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Addiction Disease Model The objectives of this lesson plan is to

examine addiction as a disease.

Begin by asking for a show of hands on how many clients believe addiction to alcohol and other substances (prescribed or not) is a disease.

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Addiction Disease Model Ask clients why they think people

experiment with drugs and alcohol.

Engage clients in sharing some ideas they may have about why drug experimentation escalates and how this can lead to the cycle of addiction.

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Addiction Disease Model Information on Pages 1 through 3 can be

found on the internet link below:

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Addiction Disease Model Addiction is the physiological dependence

on a drug, i.e., the getting and finding ways and means to get and use more alcohol/drugs despite the negative consequences.

Obsession is the persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling. The mental aspect of when our minds are consumed with thoughts of getting and using more.

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Addiction Disease Model Compulsion is to use alcohol or other drugs

regardless of negative or adverse consequences. The acting out of the obsessive and/or intrusive thoughts. The physical aspect.

Definitions on pages 4 & 5 can be found on the internet link below:

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Addiction Disease Model Self-centeredness is the spiritual aspect of

addiction which is when we are driven by the hopeless trap of obsession and compulsion. Leaving us to have little to no consideration for ourselves or others. Being consumed with our using only. Nothing and no one else matters. For our survival we are trapped in denial or our inability to see the truth. We rationalize an justify our existence.

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Acceptance of the Cycle of Addiction

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Addiction Cycle

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The cycle of addiction charts on pages 7 and 8 can be found on the link below:

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Addiction Disease Model Disease means any departure from

health presenting marked symptoms; malady; illness; disorder.

Symptom means subjective evidence of disease or physical disturbance; broadly : something that indicates the presence of bodily disorder.

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Addiction Disease Model Malady - 1 : a disease or disorder of the

animal body.2 : an unwholesome or disordered condition.

Disorder - 1 : to disturb the order of2 : to disturb the regular or normal functions of

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Addiction Disease Model Definitions on pages 10 & 11 can be

found on the internet link below:

Page 13: Addiction disease  model


Addiction Disease Model Most people who have severe alcohol

problems meet the criteria for Substance Dependence as presented in the DSM-IV (explain). These criteria include:

A. A pattern of compulsive use marked by a

loss of control over the ability to regulate use or to abstain.

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Addiction Disease Model B. Tolerance marked by both the need

for larger amounts of alcohol to achieve the desired effect and a diminished perceived effect with the same amount.

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Addiction Disease Model C. Withdrawal marked by the

development of a specific withdrawal syndrome upon the cessation of use or the use of the same or similar type of drug to relieve or avoid the withdrawal syndrome.

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Addiction Disease Model D. Substance-induced organic mental

disorders that result from the toxic effects of chronic alcohol and drug poisoning to the brain.

DSM IV places a heavy weighting upon the pattern of compulsive use as the primary factor distinguishing between abuse and dependence. This pattern of compulsive use is marked by the following signs and symptoms:

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Addiction Disease Model 1. Craving: A strong desire to use the

substance. 2. Loss of control over use: The tendency

to use larger quantities of the substance than intended and to use the substance for longer periods of time than intended.

3. Inability to abstain: The persistent desire to cut down or control accompanied by the failure to be able to so in spite of past attempts.

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Addiction Disease Model 4. Addiction Centered Lifestyle: The

increased amount of time spent in seeking and using alcohol and other drugs resulting in the centering of major life activities around alcohol and drug use.

5. Addictive Lifestyle Losses: The tendency to give up or reduce the frequency of involvement in important life activities to accommodate the increased amount of time spent in drug seeking and using.

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Addiction Disease Model 6. Continued use in spite of problems

The tendency to continue to use alcohol and drugs in spite of problems. (Or adverse effects such as losing a job, friends, and family, or getting a divorce, becoming physically ill, knowing the fatality rate.

Page 20: Addiction disease  model


Addiction Disease Model It is appropriate to describe people with

severe alcohol problems that meet the DSM IV criteria of substance dependence as having a disease. In these cases there is clear evidence of a syndrome (a clearly identifiable pattern of signs and symptoms) and a disorder (clear evidence that those signs and symptoms have created both functional and structural impairment.

Page 21: Addiction disease  model


Addiction Disease Model The information on pages 13 through 20

can be found on the internet link below:

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Addiction Disease Model Ask clients if they ever said they were

addicted to something such as candy, television, video games? Discuss the implications of their statement(s) with regard to alcohol, substance abuse and addiction.

Ask clients how they feel about addiction as a disease. Is alcoholism as well as substance abuse a disease?

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Addiction Disease Model Elicit feedback on their thoughts of their

own alcohol and/or drug use and how it compares to the cycle of addiction.

End the lesson by showing a raise of hands as to how many view addiction to alcohol and other substances as a disease.

Page 24: Addiction disease  model


Addiction Disease Model More information on the Cycle of Addiction

can be found on this site:


Slight edits were made by Antoinette Williams

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