Page 1: Administrators' Notes Documentation

Faculty Notes

Appointments Honors Activities

3 Publications

Administrators' Notes

7 Activities 7 Publications


8 Academic Year Calendar 1998-99 9 Notre Dame Report Publication Schedule 9 Notre Dame Report Submission Information

OCTOBER 1 5 ' 1 9 9 9

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Edward R. Trubac, associate dean of the College of Business and associate professor of finance, was recently ap­pointed the Thomas A. and James J. Bruder Chair for Administrative Lead­ership.


Katharina J. Blackstead, librarian, has been elected vice-chair, chair -elect of the Public Relations Section of the Library Administration and Manage­ment Association, serving a three-year term. She has been reappointed to chair the Publications Committee of LAMA/PRS for a one-year term.

Mark J. McCready, chair and pro­fessor of chemical engineering, has been selected to be an associate editor of the International Journal of Multiphase Flow.

Mihir Sen, professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering, has been elected to the grade Fellow of the pro­fessional society, American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME).

David A. Smith, assistant professor of psychology and the director of the Marital Therapy and Research Clinic, was appointed Editor-in-Chief of .A p-

I plied and Preventive Psychology: Current Scientific Perspectives, the journal of the American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology, Cambridge University Press.

Rev. D. Reginald Whitt, O.P., associate professor of law, has been appointed by Bishop John M. D'Arcy to serve as a judge on the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. In addition, he is among those recently selected to represent the Catholic bishops in the forthcoming United Methodist-Roman Catholic Dia­logue, "The Church in Each Place and in All Places."



Joseph P. Bauer, professor oflaw, testified at a hearing of the Subcom­mittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Af­fairs of the House Committee on Gov­ernment Reform on "The Economic Ef­fects of the Proposed BFGoodrich/ Coltec Merger", in Cleveland, Ohio, July 7.

Katharina J. Blackstead, librarian, presented "Academic Library Friends' Groups: Shifting Paradigms," and chaired the session "Grantsmanship Structures in Academic Libraries," at the annual conference of Development Officers of Research and Academic Li­braries, at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, in Cambridge Massa­chusetts, May 7-8.

Austin I. Collins, C.S.C., associate professor and chairperson of the art, art history, and design, presented the invited lecture "The University of Notre Dame Public Sculpture Project, 1995-1997" at Vanderbilt University, in Nashville, Tennessee, April 7.

Edmundo Corona, associate profes­sor of aerospace and mechanical engi­neering, presented the paper "Buckling of Cracked Plates Under Biaxial Load­ing" at the 1999 AMSE Mechanics and Materials Conference in Blacksburg, Virginia, June 27-30.

Daniel J. Costello Jr., professor of electrical engineering, presented the invited lecture "On the Packet Error rate Performance of Convolutional Codes" at the IEEE Information Theory Workshop in Metsovo, Greece, June 27-July 1. He presented the papers "Optimization of Transition Diagram Weights for Sequential Lossless Coding of Piecewise Stationary Sources" and "Asymptomatically Optimal Low Com­plexity Sequential Lossless Coding for Regular Piecewise Stationary Memoryless Sources" at the IEEE In­formational Theory Workshop in Kruger Park, South Africa, June 20-25. He presented the paper "Asymptoti­cally Optimal Threshold Based Low Complexity Sequential Lossless Coding for Piecewise Stationary Memoryless

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Sources," with G. Shamir, at the IEEE Information Theory Workshop in Metsovo, Greece June27-July 1.

Micheal J. Crowe, professor in the program of liberal studies and the graduate program in history and phi­losophy of science, organized the symposim "Perspectives on the Ques­tion of Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life" at the University of Notre Dame, July 1. At the symposium, he gave the talk "The Extraterrestrial Life Debate and Its Place in the History of Astronomy."

Julia Douthwaite, associate pro­fessor of French, presented the paper "From the Laboratory to the Home: Experimentation in Popular Culture, Rousseau's Emile and the Edgeworths' Practical Education," at the Interna­tional Congress on the Enlightenment in Dublin, Ireland on July 30.

Nai-Chien Huang, professor of aero­space and mechanical engineering, presented the paper "Damage Arrest Assessment of Supersonic Transport Composite Sandwich Panels with Inte­gral Tear Strap Reinforcements" at the 12th International Conference on Composite Materials, in Paris, France, July 5-9. He presented the paper "In­terfacial Debonding of a Spherical In­clusion Embedded in an Infinite Me­dium Under Remote Stress" co­authored with M.Y. Korobeinik, at the 12th International Conference o Math­ematical and Computer Modeling and Scientific Computing in Chicago, Illi­nois, August 2-4.

David R. Hyde, associate professor of biological sciences, presented the seminar "Molecular Genetic Analysis of Drosophila RdgB Function" at Uni­versity College Dublin, Ireland, March 21. He presented the invited seminar "A Family of Vertebrate RdgB Ho­mologs that Sheds Some Light on the Function of the RdgB Protein in the Drosophila Photoreceptor Cells" at the First International Workshop on Inver­tebrate Phototransduction in Jerusa­lem, Israel, July 12-19.

Prashant V. Kamat, professional spe­cialist in the radiation laboratory, pre­sented "Photo and Radiation Induced Charge Transfer Process in Nanoscopic

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Materials" at the 11th International Ra­diation Research Conference in Dublin, Ireland, July 18-23.

Yahya C. Kurama, assistant professor of civil engineering and geological sci­ences, presented the paper "Seismic Design and Parametric Response Evaluation of Unbonded Post­Tensioned Hybrid Coupled Walls" at the Sixth Joint Technical Coordinating Committee Meeting, U.S.-Japan Coop­erative Earthquake Research Program on Composite and Hybrid Structures in San Francisco, California, August 1-3.

Jay A. Laverne, professional special­ist in the radiation laboratory, pre­sented "Fundamental Aspects of Heavy Ion Radiolysis" at the 11th Interna­tional Congress of Radiation Research in Dublin, Ireland, July 18-23.

Keith Madden, associate professional specialist in the Radiation Laboratory, presented the poster "The RCDC Solu­tion Kinetics Database, Version 3.0. A PC-Based Resource of Free-Radical Chemistry," at the Gordon Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry at Holderness School, in Plymouth, New Hampshire, June 27-July 2, and at the 41st Annual Rocky Mountain Confer­ence on Analytical Chemistry in Den­ver, Colorado, August 1-5.

Mary Ann Mahony, assistant profes­sor of history, presented "Formando e reformando o passado: Representao hist6rica e politica das elites na zona cacaueira da Bahia" and "Pequenos productores e mobilidade social na regiao do cacao na Bahia, 1850-1929" at the inviation of the Graduate Program in History of the University of Brasilia, in Brasilia, Brazil, June 10-11. She pre­sented "0 Mundo que Criou o Cacau­Sociedade Politica e Mitos Hist6ricos no Sul da Bahia" at the Public Archive of the state of Bahia at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the state of Bahia, Brazil, June 16. She presented "Uma nova visao da hist6ria do sul da Bahia, 1820-1930" at the His­tory Department, Universidade Esadoal da Santa Cruz, Ilheus, in Ba­hia, Brazil, July 5.

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Dan Meisel, director of the radiation laboratory and professor of chemistry and biochemistry, presented "Radia­tion Induced Charge Carriers in Nanoparticle Suspensions" at the 11th International Congress of Radia­tion Research in Dublin, Ireland, July 18-23.

Anthony N. Michel, Frank M. Freimann professor of electrical engi­neering, presented the paper "A Com­parison Theory for the Stability Analy­sis of General Hybrid Dynamical Sys­tems" at the 14th World Congress of the International Federation of Auto­matic Control in Beijing, July 5-9. He presented the seminar "Modeling and Stability Analysis of Hybrid Dy­namical Systems" at the Universite de Technologic Belfort-Montbeliard, France, July 12. He presented the seminar "Recent Trends in the Qualita­tive Analysis of Hybrid and Discon­tinuous Dynamical Systems" at the University of Strathclyde in Blasbow, Scotland, United Kingdom, July 30.

Samuel Paolucci, associate pro­fessor aerospace and mechanical engi­neering, presented the papers "The Use of Wavelets in Computational Fluid Mechanics" and "Design of Per­manent Mold Castings" at the 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference held in San Francisco, California, July 18-22.

Simon M. Pimblott, associate profes­sional specialist in the radiation labora­tory, presented the talk "Chemical Consequences of Radiation Tracks in Water and DNA" and the poster "Effect of Electron Energy on OJ-I Yield and on the Fricke Dosimeter" at the 11th In­ternational Congress on Radiation Re­search in Dublin, Ireland, July 18-23,

Wolfgang Porod, professor of electri­cal engineering, presented the invited talk "Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata: Review and Perspective" at the 4th MEL-ARIINID Workshop (Nanoscale Information Devices cluster within the European ESPRIT Microelectronics Ad­vanced Research Initiative), in Duisburg, Germany, July 7-9.

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Joseph M. Powers, associate profes­sor of aerospace and mechanical engi­neering, gave a talk entitled "Simula­tions of Viscous Detonations with De­tailed Kinetics using Manifold and Wavelet Techniques" at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, in Los Alamos, New Mexico, July 15. He pre­sented the papers "Modeling Gas Phase RDX Combustion with Intrinsic Low Dimensional Manifolds" and "Multidi­mensional Detonation Solutions from Reactive Navier-Stokes Equations" and chaired the session "Propellant Com­bustion" at the 17th International Col­loquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems in Heidelberg, Germany, July 25-30.

Irwin Press, professor of anthropol­ogy, delivered the keynote address "The Role of Patient Satisfaction in the New Millennium" to both the Con­necticut and Maine Hospital Associa­tions' annual meetings in June.

Terrence W. Rettig, associate profes­sor of physics, presented the papers: "CO Emission in Comets C/1995 01 (Hale-Bopp) and C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)"; "Spatial Spectral Map­ping of Ethan Emission in Comet Hyakutake: Determination of Producation Rates, CO Emission in Comets C/1995 01 (Hale-Bopp) and C/ 1996 B2 (Hyakutake)"; and "Infared Spectroscopy of Comets Hale-Bopp and Hyakutake Near 2 Microns" at the 1999 Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites Con­ference at Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York, July 26-30.

Steven Ruggiero, associate professor of physics, presented the paper "Wave­length-Dependent Photoresponse in YBCO Systems," at the 1999 Interna­tional Workshop on Superconductivity (ISTEC/MRS), in Kauai Island, Hawaii, June 28.

Jonathan Sapirstein, professor of physics, presented the talk "Binding effects on electroweak radiative cor­rections in atoms" at the Workshop on Fundamental Symmetries, National In­stitute for Nuclear Theory in Seattle, Washington, July 6-9.

Peter Schiffer, assistant professor of physics, gave the invited talk "Spin liq­uid and analog to the helium-4 melting curve in a geometrically frustrated magnet" at the 22nd International Con­ference on Low Temperature Physics in Helsinki, Finland, August 7. He gave the seminar "Physics of Wetting and Drag Force in Granular Media" at the Laboratory of Physics at the Helsinki University of Technology, in Helsinki, Finland, August 10.

Patrick J. Schiltz, associate professor oflaw, was interviewed by Morley Safer about a sexual harassment law­suit filed against the Jesuits on the CBS newsmagazine 60 Minutes May 9.

Andrew Sommese, Vincent J. Duncan and Annamarie Micus Duncan professor of mathematics, gave the in­vited talk "The Numerical Study of Al­gebraic Varieties" at the Foundations of Computational Mathematics 99 con­ference, Oxford University, England, July 18-28.

Arvind Varma, Arthur J. Schmitt pro­fessor of chemical engineering, pre­sented the plenary lecture "Combus­tion Synthesis of Advance Materials" and an invited lecture titled "Future Directions in Chemical Reaction Engi­neering" at the Asia-Pacific Chemical Reaction Engineering Symposium, held at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, in Hong Kong, June 13-17. He presented an in­vited seminar entitled "Ethylene Expoxidation in a Catalytic Packed-Bed Membrane Reactor" at the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engi­neering, National University of Singapore, in Singapore, June 21. He presented the Kuloor Memorial Lec­ture titled "Combustion Synthesis of Advanced Materials" at the Depart­ment of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, in Bangalore, June 23 and presented an invited seminar with the same title at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Insti­tute of Technology, in Delhi, June 28.

Raimo Vayrynen, professor of gov­ernment and international studies, presented "Cities and Regional Coop­eration: The Case ofthe Baltic Rim" to the Conference of the Major Baltic Rim


Cities in Helsinki, Finland, June 22-23. He presented "Globalization and Hu­man Development" to a seminar orga­nized by the UNDP and the Finnish Foreign Ministry to publicize The Hu­man Development Report 1999 in Helsinki, Finland, July 12.

Erhard Winkler, professor emeritus of civil engineering and geological sciences, presented "Simplified Test­ing of Durability of Stone" as an in­vited speaker at symposium on Dura­bility of Building Stone, in Carrara, Italy, May 25-28.


Panos J. Antsaklis, professor of elec­trical engineering, and X. Xu co­authored "On the Reachability of a Class of Second-Order Switched Sys­tems," in Proc. of the American Co"n­trol Conference, in San Diego, Califor­nia, June 2-4. He also wrote with, Bei Hu, associate professor of mathemat­ics, Anthony Michel, Frank M. Freimann professor of engineering, and X. Xu "Robust Stabilizing Control Law for a Class of Second-order S·witched Systems" in Proceedings of the An1eJican Control Conference, in SanDi­ego, California, June 2-4. He co­authored with X.D. Koutsoukos "Hy­brid Control of a Robotic Manufactur­ing Systems" in Proceedings of the 7th IEEE ivlediterranean Conference on Con­trol and Automation, in Haifa, Israel, June 28-30. He co-authored with X. Xu "Design of a Stabilizing Control Laws for Second-Order Switched Systems," in Proceedings of the IFAC 14th World Congress, vol. C, pp. 181-186, P.R. China, July 5-9.

Bruce A. Bunker, chair and professor of physics, co-authored "A bent Laue analyzer for fluorescence XAFS detec­tion" with G.B.Bunker, D. Chapman, R. Fischetti, C. Segre, and Z. Zhong, pub­lished in the.foumal of Synchrotron Ra­diation, vol. 6, 1999, pp. 370-372. He co-authored "XAFS Studies of Inter­faces in MnSe/ZnTe Superlattices" with Jacek K Furdyna, professor of physics, and A.J. Kropf, published in the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol. 6, 1999, pp. 212-214.

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Francis J. Castellino, dean of sci­ence, Kleiderer-Pezold professor ofbio­chemistry and director of the Center for Transgene Research, co-authored "Functional and structural conse­quences of aromatic residue substitu­tion within that kringle-2 domain of tissue-type plasminogen activator" withY. Chang and S.L. Nilsen, pub­lished in Journal of Peptide Research, val. 53, 1999, pp. 656-664.

Hsueh-Chia Chang, professor of chemical engineering, co-authored "Unusual Contact-line Dynamics of Thick Films and Drops" with A. Argarwal, A. lndeikina, and I. Veretennikov, published in the Joumal of Colloid and Interface Science, val. 215, 1999, p. 425.

Kevin J. Christiano, associate pro­fessor of sociology, wrote "Religion and the Family in Modern American Culture," published in S.K. House­knecht and J.G. Pankhurst, eels., Fam­ily, Religion and Social Change in Di­vase Societies. New York and Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 43-78.

Austin I. Collins, C.S.C., chair and associate professor of art, art history and design, exhibited sculpture in the following exhibitions: Pier Walk '99, Navy Pier, Chicago, Illinois, May 12-0ctober 30; Marquette Show, Vedanta Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, January 12-February 9; 13th Rosen Outdoor Sculp­ture Competition and Exhibition, Ap­palachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, April 15-July 15, 2000; 1st Annual Sculpture Exhibition, White River State Park, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 1-0ctober 30; Riverfront Sculp­ture Walk '99, Peoria, Illinois, June 30-Novemeber 30; Contemporary Sculp­ture at Chesterwood '99, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, Jupe 2- October 12.

Daniel J. Costello, Jr., professor of electrical engineering, co-authored "On the Weight Distribution of Terminated Convolutional Codes," with M.P.C. Fossorier and S. Lin, published in IEEE Transactions on Infomwtion Theory, val. 45, no. 5, 1999, pp. 1646-1648.

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J .. Michael Crant, associate professor of management, and T.S. Bateman co­authored "Proactive behavior: Mean­ing, impact, and recommendations," published in Business 1-Imizons, 1999, pp.63-70.

Xavier Creary, Charles L. Huisking Sr. professor of chemistry and bio­chemistry, co-authored "Methylenecyclopropane Rearrange­ment as a Probe for Free Radical Sub­stituent Effects. ·Values for Potent Radical-Stabalizing Nitrogen-Contain­ing Substituents" with P.S. Engel, N. Kavaluskas, L. Pan, and A. Wolf, pub­lished in Journal of Organic Chemistry, val. 64, 1999, pp. 5634-5643.

!vlichael J. Crowe, professor in the program ofliberal studies, wrote The Extraterreshial Life Debate 1750-1900. New York: Dover reprinting, with new preface, of the 1986 original, 704 pages. He wrote "Pierre Duhem, the History and Philosophy of Physics, and the Teaching of Physics," pulJlished in Physics in Perspective, val. 1, 1999, pp. 54-64. He wrote a review of "Sara Schechner Genuth, Comets, Popular Culture, and the Birth of Modern Cos­mology," published in Physics Today, val. 51,1998, p. 61.

Julia Douthwaite, associate professor of French, published entries on "Mar­guerite de Lussan" and "Marie Josephine de Monbart" in Eva Martin Satori, ed., The Feminist Encyclopedia of French Literature. Westport, Connecticutt and London: Greenwood Press, 1999, pp. 331-332, 372-373.

Crislyn D'Souza-Schorey, Walther Cancer Institute assistant professor ofbiological sciences, co-authored "EFA6, a sex 7 domain-containing ex­change factor for ARF6, coordinates membrane recycling and actin cyto­skeleton organization" with M. Franco, P.J. Peters, J. Boretto, E. vanDonselaar, A. Neri, and P. Chavrier, published in The EMBO Journal, val. 18, no. 6, pp. 1480-1491.

Thomas P. Fehlner, Grace-Rupley professor of chemistry, co-authored "Early versus late transition metals. Electronic structure of nido-2-CpMLnB4H8, CpML11 = CpTaClz,

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CpWh3 and CpCo," with A.S. Weller, and S. Aldridge, published in Inorganic Chimica Acta, val. 289, 1999, pp. 85-94. He also co-authored "Designer clusters: synthesis and characterization of CP*zRhzCo3(CO)aB3HCl (Cp* = _5-C5Mes)," with lVIaoyu Shang, adjunct professor of chemistry and biochemis­try, and X. Lei, published in Chemical Communications, 1999, pp.933-934. They wrote "2,2'-commo-Bis[2-ruthena­nido-1-(ll5-pentamethylcyclopenta­dienyl)ruthenahexaborane(12)]: An Unusual Ruthenaborane Related to Ruthenocene and Exhibiting a Linear Triruthenium Fragment," published in lwgewandte Chemic International Edi­tion, val. 38, 1999, pp. 1986-1989.

Stephan A. Fredman, professor of English, wrote '"And All Now is War': George Oppen, Charles Olson, and the Problem of Literary Generations," pub­lished in Rachel Blau Du Plessis and Peter Quartermain, eels., The Objectivist Nexus: Essays in Cultural Poetics. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, p. 286-293.

Richard I. Fremgen, professional specialist in the department of accoun­tancy, co-authored "What's in a Name Change" with L.S. Pethley, published in the Journal of Accountancy, val. 188, no. 2, 1999, pp. 71-74.

Davide A. Hill, associate professor of chemical engineering, Yi~nnis N. Kaznesis, graduate student, and Ed­ward J. Maginn, assistant professor of chemical engineering, co-authored "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Dielectric Relaxation of Concentrated Polymer Solutions" published in Jour­nal of Chemical Physics, val. 111, 1999, pp. 1325-1334.

Nai-Chien Huang, professor of aeropsace and mechanical engineer­ing, co-authored "Damage Arrest As­sessment of Supersonic Transport Composite Sandwich Panels with Inte­gral Tear Strap Reinforcements" with Y.-C. Li and S.G. Russell, published in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Composite Materials, 1999, CD-ROM, Paris, France.


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David R. Hyde, associate professor of biological sciences. co-authored "Clon­ing and Characterization of Six Zebrafish Photoreceptor Opsin cDNAs and Immunolocalization of their Corre­sponding Proteins," with T.S. Vihtelic and C.J. Doro, published in Visual Neu­roscience, vol. 16, pp. 571-585. He co­authored "Isolation and Characteriza­tion of Drosophila retinal degeneration B Suppressors," with D.W. Paetkau, V.A. Elagin, and L.M. Sendi, published in Genetics, vol. 151, pp. 713-724. He co-authored "The UV Visual World of Fishes: a Review," with G.S. Losey, T.W. Cronin, T.H. Goldsmith, N.J. Marshall, and W.N. McFarland, pub­lished in the Journal of Fish Biology, vol. 54, pp. 921-943.

Alan L. Johnson, professor ofbiologi­cal sciences, co-authored "Chemo­therapy and Apoptosis in the Ovary -Cancer Treatment Comes with a Price" with Jonathan L. Tilly, published in Apoptosis and Cancer Chemotherapy, eel. J.A. Hickman and C. Dive, Humana Press Inc., Totowa, New Jer­sey, pp. 257-273.

A. Eugene Livingston, professor of physics, co-authored "Higher Order Photon Transitions in H-like and He­like Ions" with H. Gordon Berry, pro­fessor of physics, R.W. Dunford, E.P. Kanter, H.W. Schaffer, P.H. Molder, S. Cheng, and L.J.Curtis, published in Physica Scripta, vol. T80, 1999, pp. 143-144. He co-authored "Measurement of 2s-2p Transition Energies in Few Elec­tron Heavy Ions" with P. Bosselmann, K.-H. Schartner, U. Staude, F. Folkmann, P.H. Molder, and T. Ludziejewski, published in Physica Scripta, vol. T80, 1999, pp. 145-147.

Edward J. Maginn, assistant profes­sor of chemical engineering, co­authored "Rheology, dynamics, and structure of hydrocarbon blends: A molecular dynamics study of n-hex­ane/n-hexadecane mixtures," with L.I. Kioupis, published in The Chemical En­gineeling Joumal, vol. 74, 1999, pp. 129-146. He co-authored "Molecular Dy­namics Simulations of Dielectric Relax­ation of Concentrated Polymer Solu­tions" with Y.N. Kaznessis and Davide A. Hill, associate professor of chemi-


cal engineering, published in Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 111, 1999, pp. 1325-1334.

Lawrence C. Marsh, associate profes­sor of economics, and Kajal Mulrnopadhyay, assistant research professor in the Center for Contempo­rary Society, co-authored "Discrete Poisson Kernel Density Estimation with Application to Wildcat Coal Strikes," published in Applied Econom­ics Letters, vol. 6, 1999, pp. 393-396.

Grant J. Mathews, professor of phys­ics, co-authored "Relativistic Studies of Close Neutron Star Binaries," with P. Marronetti and J.R. Wilson, published in T. Piran and R. Ruffini, eels., Pro­ceedings 8th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 1527-1529. He co­authored "Gamma-Ray Bursts from Close Neutron Star Binaries," with Wil­son and J. Salmonson, published in T. Piran and R. Ruffini, eels., Proceedings 8th Marcel Grossman Meeting on Gen­eral Relativity. Singapore: World Scien­tific, pp. 1594-1896.

Khalil Matta, associate professor of management, Joseph Tama, assistant professor of management, and H.-Gee Chen wrote "The Information Require­ments of Total Quality Management," published in Total Quality Magagement, vol. 9, no. 6, 1998, pp. 445-461.

John E. Matthias, professor of En­glish, wrote "Mr. Ruskin and the Vio­let," published in Bellingham Review, vol. 21, no. 2, 1998/1999, pp.73-74. He wrote "Master Class," "Six or So in Pe­tersburg," and "On Rereading a Friend's First Book," published in Sal­magundi, no. 123, 1999, pp. 80-85. He wrote "Three From.Small Chimes," "Idiolect," "La mer," and "The Lake School," translations from the Swedish of Jesper Svenbro, with Lars-Hakan Svensson, published in Samizdat, no.3, 1999, pp. 5-6. He wrote "Pages from a Book of Years: Part Two" and "Easter 1912 and Christmas 1929: Blaise Cendrars and Garcia Lorca in New York," published in Chicago Review, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 1-12. He wrote "The Downfall of the Kingdom of Serbia," translation from the Serbian, with

Vladeta Vuckovic, published in Wash­ington Post Book World, July 25, 1999, p. 12.


Anthony N. Michel, Frank M. Freimann professor of engineering, and B. Hu, co-authored "A Comparison Theory for the Stability Analysis of General Hybrid Dynamical Systems," published in Proceedings of the 14th World Congress of the International Fed­eration of Automatic Control, vol. D, Bejing, P.R.China, pp. 425-429.

Marvin J. Miller, George and Winifred Clark professor of chemistry and biochemistry, co-authored "Eluci­dation of Mechanism of Inhibition and X-ray Structure of the TEM-1 _­Lactamase from Escherichia coli Inhib­ited by a N-Sulfonyloxy-_-lactam" with J.R. Bellettini, A. Bulychev, L.P. Kotra, I. Massova, L. Maveyraud, S. Mobashery, J.P. Semana, and P. Swan~n. published in Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 121, 1999, pp. 5353-5359.

Thomas J. Mueller, Roth-Gibson pro­fessor of aerospace engineering, co­authored "Polyvinylidene flouride film sensors for measurement of unsteady pressures on aerodynamic surfaces. Part I: Design, fabrication, calibration and demonstration" with C.J. Sullivan, published in Expe1iments in Fluids, vol. 27, no. 1, 1999, pp.79-84. They co­authored "Polyvinylidene flouride film sensors for measurement of unsteady pressures on aerodynamic surfaces. Part II: Application to a small-scale marine propeller in spatially distored mean flow," published in Experiments in Fluids, vol. 27, no. 1, 1999, pp. 85-91.

William O'Rourke, professor of En­glish, published "What's making Hillary run?" in the Chicago Sun-Times, June 28, 1999, vol. 53, no. 123, p. 31.

James J. Rakowski, associate profes­sor of economics, wrote "Coping with a Paradoxical Theorem in Macroeco­nomics, Report on a Survey," pub­lished in The American Economist,· vol. 43, no. 1, 1999, pp. 52-56.

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TeiTence W. Rettig, associate profes­sor of physics, co-authored "Identifica­tion of two sources for carbon-monox­ide in comet Hale-Bopp" with M. DiSanti, M. Mumma, N. Della-Russo, R. Novak, and K. Magee-Saner, published in Nature, vol. 399, 1999, pp. 662-665.

Patrick J. Schiltz, associate pro­fessor oflaw, wrote "On Being a Happy, Healthy, and Ethical Member of an Unhappy, Unhealthy, and Un­ethical Profession," published in the Vanderbilt Law Review vol. 52, no. 4, 1999, pp. 871-951. He wrote "Pro­voking Introspection: A Reply to Galanter and Palay, Hjull, Kelly, Lesnick, McLaughlin, Pepper, and Traynor," published in the Vanderbilt

· Law Review, vol. 52, no. 4, 1999, pp. 1033-1050.

Andrew Sommese, Vincent J. Duncan and Annamarie Miens Duncan professor of mathematics, co-authored "On generation of jets for vector bundles" with M.C. Beltrametti and S. Di Rocco, published in Revista Mathematica Complutense, vol. 12, 1999, pp. 27-45.

B.F. Spencer Jr., professor of civil engineering and geological sciences, wrote "Smart Damping Strategies for Civil Infrastructure Systems," pub­lished in F. Casciati, F. Maceri, M.P. Singh, and P. Spanos, eds., Civil In­frastructure Systems: Intelligent Re­newal (Proceedings of the Third Intemational Symposium, September 24-26, 1997). New Jersey: World Scien­tific, pp. 357-366.

Arvind Varma, Arthur J. Schmitt professor of chemical engineering, co-authored "Palladium composite membranes by electroless plating tech­nique. Relationships between plating kinetics, film microstructure and membrane performance" with S.C.Christiansen and K.L.Yeung, pub­lished in the Joumal of Membrane Sci­ence, vol. 159, 1999, pp. 107-122. He co­authored "Study of structure formation during electroless plating of thin metal-composite membranes" with A.S. Mukasyan and R.S. Souleimanova, pub­lished in Chemical Engineering Science,

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vol. 54, 1999, pp. 3369-3377. He co­authored "Mechanisms of reaction wave propagation during combustion synthesis of advanced materials" with A.S. Mukasyan ai1d A.S. Rogachev, published in Chemical Engineering SCience, vol. 54, 1999, pp. 3357-3367.

Chris R. Vanden Bossche, chairper­son and professor of English, co­authored "Revising The Prelude: Au­rora Leigh as Laureate" with L.E. Haigwood, published in Studies in Browning and His Circle, vol. 22, 1999, pp. 29-42.

Raimo Vayrynen, professor of gov­ernment and international studies, wrote "The Enlargement of NATO: Shaping Europe in the Post-Cold War World," published in C. Arvanitopoulos, ed., Security Dilemmas in Eurasia. Athens, Greece: Nereus Editions, 1999, pp. 75-113.

Michael C.F. Wiescher, Frank M. Freimann professor of physics, co­authored "Measurements of proton ra­diative capture cross sections relevant to the astrophysical rp- and _-pro­cesses" with F.R. Chloupek, A.St.J. Murphy, R.N. Boyd, A.L. Cole, J. Gorres, R.T. Guray, G. Raimann, J.J. Zach, T. Rauscher, J.V. Schwarzenberg, and P. Tischhauser, published in Nuclear Physics A, vol. 652, 1999, pp. 391-405.

Olaf Wiest, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, co­authored "Ab Initio Studies of the Radi­cal Cation Diels-Alder Reaction" with U. Haberl and E. Steckhan, published in the Joumal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 121, 1999, pp. 6730-6736.


James E. Robinson, professor of En­glish at the University of Notre Dame, died yesterday (Aug. 10) at St. Joseph's Medical Center in South Bend after a brief illness. He was 71 years old.

A member of the Notre Dame faculty since 1957, Robinson was born Feb. 10, 1928 in Kansas City, Mo. He was

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graduated from Rockhurst College there in 1947 and received a master's degree from Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., in 1949. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Ilinois in 1959.

Robinson chaired the Notre Dame En­glish department from 1968-72, and served as resident director of the University's London program during the spring semester of 1984. He also served his department as director of undergraduate studies in 1988 and 1991 and associate chair from 1987-92.

A specialist in Renaissance literature , Robinson taught popular undergradu­ate and graduate courses in Shakespeare, Elizabethan-Stuartpoetry, the plays of Samuel Beckett, and the Theatre of the Absurd. In addition to his book, "The Scope of Rhetoric: A Handbook for Composition and Litera­ture," Robinson wrote numerous ar­ticles and reviews for scholarly publi­cations in this country, Canada, En­gland and Ireland. He also wrote sev­eral poems. Last year he gave lectures on Shakespeare and Beckett to audi­ences in Strasbourg, France, and Brisbane, Australia. He was at work on a book about space and time represen­tation in Shakespeare's later plays.

As notable for his kind and congenial manner as for his lively imagination and powerful intellect, Robinson en­joyed not only the respect but also the affection of his students and colleagues during his 42 years on the Notre Dame faculty. He could be as articulate, and passionate, about the fortunes of the Kansas City Royals as about the meta­phors of decomposition in Beckett's drama.

Robinson married Margaret Ann Cherek on June 24, 1950. She and their children, James, Katherine, Stephen and Ann all survive.

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Alan S. Bigger, director ofbuilding services, addressed the Florida Inter­national District Convention of the In­ternational Executive Housekeepers' Association at a seminar entitled "Where's the beef? Developing measur­able cleaning standards," in Fort Lau­derdale, Florida, July 24-25.


Alan S. Bigger, director ofbuilding services, co-authored "Carpet Cleaning: A Matter of Simple Steps" with Linda M. Bigger, published in Executive Housekeeping Today, val. 20, no. 8, July 1999, pp. 5-7, 14. They wrote "Spit Shine in Less Time - the Effective Use of Floor Care Chemicals," published in Total Maintenance Review, July! August 1999, pp. 34-36. They wrote "Factors to Consider in the Design of Washrooms," published in Executive Housekeeping To­day, August 1999, pp. ll-13.


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Academic Year Calendar 1999-2000

Fall 1999 Semester

August 20, Friday Orientation, enrollment and registra­tion for new upperclass and graduate students

August 23, Monday Enrollment for all continuing students and freshmen

August 24, Tuesday Classes begin at 8 a.m.

September 1, Wednesday Last date for all class changes

September 6, Monday Labor Day - Classes are in session

October 15, Friday Midsemester Deficiency Reports due in Registrar's Office by 3 p.m.

October 16-24, Saturday-Sunday Midsemester break

October 25, Monday Classes resume at 8 a.m.

October 29, Friday Last day for course discontinuance

November 25-28, Thursday-Sunday Thanksgiving holiday

November 29, Monday Classes resume at 8 a.m.

December 8, Wednesday Last class day

December 9-12, Thursday-Sunday Study Days (no examinations)

December 13-17, Monday-Friday Final examinations

December 21, Tuesday All grades due in the Registrar's Office by 3 p.m.

Spring 2000 Setnester

January 17, Monday Orientation, enrollment and registration

January 18, Tuesday Classes begin at 8 a.m.

January 26, Wednesday Last date for all class changes

March 10, Friday Midsemester Deficiency Reports due in Registrar's Office by 3 p.m.

March 11-19, Saturday-Sunday Midsemester break

March 20, Monday Classes resume at 8 a.m.

March 24, Friday Last day for course discontinuance

April 21-24, Friday-Monday Easter holiday

April 25, Tuesday Classes resume at 8 a.m.

May 3, Wednesday Last class day

May 4-7, Thursday-Sunday Study days (no examinations)

May 8-12, Monday-Friday Final examinations

May 16, Tuesday All grades are due in the Registrar's Office by 3 p.m.

May 19.:..21, Friday-Sunday Commencement weekend

2000 Summer Session

June 19, Monday Enrollment

June 20, Tuesday Classes being at 8 a.m.

August 1, Tuesday Last class day

August 2, Wednesday Final examinations

August 4, Friday Commencement

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Notre Dame Report Publication Schedule

·Volume 29 - 1999-2000

ttl Deadline Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 Publication Date: Friday, August 27

#2 Deadline Date: Wednesday, August 25 Publication Date: Friday, September 10



















Deadline Date: Wednesday, September 8 Publication Date: Friday, September 24

Deadline Date: Wednesday, September 22 Publication Date: Friday, October 15

Deadline Date: Wednesday, October 13 Publication Date: Friday, October 29

Deadline Date: Wednesday, October 27 Publication Date: Friday, November 12

Deadline Date: Wednesday, November 10 Publication Date: Wednesday, November 24

Deadline Date: Wednesday, November 24 Publication Date: Friday, December 10

Deadline Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2000 Publication Date: Friday, January 21

Deadline Date: Wednesday, January 19 Publication Date: Friday, February 4

Deadline Date: Wednesday, February 2 Publication Date: Friday, February 18

Deadline Date: Wednesday, February 16 Publication Date: Friday, March 3

I Deadline Date: Wednesday, March 1 Publication Date: Friday, March 17

Deadline Date: Wednesday, March 15 Publication Date: Friday, March 31

Deadline Date: Wednesday, March 29 Publication Date: Friday, April14

Deadline Date: Wednesday, April 12 Publication Date: Friday, April 28

Deadline Date: Wednesday, April 26 Publication Date: Friday, May 12

Deadline Date: Wednesday, May 17 Publication Date: Friday, June 9

Deadline Date: Wednesday, June 14 Publication Date: Friday, June 30

Deadline Date: Wednesday, July 5 Publication Date: Friday, July 21

Notre Dame Report Submission Information


Faculty (all classes: teaching research faculty, special profes­sional faculty, and librarians and special research faculty) and administrators may submit information to be printed in Notre Dame Report to 502 Grace Hall or via e-mail to [email protected].

Faculty and Administrators' Notes: Appointments include only those University appointments such as cleans, department heads, heads of committees and administrative professionals. This does not include appoint­ments to faculty positions.

Honors is comprised of non-University appointments in one's field and outright honors. It does not include fellow­ships, grants, etc. Any grants not published in the Awards Received section of the Report will be noted in Activities. Information required for each honor submitted includes: name, rank or title, department, honor, name of organiza­tion bestowing honor, city, state and elate (if applicable).

Activities must be of a professional and public nature (such as invited lectures and papers read) and should be related to one's work at the University. Lectures given on campus are only acceptable if they are of a special nature and/ or if they are presented to a broader audience than the Notre Dame community. Merely attending a meeting is unacceptable. Information required for each activity submitted includes: name, rank or title, department, title of presentation, title of conference or institution, city, state and elate. No activities are printed ahead of the elate, only after the fact. Activities will not be printed over six months out of elate.

Publications of books, articles in journals, proceedings or books, as well as reviews are published in Notre Dame Re­port. Information required for a publication in a book or journal includes: name, rank or title, department (for all Notre Dame authors), title of article, name of journal (vol­ume number, issue number, date) or name ofbook (author, place of publication, publisher, date) and page numbers. In­formation required for a published or edited book includes: name, rank or title, department (for all Notre Dame au­thors), book title, place of publication, publisher, date and total number of pages.

Doctunentation: Meeting minutes from the Graduate Council, Academic Council, Faculty Senate, University Committee on Libraries, Committee on Research and Sponsored Programs, Faculty Board on Athletics and University Committee on Women Faculty and Students are printed in Notre Dame Report. These minutes should be sent to 502 Grace Hall or via e-mail to [email protected].

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Volume 29, Number 1 October 15, 1999

Notre Dame Report is an official publication published fortnightly during the school year, monthly in the summer, by the Office of the Provost at the University of Notre Dame.

Melissa Pluta, Editor Publications and Graphic Services 502 Grace Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556-5612 (219) 631-4633 e-mail: ndreport.1

<D 1999 by the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. All rights reserved.

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