Page 1: Acrros the universe the beatles
Page 2: Acrros the universe the beatles

The Beatles




Duración: 3:37 min.

A través



Page 3: Acrros the universe the beatles

Las Palabras Fluyen

Como Lluvia

areWordsflowing out like

endless Rain

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into a paper cup

dentro de una taza de


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They slither while they

pass they slip away


al pasarse


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across the Universe

a través del universo

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Pools sorrowof


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de felicidadolas

ofwawes joy

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pasan por mi mente



through openmy mind

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Possessing and caressing




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Jai guru deva a om

Jai guru deva a om

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Nothing's gonna change my world

Nada va a cambiar mi mundo

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Imágenes de luz vacilante

Images of broken light

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which dance before me

que bailan frente a mí

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como un millón de ojos

me like a million eyes

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me llaman y me llaman a través del universo

That call me on and on across the universe

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pensamientos serpenteantes

Thoughts meander

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como un viento inquieto dentro de unbuzón

like a restless wind inside a letter box they

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se tambalean ciegamente mientras recorren su camino

Tumble blindly as they make their wayAcross the universe

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Jai guru deva a om

Jai guru deva a om

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Nothing's gonna change my world

Nada va a cambiar mi mundo

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Sonidos de risas

Sounds of laughter

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shades of earth are ringing

sombras de la tierravienen a mi mente

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están sonando a través de mi mente abierta

are ringingThrough my open views

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incitándome e invitándome

inviting and inciting me

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Infinito e inmortal amor que brilla a mi alrededor

Limitless undying love which shines around me

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like a Million suns

como un millón de soles

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que me llaman y me llaman a través del universo

it calls me on and onAcross the universe

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Jai guru deva a om

Jai guru deva a om

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Nothing's gonna change my world

Nada va a cambiar mi mundo

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[email protected]


Tr aduc i do por. / t s c om ar l e t r as ht ml

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