Page 1: Addition of magnesium chloride to enhance mono-dispersity of a coiled-coil recombinant mouse macrophage protein

Addition of magnesium chloride to enhance mono-dispersityof a coiled-coil recombinant mouse macrophage protein

Parveen Pahuja • Alagiri Srinivasan •

Munish Puri

Received: 17 July 2013 / Accepted: 18 December 2013

� Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract X-ray crystallography for the determination of

three-dimensional structures of protein macromolecules

represents an important tool in function assignment of

uncharacterized proteins. However, crystallisation is often

difficult to achieve. A protein sample fully characterized in

terms of dispersity may increase the likelihood of suc-

cessful crystallisation by improving the predictability of

the crystallisation process. To maximize the probability of

crystallisation of a novel mouse macrophage protein

(rMMP), target molecule was characterized and refined to

improve monodispersity. Addition of MgCl2 at low con-

centrations resolves the rMMP into a monodisperse solu-

tion, and finally successful crystallization of rMMP was

achieved. The effect of MgCl2 was studied using gel fil-

tration chromatography and dynamic light scattering.

Keywords Dispersity � Gel filtration chromatography �Dynamic light scattering � Crystallisation


Macrophages are cells of myeloid origin that play signifi-

cant role in primary immune system and also in adaptive

immunity. They are also known as phagocytic cells as they

engulf the invading pathogens and present their fragments

to T cells thus acting as antigen presenting cells also. They

are primarily known to be involved in inflammation;

however, their role can be extended to many serious dis-

eases like cancer, HIV/AIDS and neurological disorders

[1–4]. They are present in myriad of activation states

producing different components in different amounts and

sometimes novel products [5, 6]. These types of differential

and novel expressions have become ubiquitous as is evi-

denced from whole genome sequencing projects that have

produced millions of coding sequences and are deposited

on public domains and databases [7]. A large number of

sequences remain functionally uncharacterized and may be

referred to as ‘hypothetical’, indicating that they are

sequences of unknown functions. There thus presents itself

an urgent need to characterize these proteins in order to aid

in the development of effective therapeutic agents and


Structural biology is one of the most effective approa-

ches for defining the functions of proteins through solving

three-dimensional (3D) structures by X-ray and NMR

technologies [8]. X-ray crystallography, which accounts for

about 86 % of known protein structures in the Protein Data

Bank (PDB;, is the most suc-

cessful method for solving high resolution structures of

proteins [9]. To implement this method, crystallisation of a

given protein is an essential step to solve its 3D-structure

using X-ray crystallography. Crystallisation involves

extensive screening for various conditions such as type of

precipitant, buffers, additives, temperature and solvent

P. Pahuja � M. Puri

Fermentation and Protein Biotechnology Laboratory,

Department of Biotechnology, Punjabi University, Patiala, India

A. Srinivasan

Department of Biophysics, All India Institute of Medical

Sciences, New Delhi, India

M. Puri (&)

Centre for Chemistry and Biotechnology, Deakin University,

Geelong Technology Precinct, Geelong, VIC 3217, Australia

e-mail: [email protected]


Mol Cell Biochem

DOI 10.1007/s11010-013-1934-x

Page 2: Addition of magnesium chloride to enhance mono-dispersity of a coiled-coil recombinant mouse macrophage protein

concentration to achieve high quality protein crystals

suitable for high resolution X-ray diffraction. Successful

crystallisation is often followed by optimization of the

unique conditions to enhance size and diffraction-quality of

protein crystals [10]. To ensure crystallisation, the protein

sample must be highly pure, stable and homogeneous; a

pre-requisite that is met after biophysical characterisation

[11]. Such techniques are furthermore helpful in reducing

batch-to- batch variations during crystallisation and result

in more accurate screening and optimization.

Protein quality is expressed in terms of homogeneity of

molecular species present in the solution and represents a

crucial optimization parameter prior to initiating crystallisa-

tion. Purity refers to the absence of other contaminating

proteins and varying forms of the same protein. This param-

eter is also termed as ‘monodispersity’ and is a measure of

fractional density of a single type of molecular species present

in the solution. The presence of different oligomeric states (in

the form of dimers, trimers etc.) or alternatively folded states

of a protein molecule hinder the probability of successful

protein crystallisation [12, 13]. Dynamic light scattering

(DLS) is a technique often used to characterize proteins for

monodispersity and makes an indispensable tool.

GFC is used to separate protein molecules based on their

molecular size or hydrodynamic radii. It is often regarded as

an ideal method to separate different polymeric states of the

same protein. The quality of protein solutions can be ana-

lysed and confirmed using DLS. DLS is a technique which

analyses size and distribution of molecules in liquid diffused

state; commonly used to study dispersity. This technique is

also known by other names such as ‘Photon Correlation

Spectroscopy (PCS)’ and ‘Quasi Elastic Light scattering

(QELS)’. DLS uses a laser beam to act on molecules

undergoing Brownian motions in a solution. Light gets

scattered through components present in solution which

results in change in light intensity which is recorded on a

detector. The intensity change is translated into diffusional

coefficients which can give information about radial distri-

bution or particle sizes [14]. DLS is a technique that is easy

to perform and is non-invasive which means valuable sam-

ple can be recovered after DLS experiment.

The present study involves characterization of a recom-

binant mouse macrophage protein (rMMP) which is required

to achieve its crystallisation using GFC and DLS. rMMP is a

hypothetical protein derived from cDNA (RIKEN ID:

1700029K01) from mouse genome database Fantom [15].

The preliminary bioinformatics analysis revealed that rMMP

possesses a ‘coiled-coil’ structure. Coiled-coils are known to

undergo oligomeric organization at varying levels and such

polydisperse behaviour may have adverse effect on crys-

tallization. Addition of metal ions in the elution buffer may

enhance its monodispersity which is a prerequisite for

achieving crystallisation [16]. Thus, the effect of MgCl2 in

stabilising rMMP to a homogenous state was studied with

the help of GFC and DLS.

Materials and methods

Production of recombinant protein

The gene (PCR product; pool of cDNA species generated

using mRNA extracted from LPS-stimulated mouse macro-

phage cells over a time course up to 24 h was used as a

template for PCR amplification) was transferred into

pDEST17 expression vector and expressed in chemically

competent E. coli strain BL21 (DE3)pLysS (Invitrogen,

USA) as an N-terminal His-tag fusion protein [17]. A fresh

colony of bacteria from overnight incubated plates was

inoculated into 10 mL Luria–Bertani medium (Tryptone:

1 %; Yeast extract: 0.5 % and NaCl 0.5 %) containing

ampicillin at 100 lg/mL concentration. The starter culture

was grown at 37 �C, 200 rpm overnight in an orbital shaking

incubator. Proteins were expressed for 18 h at 37 �C using

auto-induction medium (1 L) [18]. Cells were harvested by

centrifugation at 10,000g, 4 �C for 20 min. A sample of this

whole cell extract was taken for Sodium dodecyl sulphate–

polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).

Cell pellet (5 g) was dissolved in lysis buffer (40 mL;

25 mM Hepes pH 7.4, 300 mM NaCl, 10 mM Imidazole),

and cells were disrupted using an ultra-sonicator (Vibra-

Cell VCX 500, Sonics, USA). Sonication was performed

for 15 min at 30 % amplitude using a 3 mm tapered mi-

crotip probe. All cell disruptions were carried on ice. After

sonication, insoluble material was separated from soluble

material by centrifugation (20,000g, 4 �C for 45 min) for

the recovery of recombinant protein. A sample of the sol-

uble extract was taken for SDS-PAGE analysis.


The soluble fraction obtained as a result of cell lysis was

supplemented with 10 mM imidazole and incubated with Ni-

Sepharose (3 mL) metal affinity resin (1 mL of resin has

binding affinity for 40 mg protein) for 1 h at room temper-

ature for occasional shaking. The resin was washed with

buffer A (25 mM Hepes, pH 7.4, 300 mM NaCl, 25 mM

imidazole). Finally, bound protein was eluted by 15 mL of

buffer B (25 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 300 mM NaCl and

250 mM imidazole). A sample of the eluted fractions was

removed for SDS-PAGE analysis. All liquid injections in

affinity chromatography were carried out using flow-adaptor

(Bio-Rad Inc., USA).The fractions containing target protein

were pooled and concentrated by ultrafiltration using Amicon

Ultra-15 10 kDa membrane. The resultant concentrated

protein (1 mL) was loaded onto a pre-packed Superdex-75

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Page 3: Addition of magnesium chloride to enhance mono-dispersity of a coiled-coil recombinant mouse macrophage protein

PG column (HiLoad 16/60 with a bed size of 120 mL), prior

equilibrated with buffer C (25 mM Hepes, pH 7.4, 300 mM

NaCl) and attached with FPLC (BioLogic DuoFlow, Bio-Rad

Inc., USA). The protein was eluted at a flow rate of

1 mL min-1, and O.D. was measured at 280 nm. The eluted

fractions were pooled, concentrated and stored at -80 �C.

All experiments were conducted three times.

As it was predicted from in silico analysis (using Mul-

ticoil2; secondary structure prediction server) that rMMP

has a ‘coiled-coil’ structure [19], magnesium chloride was

added into all buffers to stabilize protein elution. Magne-

sium chloride (MgCl2) was added at a final concentration

of 5 mM in the elution buffer. Finally, to ascertain effect of

Mg2? on secondary structure of rMMP, gel filtration

chromatography was performed using buffer A with and

without containing MgCl2. A sample of the eluted protein

was taken for analysis by SDS-PAGE. The samples of

whole cell extract, soluble protein and protein eluted from

Ni-resin resin and Gel filtration column were run side by

side on 12 % SDS-PAGE gels. Protein concentrations of

crude extract and fractionated sample at each step were

calculated using the Bradford method [20].

Gel electrophoresis

The molecular weight analysis of collected peaks of rMMP

was determined by SDS-PAGE performed according to the

procedure of Laemmli [21], using a 12.5 % resolving gel.

Following electrophoresis, the gel was stained with Coo-

massie brilliant blue R-250 (CBB). The molecular mass of the

macrophage protein was determined by comparison with the

protein markers; phosphorylase b (97 kDa), bovine serum

albumin (66 kDa), ovalbumin (44 kDa), carbonic anhydrase

(29), soyabean trypsin inhibitor (20) and lysozyme (14).

Dynamic light scattering measurements

Dynamic light scattering was used to study in solution dis-

persity of rMMP. The experiments were performed in

duplicate at 830 nm using DynaPro-TC-04 light scattering

system (Protein Solutions, Wyatt Technology, CA). Protein

solution was used at a concentration of 5 mg mL-1 and was

centrifuged at 14,000g for 30 min at 4 �C to remove par-

ticulate matter before being placed in the 12 lL Quartz

cuvette. Mean hydrodynamic radius and peak area were

analysed using Dynamics 6.10 software. All solutions

including protein sample were clarified using 0.22 lm syr-

inge filters.

Crystallization of rMMP

The crystallization of the purified protein rMMP was

investigated following hanging drop vapour diffusion

method in a 24-well plate set up. A crystallization drop was

set up by mixing 2 lL of protein sample (6–20 mg/mL in

25 mM Hepes buffer pH 7.0) with 2 lL of reservoir buffer

on a 18 mm siliconized cover slip (procured from Hampton

Research, US). The drop was equilibrated against reservoir

buffer (1 mL) by placing the cover slip in an inverted

position over the well. The plates were observed under a

microscope and then placed in an incubator maintained at

room temperature. The plates were regularly inspected for

change in behaviour of drop and searched for conditions

that favour crystalline phase.

Results and discussion

The 6X His-tagged protein was purified by employing a

two-step purification strategy to achieve high purity. The

presence of His tag was exploited using immobilized metal

affinity chromatography (IMAC) [22]. The rMMP was

significantly expressed in the host cells and was adsorbed

to Ni?2-NTA support and eluted by increasing the imid-

azole concentration to 250 mM. Approximately 80 % of

the rec-protein could be recovered by elution from the

column at pH 7.4. All purification steps were completed

within 120 min. A pre-equilibration buffer was utilized to

eliminate adsorption of weakly bound proteins. Significant

decrease in the purification time was observed by com-

pleting the purification in one step as compared to non-

tagged proteins. This affinity tag has previously been used

to facilitate purification of many fusion proteins expressed

in bacteria by employing a Ni 2? nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni2?-

NTA) affinity column [23].

GFC was performed immediately after the first step of

IMAC purification. Two main peaks: one major and one

small peak were obtained. The major peak obtained at

72 mL shows a split at tip of the peak (Fig. 1). Two dif-

ferent molecular species were eluted (between 64 and









0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180



Fraction Volume (mL)



Fig. 1 Analysis of rMMP by gel filtration. The concentrated protein

sample previously purified by Ni2?-affinity chromatography was

loaded onto a Superdex 75 PG column. Chromatogram exhibits a split

peak indicating towards co-elution of different types of molecular

species as a mixture

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Page 4: Addition of magnesium chloride to enhance mono-dispersity of a coiled-coil recombinant mouse macrophage protein

77 mL, represented by two split peaks at 72 and 74 mL, as

a mixture) at same intensity. Splitting of peak in Fig. 1

corroborates to elution of either different proteins as a

mixture or existence of different forms of same protein. To

understand composition of eluents, the fractions corre-

sponding to the peaks 1, 2 and 3 (as shown in Fig. 1) were

collected separately and analysed on SDS-PAGE for

difference in molecular weight. It was observed that peaks

1 & 2 correspond to rMMP (Fig. 2); however, peak 3 did

not show any bands in SDS-PAGE. The GF fractions were

further investigated for DLS. The radius distribution plot

reflected a largely homogeneous solution with a peak

around 10 nm, although a slight broadening was observed

(Fig. 3).

It was hypothesized based on observations such as the

presence of split peak on chromatogram, the presence of

protein bands (representing peaks 1 & 2) at same position

in SDS-PAGE and dynamic light scattering measurements

that the protein existed in dynamic equilibrium between

two different forms. Similar co-elution of mixtures of

coiled-coil proteins containing tyrosine kinases through a

GF column was reported by Cheng and colleagues [24]. In

97 kDa

66 kDa

44 kDa

29 kDa

20 kDa

14 kDa

1 2 3 4

Fig. 2 SDS-PAGE of the purified rMMP. Lane 4 contains molecular

weight standards (molecular weight in kDa given on the right). Lane 1

contains peak 1 obtained from gel filtration chromatography; lane 2

contains peak 2 obtained from gel filtration chromatography (Fig. 1);

lane 3 peak 3 (Fig. 1) and lane 4 molecular weight marker

Fig. 3 Radius distribution

curve obtained by performing

dynamic light scattering on

rMMP eluted from gel filtration












0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180



Elution Volume (mL)

Fig. 4 Analysis of rMMP by gel filtration chromatography. Magne-

sium chloride was successfully added in buffer A to resolve elution of

mixture (as shown in Fig 1) and a sharp peak was obtained

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Page 5: Addition of magnesium chloride to enhance mono-dispersity of a coiled-coil recombinant mouse macrophage protein

the present study, it was concluded following DLS exper-

iments, that rMMP existed in dynamic equilibrium between

two different forms. A dynamic equilibrium was also

reported between oligomeric forms by Bitan et al. [25],

where the authors observed broadening of curves in a

radius distribution plot from DLS.

Crystallisation requires protein sample to be in a mono-

disperse state. Previous efforts to crystallize rMMP weren’t

successful. Thus, it was attempted to resolve poly-disperse

system to a mono-disperse system. It is reported in literature

that metal ions stabilize native proteins and help them stay in

a single state restricting their dynamicity [26, 27].

To resolve unstable protein states, purification was per-

formed using buffers supplemented with MgCl2 (5 mM)

(Fig. 4). It was observed during GFC that MgCl2 resulted in

shift from a split peak towards a distinct sharp peak at 74 mL

of column volume. A calibration curve for the gel filtration

column was prepared using gel filtration standards (procured

from Bio-rad Inc.; 151-1901). The semi log curve prepared

from their elution data is presented in Fig. 5. As per the

calibration curve, the elution volume of the target protein

(74 mL) corresponds to log value of 1.585 giving a molec-

ular weight of approximately 38.5 kDa. This suggests that

rMMP may be eluting in the form of dimers. The peak

observed at 72 mL corresponds approximately to 44 kDa,

which is further away from theoretical monomeric weight of

20 kDa. Therefore, the presence of different oligomeric

formation may be ruled out and the presence of different

folded states may be suggested to be playing role. However,

addition of MgCl2 suggests stabilization of rMMP to a

uniform/single state. This was further confirmed by DLS

experiments which displayed resolution of radius of distri-

bution. No other curve was present in the radius distribution

plot, further indicating mono-dispersity of the purified pro-

tein (Fig. 6). The polydispersity index was below 0.15

indicating monodispersity of the sample preparation.

It was, therefore, concluded that MgCl2 stabilised the

target protein resulting in the sharp peak with a single

molecular species further confirmed by DLS studies

showing mono-dispersity. The protein sample prepared by










40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120


[Mr ]

Elution Volume (mL)

Fig. 5 Calibration curve of gel filtration column. The gel filtration

standards were run on GF column to prepare standard curve. The

following five standard proteins such as Thyroglobulin (bovi-

ne) = 670 kDa; c-globulin (bovine) = 158 kDa; Ovalalbumin

(chicken) = 44 kDa; Myoglobulin (horse) = 17 kDa and Vit

B12 = 1.35 kDa were run on the column

Fig. 6 Radius distribution

curve obtained by performing

dynamic light scattering on

rMMP eluted from gel filtration

chromatography. The

smoothening of curve is caused

by use of magnesium chloride in

elution buffer

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Page 6: Addition of magnesium chloride to enhance mono-dispersity of a coiled-coil recombinant mouse macrophage protein

following above mentioned strategy was successfully used

to achieve crystallization and the crystals thus obtained

were diffracted up to 5 A resolution (data not shown). The

crystallization of the rMMP was obtained following

hanging drop using poly ethylene glycol 8000 as pre-

cipitant, 2-Methyl-2,4-pentanediol as co-precipitant and

magnesium chloride as additive at pH 7.0 (Fig. 7).

Such behaviour by rMMP can be understood by evalu-

ating the intramolecular ionic interactions. The sequence

contains 17.3 % of basic and 16.1 % of acidic amino acids

[28]. The spatial distribution of these residues in the

sequence allows i ? 3 and i ? 4 positioning in the helices

and that these ionic interactions can stabilize the helix. The

high content of charged residues can also result in the

intermolecular ionic interactions leading to oligomeric

forms. The molecular weight of the split peaks indicates

that they may be dimers of rMMP. The different elution

profiles may reflect the differences in the associations of

the monomeric form. These interactions are probably

charge mediated. The presence of MgCl2 can prevent this

by counter–ion interaction. This reduces the polydispersity

by reducing the intermolecular interactions. The helix

formation per se is not dependent on the side chain-side

chain interactions. The effect of MgCl2 on the stability of

helical coils has been observed earlier [29].

Finally, the purified protein exhibited a single band with

a molecular weight corresponding to *23 kDa estimated

by 12.5 % SDS-PAGE under denaturing conditions

(Fig. 8). The molecular weight of the purified protein was

further investigated by bioinformatics analysis (ProtoPa-

ram tool; which indi-

cated a theoretical molecular mass of 20.318 kDa.

Bioinformatics analysis also resulted in the discovery that,

rMMP exhibits homology to a coiled-coil ferritin-like

protein that protects DNA from oxidative damage [30].


The present study demonstrates that rMMP protein exists

transiently between its differently folded states. Addition of

MgCl2 to the elution buffer stabilizes the protein and helps it

remain in a mono-disperse state. The effect of MgCl2 was also

confirmed by DLS investigations. The purified sample is

subsequently suitable for crystallisation screening. The pres-

ent study establishes the significance of gel filtration chro-

matography as well as dynamic light scattering as important

techniques in characterization of dispersity of proteins.

Acknowledgments Authors thank all members of the University of

Queensland, Australia structural genomics group who inspired us to

work on this protein. MP thanks Deakin University for encouraging

collaboration with participating institutions. PP thanks DU for pro-

viding trainee scholarship to pursue partial work at bioprocessing



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