Page 1: Addiction UNIT 4: PSYA4 Content The Psychology of Addictive Behaviour Models of Addictive Behaviour  Biological, cognitive and



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Page 2: Addiction UNIT 4: PSYA4 Content The Psychology of Addictive Behaviour Models of Addictive Behaviour  Biological, cognitive and

ContentThe Psychology of Addictive Behaviour

Models of Addictive Behaviour

Biological, cognitive and learning approaches to explaining initiation, maintenance and relapse, and their applications to smoking and gambling.

Vulnerability to Addiction

Risk factors in the development of addiction, including stress, peers, age and personality.

Media influences on addictive behaviour.

Reducing Addictive Behaviour

The theory of planned behaviour as a model for addiction prevention.

Types of intervention and their effectiveness, including biological, psychological and public health interventions.

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Starter Answer the 5 questions in your booklet to review your psychological knowledge of the behaviourist (i.e. learning) model from AS-Level.

You have 5 minutes!

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Basic principles of the learning approach

Addictive behaviours are acquired habits which are learned according to the principles of CC, OC and SLT.

Addictions can be unlearned.

Addictions are not ‘all or nothing’ categories i.e. there are degrees of addictive behaviour.

Addictions are no different to any other behaviour.

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Pair activity

Using your psychological knowledge from AS, discuss and make notes in the table in your booklet on…

1. Classical conditioning2. Operant conditioning3. Social learning theory (SLT)

Where possible, think how it may link to addictive behaviours.

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Learning through association.Linking two things together. Conditioning means learned.

Classical conditioning

An event which causes a response e.g. food

Stimulus Response

A reaction made because the

stimulus has been detected e.g.


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Learning through reinforcement.Dependent on consequences of actions.

1. Positive reinforcement - pleasant consequence = behaviour repeated.

2. Negative reinforcement – removal of unpleasant consequence = behaviour repeated.

3. Punishment – unpleasant consequence = behaviour not repeated.

Operant conditioning

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Social Learning Theory

1. Observation of role models in the environment.

2. Witness reinforcement.

3. Imitate observed behaviour with anticipation of receiving similar reinforcement/reward (vicarious learning).

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Independent task

1. Complete the table in your booklet (comparing and contrasting biological and learning models of addiction).

2. Colour-code if the term belongs to the biological approach or the learning approach of addictive behaviour.

You have 10 minutes.

Be prepared to feedback.

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What’s next?

In today’s lesson we are going to look at how the learning approach explains the initiation, maintenance and relapse of smoking addiction.

RECAP: What do these terms mean?

1. Initiation?2. Maintenance?3. Relapse?

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Stages in addiction

1. Initiation – the process whereby an individual starts to become addicted.

2. Maintenance – the process whereby people continue to behave addictively even in the face of negative consequences.

3. Relapse – the process whereby individuals who have managed to give up their addictive habits (i.e. they are in remission) start to show signs and symptoms of the addictive behaviour again.

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Smoking addiction and the learning


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Independent task

Read the information in your booklet on the initiation of smoking addiction according to the learning model and answer the associated questions.

You have 10 minutes! – Q&A

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UCS = unconditioned stimulusSitting with friends

UCR = unconditioned responseFeel relaxed

UCS = unconditioned stimulusSitting with friends

NS = neutral stimulusSmoking cigarette

UCR = unconditioned responseFeel relaxed

Step 1

Step 2

CS = conditioned stimulusSmoking cigarette

CR = conditioned responseFeel relaxed

Step 3

The individual learned that smoking can provide the same rewards (i.e. feeling relaxed) as the original UCS (i.e. sitting with friends).


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1) Read the information on the maintenance and relapse of smoking addiction.

2) Summarise this information in your booklet.

You have 5 minutes!

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Complete the gap fill in your booklet and read the information on Cue-Reactivity Theory.

You have 5 minutes – Q&A!

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1. Read the three studies in your booklet.

2. Write conclusions for these studies using the sentence starters to help you.

Read the evaluation paragraph and summarise the two main points in the box provided.

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Exam focus

Outline and evaluate the learning approach to explaining the maintenance of smoking behaviour. (4 marks + 6 marks)

Prepare an essay plan for the potential exam question above.

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Evaluation: IDA

Gender bias in smoking addiction researchThe onset and development of smoking follows

different patterns in men and women. E.g. research found that women start smoking later than men.

Real-world applications Effective forms of smoking prevention

programmes should target adolescents (those most vulnerable to influence of peers) to inform them of the social influences.

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Evaluation: IDA

Nature vs. nurture Learning model supports nurture (i.e. role of the

environment) but ignores nature (i.e. biological model - genes).

Determinism vs. free willDeterministic as it suggests smoking addiction influenced

by external factors (environment/learning/social pressure/peers and parents) – however could be argued that they have free will over smoking behaviour as choose who to look to as role model – SLT.

To evaluate learning explanations compare to other approaches e.g. biological!!!

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The Learning

Approach to Gambling Addiction

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Pair taskRead the information in the table – the

learning explanation for the initiation, maintenance and relapse of gambling addiction.

Answer the 8 questions in your booklet.

You have 10 minutes.


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Independent task

Read the 3 studies in your booklet and complete the sentence explaining why it supports/contradicts the learning explanation of gambling addiction.

10 minutes!

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Can’t explain all forms of gambling – difficult to apply OC principles.

E.g. some forms of gambling, short time period between behaviour and consequence (e.g. scratch card), whereas others (e.g. football bet) there is a longer time period between behaviour and outcome.

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Fails to explain why only some people become addicted to gambling.

Most people will gamble at some point during their life (e.g. lottery/bingo) and will experience the reinforcement associated with the behaviour. However relatively few become addicts. This suggests that there must be other factors involves in the transition from gambling behaviour to gambling addiction e.g. genetics?

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Independent tasks

1. Complete the gap fill for ‘determinism.’2. Read the paragraph and highlight the key

terms.3. Complete the gap fill for ‘other approaches.’4. Fill in the missing sentences for the

reductionist argument. 5. Write a paragraph for the nature vs. nurture

debate in relation to the learning approach.

15 minutes max!

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Choose 6 words from below and put them in your bingo board!!!

positive negative reinforcement physiological

punishment conditioning operant

classical SLT observation imitation

vicarious role model association rewards

financial social psychological withdrawal

initiation maintenance relapse

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Exam focus

Complete the essay plan for the 8-mark past-exam question.

10 minutes using notes.

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Extension activity

Make a mindmap for the learning explanation of smoking and gambling addictions.

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Next lesson....

Cognitive Approach

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