Page 1: Active in Faith - Faith Lutheran Church of Punta Gorda ... in Faith June 2017 Monthly publication for members and friends of Faith Lutheran hurch 4005 Palm Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33950


Active in Faith

June 2017

Monthly publication for members and friends of

Faith Lutheran Church 4005 Palm Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33950

941-639-6309 [email protected]

Pastor: Rev. Dana Alan Narring, MDiv

Mission and Vision Statement:

Empowering All People to Know Jesus Christ!

Thursday Bible Study Thursday 10:30 -11:30: Pastor Clyde is sorry to announce that Thursday, June 1 will be the

last Bible Class to be led by him this spring. Lord-willing, he will begin his 10th year leading Class

at Faith by resuming the study of the Book of Genesis on Thursday, October 5, 2017. The doctors

do not want to do surgery on his broken hip but have "ordered" him to rest. (So has Virderie!)

Thanks to all the Class Members who set records this year with class attendance in the 30's. You're all invited to join us in the Fall. In Christian Love, Pastor Clyde

“Our churches teach that the remem-

brance of the saints is to be commended

in order that we imitate their faith and

good works according to our calling.”

Augsburg Confession 21.

Worship Services

Saturday 5:30 Praise and Worship Service

Sunday 9:30 Worship Service

June 14

June 4

St. Barnabas, Apostle

June 11

June 18

Nativity of

St. John the


June 24

Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles

June 29

June 11

“Our churches teach that the remem-

brance of the saints is to be commended

in order that we imitate their faith and

good works according to our calling.”

Augsburg Confession 21.

Page 2: Active in Faith - Faith Lutheran Church of Punta Gorda ... in Faith June 2017 Monthly publication for members and friends of Faith Lutheran hurch 4005 Palm Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33950


Greetings in Christ!

A few years ago, an article appeared in the Lutheran Witness from Reverend Richard C. Eyer, an LCMS

pastor and retired teacher from Concordia College Wisconsin. I’d like to share some of his biblically-based

views on causes, results, dangers, and appropriate responses to an issue we all face – complaints.

“And the people complained . . .”. (Num. 11:1)

“As we read the Book of Numbers in the Old Testament, it is striking to notice how often the people of God

complained about congregational life as God had given it. They complained about not having the foods they

preferred over what God had given. They complained about all they had left behind in Egypt when Moses

led them out into the wilderness. Even Moses’ brother and sister, Miriam and Aaron, complained about

Moses, “Has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses? Has he not spoken through us also?” (Num.


It seems that complaint is simply the way of congregational life even between brothers and sisters who share

the same faith. But the congregation of Israel paid a price for it. Most of them never got to the Promised

Land and God struck them down for their unfaithfulness. As punishment, Miriam acquired leprosy from God

as Aaron begged, “Oh, my Lord, do not punish us because we have done foolishly and have sinned.” (Num.


The Book of Numbers is surely the story of congregational life at its best and worst. It’s best was the mercy

extended to sinners by God and the worst was that the people repaid God’s mercy with more complaints. I

have to look at myself as I read Numbers and ask, “Am I also a complainer?” The answer is an unqualified

yes. Ever since I first entered the pastoral ministry, there have been times when I complained about my dis-

appointments with congregational life. Parishioners may not realize that pastors have their own complaints

as well as the complaints of the congregation they have to deal with. So we all know what it is like to be

frustrated, disappointed and angry that things don’t go the way we would like them to go in a congregation.

It is second nature to complain, to grumble as did the people of Israel in the wilderness. But as C. S. Lewis

warned tongue-in-cheek, “It begins with a grumbling mood, and yourself still distinct from it. You can re-

pent and come out of it again. But there may come a day when you can do that no longer. Then there will

be no you left . . . just the grumble itself going on forever.”[1] That’s the danger of complaint. We make our-

selves God, and it feels so good and righteous at the time, but it never ends well.

Some people, even in this life, turn into a Grumble! Others limp off into the bushes, whimpering about all

they have been made to endure in the congregation. The danger of complaining about a few things is that it

is hard to stop once you’ve started. It can easily become a way of life so that we complain about everything

and our unhappiness feeds on finding more to complain about. Like Miriam and Aaron, we eventually turn

against those closest to us. Complaint spreads with the hope that the more complainers we can get to join

us, the better the chances of things going our way. But they never do. The one who grumbles most loses

and leaves nothing but unhappiness in his path (2 Tim. 2:14).

Page 3: Active in Faith - Faith Lutheran Church of Punta Gorda ... in Faith June 2017 Monthly publication for members and friends of Faith Lutheran hurch 4005 Palm Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33950


One of the characteristics of a grumbler is that s/he collects injustices suffered in the course of congrega-

tional life. This collection of injustices is made up of the few or many times we didn’t get our way, or some-

one else got theirs, or someone did or said something that angered us. It becomes more and more difficult

to pray, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” And because we do not

let go of perceived past injustices, we load up the next complaint with all the past anger we have carried

around for years. I’m not sure congregational life today is any different than it was in Moses’ day. We are a

people in much need of God’s grace, forgiveness and transformation of life under the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

But if we must grumble and complain let us be like Job. Job grumbled as he wrestled with God, but was then

transformed by God and found peace. Because we are forgiven sinners we too need to make our concerns,

even complaints, known in a civil manner directly to those with whom we disagree. Let us not attack the

person, but debate the issue. Let us not be dishonest and manipulative in getting others to speak for us so

we can hide behind them. Let us not add to the anger inside us by storing it away for another day. Let us not

try to rid ourselves of the person with whom we have disagreement, but learn to love them as Christ loves us

even though we are often in disagreement with him. Paul speaks of “bearing with one another and, if one

has a complaint against another, forgiving each other.” (Col. 3:13)

Congregations are contentious by nature, sinful human nature. The accumulated effect over the years is to

injure the very congregation we sometimes think we speak for. Efforts to force your way on the rest of the

congregation only increase divisions and discourage those who come for better things in Christ’s name.

There will never be a time when we can all agree, but we can learn to forgive and let go of things we can’t

change. And letting go does not have to mean leaving the congregation. Where will we ever find a congrega-

tion where there isn’t something to find fault with?

Rather, let us find what God has brought us together to receive: God’s grace and mercy in Jesus Christ as

found in the communion of saints who confess their sins, find forgiveness in the body and blood of Christ

given us in the Lord’s Supper and live in peace as brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us love one another and

pray that God will lead us into the Promised Land He has prepared for us.”

Luther even states, “The sin underneath all our sins is to trust the lie of the serpent that we cannot trust the

love and grace of Christ and must take matters into our own hands.” Together in Christ, may we seek to trust

in the love, grace, forgiveness, and mercy that has been generously given to us and continually seek to follow

God’s will as we “Live in His Love and Share His Joy!”

I pray you found the above article to be helpful as we all deal with the danger of complaints.

In Christ,


[1] C. S. Lewis. The Great Divorce. Macmillan 1977, Ch. IX p.72

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Wandering Editor’s Note

In Facebook there were many congratulations posted

for eighth grade, high school and college graduations.

Many were children of students we had taught at

Trinity. I am reminded how the lives of all will change

because graduation is a step into the future. What

does the future hold for you? God is changeless and is

there for you each moment of the day.

Naomi Weslock


Board of Fellowship

Come for fun and great food

at the Picnic in the Park on June 11

(12:00-3:00) at Ponce De Leon.

Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided. Bring a

dish to share and your own beverages.

The bird sanctuary will be open for visitors

and there is also the beach you can use.

Sign up in the narthex.

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Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

Serve the Lord with gladness. Psalm 100:2

Dates to remember:

June 22-25: National LWML Convention

Albuquerque, NM and celebrating the

75th anniversary of LWML

Sept. 29-Oct. 1: FL/GA Retreat

@The Villas by the Sea on Jekyll Island, GA

October 25: Fellowship and meeting at Faith

November 4: LWML Zone Fall Rally at Hope,

Bradenton with Good Shepherd, Sarasota.

November 22: Fellowship/meeting at Faith

December 2: Cookie Walk (Set up on Dec 1)

Sam Fink has been called to vicarage at St. John's Lutheran Church in Orchard Park, NY. Please continue to keep Sam and his family in your prayers as he completes his studies for this semester and moves to New York.

I am so excited to write to you and announce what the saints at Faith Lutheran raised in support of the Redeeming Life Maternity Home. Hold on to your hat...$5,260.44! Thanks be to God for His goodness and for blessing us. Please share this amazing news with your congregation along with our heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

Sheryl DeWitt

The ink cartridges we have been collecting for the LWML convention in June are no longer

needed. However, we will continue to collect the ink cartridges to support the Peace River

Wildlife Sanctuary at Ponce De Leon.

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We were honored to have Rev. Dr. Tilahun Mendedo of Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT)

join us for worship on Saturday, April 22. Dr. Mendedo is a native of Ethiopia where he served in

multiple capacities with the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, including evangelist,

youth leader, church elder, Bible school teacher, project director and curriculum advisor for the

theological centers in Ethiopia. He earned his bachelor's degree in counseling, a master's in

systematic theology, and a PhD in missiology from Concordia Theological Seminary, in Fort

Wayne, Indiana.. He was most recently President of Concordia College in Selma, Alabama & has

joined Lutheran Bible Translators as their Executive Development Officer.

Dr. Mendedo educated us on the dire need for the Bible to be translated for people around

the world. For example, Ethiopia has over 80 different languages but only has portions of the Bible

translated in 3 of them. With over one hundred million people living in Ethiopia, it is important to

provide them with the Bible in a language they can understand. In spite of being surrounded by

mostly Islamic countries, Ethiopia has one of the fastest growing Christian populations in the world.

By providing Bibles in the "heart language" of native peoples, it is one small way we can help sup-

port the growth of the Christian church worldwide.

For more information or to make a donation, you may contact Dr. Mendedo directly at

[email protected] or go online to

Susan Narring


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Barbara Wilts 6/2

Kathy Page 6/4

Jerry Metz 6/7

Kathy Meyers 6/7

Will Puska 6/7

Frederic Vogelpohl 6/10

Fred Fuhrmann 6/11

Bill Holbrook 6/15

Erwin Vosberg 6/15

Gladys Manley 6/17

Michael Wirth 6/17

George Buono 6/19

Richard Nicholas 6/25

Carol Renier 6/26

Janie Arnold 6/27

Bud Wolff 6/28

Marcia Berkel 6/30

George and Carol Boehm 6/1 60 yrs.

James and Virginia Bowden 6/5 47 yrs.

Bryant and Krys Erikson 6/5 13 yrs.

Ken and Joanne Fladd 6/6 18 yrs.

Larry and Marcia Berkel 6/9 54 yrs.

Arthur and Gayle Groen 6/10 39 yrs.

Hal and Joyce Jandola 6/10 39 yrs.

Tom and Madeline Schminke 6/16 55 yrs.

Bill and Bev Winslow 6/18 62yrs.

John and Elfrieda Wuerz 6/21 59 yrs.

Stephen and Cheryl Karba 6/25 34 yrs.

Lorne and Lois Niemann 6/25 57 yrs.

Robert and Wauline Falce 6/27 30 yrs.

Don and Ruth Cavallini 6/29 48 yrs.

Michael and Cheryl Wirth 6/30 10 yrs.

Martin Leo Hudock

May 3, 1931 -

May 12, 2017

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May Ushers, Readers and Head Elder Schedule

Date Ushers Reader Head Elder

June 4 Naomi and Terry Weslock Dave Cope Dave Cope

June 11 Gerry Misener, Bev Shutter Naomi Weslock Gary Raley

June 18 Gloria Koehler, Gary Raley Kay Oetting Ken Johnson

June 25 Roberta Misener, Bev Shutter Naomi Weslock Hal Jandola

View weekly announcements and calendar at:

The church’s office email address is: [email protected]

Church office summer hours are 9:00 - 12:00 Monday-Friday

Deadline for July newsletter is June 22.

Please e-mail all announcements, articles and photos to [email protected]

Editor will reserve the right to proofread and edit all articles for the monthly newsletter.

Our prayer list is on the glass table in the Narthex.

If you, or someone you know, would like prayers,

(names remain on for 4 wks.), call Doris Hinze at

627-3790 or the office.



Mortgage balance: $415,298.17

New monthly payment: $4,118.39

Received in May for IM (Just 1%): $3,101.00

Total received for IM Program: $239,638.77

Total extra paid to principal: $236,675.30

Pledges Received to Date: $350,993.00

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