy consumption by delaying manybackground computations within the jobs’ bounded time.Salehi et al. [42] proposed an adaptive energy managementpolicy employing a fuzzy reasoning engine to determine ifthe resources for a request have to be allocated throughswitching on resources, preemption, consolidation, or acombination of these. Shen and Wang [43] formulated sev-eral stochastic optimization models to investigate the trade-off between energy footprints and quality of service in cloudcomputing services. In their models, decisions includeworkload scheduling and switching servers on/off basedon loads. While the above frameworks can be used as datacenter-level energy minimization strategies, our focus is onminimizing the energy consumption by scheduling jobs,which can be considered as a cluster-level strategy in datacenters. In addition, none of the above frameworks and sys-tems exploit the job profiling information when making thedecisions for task placement on the nodes to increasethe energy efficiency of executing MapReduce jobs. Ourproposed algorithms consider the significant energy con-sumption differences of different task placements onmachines, and find an energy efficient assignment of tasksto machines.

1.3 Organization

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,we describe the problem of scheduling MapReduce jobs forenergy efficiency. In Section 3, we present our proposedalgorithms. In Section 4, we evaluate the algorithms byextensive experiments. In Section 5, we summarize ourresults and present possible directions for future research.



AMapReduce job comprising a specific number of map andreduce tasks is executed on a cluster composed of multiplemachines. The job’s computation consists of a map phasefollowed by a reduce phase. In the map phase, each maptask is allocated to a map slot on a machine, and processes aportion of the input data producing key-value pairs. In thereduce phase, the key-value pairs with the same key arethen processed by a reduce task allocated to a reduce slot.As a result, the reduce phase of the job cannot begin untilthe map phase ends. At the end, the output of the reducephase is written back to the distributed file system. InHadoop, job scheduling is performed by a master node run-ning a job tracker process, which distributes jobs to a num-ber of worker nodes in the cluster. Each worker runs a task


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tracker process, and it is configured with a fixed number ofmap and reduce slots. The task tracker periodically sendsheartbeats to the job tracker to report the number of freeslots and the progress of the running tasks.

We consider a big data application consisting of a setof M map and R reduce tasks that needs to be completedby deadline D. Tasks in each set can be run in parallel,but no reduce task can be started until all map tasks forthe application are completed. LetM and R be the set ofmap and reduce tasks of the application, and A and B theset of slots on heterogeneous machines available for exe-cuting the map and the reduce tasks, respectively. Thenumber of slots for each machine is decided by the sys-tem administrators when the Hadoop cluster is setup andeach slot can handle only one map or reduce task at atime. Since we consider a heterogeneous cluster, the exe-cution speed of a task on different slots from differentmachines may not be the same. Also, the energy requiredto execute a task on different slots may not be the same.We denote by eij the difference between energy consump-tion of slot j 2 fA;Bg when executing task i 2 fM;Rgand its idle energy consumption. In addition, we denoteby pij the processing times of task i 2 fM;Rg when exe-cuted on slot j 2 fA;Bg. We assume that the processingtime of the tasks are known. In doing so, we use theknowledge of extracted job profiles to pre-compute theprocessing time of map and reduce tasks, along with theirenergy consumption. We define an indicator variable dti,8t; i 2 M[R, characterizing the dependencies of the mapand reduce tasks as follows:

dti ¼1; if task i should be assigned after task t;0; otherwise:


We formulate the energy-aware MapReduce schedul-ing problem as an integer program (called EMRS-IP), asfollows:



eijXij þXj2B



dtieijYij; (2)

Subject to :Xj2A

Xij ¼ 1; 8i 2 M (3)



dtiYij ¼ 1; 8i 2 R (4)


pijXij þXi2R


dtipij0Yij0 � D;

8j 2 A; 8j0 2 B(5)

Xij ¼ f0; 1g; 8i 2 M;8j 2 A (6)

Yij ¼ f0; 1g; 8i 2 R;8j 2 B; (7)

where the decision variables Xij and Yij are defined asfollows:

Xij ¼1; if map task i is assigned to slot j;0; otherwise;


Yij ¼1; if reduce task i is assigned to slot j;0; otherwise:


The objective function is to minimize the energy con-sumed when executing the MapReduce application consid-ering the dependencies of reduce tasks on the map tasks.Constraints (3) ensure that each map task is assigned to aslot for execution. Constraints (4) ensure that each reducetask is assigned to a slot. Constraints (5) ensure that process-ing time of the application does not exceed its deadline.Constraints (6) and (7) represent the integrality require-ments for the decision variables. The solution to EMRS-IPconsists of X and Y , where Yij ¼

Pt2M[R dtiYij, i 2 R, and

j 2 B.Note that based on Constraints (5), the scheduler can

assign all reduce tasks after finishing all map tasks withoutexceeding the deadline. This is due to the fact that theseconstraints can be interpreted as max8j2A

Pi2M pijXijþ


i2R pij0Yij0 � D. As a result, all reduce tasks can

be assigned after time max8j2AP

i2M pijXij. In addition, the

scheduler can assign multiple map tasks to a machine, aswell as multiple reduce tasks. This is due to the fact that inbigdata applications the number of tasks is greater than thenumber of machines available in a cluster. The focus of thisstudy is the detailed placement of map and reduce tasks ofa job in order to reduce energy consumption. While it isimportant to consider data placement in an integratedframework for energy savings in data centers, data place-ment is beyond the scope of this paper.

At the high level the problem we consider may appear ascomposed of two independent scheduling problems, onefor the map tasks and one for the reduce tasks. This wouldbe the case if the deadline for the map phase would beknown. But since the deadline for map tasks is not knownfrom the beginning, we cannot just simply divide the prob-lem into two scheduling subproblems and solve them inde-pendently. Our proposed algorithms determine the mapdeadline as the tasks are allocated and schedule the mapand reduce tasks to reduce the energy consumption of exe-cuting the job.



We design two heuristic algorithms called EMRSA-I andEMRSA-II for solving the energy-aware MapReduce sched-uling problem. Our proposed algorithms, EMRSA-I andEMRSA-II, take the energy efficiency differences of differentmachines into account and determine a detailed task place-ment of a MapReduce job into slots while satisfying the userspecified deadline. The two algorithms are presented as asingle generic algorithm called EMRSA-X, in Algorithm 1.

The design of these algorithms require a metric that char-acterizes the energy consumption of each machine andinduces an order relation among the machines. We definesuch a metric, called energy consumption rate of a slot j.EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II use different energy consumptionrate metrics as follows:


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Algorithm 1. EMRSA-X

1: Create an empty priority queueQm

2: Create an empty priority queueQr

3: for all j 2 A do4: ecrmj ¼ min8i2M

eijpij, for EMRSA-I; or

ecrmj ¼P8i2M


M , for EMRSA-II

5: Qm.enqueueðj; ecrmj Þ6: for all j 2 B do7: ecrrj ¼ min8i2R

eijpij, for EMRSA-I; or

ecrrj ¼P8i2R


R , for EMRSA-II

8: Qr.enqueueðj; ecrrjÞ9: Dm 1;Dr 110: whileQm is not empty andQr is not empty do11: jm ¼ Qm.extractMin()12: jr ¼ Qr.extractMin()

13: f ¼P8i2M pijmP8i2R pijr

14: T m: sorted unassigned map tasks i 2 M based on pijm

15: T r: sorted unassigned reduce tasks i 2 R based on pijr

16: if T m ¼ ; and T r ¼ ; then break17: ASSIGN-LARGE()18: ASSIGN-SMALL()19: ifDm ¼ 1 then20: Dm ¼ D� pr

21: Dr ¼ pr

22: if T m 6¼ ; or T r 6¼ ; then23: No feasible schedule24: return25: Output:X;Y

1) EMRSA-I uses energy consumption rate metricsbased on the minimum ratio of energy consumption andprocessing time of tasks when executed on slot j, asfollows:

ecrmj ¼ min8i2M


; 8j 2 A; (10)

ecrrj ¼ min8i2R


; 8j 2 B; (11)

where ecrmj and ecrrj represent the energy consumption rateof map slot j and reduce slot j, respectively.

2) EMRSA-II uses energy consumption rate metrics basedon the average ratio of energy consumption and processingtime of tasks when executed on slot j, as follows:

ecrmj ¼P8i2M


M; 8j 2 A; (12)

ecrrj ¼P8i2R


R; 8j 2 B: (13)

The ordering induced by these metrics on the set of slotsdetermines the order in which the slots are assigned totasks, that is, a lower ecrmj means that slot j has a higher pri-ority to have a map task assigned to it. Similarly, a lowerecrrj means that slot j has a higher priority to have a reduce

task assigned to it.

In addition, EMRSA-X uses the ratio of map and reduceprocessing times, denoted by f , in order to balance theassignment of map and reduce tasks. The ratio f is definedas follows:

f ¼P8i2M pijmP8i2R pijr

: (14)

This ratio is used in the task assignment process in each iter-ation of EMRSA-X. As we already mentioned, we use jobprofiling of production jobs to estimate the processing timeof map and reduce tasks. This information, extracted fromjob profiling (i.e., the values of pijm and pijr ) is used byEMRSA-X to compute the ratio f .

A key challenge when designing the algorithms is thatthe user only specifies the deadline for the job and there isno information on the deadline for completing the mapphase. However, since the reduce tasks are dependent onthe map tasks, the algorithms have to determine a reason-able deadline for the map tasks with respect to the availabil-ity of the map slots in the cluster in order to utilize itsresources efficiently. Our proposed algorithms find theassignments of map tasks to the map slots satisfying thedetermined map deadline, and then find the assignments ofreduce tasks to the reduce slots satisfying the deadline D,where all the reduce tasks start after the map deadline.

First, EMRSA-X determines the assignment of large tasksin terms of their processing time, and the map deadlineaccording to such tasks. The reason that EMRSA-X givespriority to large tasks is due to the hard deadline constraint,and the fact that there may not be many choices for largetask placement configurations to avoid exceeding the dead-line constraint. Then, EMRSA-X tries to close the optimalitygap by filling with smaller tasks the leftover time of eachslot based on the deadline. This leads to better utilization ofeach machine in the cluster.

EMRSA-X is given in Algorithm 1. EMRSA-X builds twopriority queuesQm and Qr to keep the order of the map andreduce slots based on their energy consumption rates(lines 1-8). Then, it initializes the deadlines for map tasks,Dm, and reduce tasks, Dr, to infinity. In each iteration of thewhile loop, the algorithm chooses the slots with the lowestenergy consumption rates (i.e., jm and jr) from the priorityqueues, and finds the task placement on the selected slots.For these slots, the ratio of processing time of map tasks tothat of the reduce tasks, denoted by f , is calculated (line 13).Then, EMRSA-X sorts the unassigned map and reducetasks, if there is any, based on their processing time on theselected slots (lines 14-15). Then, it determines the assign-ments of large tasks based on the metric f by callingASSIGN-LARGE() (given in Algorithm 2). Then, it finds theassignments of small tasks by calling ASSIGN-SMALL()(given in Algorithm 3) if there is any unallocated processingtime on a slot. EMRSA-X assigns a new task to a slot when-ever the slot becomes available. At the end of the first itera-tion, the algorithm sets the map and reduce deadlines basedon the allocated tasks (lines 19-21).

We now describe the two procedures, ASSIGN-LARGE()and ASSIGN-SMALL() into more details. ASSIGN-LARGE()is given in Algorithm 2. ASSIGN-LARGE() selects the lon-gest map task im and reduce task ir from the sorted sets T m


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and T r, respectively (lines 1-2). Then it checks the feasibilityof allocating map task im to slot jm and reduce task ir to slotjr by checking the total processing time of the tasks againstthe deadlineD (line 4). If the assignment of map task im andreduce task ir is feasible, the algorithm continues to selecttasks from T m and T r, and updates the variables accord-ingly (lines 5-23). To keep the assignments of the tasks inalignment with the ratio of processing time f , the procedurebalances the assignment. In doing so, if f > 1 (i.e., the loadof processing time of map tasks is greater than that ofreduce tasks) and the ratio of the current assignment is lessthan f , then the algorithm assigns more map tasks to bal-ance the allocated processing time close to f (lines 15-20). Ifthe ratio of the current assignment is greater than f , the pro-cedure assigns more reduce tasks to balance the allocatedprocessing time (line 22).

Algorithm 2. ASSIGN-LARGE()

1: im ¼ argmaxt2T mptjm

2: ir ¼ argmaxt2T r ptjr

3: pm ¼ 0; pr ¼ 04: if pimjm þ pirjr � D and pimjm � Dm and pirjr � Dr then5: T m ¼ T m n fimg6: T r ¼ T r n firg7: pm ¼ pimjm

8: pr ¼ pirjr

9: Ximjm ¼ 110: Yirjr ¼ 111: do12: im ¼ argmaxt2T mptjm

13: ir ¼ argmaxt2T r ptjr

14: if f > 1 then

15: whilepmþpimjm

pr < f and pm þ pr þ pimjm � D

and pm þ pimjm � Dm and T m 6¼ ; do16: T m ¼ T m n fimg17: pm ¼ pm þ pimjm

18: Ximjm ¼ 119: im ¼ argmaxt2T mptjm

20: Balance the assignment of reduce tasks (repeat lines15-19 for reduce tasks).

21: else22: The code for f < 1 is similar to lines 15-20 and is not

presented here.23: while pm þ pr þ pimjm þ pirjr � D and pm þ pimjm � Dm

and pr þ pirjr � Dr and (T m 6¼ ; or T r 6¼ ;)

After allocating the map and reduce tasks with the largestprocessing time, EMRSA-X assigns small map and reducetasks while satisfying the deadline by calling ASSIGN-SMALL() (given in Algorithm 3). ASSIGN-SMALL() selectsthe smallest map task i, and based on the already assigned

tasks and the remaining processing time of the slot, it decidesif allocating task i is feasible or not (line 3). Then, it selects thesmallest reduce task i, and checks the feasibility of its assign-ment (line 10).

Algorithm 3. ASSIGN-SMALL()

1: {Assign small map tasks}2: i ¼ argmint2T mptjm

3: while pm þ pr þ pijm � D and pm þ pijm � Dm

and T m 6¼ ; do4: T m ¼ T m n fig5: pm ¼ pm þ pijm

6: Xijm ¼ 17: i ¼ argmint2T mptjm

8: {Assign small reduce tasks}9: i ¼ argmint2T rptjr

10: while pm þ pr þ pijr � D and pm þ pijm � Dr and T r 6¼ ; do11: T r ¼ T r n fig12: pr ¼ pr þ pijr

13: Yijr ¼ 114: i ¼ argmint2T rptjr

The time complexity of EMRSA-X is OðAðM þ logAÞþBðRþ logBÞ þminðA;BÞðM logM þR logRÞÞ, where A, B,M, and R are the number of map slots, the number ofreduce slots, the number of map tasks, and the number ofreduce tasks, respectively. The first two terms correspond tothe running time of the two for loops in lines 4-5 and 6-8,while the third term corresponds to the running time of thewhile loop in lines 10-21.

3.1 Example

We now describe how EMRSA-II algorithm works by con-sidering an example. We consider a job with two map tasksftm1 ; tm2 g and two reduce tasks ftr1; tr2g with a deadline of 12,and a data center with three map slots fa1; a2; a3g and tworeduce slots fb1; b2g. The processing time and energy con-sumption of the map and reduce tasks are presented inTables 1 and 2, respectively. For example, task tm1 has 8 unitsof processing time and 8 units of energy consumption if itruns on map slot a1 (i.e., p11 ¼ 8 and e11 ¼ 8). Then, we haveecrm ¼ f1; 2:5; 4:5g and ecrr ¼ f3; 1:5g for the map andreduce slots. EMRSA-II determines Qm ¼ fa1; a2; a3g andQr ¼ fb2; b1g (Algorithm 1, lines 1-8). Based on the priorityqueues, Qm and Qr, the first map slot to take into account isa1, and the first reduce slot is b2. For these slots, the longesttasks are tm1 and tr1, respectively (i.e., X11 ¼ 1 and Y12 ¼ 1).Based on the deadline, the algorithm cannot assign moretasks to these slots. Therefore, the deadlines for the mapand reduce tasks are Dm ¼ 8 and Dr ¼ 12� 8 ¼ 4, respec-tively. That means, map tasks can be assigned to the other

TABLE 1Example: Map Tasks

Map tasks

Processing time Energy consumption

a1 a2 a3 a1 a2 a3

Tasks tm1 8 4 2 8 12 12

tm2 3 2 1 3 4 3

TABLE 2Example: Reduce Tasks

Reduce tasks

Processing time Energy consumption

b1 b2 b1 b2

Tasks tr1 2 3 6 3tr2 2 2 6 4


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slots with the deadline of 8, and the reduce tasks can beassigned to the other slots from time 8 by the deadline of 12.The map tasks assignment is as follows. So far we haveX11 ¼ 1, the algorithm chooses the second map slot in Qm,and finds the longest task that has not been assigned to anyslot yet. That means tm2 is assigned to a2 (i.e., X22 ¼ 1). Forthe reduce tasks assignment, we already have Y12 ¼ 1. Thealgorithm chooses the second reduce slot in Qr, and findsthe longest task that has not been assigned to any slot yet.That means tr2 is assigned to b1 (i.e., Y21 ¼ 1). This solutionleads to a total energy consumption of 21 units, while satis-fying the deadline constraint.

However, the solution that minimizes the makespan willselect X13 ¼ 1 and X22 ¼ 1 to obtain a map makespan of 2units, and will select Y11 ¼ 1 and Y22 ¼ 1 to obtain a reducemakespan of 2 units. This solution leads to a total makespanof 4 units with a total energy consumption of 26. Bothapproaches obtain schedules that meet the deadline. How-ever, our proposed algorithm reduces the energy consump-tion by 19 percent. Note that the makespan for ourapproach is 11.


We perform extensive experiments in order to investigatethe properties of the proposed algorithms, EMRSA-I andEMRSA-II. We compare the performance of EMRSA-I andEMRSA-II with that of OPT, where OPT obtains the optimalsolution minimizing the energy consumption. OPT isobtained by optimally solving the EMRS-IP problem (Equa-tions (2) to (7)). Since OPT cannot find the optimal solutionsin several cases due to the intractability of the problem, wepresent the results of the linear programming relaxation ofEMRS-IP by changing the binary decision variables intocontinuous decision variables (Constraints (6) and (7)). TheLP relaxation of EMRS-IP, called EMRS-LP, transforms anNP-hard optimization problem (EMRS-IP) into a relatedproblem that is solvable in polynomial time. EMRS-LP givesa lower bound on the optimal solution of EMRS-IP by allow-ing partial assignments of each task to machines. Therefore,OPTEMRS-LP � OPTEMRS-IP , where OPTEMRS-LP is the opti-mal solution to EMRS-LP, and OPTEMRS-IP is the optimalsolution to EMRS-IP.

However, such partial assignment of each task (obtainedby solving the relaxation of EMRS-IP) is not a solution forthe problem and cannot be used in practice. We only usethe solution of the EMRS-LP (the relaxation of EMRS-IP)as a lower bound for EMRS-IP and compare it with thesolutions obtained by the other algorithms. We denote byL-BOUND the algorithm that solves EMRS-LP and produ-ces the lower bound on the solutions.

In addition, we present the results of minimizing themakespan, MSPAN, to show how far the current practice inMapReduce scheduling is from the optimal solutions thatconsider energy savings objectives. MSPAN is obtained byoptimally solving the IP corresponding to the MapReducemakespan minimization problem (the same constraints asin ERMSA-IP, but the objective is makespan minimization).Since MSPAN cannot find the optimal solutions in severalcases due to the intractability of the problem, we imple-mented a greedy algorithm for makespan minimization,

called G-MSPAN. G-MSPAN schedules the tasks on themachines such that the processing time of all machines arebalanced. It assigns longer tasks to faster machines to keepthe balance.

To analyze the performance of EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II,we present two classes of experiments, small-scale andlarge-scale. In the small-scale experiments, we compare theperformance of EMRSA-I, EMRSA-II, OPT, and MSPAN forsmall MapReduce jobs. For large jobs, however, we cannotobtain the optimal results for OPT andMSPAN even after 24hours, thus, we compare the performance of EMRSA-I,EMRSA-II, L-BOUND, and G-MSPAN.

EMRSA-I, EMRSA-II, OPT, L-BOUND, MSPAN, and G-MSPAN algorithms are implemented in C++. OPT,MSPAN, and L-BOUND are implemented using APIs pro-vided by IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio Multiplat-form Multilingual eAssembly [44]. In this section, wedescribe the experimental setup and analyze the experimen-tal results.

4.1 Experimental Setup

We performed extensive experiments on a Hadoop clusterof 64 processors and measured the energy and executiontime for several MapReduce HiBench benchmark work-loads [45]. HiBench is a comprehensive benchmark suitefor Hadoop provided by Intel to characterize the perfor-mance of MapReduce based data analysis running in datacenters. HiBench contains ten workloads, classified intofour categories: Micro Benchmarks, Web Search, MachineLearning, and Analytical Query. We select three work-loads, TeraSort, Page Rank, and K-means clustering, fromdifferent categories as shown in Table 3. The cluster iscomposed of four Intel nodes, with one node as a master.Two of the nodes have 24 GB memory, 16 2.4 GHz Intelprocessors, and a 1 TB Hard Drive. The other two nodeshave 16 GB memory, 16 2.4 GHz Intel processors, and a1 TB Hard Drive. The cluster has a total of 80 GB mem-ory, 64 processors, 4 TB of storage, and network speed of1Gbps. We set one map slot and one reduce slot per pro-cessor. Energy measurements were taken using Wattsup?PRO ES.Net Power meter. The input voltage is 100-250Volts at 60 HZ and the max wattage is 1,800 Watts. Themeasurement accuracy is +/- 1.5 percent and the selectedinterval of time between records is one second.

We run and profiled several TeraSort, Page Rank, andK-means clustering workloads from the HiBench bench-mark set. Each workload contains both map and reducetasks. For each workload, we collect its start time, finishtime, the consumed power and other performance metrics.We used 240 workloads for job profiling. We run only onejob at a time, and collect the energy measurements and exe-cution times. Since the reduce tasks execute only after the

TABLE 3Selected HiBench Workloads

Category Workload

Micro Benchmarks TeraSortWeb Search Page RankMachine Learning K-means clustering


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execution of all map tasks is completed, we do not haveoverlaps between the map and reduce tasks. Based on thecollected job profiles, we generated four small MapReducejobs that we use in the small-scale experiments with thedeadline of 250 seconds, and twenty four large MapReducejobs, that we use in the large-scale experiments withthe deadline of 1,500 seconds. Since for production jobs thechoice of the deadline is at the latitude of the users, weselect the deadlines specifically to obtain feasible schedules.The execution time and the energy consumption of the mapand reduce tasks composing these jobs were generated fromuniform distributions having as the averages the averageenergy consumption and the average execution time of themap and reduce tasks extracted from the jobs profiled inour experiments. Fig. 1 shows the energy needs of map andreduce tasks for the actual and simulated architecture. Theenergy consumption range of each node is shown as a filledbox, where the bottom and the top of the box represent theminimum and the maximum energy consumption, respec-tively. For the simulated architecture, the energy consump-tion of each node is generated within a range whoseboundaries are represented in the figure as horizontal lines.The simulation experiments are conducted on AMD2.93 GHz hexa-core dual-processor systems with 90 GB ofRAMwhich are part of the Wayne State Grid System.

4.2 Analysis of Results

4.2.1 Small-Scale Experiments

We analyze the performance of EMRSA-I, EMRSA-II, OPT,and MSPAN for four small MapReduce TeraSort jobs

with 10,737,418 records, where the number of map tasksand reduce tasks are presented in Table 4. For example,the smallest job represented by ð48M; 48RÞ has 48 maptasks and 48 reduce tasks. Fig. 2a presents the energy con-sumption of the jobs scheduled by the four algorithms weconsider. The results show that EMRSA-I and EMRSA-IIobtain the assignments of map and reduce tasks withenergy consumption close to the optimal solution, obtainedby OPT. OPT, EMRSA-I, and EMRSA-II are able to sched-ule the tasks with an average of 41.0, 38.9, and 39.2 percentless energy consumption than that of MSPAN, respec-tively. For example, the total energy consumptions forworkload ð48M; 48RÞ obtained by EMRSA-I, EMRSA-II,OPT, and MSPAN are 5,356, 5,396, 5,233, and 8,687J, respectively. While it is desirable to use OPT as a sched-uler to reduce cost, the slow execution of OPT makes itprohibitive to use in practice. In addition, it is practicallyimpossible to use OPT when it comes to scheduling bigdata jobs due to its prohibitive runtime. EMRSA-I andEMRSA-II are very fast and practical alternatives for sched-uling big data jobs, leading to 39 percent reduction inenergy consumption. However, the energy consumptionobtained by MSPAN is far from the optimal solution, mak-ing it not suitable for scheduling MapReduce jobs with thegoal of minimizing the energy consumption.

Fig. 2b presents the execution time of the algorithms. Theresults show that EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II find the assign-ments in significantly less amount of time than OPT andMSPAN. As shown in this figure, EMRSA-I and EMRSA-IIobtain the solution in a time that is six orders of magnitudeless than that of OPT. For example, the execution times ofEMRSA-I, EMRSA-II, OPT, and MSPAN for the workloadð48M; 48RÞ are 0.001, 0.001, 673.7, and 839.3 seconds,respectively.

Fig. 1. Energy needs of tasks for the actual and simulated architectures.

TABLE 4Terasort Workloads for the Small Scale Experiments

Workload Map tasks Reduce tasks

(48M, 48R) 48 48(48M, 64R) 48 64(64M, 48R) 64 48(64M, 64R) 64 64

Fig. 2. EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II performance on TeraSort (small-scale experiments): (a) Energy consumption; (b) Execution time.


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In Fig. 3, we present the energy consumption of map andreduce tasks in more details. When the number of reducetasks is greater than the number of map tasks (e.g., work-load ð48M; 64RÞ), EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II capture moreoptimization opportunities for energy saving available forreduce tasks. In more detail, the energy consumptions ofmap tasks for workload ð48M; 64RÞ obtained by EMRSA-I,EMRSA-II, OPT, and MSPAN are 3,130, 3,090, 2,897, and4,751 J, respectively, while the energy consumptions ofreduce tasks for workload ð48M; 64RÞ are 3,547, 3,527, 3,448,and 5,972 J, respectively. However, when the workload hasmore map tasks than reduce tasks (e.g., workloadð64M; 48RÞ), EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II save more energy formap tasks. The energy consumption for the map tasks ofworkload ð64M; 48RÞ obtained by employing EMRSA-X(shown in Fig. 3a) is closer to the optimal than the energyconsumption for the reduce tasks (shown in Fig. 3b) for thesame workload. This is due to the fact that for this work-load, the load of the map tasks is greater than that of thereduce tasks, that is f > 1. For workload ð48M; 64RÞ, wheref < 1, EMRSA-X leads to an energy consumption closer tothe optimal for the reduce tasks. This shows the effect ofratio f on the energy consumption.

4.2.2 Large-Scale Experiments

We analyze the performance of EMRSA-I, EMRSA-II, L-BOUND, and G-MSPAN, for three types of benchmarks(TeraSort, Page Rank, and K-means clustering) consideringeight large MapReduce jobs for each, where the number ofmap tasks and reduce tasks are given in Table 5.

(i) Terasort. Fig. 4a shows the energy consumption ofEMRSA-I, EMRSA-II, L-BOUND, and G-MSPAN. This

figure shows that the energy consumption obtained byEMRSA-I and EMRSA-II is very close to the lower boundfor all cases, which in turn implies that EMRSA-I andEMRSA-II solutions are even closer to the optimal solu-tions. This shows the near-optimality of solutionsobtained by EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II. In some casesEMRSA-I obtains better results. However, the resultsshow that EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II are able to find sched-ules requiring an average of 35.6 and 35.8 percent lessenergy than that of those obtained by G-MSPAN, respec-tively. Such reduction in energy consumption can be agreat incentive for data centers to incorporate EMRSA-Iand EMRSA-II for scheduling MapReduce jobs to reducetheir costs. Note that the amount of energy savingsobtained by EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II in the large-scaleexperiments is compared with that obtained by the G-MSPAN. However, in the small-scale experiments, wepresented the amount of energy savings of EMRSA-I andEMRSA-II compared to the optimal makespan minimiza-tion algorithm. As the total number of map and reducetasks increases (from 256 to 1,024), the total amount ofenergy consumption of the workloads increases. In addi-tion, this figure shows the sensitivity analysis on thenumber of tasks. By fixing the number of map tasks whileincreasing the number of reduce tasks, we observe anincrease in the total energy consumption. For example,this behavior is shown for the first three workloads,where the number of map tasks is 128, and the number ofreduce tasks is from 128 to 512.

Fig. 4b shows the execution time of the algorithms.EMRSA-I, EMRSA-II, and G-MSPAN find the results in lessthan a second for all selected MapReduce jobs. Note that thelower bound results are obtained by solving the LP relaxa-tion, not the EMRSA-IP. The execution time of L-BOUNDpresenting the LP relaxation results is polynomial. In addi-tion, with the increase in the total number of map andreduce tasks, the execution time of L-BOUND increases. Forexample, the execution time of L-BOUND increases fromworkload (128 M, 128 R) to (128 M, 512 R). However, itdecreases from workload (128 M, 512 R) to (256 M,128 R).The execution time of EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II follows thesame behavior.

In Fig. 5, we present the energy consumption of map andreduce tasks separately in more detail. The results showthat for both map and reduce tasks, the solutions obtained

TABLE 5Workloads for the Large Scale Experiments

Workload Map tasks Reduce tasks

(128M, 128R) 128 128(128M, 256R) 128 256(128M, 512R) 128 512(256M, 128R) 256 128(256M, 256R) 256 256(256M, 512R) 256 512(512M, 128R) 512 128(512M, 512R) 512 512

Fig. 3. TeraSort energy consumption (small-scale experiments): (a) Map tasks; (b) Reduce tasks.


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fby EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II are very close to the lowerbounds. In addition, we perform sensitivity analysis withrespect to the number of map and reduce tasks. Fig. 5 showshow the energy consumption of map and reduce taskschanges by fixing the number of map tasks (e.g., to 128),and changing the number of reduce tasks (e.g., from 128 to512). For example, for workloads (128 M, 128 R), (128 M,256 R), and (128 M, 512 R), Fig. 5a shows that these work-loads have almost the same energy consumption for theirmap tasks, which is expected as the number of map tasksare the same. However, Fig. 5b shows an exponentialincrease in the energy consumption of the reduce tasks forthese workloads which is expected as the number of reduce

tasks increases exponentially. For the sensitivity analysis ofenergy consumption with respect to number of reducetasks, we analyze workloads (128 M, 128 R), (256 M, 128 R),and (512 M, 128 R). Fig. 5b shows that these workloads havealmost the same energy consumption for their reduce taskssince the number of reduce tasks are the same. However,Fig. 5a shows that by increasing the number of map tasks,the energy consumption of the map tasks for these work-load increases.

(ii) Page rank. Fig. 6a shows the energy consumption ofEMRSA-I, EMRSA-II, L-BOUND, and G-MSPAN. Thisfigure shows that the obtained results by EMRSA-I andEMRSA-II are very close to the lower bounds obtained by

Fig. 4. EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II performance on TeraSort (large-scale experiments): (a) Energy consumption; (b) Execution time.

Fig. 5. TeraSort energy consumption (large-scale experiments): (a) Map tasks; (b) Reduce tasks.

Fig. 6. EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II performance on Page Rank (large-scale experiments): (a) Energy consumption; (b) Execution time.


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fL-BOUND. The results show that EMRSA-I and EMRSA-IIare able to find schedules requiring an average of 35.3and 35.5 percent less energy than that of those obtained byG-MSPAN, respectively. The sensitivity analysis withrespect to the number of tasks shows that by increasingthe total number of map and reduce tasks, the energy con-sumption increases. For example, the total energy con-sumptions of ð256M; 128RÞ obtained by EMRSA-I,EMRSA-II, the L-BOUND, and G-MSPAN are 26,064,26,364, 25,642.7, and 45,845 J, respectively, while the totalenergy consumptions of ð256M; 512RÞ are 68,388, 67,888,65,832.3, and 100,426 J, respectively. For jobs with thesame number of map tasks and the same number of reducetasks, the energy consumption of Page Rank is similar toTeraSort energy consumption as shown in Fig. 4a.

Fig. 6b shows the execution time of the algorithms.EMRSA-I, EMRSA-II, and G-MSPAN find the solutionsvery fast. With the increase in the total number of map andreduce tasks, the execution time of all algorithms increases.For example, the execution time of L-BOUND for workloadð512M; 128RÞ increases from 1.43 to 3.22 seconds for work-load ð512M; 512RÞ. In addition, the execution time ofEMRSA-I and EMRSA-II for workload ð512M; 128RÞincreases from 0.004 to 0.006 seconds for workloadð512M; 512RÞ.

Fig. 7 shows the energy consumption of map and reducetasks separately in more detail, and it is similar to the resultsfor TeraSort workloads. This figure shows the sensitivityanalysis with respect to number of map and reduce tasks.

(iii) K-means clustering. Fig. 8a shows the energy con-sumption of EMRSA-I, EMRSA-II, L-BOUND, andG-MSPAN. The results show that the obtained solutions byEMRSA-I and EMRSA-II are very close to the lower boundsobtained by L-BOUND. This figure shows that EMRSA-Iand EMRSA-II are able to save an average of 30.9and 31.4 percent energy compared to G-MSPAN, respec-tively. This figure also shows the sensitivity analysis on thetotal number of tasks, along with the detailed sensitivityanalysis on the number of map and reduce separately. Itconfirms the above mentioned sensitivity analysis resultsfor TeraSort and Page Rank. However, for similar work-loads (i.e., having the same number of map tasks and thesame number of reduce tasks) the energy consumption ofK-means clustering is almost twice the energy consumptionof Page Rank and TeraSort. This shows that K-means clus-tering tasks are more computationally complex than Tera-Sort and Page Rank, leading to consuming more energy.

In Fig. 8b, we present the execution time of the algo-rithms. The results show that EMRSA-I, EMRSA-II, andG-MSPAN find the solutions very fast. In Fig. 9, we pres-ent the energy consumption of map and reduce tasks sep-arately in more details. The results show that for bothmap and reduce tasks, the obtained results by EMRSA-Iand EMRSA-II are very close to the lower bounds. Inaddition, this figure shows the sensitivity analysis withrespect to the number of map and reduce tasks.

From all the above results, we conclude that EMRSA-Iand EMRSA-II obtain MapReduce job schedules with

Fig. 7. Page Rank energy consumption (large-scale experiments): (a) Map tasks; (b) Reduce tasks.

Fig. 8. EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II performance on K-means clustering (large-scale experiments): (a) Energy consumption; (b) Execution time.


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significantly lower energy consumption, and require smallexecution times, making them suitable candidates forscheduling big data applications in data centers. In addi-tion, the schedules obtained by EMRSA-I and EMRSA-IIprovide energy savings close to the optimal. The resultsshow that makespan minimization is not necessarily thebest strategy to consider when scheduling MapReduce jobsfor energy efficiency in data centers. This is due to the factthat data centers are obligated to deliver the requested serv-ices according to the SLA, where such agreement may pro-vide significant optimization opportunities to reduceenergy costs. Such reduction in energy costs is a great incen-tive for data centers to adopt our proposed schedulingalgorithms.


Due to the increasing need for big data processing and thewidespread adoption of MapReduce and its open sourceimplementation Hadoop for such processing, improvingMapReduce performance with energy saving objectives canhave a significant impact in reducing energy consumptionin data centers. In this paper, we show that there are signifi-cant optimization opportunities within the MapReduceframework in terms of reducing energy consumption. Weproposed two energy-aware MapReduce scheduling algo-rithms, EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II, that schedule the individ-ual tasks of a MapReduce job for energy efficiency whilemeeting the application deadline. Both proposed algorithmsprovide very fast solutions making them suitable for execu-tion in real-time settings. We performed experiments on aHadoop cluster to determine the energy consumption ofseveral MapReduce benchmark applications such as Tera-Sort, Page Rank, and K-means clustering. We then used thisdata in an extensive simulation study to analyze the perfor-mance of EMRSA-I and EMRSA-II. The results showed thatthe proposed algorithms are capable of obtaining near opti-mal solutions leading to significant energy savings. In thefuture, we plan to design and implement a distributedscheduler for multiple MapReduce jobs with the primaryfocus on energy consumption.


This paper is a revised and extended version of [46] pre-sented at the the 3rd IEEE International Congress on Big

Data (BigData 2014). This research was supported, in part,by NSF grants DGE-0654014 and CNS-1116787.


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Lena Mashayekhy received the BSc degree incomputer engineering-software from the Iran Uni-versity of Science and Technology, and the MScdegree from the University of Isfahan. She is cur-rently working toward the PhD degree in com-puter science at Wayne State University, Detroit,Michigan. She has published more than 20 peer-reviewed papers in venues such as IEEE Trans-actions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,IEEE BigData, IEEE CLOUD, and ICPP. Herresearch interests include distributed systems,

cloud computing, big data analytics, game theory, and optimization. Sheis a student member of the IEEE, ACM, and the IEEE Computer Society.

Mahyar Movahed Nejad received the BScdegree in mathematics from the Iran University ofScience and Technology and the MSc degree insocio-economic systems engineering from theMazandaran University of Science and Technol-ogy. He is currently working toward the MScdegree in computer science, and the PhD degreein industrial and systems engineering at WayneState University, Detroit. His research interestsinclude cloud computing, big data analytics,game theory, network optimization, and integer

programming. His papers appeared in journals such as IEEE Transac-tions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He is a student member ofthe IEEE and the INFORMS.

Daniel Grosu received the Diploma in engi-neering (automatic control and industrial infor-matics) from the Technical University of Iasi,Romania, in 1994, and the MSc and PhDdegrees in computer science from the Univer-sity of Texas at San Antonio, in 2002 and2003, respectively. He is currently an associateprofessor in the Department of Computer Sci-ence, Wayne State University, Detroit. Hisresearch interests include parallel and distrib-uted systems, cloud computing, parallel algo-

rithms, resource allocation, computer security, and topics at theborder of computer science, game theory and economics. He haspublished more than ninety peer-reviewed papers in the above areas.He has served on the program and steering committees of severalinternational meetings in parallel and distributed computing. He is asenior member of the IEEE, ACM, and the IEEE Computer Society.


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Quan Zhang received the BSc degree in infor-mation security from Tongji University, Shanghai,China. He is currently working toward the PhDdegree in computer science at Wayne State Uni-versity, Detroit, Michigan. His research interestsinclude distributed systems, cloud computing,and energy efficient computing system. He is astudent member of the IEEE.

Weisong Shi received the BE degree fromXidian University in 1995, and the PhD degreefrom the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2000,both in computer engineering. He is a professorof computer science at Wayne State University,where he leads the Mobile and Internet SystemsLaboratory. His research interests include com-puter systems, sustainable computing, mobilecomputing, and smart health. He has publishedmore than 140 peer-reviewed journal and confer-ence papers and has an H-index of 30. He is the

chair of the IEEE CS Technical Committee on the Internet, and serveson the editorial board of IEEE Internet Computing, Elsevier SustainableComputing, Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), andInternational Journal of Sensor Networks. He received the National Out-standing PhD Dissertation Award of China (2002) and the National Sci-ence Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award (2007), Wayne StateUniversity Career Development Chair Award (2009), and the Best PaperAward of ICWE04, IEEE IPDPS05, HPCChina’12, and IEEE IISWC’12.He is a senior member of the IEEE, ACM and a member of the USENIX.

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