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Action Plan

For US Poker Players

First Wave… updated April 19, 2011

The Poker Players' Versionof the Boston Tea Party

By Donna BlevinsDean of Poker Mindset Academy™

With Special thanks to Martin Shapiro, Florida State Director of Poker PlayersAlliance for being the impetus for initially getting this out April 17, 2011

Please pass this on to your poker-playing friends.Tell them to download a copy here

If you happen to live outside of the United States and you knowany US poker players, please pass this along to them.

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You have a choice right now. Either fold your hand and act like a victim or play backat the big stack bullies with courage and raise.

Some people have said we have less than 30 days to channel our anger andassemble an army. I believe we literally have only a few days to launch our firstwave. Here it is.

What to do… bottom line

Raise: Follow PPA's 3-step plan. Specific links & numbers follow.

Call and email the US Attorney General

Email the President of the United States

Email your Senators and Representative

o My addition-- repeat these three actions daily

Move all in: Expand on PPA's plan and follow our Poker Action Plan strategy.

Follow PPA's 3-step plan

Spend 2+ hours a day making phone calls, email, posting on socialmedia… tweeting and posting on FaceBook, volunteering. Specifics arebelow.

Call the President of the United States, your senators, and US Houserepresentative

What to say-- below you'll find a simple script you can use for the calls

Tweets, Facebook, forum posts, and email suggestions are here

A phone call list is printed at the end of this Action Plan

Print out this Poker Action Plan

This Poker Action Plan has everything you will need to take action. Print it out nowand prepare to make a difference. Use a downloaded version on your computer andyou can use click thru links to take action.

Thank you, Donna Blevins

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Action Plan

Our Mission: To let all our Government representatives know that poker playersacross the country are outraged, that we will not stand by idly while ourgovernment infringes upon our rights.

Our Objective: To make our collective voices heard by having every poker playerin the United States make at least five phone calls and emails each day, post onsocial network platform, blogs, and forums beginning April 18, 2011. Continueaction until we have satisfaction.

Our Strategy:

CCSW = Call and Connect to Spread the Word


How many hours a week did you play online poker? Take those hours and use themto take action.

Remember: We must keep pressure on the government on all fronts. Be sure youare a premium member of Poker Players Alliance. While we take grassroots action,PPA is our voice at the top. Premium membership only costs 20 bucks a year… Gohere to join or extend your membership:

Poker Players Alliance Takes Action… Press Release

PPA Defends Millions of Americans’ Right to Play Online Poker (04/16/2011)From PPA Chairman Alfonse D'Amato

“On behalf of the millions of poker players across the country, we areshocked at the action taken by the U.S. Department of Justice todayagainst online poker companies and will continue to fight for Americans’right to participate in the game they enjoy. Online poker is not a crime andshould not be treated as such.”

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Emails: Below are convenient links to the Poker Players Alliance email alert

system that will send the emails for you. The words are also there for you. Be sureto begin the emails with your voice— a few simple words in the first sentence thatspeak about you and how this has personally affected you.

PPS's system is set up so that you can do the process just twice, and up to fiveemails will go out as if they came directly from your email. One will go to the USAttorney General; the second will simultaneously go to President Obama and yourcongressional members. It is a smart system and selects your congressionalmembers by using the zip code you enter.

Phone calls: at the end of this Poker Action Plan, you'll find the current DC

numbers of all the members of congress. They are by state.

If you prefer an online resource, you can go to PPA's resource map of the US. Clickon your state for the governor and senators. For your representative to the House,select your district. Even if you do not know your district number, the map is visualand easy to use.

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PPA's 3-Step Action Plan from

Take These Actions Today and Stand Up for Poker

1) Call and email the Department of Justice and Attorney General Holder

Call the Office of the Attorney General Public Comment Line:202-353-1555

Talking Points:

o The Department of Justice’s attack on Internet poker is a clear attack on therights of American poker players.

o The US government must ensure that the money American citizens have intheir Internet poker accounts is not jeopardized by the DOJ’s actions.

o The US government should be protecting American citizens by allowingInternet poker sites to become licensed and regulated under US law, ratherthan taking away citizens’ freedom to choose to play online poker for fun orfor a livelihood.

Click on the link below to send an email to Attorney General Holder

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2) Email President Obama and Congress

Click the link below to send an email to President Obama and Congress

3) Seek out your Representative and Senators and tell them how you feel

Congress is on recess for the next two weeks and your federal lawmakers will likelybe in their home state. Call their local offices and find out if they are having anypublic appearances. Attend the event and let your lawmaker know that you areupset about the recent Department of Justice action against poker and that theyshould support efforts to license and regulate Internet poker, not spend resourcestrying to criminalize it.

After you have completed Poker Players Alliance 3-step actionplan, please continue…

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Action Plan if You Have a Day Job

Voice Mail CALL Campaign & Emails

Since most of us do have day jobs, once you get home from work, dedicate at leastan hour taking action. First, send the two emails thru the PPA links that we listedabove. Next, call the numbers and leave detailed voice mail messages. Go to the"What to Say" section for what to say. You will find a simple script you can read inless than a minute.

Overload their voice mailboxes. Be sure to speak slowly, distinctly, and leave yourname along with your follow up phone number.

Remember, YOUR WORDS are important. People tend to rush throughvoice mail. This is important. Speak slowly, repeat your name and numbertwice, and spell your last name.

Our Action Plan when You Have Time

Telephone CALL Campaign

Starting Monday, April 18, 2011, at 9am Eastern Time begin calling. If anumber is busy, go to the next number. Return to the skipped ones and callagain. If the number is busy three times, skip that until the next day.

o call the first three numbers on the list

o next, go to your state in the following list & call your senators andhouse representative

The next page had the first numbers to call.

The following 2 pages have "WHAT to SAY"

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Telephone Call List

US Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General Public Comment Line(202) 353-1555

White House Phone Number for Comments: 202-456-1111

Your two Senators and your US Representatives. You'll find the DC numbersat the end of this Action Plan.

Southern District of New York, US Attorney General Preet Bharara(212) 637-2600 – We have had reports that they are telling callers they cando nothing, however, make thecall. He is the US Attorney forthe Southern District of NewYork, who brought the BlackFriday indictments.

Go to the next 2 pages for "WHAT to SAY"

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WHAT to SAY on the Phone to the Government Representatives:

NOTE: You will likely reach assistants rather than your government representative.In many cases, they are interns, very young, and may sound shy on the phone, orthey might be more mature volunteers. Make sure they write down what you say.Ask them to echo it back.

This is your script. Read it slowly, and ask the person on the other end to repeatthe message back to you. Even when you take your time, each call will take youless than 5 minutes. Be warm and cordial.

Hello, my name is ___________. What is your name please?

Thank you (say their name) _____________

Please give a detailed message to ______________

Are you ready to take down my message? (pause and wait for


The Department of Justice’s attack on Internet poker is a clear

attack on the rights of American poker players.

The US Government must ensure that the money American

citizens have in their Internet poker accounts is not jeopardized

by the DOJ’s actions.

The US Government should be protecting American citizens by

allowing Internet poker sites to become licensed and regulated

under US law, rather than taking away citizens’ freedom to

choose to play online poker for fun or for a livelihood.

Please read my message back to me.

Thank you.

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WHAT to SAY when you Get Voice Mail or an AnsweringMachine:

This is your script. Speak slowly and distinctly.

Remember, YOUR WORDS are important. Slow down. Be warm and cordial.Pretend you are leaving a message for a friend.

Hello, my name is ___________ (say & spell your name twice)

My phone number is _______________ (give your area code

and phone number twice, slowly)

Please give this message to ______________

The Department of Justice’s attack on Internet poker is a clear

attack on the rights of American poker players.

The US Government must ensure that the money American

citizens have in their Internet poker accounts is not jeopardized

by the DOJ’s actions.

The US Government should be protecting American citizens by

allowing Internet poker sites to become licensed and regulated

under US law, rather than taking away citizens’ freedom to

choose to play online poker for fun or for a livelihood.

Again, my name is ___________ (again say & spell your name)

My phone number is _______________ (again say your area

code and phone number slowly)

Thank you.

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Spread the Word… Social Media Guide

Use your social networks to get as many other people as possible to do the samething by sending them the following message. The link will take them to the most current downloadablepdf of this Action Plan. Since we will be updating the Action Plan as things change,check back at least once a week for an updated version.

Whenever possible, get this link out there

Tweet this (105 characters): US poker players must take actionnow. The Government attacked our freedom

Facebook, post this: US poker players must take action now. The USGovernment stole our right to play online poker. Download and followthis action plan. It is simple and will be effective if we take actiontogether

Facebook: Politely post your thoughts on the US Department of JusticeFacebook page, at

Simply "like" the page, and you can post away. Be sure to "like"other pro-poker posts as well.

Facebook: Follow the PPA Facebook page,

Forums: Update your signature on any poker related forums withmention about taking action with a link to this Poker Action Plan. Manyplayers are complaining and bemoaning our fate. Take the high roadand simply state something link this:

US poker players must take action now. Here is our Poker ActionPlan

Blogs: Update your signature on any poker related forums withmention about taking action with a link to this Poker Action Plan. Manyplayers are complaining and bemoaning our fate. Take the high roadand simply state something like this.

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I'm a US poker player, and I'm taking action. This uses the PPA's3-step plan and builds on it. I'm all in against the US Governmentbig stack bullies

Email to your poker buddies this: As a poker player, you know theUS Government stole our right to play poker. Please join me and takeaction right now. Download this action plan-- It is a simple way we canstand up for ourselves and make our voices heard. I believe it will makea difference and I am moving all in for my right to play poker online

Ask your friends, spouse, significant other, and everyone else send theletter from Couples should send individualletters, not joint, so that your voices are counted as two rather thanjust one.

Write articles on the issue. Many sites will allow you to post columnswithout any kind of approval. Use tools like Digg and Twitter to promotethese.

Write a blog post. I will post it on as a blogfrom you. Because of the mass of emails I am getting on the subject,the best way to get it to me is to post it as a comment on any blog poston this subject. Start it with, "Please post this as a blog from me anduse my name." My only requirement is that you approach this from aproactive stand rather than a reactive one. You can make suggestionsabout additional action, or mention what you are doing, and what hasbeen your reception from the government officials.

Comment on

Volunteer with PPA, at

Martin Shapiro, the Florida State Director of Poker Players Alliance isposting updates to a web page here:

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Telephone Call List

US Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General Public Comment Line(202) 353-1555

White House Phone Number for Comments: 202-456-1111

Your two Senators and your US Representatives. You'll find the DC numbersat the end of this Action Plan.

Southern District of New York, US Attorney General Preet Bharara(212) 637-2600 (They will likely tell you they can do nothing, however, makethe call. He is the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, whobrought the Black Friday indictments.)

The following list includes every Senator and Representative state by state.

Print it out and use it as a checklist.


Residents of Alabama are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 7 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Richard Shelby (R- AL) 202-224-5744

Senator Jeff Sessions (R- AL) 202-224-4124Representative Jo Bonner (R - 01) 202-225-4931Representative Martha Roby (R - 02) 202-225-2901Representative Mike Rogers (R - 03) 202-225-3261Representative Robert B. Aderholt (R - 04) 202-225-4876Representative Mo Brooks (R - 05) 202-225-4801Representative Spencer Bachus (R - 06) 202-225-4921Representative Terri A. Sewell (D - 07) 202-225-2665


Residents of Alaska are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 1 Representative.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Lisa Murkowski (R- AK) 202-224-6665Senator Mark Begich (D- AK) 202-224-3004Representative Don Young (R - Alaska At Large) 202-225-5765


Residents of Arizona are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 8 Representatives.

Member Name DC Phone

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Senator John McCain (R- AZ) 202-224-2235Senator Jon Kyl (R- AZ) 202-224-4521Representative Paul A. Gosar (R - 01) 202-225-2315Representative Trent Franks (R - 02) 202-225-4576Representative Ben Quayle (R - 03) 202-225-3361Representative Ed Pastor (D - 04) 202-225-4065Representative David Schweikert (R - 05) 202-225-2190Representative Jeff Flake (R - 06) 202-225-2635Representative Raul M. Grijalva (D - 07) 202-225-2435Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D - 08) 202-225-2542


Residents of Arkansas are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 4 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Mark Pryor (D- AR) 202-224-2353Senator John Boozman (R- AR) 202-224-4843Representative Rick Crawford (R - 01) 202-225-4076Representative Tim Griffin (R - 02) 202-225-2506Representative Steve Womack (R - 03) 202-225-4301Representative Mike Ross (D - 04) 202-225-3772


Residents of California are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 53 Representatives.

Member Name DC Phone

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D- CA) 202-224-3841Senator Barbara Boxer (D- CA) 202-224-3553Representative Mike Thompson (D - 01) 202-225-3311Representative Wally Herger (R - 02) 202-225-3076Representative Dan Lungren (R - 03) 202-225-5716Representative Tom McClintock (R - 04) 202-225-2511Representative Doris Matsui (D - 05) 202-225-7163Representative Lynn Woolsey (D - 06) 202-225-5161Representative George Miller (D - 07) 202-225-2095Representative Nancy Pelosi (D - 08) 202-225-4965Representative Barbara Lee (D - 09) 202-225-2661Representative John Garamendi (D - 10) 202-225-1880Representative Jerry McNerney (D - 11) 202-225-1947Representative Jackie Speier (D - 12) 202-225-3531Representative Pete Stark (D - 13) 202-225-5065Representative Anna G. Eshoo (D - 14) 202-225-8104Representative Mike Honda (D - 15) 202-225-2631Representative Zoe Lofgren (D - 16) 202-225-3072Representative Sam Farr (D - 17) 202-225-2861

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Representative Dennis Cardoza (D - 18) 202-225-6131Representative Jeff Denham (R - 19) 202-225-4540Representative Jim Costa (D - 20) 202-225-3341Representative Devin Nunes (R - 21) 202-225-2523Representative Kevin McCarthy (R - 22) 202-225-2915Representative Lois Capps (D - 23) 202-225-3601Representative Elton Gallegly (R - 24) 202-225-5811Representative Howard P. (Buck) McKeon (R - 25) 202-225-1956Representative David Dreier (R - 26) 202-225-2305Representative Brad Sherman (D - 27) 202-225-5911Representative Howard L. Berman (D - 28) 202-225-4695Representative Adam Schiff (D - 29) 202-225-4176Representative Henry A. Waxman (D - 30) 202-225-3976Representative Xavier Becerra (D - 31) 202-225-6235Representative Judy Chu (D - 32) 202-225-5464Representative Karen Bass (D - 33) 202-225-7084Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard (D - 34) 202-225-1766Representative Maxine Waters (D - 35) 202-225-2201Representative Vacant ( - 36) 202-225-8220Representative Laura Richardson (D - 37) 202-225-7924Representative Grace Napolitano (D - 38) 202-225-5256Representative Linda Sanchez (D - 39) 202-225-6676Representative Ed Royce (R - 40) 202-225-4111Representative Jerry Lewis (R - 41) 202-225-5861Representative Gary Miller (R - 42) 202-225-3201Representative Joe Baca (D - 43) 202-225-6161Representative Ken Calvert (R - 44) 202-225-1986Representative Mary Bono Mack (R - 45) 202-225-5330Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R - 46) 202-225-2415

Representative Loretta Sanchez (D - 47) 202-225-2965Representative John Campbell (R - 48) 202-225-5611

Representative Darrell Issa (R - 49) 202-225-3906Representative Brian P. Bilbray (R - 50) 202-225-0508Representative Bob Filner (D - 51) 202-225-8045Representative Duncan D. Hunter (R - 52) 202-225-5672Representative Susan A. Davis (D - 53) 202-225-2040Colorado

Residents of Colorado are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 7 Representatives.

Member Name DC Phone

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Senator Mark Udall (D- CO) 202-224-5941Senator Michael Bennet (D- CO) 202-224-5852

Representative Diana DeGette (D - 01) 202-225-4431Representative Jared Polis (D - 02) 202-225-2161Representative Scott R. Tipton (R - 03) 202-225-4761Representative Cory Gardner (R - 04) 202-225-4676Representative Doug Lamborn (R - 05) 202-225-4422Representative Mike Coffman (R - 06) 202-225-7882Representative Ed Perlmutter (D - 07) 202-225-2645

ConnecticutResidents of Connecticut are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 5Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Joe Lieberman (D- CT) 202-224-4041Senator Richard Blumenthal (D- CT) 202-224-2823Representative John Larson (D - 01) 202-225-2265Representative Joe Courtney (D - 02) 202-225-2076Representative Rosa L. DeLauro (D - 03) 202-225-3661Representative Jim Himes (D - 04) 202-225-5541Representative Chris Murphy (D - 05) 202-225-4476


Residents of Delaware are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 1 Representative.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Tom Carper (D- DE) 202-224-2441Senator Christopher Coons (D- DE) 202-224-5042Representative John Carney (D - Delaware At Large) 202-225-4165

District of Columbia

Residents of District of Columbia are represented in Congress by 1 Delegate.

Member Name DC PhoneDelegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D - At Large) 202-225-8050


Residents of Florida are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 25 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Bill Nelson (D- FL) 202-224-5274Senator Marco Rubio (R- FL) 202-224-3041Representative Jeff Miller (R - 01) 202-225-4136Representative Steve Southerland (R - 02) 202-225-5235Representative Corrine Brown (D - 03) 202-225-0123Representative Ander Crenshaw (R - 04) 202-225-2501Representative Richard Nugent (R - 05) 202-225-1002Representative Cliff Stearns (R - 06) 202-225-5744

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Representative John L. Mica (R - 07) 202-225-4035Representative Daniel Webster (R - 08) 202-225-2176

Representative Gus M. Bilirakis (R - 09) 202-225-5755Representative C. W. (Bill) Young (R - 10) 202-225-5961Representative Kathy Castor (D - 11) 202-225-3376Representative Dennis Ross (R - 12) 202-225-1252Representative Vern Buchanan (R - 13) 202-225-5015Representative Connie Mack (R - 14) 202-225-2536Representative Bill Posey (R - 15) 202-225-3671Representative Thomas J. Rooney (R - 16) 202-225-5792Representative Frederica Wilson (D - 17) 202-225-4506Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R - 18) 202-225-3931Representative Ted Deutch (D - 19) 202-225-3001Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D - 20) 202-225-7931Representative Mario Diaz-Balart (R - 21) 202-225-4211Representative Allen West (R - 22) 202-225-3026Representative Alcee L. Hastings (D - 23) 202-225-1313Representative Sandy Adams (R - 24) 202-225-2706Representative David Rivera (R - 25) 202-225-2778Georgia

Residents of Georgia are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 13 Representatives.

Member Name DC Phone

Senator Saxby Chambliss (R- GA) 202-224-3521Senator Johnny Isakson (R- GA) 202-224-3643Representative Jack Kingston (R - 01) 202-225-5831Representative Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D - 02) 202-225-3631Representative Lynn Westmoreland (R - 03) 202-225-5901Representative Hank Johnson (D - 04) 202-225-1605Representative John Lewis (D - 05) 202-225-3801Representative Tom Price (R - 06) 202-225-4501Representative Rob Woodall (R - 07) 202-225-4272Representative Austin Scott (R - 08) 202-225-6531Representative Tom Graves (R - 09) 202-225-5211Representative Paul C. Broun (R - 10) 202-225-4101Representative Phil Gingrey (R - 11) 202-225-2931Representative John Barrow (D - 12) 202-225-2823Representative David Scott (D - 13) 202-225-2939


Residents of Hawaii are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 2 Representatives.

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Member Name DC PhoneSenator Dan Inouye (D- HI) 202-224-3934Senator Daniel Kahikina Akaka (D- HI) 202-224-6361Representative Colleen Hanabusa (D - 01) 202-225-2726Representative Mazie Hirono (D - 02) 202-225-4906Idaho

Residents of Idaho are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 2 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Mike Crapo (R- ID) 202-224-6142Senator James E. Risch (R- ID) 202-224-2752Representative Raul Labrador (R - 01) 202-225-6611Representative Mike Simpson (R - 02) 202-225-5531Illinois

Residents of Illinois are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 19 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Dick Durbin (D- IL) 202-224-2152Senator Mark Kirk (R- IL) 202-224-2854Representative Bobby L. Rush (D - 01) 202-225-4372Representative Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. (D - 02) 202-225-0773Representative Dan Lipinski (D - 03) 202-225-5701Representative Luis V. Gutierrez (D - 04) 202-225-8203Representative Mike Quigley (D - 05) 202-225-4061Representative Peter Roskam (R - 06) 202-225-4561Representative Danny K. Davis (D - 07) 202-225-5006Representative Joe Walsh (R - 08) 202-225-3711Representative Janice Schakowsky (D - 09) 202-225-2111Representative Robert J. Dold (R - 10) 202-225-4835Representative Adam Kinzinger (R - 11) 202-225-3635Representative Jerry F. Costello (D - 12) 202-225-5661Representative Judy Biggert (R - 13) 202-225-3515Representative Randy Hultgren (R - 14) 202-225-2976Representative Timothy V. Johnson (R - 15) 202-225-2371Representative Don Manzullo (R - 16) 202-225-5676Representative Bobby Schilling (R - 17) 202-225-5905Representative Aaron Schock (R - 18) 202-225-6201Representative John Shimkus (R - 19) 202-225-5271


Residents of Indiana are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 9 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Richard G. Lugar (R- IN) 202-224-4814Senator Dan Coats (R- IN) 202-224-5623Representative Peter J. Visclosky (D - 01) 202-225-2461

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Representative Joe Donnelly (D - 02) 202-225-3915Representative Marlin Stutzman (R - 03) 202-225-4436Representative Todd Rokita (R - 04) 202-225-5037Representative Dan Burton (R - 05) 202-225-2276Representative Mike Pence (R - 06) 202-225-3021Representative Andre Carson (D - 07) 202-225-4011Representative Larry Bucshon (R - 08) 202-225-4636Representative Todd Young (R - 09) 202-225-5315Iowa

Residents of Iowa are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 5 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Chuck Grassley (R- IA) 202-224-3744Senator Tom Harkin (D- IA) 202-224-3254Representative Bruce Braley (D - 01) 202-225-2911Representative Dave Loebsack (D - 02) 202-225-6576Representative Leonard L. Boswell (D - 03) 202-225-3806Representative Tom Latham (R - 04) 202-225-5476Representative Steve King (R - 05) 202-225-4426


Residents of Kansas are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 4 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Pat Roberts (R- KS) 202-224-4774Senator Jerry Moran (R- KS) 202-224-6521Representative Tim Huelskamp (R - 01) 202-225-2715Representative Lynn Jenkins (R - 02) 202-225-6601Representative Kevin Yoder (R - 03) 202-225-2865Representative Mike Pompeo (R - 04) 202-225-6216


Residents of Kentucky are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 6 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Mitch McConnell (R- KY) 202-224-2541Senator Rand Paul (R- KY) 202-224-4343Representative Ed Whitfield (R - 01) 202-225-3115Representative Brett Guthrie (R - 02) 202-225-3501Representative John Yarmuth (D - 03) 202-225-5401Representative Geoff Davis (R - 04) 202-225-3465Representative Hal Rogers (R - 05) 202-225-4601Representative Ben Chandler (D - 06) 202-225-4706


Residents of Louisiana are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 7 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Mary Landrieu (D- LA) 202-224-5824

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Senator David Vitter (R- LA) 202-224-4623Representative Steve Scalise (R - 01) 202-225-3015Representative Cedric Richmond (D - 02) 202-225-6636Representative Jeff Landry (R - 03) 202-225-4031Representative John Fleming (R - 04) 202-225-2777Representative Rodney Alexander (R - 05) 202-225-8490Representative Bill Cassidy (R - 06) 202-225-3901Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (R - 07) 202-225-2031


Residents of Maine are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 2 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Olympia J. Snowe (R- ME) 202-224-5344

Senator Susan Collins (R- ME) 202-224-2523Representative Chellie Pingree (D - 01) 202-225-6116Representative Mike Michaud (D - 02) 202-225-6306


Residents of Maryland are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 8 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Barbara Mikulski (D- MD) 202-224-4654Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D- MD) 202-224-4524Representative Andy Harris (R - 01) 202-225-5311Representative C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D - 02) 202-225-3061Representative John Sarbanes (D - 03) 202-225-4016Representative Donna F. Edwards (D - 04) 202-225-8699Representative Steny Hoyer (D - 05) 202-225-4131Representative Roscoe G. Bartlett (R - 06) 202-225-2721Representative Elijah E. Cummings (D - 07) 202-225-4741Representative Chris Van Hollen, Jr. (D - 08) 202-225-5341MassachusettsResidents of Massachusetts are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 10Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator John Kerry (D- MA) 202-224-2742Senator Scott Brown (R- MA) 202-224-4543Representative John W. Olver (D - 01) 202-225-5335Representative Richard E. Neal (D - 02) 202-225-5601Representative Jim McGovern (D - 03) 202-225-6101Representative Barney Frank (D - 04) 202-225-5931Representative Niki Tsongas (D - 05) 202-225-3411Representative John F. Tierney (D - 06) 202-225-8020

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Representative Ed Markey (D - 07) 202-225-2836Representative Michael E. Capuano (D - 08) 202-225-5111Representative Stephen F. Lynch (D - 09) 202-225-8273Representative William Keating (D - 10) 202-225-3111Michigan

Residents of Michigan are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 15 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Carl Levin (D- MI) 202-224-6221Senator Debbie Stabenow (D- MI) 202-224-4822Representative Dan Benishek (R - 01) 202-225-4735Representative Bill Huizenga (R - 02) 202-225-4401Representative Justin Amash (R - 03) 202-225-3831Representative Dave Camp (R - 04) 202-225-3561Representative Dale Kildee (D - 05) 202-225-3611Representative Fred Upton (R - 06) 202-225-3761Representative Tim Walberg (R - 07) 202-225-6276Representative Mike Rogers (R - 08) 202-225-4872Representative Gary Peters (D - 09) 202-225-5802Representative Candice Miller (R - 10) 202-225-2106Representative Thaddeus McCotter (R - 11) 202-225-8171Representative Sandy Levin (D - 12) 202-225-4961Representative Hansen Clarke (D - 13) 202-225-2261Representative John Conyers, Jr. (D - 14) 202-225-5126Representative John D. Dingell (D - 15) 202-225-4071


Residents of Minnesota are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 8 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Amy Klobuchar (D- MN) 202-224-3244Senator Al Franken (D- MN) 202-224-5641Representative Tim Walz (D - 01) 202-225-2472Representative John Kline (R - 02) 202-225-2271Representative Erik Paulsen (R - 03) 202-225-2871Representative Betty McCollum (D - 04) 202-225-6631Representative Keith Ellison (D - 05) 202-225-4755Representative Michele Bachmann (R - 06) 202-225-2331Representative Collin Peterson (D - 07) 202-225-2165Representative Chip Cravaack (R - 08) 202-225-6211Mississippi

Residents of Mississippi are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 4 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Thad Cochran (R- MS) 202-224-5054Senator Roger Wicker (R- MS)


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Representative Alan Nunnelee (R - 01) 202-225-4306Representative Bennie Thompson (D - 02) 202-225-5876Representative Gregg Harper (R - 03) 202-225-5031Representative Steven Palazzo (R - 04) 202-225-5772


Residents of Missouri are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 9 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Claire McCaskill (D- MO) 202-224-6154Senator Roy Blunt (R- MO) 202-224-5721Representative William Lacy Clay, Jr. (D - 01) 202-225-2406Representative Todd W. Akin (R - 02) 202-225-2561Representative Russ Carnahan (D - 03) 202-225-2671Representative Vicky Hartzler (R - 04) 202-225-2876Representative Emanuel Cleaver, II (D - 05) 202-225-4535Representative Sam Graves (R - 06) 202-225-7041Representative Billy Long (R - 07) 202-225-6536Representative Jo Ann Emerson (R - 08) 202-225-4404Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer (R - 09) 202-225-2956


Residents of Montana are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 1 Representative.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Max Baucus (D- MT) 202-224-2651Senator Jon Tester (D- MT) 202-224-2644Representative Dennis Rehberg (R - Montana At Large) 202-225-3211


Residents of Nebraska are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 3 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Ben Nelson (D- NE) 202-224-6551Senator Mike Johanns (R- NE) 202-224-4224Representative Jeff Fortenberry (R - 01) 202-225-4806Representative Lee Terry (R - 02) 202-225-4155Representative Adrian Smith (R - 03) 202-225-6435


Residents of Nevada are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 3 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Harry Reid (D- NV) 202-224-3542

Senator John Ensign (R- NV) 202-224-6244Representative Shelley Berkley (D - 01) 202-225-5965Representative Dean Heller (R - 02) 202-225-6155Representative Joe Heck (R - 03) 202-225-3252

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New HampshireResidents of New Hampshire are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 2Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Jeanne Shaheen (D- NH) 202-224-2841Senator Kelly Ayotte (R- NH) 202-224-3324Representative Frank C. Guinta (R - 01) 202-225-5456Representative Charles F. (Charlie) Bass (R - 02) 202-225-5206

New JerseyResidents of New Jersey are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 13Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Frank R. Lautenberg (D- NJ) 202-224-3224Senator Robert Menendez (D- NJ) 202-224-4744Representative Robert E. Andrews (D - 01) 202-225-6501Representative Frank A. LoBiondo (R - 02) 202-225-6572Representative Jon Runyan (R - 03) 202-225-4765Representative Chris Smith (R - 04) 202-225-3765Representative Scott Garrett (R - 05) 202-225-4465Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D - 06) 202-225-4671Representative Leonard Lance (R - 07) 202-225-5361Representative Bill Pascrell (D - 08) 202-225-5751Representative Steve Rothman (D - 09) 202-225-5061Representative Donald M. Payne (D - 10) 202-225-3436

Representative Rodney P. Frelinghuysen (R - 11) 202-225-5034Representative Rush Holt (D - 12) 202-225-5801Representative Albio Sires (D - 13) 202-225-7919

New MexicoResidents of New Mexico are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 3Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Jeff Bingaman (D- NM) 202-224-5521Senator Tom Udall (D- NM) 202-224-6621Representative Martin Heinrich (D - 01) 202-225-6316Representative Steve Pearce (R - 02) 202-225-2365Representative Ben Ray Lujan (D - 03) 202-225-6190

New York

Residents of New York are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 29 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Charles E. (Chuck) Schumer (D- NY) 202-224-6542Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D- NY) 202-224-4451

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Representative Tim Bishop (D - 01) 202-225-3826Representative Steve Israel (D - 02) 202-225-3335Representative Pete King (R - 03) 202-225-7896Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D - 04) 202-225-5516Representative Gary Ackerman (D - 05) 202-225-2601Representative Gregory W. Meeks (D - 06) 202-225-3461Representative Joseph Crowley (D - 07) 202-225-3965Representative Jerrold Nadler (D - 08) 202-225-5635Representative Anthony D. Weiner (D - 09) 202-225-6616Representative Edolphus (Ed) Towns (D - 10) 202-225-5936Representative Yvette D. Clarke (D - 11) 202-225-6231Representative Nydia M. Velazquez (D - 12) 202-225-2361Representative Michael Grimm (R - 13) 202-225-3371Representative Carolyn B. Maloney (D - 14) 202-225-7944Representative Charles B. Rangel (D - 15) 202-225-4365Representative Jose E. Serrano (D - 16) 202-225-4361Representative Eliot L. Engel (D - 17) 202-225-2464Representative Nita M. Lowey (D - 18) 202-225-6506Representative Nan A. S. Hayworth (R - 19) 202-225-5441Representative Chris Gibson (R - 20) 202-225-5614Representative Paul D. Tonko (D - 21) 202-225-5076Representative Maurice D. Hinchey (D - 22) 202-225-6335Representative Bill Owens (D - 23) 202-225-4611Representative Richard L. Hanna (R - 24) 202-225-3665Representative Ann Marie Buerkle (R - 25) 202-225-3701Representative Vacant ( - 26) 202-225-5265Representative Brian Higgins (D - 27) 202-225-3306Representative Louise M. Slaughter (D - 28) 202-225-3615Representative Tom Reed (R - 29) 202-225-3161

North CarolinaResidents of North Carolina are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 13Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Richard Burr (R- NC) 202-224-3154Senator Kay Hagan (D- NC) 202-224-6342Representative G. K. Butterfield, Jr. (D - 01) 202-225-3101Representative Renee L. Ellmers (R - 02) 202-225-4531Representative Walter B. Jones, Jr. (R - 03) 202-225-3415Representative David Price (D - 04) 202-225-1784Representative Virginia Foxx (R - 05) 202-225-2071Representative Howard Coble (R - 06) 202-225-3065Representative Mike McIntyre (D - 07) 202-225-2731Representative Larry Kissell (D - 08) 202-225-3715

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Representative Sue Myrick (R - 09) 202-225-1976Representative Patrick McHenry (R - 10) 202-225-2576Representative Heath Shuler (D - 11) 202-225-6401Representative Mel Watt (D - 12) 202-225-1510Representative Brad Miller (D - 13) 202-225-3032

North DakotaResidents of North Dakota are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 1Representative.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Kent Conrad (D- ND) 202-224-2043Senator John Hoeven (R- ND) 202-224-2551Representative Rick Berg (R - North Dakota At Large) 202-225-2611


Residents of Ohio are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 18 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Sherrod Brown (D- OH) 202-224-2315Senator Rob Portman (R- OH) 202-224-3353Representative Steve Chabot (R - 01) 202-225-2216Representative Jean Schmidt (R - 02) 202-225-3164Representative Michael R. Turner (R - 03) 202-225-6465Representative Jim Jordan (R - 04) 202-225-2676Representative Bob Latta (R - 05) 202-225-6405Representative Bill Johnson (R - 06) 202-225-5705Representative Steve Austria (R - 07) 202-225-4324Representative John A. Boehner (R - 08) 202-225-6205Representative Marcy Kaptur (D - 09) 202-225-4146Representative Dennis J. Kucinich (D - 10) 202-225-5871Representative Marcia L. Fudge (D - 11) 202-225-7032Representative Patrick J. Tiberi (R - 12) 202-225-5355Representative Betty Sutton (D - 13) 202-225-3401Representative Steven C. LaTourette (R - 14) 202-225-5731Representative Steve Stivers (R - 15) 202-225-2015Representative James B. Renacci (R - 16) 202-225-3876Representative Tim Ryan (D - 17) 202-225-5261Representative Bob Gibbs (R - 18) 202-225-6265


Residents of Oklahoma are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 5 Representatives.

Member Name DC Phone

Senator James M. Inhofe (R- OK) 202-224-4721Senator Tom Coburn (R- OK) 202-224-5754Representative John Sullivan (R - 01) 202-225-2211

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Representative Dan Boren (D - 02) 202-225-2701Representative Frank Lucas (R - 03) 202-225-5565Representative Tom Cole (R - 04) 202-225-6165Representative James Lankford (R - 05) 202-225-2132Oregon

Residents of Oregon are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 5 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Ron Wyden (D- OR) 202-224-5244Senator Jeff Merkley (D- OR) 202-224-3753Representative David Wu (D - 01) 202-225-0855Representative Greg Walden (R - 02) 202-225-6730Representative Earl Blumenauer (D - 03) 202-225-4811Representative Peter A. DeFazio (D - 04) 202-225-6416Representative Kurt Schrader (D - 05) 202-225-5711

PennsylvaniaResidents of Pennsylvania are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 19Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D- PA) 202-224-6324Senator Pat Toomey (R- PA) 202-224-4254Representative Robert A. Brady (D - 01) 202-225-4731Representative Chaka Fattah (D - 02) 202-225-4001Representative Mike Kelly (R - 03) 202-225-5406Representative Jason Altmire (D - 04) 202-225-2565Representative Glenn (GT) Thompson (R - 05) 202-225-5121Representative Jim Gerlach (R - 06) 202-225-4315Representative Patrick Meehan (R - 07) 202-225-2011Representative Mike Fitzpatrick (R - 08) 202-225-4276Representative Bill Shuster (R - 09) 202-225-2431Representative Tom Marino (R - 10) 202-225-3731Representative Louis J. (Lou) Barletta (R - 11) 202-225-6511Representative Mark S. Critz (D - 12) 202-225-2065Representative Allyson Y. Schwartz (D - 13) 202-225-6111Representative Mike Doyle (D - 14) 202-225-2135Representative Charlie Dent (R - 15) 202-225-6411Representative Joe Pitts (R - 16) 202-225-2411Representative Tim Holden (D - 17) 202-225-5546Representative Tim Murphy (R - 18) 202-225-2301Representative Todd Russell Platts (R - 19) 202-225-5836

Rhode IslandResidents of Rhode Island are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 2Representatives.

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Member Name DC PhoneSenator Jack Reed (D- RI) 202-224-4642Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D- RI) 202-224-2921Representative David Cicilline (D - 01) 202-225-4911Representative Jim Langevin (D - 02) 202-225-2735South CarolinaResidents of South Carolina are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 6Representatives.

Member Name DC Phone

Senator Lindsey Graham (R- SC) 202-224-5972Senator Jim DeMint (R- SC) 202-224-6121Representative Tim Scott (R - 01) 202-225-3176Representative Joe Wilson (R - 02) 202-225-2452Representative Jeff Duncan (R - 03) 202-225-5301Representative Trey Gowdy (R - 04) 202-225-6030Representative Mick Mulvaney (R - 05) 202-225-5501Representative James E. Clyburn (D - 06) 202-225-3315

South DakotaResidents of South Dakota are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 1Representative.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Tim Johnson (D- SD) 202-224-5842Senator John Thune (R- SD) 202-224-2321Representative Kristi Noem (R - South Dakota At Large) 202-225-2801


Residents of Tennessee are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 9 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Lamar Alexander (R- TN) 202-224-4944Senator Bob Corker (R- TN) 202-224-3344Representative Phil Roe (R - 01) 202-225-6356Representative John J. Duncan, Jr. (R - 02) 202-225-5435Representative Chuck Fleischmann (R - 03) 202-225-3271Representative Scott DesJarlais (R - 04) 202-225-6831

Representative Jim Cooper (D - 05) 202-225-4311Representative Diane Black (R - 06) 202-225-4231Representative Marsha Blackburn (R - 07) 202-225-2811Representative Stephen Fincher (R - 08) 202-225-4714Representative Steve Cohen (D - 09) 202-225-3265


Residents of Texas are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 32 Representatives.

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Member Name DC PhoneSenator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R- TX) 202-224-5922Senator John Cornyn (R- TX) 202-224-2934Representative Louie Gohmert (R - 01) 202-225-3035Representative Ted Poe (R - 02) 202-225-6565Representative Sam Johnson (R - 03) 202-225-4201Representative Ralph M. Hall (R - 04) 202-225-6673Representative Jeb Hensarling (R - 05) 202-225-3484Representative Joe Barton (R - 06) 202-225-2002Representative John Culberson (R - 07) 202-225-2571Representative Kevin Brady (R - 08) 202-225-4901Representative Al Green (D - 09) 202-225-7508Representative Michael McCaul (R - 10) 202-225-2401Representative Mike Conaway (R - 11) 202-225-3605Representative Kay Granger (R - 12) 202-225-5071Representative Mac Thornberry (R - 13) 202-225-3706Representative Ron Paul (R - 14) 202-225-2831Representative Ruben Hinojosa (D - 15) 202-225-2531Representative Silvestre Reyes (D - 16) 202-225-4831Representative Bill Flores (R - 17) 202-225-6105Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D - 18) 202-225-3816Representative Randy Neugebauer (R - 19) 202-225-4005Representative Charles A. Gonzalez (D - 20) 202-225-3236Representative Lamar Smith (R - 21) 202-225-4236Representative Pete Olson (R - 22) 202-225-5951Representative Francisco R. (Quico) Canseco (R - 23) 202-225-4511Representative Kenny Marchant (R - 24) 202-225-6605Representative Lloyd Doggett (D - 25) 202-225-4865Representative Michael C. Burgess (R - 26) 202-225-7772Representative Blake Farenthold (R - 27) 202-225-7742Representative Henry Cuellar (D - 28) 202-225-1640Representative Gene Green (D - 29) 202-225-1688Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson (D - 30) 202-225-8885Representative John R. Carter (R - 31) 202-225-3864Representative Pete Sessions (R - 32) 202-225-2231


Residents of Utah are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 3 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Orrin G. Hatch (R- UT) 202-224-5251Senator Mike Lee (R- UT) 202-224-5444Representative Rob Bishop (R - 01) 202-225-0453Representative Jim Matheson (D - 02) 202-225-3011Representative Jason Chaffetz (R - 03) 202-225-7751

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Residents of Vermont are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 1 Representative.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Patrick Leahy (D- VT) 202-224-4242Senator Bernie Sanders (I- VT) 202-224-5141Representative Peter Welch (D - Vermont At Large) 202-225-4115


Residents of Virginia are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 11 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Jim Webb (D- VA) 202-224-4024Senator Mark R. Warner (D- VA) 202-224-2023Representative Rob Wittman (R - 01) 202-225-4261Representative E. Scott Rigell (R - 02) 202-225-4215Representative Bobby Scott (D - 03) 202-225-8351Representative J. Randy Forbes (R - 04) 202-225-6365Representative Robert Hurt (R - 05) 202-225-4711Representative Bob Goodlatte (R - 06) 202-225-5431Representative Eric Cantor (R - 07) 202-225-2815Representative Jim Moran (D - 08) 202-225-4376Representative Morgan Griffith (R - 09) 202-225-3861Representative Frank R. Wolf (R - 10) 202-225-5136Representative Gerald E. (Gerry) Connolly (D - 11) 202-225-1492

WashingtonResidents of Washington are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 9Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Patty Murray (D- WA) 202-224-2621Senator Maria Cantwell (D- WA) 202-224-3441Representative Jay Inslee (D - 01) 202-225-6311Representative Rick Larsen (D - 02) 202-225-2605Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler (R - 03) 202-225-3536Representative Doc Hastings (R - 04) 202-225-5816Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R - 05) 202-225-2006Representative Norm Dicks (D - 06) 202-225-5916Representative Jim McDermott (D - 07) 202-225-3106Representative Dave Reichert (R - 08) 202-225-7761Representative Adam Smith (D - 09) 202-225-8901

West VirginiaResidents of West Virginia are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 3Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Jay Rockefeller (D- WV) 202-224-6472

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Senator Joe Manchin (D- WV) 202-224-3954Representative David McKinley (R - 01) 202-225-4172Representative Shelley Moore Capito (R - 02) 202-225-2711Representative Nick Rahall (D - 03) 202-225-3452Wisconsin

Residents of Wisconsin are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 8 Representatives.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Herb Kohl (D- WI) 202-224-5653Senator Ron Johnson (R- WI) 202-224-5323Representative Paul Ryan (R - 01) 202-225-3031Representative Tammy Baldwin (D - 02) 202-225-2906Representative Ron Kind (D - 03) 202-225-5506Representative Gwen Moore (D - 04) 202-225-4572Representative F. James (Jim) Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R - 05) 202-225-5101Representative Tom Petri (R - 06) 202-225-2476Representative Sean Duffy (R - 07) 202-225-3365Representative Reid Ribble (R - 08) 202-225-5665


Residents of Wyoming are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 1 Representative.

Member Name DC PhoneSenator Mike Enzi (R- WY) 202-224-3424

Senator John Barrasso (R- WY) 202-224-6441Representative Cynthia Lummis (R - Wyoming At Large) 202-225-2311

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Donna Blevins - The Poker Mindset Coach and Dean of PokerMindset Academy™, poker pro Donna Blevins, providesprofessional-level training to poker players through her Poker Pure& Simple™ Live Coaching Program. Donna demonstrated theeffectiveness of her training at the 2007 World Series of Poker®Main Event Championship. She parlayed her $216 investment into a$51,000 win and finished in the top 4 women out of 6,400 players.Donna serves on the Board of Directors for United World Healingand is the Florida State Deputy Director for Poker Players Alliance.She is currently developing a specialized poker program for theVeterans Administration for veterans with traumatic brain Injury.

Martin Shapiro - Florida State Director of the Poker PlayersAlliance, Martin Shapiro, resides in Clearwater and plays pokerprofessionally. He started out playing poker for dimes andquarters with some local buddies, and became fascinated with thechallenges of Texas Hold’em from the TV and online poker boomin the early years of this century. After building a bankroll fromnothing by earning online freeroll tournament points worth apenny each, he eventually expanded to live poker room play andmade his decision to pursue poker as a profession. His volunteerwork for the Poker Players Alliance allows him to give back to thepoker community by helping to protect the rights and interests ofFlorida poker players in legal and political issues.

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