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ADB’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Partners in the

Transport Sector

ADB’s Other Partners

ADB Transport Forum 2012 Sponsors

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Asian Development Bank’s Transport Forum

ADB’s Transport Forum is held bi-annually at the Bank’s Headquarters in Manila, Philippines. The

event brings together key transport and urban development officials from its developing member

countries, international experts, development partners, researchers, and representatives from civil

society to discuss the issues and challenges in relation to transport in the Asia and Pacific region,

and to share best practices and knowledge on how to address them sustainably. The Forum also

allows ADB’s developing member countries to strengthen their commitment and re-orientation

toward more sustainable forms of transport investments.

The Transport Forum had its beginnings in 2008 with the theme, ―Asia on the Move: Energy

Efficient and Inclusive Transport‖. However, it wasn’t until 2010 that ADB saw significant changes

to the scale and objectives of the Forum. This is due mainly to the official adoption of the

Sustainable Transport Initiative—Operational Plan (STI), which serves as a guide to ADB in

mainstreaming and scaling-up sustainable transport in its operations in an effort to meet the

changing transport needs and challenges of its developing member countries across the Asia and

Pacific region. That year, over 400 participants from more than 30 countries discussed and

brainstormed on the six key operational priorities under STI: (i) mainstreaming sustainability into

ADB’s support for roads; (ii) urban transport; (iii) climate change; (iv) cross-border transport and

logistics; (v) social sustainability and road safety; and (vi) emerging areas of sustainable transport


The Transport Forum serves as a platform from which participants can discuss and brainstorm on

what will be required to change the course for the transport sector to become more sustainable.

About Transport Forum 2012

ADB is hosting its third Transport Forum focusing on the theme "Inclusive and Sustainable

Transport." Featuring over 400 of the world’s leading transport experts, key developing member

country officials and ADB transport staff, the forum provides the opportunity to discuss and debate

the most critical issues facing transport today in the Asia and Pacific region.

The forum program spans the breadth of current issues in inclusive and sustainable transport --

including key sessions on urban transport, road safety, green freight and transport technologies,

climate change resilience, mode choice, socially inclusive transport, road asset management, and

cross-border transport—and also highlights leading aspects of ADB's work in these areas. New

initiatives for the forum include an exhibit area which showcases products and services of private

corporations and international organizations focused on sustainable transport.


Welcome Message

On behalf of ADB Management and Staff, we welcome all to ADB Transport Forum 2012! With the

theme, Inclusive and Sustainable Transport, the third run of the Transport Forum seeks to once

again create an atmosphere of mutually enriching sessions, all in the context of ensuring that we

move forward with providing better transport and mobility options in Asia and the Pacific.

Since we launched the Sustainable Transport Initiative Operational Plan (STI-OP) in 2010, we have

been consciously ensuring that all projects we undertake in the transport sector promote and include

components on sustainable transport.

Urban transport is a primary area of activity wherein we seek to provide not only environment-

friendly and economical means of transportation, but also efficient and socially-inclusive. With the

evolution and growth of megacities, integrated urban planning is now a must for a more liveable


The possibility of moving more goods and more people through railways and inland water transport

is now being explored to take advantage of both physical and ―natural infrastructures‖ already in

place. Helping electrify railway systems, as well as promoting inland water projects are currently

being undertaken.

Regional trade and cooperation continues to be a priority as we seek to come together as one Asia

and Pacific region. Whether it be about looking at building regional roads, improving customs and

trade facilitation regulations, or promoting green freight, we are constantly finding ways to bridge

the mobility and inter-connection gaps between countries, cities and island nations.

And roads continue to be important. But we now consciously build roads that not only shorten travel

time from point A to point B, but are also more safe and provide the necessary access to basic social

and economic needs – farm to market, hospital and health services, schools and government


In these past two years, we can say we have been successful in internally promoting and instituting

STI within the Transport Community.

As we now move on to the next phase of STI implementation, we are committed, as a team, to move

towards supporting inclusive and sustainable transport. We hope that you will continue to be our

partners in this cause and we look forward to a healthy week-long learning, discussions, and maybe

even debates, on how we can collectively be involved.

Thank you and here’s to a fruitful Transport Forum ahead of us!

ADB Transport Team


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mary Program





Car-Free Sunday in Pasig City

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Participants to the Transport Forum 2012 are

invited to the Car-Free Sunday on 4 November,

from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. This car-free day

event is part of an initiative led by the City of

Pasig, with technical support from ADB’s

Regional and Sustainable Development


The Car-Free Sunday takes place on F. Ortigas,

Jr. Road (see map at the back of this program

for the location). With the street fully closed to

traffic, everyone can come and enjoy many fun-

filled activities. Tai chi, Zumba, Cosplay, and

Puppeteer will be offered. Karaoke and a live

band will also entertain those who come.

Children will enjoy street art lessons and


By supporting the Car-Free Sunday, we can

begin the process of creating a better

community and street environment in the

Ortigas Centre area. Car-free days have proven

to be a means to revitalize community spirit,

physical fitness, and area revitalization in

leading cities around the world.


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Monday, 5 November 2012

Training Course 1:

Inclusive Transport

(Auditorium Annex 1 &


Training Course 2:


Transportation Systems


(Learning Resource 2)

Training Course 3: Road

Design and Asset


(Auditorium Zone A)

09:00 – 09:15 Welcome, introductions, and overview

Scott Ferguson (ADB)

Welcome, introductions, and overview

Jin Young Park (KOTI)

Welcome, introductions, and overview

Hiroaki Yamaguchi (ADB)

09:15 – 11:00 Defining inclusive transport

Moderator: Scott Ferguson, ADB

Enrique Penalosa (ITDP)

Todd Litman (VTPI)

Debra Efroymson (Healthbridge)

Joseph Kwan (UDA Consultants)

Kathryn James (AusAID)

Marie Thynell (University of


ITS applications

Moderator: Han-Seon Cho (KOTI)

Jae-Joon Lee (KOTI), The experience of Korea with ITS implementation

Tae-Hyung Kim (KOTI), ITS architecture and operations

Audience interaction: Roundup of ITS projects in the region

Takashi Oguchi (University of Tokyo), ITS for traffic management systems

Moderator: Chen Chen (ADB)

Seo Young-guk (Korea Expressway Corporation), The Korean experience with road asset management

James Muir (Trimble Planning), Using technology to optimize road asset management and maintenance

Jin Young Park (KOTI), Republic of Korea’s history of highway construction

11:00 - 11:15 Break Break Break

11:15 – 12:30 Inclusive transport in action

Lainie Thomas (ADB), Stakeholder engagement

Inclusive transport audit of ADB

ITS and Road Safety

Moderator: Hidehiko Akatsuka (ITS-Japan)

David Oberman (Mobileye), Vehicle safety through technology

Yuji Ono (ADB), Applying road safety ITS in the People’s Republic of China

Financing and contracting

Moderator: Hiroaki Yamaguchi


Kwon Woo-Hyun (Korea

Expressway Corporation), The

Korean experience with PPPs

Aruna Uddeeptha Nanayakkara

(ADB), Performance-based

maintenance contracts in Sri


Mohammad Nazrul Islam (ADB)

Performance-based maintenance

contracts in Bangladesh

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch

13:30 – 15:00 Group activity

Moderator: Rikard Elfving (ADB)

Redesigning projects for inclusive transport

Group presentations

Group activity

Moderator: Ki-Joon Kim (ADB)

Designing an ITS package for public transport systems

Group activity

Moderator: Chen Chen (ADB)

Redesigning projects for asset management and climate resiliency

15:00 – 15:15 Break Break Break

15:15 – 16:00 What is the way forward for operationalizing inclusive transport?

Moderator: Lainie Thomas (ADB)

Group presentations

Moderator: Ki-Joon Kim (ADB)

Group presentations

Moderator: Chen Chen (ADB)

16:00 – 16:15 Training summary and awards certification

Scott Ferguson (ADB)

Training summary and awards certification

Ki-Joon Kim (ADB)

Training summary and awards certification

Hiroaki Yamaguchi (ADB)




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08:00 – 09:00 Registration

09:00 – 10:15 Plenary 1: Forum Opening

Opening Ceremony (traditional Philippine music/dance performance)

Moderator: Tyrrell Duncan (ADB), Director, East Asia Transport Division concurrently Chair, Transport

Community of Practice

Welcome address: Haruhiko Kuroda (ADB), President

Opening address: Bindu Lohani (ADB), Vice President for Knowledge Management and Sustainable

Development—ADB’s Sustainable Transport Initiative

Keynote address: Catherine Cameron, Director, Agulhas: Applied Knowledge and Visiting Fellow, University

of Oxford

10:15 – 11:00 Break and Technology Demonstration in the Vehicle Demonstration Area

Special Event: Alternative fuel vehicle demonstration

11:00 – 12:30 Plenary 2: Urban Transport Forum

Chair and moderator: Kunio Senga, Director General, Southeast Asia Department (ADB)

Keynote address: Enrique Penalosa (former Mayor of Bogota and President of ITDP)

Forum on Sustainable Urban Transport

Erdene Bat-Uul (Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

Raquel Austria-Naciongayo (Pasig City, the Philippines)

Inauguration of the First Bicycle Sharing System in the Philippines

Takahiro Etchu (Financial Attaché, Embassy of Japan in the Philippines)

Kazuhiko Koguchi (Executive Director for Japan, ADB)

Cécil L.H.F. Gregory (Office of Cofinancing, ADB)

12:30 – 14:00 Special Event: Luncheon hosted by Scania

ADB Executive Dining Room (2nd Floor)

14:00 – 15:30 A1. Socially-Inclusive


B1. Alternative

Fuel Vehicles

C1. Railways

Moderator: Bart Edes (ADB)

Patrick Dennis (AusAID), Why, How,

and Where of the transport

component of the Australian Aid


Kathryn James (AusAID), Travelling

together for disability access in


Joseph Kwan (UDA Consultants),

Universal design for public


Debra Efroymson (Healthbridge),

Dhaka walkability initiative

Marie Thynell (University of

Gothenburg), Addressing gender in


Moderator: Anthony Jude (ADB)

Jess Anunciacion (Government of

the Philippines), e-Tricycles

Kyoko Kakita (Nissan Motors), E-

vehicle development

Cessilia Park (Green Energy Ltd),

Korea’s experience with CNG,

LPG, and biomethane

Jonas Strömberg (Scania),

Ethanol and other biofuels

Caley Johnson (USAID), Fuels,

hurdles, and next steps in the

quest for sustainable transport

Moderator: Manmohan Parkash


Mastoor Mustafa (Government of

Afghanistan) and Reddy

Balabhaskara (ADB), Afghanistan

rail corridor project

Shakeel Khan (ADB), Turkmenistan

North South Railway

Karma Yangzom (ADB), Carbon

funding for Indian Railways

Jin Su Mun (ADB), Rail policy in

the Republic of Korea

Representative from the

Government of the People’s

Republic of China (PRC), Rail

innovations in the PRC

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


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15:30 – 16:00 Break in the Auditorium Gallery

16:00 – 17:00 Plenary 3: Traffic Court: Who is guilty for transport

conditions in Asia and the Pacific?

Mock court proceedings to determine who is/are responsible for the acute congestion levels,

poor air quality, and deteriorating quality-of-life in cities of Asia and the Pacific

Judge: Jitu Shah (ADB)

Prosecuting Attorney: Teodoro Locsin, Jr. (Journalist/former member of the Philippine House of


Defendants: National Government Official, City Government Official, ADB, Vehicle Industry

Representative, and Civil Society Representative

17:00 – 18:00 Dinner in the ADB Courtyard

Special Event: Dinner reception hosted by Philips Lighting

Fabia Tetteroo-Bueno (Philips Electronics & Lighting, Inc.)

Tuesday, 6 November 2012




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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

08:00 – 09:00 Special Event: Ortigas Greenways Walking Tour

Participants will be led on a tour and audit of the proposed Ortigas Greenways corridor.

09:00 – 10:30 Plenary 4 Road Safety

Chair: Robert Wihtol, Director General, East Asia Regional Department (ADB)

Xiaohong Yang (ADB), ADB Road Safety Action Plan

Ahmad Farhan Mohd Sadullah (Universiti Sains Malaysia), A transformation to an outcome-based

approach for road safety: Giving low and middle income countries a chance

Holger Dalkmann (Embarq), Linking sustainable transport to road safety

Elmo and Grover (Sesame Street and FIA Foundation road safety spokespersons)

10:30 – 11:00 Break in the Auditorium Gallery

11:00 – 12:30

A2. Greenways B2. Road Safety C2. South-South


Moderator: Glynda Bathan


Bram van Ooijen (ITDP),

Guangzhou greenways

Danielle Guillen (Ateneo

University), Mobility initiative

for the Philippines

Raquel Austria-Naciongaya

(City of Pasig) and Chee-Anne

Roño (CAI-Asia), Ortigas

greenways initiative

Group activity: Design

charrette for the Ortigas


Moderator: Jamie Leather


Jeff Miller (ADB), Southeast

Asia road safety initiative

Pamela Chiang (ADB), South

Asia Road Safety Program

Greg Smith (iRAP), A star rating

system for road safety

Paul Hillier (AARB Group),

Knowledge sharing for saving


Heather Allen (TRL), Product


Moderator: Manfred

Breithaupt (GIZ)

Kiyoshi Nakamitsu (ADB) and

Luis Toro (CAF), Sharing

lessons between Latin America

and the Asia and Pacific region

Jorge Kogan (CAF), ADB-CAF

Virtual Study Tour initiative

Andre Dzikus (UN-Habitat),

Lessons from the East Africa

Sustainable Transport Project

Dario Hidalgo (Embarq), Public

transport lessons from Latin


Bernardo Baranda (ITDP),

NMT lessons from Latin


12:30 – 14:00 Lunch and special event in ADB Executive Dining Room (2nd Floor)

South-South Transport Knowledge Sharing Showcase: New Green

Transport Publications in the People’s Republic of China


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14:00 – 15:30 A3. Eco-Cities

and Integrated


B3. Roads and


C3. Intelligent



Moderator: Amy Leung (ADB)

Tony Clark (Government of

Sweden), Symbio-city Sweden

Sanjay Sridhar and Srikanth

Shastry (Embarq), Integrating

Land Use and Transport—

Ongoing project in India

Emiel Wegelin (CDIA),

Integrated urban investments

program: The role of CDIA

Amy Leung (ADB), ADB green

cities initiative

Moderator: Hideaki Iwasaki


Peter O’Neill (UN ESCAP), Pro-

poor road designs

Guangrui Xiao (ADB), Sizhuan

road development project

Haruya Koide (ADB), Roads

and inclusive development in


Video: Yunnan rural road


V. J. Shanker (Bihar State

Road Development

Corporation Ltd), Improving

lives and connectivity in Bihar


R.W. Ranjith Pemasiri

(Government of Sri Lanka),

Economic benefits of Sri

Lanka’s first expressway


David Salter (ADB), Climate

resilient infrastructure

Moderator: Ki-Joon Kim (ADB)

Nicolas Domeyko (Cisco

Systems), Video

teleconferencing as a trip

reduction mechanism

Bert Fabian (CAI-Asia), Smart

phone apps for walkability

Hidehiko Akatsuka, (ITS

Japan), ITS in Japan and its

implications in Asia and the


Alvin Tang (Octopus Ltd.),

Innovation with the Hong Kong

smart card system

Jin Young Park (KOTI), ITS in


15:30 – 16:00 Break in the Auditorium Gallery

16:00 – 17:00 Plenary 5 Beyond Rio: The Role of Multi-Lateral

Development Banks

Moderator: Tyrrell Duncan (ADB)

Jorge Kogan (CAF)

Cornie Huizenga (SLoCaT)

Michael Replogle (ITDP)

17:00—17:30 Seminar in the Auditorium

Career Opportunities: Working at Asian Development Bank

Robert Y. Siy, Jr. (ADB)

17:30 – 18:00 Dinner and special event in the ADB Courtyard

Special Event: ADB Sustainable Transport Awards

Wednesday, 7 November 2012




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Thursday, 8 November 2012

09:00 – 10:30 Plenary 6: Visions for cross-border transport in 2050

Chair and moderator: Bindu Lohani (ADB), Vice President for Knowledge Management and

Sustainable Development

Video: Cross-border efficiencies in the Greater Mekong Subregion

High-level roundtable

Bounchanh Sinthavong (Vice Minister of Public Works and Transport, Lao PDR)

Mastoor Mustafa (Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance, Afghanistan) Pham Thanh Tung (Director General, Ministry of Transport, Viet Nam)

Erich Kieck (Director for Capacity Building, World Customs Organization)

Silvia Sudol (Senior Advisor, Argentine National Senate)

Li Yuwei (Transport Facilitation & Logistics Section Chief, UNESCAP, Thailand)

10:30 – 11:00 Break in the Auditorium Gallery

11:00 – 12:30 A4. Urban Mass

Transit I

B4. Green


C4. Sustainability


Moderator: S K Lohia (MoUD,


Xiaomei Duan (GMEDRI), New

BRT initiatives in the People’s

Republic of China

David Margonsztern (ADB),

Dhaka BRT

Dayo Montalbo (Univ. of the

Philippines), Cebu BRT

Bertrand Goalou (ADB), Astana


Robert Valkovic (ADB), Ho Chi

Minh and Hanoi metro projects

Dawn Chui (UITP), Urban rail

initiatives across Asia

Barry Howe (Alstom), Rail

technology developments

Moderator: Sophie Punte (CAI-


Yan Peng (CAI-Asia), Asian

experiences with green freight

Stephan Schablinski (The

Logistics Institute—Asia

Pacific), Profiting from green


Jonas Strömberg (Scania),

Greening freight through

vehicle technology

Sumit Pokhrel (GMS Office),

Greening freight in the Greater

Mekong Subregion

Xiaohong Yang (ADB), The

potential of inland waterways

Moderator: Gil-Hong Kim (ADB)

Adrien Veron-Okamoto (ADB),

Economic appraisal framework

Armin Bauer, (ADB), Assessing

poverty, social and inclusive

growth impacts of transport


Michael Replogle (ITDP),

Environmental assessment of

transport projects

Todd Litman (Victoria Transport

Policy Institute), Expanded

economic appraisal of transport


Response: Kristie Daniel


12:30 – 14:00 Lunch in the ADB Executive Dining Room (2nd Floor)


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14:00 – 15:30 A5. Urban Mass

Transit II

B5. Cross-

Border Transport

C5. Innovative



Moderator: Sharad Saxena


Debate - BRT or Urban rail?


BRT- David Margonsztern

(ADB), Karl Fjellstrom (ITDP),

Jonas Strömberg (Scania)

Rail – Manmohan Parkash

(ADB), Robert Valkovic (ADB),

Barry Howe (Alstom)

Moderator: Hong Wang (ADB)

Haruya Koide (ADB), Transport

and trade facilitation and

security in the 21st Century

Pham Thanh Tung (Ministry of

Transport, Viet Nam), Logistics

and cross-border efficiency in

Viet Nam

Silvia Sudol (Senior Advisor,

Argentine National Senate),

Cross-border transport

experiences in Latin America

Raymond Yee (DHL),

Improving efficiencies at


Allan Lee (ADB) and Barnabas

Neusemale (Papua New Guinea

Border Development

Authority), Pilot Border Trade

and Investment Development

Project in Papua New Guinea

Aung Htay Myint (Government

of Myanmar), Anti-trafficking

program of Myanmar

Moderator: James Lynch


S K Lohia (MoUD India),

Transport and the JNNURM

David McCauley (ADB),

Climate change funding


Mark Vasse (Philips Lighting),

A shared savings approach to


Steve Lewis-Workman (ADB),

Revisiting fuel levies and fuel

pricing as a funding


May Ajero and Kaye Patdu (CAI

-Asia), Health Credits

15:30 – 16:00 Break in the Auditorium Gallery

16:00 – 17:00 Plenary 7 Partner Roundtable Discussion and Closing

Chair and moderator: Robert Guild (ADB)

Scaling-up sustainable transport in Asia and the Pacific: Evolution or revolution?

Closing reflections on ADB Transport Forum 2012

Thursday, 8 November 2012


Friday, 9 November 2012

Training Course 4 –

Bicycle Sharing Systems

(Auditorium Annex 1 &


Training Course 5 –

Transportation Demand

Management (TDM)

(Auditorium Zone A)

Training Course 6 –

Road Safety Audit


(Auditorium Zone D)

09:00 – 09:20 Welcome, introductions, and overview

Bradley Schroeder (ADB consultant)

Welcome, introductions, and overview

Sharad Saxena (ADB)

Manfred Breithaupt (GIZ)

Welcome, introductions, and overview

Rikard Elfving (ADB)

09:20 – 11:00 Introduction to bicycle sharing, institutional support and structures, feasibility studies

Bradley Schroeder (ADB consultant)

Seung-Woo Ha (Changwon City Government)

Li Shanshan (ITDP)

Overview of TDM

Todd Litman (VTPI)

Road Pricing

Michael Replogle (ITDP)

Video: Equity and Road Pricing

Signapore experience

Mohinder Singh (Singapore


Ownership Restrictions

Cornie Huizenga (SLoCaT)

Motorcycle Restrictions

Karl Fjellstrom (ITDP)

Parking Management Tools

Michael Kodransky (ITDP)

Road star rating systems

Greg Smith (iRAP)

11:00 - 11:15 Break Break Break

11:15 – 12:30 Operations, business plan, and contracts

Jaison Hoernel (Alta Bicycle Share - Melbourne)

Group presentations

Physical constraints: Traffic calming, complete streets, and shared space

Michael Replogle (ITDP)

Todd Litman (VTPI)

An introduction to road safety auditing (context and value)

Paul Hillier (ARRB Group)

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch

13:30 – 15:00 Group activity: Infrastructure: hardware, software, and vehicles

Group presentations

Group activity: TDM Program Design

Road safety auditing 101

Paul Hillier (ARRB Group)

15:00 – 15:15 Break Break Break

15:15 – 16:00 Marketing and communications

Rick Murray (Sandvault)

Lloyd Wright (ADB)

Group presentations

Group presentations Risks/hazards and their management and mitigation

Paul Hillier (ARRB Group)

16:00 – 16:15 Training summary and awards certification

Lloyd Wright (ADB)

Training summary and awards certification

Sharad Saxena (ADB)

Review of Day 1 and preparation for Day 2

Rikard Elfving (ADB)


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Saturday, 10 November 2012 Train

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Training Course 4: Road Safety Audit Training continued

09:00 – 10:15 Capacity building, guidance documents, and toolkits, ADB protocols

Paul Hillier (AARB Group)

10:15—10:30 Break

10:30—12:30 Conceptual and preliminary design audits

Paul Hillier (AARB Group)

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30—15:45 Field visit: Road safety audit of an existing road

15:45 – 16:00 Wrap-up discussion

Rikard Elfving (ADB)

16:00 – 16:15 Training awards certification

Rikard Elfving (ADB)



ide Events

Sunday-Tuesday, 11-13 November 2012

Guangzhou BRT & Urban Transport Visit Program

Optional study tour trip visit to Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China for experiencing the Guangzhou BRT

system, greenways, and bicycle sharing system. Guangzhou represents a regional best practice for high-quality


This option is hosted by the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP), an ADB partner.

For more details on the site visit to Guangzhou, see

Monday, 5 November 2012

Assessing Impacts of Long-Term Transport Action

Plans and Policies on Air Pollution and CO2 Emissions

in Asia

From Bali, Indonesia to Durban, South Africa, the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP) has been struggling to come

to an agreement that can keep global temperature rise within 2°C, which translates to a global atmospheric carbon

dioxide (CO2) concentration of below 450ppm. The transport sector contributes about 23% to global CO2 emissions

and this share is expected to grow, primarily due to increasing transport fuel use in developing countries in Asia,

particularly the People’s Republic of China, and India. Southeast Asian countries, when collectively accounted for,

are also estimated to contribute substantially to CO2 emissions as well. To reverse this trend, there is a need to

maintain and establish lower carbon transportation systems in developing countries. However, while climate change

remains as an important global issue, high fuel use, severe air pollution, road accidents and fatalities, and chronic

traffic congestion, are problems faced by many cities every day. As such lower carbon transportation systems

should also address these environmental and social issues, which provides for a more sustainable transport system

and more livable cities. Development of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) should include long-term

impact analysis for the transportation system. The Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia), the Institution for

Transportation Policy Studies (ITPS) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) are organizing this

workshop which aims to provide information on the current trends on transport emissions, particularly CO2 and PM,

including trends worldwide and focusing on Southeast Asian Countries and contribute to development of

mechanisms or methodologies to make emission reductions measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV). The

potential short-term and long-term impacts of various policies and measures (e.g. avoid, shift, and improve) on

emissions and fuel consumption will also be discussed.


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Appendix 1

: Train

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Training Course 1: Inclusive Transport

ADB’s Sustainable Transport Initiative (STI) defines a sustainable transport system

as one that is accessible, safe, environmentally-friendly and affordable. The STI–

Operational Plan recognizes the need for addressing emerging social dimensions of

transport operations, and in particular how it can provide effective solutions to the

transport needs of the poor.

Inclusive transport refers to addressing mobility and access needs for all and

especially the most vulnerable members of society, including persons with physical

disabilities, women, children and students, and the elderly.

The social dimensions of transport have not been adequately addressed and reflected upon in current project design

practices. Given this knowledge gap and the need for scaling-up inclusive transport, ADB will organize a one-day

workshop with key resource people and practitioners on how to advance Inclusive Transport at country levels and

within ADB.

The purpose of the workshop is to (i) advance the under inclusive transport (ii) assess whether ADB transport

operations are inclusive (assess and measure); (iii) and, make suggestions on how to improve transport operations

to become more inclusive. The workshop will provide input to the overall theme (Inclusive and Sustainable

Transport) of the Transport Forum.

Training Course 2: Intelligent Transportation Systems

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) represent an array of technologies that

hold the potential to dramatically improve the efficiencies of sustainable

transport options as well as increase customer comfort and convenience. ITS

encompasses fleet management systems for public transport, real-time

information systems for customers, eco-driving systems for operators, and

electronic fare systems. The Asia and Pacific region has been at the forefront of

state-of-the-art ITS with world leading systems implemented in Hong Kong,

China, Seoul, and Singapore.

Experts from global and regional examples of high-quality ITS will facilitate the training course, which will include

implementation details of actual systems as well as a hands-on demonstration of the technologies.

Training Course 3: Road Design and Asset Management

Organizations such as ADB invest heavily each year in new road infrastructure. At

the same time, it is recognized many existing roads are effectively being

underutilized or lost from the network due to severe structural deterioration.

Proactively maintaining road assets involve policy, technical, and funding


This training course will cover each of these aspects of road asset management

with specialists who have actual field experience in delivering effective road asset

strategies. The course will also incorporate how to climate-proof road

infrastructure in order to provide resilience from the threat of global climate change.

Description of Training Courses



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: Train

ing C


Training Course 4: Bicycle Sharing Systems

Bicycle Sharing Systems are increasingly being employed around the world to

provide a convenient form of self-service mobility for inner-city travel. Although the

initial experiments with Bicycle Sharing Systems date back to the 1960s, the

concept did not become a global phenomenon until the implementation of the

Paris Velib system in 2005. There are currently over 250 Bicycle Sharing Systems

world-wide. The world’s largest system with over 50,000 bicycles is located in

Hangzhou (People’s Republic of China).

This training course will cover the following core elements of delivering a successful Bicycle Sharing System: (i)

Business structure; (ii) Operations; (iii) Infrastructure; (iv) Vehicles and technology; and, (v) Marketing and

communications. The training course will also include an interactive component in which participants will design

their own Bicycle Sharing System.

Training Course 5: Transportation Demand Management


Transportation Demand Management (TDM), also known as Mobility

Management, represents a set of policies and strategies that reduce travel

demand and influence modal choice towards more sustainable forms. TDM

strategies particularly cover incentive mechanisms that discourage private

vehicle ownership and use, including such mechanisms as road pricing,

congestion charging, parking management, vehicle bans, and ownership


Many of the world’s leading TDM specialists will participate in facilitating this course. The most recent examples

of TDM strategies will be presented along with insights on implementation details. The participants will also take

part in an interactive session in which they will design their own TDM strategy for a given city.

Description of Training Courses

Training Course 6: Road Safety Audit Training

Nearly 1.3 million people are killed and as many as 50 million are injured or disabled each year due to road

crashes. Low- and middle- income developing countries account for 90% of road deaths, although these countries

only have 50% of the world’s motorized vehicle fleet (WHO, 2004). For this reason, the United Nations has

created the UN Decade of Action for the period of 2011-2020.

Road safety audits are a fundamental means to significantly improve road safety

conditions. A small investment in such audits can reap large benefits in terms of

better road design and operational practices. This training course will lead

participants through the steps to developing and implementing road safety audits.

In addition, participants will take to the streets to practice their skills in a live

street setting. The training course will be held in conjunction with the

International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) and the ARRB Group.


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Airport Transfers


Upon arrival in Manila, please proceed to the International Organizations Desk located at the airport lobby where

an ADB contact person will direct you to the taxi queue (at the arrival areas) for your transfer to the hotel.

For your convenience, you may avail of accredited fixed rate or metered taxi cabs. Accredited transfer services on

a pre-paid coupon basis currently charge a rate of Philippine Peso (PhP) 610 or about US$14.00 (PhP41:US$1.00)

if drop off or pick up point is within the Ortigas Center, where ADB and Oakwood Premier Joy-Nostalg Center

Manila are located (details and address below). Accredited airport metered taxis (different from regular taxis)

generally fetch from PhP 400 to PhP 500 (one way).


Due to occasional heavy traffic between the hotel and the airport, it is advisable to leave for the airport at least 3

hours before your flight departure. Please prepare PhP550 or its US dollar equivalent (about US$17) for payment

of international terminal fee.

Hotel Accommodation in Manila

Appendix 2

: Logis


s and Travel In




Participants may obtain Forum materials at the registration desk outside the Auditorium.

Forum Materials



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: Logis


s and Travel In




Access to ADB

Access by participants to the ADB building is regulated through a visitor registration system. All those who have

confirmed their participation have been enlisted in the system and will be issued an event-specific ID pass upon

presentation of any valid ID with photo (e.g., passport or driver’s license).

The ADB-issued event-specific IDs will be valid throughout the duration of the Forum and will allow participants to

get in and out of ADB through its various gates. Please wear the ID at all times while inside ADB premises.

Floor Plan of ADB Ground Level


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Map of Ortigas Center

4 November

Special Event:



At F. Ortigas,

Jr. Road.




Appendix 2

: Logis


s and Travel In






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: Logis


s and Travel In




Hospitality Arrangements

Snacks will be served in the morning and in the afternoon during the Forum. Daily lunches will be served at the

Executive Dining Room Coffee Lounge. Directional signs will be posted to the designated venues.

All participants are invited to the Welcome Cocktail Reception sponsored by DFI/Philips Lighting on Tuesday, 6

November and the ADB Cocktails on Wednesday, 7 November.

Location of Miscellaneous Services/Facilities (ADB)

ADB Cafeteria Level 1, Special Facilities Block

ADB Cashier Ground Floor, Office Tower Building

Commercial Banks Ground Floor, Office Tower Building

Travel Agents Level 1, Office Tower Building

Library Level 1, Office Tower Building

Medical/Dental Clinic Level 2, Special Facilities Block

Personal Counter (phone cards, courier services) Ground Floor, Office Tower Building

Post Office Ground Floor, Office Tower Building

Country Information

Business and Banking Hours

Private and government offices are open either from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Some

private companies hold office on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Most shopping malls, department

stores, and supermarkets are open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily. There are also 24-hour convenience stores

and drugstores nationwide.

Banks are open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays, with automated teller machines (ATM) operating

24 hours.

Credits Cards

International credit cards such as Visa, Diners Club, Mastercard, and American Express Card are accepted in major



220 volts, A.C. 60 cycles.


Filipino is the national language. English is the business language and spoken widely.

Communications Facilities

The country has international and national direct dial phone and facsimile services mobile phone sites, internet,

and e-mail facilities, and worldwide express delivery service.


In November the average temperature is 30°/21°C (86°/70°F)

Time Zone

There is only one time zone for the entire country, which is GMT + 8 hours.


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Transport Forum



2 S




Tipping is expected for many services. The standard practice is 10% of the total bill. Tipping is

optional on bills that already include a 10% service charge.

For more information, please visit

Country Information

Transport Forum Secretariat

Should you have additional questions about the Transport Forum, please contact the following:

Ms. Pam Nacpil

Senior Transport Consultant and Transport Forum 2012 Program Coordinator

Telephone No. +632 6324444 extension 70554

[email protected]

Ms. Connie Sayon

Events Consultant

Telephone No. +632 6324444 extension 70388

[email protected]

Ms. Joanna Abaño

Consultant/Transport Forum Secretariat

Telephone No. +632 6324444 extension 70768

[email protected]

Ms. Kristine Lucero

Knowledge Management and Communications Consultant

Telephone No. +632 6324444 extension 70710

[email protected]

Appendix 2

: Logis


s and Travel In





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