Page 1: Abu Dhabi for Tourism Culture '-1..-U › doc › src › 31526.pdf · 10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/ Shamsi 12 Mahasin

Abu Dhabi for Tourism & Culture

Culture Section

Intangible Heritage Department

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Workshop for the extension of the multi-national Nomination File "Falconry, A living human heritage"

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List of Participants Abu Dhabi (9-1 0 March 2015)

Monday 9 March2015


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Page 2: Abu Dhabi for Tourism Culture '-1..-U › doc › src › 31526.pdf · 10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/ Shamsi 12 Mahasin

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Page 3: Abu Dhabi for Tourism Culture '-1..-U › doc › src › 31526.pdf · 10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/ Shamsi 12 Mahasin

Abu Dhabi for Tourism & Culture

Culture Section

Intangible Heritage Department

Workshop for the extension of the multi-national Nomination File "Falconry, A living human heritage"

No 1.










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List of Participants Abu Dhabi (9-1 0 March 2015)

Tuesday 1 0 March2015



Page 4: Abu Dhabi for Tourism Culture '-1..-U › doc › src › 31526.pdf · 10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/ Shamsi 12 Mahasin


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Page 5: Abu Dhabi for Tourism Culture '-1..-U › doc › src › 31526.pdf · 10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/ Shamsi 12 Mahasin

No 1.


9 .

We the undersigned declare that we havefully participated in the process of updating the nomination file"Falconry, a living human heritage, presented by United Arab Emirates, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, I aly, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Morocco, Pakistan, State of Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Spain and Syrian Arab Republic,

during the Workshop for the Extension of the multi-national Nomination File Held in Abu Dhabi Dhabi, UAE from 9-11 March, 2015.

State/ Add re ss

Page 6: Abu Dhabi for Tourism Culture '-1..-U › doc › src › 31526.pdf · 10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/ Shamsi 12 Mahasin

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Page 7: Abu Dhabi for Tourism Culture '-1..-U › doc › src › 31526.pdf · 10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/ Shamsi 12 Mahasin



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Page 8: Abu Dhabi for Tourism Culture '-1..-U › doc › src › 31526.pdf · 10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/ Shamsi 12 Mahasin


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Page 9: Abu Dhabi for Tourism Culture '-1..-U › doc › src › 31526.pdf · 10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/ Shamsi 12 Mahasin

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Page 10: Abu Dhabi for Tourism Culture '-1..-U › doc › src › 31526.pdf · 10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/ Shamsi 12 Mahasin


We, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that we have participated willingly in updating the falconry submission "Living Human Heritage" in the submission update workshop in which the following countries have taken part: United Arab Emirates, Austria, Belgium (Belgian French Society and Flamanc Society), Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Korea Republic, Mongolia, Morocco, Pakistan, Qatar, KS~ Slovakia, Spain and Syria, held in Abu Dhabi on 9-10 March 2015.

SN I Name Job Country/ Email Telephone Signature address

1 Latifa AI Ameri Heritage UAE /signed/ Activity Manager

2 Ruqaia Subaih AI Field UAE /signed/ Kaabi researcher

~ Hafsa AI Hajeri Field UAE /signed/ researcher

4 Hamda AI Shamsi Field I UAE /signed/ researcher

5 Mona AI Meheri Qattara Souq UAE /signed/ 6 Abeer Youssef Source and UAE 0506107214 /signed/

l reference specialist

7 Mahasin Abdul Field UAE 0506917425 /signed/ Rahim researcher

8 I Latifa AI Sheiba AI Resource UAE 0506377707 /signed/ Sherian coordinator

9 Aysha Sagheer AI Researcher UAE I /signed/ Dhaheri

10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/

Shamsi 12 Mahasin Abdul 1 Researcher UAE 0506917425 /signed/

Rahim 13 Abeer Youssef Source r-UAE 0506107214 /signed/

specialist 14 Lay Ia Abdullah Audio-visual UAE lay:[email protected] 050317581 /signed/

Abdul Malik specialist 15 Maha Mohamed Assistant UAE Not clear 0508260096 /signed/

Ali AI Shehhi researcher, Oral histOJ'\'

16 Lubna Ali AI Abu Dhabi UAE Lubna.altunaiji@gmail. 0504444267 /signed/ Tunaiji Education com

Council 17 Raodah AI Acting Head UAE Raodah 123 0506676237 /signed/

Mansouri of Activities m Dept.

18 Aziza Ali Jaber AI Abu Dhabi UAE [email protected] I o5o3133386 /signed/ Hamadi Education



Page 11: Abu Dhabi for Tourism Culture '-1..-U › doc › src › 31526.pdf · 10 Mouza AI Nuaimi ~searcher UAE /signed/ 11 Mona Hamad AI Researcher UAE 0506655640 /signed/ Shamsi 12 Mahasin


Council 19 Salma Hader AI Department UAE I 0506683633 /signed/

Mazrouie of Intangible Herita~e

20 Souza AI Zaabie Department UAE Not clear 0503261313 /signed/ of Intangible

r-n- Nadia Sabry Heritage Department UAE /signed/ of Intangible Heritage

22 Dr. Ismael Ali AI Department UAE

I /signed/

Fihail of Intangible I Heritage 123 Abdullah Saeed AI Department UAE /signed/

Meheri of Intangible Heritaue

24 Dr. Mazy ad AI Department UAE /signed/ Nasrawi of Intangible

Heritage I

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