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Coaching Demystified…Values and Vision are the roots of every leader and the crux of outstanding leadership. Knowing your own personal values and aligning them to corporate strategy is the way to ensure long-term success of your career and organization. The ACTIVATE approach shows you how.

The ‘ACTIVATE Your Power’ coaching model was created to help you get in touch with who you are and where you want to be. It describes the different facets of coaching and what each can do for you. The steps are not necessarily sequential although CONFIDENTIALITY sets the framework and we often begin the process with VALUES & VISION. From there, aspects may overlap and loop back from one to another. An attempt is made here to present them in some logical order.

A C T I V A T E Your Power . . .

Page 2: ACTIVATE Coaching Model Feb 2017

C – CONFIDENTIALITY, CONTRACTING, and CLARITYA trusting relationship is built between coach and coachee in a safe environment where all aspects of situations can be discussed. In this safe, confidential space, you can feel free to discuss the realities of your heart, brainstorm ideas and design paths to effective leadership.

360-degree and personality trait assessments are employed in a feedback coaching session. Heightened self-awareness is facilitated, relevant goals are co-created, and efficient paths to attaining them are developed.

Frequency of sessions may vary according to each leader’s needs (typically 6 – 12). Reporting typically occurs after each session directly to the coachee and quarterly or less frequently to the sponsor in the case of executive coaching.

Progress is measured through continuous feedback from trusted sources – either through formal surveys or informal discussions.


In any coaching relationship, it is important for the coachee to establish a good idea of who he is and where he is before he decides where he wants to be.

Values discovery is the cornerstone of the ACTIVATE methodology. What are your top 5 values? What are the major principles that guide your life? By clarifying your values, what is important to you becomes the foundation from which you operate. Alignment of personal values to corporate core values is the next step in the process. How do your personal values resonate with the organization’s core values? How do these values play out in the workplace?

Vision – where do you want to be in 5 years? Where do you want to be at the end of this year? Writing your vision helps crystalize the end game and see yourself as you are truly meant to be.

As you clarify your values and purpose, you learn to trust your intuition and lead from a place of control. Operating from a center of correct

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principles and focusing on personal mission enables you to perform at your peak and take decisions with conviction.

T – TALENTSTalent and strengths are validated. Recalibrating and learning how to use them correctly is the catalyst of your development plan. What are your unique abilities? What have people said you are good at? Why did your organization hire you? What compliments have you been paid? Concentrating on further developing and effectively employing your unique abilities - your gifts, what you do best - will help overcome perceived weaknesses, obstacles and barriers.

A – AWARENESSClarification of values, vision and strengths combine to engender a heightened self awareness. Heightened self-awareness is the enabler to facilitating change and is the power behind initiating those paradigm shifts that will make a difference to your life and in the workplace.

I - INSIGHT In this safe, confidential space, your coach will actively listen to you and ask powerful questions to stimulate deep thinking. New thoughts emerge and engender insights to help solve problems. These insights are later transformed into actions to help achieve your goals. * Coachees sometimes emerge from the session drained from the work, but also energized by new possibilities.

A – ACTIONArmed with heightened self-awareness and new insights, you and your coach will identify major goals and co-create a detailed action plan. You are able to execute purposeful action with conviction. With practice, new behaviors become habits. As you learn to trust your intuition, you will have fewer “decisions” to make. The answers become clear and you innately know and execute with confidence.

T - TESTING ASSUMPTIONSAs we move up the career ladder, we often bring with us modes of operation from previous positions. Your coach will help you delve into the why’s of your actions and uncover underlying beliefs that may no longer serve you.

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Alternative perspectives will be presented and you will be challenged to think outside the box. As a result, self-imposed limitations are surpassed and you become more open to the opportunities that surround you. Old habits can then be replaced by empowering behaviors that will help propel you forward.

E - EXPONENTIAL GROWTHThe fruits of your work manifest themselves and you become who you were meant to be. Not only are you more aware of the opportunities that surround you, but also well on your way to attaining them. You are more performant in your job – surpassing business results, and your company is increasing profits in the process.

* INSIGHT into ACTION. The Coaching Process helps generate innovative thinking that produces relevant insights. These insights are then transformed into actions, which create experiences that can be further reflected upon. With each session, the process continues to accelerate growth.

GPS for Professionals PLTLeadership Coaching &


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