  • Our Bais Medrash pulsed with energy this week as our young masmidim and their chavrusas dove headfirst into Gemara Kiddushin. Getting married at 14 and seven-headed serpents were some of the more exotic features of this weeks learning.

    The point charts soared with Dani Horwitz closing in at just under 10,000! Aharon Nul-man, in his final week in camp, was Masmid of the Week and if there was a Shtarkness Award, it would probably go to Oriel Gola, who rode up the chart this week clinching 8th place! A

    AchdusTimes W E E K

    2 7 T A M M U Z 5 7 7 4 P A R S H A S M A A S E I

    C an d le Li g ht i ng: 8 : 02


    Rabbi Akiva Pollack

    Monday Ahhh. Its Monday morning

    and it feels so great to be a kid at Camp Achdus! Ches and Daled once again daven in unison as prizes and laffy taffys are given out indiscriminately! Avrohom Zeev Abraham actually re-ceived a prize, a laffy and a pick-it-able ticket. It was really two tickets attached at the belly (kinda like Siamese twins) but one side says keep this coupon

    so he will hopefully keep that cou-

    pon. Following the palpable prayers, we went straight to Lumdishe Learning! It sure helped that the air conditioning was set on 65 degrees. Other-wise, the fire of Torah would surely have burned us up! Thank you Voice Of My People for these wonderful accommoda-tions.

    Bunk Alef and Ches had Arts and Crafts and made really cool traceable letter thingys. Chaim Shvartz actually made one that was entered into the Global Arts and Crafts Semi Finals in Peoria, Illinois! If he wins, he can be the proud new owner of a free set of 164 Crayola Crayons. Mr. Ira Somers returned and taught the boys how to sport. It was the first time he taught Vov Kattan this year and you should have


    Youre never lost with GPS

    Vu v & Suf 1 D . Horwi tz 9 , 725

    2 Y . G reenspan 8 ,550

    3 F . Bettoun 7 ,2 75

    4 Y . Kelemer 7 ,260

    5 A . Po llack 7 , 120

    6 D . B r i l 6 ,835

    7 S . Bauminger 5 ,520

    8 O . Gola 4 , 800

    9 A . Nu lman 4 , 425

    10 D . Shmulev ich 3 , 7 10

    1 Week in Review

    1 Never Lost with GPS

    1 Wall of Fame

    2 Best in Bunk

    4 Sports with Mr. Somers

    4 Pink Elephants

    5 Real Head Counselor?

    5 Weekly Parsha



    This WeekThis WeekThis Week IN REVIEW

    Our highly-acclaimed kinos for boys is back again

    for the 3rd year. Stay tuned for details.

  • 2

    seen the smile on Josh Rosens face.

    In other news, leagues contin-ue! Afar inched out Ruach in soccer, and Mayim put out the fire in a close game of baseball.

    Lunch was once again scrump-tious as Benjy ate a grand sand-wich of Avocado. Yes, that Avoca-do. It was green and gooey and deeelicious!

    The day has to come to an end some time, but not before Bunk Daled got to ride the Go Carts, Scooters and EZ-rollers! Refael Rachamim Ganz drove the Go Carts so fast that he was asked to join the Indy 500. He turned it down because he doesnt drive on Shabbos, chas vshalom. See ya tomorrow!

    Tuesday Its just another regular day at

    Camp Achdus, but something is

    missing... Wait! Rabbi Akiva! Where could he be? Oh well. Its a really great day anyway because its trip day!!! So besides for the regular leagues, A&C, Go Carts, Musical Chairs, Volley Ball, Eat Your Mouth Out, Water Wars, etc., we are also going to go bowl-ing for the youngins. Daniel Schainbaum was so focused on getting a strike that he didnt no-tice the earthquake outside. Ad-am Meyerowitz switched roles for the day and wrapped his ex-cellent skills around fixing the alleys.

    And dont forget about Laser Tag for the Oldins! Shlomo Feld-man actually shot his futuristic laser beams so many times that he accrued 18,600 points. Motty Kolodny, however, had the most shots, with over 19,000 points. But first,

    leagues! The Afar fell to Aish 2-1 in dodgeball and the Ruach covered the Mayim 35-30 in football.

    During lunch it was Craaaazy Hat Day. Chaim Leib Miller brought an old fancy jester hat which may still be used today in the caves of Afghanastan. Chaim Shimon Lando was very resourceful and put his lunch bag on his head. Unfortunately, he forgot to take out his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. His mother had to stick his whole head into the washing machine on two full cycles before the hair folli-cles became smooth like butter. Another messy day at Camp Achdus.

    Wednesday Wednesday is upon us and

    we know what that means! Yup! Swimming at the Clana-man pool, which is the second

    (Continued from front page)

    This WeekThis WeekThis Week IN REVIEW




    Nison Rosen


    Daniel Offen


    Adam Harari


    Josh Rosen


    Aharon Nulman

  • wettest pool in the entire East Coast! But first we must say Tehillim for the Israeli soldiers and civilians who are under a constant barrage of rockets from the Gaza strip.

    Following Davening and Learning which as always is Pastoral. Bunk Aleph goes straight to building huge edific-es. Thank you, Mr. Pechter, for donating these really cool toys last year. Vov Kotton got to do Arts and Crafts and made beautiful letters. As if we didnt have any already. In other news, Bunk Vov Suf went to

    war! No, not that kind of war! The one you win using water guns and cups of H20. Aharon Nulman and Dani Horwitz thoroughly soaked their be-loved counselor Yaakov as he was merely filling Yonatan Lubells water pistol. Why was Yonatan not with his bunk? Teiku!

    During lunch we always play a game, and today it was wheel barrel races. The young Bril and the old Bril played as well as the younger Bitas and the older Bitas. It was a lot of fun,

    if you happen to be a wheel barrel fan.

    In leagues, Afar beat Mayim in hockey, and Aish got the wind knocked out of them in football.

    The day ended with a crazy skit by the very talented staff of Camp Achdus. The prob-lem was they just couldnt get it right. Elisha Siegelman kept pouring non-alcoholic drinks for Yaakov Horowitz and Shloime Ribiat, but each time it just was not good enough. It was either in the wrong language or not girly enough. Sometimes it was too cool and sometimes too slow. Someone kept dying and Michel saved everyone as usu-al.

    Dismissal was also totally normal except for the fact that we were joined by three fire trucks, an ambulance and EMT, two police cars and Michel. Maybe we should do dismissal from the soccer fields every day.

    Thursday Bunk Alef got EZ-Rollers,

    scooters and go carts and Bunk Daled had Somer Sports. But that was pretty boring compared to the real focus of Camp Achdus. Tehilim is recited. Oh, when will our brothers be able to come home already?

    Davening and learning are bodacious. Bunk Ches

    got to play in the GAME Room. Yaakov Nisenfeld hit the puck so hard that it smashed through the goal, bounced off the Ping Pong Table twice, rico-cheted off a Kol Ami light fix-ture and landed on Rabbi Zecharya Michelsohns grilled cheese sandwich. The older bunks went to the park and enjoyed the walk there immensely. Aharon Nulman made an incredible catch in football and the entire Elkins Park gave him a standing ova-tion. But the real fun was when some of our Bunk Vov-Suf ar-chitects decided to build a dam in the stream. The dam was so big that they started importing rocks from Saddam Husseins palace. They actually took the


    Week in Review (Continued from Page 2)



    Aharon Nulman



    Pinny Elbaum

    Michel Silverstein

  • 4 4 4

    entire dam and now it is called Saddam Husseins palace. Ye-huda Coe was moser nefesh and held the water back with his sneakers for a little while, but dont tell his mother.

    Lunch was creamy but there was a lot of machlokes! The worst part was it was a continu-ation from last year. Once

    again, Rab-bi Akiva had his head coun-selorship challenged just because he missed a

    day. Last year, Yehuda 10&baum was the culprit. This year it was Rabbi Z. himself. What Chutzpah! Just as Rabbi Akiva was lifting his shoe to throw at Rabbi Z. in order to prove his maturity, who should happen to walk in but the inde-fatigable Yehuda 10&baum himself! Wow, what a great surprise! 10&baum is back! And wearing a very strange hat.

    Leagues follow and Meir Berkowitz made an incredible bear-handed catch in baseball. Meanwhile, back at the batcave, Bunks Alef and Ches played water wars and got very, very wet. In fact, Motik

    Polin got so wet he thought he was Shmulik. The day ended with a really great game of Cap-ture The Counselor. And oh, were they captured. Mor-dechai Moshayev captured Eitan Goldman but only after a very challenging chase through the everglades. Some counselors ran for miles while some hid in Rabbi Z.s car. 10&baum kept score and made sure everyone won a freeze pop. Yeah!

    Everyone was sent home, but not without giving out tons of Ritas to Bunk Vuv Kuttun who won the skit in a bag, and to the Baumingers, who remem-bered to review the Gemara with their father over Shabbos. Hey, anyone could do that! What a great way to win free Ritas!

    Friday Davening, learning, Rabbi

    Goldstein Bible class, leagues, go carts and in additionchallah baking with Rabbi Doctor Yehuda 10&baum. Couple that with a Safrus demo with Rabbi Katkovsky!!! Oh what a day it will be, Ho Ho Ho!

    Weve enjoyed two great weeks of sports, including these highlights: Bunk Alef showing their speed and stamina as they chased, kicked and played the fol-lowing games with the coun-selors: Kick the counselor (with a soccer ball), gorilla tag, jailbreak, and kickball. Not only did they show tre-mendous energy, they showed terrif-ic midos. Keep it up Alef!

    Ches played foot-ball and soccer. In football, there were some outstanding plays: Natanel Bitas earned his team a first down and wound up in the bushes, Zack Brill caught a 15 yard touchdown pass, Yonah Tzvi Miller also caught a pass in the endzone to earn his team 7 while Chaim Leib Miller caught the

    QB for a safety and then al-most returned a kick-off, running it back 30 yards on a 50-yard field. Chaim Reiner made a leaping at-tempt in the endzone but just missed while Ephraim Pollock, playing with just one good arm, dove for a ball and also just missed. Chaim Lando scored the penulti-mate touchdown followed by Yonaton Hasidim who scored a touchdown from the one yardlineon his de-fending end. (He ran the en-tire field to score.) Yonaton

    was also the star on the soc-cer field scoring a hatrick + 1, each goal more impressive than the prior.

    Writers block.

    Maybe lets talk about pink elephants. Pink elephants wouldn't do so well in a camp. They would get stuck just trying to come into the door. And who's ever heard of an elephant learning.l Imag-ine an pink elephant playing

    sports. It wouldn't even be fair. Every time someone would go to shoot a goal, the elephant would just sit in front of it. Lunchtime would be messy as well. Ele-phants eat a lot, especially pink ones. What would it be like hav-ing an ele-phant as a pet. Imagine taking it on a walk. Everyone would know when you're bringing

    your elephant for walk. But then again, what if it steps on people's gardens. You could take your elephant to the

    pool. He would suck up water into his trunk and splash eve-ryone. That would be so much fun! But then again, who

    would want someone spray-ing water at them from their nose. Ewww.

    Now that I think of it, hav-ing an elephant wouldn't be so bad. It would just be a lot of responsibility. It could give rides to everyone. But what would be the best color for the elephant. Blue? Green? Maybe just the old classic gray. If we would be doing color war this year (which we're not) we could use the elephant as a mascot for one of the teams. That wouldn't be fair so we would have to get another elephant for the other team. If you could have an animal in camp, what would you choose?

    Week in Review (Continued from Page 3)


    Elephants Yehuda Tenenbaum

    Sports with

    Mr. Somers Mr. Ira Somers

  • In light of Yehuda Tenenbaums sudden arrival, I have been confront-ed with a very unique dilemma. Camp Achdus has three qualified staff members that could be head counselor: Rabbi Polack, Rabbi Mi-chelsohn, and Ye-huda. I dont know which one is best for the job, so lay out the case and let the good campers of Camp Achdus decide.

    Now, I look for four key factors in a head counselor: Vocal and musical talent, how fun their games are, fa-vorite foods, and methods of disci-pline.

    vocal and musical talents

    First, let us examine the candi-

    dates vocal and musical talents. Eve-ryone in camp knows that Yehuda is an accomplished music song writer and singer, while on the other hand, Rabbi Pollack can only hit one note, soooo. . .

    Then there is Rabbi Michelsohn, who has shown flashes of brilliance regarding vocal aptitude, especially in his Acheinu performance.


    Next is how fun their games are. I vote them all equal because their

    best games are Uncle Yehuda says, Rabbi Pollack says and Rabbi Michel-sohn says, respectively.

    foods of choice

    Then we have foods of choice. While Rabbi Pollack is famous for his love of hearts of palm and avocado,

    Zecharya is usually craving his deli-cious Food for Thought. Yehuda has yet to announce his allegiance to any specific food and enjoys eating a healthy diet of greens, nuts and ber-ries.


    Finally is their method of disci-pline. Yehuda seems to be the most merciful of the three; he rarely disci-plines camper but Ill bet he has a few tricks up his long sleeves. Rabbi Pollack has brought his revolution-ary write punisher to Camp Achdus

    which makes throwing balls in-side seem like a federal offense. And then, last but not least there is Rabbi Michelsohn, who exercises jus-tice by talking therapeutically to

    first time offenders, and if reform is not seen, he makes them sit in the office for all of eternity.

    Well, there it is, I have told you everything I know about these three candidates. Ill leave it up to you to choose who should be the head counselor of Came Achdus.

    Who should be

    the real Head

    Counselor? Yaakov Horwitz, MSW

    In this week Parsha, we speak about the . We learn that there are 48 in both Eretz Israel and ; however only some of these 48 are legitimate, three in Eretz Israel and three in . The question is, rationalize, if there are more people in Eretz Israel than in , shouldnt there be more there, than in ?

    Rashi speaks out that there were more murderers in then in Eretz Israel. Why? What led

    the people of Eretz Israel to be more scrupulous than the people of ?

    The Meforshim explain, based on , that if one is surrounded by Kedusha, the Kedusha ultimately influences him. We see that the Kedusha of the Mishkan in Eretz Israel was so great that it influenced the people around to follow the Mish-patim and Chukim of the Torah.

    Parshas Maasei Shloimy Ribiat

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