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ST. PETER’S SCHOOLPanchgani-412805, Satara District, Maharashtra, India. Tel: 02168 241584/ 240313Fax: 02168 240620 email: [email protected] url:

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Adapted with permission from Chowgule Koster presentation by Class X

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Scriptures & VedasGhats

Varanasi – Spiritual place

India - Culture & Heritage

India is one of the oldest civilizations in the

world, spanning a period of more than 4000

years, and witnessing the fusion of several

customs and traditions, which are reflective of

the rich culture & heritage of the Country.

India is seen as a land of spiritual integrity with

professors of Philosophy, who engineered the

magnanimity of its nationalism.

India’s history gives a glimpse into the

magnanimity of its evolution - from a Country

reeling under colonialism, to one of the leading

economies in the global scenario within a span

of sixty years.

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Snowcapped HimalayasSnowcapped HimalayasKanyakumari at the coastal tipKanyakumari at the coastal tipBeaches along the coastBeaches along the coastDeserts of the west Deserts of the west Fertile plains of Central & Eastern IndiaFertile plains of Central & Eastern IndiaWaterfalls in the hilly coastal ranges Waterfalls in the hilly coastal ranges

India‘s geography – the world in microcosm

The 3.3million sq. km of India’s

land covers every climate - from

the snowcapped Himalayas in the

north to palm-fringed beaches

along the coast, to deserts in the

west where nomads and camels

roam, to the fertile Indo-Gangetic

plains of Central & Eastern India.

The southern Indian Peninsula is

almost entirely composed of the

Deccan plateau, which has two

hilly coastal ranges - the Western

& Eastern Ghats.

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HindusHindus MuslimsMuslimsSikhsSikhsChristiansChristiansJainsJains ParsisParsisJewsJews

India's Diversity

India is at once an ancient Asian civilization, a

modern nation grounded in spiritual values and

democratic institutions, and a rising 21st century

power. With a population of 1.2 billion, India is

the world's largest democracy. It is an open,

vibrant and an accepting society.

It is a land where all the major religions of the

world exist in harmony. India's diverse

population includes Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs,

Christians, Buddhists, Jains, Zoroastrians, and


With 22 official languages in 28 states, of India,

350 million Indians speak English.

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Present day Economy

India, is the third largest economy in the world, in terms of

purchasing power after the US and China.

India's economy has shown a growth of 9.2% in the current

financial year as against 9.5% in the previous year. This trend is

expected to continue over the next 5 years.

The country's manufacturing and services sectors drive growth at

13.6% the fastest rate in 18 years which is expected to continue

for the next 3 years.

The country’s construction industry is slated to maintain a growth

of 13.4% for the next 5 years.

The country's stock market jumped to a record high of 16,400

points and this upward trend is expected to continue for the next

2 years.

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Young Emerging India

India today is the world's youngest country. 50%

of its people are under the age of 25. By 2015,

there will be 550 million teenagers in India. Long

after the populations of Europe, the US, and even

China have grown old, India will still be a young


India's IT industry and its role as a global services

provider is well established world over.

Manufacturing is booming in India and its

products are being accepted in international

markets. Retail spending is on the rise.

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Young Emerging India

Indian achievers are respected as a people

endowed with intelligence, talent and enterprise.

Global players are sourcing India in a big way

because we have one of the largest professional

resource bases in the world.

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India - Science & Technology

Technology drives economic growth & development

in the New World and Science & Technology have

been top priority for all governments since


India is gradually becoming the land of opportunity.

During the last 3 years, more than 30,000 top-class

professionals - scientists & engineers - have come

back to the country.

More than 200 multi-nationals have now set up R&D

centres in India, including IBM, Microsoft, Shell, &

GE. Indians tend to excel in mathematics & physics.

The latest Intel chip is being designed in Bangalore.

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India - Science & Technology

There are some 20 million ethnic Indians overseas,

that produces an estimated US$300 billion in

purchasing power.

The 3,00,000 Indians in the Silicon Valley in the

USA have proved our proficiency in IT products.

Indians with their command over English, computer

science and mathematics are one of the highly

skilled professionals

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India - Science & Technology

14 out of every 100 researchers in the U.S.

pharmaceutical laboratories are of Indian origin.

Indians contribute significantly to

telecommunications, defence and space research

programs of USA.

Over 5000 indians are in the faculty force in the

research-led university system in USA.

Indian Research doctors are a significant proportion

in USA, UK, Canada and Australia.

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Interesting facts on India

When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established

Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization)

Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the world

India was one of the richest countries till the time of British rule in the early 17th Century.

Christopher Columbus, attracted by India's wealth, had come looking for a sea route to India

when he discovered America by mistake.

The game of Snakes & Ladders was created by the 13th century poet saint Gyandev. It was

originally called 'Mokshapat'. The ladders in the game represented virtues and the snakes

indicated vices. The game was played with cowrie shells and dices. In time, the game underwent

several modifications, but its meaning remained the same, i.e good deeds take people to heaven

and evil to a cycle of re-births.

The world's first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC. More than 10,500 students

from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th

century was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.

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Interesting facts on India

Chess was invented in India.

Sanskrit is considered the mother of all higher languages. Sanskrit is the most precise, and

therefore suitable language for computer software - a report in Forbes magazine, July 1987.

The solar year was calculated as 365.25875684 days by Bhaskaracharya in the 5th century,

hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart.

India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta. The place value system,

the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.

The value of "pi" was first calculated by the Indian Mathematician Budhayana, and he explained

the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century.

Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus also orignated in India. Quadratic Equations were used by

Sridharacharya in the 11th century. The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were

106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 10*53 (i.e 10 to the power of 53) with specific

names as early as 5000 B.C. during the Vedic period.

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Interesting facts on India

Sushruta is regarded as the Father of Surgery. Over 2600 years ago Sushrata & his team

conducted complicated surgeries like cataract, artificial limbs, cesareans, fractures, urinary

stones, plastic surgery and brain surgeries.

Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient India. Over 125 surgical equipments were used.

Detailed knowledge of anatomy, physiology, etiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism,

genetics and immunity is also found in many ancient Indian texts.

Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans. Charaka, the father of medicine

consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago. Today Ayurveda is fast regaining its rightful place in our

civilization. It is the only system which takes the holistic view of the person being treated.

The Art of Navigation & Navigating was born in the river Sindh over 6000 years ago. The very

word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word 'NAVGATIH'. The word navy is also derived

from the Sanskrit word 'Nou'.

Yoga has its origins in India and has existed for over 5,000 years.

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Interesting facts on India

The four religions born in India - Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, are followed by

25% of the world's population.

Islam is India's and the world's second largest religion.

There are 3,00,000 active mosques in India, more than in any other country, including the

Muslim world.

The oldest European church and synagogue in India are in the city of Cochin. They were

built in 1503 and 1568 respectively.

Jews and Christians have lived continuously in India since 200 B.C. and 52 A.D respectively

The Venkateshwara Temple in Tirupathi built in the 10th century, is the world's largest

religious pilgrimage destination. Larger than either Rome or Mecca, an average of 30,000

visitors donate $6 million (US) to the temple everyday.

Varanasi, also known as Benaras, was called "the Ancient City" when Lord Buddha visited it

in 500 B.C., and is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.

Martial Arts was first created in India, and later spread to Asia by Buddhist missionaries.

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“If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully

developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered

on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I

should point to India.” Max Mueller (German scholar)

"We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count,

without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have

been made.“ Albert Einstein

"India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human

speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and

the great grand mother of tradition. our most valuable and most

instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in

India only.“ Mark Twain

Quotes on India

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