Download - Accounting Glossary


Source Term nicks A-Bomb (or Atom )Bomb ** )A (argon ).(chem ** .A or A.U (Phys.) - (Angstrom )or Angstrom unit A posteriori A priori A. B. C .a. c., A. C (alternating )current A. F., a. f. (audio)frequency A. U. = Angstrom ).Unit (Phys A.F.C. (automatic )frequency control A.M., a.m. (ante )meridiem Ab).Ab- (Elec. Eng ).Abacus (n.) (Arch .Abampere (Elec ).Eng Abandon Abandon a claim

Translation : . . : )( : ) ( ) ( : : : 01 .

Abandon a well Abandoned (adj.) Abandoned workings (Pet. Eng.) Abate (v.) Abaxial (Adj.) (Bot.) Abbe refractometer (Chem.) Abbreviated (adj.) Abbreviation (n.) Abbreviation of fractions (Maths.) Abcoulomb (Elec. Eng.) Abdomen (n.) (Zool.) Abductor (n.) (Zool.) Abeam (Naut.) Aberrance (n.) Aberrant (adj.) Aberration (n.) (Phys., Astron.) Aberration of light (Phys.) Aberration, chromatic (Phys.)

. . . . "" . . : 01 . . . . .

Aberration, spherical (Phys.) Abeyance (n.) Abfarad (Elec. Eng.) Abhenry (Elec. Eng.) Abide (v.) Ability (n.) Abiogenesis (Biol.) Ablation (med.) Ablation (n.) (Geol.) Ablaze (adj., adv.) Abmho (Elec. Eng. Abnormal (adj.) Abnormal contact Abnormal dip (Geol.) Abnormal molecular weights (Chem.) Abnormal phenomena Abnormal pressure Abnormal spectrum (Phys.)

: : 01 )(- . . : . .

Abnormal stress ).(Mech ).Abnormality (n ).Aboard (adj ).Abode (n ).Abohm (Elec. Eng ).Abolish (v ).Abolition (n ).Abomasum (n ).(Zool ).Abort (v ).Abortive (adj ).Abound (v Above ground Above sea level Abradability ).Abradant (adj ).(Eng ).Abradant (n ).Abrade (v ).Abrasion (n Abrasion marks ).(Photog Abrasion of .insulation (Elec ).Eng

. ) ( . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) (

Abrasion resistance Abrasion testing ).machine (Eng ).Abrasive (adj Abrasive Abrasive ).(Eng Abrasive Abrasive ).(Eng Abrasive ).(n wheel cloth hardness paper

. . ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( . . . )( . .

Abrasive powder Abrasive stick Abrasive stone Abrasive wear ).(Eng ).Abreast (adv Abreast connection ).(Eng ).Abridged (adj ).Abridgement (n ).Abrupt (adj ).Abscess (n.) (Med ).Abscissa (n )(Maths ).Absence (n Absent ).(adj

Absent (v.) Absent spectrum (Phys.) Absentee (n.) Absentminded (adj.) Absolute (adj.) Absolute alcohol (Chem.) Absolute altimeter (Meteor) Absolute ampere (Elec. Eng.) Absolute boiling point (Phys.) Absolute ceiling (Aero.) Absolute coefficient Absolute constant Absolute density (Phys.) Absolute deviation Absolute draught (Meteor) Absolute electrometer (Elec. Eng.)

. . . .

Absolute error (Maths.) Absolute expansion (Phys.) Absolute galvanometer (Elec. Eng.) Absolute humidity (Meteor.) Absolute index of refraction (Phys.) Absolute joule (Phys.) Absolute level Absolute magnitude (Astron.) Absolute motion (Mech.) Absolute number (Maths.) Absolute potential (Chem.) Absolute power Absolute pressure (Phys.) Absolute refractive index (Phys.) Absolute specific gravity (Phys.) Absolute strength (Eng.) Absolute system of units (Phys.)

)( : 01 ) ( 6.23 :

Absolute temperature (Phys.) Absolute term (Maths.) Absolute thermodynamic temperature (Phys.) Absolute unit of current (Elec. Eng.) Absolute units (Phys.) Absolute vacuum (Phys.) Absolute value (Maths.) Absolute velocity (Mech.) Absolute viscosity (Phys.) Absolute volt (Elec. Eng.) Absolute weight (Chem.) Absolute zero (Phys.) Absorb (v.) Absorb a shock (or a thrust) Absorbability

: ( ) -) (02.372 . . ( ) .

Absorbable (adj.) Absorbent (adj.) Absorbent material Absorber (n.) Absorber valve Absorber, harmonic (Elec. Eng.) Absorber, shock (Eng.) Absorbing power Absorptiometer (Chem.) Absorption (n.) Absorption bands (and lines) (Phys.) Absorption coefficient (Chem.) Absorption control (Radio.) Absorption discontinuity = Absorption edge (Phys.) Absorption dynamometer (Eng.) Absorption edge (Phys.)

. . . . . . )(

Absorption factor = Absorption coefficient (Illum.) Absorption hygrometer (Meteor.) Absorption limit Absorption loss Absorption modulation (Radio) Absorption modulator Absorption of gasses (Chem.) Absorption of light Absorption of radiation Absorption of sound (Phys.) Absorption oil (Pet. Eng.) Absorption plant (Pet. Eng.) Absorption ratio (Phys.) Absorption refrigerator (Eng.)

. ) ( .

Absorption spectrum (Phys.) Absorption tower (Eng.) Absorption tower (Pet. Eng.) Absorption tube (Chem.) Absorption wavemeter (Radio) Absorption, heat of (Phys.) Absorptive (adj.) Absorptive power = absorptance (Phys.) Absorptivity (n.) Abstain (v.) Abstract (adj.) Abstract (n.) Abstract expression Abstract mathematics Abstract numbers (Maths.) Abstraction (n.) Abstriction (n.) (Bot.) Absurd (adj.) Absurdity (Maths.) Abundance (n.) Abundance curve

. ( ) . . . . . .

Abundance of ).isotopes (Phys Abundance ratio ).(Phys ).Abundant (adj ).Abuse (v ).Abut (v ).Abutment (n ).(Eng Abutment point Abutting joint ).(Eng ).Abvolt (Phys ).Abwatt (Elec. Eng ).Abysmal (adj ).Abyss (n ).Abyssal area (Geol Abyssal deposits ).(Geol Abyssal depth ).(Geol

. . . : : . .

Abyssal ).environment (Ecol Abyssal rocks ).(Geol . )Ac (actinium ).(Chem : ).Acacia (n.) (Bot ) (

Acacia gum = gum arabic (Bot.) Academic (adj.) Academician (n.) Academy Acanthus (n.) (Bot.) Acauline = acaulose (Bot.) Accede (v.) Accelerate (v.) Accelerated filtration (Chem.) Accelerated motion (Phys.) Accelerated motion uniformly (Mech.) Accelerated reaction (Chem.) Accelerated speed (Mech.) Accelerating (adj.) Accelerating contactor (Elec. Eng.) Accelerating electrode (Electronics) Accelerating force (Phys.)

. . . . . . . ( )

Accelerating potential (Electronics) Accelerating pump (Eng.) Acceleration (n.) (Mech.) Acceleration due to gravity (Phys.) Acceleration of gravity (Mech.) Acceleration of speed (Mech.) Acceleration, angular (Mech.) Acceleration, centripetal (Mech.) Acceleration, linear (Mech.) Accelerator (n.) Accelerator of nuclear particles (phys.) Accelerator pedal (Eng.) Accelerometer (n.) (Eng.) Accent (n.) Accent (Typog.) Accentuation (n.) Accept (v.) Acceptance

. . . . . . . . . .

Acceptance test (Eng.) Acceptor (n.)s Acceptor circuit (Elec. Eng.) Access (n.) Access eye (Eng.) Access road Accessibility (n.) Accessible Accessories (n.) Accessory (adj.) Accessory bud (Bot.) Accessory element Accessory minerals (Geol.) Accessory plates Accident (n.) Accidental variations Acclimatization (n.) (Biol.) Acclimatize (v.) Acclivity (Geol.) Acclivous (adj.) Accommodate (v.)

. . . ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . .

Accommodation (Biol.) Accommodation (n.) Accommodation ladder (Naut.) Accommodation of the eye Accommodations Accompany (v.) Accompanying mineral (Min.) Accomplish (v.) Accomplishment Accord (n.) Accord (v.) Accoucheur (Med.) Account (v.) Account (n.) Account for (v.) Account, current Accountancy Accountant (n.) Accounting (n.) Accounting machine

. . . . . .

Accounts Accredited agents Accretion (n.) Accrue (v.) Accumbent (adj.) Accumulate (v.) Accumulation (n.) Accumulation of cuttings (Pet. Eng.) Accumulation of mud (Pet. Eng.) Accumulation of petroleum (Pet. Eng.) Accumulation, commercial (Min.) Accumulator (Elec. Eng.) Accumulator (Hyd.) Accumulator box (Elec. Eng.) Accumulator cell (Elec.) Accumulator grid (Elec. Eng.) Accumulator insulator (Elec. Eng.) Accumulator lamp

. . . . . . . . . . . ( )

Accumulator plate (Elec. Eng.) Accumulator switchboard (Elec. Eng.) Accumulator tank Accumulator vehicle (Elec. Eng.) Accumulator, fractionator reflux (Chem.) Accumulator, overhead (Chem.) Accumulator, stem (Eng.) Accuracy (n.) Accuracy of a balance Accuracy test Accurate adjustment Accurate reading Accurately (adv.) Accusation Accuse (v.) Acellular (adj.) Acentric (adj.) Acerate (adj.) Acetabulum (Zool.) Acetaldehyde (Chem.) Acetamide (Chem.)

. ( ) ) ( . . . . . . . . .

Acetate (Chem.) Acetic acid (Chem.) Acetification (n.) (Chem.) Acetify (v.) Acetometer (Chem.) Acetone (n.) (Chem.) Acetyl (Chem.) Acetyl derivatives = acetates (Chem.) Acetylate (v.) Acetylation (Chem.) Acetylenegenerator (n.) (Chem.) Acetylene-salicylic acid = aspirin (Chem.) Acetylene (Chem.) Acetylene blowpipe (n.) (Eng.) Acetylene burner Acetylene cutting Acetylene hydrocarbons (Chem.)

. . . . . . ( ) : .

Acetylene lamp Acetylene welding ).(Eng ).Ache (Med Achene = akene ).(Bot ).Achieve (v ).Achievement (m ).Achromatic (adj ).(Opt Achromatic lens ).(Opt Achromatic vision ).(Med ).Achromatin (Biol Achromatism )(Light ).Achromic (adj ).Acicular (Biol. Min ).Acid-fast (adj ).Acid-forming (adj ).Acid-free (adj ).Acid-resisting (adj ).Acid (adj ).Acid (n.) (Chem

. . : . . . : . . . .

Acid amides ).(Chem Acid anhydride ).(Chem Acid bath Acid Bessemer ).steel (Met Acid depolarizer ).(Elec. Eng Acid dyes

) ( ""

).Acid esters (Chem Acid etching ).(Chem ) ( ).Acid formic (Chem Acid hydrogen ).(Chem Acid inhibitor ).(Chem ).Acid lining (Met Acid number ).(Chem ).Acid oxalic (Chem ).Acid oxide (Chem Acid phosphoric ).(Chem ).Acid process (Met ) ( )( . ) (

Acid proof brick Acid proof (adj.) Acid proof alloy (Met.) Acid proof casting Acid proof lining (Eng.) Acid proof steel (Met.) Acid prussic (Chem.) Acid radical (Chem.) Acid restoring plant (Pet. Eng.) Acid rocks (Geol.) Acid salt (Chem.) Acid settling drum (Chem.) Acid solution Acid steel (Met.) Acid strength Acid tartaric (Chem.) Acid test Acid treated clay (Chem.)

Acid treatment Acid value Acid washing Acid weak Acid well treatment (Pet. Eng.) Acid, acetic (Chem.) Acid, boric (Chem.) Acid, carbolic (Chem.) Acid, carbonic (Chem.) Acid, chromic (Chem.) Acid, citric (Chem.) Acid, hydriodic Acid, hydrobromic Acid, hydrochloric Acid, hydrofluoric (Chem.) Acid, hydrosulphuric (Chem.) Acid, iodic (Chem.) Acid, lactic (Chem.)


).Acid, nitric (Chem ).Acid, picric (Chem Acid, sulphuric ).(Chem ).Acidic (adj ).Acidification (n ).Acidify (v ).Acidimeter (n ).Acidimetry (n Acidity ).Acidize (v Acidizing of wells ).(Pet. Eng ).Acidolysis (Chem .Acidometer (Elec ).Eng ).Acidosis (Med ).Acidulate (v Acidulated water ).(Chem ).Acknowledged (adj ).Aclinal (adj Aclinic line (or )magnetic equator ).Acme (n

. . . . . . . )( )( . . . . . .

Acne (Med.) Acnode (Maths.) Acnode (n.) Acorn (Bot.) Acoumeter = acousimeter (Elec. Eng.) Acoustic (al) (adj.) (Phys.) Acoustic absorption Acoustic capacitance Acoustic compliance Acoustic concentration Acoustic dispersion Acoustic distortion Acoustic echo sounding (Surv. Eng.) Acoustic filters Acoustic frequency Acoustic grating (Acous.) Acoustic horizon Acoustic impedance Acoustic intensity

: ) ( :

Acoustic measurement Acoustic ohm (Acous.) Acoustic pendulum Acoustic properties Acoustic radiator Acoustic reactance Acoustic refraction Acoustic reproduction Acoustic resistance Acoustic resonance Acoustic saturation Acoustic scattering Acoustic shadow (Acous.) Acoustic sounding Acoustic stiffness Acoustic synchronizer Acoustic transmission

: ) (

Acoustic transmission factor (or coefficient) Acoustic transmission system Acoustic velocity Acoustic wave Acoustician Acousticon Acoustics (n.) Acquaint (v.) Acquainted (adj.) Acquiesce (v.) Acquire (v.) Acquire variation (Biol.) Acquired character (Biol.) Acquired reaction (Biol.) Acquisition (n.) Acquit (v.)

. . )( . . () ( )( . ) . . . ( ) ( )

).Acre (n ).Acre foot (Pet. Eng Acre yield ).Acreage (n Acreage, leased ).Acrid (adj ).Acridity (n Acrimony Acrobatics ).Acromegaly (Med Across ).Acrylic acid (Chem Acrylic resins (or )fibers )Act (v ).Act (n ).Acting force (Phys ).Acting, quick (adj ).Acting, quick (n

) 0484 .64040 ( : . . . . . . . : . . . . ) ( )( . .

Actinic Actinic radiation ).(Phys Actinic rays ).(Photog ).Actinides (Chem ).Actinism (n ).(Chem )Actinium (Ac ).(Chem ).Actinometer (n ).(Chem ).Actinometry (Phys Actinomorphic ).(Biol ).Actinon (n ).(Chem ).Action (n Action delayed ).Actionable (adj ).Activate (v.) (Chem Activated Activated ).adsorption (Chem Activated carbon ).(Chem

: : 88 ) ( : )( . ) ( : . . . - . .

Activated cathode (Thermionics) Activated charcoal (Chem.) Activated clay Activated molecules (Chem.) Activation (Chem.) Activation energy Activation, thermal Activator (n.) (Chem.) Active (adj.) Active aerial (Radio) Active hydrogen (Chem.) Active carbon (Chem.) Active charcoal (Chem.) Active component (Elec. Eng.) Active current (Elec. Eng.) Active deposit (Chem.) Active electrode (Elec. Eng.) Active force (Phys.)

. - . . . .

Active immunization (Med.) Active material (Elec. Eng.) Active molecules (Chem.) Active nitrogen (Chem.) Active polar surface (Magn.) Active power (Elec. Eng.) Active principle (Med.) Active service Active transducer (Elec. Eng.) Active voltage (Elec. Eng.) Activity (n.) Activity coefficient Activity of molecules Activity series of metals (Chem.) Activity, drilling (Pet. Eng.) Actual (adj.) Actual horsepower (Eng.)

( ) ( ) . . . . .

Actual mechanical advantage (Mech.) Actual thickness Actual value Actual weight Actuary Actuate (v.) Actuating cylinder (Eng.) Actuating system Actuator (n.) Acuity (n.) Acuity, visual (Med.) Acuminate (adj.) (Bot.) Acute-angled triangle (Maths.) Acute (adj.) Acute angle (Maths.) Acuteness Acyclic (Chem. Bot.) Acyclic compounds (Chem.)

. . .

).Acyl (Chem ).Acyl group (Chem ).Acylate (v ).Acylation (Chem Ad hoc committee Ad infinitum Ad interim Ad valorem Adams apple ).Adamant (adj ).Adamant (n ).Adamantine (adj Adamantine lustre ).Adapt (v ).Adaptability (n ).Adaptable (adj ).Adaptation (n

: . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . .

).Adapted (adj . . . Adapter (or ).adaptor) (n . .Adapter plug (Elec ).Eng ) ).Adapter skirt (Eng (

).Adaptive (adj ).Adaptometer (Med ).Adaxial (adj ).Add (v ).Addend (n Addenda (pl. of )addendum ).Addendum (Eng ).Addendum (n Addendum circle ).(Eng Adding machine ).Addition (n Addition agent ).(Elec. Eng Addition of slag Addition of vectors ).(Mech Addition sign ).Additional (adj Additional extension ).Additive (adj ).Additive (n

) ( . . . . . . )( . ) ( . )+( . . ) (

Additive compounds ).(Chem Additive property ).(Chem Additive reaction ).(Chem ).Address (n ).Address (v Addressee Addressograph )Adductor (muscle ).(Zool ).Adenoids (Zool = Adepsine oil paraffin oil ).Adept (adj ).Adequacy (n ).Adequate (adj ).Adhere (v ).Adherence (n ).Adherent (adj ).Adhesion (n Adhesion, force of ).(Phys

) ( : : . . . . . )( . )( . .

).Adhesive (n ).Adhesive (adj Adhesive force ).(Eng Adhesive tape ).(Elec. Eng ).Adiabatic (adj Adiabatic ).calorimeter (Phys Adiabatic change ).(Phys Adiabatic ).contraction (Phys Adiabatic curve ).(Phys Adiabatic efficiency ).(Eng Adiabatic equation ).(Phys Adiabatic .expansion (chem ).Phys Adiabatic process ).(Phys ).Adiabatically (adv ).Adiathermic (Phys ).Adipic acid (Chem ).Adipocere (Geol ).Adipose (Zool

. . . . ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( . : . .

Adit (n.) (Mining) Adit cut mining Adit end (Mining) Adit entrance (Mining) Adit level (Mining) Adjacent Adjacent angles (Maths.) Adjacent fields (Pet. Eng.) Adjoin (v.) Adjoined curve (Maths.) Adjoining (adj.) Adjoining concession (Pet. Eng.) Adjoining well (Pet. Eng.) Adjourn (v.) Adjust (v.) Adjustable (adj.) Adjustable at will Adjustable blade reamer (Eng.)

. . . . . . . . ( ) . . . . . . ( )

Adjustable clamp (Eng.) Adjustable condenser (elec. Eng.) Adjustable die (Eng.) Adjustable flow bean (Eng.) Adjustable for endplay (Eng.) Adjustable level (Surv.) Adjustable reamer (Eng.) Adjustable resistance (Elec. Eng.) Adjustable setsquare Adjustable shutter (Photog.) Adjustable spanner (Eng.) Adjustable speed motor (Elec. Eng.) Adjustable steel prop Adjustable stop (Eng.) Adjustable tripod Adjustable wrench (Eng.)

. ) (

Adjuster (n.) (Mech.) Adjusting (adj.) Adjusting (n.) Adjusting bolt (Eng.) Adjusting bolt nut (Eng.) Adjusting device Adjusting lever (Eng.) Adjusting nut (Eng.) Adjusting rack Adjusting ring (Eng.) Adjusting rod (Eng.) Adjusting screw (Eng.) Adjusting screw nut Adjustment Adjustment knob Adjustment time

. . . . . . . . ) (

Adjustment, coarse Adjustment, fine Adjustor muscle (Zool.) Adjutant (n.) Administer (v.) Administration (n.) Administrative (adj.) Administrator Admiral

. )( . . . . .

Admiralty brass (or %70) metal) ( 92% 1% . Admissible (adj.) Admission-period (Eng.) ( ) Admission (n.) Admission opening (Eng.) Admission pressure Admission valve (Eng.) Admission velocity Admit (v.) Admittance Admix (v.) . . . . . .

).Admixture (n ).Adnate (adj ).Adnation (Biol ).Adnic (Met Ado Adobe ).Adolescence (n ).Adolescent (adj ).Adopt (v ).Adorn (v Adrenal gland ).(Zool ).Adrenaline (Chem ).Adrift (adj. adv ).Adroit (adj ).Adsorb (v.) (Chem ).Adsorbate (n ).(Chem ).Adsorbent (adj. n ).(Chem Adsorbent clay ).(Chem

. . . . : . . . )( . . : . . . . ) ( . .

Adsorption (n.) (Chem.) Adsorption indicator Adsorption method Adsorption process (Chem.) Adsorptive (adj.) Adult (adj., n.) Adulterant (adj.) Adulterant (n.) Adulterate (v.) Adulterated (adj.) (Chem.) Adulteration (n.) (Chem.) Advance-heading (Mining) Advance (adj.) Advance (n.) Advance bore-hole (Pet. Eng.) Advance fold (Geol.) Advance wave (Geol.) Advance, rate of Advanced ignition

. . . . . : . . . . . )( . . )(- )(

Advanced timing Advancement (n.) Advantage (n.) Advantage, mechanical (Mech.) Advection (n.) (Phys.) Advent of water in an oil well (Pet. Eng.) Adventitious Adversary Adverse (adj.) Adverse circumstances Adverse water advance (Pet. Eng.) Advertent (adj.) Advertise (v.) Advertisement (n.) Advice Advisable (adj.) Advise (v.) Advisedly (adv.) Adviser (or advisor) Advisory committee Adynamia (Med.) Adze (n.) (Carp.) Adze (v.)

. . . . : . . . . ) ( . . . ( . ) . .

Aegirine = aegirite (Min.) Aeolian (adj.) Aeolian deposits (Geol.) Aeolian rocks (Geol.) Aeolian sound (Acous.) Aeolophilous (Bot.) Aeolotropic (Phys.) Aerage Aerate (v.) Aerated water Aerating roots (Bot.) Aerating system (Eng.) Aeration (n.) Aeration air receiver (Eng.) Aeration cap (Eng.) Aerator (n.) Aerial-tuning condenser (Radio) Aerial (adj.) Aerial (n.) (Radio.) Aerial cable-ways

: . . . . . .

Aerial cable (Teleg.) Aerial car (Civ. Eng.) Aerial carrier (Eng.) Aerial conveyer Aerial ladder Aerial line (Eng.) Aerial map Aerial navigation Aerial perspective (Photog.) Aerial photography (Photog.) Aerial reconnaissance (Surv.) Aerial resistance (Radio) Aerial root (Bot.) Aerial ropeway (Civ. Eng.) Aerial surveying (Surv.) Aerial switch (Radio)

. ( ) ) ( .

Aerial tramway (or ).transporter) (Eng Aerial transportation Aerification Aeriform ).Aerify (v ).Aerobatics (Aero Aerobic respiration ).(Biol = Aerodrome ).airport (Aero Aerodynamics ).Aerodyne (Aero Aerofoil = airfoil Aerogram ).Aerograph (n ).(Paint Aerography ).Aerolite (Geol .Aerology (Aero ).Meteor Aeromagnetic prospecting Aeromechanic Aeromechanics

) ( . . . : )( . . . . . ) ( .

).Aerometer (Meteor Aerometric instrument ).(Meteor Aeronautical engineering Aeronautics ).Aeropause (Phys = Aerophyte ).epiphyte (Bot = Aeroplane airplane Aeroplane engine ).(Eng ).Aeroscopy (Meteor Aerosol Aerosol bomb ).Aerospace (Phys Aerosphere ).Aerostat (Aero Aerostatics Aesthetics ).Aestivate (v.) (Biol ).Aestivation (Biol

: )( . : . ) ( : . .

)Aether (ether ).(Chem ).Afebrile (Med Affair ).Affect (v ).Affected (adj ).Afferent (Zool ).Affiliate (v .Affinity (Chem ).Biol ).Affirm (v ).Affirmation (n ).Affix (n ).Affix (v ).Affluent (n ).Afflux (n ).Afford (v ).Afforest (v ).Afforestation (n ).Aflame (adv ).Afloat (adj ).Afloat (adv African Shield ).(Geol

) ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

).After-blow (Chem After-burning After-care After-damp )(Mining After-effect After-hours ).After-image (Opt After-treatment ).(Min ).Afterbirth (Med ).Aftercool (v )Aftercooler (Mining Afterglow ).Ag (silver) (Chem Agamic = agamous ).(Biol ).agar-agar (Chem ).Agate (n.) (Min ).Age (n Age of the beds ).(Geol Age, geological ).Age, Ice (Geol Ageing = age).hardening (Met Agena = Centauri ).(Astron

) "" ( ) ( ) ( . ) ( . . )( ) ( . . : . ) ( . . . . . .

Agency Agenda (n.) Agent (n.) Agent wetting Agent, catalytic (Chem.) Agent, chemical (Chem.) Agent, oxidizing (Chem.) Agent, reducing, (Chem.) Agents, weathering (Geol.) Agglomerate (adj.) Agglomerate (n.) (Geol.) Agglomerate (v.) Agglomerating plant Agglomeration (n.) Agglutinant Agglutinate (adj.) Agglutinate (v.) Agglutinating power Agglutination (n.) Agglutination of coal (Mining.) Agglutinin (Med.) Aggradation (n.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )(

Aggradational ).deposits (Geol ).Aggravate (v ).Aggregate (Min ).Aggregate (n ).Aggregate (v Aggregate fruit ).(Bot Aggregate .polarization (Elec ).Eng ).Aggregation (n Aggression ).Aggressive (adj )Aging (or ageing ).(n ).Agitate (v ).Agitating (adj ).Agitation (n ).Agitator (n ).Aglitter (adv ).Aglow (adv ).Agonic line (Magn Agrarian Agrarian reform

)( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )( .

).Agree (v ).Agreeable (adj ).Agreed (adj ).Agreement (n Agricultural chemistry ).Agriculture (n ).Agriculturist (n Agrimotor ).Agrology (n ).Agronomy (n ).Agrostology (n ).Aground (adj. adv ).Ague (Med ).Aid (n ).Aid (v Aid, first Aids, audio-visual )Aiguille (Build ).Aikinite (n ).Ailerons (Aero

. . . . . . . . . . . . . :

Aim (n.) Aim (v.) Air- compressor governor (Eng.) Air-bath Air-blast injection (Eng.) Air-blast switch (or circuit breaker) (Elec. Eng.) Air-blast transformer (Elec. Eng.) Air-blowing (Eng.) Air-box Air-brake switch (or circuit breaker) (Elec. Eng.) Air-brick (Build.) Air-brush (Eng.) Air-casting (Eng.) Air-cell (Eng.) Air-cells (Zool.) Air-chamber Air-circulation Air-classifier (Mining.) Air-cleaner

. . .

) ( . ( ) ) ( ) (

Air-cock Air-compressor (Eng.) Air-condenser (Radio.) Air-condition (n.) Air-conditioned (adj.) Air-conditioning (n.) (Eng.) Air-conditions (Meteor.) Air-conduction (Phys.) Air-conductor Air-controlled (adj.) Air-cool (v.) Air-cooled (adj.) Air-cooled engine (Eng.) Air-cooled intercooler Air-cooler (Eng.) Air-cooling (Eng.) Air-core cable = dry-core cable (Elec. Eng.)

. . ( ) ) (

.Air-core coil (Elec ).Eng Air-crossing ).Air-drain (Eng ).Air-dried (adj ).Air-drill (Eng ).Air-drilling (Eng ).Air-driven (adj ).Air-dry (adj Air-drying ).Air-ejector (Eng Air-elutriator ).(Mining Air-exhauster ).(Eng Air-flow meter ).Air-fuel ratio (Eng Air-gap Air-gap arrester ).(Elec Air-gas = producer ).gas (Chem ).Air-gauge (Eng Air-hardening ).(Met Air-heater ).Air-level (Surv

) ( ) (

).Air-lift pump (Hyd ).Air-lock (Civ. Eng Air-lubrication Air-motor hoist ).(Eng ).Air-operated (adj Air-pillow Air-preheater = air heater ).Air-proof (adj ).Air-pump (Eng Air-pump ).lubricator (Eng Air-pumping ).Air-receiver (Eng Air-sac Air-sand (coal cleaning) process ).(Mining ).Air-shaft (Civ. Eng ).Air-slaking (Build Air-space ).Air-tight (adj Air-to-air missile ).(Mil

) ( . . . ) ( . . .

).Air-trap (San. Eng ).Air (n ).Air (v Air admission ).(Eng Air Air Air Air baffle ).base (Mill ).bladder (Zool blast

. . ) ( . . . ) (

).Air bleed (n.) (Eng ).Air bleed (v.) (Eng ).Air bleeding (Eng Air blower ).Air brake (Eng ).Air bump (Aero .Air capacitor (Elec ).Eng Air capacity ).Air carrier (Aero Air cavity = air ).space (Bot ).Air clutch (Eng Air compartment Air current ).Air cushion (Eng Air cylinder

Air Air Air Air

damping deflector ).density (Phys discharge

Air displacement Air distributor ).(Eng ).Air drag (Mech Air draught ).Air drive (Pet. Eng ).Air ducts (Eng Air dusting ).Air engine (Eng ).Air escape (Plumb Air fan Air Air Air Air filer flow ).flue (Build ).force (Mill

) ( . . )( . .

Air freight Air friction Air furnace

Air Air Air Air Air

)gate (Foundry ).glow (Meteor ).governor (Eng ).gun (Eng ).hoist (Eng

)( . . ) ( : ) ( ) ( :

Air induction ).Air injection (Eng Air inlet = air ).intake (Eng Air input wells ).(Pet. Eng Air insulation ).(Elec. Eng Air intake valve Air jet Air layer ).Air lift (Pet. Eng ).Air line (Elec. Eng Air liquefaction ).(Phys Air log Air manometer ).(Phys ).Air mass (Meteor Air mechanic Air meter Air motor

Air navigation Air nozzle Air Air Air Air outlet oven passage patrol

. . . ) (

Air pipe (Eng.) Air pocket Air pollution Air pressure (Phys.) Air pressure gauge (Eng.) Air pressure regulator (Eng.) Air quenching Air raid Air ramming (Eng.) Air reconnaissance Air refining Air release valve (Eng.) Air repressuring (Pet. Eng.) Air resistance Air route

Air scoop ).Air silencer (Auto ).Air speed (Aero Air standard cycle ).(I. C. Eng Air standard .efficiency (I. C ).Eng ).Air starter (Eng Air strainer = Air surveying aerial surveying Air temperature ).(Meteor Air thermometer ).(Phys Air Air Air Air Air tool traffic transport ).valve (Eng vent

: ) ( ) ( . . ) ( . )( .

Air vessel Air, on the ).Airborne (adj Airborne mine ).dust (San. Eng Aircraft Aircraft carrier Aircraft compass

Aircraft engine Aircraft engine oil Aircraft engineer Aircraft maintenance Aircraft mechanic Aircraft servicing Aircraft wiring Aircraft, jet Aircrew = Airdrome aerodrome Airdrop ).Airfield (n ).Airfoil (n ).Airframe (Aero Airhole ).Airing (n Airlane = Airless injection solid injection ).(Eng Airline

)( . ) ( .

Airliner Airmail Airman = Airplane aeroplane )Airport (or air port Airport control tower Airport traffic control ).Airscrew (Aero Airscrew blade Airscrew torque ).(Mech ).Airship (Aero ).Airsick (adj Airstrip ).Airway (Mining ).Airway (n Airways intake Airways return ).(Mining ).Airwell (Pet. Eng ).Airworthy (adj ).(Aero ).Aisle (n

. . . )( . . . .

).Ajutage (n Akene = achene ).(Bot )Al (aluminium ).(Chem = Alabamine astatine ).Alabandite (Min ).Alabaster (Min )Alar (or alary ).(Biol ).Alarm (n ).Alarm bell (Teleph Alarm clock ).Alarm device (Eng .Alarm fuse (Elec ).Eng Alarm signal Alarm whistle ).Alarm, level (Eng Alarm, post ).circulation (Eng ).Alate (adj.) (Biol ).Albata (Met ).Albedo (Phys

. . : )(: )( : . . . . . . : :

Albedo of a plant ).Albertite (Geol ).Albinism (Biol ).Albino (Biol ).Albite (Min ).Albitization (Geol ).Albumen (Bot ).Albumen (Zool Albuminates ).(Chem Albuminoids ).(Chem Albuminous cell ).(Bot Albuminous compounds Albuminous seed ).(Bot ).Albumins (Chem = Alburnum ).sapwood (Bot Alcaloid = alkaloid ).(Chem Alchemy

: : . . : . : )( . . . . )( . .

Alclad (Met.) Alcohol (Chem.) Alcohol fermentation (Bot.) Alcohol fuel Alcohol lamp Alcohol thermometer (Phys.) Alcohol, amyl (Chem.) Alcohol, butyl (Chem.) Alcohol, denatured (Chem.) Alcohol, isopropyl (Chem.) Alcohol, secondary amyl (Chem.) Alcohol, secondary butyl (Chem.) Alcohol, synthetic (Chem.) Alcoholase (Chem.) Alcoholate (Chem.)

: .

).Alcoholize (v ).(Chem Alcoholometer ).(Chem Alcoholometry ).(chem ).Alcoholysis (Chem ).Alcosol (Chem ).Alcove (Build ).Aldebaran (Astron ).Aldehyde (Chem Alden power brake ).(Eng ).Alder (Bot ).Ale (n ).Alee (adv ).Alembic (Chem ).Alert (adj ).Alert (n ).Alert (v Alette = allette ).(Build ).Alfalfa (Bot

) ( . . . . : "" . . . . ) ( .

Algae (pl. of alga) (Bot.) Algebra (n.) Algebraic (al) (adj.) Algebraic curve (Maths.) Algebraic equation (Maths.) Algebraic equivalent Algebraic expression (Maths.) Algebraic function (Maths.) Algebraic function irrational (Maths.) Algebraic series (Maths.) Algebraic solution of equations Algebraic sum (Maths.) Algebraic value (Maths.) Algerian onyx (Min) Algology = phycology (Bot.) Alicyclic = aliphatic-cyclic (Chem.)

. . .

Alicyclic compounds ).(Chem Alidade = sight ).rule (Surv ).Alien (adj.) (Bot Alien frequencies ).(or tones) (Acous ).Alienate (v ).Alienation (n ).Alienist (Med ).Aliform (Aero ).Alighting (Aero ).Align (or aline) (v Aligned-grid valve )(Thermionics Aligning reamer ).(Eng ).Alignment (n Alignment )(Railways Alignment charts ).(Maths Alignment pin ).(Eng ).Alimentary (adj Alimentary canal ).(Zool

: . . . )( . ) ( . . . .

Alimentary system (Zool.) Aliphatic (adj.) (Chem.) Aliphatic acids Aliphatic alcohols Aliphatic compounds (Chem.) Aliquant (adj.) (Maths.) Aliquot (adj.) Alive (adj.) Alizarin (Chem.) Alkali (adj.) Alkali (n.) (Chem.) Alkali (or alkaline) metals (Chem.) Alkali compounds (Chem.) Alkali test (Chem.) Alkali treatment (Chem.) Alkali wash (Chem.) Alkalify (v.) Alkalimeter (Chem.)

. ) ( . : . . . .

).Alkalimetry (Chem ).Alkaline (adj Alkaline .accumulator (Elec ).Eng Alkaline detergents ).(Chem Alkaline earth ).metals (Chem Alkaline earths ).(Chem Alkaline metals ).(Chem Alkaline salts ).(Chem Alkaline solution ).(Chem ).Alkalinity (n ).(Chem ).Alkalization (n ).Alkalize (v ).Alkaloid (Chem .Alkalosis (Chem ).Med ).Alkanes (Chem ).Alkenes (Chem ).Alkyl (Chem Alkyl derivatives ).(Chem

. . . . : : :

Alkyl halides ).(Chem Alkyl radical ).(Chem ).Alkylate (v ).(Chem ).Alkylation (Chem Alkylation plant ).(Chem Alkylation process ).(Chem Alkylation, thermal ).(Chem ).Alkylene (Chem All- overhauled All-clear signal ).All-inclusive (adj ).All-insulated (adj All-level sample ).(Civ. Eng .All-mains set (Elec ).Eng All-metal ).construction (Eng All-service All-time high All-up weight ).(Aero All-wave receiver )(Radio

: : : : . : . )(

All-welded structure All-wood (adj.) All-wood construction (Eng.) All purpose engine oil All relay system (Elec. Eng.) All steel Allantois (Zool.) Allay (v.) Allege (v.) Allegiance Alleles = allelomorphs (Gen.) Allelomorphic characters (Gen.) Allelomorphism = allelism (Gen.) Allergic (adj.) Allergy (n.) Allette (or alette) (Build.) Alleviate (v.) Alley (n.) Alliance Alligation (Maths) Alligator crusher (Eng.)

. . . . () . )( . . . . . . . . :

).Alligator grab (Eng Alligator shears ).(Eng Alligator wrench ).(Plumb. Eng Alligatoring ).Allocate (v Allocation Allochromatic ).(adj.) (Light Allochthonous ).(Ecol Allochthonous ).deposits (Ecol Allochthonous fold ).(Ecol Allochthonous ).rock (Ecol ).Allogamy (Bot ).Allomeric (Chem = Allomorphic allomorphous ).(adj.) (Chem ).Allot (v ).Allotment (n Allotriomorphic ).(adj ).Allotrope (n ).(Chem ).Allotropic (adj ).(Chem

. : ) ( ) ( . . . . . :

Allotropic changes ).(Chem Allotropic form ).(Chem Allotropic ).transition (Chem = Allotropism ).allotropy (Chem ).Allow (v ).Allowable (adj Allowable .production (Pet ).Eng Allowable variation ).(Pet. Eng ).Allowance (n ).Alloy (n.) (Chem ).Alloy (v Alloy cast-iron ).(Met ).Alloy casting (Met ).Alloy eutectic (Met )Alloy, (or special ).steel (Met Alloy, fusible Alloy, heat resisting Alloy, iron-carbon ).(Met

. . )( . . . . . . . . . . )( : . :

Alloy, non-ferrous ).(Met Alloyage ).Alloying (n ).Allude (v Allusion ).Alluvial (adj ).Alluvial clay (Geol Alluvial deposits ).(Geol ).Alluvial fan (Geol ).Alluvial gold (Geol Alluvial stone ).(Geol ).Alluvium (Geol ).Ally (n ).Ally (v ).Allyl group (Chem ).Almanac (n ).Almandite (Min ).Almond oil (Chem ).Alnico (Chem ).Aloof (adv., adj

. )( . . . . . . . . : : .

Alpha-emitter ).(Phys ).Alpha-rays (Phys Alpha and omega ).Alpha bronze (Met Alpha counter ).(Phys ).Alpha decay (Phys Alpha disintegration ).Alpha iron (Met Alpha particles ).(Phys Alpha particles ).spectrum (Phys ).Alphabetization (n ).Altair (Astron ).Altar (Civ. Eng Altazimuth ).(Astron. Surv Altazimuth ).theodolite (Surv ).Alter (v ).Alteration (n ).Alternate (adj ).Alternate (v

. . )( ) ( . . . . . . . . . . .

Alternate angles (Maths.) Alternate segments of a circle (Geom.) Alternately (adv.) Alternating bending test (Eng.) Alternating current (Elec. Eng.) Alternating current balancer (Elec. Eng.) Alternating current commutator motor (Elec. Eng.)

. .

Alternating current electromagnet (Elec. Eng.) Alternating current generator (Elec. Eng.) Alternating current motor (Elec. Eng.) Alternating current power supply (Elec. Eng.)

Alternating current series motor (Elec. Eng.) Alternating current transformer = transformer (Elec. Eng.) Alternating cycle (Elec. Eng.) Alternating motion Alternating saw (Carp.) Alternating series (Maths.) Alternating stills (Chem.) Alternating stresses (Eng.) Alternation (n.) Alternation law Alternation of beds (Geol.) Alternation of generations (Biol.) Alternative (adj.) Alternative (n.) Alternative connection Alternative inheritance (Gen.)

. . ( ) . . .

Alternatively Alternator (Elec. Eng.) Alternator transmitter (Elec. Eng.) Altigraph (n.) Altimeter Altimeter, aneroid (Phys.) Altimetry Altitude Altitude Surv.) Altitude Altitude (Geom.) (Aero.) (Astron. (n.) (or height)

. . . . ( ) . ( ) ) (

Altitude adjustment Altitude chamber Altitude control Altitude of a cone (Geom.) Altitude of a cylinder (Geom.) Altitude of a prism (Geom.) Altitude of a pyramid (Geom.) Altitude of a rhombus (Geom.)

Altitude of a star (Asrton.) Altitude of a trapezium (Geom.) Altitude of a triangle (Geom.) Altitude of polygon (Geom.) Altitude, absolute Altitude, actual Alto-cumulus castellatus (Meteor.) Alto-cumulus cloud (Meteor.) Alto-stratus cloud (Meteor.) Altometer (Surv.) Alum (Chem.) Alum shale (Geol.) Alumina (Min.) Aluminates (Chem.) Aluminiferous (adj.)

( ) . . . . . . .

Aluminium (Al) (or : )( ).aluminum) (Chem .Aluminium (Elec ).Eng Aluminium alloy ).bearings (Eng Aluminium alloys ) ).(Met ( Aluminium brass ).(Met Aluminium bronze ).(Met Aluminium carbide ).(Chem . Aluminium foil Aluminium iron ).(Met Aluminium leaf Aluminium ore ).(Min Aluminium welding ).Aluminization (n ).Aluminize (v Aluminothermic ).process (Chem ).Aluminous (adj = Aluminum aluminium Alumna .Alumnus (pl )alumni ).Alums (Chem ) ( .

).Alundum (Chem Alunite (or ).alumstone) (Min ).Alunogen (Min .Alveolus (pl ).alveoli) (Biol )Am (americium ).(Chem ).Amalgam (Chem ).Amalgamate (v ).Amalgamation (n Amalgamation processes Amalgamator ).Amass (v ).Amateur (n Amazing ).Ambar (Geol ).Amber (Min ).Ambergris (n ).Ambidextrous (adj ).Ambient (adj Ambient air Ambient ).conditions (Phys Ambient humidity

: : : . . . : )( : . . ) ( : . . . . . . . . ) (

Ambient temperature ).Ambiguity (n ).Ambiguous (adj ).Ambit (n ).Ambulance (n ).Ambulate (v Ambulator (or )perambulator ).(Surv Ameba = amoeba ).(Zool Amebic (or amoebic) dysentery ).(Med ).Ameliorate (v ).Amelioration (n ).Amenable (adj ).Amend (v Amended draft ).Amendment (n ).Amends (n

. . . . . . ) ( . . . . . . . . . . . .

American standard = ).wire gauge (Eng Brown and Sharpe wire gauge )Americium (Am ).(Chem . : )(

).Amethyst (Min ).Ametropia (Med = Amianthus ).amiantus (Min Amicable numbers ).(Maths ).Amicron (Chem Amid ).Amides (Chem Amido group .Amidol (Chem ).Photog ).Amines (Chem Amino acids ).(Chem Amino group ).(Chem ).Amitosis (Biol ).Amitotic (adj ).(Biol ).Amity (n .Ammeter (Elec ).Eng Ammeter shunt

. . ) ( ) 05 ( . : ) ( ) ( . : .

Ammonia-soda process ).Ammonia (Chem Ammonia absorption refrigerator Ammonia liquor ).(Chem Ammonia refrigerating plant ).(Eng Ammonia ).synthetic (Chem Ammonia ).water(Chem Ammonia, liquid ).(Chem Ammoniacal ).solution (Chem ).Ammoniated (adj ).Ammonify (v ).Ammonite (Geol Ammonium ).(Chem Ammonium ).chloride (Chem Ammonium ).hydroxide (Chem Ammonium nitrate ).(Chem

. "": . : . .

Ammonium ).phosphate (Chem Ammonolysis ).Ammunition (Mill ).Amnesia (med Amnesty ).Amnion (Zool ).Amoeba (Zool ).Amoebic (adj Amoebocyte ).Amoeboid (adj Amorphism ).(Chem Amorphous ).(Chem Amorphous ).sulphur (Chem Amorphous wax ).(Chem = Amortisseur .damper (n.) (Elec ).Eng Amortization ).Amount (n ).Amount to (v

: . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Amp (abbrev. For )ampere .Amperage (Elec ).Eng Ampere-balance ).(Elec. Eng Ampere-hour ).(Elec. Eng Ampere-hour .capacity (Elec ).Eng Ampere-hour .efficiency (Elec ).Eng Ampere-hour ).meter (Elec. Eng (Elec ).Eng .Ampere-turn (Elec ).Eng

. ) ( . . :

).Ampere (Elec. Eng = Ampere meter .ammeter (Elec . ).Eng Ampere second ).(Elec. Eng : Ampere, absolute ).(Elec. Eng Amperes rule : ).(Elec. Eng Amperometric ) ).value (Elec. Eng ( ).Amphibia (Zool . .

).Amphibian (adj ).Amphibian (Aero ).Amphibian (n ).(Biol ).Amphibious (Zool ).Amphiboles (Min ).Amphicarpic (Bot Amphichromatism ).(n ).Amphigenous (Bot Amphitheater ).Amphoteric (Chem = Amphoteric ion ).zwitterion (Chem Amphoteric oxide ).(Chem ).Ample (adj ).Amplification (n Amplification ).factor (Elec. Eng ).Amplificatory (adj .Amplifier (Elec ).Comm ).Amplifier (Photog

. . : . . ) ( . . . . . . . . ) (

Amplifier tube (Elec. Comm.) Amplifier, audiofrequency (Teleph.) Amplifier, broadcasting (Radio.) Amplifier, buffer (Elec. Eng.) Amplifier, intermediatefrequency (Radio.) Amplifier, lowfrequency (Teleph.) Amplifier, microphone (Elec. Eng.) Amplifier, power (Elec. Eng.) Amplifier, radiofrequency (Radio.) Amplifier, recording (Acous.) Amplifier, torque (Eng.) Amplifier, wide band (Elec. Comm.) Amplifier. Television (Telev.) Amplify (v.) Amplifying power (Eng.)

. . .

Amplifying transformer (Radio.) Amplitude (n.) (Phys.) Amplitude distortion (Elec. Comm.) Amplitude factor = peak factor (Elec. Eng.) Amplitude modulation (Radio.) Amplitude of oscillation (Phys.) Amplitude of vibration (Phys.) Amplitude of wave (Phys.) Ampoule = ampulla (Med.) Amputate (v.) Amputation (Med.) Amygdala (Zool.) Amygdalin (Chem.) Amyl (Chem.) Amyl acetate (Chem.) Amyl alcohol (Chem.)

. . . . . . . . : .

).Amylaceous (adj ).Amylase (Biol ).Amyloid (Biol ).Amylopsin (Chem Anabatic wind ).(Meteor ).Anabolic (adj ).Anabolism (Biol ).Anaemia (Med ).Anaerobes (Biol ).Anaerobic (Biol = Anaesthetic ).anesthetic (Med ).Anal (adj ).Analcite (Min ).Analgesia (Med ).Analgesic (Med ).Analogical (adj ).Analogous (adj ).Analogue (n Analogue computer ).Analogy (Biol

. . : . . ) ( . : . . . . .

Analogy (n.) Analyse (v.) Analyser (Chem.) Analysis (n.) Analysis, chemical (Chem.) Analysis, core (Mining.) Analysis, macroscopic Analysis, mathematical (Maths.) Analysis, microscope Analysis, petrological (Geol.) Analysis, qualitative Analysis, quantitative (Chem.) Analysis, sequential Analysis, spectrum (Phys.) Analysis, volumetric (Chem.) Analysis, well-core (Pet. Eng.)

. . . "" ( ) ( )

Analyst (n.) Analytic (or analytical) (adj.) Analytical approach (Maths.) Analytical balance Analytical chemistry Analytical geometry Analytical method Analytical psychology Analytical reactions Analytical reagent (Chem.) Analytical trigonometry (Maths.) Analyze = analyse (v.) Analyzer (n.) (Chem.) Analyzer, network (Elec. Eng.) Anamorphism (Geol.) Anandrous (Bot.) Ananthous (Bot.)

. ) (

).Anaphase (Biol Anaphoresis ).(Chem ).Anaphoresis (Med ).Anaphylaxis (Med Anarchy Anastigmatic lens ).(Photog ).Anastomose (v ).Anastomosis (Biol Anatomy ).Anaxial (Zool Ancestry Anchor Anchor Anchor Anchor ).(Naut Anchor Anchor ).(n ).(v ).bolt (Eng cable ).nut (Eng pole

) ( ) ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

).Anchor ring (Naut ).= torus (Maths

Anchor rod

Anchor screw Anchor, charge Anchor, dead line Anchor, hydraulic hold down Anchor, insert pump Anchor, rock ).(Nuat Anchor, tubing Anchorage Anchorage pin ).(Auto ).Ancillary (adj .Ancon (pl ).ancones) (Arch ).Andalusite (Min ).Andiron (Build ).Andradite (Min ).Androecium (Bot ).Androgynous (Bot Andromeda ).(Astron Anechoic chamber ).(Acous

. . . . : . : : . . : : : .

Anelastic (adj.) (Met.) Anelastic strain (Mech.) Anelectric (adj.( (Elec.) Anemia = anaemia (Med.) Anemic (adj.) (Med.) Anemograph (Meteor.) Anemometer (Meteor.) Anemophily (Bot.) Anemoscope (Meteor.) Aneroid (adj.) Aneroid barograph (Meteor.) Aneroid barometer (Meteor.) Aneroid gauge (Eng.) Aneroid manometer (Phys.) Aneroidograph (Meteor.) Anesthesia = anaesthesia Anesthesia = anesthesia (Med.)

. . : . ( ) . . . .

).Anesthetic (adj. n ).Anesthetize (v ).Aneurysm (Med ).Anew (adv Angary ).Angina (Med Angina pectoris ).(Med ).Angiosperms (Bot Angle-closer ).(Build Angle-joint ).Angle-shaft (Build ).Angle-staff (Build .Angle-stone (Civ ).Eng Angle-sum ).theorem (Geom ).Angle (Geom ).Angle bar (Build Angle bead Angle bearing ).(Eng ).Angle block (Carp ).Angle board (Carp

. . . . . ) ( . ) ( . ) ( : 081 . : . ) (

Angle bracket (Eng.) Angle cleat (Build.) Angle float (Build) Angle gauge (Build.) Angle gear (Eng.) Angle iron (Eng.) Angle lunular (Maths.) Angle of a lune = lunular angle Angle of advance (Eng.) Angle of altitude (Astron.) Angle of attack (Aero.) Angle of bedding (Geol.) Angle of contact (Eng.)s Angle of convergence Angle of cutting Angle of declination (Magn.) Angle of deflection Angle of depression (Surv.) Angle of deviation (Light.)

. ) (

Angle of dip (or inclination) (Magn.) Angle of divergence (Elec.) Angle of elevation (Surv.) Angle of Angle of Angle of (Eng.) Angle of (Geol.) Angle of Angle of Angle of (Phys.) emergence entrance friction hade heel impact incidence

( )

Angle of inclination (Magn.) Angle of inconformity Angle of intersection (Maths.) Angle of lag (Elec. Eng.) Angle of landing (Aero.) Angle of lead (Elec. Eng.) Angle of lens (Photog.)

Angle of minimum deviation (Light.) Angle of obliquity (Eng.) Angle of parallax (Phys.) Angle of pitch Angle of polarization (Light.) Angle of projection Angle of recoil Angle of reflection (Light.) Angle of refraction (Light.) Angle of relief = clearance angle (Eng.) Angle of repose (or reset) (Civ. Eng.) Angle of roll = Angle of bank Angle of rotation Angle of rupture (Met.) Angle of slope Angle of strike Angle of thread Angle of torsion Angle of traction


Angle of twist (Eng.) Angle of variation Angle of vision Angle of yaw (Hyd.) Angle of zero lift (Aero.) Angle plate (Eng.) Angle rafter (Carp.) Angle ratio (Maths.) Angle shot = Angleview (Cinema) Angle steel (Eng.) Angle straggling Angle support (Elec. Eng.) Angle valve (Eng.) Angle, acute (Maths.) Angle, adjacent (Maths.) Angle, complementary (Maths.) Angle, corresponding (Maths.) Angle, critical (Light.) Angle, cutting (Eng.)

) ( ( ) ( ) ( )

Angle, deflection Angle, dihedral ).(Maths )Angle, divider(s Angle, exterior ).(Maths Angle, included ).(Geom Angle, oblique ).(Maths Angle, obtuse ).(Maths Angle, optical ).Angle, plane (Carp Angle, planner Angle, right ).(Maths Angle, sharp Angle, solid ).(Maths Angle, spherical ).(Maths Angle, subtended ).(Chem ).Angledozer (Eng Anglemeter ).Anglesite (Chem Angstrom unit

. . : . : 001

Angular (adj.) Angular acceleration (Mech.) Angular aperture (Photog.) Angular cutter (Eng.) Angular deviation Angular diameter Angular displacement (Mech.) Angular distance Angular divergence Angular drilling equipment (Mining.) Angular frequency (Elec. Comm.) Angular height (Surv.) Angular inconformity Angular length (Mech.) Angular magnitude (Maths.) Angular measurement

. . . . :

Angular momentum (Mech.) Angular motion (Mech.) Angular pattern diestock (Eng.) Angular pitch (Eng.) Angular reciprocating motion Angular speed Angular surface Angular thread (Eng.) Angular velocity (Mech.) Angularity Angularity correction Anharmonic (adj.) Anhidrosis (Med.) Anhydride (Chem.) Anhydrite (Min.) Anhydrous (adj.) (Chem.) Anhydrous lime (Chem.)

. . . . . : .

Anhydrous tar ).(Chem ).Aniline (Chem ).Aniline dye (Chem Animal cellulose Animal charcoal ).(Chem Animal electricity ).(Biol Animal grease Animal tissue ).(Biol ).Animalcule (Zool Animation ).Anions (Elec ).Anise (Bot Anisochromatic ).(adj.) (Phys ).Anisomeric (adj ).(Chem ).Anisotonic (adj ).(Chem ).Anisotropic (adj ).(Phys Anisotropic crystal ).(Chem Anisotropic liquids ).(Chem ).Anisotropy (Chem

. . . . . )( .

Ankle Ankylosis (Med.) Annals Anneal (v.) (Met.) Annealed steel (Met.) Annealed wire (Met.) Annealing (n.) (Met.) Annealing temperature Annealing, blue (Met.) Annealing, bright (Met.) Annealing, open Annealing, pit (Met.) Annealing, pot (Met.) Annelid (Biol.) Annelida (Biol.) Annex (n.) Annex (v.) Annihilate (v.) Annihilation (n.) (Phys.) Anniversary

. . . . . ( . . ) . . . .

Annotation Announce (v.) Annoy (v.) Annual (adj.) Annual load factor (Elec. Eng.) Annual plant (Bot.) Annual rings (Bot.) Annual variation of a compass (Surv.) Annually (adv.) Annuity Annul (v.) Annular (adj.) Annular bit (Carp.) Annular borer (Eng.) Annular eclipse (Astron.) Annular gear (Eng.) Annular gear wheel (Eng.) Annular groove

. . . . .

( ) . . . .

Annular ).(Carp Annular ).(Eng Annular Annular ).Eng Annular Annular ).(Eng Annulet

saw seating space ( valve velocity wheel

)( . . . . : . ) ( :

Annulment .Annulus (pl )annuli .Annunciator (Elec ).Eng )Anodal (or anodic ).(adj ).Anode (Elec Anode battery = B.battery (Elec ).Comm Anode current )(Thermionics Anode dissipation )(Thermionics Anode drop )(Thermionics ).Anode effect (Elec

Anode generator (Thermionics) Anode glow (Thermionics) Anode modulation (Radio) Anode mud (Met.) Anode oxidation (Elec. Eng. Met.) Anode rays (Thermionics) Anode resistance (Thermionics) Anode slime = Anode mud (Met.) Anode tap (Thermionics) Anodic etching (Elec. Eng.) Anodic treatment Anodize (v.) (Elec. Eng.) Anodyne (adj.) Anolyte (Elec. Eng.) Anomalous (adj.) Anomalous dispersion Anomalous magnetization (Magn.)

) ( ) ( ) ( . )( . : . .

Anomaly Anomaly, electrical Anomaly, magnetic ).Anonymous (adj ).Anopheles (Zool = Anorthite ).indianite (Min ).Anosmia (Med ).Anoxemia (Med ).Anoxia (Med ).Answer (v Answer print )(Cinema Answering jack ).(Teleph ).Antacid (adj. n Antagonism = Antalgic ).antalgesic (adj Antarctic Circle ).Antares (Astron = Ante meridiem .A.M. or a.m

. . . : . . )( ) ( . .

Antebellum (adj.) Antecambrian (adj.) (Geol.) Antecedent (Maths.) Antecedent (n.) Antechamber = precombustion chamber (Eng.) Antedate (v.) Antenatal (adj.) Antenna (Biol.) Antenna = aerial (n.) (Radio.) Antenna array (Radio.) Antenna changeover switch (Radio.) Antenna circuit (Radio.) Antenna connection (Radio.) Antenna coupler (Radio.) Antenna coupling (Radio.)

. ) (

Antenna downlead (Radio.) Antenna earthing switch (Radio.) Antenna effect (Radio.) Antenna insulator (Radio.) Antenna lead-in (Radio.) Antenna loading coil (Radio.) Antenna loop (Radio.) Antenna mast (Radio.) Antenna omnidirectional (Radio.) Antenna reel (Radio.) Antenna reflector (Radio.) Antenna resistance (Radio.) Antenna shortening condenser (Radio.) Antenna system (Radio.) Antenna tuning (Radio.) Antenna voltage (Radio.)

. ) (

Antenna wire ).(Radio ,Antenna ).directional (Radio Antenna, frame ).(Radio ).Antennule (Zool ).Anterior (adj ).Anther (n.) (Bot ).Antheridium (Bot .Anthocyanin (Bot ).Chem ).Anthology (Bot ).Anthology (n ).Anthophore (Bot

. : :

: ).Anthophyllite (Min ).Anthracene (Chem ).Anthracite (Chem Anthraco-silicosis = miners asthma ).(Med ).Anthrax (Med Anthropology Anthropomorphic ).(Biol . . . : .

Anti).Anti-acid (adj ).(Chem Anti-acid additive Anti-aircraft ).Anti-atom (Phys Anti-breakage device Anti-burn jelly ).(Med Anti-capacity ).switch (Radio Anti-catalyst ).(Chem Anti-cathode ).(Phys Anti-clockwise ).(adj., adv ).Anti-coagulant (n ).(Med ).Anti-corrosion (adj Anti-corrosive ).additive (Eng ).Anti-crease (adj Anti-cyclone ).(Meteor ).Anti-dazzle (adj

: . : ) ( ) ( . .

Antidecomposition additive (Chem.) Anti-detonating (adj.) Anti-detonating gasoline (Chem.) Anti-detonator (Chem.) Anti-dim (v.) Anti-electron = positron (Elec. Eng.) Anti-ferment (n.) Anti-fermentative (Chem.) Anti-flash (adj.) Anti-foam agent (Chem.) Anti-fouling composition (Eng.) Anti-freeze (n., adj.) Anti-friction (adj.) (Eng.) Anti-friction alloy (Eng.) Anti-friction bearing (Eng.) Anti-friction metal = white metal (Eng.) Anti-frost (adj.) (Eng.)

. . ) ( . .

Anti-gas (adj.) Anti-gas protection Anti-gas respirator Anti-glare (adj.) Anti-halation plate Anti-icer (Eng.) Anti-incrustator (Eng.) Anti-knock (n.) Anti-knock compound (Chem.) Anti-knock substance (Eng.) Anti-knock value (or rating) Anti-knocking agent (Chem.) Anti-leak (adj.) Anti-leak packing ring (Eng.) Anti-logarithm (Maths.) Anti-magnetic (adj.)

. . . ) (

).Anti-matter (Phys Anti-missile ).missile (Mill Anti-neutron ).(Phys .Anti-oxidant (n ).adj Anti-oxidant ).additive (Chem Anti-oxidation ).(adj.) (Eng ).Anti-parallax (n ).(Photog Anti-priming pipe ).(Eng ).Anti-proton (Phys Anti-resonance ).(Phys ).Anti-rust (adj ).(Eng ).Anti-sag bar (Eng ).Anti-skidding (adj ).Anti-spin (adj ).(Aero Anti-static ).antenna (Radio Anti-submarine ).(adj.) (Mill ).Anti-tank (adj ).(Mill

. . ) ( . ) (

Anti-thrust bearing (Eng.) Anti-torque (Mech.) Antibiotic (adj.) (Med.) Antibody (Med.) Anticer (Aero.) Antichlor (Chem.) Anticipate (v.) Anticlastic curvature (Maths.) Anticlinal (adj.) Anticlinal apex (Geol.) Anticlinal axial plane (Geol.) Anticlinal axis (Geol.) Anticlinal bulges (Geol.) Anticlinal closure (Geol.) Anticlinal crest (Geol.) Anticlinal flank (Geol.) Anticlinal flexture (Geol.)

. . . .

Anticlinal line (or axis) (Geol.) Anticlinal ridge (Geol.) Anticlinal structure (Geol.) Anticline Anticlinoriumcomposite anticline (Geol.) Anticlinorium (Geol.) Antidotal (adj.) Antidote (n.) (Med.) Antigen (Med.) Antigum inhibitor (Chem.) Antimonate = Antimoniate (Chem.) Antimonial lead (Chem.) Antimony (Sb) (Chem.) Antimony alloys (Chem.) Antimony black Antineutrino (Phys.) Antinodal region = loop (Phys.) Antinode (Phys.)

. . . . . . . . . . : ( ) ) (

).Antiparallel (adj ).(Geom ).Antiparallels (n ).Antiparasitic (adj ).(Med ).Antiparticle (Phys Antiparticles ).(Phys ).Antipleion (Meteor ).Antipodal (Biol ).Antipodes (Geog ,.Antipyretic (adj ).n.) (Med ).Antiquated (adj ).Antisepsis (n ).(Med ).Antiseptics (adj ).(Med Antisludge additive Antispectroscopic lens = achromatic ).lens (Photog ).Antitoxic (adj

: : : . . . .

).Antitoxin (n.) (Med . )Antlia (The Pump ).(Astron :

).Anucleate (adj ).(Biol ).Anuria (n.) (Med ).Anus (Zool ).Anvil (Eng ).Anvil = incus (Zool Anvil chisel = anvil ).cutter (Eng ).Anxiety (n ).Anxious (adj ).Aorta (n.) (Med ).Apart (adv ).Apartment (n ).Apatite (Chem ).Aperiodic (adj ).(Phys Aperiodic antenna ).(Radio Aperiodic circuit ).(Elec Aperiodic compass ).(Magn Aperiodic galvanometer ).(Elec Aperiodic instrument Aperiodic motion

. . . . ) ( . . . . . : . : ) (

Aperture ).Phys Aperture ).(Telev Aperture ).(Telev Aperture ).(Photog

.(Eng distortion lens plate

. . . ) ( : : . . : . : : . . . . . .

Apertured disc ).(Telev ).Apetalous (adj ).(Bot )Apex (pl. apices ).Aphanite (geol ).Aphasia (Med .Aphelion (n.) (pl ).aphelia) (Astron Aphid = aphis ).Aphonia (Med ).Aphototropism (n ).(Bot ).Aphyllous (adj ).(Bot ).Apian (adj ).Apiary (n ).Apical (adj ).Apiculture (n ).Aplanatic (adj ).(Opt Aplanatic lens ).(Opt

Aplite = haplite ).(geol Apnea = apnoea ).(n.) (Med Apochromatic lens ).(Opt Apodal = apodus ).(adj ).Apogee (astron Apolar ).Apologize (v ).Apology (n .Apophysis (pl ).apophyses) (Zool ).Aport (adv Apothecaries ).measure (Chem Apothecaries ).weight (Chem ).Apothem (Chem Apothem of a regular polygon ).(Chem ).Appalling (adj ).Apparatus (n Apparatus rack Apparatus, safety ).(Eng

: . . . : ) ( ) ( . . .

Apparel (n.) Apparent stratigraphic gap (Geol.) Apparent (adj.) Apparent altitude (Astron. Surv.) Apparent azimuth (Astron.) Apparent coefficient (phys.) Apparent dip (Geog.) Apparent efficiency (Eng.) Apparent elevation (Surv.) Apparent expansion, coefficient of (Phys.) Apparent horizon Apparent inductance Apparent magnitude Apparent motion Apparent movement Apparent power (Elec. Eng.)

. . . .

Apparent .resistance (Elec ).Eng Apparent slip Apparent solar day ).(Astron Apparent solar ).time (Time ) ( Apparent specific ).gravity (Phys Apparent thickness ).Appeal (n ).Appeal (v ).Appear (v ).Appearance (n ).Append (v ).Appendage (n ).Appendicitis (Med ).Appendix (n ).Apperceive (v ).Appertain (v ).Apple scab (Bot Appleton layer ).(Radio ).Appliance (n Appliance, safety ).(Eng . . . . . . . . )( . "": .

).Applicable (adj ).Applicant (n ).Application (n Application form ).Applied (adj Applied chemistry Applied sciences ).Apply (v ).Appoint (v ).Apportion (v ).Apposition (Biol Appraisal ).Appreciable (adj ).Appreciate (v Appreciation ).Apprentice (n Apprenticeship Approach ).(n ).Approach (v Approach angle ).(Aero Approach velocity ).(Hyd

)( . . . . . . .. . . . . . . : . . . . .

Appropriate (adj.) Appropriate (v.) Approval (n.) Approve (v.) Approved (adj.) Approximate (adj.) Approximate (v.) Approximate evaluation (Maths.) Approximate quantity Approximate ratio Approximate result Approximate value Approximately (adv.) Approximation (al) method Approximation (n.) Approximation error Appurtenant (adj., n.) April Apron (Aero.) Apron (Carp.)

. ( . ) . . . . . . . . . . . ) ( .

).Apron (Eng ).Apron (n Apron conveyor ).(Eng ).Apse (Astron ).Apse = apsis (Eng Apse line = line of ).apsides (Astron ).Apsidal angle (Eng ).Apt (adj ).Apterous (adj ).(Zool ).Aptian Stage (Geol Aptitude Apus ( The Bird of ).Paradise ( (Astron ).Aqua fortis (Chem ).Aqua regia (Chem ).Aquadag (Chem Aquafer = aquifer ).(Geol Aqualung ).Aquamarine (n ).(Min.) (adj

) ( . . . )( . )( . . . : . : 1 : 4 . . .

).Aquarelle (n ).Aquarium (Biol )Aquarium (Cinema Aquarius (The )Water-Bearer ).(Astron ).Aquatic (adj ).Aquatint (n.) (Print ).Aqueduct (n.) (Eng ).Aqueous (adj ).(Chem Aqueous humour ).(Zool Aqueous solution ).(Chem Aqueous vapor ).Aquiculture (Biol ).Aquifer (Geol ).Aquiferous (adj )Aquila ( The Eagle ).(Astron )Ara (The Altar ).(Astron ).Arabesque (Build Arabian Shield ).(Geol

. ) ( : . ) ( . : . :

Arabic numerals ).(or figures) (Maths ).Arable (adj ).Arachnida (Zool ).Aragonite (Min ).Arbiter (n Arbitrary Arbitration Arbitration board ).Arbor (Eng ).Arbor (n ).Arbor press (Eng ).Arboreal (adj ).(Bot Arborescent = Arc- cosine ).anticosine (Maths Arc-control device ).(Elec. Eng = Arc-cosecant anticosecant ).(Math = Arc-cotangent anticotangent Arc-lamp carbon ).(Elec = Arc-secant ).antisecant (Maths

) ( : . . . . . . : : : :

Arc-sine = antisine ).(Maths = Arc-tangent antitangent ).(Maths ).Arc (Elec ).Arc (Geom .Arc absorber (Elec ).Eng .Arc circuit (Elec ).Eng Arc converter ).(Radio .Arc crater (Elec ).Eng .Arc deflector (Elec ).Eng Arc discharge ).(Elec. Eng .Arc duration (Elec ).Eng .Arc furnace (Elec ).Eng Arc generator ).(Radio ).Arc ignition (Elec Arc lamp = arc ).light (Elec. Eng ).Arc lighting (Elec Arc modulation ).(Telev

: : . . : )( ) (

Arc of a circle (Maths.) Arc of approach (Eng.) Arc of contact (Eng.) Arc of recess (Eng.) Arc process (Chem.) Arc rectifier (Elec. Eng.) Arc resistance (Elec. Eng.) Arc shield (Elec. Eng.) Arc spectrum (Phys.) Arc stream voltage (Elec. Eng.) Arc suppressor (Elec. Eng.) Arc system (Radio.) Arc transmitter (Radio.) Arc voltage (Elec. Eng.) Arc welding (Elec. Eng.) Arc, subtended (Geom.) Arcade (Eng.)

. . . ) ( . .

).Arch (Eng ).Arch beam (Eng ).Arch brick (Build ).Arch bridge (Eng Arch, horse-shoe ).(Build Arch, mine Arch, round Arch, steel Arch, yieldable Archaean era ).(Geol Archaean rocks ).(Geol Archaeologist Archaeology Archaeozoic era ).(Geol ).Archegonium (Bot = Archeology Archaeology Archetype Archimedean drill ).(Eng

. . . )( . )( . : . :

Archimedean ).screw (Eng Archimedes ).principle (Phys ).Archipelago (Geol ).Architect (n Architectural ).acoustics (Eng Architectural ).drawing (Eng Architecture ).Architrave (Build Archives Archway ).Arciform (adj ).Arcing (Elec. Eng Arcing ground ).(Elec. Eng Arcing voltage ).(Elec. Eng ).Arcograph (Eng ).Arctic (adj.) (Geog ).Arctic Circle (Geog ).Arcturus (Astron ).Arcuate (Biol

"" "" " " . . . ) (

Ardor (n.) Arduous (adj.) Are (Surv.) Area Area of sedimentation Area of subsidence (Geol.) Area velocity (Astron.) Area, additional Area, concession Area, contact Area, faulted (Geol.) Area, offshore Area, petroliferous (Pet. Eng.) Arenaceous (adj.) (Geol.)

. . . : 001 . . ) (

Arenaceous limestone (Geol.) Areola (Biol.) Areometer = hydrometer (Phys.) Argentic (adj.) (Chem.) Argentiferous (adj.) Argentiferous galena (Mining.) Argentite = silver glance (Min.) Argil (Geol.) Argillaceous (adj.) (Geol.) Argillaceous sandstone (Geol.) Argillaceous texture (Geol.) Argillite (Geol.) Argon (A) (Chem.) Argue (v.) Argument (n.) (Maths.) Argument of a function (Maths.) Argyria (n.) (Med.) Argyric (Chem.) Argyrol (Med.) Arid (adj.)

. . : . : . : () . . . .

Aridity Aries (The Ram) (Astron.) Aright (adv.) Aril (Bot.) Arithmetic (Maths.) Arithmetic = arithmetical (adj.) Arithmetical average (Maths.) Arithmetical difference (Maths.) Arithmetical mean (Maths.) Arithmetical progression (Maths.) Arm Arm of a balance (Phys.) Arm of a couple (Mech.) Arm of an angle (Maths.) Armament Armature (Elec. Eng.) Armature (Magn.)

. . . . . ( .) .

Armature banding machine (Elec. Eng.) Armature bands (Elec. Eng.) Armature bore (Elec. Eng.) Armature coils (Elec. Eng.) Armature commutator (Elec. Eng.) Armature core (Elec. Eng.) Armature current (Elec. Eng.) Armature end connections (Elec. Eng.) Armature frame (Elec. Eng.) Armature head (or end-plate) (Elec. Eng.) Armature laminations (Elec. Eng.) Armature leakage (Elec. Eng.) Armature losses (Elec. Eng.) Armature reactance (Elec. Eng.)


Armature reaction (Elec. Eng.) Armature resistance (Elec. Eng.) Armature rotor (Elec. Eng.) Armature shaft (Elec. Eng.) Armature slots (or pockets) (Elec. Eng.) Armature turns (Elec. Eng.) Armature windings (Elec. Eng.) Armed (adj.) Armed lodestone (Elec. Eng.) Armistice (n.) Armor (v.) Armor = armour (n.) Armorican folding (Geol.) Armour plate (Met.) Armoured cable Armoured hose

. . . . ) (

Armouring Armouring, steel ).(Eng Armoury = armory ).(Mill Armpit Army Aroma ).Aromatic (adj ).(Chem Aromatic acid ).(Chem Aromatic alcohol ).(Chem Aromatic compounds ).(Chem Aromatic free .petroleum (Pet ).Eng Aromatic hydrocarbons ).(Chem ).Arrange (v ).Arrangement (n ,Arrangement tandem ).Array (n ,Array ).seismometer (Geol

. . . ) ( . . . . . . . . . :

Arrears (n.) Arrest (n.) Arrest (v.) Arrest, thermal (Eng.) Arrested anticline (Geol.) Arrester = Arrestor Arresting gear (Eng.) Arresting hook (Aero.) Arrestor, lighting (Elec. Eng.) Arrhythmic (adj.) Arris (Build.) Arrival (n.) Arrive (v.) Arrow-head (adj.) Arrow (n.) Arsenal (n.) Arsenate (n.) (Chem.) Arsenic (As) (Chem.) Arsenic acid (Chem.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . ( . )

= Arsenical ).arsenious (Chem ).Arsenide (Chem ).Arsenite (Chem ).Arsenopyrite ( Min ).Arson (n Art Art metal works ).Artefact (n ).Arterial (adj.) (Zool Arterial road ).Arteriole (Zool Arteriosclerosis ).(Med ).Artery (Zool ).Artesian well (Eng ).Arthritis (Med )Arthropod (Zool )Arthropoda (Zool

. : . . ) ( . . ) (

).Article (n Articular ).Articulate (adj ).Articulate (v ).Articulated (adj Articulated connecting-rod ).(Eng Articulated joint ).(Eng ).Articulation (n ).Artifice (n ).Artificer (n Artificial Artificial ageing ).(Met = Artificial antenna dummy antenna ).(Radio Artificial daylight ).(Illum Artificial earthquake ).(Mining Artificial fuel Artificial gravity ).(Eng

. . . . . . . . )( ) (

Artificial horizon ).(Surv


Artificial ).hybridization (Biol Artificial leather Artificial lines ).(Elec. Comm )( Artificial magnet ).(Phys Artificial . radioactivity Artificial rain ).(Meteor Artificial ).respiration (Med Artificial rubber ).(Chem Artificial seasoning ).(Carp = Artificial silk ).rayon (Chem Artificial sunlight ).(Illum Artificial wood ).Artillery (n.) (Med ).Artisan (n ).Artist (n ).Artistic (adj ).Aryl (Chem )( . :

)As (arsenic ).(Chem Asbestos Asbestos Asbestos Asbestos ).(Eng Asbestos ).(Min gasket joint packing sheet

: . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . : )(

Asbestos yarn ).Ascaris (Zool ).Ascend (v ).Ascending (adj Ascending order ).(Maths Ascending powers ).(Maths ).Ascension (n ).Ascent (n Ascentional .ventilation (Civ ).Eng ).Ascertain (v ).Ascomycetes (Bot Ascorbic acid ).(Chem ).Ascribe (v

)Asdic (or sonar ).(Mill ).Asepalous (Bot ).Asepsis (Med ).Aseptic (Med Asexual ).reproduction (Biol Ash-pan Ash-pit Ash ).Ash coal (Min Ash content ).(Chem Ash determination ).(Chem ).Ash test (Chem ).Ash wood (Bot Ash, volcanic ).(Geol ).Ashlar (Build ).Ashore (adv Asiatic cholera ).(Med ).Aside (adv ).Askew (adv ).Aslant (adj ).Aslant (adv

. . . : ) ( . . . .

Aslope (adv.) Aspect (n.) Aspect ratio (Aero.) Asphalt (Geol.) Asphalt base crude (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt base oil (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt base petroleum (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt bottom (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt cement (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt clinker (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt coating Asphalt content (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt emulsion (Chem.) Asphalt filler (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt flux (Eng.) Asphalt jelly (Chem.) Asphalt macadam (Civ. Eng.) Asphalt pavement Asphalt paving (Civ. Eng.)

. . . ) ( . . . .

Asphalt paving block Asphalt prime coat (Paint.) Asphalt putty Asphalt rock (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt saturated felt (Eng.) Asphalt seal coat (Civ. Eng.) Asphalt seepage Asphalt surface treatment Asphalt tack coat Asphalt tar (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt tar pitch (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt tile Asphalt varnish (Paint) )( Asphalt, cut back (Civ. Eng.) ( ) Asphalt, gunned Asphalt, insulating Asphalt, mastic (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt, native (Pet. Eng.) Asphalt, refined (Chem.)

Asphalt, roof Asphalt, waterproofing (Civ. Eng.) Asphalted (adj.) Asphaltenes (Chem.) Asphaltic hydrocarbons (Chem.) Asphaltic base crude (Pet. Eng.) Asphaltic compounds (Chem.) Asphaltic non-skid treatment (Eng.) Asphaltic paint (Paint.) Asphalting (n.) (Civ. Eng.) Asphaltoid (Chem.) Asphaltum Asphaltum paint Aspherical lens (Opt.) Asphyxia (n.) (Med.) Asphyxiate (v.) Asphyxiating gases (Chem.)

. : . .

Aspirate (v.) Aspirating filter (Eng.) Aspiration (n.) Aspirator (n.) (Phys.) Aspire (v.) Aspirin (Chem.) Assail (v.) Assailant (adj.) (n.) Assault (n.) Assay (n.) Assay (v.) (Chem.) Assay crucible (Chem.) Assay sample (Chem.) Assemblage (n.) Assemble (v.) Assembling (n.) Assembling bolt (Carp. Eng.) Assembling table (Eng.) Assembly (n.) Assembly conveyor (Eng.)

. )( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Assembly drawing ).(Eng Assembly hall Assembly line ).(Eng Assembly shop ).Assent (n ).Assent (v ).Assert (v ).Assertion (n ).Assess (v Assessed taxes Assessment of claims Assets

. )( . . . . . ) ( ) ( . )( .

).Assign (v Assignee Assignment ).Assimilate (v

).Assimilation (Geol ).Assimilation (n ).(Biol ).Assist (v ).Assistance (n Assistant Assistant director Assistant engineer Assistant instructor ).Associate (adj ).Associate (v Associated ).minerals (Min Associated phenomenon Associated sheets ).(Geol ).Association (n Associative law ).(Maths ).Assort (v Assortment ).Assume (v Assumed

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

).Assumption (n ).Assurance (n Assure .Astatic (adj.) (Elec ).Eng Astatic centre ).(Mech

. . . . . ) ( . .

. ).Astatic coils (Phys Astatic equilibrium ).(Mech Astatic galvanometer ).(Elec. Eng Astatic needle ).(Magn ).Astatic pair (Magn Astatic system ).(Elec. Eng )Astatine (As ).(Chem ).Astern (adv ).Asteroid (adj = ).Asteroid (n ).planetoid (Astron ).Asthma (n.) (Med ).Astigmatic (adj Astigmatic lens ).(Phys ).Astigmatism (Med . ) ( ) ( : )( . . . ) ( . .

).Astigmatism (Phys = Astigmometer Astigmatometer ).(Phys Astillen ).Astonish (v ).Astral (adj ).Astral oil (Pet. Eng ).Astray (adj., adv ).Astride (adv ).Astringent (n ).(Med Astrionics ).Astrodome (Aero Astrography ).(Astron ).Astroid (Maths ).Astrolabe (Astron Astrology Astrometry ).(Astron ).Astronaut (Aero ).Astronautics (Aero Astronavigation ).(Astron Astronomer Astronomic ).latitude (Asrtron

. . . . . . . ) (

Astronomical (adj.) Astronomical telescope (Opt.) Astronomical year (Astron.) Astronomy (n.) Astrophotography Astrophysics (n.) Asunder (adv.) Asylum (n.) Asymmetric (adj.) Asymmetric anticline (Geol.) Asymmetric conductor (Elec. Eng.) Asymmetrical (adj.) Asymmetrical effect = antenna effect Asymmetrical fold Asymmetrical stability (Mech.) Asymmetry Asymptote (Maths.) Asymptotic (al) (adj.) (Maths.) Asynchronism (n.)

. )( ) 563 45.51 5 84 ( . . . . : . . ( ) .

).Asynchronous (adj Asynchronous ).motor (Elec. Eng )At (astatine ).(Chem = Atabrine ).atebrine (Chem ).Atavism (Biol ).Atelier (n ).Athermancy (Phys Athermanous ).(Phys ).Athlete (n ).Athletes foot (Med Athletics ).Athwart (adv Atlantic Ocean ).(Geog ).Atlas (Arch ).Atlas (Astron ).Atlas (Geog ).Atlas (Zool ).Atmolysis (n ).(Chem ).Atmometer (Phys ).Atmosphere (n ).Atmosphere (Phys Atmosphere surrounding

. : : . . ) ( . . . : . : ) ( . )6330.1 2(

Atmosphere, controlled (Eng.) Atmospheric (adj.) Atmospheric absorption (Phys.) Atmospheric arcrectifier (Elec. Eng.) Atmospheric boiling point (Phys.) Atmospheric brake (Eng.) Atmospheric condenser (Chem.) Atmospheric conditions (Meteor.) Atmospheric cooling tower (Pet. Eng.) Atmospheric disturbances Atmospheric drag (Mech.) Atmospheric electricity (Elec.) Atmospheric fractionating tower (Pet. Eng.) Atmospheric line (Eng.)

( ) ) ( ()

Atmospheric pressure (Phys.) Atmospheric refraction (Light.) Atmospheric regulator (Eng.) Atmospheric rerun (Pet. Eng.) Atmospheric topping (Pet. Eng.) Atmospheric transmittance Atmospheric water Atmospheric weathering ( Geol.) Atmospherics = static = strays (Radio.) Atoll (Geol.) Atom (Chem.) (Phys.) Atom model (Phys.) Atom nucleus (Phys.) Atom smasher = accelerator (Phys.) Atom smashing (Phys.) Atomic (Chem.)

:6330.1 2 96.41 3 ( ) . . : : . . .

Atomic absorption coefficient (Phys.) Atomic arc welding ( Elec. Eng.) Atomic battery (Phys.) Atomic bomb Atomic clock (Phys.) Atomic diameter Atomic disintegration (Phys.) Atomic energy (Phys.) Atomic fallout Atomic heat (Phys.) Atomic hydrogen (Chem.) Atomic hydrogen welding (Elec. Eng.) Atomic mass (Phys.) Atomic mass unit = a.m.u (Phys.) Atomic model (Chem.) Atomic number (Chem.)

45 ) 6.0 ( () 10 1.66) (42

Atomic orbital (Phys.) Atomic physics Atomic pile (Phys.) Atomic radiation Atomic reactor Atomic refraction(Phys.) Atomic spectrum (Phys.) Atomic stopping power (Phys.) Atomic structure (Phys.) Atomic theory (Chem.) (Phys.) Atomic volume (Phys.) Atomic weight (Chem. Phys.) Atomicity (Chem.) Atomiser = Atomizer (Eng.) Atomization (Phys.) Atomized (adj.) (Eng.) Atomized lubrication (Eng.) Atomizer (Eng.) Atomizing nozzle (Eng.) Atonality (Phys.)

. . . . . . . . . . .

).Atonic (adj Atop ).Atresia (n.) (Med ).Atrium (Zool ).Atrophy (Med ).Atropine (Chem ).Attach (v Attachment Attachment ).(Eng Attachment ).(Elec. Eng Attachment ).(Eng ).Attack (n ).Attack (v ).Attain (v ).Attainable (adj ).Attainment (n ).Attal (n ).Attemper (v ).Attempt (n ).Attempt (v ).Attend (v ).(n flange plug screw

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Attendance (n.) Attendant (n.) Attention (n.) Attenuant (n.) Attenuate (v.) Attenuation ( Phys.) Attenuation (n.) Attenuation coefficient (Phys.) Attenuation constant (Phys.) Attenuation correction = Attenuation compensation (Phys.) Attenuation factor (Phys.) Attenuator (Elec. Eng.) Attenuator pad (Elec. Eng.) Attest (v.) Attic (Build.) Attitude (n.) Attle (Mining.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ( . . .

. . . .

Attorney Attorney general Attorney, warrant of Attract (v.) Attracted-disc electrometer (Elec. Eng.) Attracted-iron motor (Elec. Eng.) Attraction (n.) Attraction, electrostatic (Elec.) Attraction, gravitational Attraction, magnetic Attractive (adj.) Attributable (adj.) Attribute (n.) Attribute (v.) Attrited (adj.) Attrition (n.) (Eng.) Attrition test (Civ. Eng.) Attune (v.) Attwoods machine (Phys.) Atypical (adj.)

. . . . . . ( ) . ( . ) . " " . .

)Au (aurum = gold ).(Chem ).Auburn (adj., n Auction sale ).Audacious (adj ).Audibility (n ).(Phys Audibility, limits of ).(Acous ).Audible (adj ).Audience (n Audio= Audio-oscillator Audio- frequency ).oscillator (Radio Audio-visual aids Audio frequency ).(Elec. Comm Audio frequency .amplifier (Elec ).Comm Audio frequency .transformer (Elec ).Comm ).Audiogram (Phys ).Audiometer (Phys ).Audiometry (Med ).Audion (Radio

: . . . . . . : : 02 02 ) ( :

).Audiphone (n ).(Med ).Audit (v ).Auditing (n ).Audition (n ).Auditor (n ).Auditorium (n ).Auditory (adj Auditory perspective Auditory sensation area ).Auger (Eng ).Auger bit (Eng ).Auger stem (Eng Auger work

. )( . . . . . : ) ( . . . : . . . .

).Augite (Min ).Augment (v ).Augmentation (n

).Augmented (adj August Aura ).Aural (adj Aural harmonic Aural masking ).Aureole (n ).(Astron ).Aureomycin (Med ).Auric (adj.) (Chem ).Auricle (n.) (Zool ).Auricular (adj ).(Zool ).Auriferous (adj ).(Chem ).Auriform (adj Auriga (The ) Charioteer ).(Astron ).Auriphone (n ).Auriscope (Med

. . . . . : : . : . .

).Aurist (Med Aurora Aurora Australis ).(Astron Aurora Borealis ).(Astron ).Aurous (Chem )Aurum = gold (Au ).(Chem Auscultation Austempering ).(Met ).Austenite (Chem Austenitic steel Austral ).Authentic (adj ).Authenticate (v ).Author (n ).Authority (n ).Authorize (v ).Authorized (adj

. . : . : . . . . . . . .

Authorship AutoAuto-activation (Biol.) Auto-analysis Auto-catalysis (Chem.) Auto-converter (Elec. Eng.) Auto-emission (Thermionics) Auto-feed (Eng.) Auto-ignition (Eng.) Auto-intoxication Auto-ionization (Chem.) Auto-oxidation (Chem.) Auto-transformer (Elec. Eng.) Auto-transformer starter (Elec. Eng.) Auto (Mech.) Auto truck Autobahn (Civ. Eng.) Autobus Autoclastic rocks Autoclave (Chem.)

. .

Autoconduction (Phys.) Autodrome (Civ. Eng.) Autodyne (adj.) Autodyne (n.) (Radio.) Autoecious (adj.) (Bot.) Autogamy (Biol.) Autogenesis = Autogeny (Biol.) Autogenous (Biol.) Autogenous cutting Autogenous ignition temperature (Chem.) Autogenous welding (Eng.) Autogiro = Autogyro (Aero.) Autoheterodyne = Autodyne (Radio.) Autoicous plant (Bot.) Autolysis (Biol.) Automatic (adj.)

. .

: . . . .

Automatic adjustment (Eng.) Automatic alarm (Eng.) Automatic arc lamp (Illum.) Automatic arc welding (Eng.) Automatic brightness control (Telev.) Automatic carburettor (Eng.) Automatic cat head (Eng.) Automatic changeover switch (Elec. Eng.) Automatic circuit breaker (Elec. Eng.) Automatic clearance take-up (Auto.) Automatic clutch (Auto.) Automatic contrast control (Telev.) Automatic control (Eng.) Automatic controller (Eng.) Automatic counter (Eng.)

Automatic cut- out (Elec. Eng.) Automatic direction-finder (Radio.) Automatic discharge (Eng.) Automatic drill (Eng.) Automatic dump car (Eng.) Automatic exchanger (Teleph.) Automatic feeder (Eng.)


Automatic flushing . (Civ. Eng.) Automatic frequency control (Radio.) Automatic gain control (Radio.) Automatic generating plant ) ( (Elec. Eng.) Automatic governor (Eng.) )( Automatic ignition advance (Elec. Eng.) Automatic injection

Automatic inlet valve Automatic lathe (Eng.) Automatic lifting (Eng.) Automatic lock (Eng.) Automatic loom Automatic lubrication

Automatic overload switch (Elec. Eng.) Automatic phase control (Telev.) Automatic pilot (Aero.) Automatic pistol Automatic prepayment telephone (Teleph.) Automatic proportioning apparatus (Eng.) Automatic regulator (Eng.) Automatic release (Eng.) Automatic remote control (Eng.) Automatic sampling device (Eng.) :

Automatic shut-off valve (Eng.) Automatic shutter Automatic signalling (Elec. Eng.) Automatic stability (Eng.) Automatic starter (Eng.) Automatic stoker (Eng.) Automatic stop (Eng.) Automatic substation (Elec. Eng.) Automatic switch (Elec. Eng.) Automatic synchronizer (Elec. Eng.) Automatic tapchanging equipment (Elec. Eng.) Automatic telegraphy (Elec. Comm.) Automatic telephone (Elec. Comm.)

) (

Automatic telephone exchange (Elec. Comm.) Automatic timer (Photog.) Automatic tipper (Eng.) Automatic transmitter (Teleg.) Automatic tuning (Radio.) Automatic voltage regulator (Elec. Eng.) Automatic volume control (Radio.) Automatic, full (adj.) Automatically (adv.) Automatically operated valve (Eng.) Automation (Eng.) Automatism Automaton (Eng.) Automobile (Eng.) Automorphic (adj.) (Geol.)

. . : .

).Automotive (adj ).(Eng Automotive engineer Automotive grease ).(Auto = Autonomic ).Autonomous (adj ).Autonomy (n ).Autopilot (Aero ).Autopsy (Med Autoradiograph Autoregulator ).(Eng Autorotation Autosuggestion = Autosyn Autosynchronous ).(adj Autosynchronous ).motor (Elec. Eng ).Autotoxin (Biol Autumn Autumnal equinox ).(Astron ).Auxiliary (adj Auxiliary bus-bar ).(Elec. Eng Auxiliary circle of ).an ellipse (Maths

. . . ) ( ) ( . . ) 22 ( . . .

Auxiliary circuit (Elec. Eng.) Auxiliary contact (Elec. Eng.) Auxiliary electrode (Elec. Eng.) Auxiliary engine (Eng.) Auxiliary equipment Auxiliary grid (Thermionics) Auxiliary plant (Elec. Eng.) Auxiliary pole = compole (Elec. Eng.) Auxiliary pumping unit (Eng.) Auxiliary relay (Elec. Eng.) Auxiliary shaft (Eng.) Auxiliary shaft (Mining.) Auxiliary spark gap (Elec. Eng.) Auxiliary switch (Elec. Eng.) Auxiliary tank (Aero.)

) ( ) ( )(

Auxiliary ventilating unit (Mining.) Auxiliary ventilation (Eng.) Auxiliary winding (Elec. Eng.) Auxin (Biol.) Available (adj.) Available energy (Phys.) Available head (Eng.) Available ore surplus (Mining.) Available power (Eng.) Available power efficiency (Elec. Eng.) Available power response (Elec. Eng.) Available water (Bot.) Avalanche Aventurine (adj.) (Geol.) Aventurine glass Aventurine quartz (Min.) Avenue Average

. . . : . ( ) .

Average annual income Average current (Elec. Eng.) Average curve (Maths.) Average daily Average daily output Average deviation Average efficiency Average hade (Geol.) Average life = Average life time (Phys.) Average pressure Average sample Average speech power (Acous.) Average speed (Phys.) Average temperature (Phys.) Average value Average velocity (Phys.) Averse (adj.) Avert (v.) Aves (Zool.) Avgas (aviation gasoline) (Chem.) Aviary Aviation (Aero.)

( ) ( ) ( . ) . .

Aviation gasoline ).(Chem Aviation spirit (or ).fuel.) (Aero ).Aviator (Aero Aviatrix ).Avigation (Aero Avion Avogadros constant (or ).number) (Chem Avogadros ).hypothesis (Chem Avogadros law ).(Chem ).Avoid (v Avoirdupois weight Avtag ).Avtur (Chem ).Avulsion (Med ).Awakward (adj ).Award ( n ).Award (v ).Aware (adj Awareness ).Awash (adv ).Away (adv Awl ).Awn (Bot Awning deck ).Awry (adj., adv Ax = axe

"": : 620.6 01 32 "" "" . . : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Axes (pl. of ax) Axes (pl. of axis) Axes, coordinate (Maths.) Axial-cylinder engine (Eng.) Axial (adj.) Axial adjustment (Eng.) Axial boring (Eng.) Axial cable Axial clearance (Eng.) Axial displacement (Eng.) Axial ducts (Elec. Eng.) Axial flow Axial flow turbine (Eng.) Axial interference (Phys.) Axial line Axial overlap Axial pitch (Eng.) Axial plane (Eng.) Axial plunger pump (Eng.) Axial response (Phys.) Axial section Axial stress (Eng.) Axial symmetry Axial thrust (Eng.)

) ( .

Axial velocity (Mech.) Axil = Axilla (Biol.) Axiom Axiomatic (adj.) Axis (pl. axes) Axis of couple (Mech.) Axis of a circle (Maths.) Axis of a circular cone (Geom.) Axis of a circular cylinder (Maths.) Axis of a conical surface (Maths.) Axis of a crystal (Chem.) Axis of a lens (Phys.) Axis of a lode (Mining.) Axis of a parabola (Maths.) Axis of a perspective (Maths.) Axis of a sphere (Geom.) Axis of abscissas (Maths.) Axis of inertia (Phys.) Axis of ordinates (Maths.)

. . .

Axis of oscillation (Phys.) Axis of precession (Mech.) Axis of revolution (Mech.) Axis of rotation (Phys.) Axis of symmetry Axis of the celestial sphere (Astron.) Axis of the earth (Geog.) Axis of vortex Axis, principle (Opt.) Axle- box (Eng.) Axle-spindle (Eng.) Axle (Eng.) Axle bearing (Eng.) Axle brass (Eng.) Axle housing (Eng.) Axle journal (Eng.) Axle shaft (Auto.) Axle, driven Axle, front (Eng.) Axle, rear (Eng.) Axon (Zool.) Azimuth (Astron.) (Surv.)

. . .

Azimuth circle (Astron.) Azimuth compass (Surv.) Azimuthal angle (Surv.) Azimuthal equidistant projection (Surv.) Azimuthal projection Azimuthal quantum number Azo dyes (Chem.) Azoic (adj.) (Build.) Azoic era (Geol.) Azotate = nitrate (Chem.) Azote = nitrogen (N) (Chem.) Azotic acid (Chem.) Azotize (v.) Azotobacter (Chem.) Azure (n., adj.) Azurite (Chem.) Azymic = azmous (adj.) (Chem.) B-battery (Thermionics) B (boron) (Chem.)

. . . . . . :

B. and S. (Brown and Sharpe) wire ).Gauge (Eng B.D.C. (bottom ).dead centre) (Eng B.T.U. (British )Thermal Unit .B.W.G (Birmingham Wire )Gauge )Ba (barium ).(Chem ).Babbitt (n ).Babbitt (v.) (Met Babbitt bearing ).(Eng Babbitt faced (or ).lined) (adj Babbitt lining ).(Eng Babbitts metal ).(Met Babbitted bearing ).(Eng ).Babbitting (Eng .Bacillus (Biol.) (pl )bacilli Back-and- forth motion Back-coupling ).(Radio Back-e.m.f. of a ).cell (Elec. Eng ).Back-fire (Eng

"" "" : "" "" "" "" "" . "" . "" "" . . . ) ( ) (

Back-gear motor (Elec. Eng.) Back-jet currents (Eng.) Back-to-back houses (Civ. Eng.) Back-water Back-water valve (Hyd.) Back (adj.) Back (adv.) Back (n.) Back (or reverse) emission (Thermionics) Back (v.) Back ache (Med.) Back action Back ampereturns = demagnetizing ampere-turns (Elec. Eng.) Back axle (Eng.) Back bumper (Eng.) Back centre (Eng.) Back clearance (Eng.) Back contact Back current (Elec. Eng.) Back cutting (Civ. Eng.)

)( . . : . . .

. ) ( ( ) ) (

Back cylinder)head (or cover ).(Eng Back dead-centre ).(Elec. Eng Back draft Back electromotive force (or .Back e.m.f.) (Elec ).Eng Back fill Back filling ).machine (Civ. Eng Back flash ).Back flow (Eng Back flow condenser Back folding ).Back gear (Eng .Back guys (Pet ).Eng ).Back lath (Build Back number Back observation ).(Surv Back pressure ).(Eng Back pressure ).engine (Eng Back pressure projection ).(Cinema

) (

: . . ) (

Back pressure regulating valve ).(Eng Back pressure ).turbine (Eng Back pressure ).valve (Eng ).Back rest (Eng ).Back saw (Crap ).Back shaft (Eng ).Back sight (Surv Back slope Back stay = Back ).rest (Eng ).Back stop (Teleg ).Back stream (Hyd Back twist Backacter = drag ).shovel (Civ. Eng Backboard ).Backbone (Med ).Backed (adj ).Background (n Background count Background illumination Background music Background noise ).(Acous ).Backing- off (Eng Backing-down

. )( . ) ( ) ( . . . . ) ( . ) ( .

Backing-out Backing-up flange ).(Eng ).Backing (Meteor ).Backing (n Backing plate ).(Eng ).Backlash (Eng Backplate Backplate .lampholder (Elec ).Eng Backscattering ).(Phys ).Backward (adj Backward (or ).Backwards) (adv Backward ).eccentric (Eng Backward erosion ).(Geol Backward folding ).(Geol Backwardness ).(Med Backwash Backwoods Bacteria (pl. of ).bacterium) (Med

. )( : . . . . . . . ) ( : . . .

).Bacterial (Med ).Bactericide (Chem ).Bacteriology (Med Bad Bad debt Bad handling Badge Badigeon ).Badland (Geol )Baffle (Acous ).Baffle (n ).Baffle (v ).Baffle plates (Eng

. . . - . . . . . . .

).Baffle plates (Phys Baffle silencer ).(Eng ).Baffler (Pet. Eng ).Bag (n . . ).Bag (v . : Bagasse Baggage . . Bagging . . ).Bail (n ).Bail (v ).Bail out (Aero ).Bail out (n ).Bail out (v

Bailbond ).Bailer (Pet. Eng Bailer acid dump ).(Pet. Eng Bailer cement

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