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ACN 124 110 167

Your reference

Our reference B_FMG_42

Postal address

PO Box 384

Wembley WA 6913

Street address

5 Bishop Street

Jolimont WA 6014

Phone (08) 9285 8722

Fax (08) 9285 8811

Todd Edwards

Senior Environmental Specialist

Fortescue Metals Group

PO Box 6915

East Perth WA 6892

Dear Todd

Re: Addendum to Stygofauna Assessment of Northern and Southern Borefields.


Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) operates the Solomon iron ore mine, located 60 kilometres

(km) north of Tom Price in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Solomon consists of two mining

areas, Kings and Firetail. Fortescue is currently investigating options to develop two new borefields

at Solomon: one approximately 12 km to the north-east of Firetail and one 12 km to the south-east

of Kings. They are known as the Northern Borefield and Southern Borefield, respectively.

Previously, a Level 2 survey in June and July 2014 collected and identified 13 stygofauna species

known only from the proposed borefield areas (Bennelongia 2014; Table 1). While the available

information suggested that 10 of these species probably have wider ranges, it appeared that three

species might have ranges that are mostly confined to the borefields. These species were the snail

Hydrobiidae sp. B06, the copepod Elaphoidella sp. B04 and the syncarid Bathynella sp. B16.

Table 1. Stygofauna species currently known only from the proposed drawdown areas.

Higher Order Northern



Borefield Comments on species ranges


range (km)

Restricted to

areas of


Number of specimens


Hydrobiidae sp. B06 1 Known only from this record c. 10 Possibly


Areacandona sp. BOS394 21 Known only from this record c. 100 Unlikely

Areacandona sp. BOS400 3 Known only from this record c. 100 Unlikely

Candoninae sp. BOS402 1 Known only from this record c. 100 Unlikely

Candoninae sp. BOS406 1 Known only from this record c. 100 Unlikely

Candoninae sp. BOS407 1 Known only from this record c. 100 Unlikely


Elaphoidella sp. B04 1 Known only from this record Unknown Possibly

Elaphoidella sp. CP1 5 Known only from this record Unknown Unlikely

Harpacticoida sp. CP1 4 Known only from this record Unknown Unlikely


Bathynella sp. B16 1 Known only from this record <10 Moderately likely

Billibathynella sp. HOL 15 Known only from this record <10 Unlikely


Paramelitidae sp. B41 1 Known only from this record c. 50 Unlikely

Paramelitidae sp. B42 1 Known only from this record c. 50 Unlikely

Bennelongia environmental consultants


To assess the level of threat to these species, additional stygofauna sampling was undertaken

outside the proposed borefields. The specific objectives were to: i) demonstrate wider occurrence

of these target species outside the area of groundwater drawdown; and ii) evaluate the impact of

the proposed groundwater abstraction on these species.

Field and Laboratory Methods

Additional sampling at Solomon was conducted according to the approach laid out in

Environmental Assessment Guideline 12 and Guidance Statement No. 54A (EPA 2007, 2013) and

follows the procedures described in the previous report ‘Solomon: Stygofauna Assessment of

Northern and Southern Borefields’ (Bennelongia 2014).

A total of 38 stygofauna samples were collected from the vicinity of the proposed borefields

between 10 and 13 November 2014 (Appendix 1; Figure 1). This was in addition to the 80

stygofauna samples that were collected from 41 bores in June and July 2014 (Bennelongia 2014)

and 54 historical samples that had been collected previously during other surveys for Fortescue

undertaken by Ecologia (2013a, b) and Subterranean Ecology (2010, 2011). Twenty samples were

collected outside the Northern Borefield and 18 samples outside the Southern Borefield.

Sampling outside the Northern Borefield focussed on the tributaries of the Fortescue River and 18

samples were collected near Coolawanyah Airport, which is located c. 12-35 km northwest of the

Northern Survey Area. This area was sampled because two of the target species, Hydrobiidae sp.

B06 and Elaphoidella sp. B04, were known only from Old Millers Bore at the north side of the

groundwater drawdown area associated with the Northern Borefield (Bennelongia 2014). It was

considered possible that the two species may occur farther downstream in the Fortescue River

tributaries. Two additional samples were also taken from near the Fortescue Marsh in the Northern

Survey Area.

Sampling outside the Southern Borefield targeted the tributaries of Weelamurra Creek in the

vicinity of Mount Sheila, located c. 2-10 km northwest of the Southern Survey Area (Figure 1). This

area was sampled because the previous Level 2 survey had indicated the presence of a moderately

rich stygofauna community and the target species Bathynella sp. B16 was considered to be possibly


Taxonomic identifications were based on morphological comparisons between the material

collected in June/July (Level 2 survey) and specimens collected in November 2014 (targeted survey).

Representative specimens of 11 stygofauna species collected by Subterranean Ecology in 2010 and

2011, but previously unavailable for study, were also examined as part of the identification process.

DNA analyses were carried out on seven specimens to refine identifications. These were three

amphipod specimens of the family Paramelitidae, two isopod specimen of the family

Microcerberidae, and two hydrobiid snail specimens. DNA sequences from these animals were

compared with the DNA data generated previously for specimens from the Solomon mine area.


Fieldwork was undertaken by Jeremy Quartermaine and Jim Cocking. Samples were sorted by

Jeremy Quartermaine, Dean Main, Mike Scanlon and Danilo Harms. Identifications were made by

Jane McRae (copepods, syncarids and amphipods) and Stuart Halse (ostracods). DNA lab work and

analyses were undertaken by Danilo Harms.


A total of 761 stygofauna specimens belonging to at least 41 species were collected during the

targeted survey. These comprised Nematoda (2 species), Rotifera (treated as 1 species),

Gastropoda (1), Aphanoneura (1), Oligochaeta (3), Ostracoda (9), Copepoda (12), Spelaeogriphacea

Bennelongia environmental consultants


(1), Syncarida (1), Amphipoda (7) and Isopoda (3). The targeted survey brought the total number of

stygofauna specimens collected from the proposed borefields and surrounds (see Figure 1) to 3153,

which represents at least 83 species (Appendix 2).

Target species

The results of the previous Level 2 stygofauna survey (Bennelongia 2014) suggested that the snail

Hydrobiidae sp. B06, the copepod Elaphoidella sp. B04 and the syncarid Bathynella sp. B16 might

be restricted to the proposed areas of groundwater drawdown in the borefields.

Targeted sampling showed wider distribution of one of these three species (Hydroiidae sp. B06).

The other two species (Elaphoidella sp. B04 and Bathynella sp. B16) remain known only from within

the borefields. In the case of Elaphoidella sp. CP1, however, we were unable to determine whether

it had been re-collected (with a range extending outside the proposed borefields) because the only

specimens of this species have been lodged in Crustacea collections of the Western Australian

Museum and cannot be found (Andrew Hosie, pers. com.). Elaphoidella sp. B07, which is known

only 3 km to the north and outside the proposed borefields, may be the same species as

Elaphoidella sp. CP1. This would mean two of the three potentially restricted species have been

shown to have distributions extending beyond the borefields.

The range extension of Hyrobiidae sp. B06 was quite dramatic. The species was previously known

only from a single specimen in the Northern Borefield but additional sampling yielded 64 additional

specimens from bores CPM0205 and TRRDR23 in the vicinity of the Southern Borefield (Figure 2B),

which is a range extension of 36 km. The identification of these animals as the same species is

based on morphology because, although amplification of DNA was successful for a specimen from

bore CPM0205 during the targeted survey, no DNA was obtained from the single specimen

collected during the Level 2 survey (Bennelongia 2014).

Other species recorded only from the borefields

Wider ranges because of improved identifications have also been shown for three of the other 10

stygofauna species previously known only from the borefields (Table 1) but predicted in

Bennelongia (2014) to have wider ranges. These are the ostracods Candoninae sp. BOS406 and

Candoninae sp. BOS407 and the copepod Harpacticoida sp. CP1.

Additional specimens showed that the ostracod species Candoninae sp. BOS406 and Candoninae

sp. BOS407 are conspecific with Areacandona sp. BOS387, which is a widespread species with a

linear range of 44 km (Figure 2A). Candoninae sp. BOS406 and Candoninae sp. BOS407 were

previously represented by valve fragments and positive identification of Areacandona species

usually requires morphological details that are only visible if specimens are collected alive (e.g.

Karanovic, 2005).

The copepod Harpacticoida sp. CP1 was collected and identified by Subterranean Ecology in 2010.

After specimens were provided to Bennelongia, it was determined that Harpacticoida sp. CP1 was

the same species as Australocamptus sp. B11, which has been collected 29 km away at Mt MacLeod

to the south of the Southern Borefield (Figure 2B).

Current conservation status of species

As a result of targeted sampling and some taxonomic refinement, four species previously collected

only from the borefields are now known to be more widespread (Table 2). The snail Hydrobiidae

sp. B06 has a linear range of at least 36 km and the copepod Australocamptus sp. B11 (previously

Harpacticoida sp. CP1) has a range of at least 29 km. Both species have been recorded outside the

borefields. The ostracod fragments previously referred to as Candoninae sp. BOS406 and

Candoninae sp. BOS407 belong to the widespread species Areacandona sp. BOS387, which a range

Bennelongia environmental consultants


of 45 km or more and occurs at multiple sites outside the borefields. It is also possible that

Elaphoidella sp. CP1 was collected outside the proposed borefields (as Elaphoidella sp. B07).

The number of species known only from the proposed areas of groundwater drawdown was

reduced by at least 31% after targeted sampling that represented only 22% of all sampling effort in

the vicinity. Based on the fact that the previously restricted species now shown to be widespread

have linear ranges of 30-45 km, it appears likely that all nine species known only from the

borefields are likely to have ranges extending beyond the Northern Borefield and Southern

Borefield. None of the single records of these species is more than 2.5 km from the edge of

groundwater drawdown (Figures 2 and 3). Perhaps most significantly, no species known from two

or more bores is restricted to the proposed areas of groundwater drawdown, which strongly

suggests that apparently restricted ranges are an artefact of sampling.

These sampling artefacts do not reflect low survey effort because 172 stygofauna samples have

been collected for this assessment. Instead, it probably reflects a patchy distribution and low

abundance of the apparently restricted species. Accordingly, we suggest that it is now appropriate

to consider that all nine species known only from the proposed areas of groundwater drawdown

are unlikely to be restricted to these areas of drawdown.

Table 2. Status of targeted stygofauna species following additional sampling in November 2014.

Higher Order Northern





Drawdowns Comments



Restricted to

areas of


Number of specimens


Hydrobiidae sp. B06 1 64 Widespread 36 No


Areacandona sp. BOS387* 65 44 Widespread 44 No

Areacandona sp. BOS394 21 Single record c. 100 Unlikely

Areacandona sp. BOS400 3 Single record c. 100 Unlikely

Candoninae sp. BOS402 1 Single record c. 100 Unlikely


Australocamptus sp. B11# 4 8 Widespread 29 No

Elaphoidella sp. B04 1 Single record Unknown Unlikely

Elaphoidella sp. CP1 5 Single record Unknown Unlikely


Bathynella sp. B16 1 Single record <10 Unlikely

Billibathynella sp. HOL 15 Single record <10 Unlikely


Paramelitidae sp. B41 1 Single record c. 30-70 Unlikely

Paramelitidae sp. B42 1 Single record c. 30-70 Unlikely

Gery shading indicates species name changes. * includes the specimens previously identified as Candoninae sp. BOS406 and Candoninae sp.

BOS407; # re-classified species previously referred to as Harpacticoida sp. CP1.

Yours sincerely

Dr Stuart Halse

Bennelongia Environmental Consultants

13 December 2014


Bennelongia environmental consultants



Bennelongia (2014) Solomon: Stygofauna Assessment of Northern and Southern Borefields. Report

2014/222, Bennelongia Pty Ltd, Jolimont, 31 pp.

Ecologia (2013a) Mt MacLeod subterranean fauna assessment. Ecologia Environment, West Perth,

62 pp.

Ecologia (2013b) Stingray subterranean fauna assessment. Ecologia Environment, West Perth, 63


EPA (2007) Sampling methods and survey considerations for subterranean fauna in Western

Australia (Technical Appendix to Guidance Statement No. 54). Guidance Statement 54A.

Environmental Protection Authority, Perth, 32 pp.

EPA (2013) Consideration of subterranean fauna in environmental impact assessment in WA.

Environmental Assessment Guideline 12, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth, 20 pp.

Guzik, M.T., Abrams, K.M., Cooper, S.J.B., Humphreys, W.F., Cho, J.-L., and Austin, A.D. (2008)

Phylogeography of the ancient Parabathynellidae (Crustacea: Bathynellacea) from the

Yilgarn region of Western Australia. Invertebrate Systematics 22, 205-216.

Hebert, P.D.N, Ratnasingham, S., and deWaard, J.R. (2003). Barcoding animal life: cycochrome c

oxidase subunit 1 divergences amongst closely related species. Proceedings of the Royal

Society of London Series B 270, S96-S99.

Karanovic, I. (2005) Towards a revision of Candoninae (Crustacea: Ostracoda): Australian

representatives of the subfamily, with descriptions of three new genera and species. New

Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 39, 29-75.

Subterranean Ecology (2010) Fortescue Metals Group Solomon Project: Kings Deposits

Subterranean Fauna Survey & Assessment. Report No. 2010/ 20, Subterranean Ecology Pty

Ltd, Stirling, 96 pp.

Subterranean Ecology (2011) Fortescue Metals Group Solomon Project: Regional Subterranean

Fauna Survey: Final Report. Report No. 2010/20, Subterranean Ecology Pty Ltd, Stirling, 38


Figures and Appendices

Bennelongia environmental consultants


Figure 1. Bores sampled for stygofauna at Solomon. Brown circles represent bores sampled in November and green circles those of the Leven 2 survey.

[ Bennelongia environmental consultants


Figure 2. Updated distributions of ostracods, gastropods and copepods in the vicinity of the Solomon mine.

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Figure 3. Updated distributions of syncarids, isopods and amphipods in the vicinity of the Solomon mine.

Bennelongia environmental consultants


Appendix 1. Additional bores sampled for stygofauna in targeted survey.

Orebody Bore Code Company Latitude Longitude Sample Date

NBF area Bardie Bore Bennelongia -21.91207778 117.938025 11-Nov-14

Cable Hut Bore Bennelongia -21.92636111 117.9506111 11-Nov-14

Cement Bore Bennelongia -21.87375 117.8601111 12-Nov-14

Cement Well Bennelongia -21.8736375 117.8600892 12-Nov-14

Colyeen Bore Bennelongia -21.89437917 117.8998472 11-Nov-14

Hancock Bore Bennelongia -22.07425222 118.1185058 11-Nov-14

Hardie Well Bennelongia -21.8296875 117.8228167 12-Nov-14

Jardines Well Bennelongia -21.81058444 117.8522114 12-Nov-14

Lefroy Well Bennelongia -21.81556944 117.7356 12-Nov-14

Lockwood Bore Bennelongia -21.85630556 117.8269167 12-Nov-14

Lockwood Well Bennelongia -21.85632639 117.8269467 12-Nov-14

Man O War Bore Bennelongia -21.83777778 117.8013889 12-Nov-14

Man O War Well Bennelongia -21.83741944 117.8010119 12-Nov-14

Montys Well Bennelongia -21.79780528 117.7801769 12-Nov-14

Nelson Well Bennelongia -21.87891667 117.7547778 12-Nov-14

Nemi Bore Bennelongia -22.10541083 118.1744567 11-Nov-14

Pump Well Bennelongia -21.84030528 117.8978531 11-Nov-14

Quarrina Well Bennelongia -21.88405 117.7980294 12-Nov-14

TDISI Bennelongia -21.79940139 117.8260328 12-Nov-14

Yorks Bore Bennelongia -21.81551806 117.735575 12-Nov-14

SBF area Als Bore Bennelongia -22.22100194 117.6907022 11-Nov-14

CPM0135 Bennelongia -22.2434225 117.6348083 10-Nov-14

CPM013BIF Bennelongia -22.24331417 117.6348078 10-Nov-14

CPM017D Bennelongia -22.2314175 117.6857453 13-Nov-14

CPM019BIF Bennelongia -22.20975917 117.7160939 13-Nov-14

CPM019S Bennelongia -22.2096325 117.7161031 13-Nov-14

CPM0205 Bennelongia -22.20255 117.6952303 11-Nov-14

CPM02101D Bennelongia -22.20342556 117.6771908 11-Nov-14

CPM0215 Bennelongia -22.20342806 117.6772453 11-Nov-14

CPP020 Bennelongia -22.20249167 117.6952569 11-Nov-14

CPP021 Bennelongia -22.20351139 117.6772278 10-Nov-14

PB1006 Bennelongia -22.20303278 117.704375 11-Nov-14

SMB1011 Bennelongia -22.25682444 117.6541139 10-Nov-14

SMB1012 Bennelongia -22.20289944 117.7044069 11-Nov-14

SVD0006 Bennelongia -22.23613861 117.6190653 10-Nov-14

SVD004 Bennelongia -22.24604528 117.6386631 10-Nov-14

TRRDR3 Bennelongia -22.20011056 117.6921519 11-Nov-14

SVD0007 Bennelongia -22.21830556 117.685 10-Nov-14

[ Bennelongia environmental consultants


Appendix 2. All stygofauna species collected during surveys of the proposed borefields and surrounds.

Higher Order Northern Survey Area Southern Survey Area

Lowest Identification Number of Specimens Comments on Species Range


Turbellaria sp. 2 Range unknown because of poor taxonomy. Not assessed in EIAs1


Nematoda sp. 16 4 May be more than one species. Not assessed in EIAs1


Bdelloidea sp. 2:2 126 18 Range unknown because of poor taxonomy. Not assessed in EIAs1


Hydrobiidae sp. B06 1 64 Known from three bores in the Solomon area, linear range 36 km


Aeolosoma sp. 1 (PSS) 22 3 Pilbara-wide2,3

Aeolosoma sp. 2 (PSS) 2 Pilbara-wide2,3


Insulodrilus lacustris s.l. Pilbara type 2/3 (PSS) 7 Also upper Fortescue, De Grey River and Port Hedland Coastal basins 2,3

Phreodrilidae sp. 18 HIGHER ORDER identification, Subterranean Ecology specimens

Phreodrilidae sp. FLO 19 Known only from these records (two bores outside drawdown)

Phreodrilidae sp. S06 10 Known from elsewhere in the Solomon area, linear range 50 km

Phreodrilidae with dissimilar ventral chaetae 35 41 Pilbara-wide2,3

Phreodrilidae with similar ventral chaetae 9 Pilbara-wide2,3

Phreodrilus peniculus 3 3 Known from 26 bores in the wider Solomon area

Enchytraeidae sp. 3 HIGHER ORDER identification, Subterranean Ecology specimens

Enchytraeus sp. 1 (PSS) Pilbara 93 54 Pilbara-wide2

Oligochaeta sp. 17 HIGHER ORDER identification, Subterranean Ecology specimens


Areacandona bluffed 2 Also, Ashburton basin7,8. Linear range of 248 km

Areacandona korallion 1 4 Also Port Hedland Coastal basin and further downstream in Fortescue valley7.

Linear range of 120 km

Areacandona mulgae 2 18 Known from the Newman area

Areacandona quasilepte 19 4 Also Port Hedland Coastal basin and further downstream in Fortescue valley 7.

Linear range of 134 km

Areacandona sp. BOS387 106 5 Known from seven bores in the Solomon area, linear range 44 km

Areacandona sp. BOS394 21 Known only from this record

Areacandona sp. BOS400 3 Known only from this record

Candoninae sp. BOS402 1 Known only from this record

Candoninae sp. BOS426 1 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Candonocypris fitzroyi 73 10 Kimberley, Pilbara3,4

Cypretta seurati 64 Cosmopolitan5,6

Cypretta sp. A (PSW) 18 Also De Grey River and Sandy Desert basins2,3

Cypridopsis sp. 33 Uncertain due to taxonomic resolution. Likely to be a widespread species

Bennelongia environmental consultants


Higher Order Northern Survey Area Southern Survey Area

Lowest Identification Number of Specimens Comments on Species Range

Limnocythere dorsosicula (=stationis) 2 Pilbara-wide

Ostracoda sp. unident. 18 HIGHER ORDER identification, Subterranean Ecology specimens


Anzcyclops ‘pearsoni’ ms 1 Serenity and Flinders Mine

Anzcyclops sp. B05 2 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Australocyclops nr similis 24 Elsewhere in Fortescue catchment3

Diacyclops cockingi 24 20 Pilbara-wide2,9

Diacyclops einslei 34 Pilbara-wide2,9

Diacyclops humphreysi humphreysi 54 209 Pilbara-wide2,10

Diacyclops scanloni 6 6 Pilbara-wide2,9

Diacyclops sp. 10 HIGHER ORDER identification, Subterranean Ecology specimens

Dussartcyclops sp. B01 1 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Mesocyclops notius 50 Pilbara and Gascoyne3

Metacyclops sp. B01 (nr pilbaricus) 4 Cloudbreak, Flinders Mine and Hamersley

Metacyclops sp. B04 (nr mortoni) 72 Known only from these records (three bores outside drawdown)

Microcyclops varicans 49 35 Cosmopolitan11

Orbuscyclops westaustraliensis 30 1 Robe and upper Fortescue catchment3,9

Thermocyclops decipiens 50 Pilbara and Gascoyne3

Cyclopoida sp. 11 142 HIGHER ORDER identification, Subterranean Ecology specimens

Australocamptus `pilbarensis` ms 42 Serenity Valley, elsewhere in Solomon area

Australocamptus sp. B11 (=Harpacticoida sp. CP1) 12 Known only from two bores (one outside the drawdown)

Elaphoidella sp. B04 1 Known only from this record

Elaphoidella sp. B06 1 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Elaphoidella sp. B07 1 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Elaphoidella sp. CP1 5 Known only from this record

Abnitocrella eberhardi 1 Widespread9

Megastygonitocrella sp. B04 53 1 Known only from seven records (five bores outside drawdown)

Parastenocaris sp. 8 3 HIGHER ORDER identification, females, cannot identify further

Parastenocaris sp. B16 (=Parastenocaris cf. jane) 2 Serenity and Flinders Mine

Parastenocaris sp. B27 1 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Harpacticoida sp. 4 8 HIGHER ORDER identification, very juvenile, cannot identify further


Mangkurtu sp. FLO 65 Known only from these records (four bores outside groundwater drawdown


Bathynella sp. B15 1 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Bathynella sp. B16 1 Known only from this record

Bathynellidae sp. 4 HIGHER ORDER identification, Subterranean Ecology specimens

Bathynellidae sp. 1 (ecologia) 9 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Bathynellidae sp. FLO 1 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Bathynellidae sp. SOLOMON 1 3 Known only from two records (one bore in Valley of the Queens)

Bathynellidae sp. SVW 1 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Bennelongia environmental consultants


Higher Order Northern Survey Area Southern Survey Area

Lowest Identification Number of Specimens Comments on Species Range

Atopobathynella sp. B20 48 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Billibathynella sp. 1 HIGHER ORDER identification, Subterranean Ecology specimens

Billibathynella sp. B08 53 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Billibathynella sp. CP1 163 Known from five bores in the Solomon area, linear range 30 km

Billibathynella sp. HOL 15 Known only from this record

Brevisomabathynella sp. B02 4 Known only from these records (two bores outside drawdown)

Brevisomabathynella sp. B06 1 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Parabathynellidae sp. 96 HIGHER ORDER identification, Subterranean Ecology specimens


Maarrka sp. B01 2 Valley of the Queens, Flinders Mine

nr Austrogammarus sp. B01 16 Known only from these records (three bores outside drawdown)

Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. 19 HIGHER ORDER identification, some Subterranean Ecology specimens

Paramelitidae Genus 2 sp. B08 (=Paramelitidae SOLOMON 1) 151 51 Widespread in Solomon area

Paramelitidae sp. 2 3 HIGHER ORDER identification, some Subterranean Ecology specimens

Paramelitidae sp. B14 2 Elsewhere in Fortescue catchment, linear range 9 km

Paramelitidae sp. B39 21 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Paramelitidae sp. B40 8 Known only from these records (two bores outside drawdown)

Paramelitidae sp. B41 1 Known only from this record

Paramelitidae sp. B42 1 Known only from this record

Paramelitidae sp. B45 8 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Paramelitidae sp. B46 3 Known only from this record (one bore outside drawdown)

Pilbarus sp. B01 cf. millsi (=Pilbarus sp. SOLOMON 1) 1 28 Widespread in Solomon area, linear range 44 km

Pilbarus sp. B04 (=Pilbarus sp. SER) 7 Serenity and Flinders Mine

Pilbarus sp. B06 (=Pilbarus sp. FLO) 361 Known only from ten records (seven bores outside drawdown), range 44 km

Neoniphargidae sp. B04 23 Known only from these records (three bores outside drawdown)

Melitidae sp. B07 (=Melitidae SOLOMON 2) 4 Valley of the Kings (plus two in, one out)

Nedsia sp. B05 (=Nedsia sp. Solomon 1) 3 Elsewhere at Solomon, Sheila Valley,, linear range 29 km


Pygolabis sp. B05 2 Also Flinders Mine; widespread species3

Pygolabis sp. B10 3 Also Flinders Mine; widespread species3

Microcerberidae sp. B09 13 1 Known only from four records (three bores outside drawdown) 1EPA (2007); 2Halse et al. (2014); 3Bennelongia unpublished data; 4McKenzie (1966); 5Okubo 1973; 6Martens and Savatenalinton (2011); 7Karanovic (2007); 8Bennelongia (2014b) 9Karanovic (2006); 10Pesce and De Laurentiis

(1996); 11Sars (1863). Blue shading indicates species that are current known only from one of the survey areas.

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