  • 7/30/2019 According+to+1+Peter



    I AM An alien (1:1; 2:11) Chosen (1:1; 2:9)

    Race (2:9) A royal priest (2:9) A holy citizen of a holy nation (2:9) A possession of God (2:9)

    Born again To a living hope (1:3) To obtain an inheritance (1:4) By means of the imperishable seed (1:23)

    Protected by the power of God through faith (1:5) An obedient child (1:14) Not redeemed with perishable things...but with the precious blood of

    Christ (1:18-19) A living stone being built up (2:5)

    As a spiritual house For a holy priesthood To offer up acceptable spiritual sacrifices

    A people of God (2:10) A recipient of mercy (2:10) A stranger in this world (2:11) Able to silence the ignorance of foolish men by doing right (2:15)

    Called To the purpose of suffering (2:21) To inherit a blessing (3:9) To His eternal glory (5:10)

    Gifted with a special gift (4:10) Blessed because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on me (4:14

    I AM COMMANDED TO Prepare my mind for action (1:13) Keep sober (1:13) Fix my hope on future grace (1:13) Not be conformed to my former lusts (1:14) Be holy (1:15) Conduct myself in fear (1:17) Fervently love one another (1:22; 4:8) Put off

    All malice (2:1) All deceit (2:1)

    Hypocrisy (2:1) Envy (2:1)

  • 7/30/2019 According+to+1+Peter


    Slander (2:1) be like a newborn baby in my longing for the Word (2:2) Offer up acceptable spiritual sacrifices (2:5) To proclaim His excellencies (2:9) Abstain from fleshly lusts (2:11) Keep my behavior excellent among unbelievers (2:12) Submit myself to every human institution (2:13) Act as a freeman (2:16) Honor all people (2:17) Love the brotherhood (2:17) Fear God (2:17) Honor my rulers (2:17) Follow in Christs footsteps (2:21) If a wife, submit to my husband (3:1) If a wife, to develope the inner beauty of the heart (3:3-4)

    If a husband, Live with my wife in an understanding way (3:7) Show her honor (3:7)

    Be harmonious (3:8) Be sympathetic (3:8) Be brotherly (3:8) Be kindhearted (3:8) Be humble in spirit (3:8) Not return an insult with an insult (3:9) Return an insult with a blessing (3:9)

    Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts (3:15) Be ready to give a defense for the hope in me (3:15) Keep a good conscience (3:16) Arm myself with the purpose of Christ (4:1) Not live the rest of my life in the flesh pursuing fleshly desires (4:2) I am to live the rest of my life for the will of God (4:2) Be of sound judgement and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer (4:7) Hospitable without complaint (4:9) Employ the special gift God has given me (4:10) Not to be surprised by trials (4:12)

    Keep rejoicing in the midst of trials (4:13) Not to suffer as a Murderer (4:15) Thief (4:15) Troublesome meddler (4:15)

    Not to be ashamed if I suffer for the sake of Christ (4:16) Entrust my soul to a faithful God (4:19) Do right (4:19) If a pastor

    Shepherd the flock of God (5:2)

    Voluntarily (5:2) Not under compulsion (5:2)

  • 7/30/2019 According+to+1+Peter


    According to the will of God (5:2) Not for illegitimate gain (5:2) With eagerness (5:2) Not lording over the sheep (5:3) Be an example (5:3)

    Be subject to my elders Clothe myself with humility toward one another (5:5) Humble myself (5:6) Cast all my anxiety on Him (5:7) Be of sober spirit (5:8) Be on the alert (5:8) To resist Satan (5:9) Stand firm in the grace of God (5:12) Greet one another with a kiss of love (5:14)

    BECAUSE GOD Foreknows all things (1:2) Is accomplishing a sanctifying work by the Spirit (1:2) Has great mercy (1:3) Is powerful (1:5) Has called us (1:15) Is holy (1:16) A father to us (1:17) Judges impartially (1:17)

    Is kind (2:3) A choice and living stone (2:4) Is excellent (2:9) Is light (2:9) Suffered (2:21; 4:13; 5:1) Committed no sin (2:22) Judges righteously (2:23) Bore our sins in His body (2:24) Wounded for my healing (2:24) Is a shepherd (2:25; 5:4)

    Is a guardian (2:25) Is toward the righteous (3:12) Attends to the prayers of the righteous (3:12) Is against those who do evil (3:12) Is Lord (3:15) Died for sins (3:18) Is just (3:18) Is patient (3:20) Has all authority (3:22; 5:11) Suffered in the flesh (4:1)

    Is ready to judge the living and the dead (4:5) Has inexhaustible grace (4:10; 5:10; 5:12)

  • 7/30/2019 According+to+1+Peter


    Is the source of my strength (4:11) Will judge (4:17) Is faithful (4:19) Is the creator (4:19) Gives grace to the humble (5:5) Is mighty (5:6) Cares for me (5:7)

    GOD PROMISES TO Resurrect us from the dead (1:3) Cause our sufferings to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of

    Jesus Christ (1:7) Save our souls (1:9) Grow us in our salvation (2:2)

    Enrich us through the gospel (2:7) Make us a people by His mercy (2:10) Look upon our righteous suffering with favor (2:20) Embolden and protect us (3:13) Bless us (3:14) Judge the living and the dead (4:5) Visit and sustain us in righteous trials (4:14) Give us unfading crowns of glory (5:4) Exalt me at the proper time (5:6) Will himself

    Perfect me (5:10) Confirm me (5:10) Strengthen me (5:10) Establish me (5:10)

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