  • 7/27/2019 Advanced Layered Personnel Armour



    57tech edge

    Advanced Layered Personnel Armor1

    by MAJ Ong Choon Wei, Roy2


    Using shock compression physics and explicit numerical techniques, a method has been developed to designcomposite personnel armor by optimizing the role each layer plays during projectile deeat. The initial designconsists o a very hard frst layer to deorm and racture the projectile, an orthotropic second layer to slowdown the shock wave propagation in the through-thickness direction, whilst allowing rapid propagation in thetransverse directions, a porous third layer to absorb the shock wave energy through PV-work, and a ourth layerto provide confnement or the porous medium. Based on the above armor protect ion concept, composite platescomprising o Alumina (Al


    3) Ceramic, Dyneema HB25 and porous Polyurethane (PU) oam were constructed to

    test against baseline armor in the orm o AISI 4140 steel plate. An integral experiment was conducted to validatethis composite armor against numerical simulations. Through this study, the composite armor has been shownexperimentally to be more eect ive in resisting penetration than a high strength steel plate o equivalent (and

    slightly greater) areal density, and that the material layering sequence is undamentally correct. The results othis research provides a platorm to rethink into the way we design armor by breaking down the ballistic impactprocess into stages, and then designing specifc materials to stop projectile penetrat ion. This has the potentialor creating very high perormance composite armor at a raction o the weight o current armor solutions.

    Keywords: Military Technology; Impact Engineering; Personnel Armor; Terminal Ballistics


    In the past, armor was t ypically made o monolithic

    high strength steels (with yield strengths in excess

    o 1GPa) to protect against conventional projectile

    threats. However, the high density o steel makes itundesirable or personnel protection. The need or

    materials with high yield strength gradually evolved

    to the use o technical ceramics (Aluminum Oxide,

    Boron Carbide, Silicon Carbide, Aluminum Nitrates,

    etc.) which are o very high strength and relatively

    lightweight. Such materials cause signifcant plastic

    deormation in projectiles eectively turning kinetic

    energy into an increase in internal energy. Even

    more advanced armor materials make use o layering

    techniques comprised o composite structures.

    Examples include Kevlar Fiber-Reinorced Polymers

    (KFRP), Carbon Fiber Reinorced Polymers (CFRP), and

    Aramid or Polyethylene woven abric composites. Such

    evolution o protection technology has had varying

    success in the deeat o certain classes o projectiles.

    It is possible that the protection level or these

    existing technologies may have reached a plateau,

    with only marginal improvements rom each spiral o

    armor development.

    Impetus For Ongoing Research

    Given the evolving projectile threats, it is important

    that better armor protection schemes be developed to

    match up to the challenge o penetration protection.

    There has been much interest in the development oarmor protection using layered construction in recent

    years, as shown in works by Robbins et al,3 and Gama

    et al.4 Gupta et al have shown the eectiveness and

    easibility o using a wave spreading layer to dissipate

    the compressive orces o an incoming projectile

    within microseconds.5 Wilkins et al have shown the

    eectiveness o ceramics with aluminum backing

    plates in plastically deorming the projectile, thus

    deeating it rom the onset, preventing extensive

    damage to the lower layers o armor.6 Wilkins noted

    that the aluminum backing plate allowed the inevitable

    ailure caused by the arrival o release waves to beheld o or a longer time, allowing the ceramic time

    to cause plastic deormation in the projectile. Porous

    materials have been known to be a useul shock wave

    isolator and absorber. Fowles and Curran showed

    that this was because o the ability o the porous

    material to support appreciable elastic stress beore

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    Figure 1: Tantalum projectile striking composite target and AISI 4340 steel.

    compaction.7 Herrman has also demonstrated the

    eect iveness o porous materials and their associated

    equation o states in absorbing energy due to shock

    compression causing signifcant P-V work.8 These are

    all well-understood and great concepts or armorapplications developed independently. However, work

    has been lacking in combining these concepts into a

    cohesive armor system.

    However, work has been lacking incombining these concepts into acohesive armor system.

    Poh has shown the easibility o a composite layered

    construction made up o quite dissimilar materials each

    with specifc properties to aid penetration resistanceo the composite plate.9 It consists o a hard frst layer

    to plastically deeat the projectile, and a multiple wave

    spreading layer to laterally dissipate the compressive

    shock waves. This is then ollowed by a porous layer

    to aid energy absorption. Numerical simulations using

    the Autodyn hydrodynamic computer code have

    shown the benefts o having this sequence o layers to

    arrest the shock propagation rom a projectile impact,

    and it was predicted that this type o construction has

    the potential to outperorm an AISI 4340 armor grade

    high strength steel plate o equivalent thickness.

    This steel was chosen as a baseline material becauseits properties are very well understood, and itis a close match in dynamic properties to steelarmor materials used in many armor applications.Figure 1 shows simulation results or a 15mm

    length, 8mm diameter Tantalum cylinder penetratingcompletely through a 16mm thick AISI 4340 16mmSteel Plate at an impact velocity o 1000m/s. Thesame projectile is stopped by a composite plate o

    the same thickness (16mm).

    The motivation or this study was thus to investigatea layered concept in armor plate technology basedon undamental shock physics to stop a projectilepenetration in a series o stages:

    Stage 1: Projectile Deormation Using highyield strength, high impedance materials to resist

    penetration rom compressive orces as much aspossible causing signifcant plastic deormation in

    the projectile. This layer also helps to decrease the

    impulse delivered into subsequent layers.

    Stage 2: Wave Spreading Using special orthotropiccomposites with as high a lateral speed o sound as possible

    to spread shock waves laterally away rom incident axis.

    This causes signifcant stress wave attenuation.

    Stage 3: Energy Absorption Using porous materialsto convert kinetic energy into heat and work done in

    compressing the pores o the material (PV-work)

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    Stage 4: Penetration Prevention Final stopping layer

    to prevent penetration o the projectile with nominal

    velocity. This layer also serves as containment and

    provides spall prevention or the porous layer. Figure

    2 illustrates the above idea.

    Research Approach

    The approach was to frst develop material models

    based on literature research. This was ollowed by

    conducting proo o concept experiments using

    suitable materials or each layer which satisy the

    Figure 2: Graphical Illustration o New Armor Layering Concept.

    Test Matrix


    Material Total Thickness Average Density (gm/cm2) Areal (gm/cm2) Density Purpose

    1 AISI 4140 Steel 4.76mm 7.85 3.737 Baseline comparison o armor plants

    2 Ceramic + DyneemaHB25

    11mm 2.52 2.771 Basic composite plateto replace armor steel

    3 Ceramic + DyneemaHB25 + P1 + AI plate

    17.5mm 1.86 3.256 Full - up CompositePlate

    Material Notes: All target plates were 100mm x 100mm squares.

    AISI 4140 Steel (S) 4.76mm thick AISI 4140 Steel Plate as a control sample (Desity 7.85gm/cm3)Precision ground in accordance to ASTM A322, Rockwell C30, with a yield strength o 95,000 psi(655 MPa).

    Cer amic (C) 6mm thick Corbit 98 alumina ceramic pl ates rom Indust rie Botossi were used. Alumina 98% with aYoung's Modulus o 384 GPa, and hardness H o 16.3 GPa, and Density o 3.81 gm/cm3

    Dyneema HB25 (D) 5mm thick Dyneema HB251 rom DSM. Density o 0.97 gm/cm3, Fiber Tensile strength o Approximately

    2 GPa.

    P1 5mm thick Polyurethance, P1 - PR6710 Aircart Foam (Density 0.16 gm/cm3)

    A1 1.5mm Thick Aluminum 6061-T6 as an inertial backing plate to provide confnement or the porousoam. (Density 2.70 gm/cm3)

    Adhesive Plates are glued together using low viscosit y (500 cps) Angstrom Bond@ AB9110LV. Glued andambient air-cured over at least 24hrs.

    Table 1: Test Matrix

    requirements at each stage to arrest the incoming

    projectile. The conditions o the experiment (i.e.

    impact velocity) are then simulated using the

    numerical model developed so as to make sense o the

    experimental results. In this paper, the experimentalresults are presented frst, ollowed by the numerical

    modeling and simulations.


    A test matrix was set up to systematically test the

    eects o each layer. Our baseline material was AISI

    4140 high strength steel, rom which our composite

    plates were tested against and compared to. Table 1

    shows this test matrix. Table 2 shows the properties

    o the projectile used in this experiment while Figure

    3 shows a picture o the actual projectile.

    Live Firing Set Up

    The live fring experiment was conducted at a

    helium pressure gun acility at University o Caliornia,

    Santa Barbara (UCSB). With a gas gun pressure o up

    to 2000 pounds per square inch (psi), the gun has a

    maximum projectile velocity o about 475 m/s based

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    Figure 3: A2 Tool Steel Cylinder projectile that was used in the experiment.

    Figure 5: Schematic o how the targets or the experiment were set up. A 50mm x 50mm square area was exposed to the incoming

    project ile while the 100mm x 100mm target is held up by simple ric tion.

    Figure 4: Schematic o Gas Gun Facility.

    Specifcation/Shape Dimension Density (gm/cm3) Mass (gm) Hardness Yield Strength

    AISI A2/Cylinder 25.4mm, 7.49mm diameter 7.75 8.70 RHC - 55-56 1.8 GPa

    Table 2: Properties o steel projectile used.

    AISI A2 Cylinders were rom UCSB, manuactured in-house

    on the mass o 25.4mm long steel cylinders o 7.49mm

    diameter. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the experimental

    set up. A high speed camera, an IMACON Model 200,

    captures images at up to 200 million rames per second

    (ps). Through imaging sotware, the velocity o the

    projectile can be est imated to within 1% accuracy.

    Live Firing Results

    Table 3 summarizes the results o experiments

    using the test samples shown.

    AISI 4140 Armor Steel

    It can be seen that a rough estimation o the

    Kinetic Energy (KE) necessary to penetrate the AISI

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    Sample/ ProjectileShape

    Impact Velocity (m/s) KE (J) Relative KE Ratio Penetrate

    AISI 4140


    484 1018.61 1.000 YES

    C-DRod (1")

    483 1014.41 0.996 NO


    Rod (1")

    481 1006.02 0.988 NO

    Table 3: Live Firing Results

    Figure 6: Target samples and high speed camera rame photo-

    graphs o the AISI 4140 Steel Plate Impacted with the 1 long

    projectile at 484m/s. Complete penetration is observed.

    4140 armor steel plate was in the region o about

    1000 Joules. High speed photography showed that the

    rod penetrator was completely shattered and residual

    velocity o the ragments were about 118m/s. These

    photos, shown in Figure 6, were taken at 30s interrame

    time (33,333 ps).

    Composite Plates

    The composite plates were tested in a progressivemanner to evaluate the role o each material inpenetration resistance. The ull-up test plate has analuminum backing plate, which as shown by Boey,10 isnecessary to provide rear support and confnement tothe oam material to prevent it rom spalling.

    Both composite plates were able to resist the 1 A2projectile. This was a direct indication o the betterperormance aorded by the composite constructionover that o the AISI 4140 armor steel o equivalentareal density. Figures 7 and 8 shows the actual sample

    and damage results.

    Figure 7: Sample C-D showing complete racture o the ceramic

    frst layer but no penetration.

    Figure 8: Sample o C-D-P1-Al showing complete racture o

    the ceramic frst layer but no penetration.

    Post Test Measurements

    Deormation measurements o the damaged samples

    were done in order to compare the relative perormance o

    the various target plates. The dimensions are as defned

    in Figure 9. Table 4 summarizes the damage results.

    Discussion I (Result From The Live Firing Experiment)

    Perormance O Composite C-D

    The Ceramic/Dyneema composite plate o lower

    areal density outperormed that o the AISI 4140

    armor steel. This provides the proo o concept or

    armor protection that this investigation had initially

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    Figure 9: Dimensions that were measured using a 1/100 th mm

    accuracy vernier calipers.

    Description Projectile Speed(m/s)

    Overall Depth(mm)

    Hole Depth(mm)

    Hole Crater(mm)

    Hole Diameter(mm)

    Designation a b c d

    AISI 4140 484 9.25 9.25 12.47 8.44

    C-D 483 45.97 39.36 25.51 25.51

    C-D-P1-Al 481 35.12 21.27 31.76 31.76

    All Projectiles were 25.4mm long rod penetrators with a diameter o 7.49mm, made o A2 AISI Tool Steel

    Table 4: Post Test Measurements o Specimen Damage

    set out to achieve and showed the benefts o using

    wave spreading and energy absorption materials

    as discussed above. We note here that the ceramic

    layer is expected to be even more eective against

    penetrators that are less hard than those used in this

    study. This is because, or soter projectiles, there will

    be a greater amount o plastic deormation when they

    strike the very high compressive strength ceramicmaterial. This eectively converts projectile kinetic

    energy into heat through the plastic ow process.

    Perormance O Composite C-D-P-Al

    Porous oam as a third layer has proven to be a

    good shock attenuator. Addition o a porous oam

    layer decreased the amount o target deormationsignifcantly, by almost 24%. By absorbing the impact

    kinetic energy through cell wall collapse and porecompression, and turning it into waste heat through

    PV-work, the penetration process is made lesseective, and the total deormation decreases.

    Generally speaking, the greater the porosity,subjected to a limit, the greater amount o energyabsorption due to the combination eects o elastic

    buckling o cell walls, plastic deormation o collapsing

    cell walls, and volume compression.


    It is useul to develop a computer model that

    reproduces the conditions o the experiment so as to

    allow a comparison with the experimental results. This

    will also help guide uture experiments. The approach

    was to use Autodyn and defne the properties o

    the material used in the experiment based on either

    literature research or reasonable estimates. Some

    assumptions are necessary due to the lack o concrete

    values in the available literature as well as the lack o

    resources and time to do material testing to obtain

    the actual mechanical properties. Material models

    that are used in the simulations are discussed frst,

    and the simulations are presented thereater.

    Ceramic Modeling Polynomial Equation O State(Johnson-Holmquist Constitutive Model)

    Ceramics are unique in their response to impact

    loading. To capture the response o such brittle and

    sophisticated damage mechanisms, Autodyn uses the

    Johnson-Holmquist (JH-2) Constitutive Model which

    captures the progressive damage o ceramic materials

    subjected to impact loading.11 The various properties o

    Alumina (Al2O

    3) have also been derived experimentally

    by Anderson et al and are shown in Table 5.12 These

    values have been adopted and incorporated into

    the Autodyn Material Library.

    Orthotropic Material Modeling

    To capture the somewhat complex dynamicresponse o the wave-spreading layer we must use a

    non-isotropic material model. Below we describe how

    we have constrained such a model or the Dyneema

    material used, in the absence o measured values or

    many o the relevant properties.

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    EOS Polynomial Strength Johnson


    Failure Johnson


    Re Density 3.89 gm/cm3 ShearModulus,G

    152 GPa Hydro Tensile Limit -0.262 GPa

    A1, Bulk Modu-lus

    231 GPa Model Continuous JH-2 Model Continuous JH-2

    A2 -160 GPa HEL 6.57 GPa D1 0.01

    A3 2774 A 0.88 D2 0.7

    B0 0 N 0.64 Bulkingconstant,


    B1 0 C 0.007 Damage Gradual JH-2

    T1 231 GPa B 0.28 Tensile Failure Hydro Pmin

    T2 0 M 0.60 Erosion Geometric Strain

    Erosion Strain 2.0

    Type Instantaneous

    Table 5: Material Properties o Technical Ceramic, Alumina 99.5%.

    Conventions Used In This Section

    The ij-subscript o each normal stress or shear

    component represents the respective orce in the

    i-direction acting on the j-plane. In the case o

    Poisson ratios (e.g. v12), the ij-subscript represents

    contraction in the j-direction, when subjected to

    extension in the i-direction. The simulations in

    this research were done using axial symmetry about

    the x-axis. This would mean that the 11-directionwould reer to the through thickness direction

    (x-axis), while the 22-direction would reer to the

    transverse direction (y-axis) o the material samples.

    A hypothetical orthotropic material, D1, is defned to

    closely resemble the behavior o the actual Dyneema.

    Equation O State

    Dyneema fbers are available in layers with

    identical 0/90 fber or ientation, and can be assumed

    to be transversely isotropic or added simplicity.

    Strictly speaking though, Dyneema will have slightly

    dierent properties in any directions other than the0/90 orientation, but this increases the number o

    unknowns in the Stiness Matrix. This assumption

    o Dyneema being transversely isotropic reduces

    the Compliance Tensors Matrix to 5 unknowns rom

    the original 36. Equations (1) and (2) have been

    documented by Jones.13

    The Compliance Matrix or a Transversely Isotropic

    material is given as:

    Where {Sij} elements are defned as ollows:



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    To model the porous material using the P-

    equation o the state compaction model option in

    Autodyn, several critical parameters must frst be

    specifed. The parameters are as ollows:

    1. Initial density o the porous material0.

    2. Bulk sound speed in the elastic compaction region ce.

    3. Maximum elastic pressure (pressure at yield) Pe.

    4. Solid compaction pressure Ps.

    5. Solid material Hugoniot parameters C and S.

    The initial density o the porous material can

    be determined experimentally using the immersion

    density technique or, more requently, it is a parameter

    provided as a material specifcation by the material


    The other input parameters or the computation

    model are determined using the methodology discussed

    by Grady and Winree.15 First, to determine the bulk

    sound speed, in Eq. (3) is the relationship o how bulk

    sound speed cevaries with initial density


    where is the bulk modulus,

    For isotropic materials, the bulk modulus is

    related to the Youngs modulus, E, and Poissons ratio

    v by Eq. (4):

    Table 6: Material Properties o Orthotropic Material D1.



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    Using the scaling relat ion in Eq. (5) developed by

    Gibson and Ashby, the expectation is or the Youngs

    modulus E to vary with the square o density.16 The

    scaling relations or porous materials are derived

    mostly through empirical ftt ing o experimental data

    rom extensive test ing on polymeric oams.

    Assuming material isotropy during deormation,

    the bulk wave speed o the porous material can be

    related to the properties o the ully dense solid by

    Eq. (6):

    The Hugoniot Elastic Limit, HEL

    is a measure o

    strength in a shock loading process that can be ound

    rom the yield strength. Assuming linear elastic

    behavior to yield point and a von Mises yield condition,

    the HEL

    can be determined rom the uniaxial stress

    loading yield strength yby Eq. (7):

    Using the y

    data provided by the oam

    manuacturer, the value o HEL

    is calculated. The

    maximum elastic pressure, Pe, at which yielding begins

    is then determined rom Eq. (8). The Poisson ratio vo

    the material is obtained rom published literature and

    manuacturer inormation.17 The hydrostatic pressure

    at which yielding occurs is rom Grady and Winree:


    Where HEL

    is taken to vary with oam initial density

    according to Eq. (9):

    This model predicts that HEL

    increases with

    density. The values oHEL

    or dierent oam densities

    o the same material are calculated using the ydata

    provided by the manuacturer. The constant Cy


    then be determined rom a least-squares ft. Finally, to

    determine the pressure or complete compaction, Ps,

    the theoretical relation oHEL

    as a unction o density

    is used. The solid compaction pressure is thereore

    the elastic pressure Peat which



    The solid material Hugoniot parameters, namely

    solid bulk sound speed, C and the Hugoniot shock

    velocity slope S, are rom Grady and Winree.

    AISI 4140 Steel Plate

    The preceding section has defned the material

    properties which are needed to perorm simulations

    o our experiments. The next stage o the simulation

    study was to establish a numerical model rom which

    the perormance o uture AISI 4140 target samples

    subjected to high velocity impact rom A2 material

    projectiles can be predicted. The material properties

    were taken rom the Autodyn Material Library o 4340

    steel, with slight modifcations to its yield strength.

    A 0.295 diameter, 1 length A2 cylinder was modeled

    as the projectile.

    This simulation, shown in Figure 11, correctly

    predicted that the 1 long A2 steel rod striking at

    484m/s would punch through the 5mm high strength

    Figure 10: P- Model.





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    Table 7: A summary o the material parameters or the polyurethane oam, PR 6710 GR

    armor steel plate easily. Penetration o the AISI 4140

    steel plate was achieved with a projectile residual

    velocity o 137m/s, which was higher than the

    experimental result o 118m/s. This is due to the act

    that the projectile was completely ractured in the

    penetration process during the experiment, and this

    reduces its kinetic energy, resulting in a slightly lower

    residual velocity observed.

    Composite Plate Numerical Simulations

    Composite Plate C-D1

    A composite target consisting o 6mm Ceramic

    layered over 5mm D1 material was modeled (Figure

    12). The same A2 Tool Steel, 1 long cylinder, was made

    to hit at 483m/s. Gages were set up in the through

    thickness direction, as well as the 22-directions. It

    can be seen that the ailure mechanism observed in

    the simulations agrees well with what was observed in

    the experiment. The presence o the ceramic dissipates

    much o the initial impact energy o the projectilethrough brittle racture. There is delamination o

    the D1 material in all the layers, without shearing

    ailure,and a large deormation o the D1 material is

    observed.18 The projectile was stopped about 0.32ms

    ater impact.

    Composite Plate C-D1-P1-AL

    Composite plates were modeled with 6mm Alumina

    ceramic, 5mm Dyneema HB25, 5mm PU Foam and

    a thin 1.5mm Aluminum 6061-T6 backing inertial

    backing plate to provide confnement or the porous

    oam. Problem set up and fnal deormation shape are

    shown in Figure 13. Complete crushing o the PU oam,

    delamination o the D1 layer, and brittle racture o

    the ceramic is observed. This is comparable to theactual test sample. Time taken to arrest the projectile

    was 0.20ms.

    Discussion II (Experimental vs Autodyn Results)

    Having completed the simulations and the live

    fring experiments, it is possible to compare the

    results o each in order to determine the quality o the

    material modeling and the relative perormance o the

    composites. Table 8 summarizes the results.

    Overall Penetration Depth

    It is to be expected that Autodyn produces results

    which show larger overall depth and bulge width

    compared to those observed in the experiment because

    o the confnement eects due to the experimental

    set up. It can be seen that the simulations have

    approximated the deormation in the 11-directionairly accurately, with a maximum dierence o 11.65%.

    Eos - P-Alpha

    Re Density 1.265 gm/cm3SolidCompactionPressure

    112.54 MPa Parameter C1 2.490km/s

    Porous Density 0.1602 gm/cm3 Solid EOS Shock Parameter S1 1.56

    Porous Soundspeed

    669.44 m/sGruneisenCoefcient

    1.55 Specifc Heat 86J/kgk

    Initial CompactionPressure

    2.6 MPa Re Temp 300KCompactionCurve




    Strength Model - von Mises

    Shear Modulus 68.58 MPa Yield Stress 6.64 MPa

    Failure Model - Hydro(Pmin

    ) Erosion

    Hydro Tensile limit - 2 GPa Erosion Strain 2.0 Geometric Strain Instantaneous

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    However, as there were many assumptions made in theAutodyn Simulations, we can only conclude that themodeling provides a general guidance to the behavior

    o the system.

    Time Taken To Stop Projectile

    C-D1 perormed the worst in this experiment

    as it took the longest time, 0.32ms, to stop the

    projectile, probably due to the ailure mechanism o

    delamination and plastic deormation o the Dyneema

    fbers. Addition o the PU oam (C-D1-P1-Al) cut down

    the time by about one-third (~0.12ms) due to energy

    dissipation through volume compression, and hence

    less work done on the Dyneema to cause stretching

    and delamination.


    Our initial design, which was arrived at by

    considering how shock (stress) waves propagate

    through several classes o materials, has been shown

    to perorm dynamically in a way that is close to

    what was predicted rom simulations beore doing

    the integral experiments. It has been shown that a

    composite plate consisting o a very hard frst layer,

    a wave spreading second layer, and a shock absorbing

    third layer will perorm better than conventional

    armor steel o equivalent areal density.

    Ceramic has proven, as expected based on prior

    results in the literature, to be important as a frst layer

    to meet the incoming projectile. However, ceramics

    NIJ Level Mass (gm) Velocity (m/s) KE (J) Remarks

    I 2.6 320 133.12 .22 Cal

    I 6.2 312 301.77 380 ACP

    IIA 11.7 312 569.46 .40 Cal

    II 10.2 425 921.19 9mm

    IIIA 15.55 426 1410.98 .44 Cal

    III 9.7 838 3405.88 7.62mmIV 10.8 868 4068.49 7.62mm AP

    This Experiment

    Material Mass (gm) Velocity (m/s) KE (J) Remarks

    A2 Tool Steel 8.7 484 1019.01 1" Cylinder

    Table 9: NIJ Ballistic Protection Kinetic Energy Conversion Chart




    Shape/ Material

    Type Overall














    C-D1 Rod (1") E 45.97 39.36 25.51 25.51

    Impact Velocity.483m/s

    A2 - RHC 55-56 A 49.90 43.20 16.85 12.87 0.320

    D 9.14% 9.76% -33.94% -49.6%

    C-D1-P1-A1 Rod(1") E 35.12 21.27 31.76 31.76

    Impact Velocity.481m/s

    A2 - RHC 55-56 A 39.21 32.91 17.32 13.04 0.200

    D 11.65% 54.72% -45.47% -58.94%Legend:C - Ceramic 6mm think E - Experimental

    D1 - Replicate closely Dyneema HB25 5mm thick A - Autodyn

    P1 - PU oam 5mm thick, = 0.16gm/cm3 D - Deviation

    Table 8: Comparison o Experimental and Autodyn Results

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    alone are not good armor materials because o theirbrittle racture behavior. They convert a great deal o

    kinetic energy into racturing their own matrix, but

    once ailed, provide very litt le penetration resistance.

    We expect that the ceramic layer will be even more

    eective against projectiles made o soter materials,

    where signifcant plastic deormation in the projectile

    will occur.

    Our primary scientifc result is thatthe idea o creating a composite

    armor by design, based on eachmaterial providing a unique dynamicproperty or properties to the systemresponse, has merit.

    In this study, a wave spreading second layer such

    as an advanced fber composite, Dyneema, has proven

    to be an important asset in penetration resistance.

    By delaying the shock wave propagation in the

    11-direction, time is allowed or the shock energy to

    be spread and dissipated through the target in the


    Porous oam as a third layer has proven to be a

    good shock attenuator by widening the shock rise time

    to delay the shock wave propagation. By absorbing

    the impact kinetic energy through compaction o

    the porous material, and turning it into waste heat

    through PV-work, it reduces the amount o kineticenergy to be dissipated by the Dyneema, thus reducing

    total deormation as well as total t ime taken to arrest

    the projectile.

    Through observations o the ailure mechanism

    o each layer (racture, energy absorption, energy

    dissipation), it is concluded that the sequence o the

    layering armor concept is undamentally correct, and

    that the next stage o work would be to optimize the

    thickness and perormance o each layer, as well as

    improving our ability to more accurately model these




    Our primary scientifc result is that the idea

    o creating a composite armor by design, based on

    each material providing a unique dynamic property

    or properties to the system response, has merit. We

    believe that this approach, along with undamental

    physics inormation and insights can lead to higher

    perormance armor concepts. This is in contrast to a

    trial-and-error experimental approach. As mentionedearlier, the kinetic energy o the projectile (ignoring

    projectile geometry) is about 1000 joules. From

    Table 9, this can be roughly classifed as an American

    National Institute o Justice (NIJ) Level II ballistic

    threat. On this basis, we may examine the potential o

    this research or uture armor designs.

    Composite (NIJ Level III) For Reerence

    - Kevlar 29 / Aramid + Al 2O

    3Ceramic 19.00 1.86 3.53

    * Water has reerence density o 1.0 gm/cm3

    Table 10: Comparison o this study with Commercial Armor.

    Rank Composite(NIJ Level II Equivalent)

    Total Thickness(mm)

    Average Density*(gm/cm3)

    Areal Density(gm/cm2)

    1 Kevlar / Aramid Ballistic Panel 5.00 0.84 0.42

    2 Ballistic Steel Plate

    (1.45GPa Yield Strength)

    3.20 7.78 2.49

    3 Ceramic + Dyneema 11.00 2.52 2.77

    4 Ceramic + Dyneema + Porous Polyure-thane + Aluminum

    17.50 1.91 3.34

    5 AISI 4140 Steel (655MPa Yield Strength)

    4.76 7.85 3.74

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    2. Other co-authors o the original paper were:

    Mr. Boey Chung Wai, Principal Engineer, Singapore

    Technologies Kinetics P te. Ltd.

    Proessor Robert S. Hixson, Department o Physics, NavalPostgraduate School.

    Proessor Jose O. Sinibaldi, Department o Physics, Naval

    Postgraduate School.

    3. J. R. Robbins, Ding J.L., Y. M. Gupta, Load Spreadingand Penetration Resistance o Layered Structures A

    Numerical Study, International Journal o Impact

    Engineering30, no. 6 (2004): 593615.

    4. B. A. Gama, T. A. Bogetti, B. K. Fink, Yu C. J., T. D. Claar,

    H. H. Eiert, J. W. Gillespie Jr., Aluminum Foam IntegralArmor: A New Dimension in Armor Design, CompositeStructures 52 (2001): 381-395.

    5. Y. M. Gupta, Ding J. L., Impact Load Spreading in Layered

    Materials and Structures: Concept and QuantitativeMeasure,International Journal o Impact Engineer ing27,

    no. 3 (2002): 277291.

    6. M. L. Wilkins, Mechanics o Penetration and Peroration,

    International Journal o Engineering Science 16, no. 11(1978): 793807.

    7. G. R. Fowles and D. R. Curran, Experimental Testing o

    Shock Attenuating Materials, AFSWC-TDR-6222 (March


    8. W. Herrman, Constitutive Equation or the DynamicCompaction o Ductile Porous Materials, Sandia

    Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12 December

    1968. Reprinted romJournal o Applied Physics 40, no. 6(1969): 2490-2499.

    9. Poh C. W., Investigation o New Materials and Methods

    o Construction o Personnel Armor, MSc thesis, Naval

    Postgraduate School, Monterey, Caliornia, December 2008.

    10. Boey C. W., Investigation o Shock Wave AttenuationIn Porous Materials, MSc thesis, Naval Postgraduate

    School, Monterey, Caliornia, December 2009.

    11. T. J. Holmquist, G. R. Johnson, Response o Boron

    Carbide Subjected To High Velocity Impact,International

    Journal o Impact Engineer ing35, no. 8 (2008): 742-752

    12. C. E. Anderson Jr, G. R. Johnson and T. J. Holmquist,

    Ballistic Experiments and Computations o Confned

    99.5% Al2O3 Ceramic Tiles, in Proceedings o the 15th

    International Symposium on Ballistics, M. Mayseless, S. R.Bodner, eds., Vol. 2, Jerusalem, Israel, 1995, 6572.

    13. Robert M. Jones, Mechanics o Composite Materials, 2nd

    Edition (London: Taylor and Francis, 1999), 68-70.

    14. J. W. S. Hearle, High Perormance Fibers (Cambridge:

    Woodhead Publishing, 2001), 78.

    15. D. E. Grady and N. A. Winree, A Computat ional

    Model or Polyurethane Foam, in Fundamental Issues

    and Applications o Shock-Wave and High Strain Rate

    By optimizing the layers urther,it is possible that this approachwill eventually surpass current NIJ

    Level III solutions using Aramidcomposites.

    Table 10 provides a rough ranking o the test samples

    against well-established ballistic protection solutions

    using ballistic steel and Kevlar. It should be noted

    that the test samples were not tested to ailure

    (penetration) as it was not the objective o this

    research to ascertain the NIJ equivalent o the test

    samples, and we do not claim that the test samples

    are ready or feld applications. However, it can be

    observed that this approach to armor design is ableto provide immediate success with an areal density

    (weight) that is comparable to ballistic steel. By

    optimizing the layers urther, it is possible that this

    approach will eventually surpass current NIJ Level III

    solutions using Aramid composites. We also envision

    this approach leading to a single composite material

    that is created using a mater ial-by-design process that

    could combine several benefcial dynamic properties

    or armor usage. This process can be readily extended

    to higher perormance, design concepts guided by

    both calculations and experiments.


    The author would like to thank his supervisor and

    mentor, Proessor Robert Hixson or his guidance

    and enthusiasm during his studies at the Naval

    Postgraduate School, without which this research

    would not have been possible. His encouragement

    and confdence were instrumental in the publication

    o this research in theInternational Journal o Impact



    1. This is a condensed version tailored to the interests o SAF

    POINTER readers. The original paper was frst published

    in the International Journal o Impact Engineering 38,

    no. 5 (May 2011): 369-383,


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    MAJ Ong is a Commando Ofcer by vocation and is currently a Weapon StaOfcer in GS (Development) Systems Integration Ofce. He is a recipient

    o the SAF Academic Training Award and SAF Postgraduate Scholarship. He

    holds a BEng (First Class Honours) in Civil Engineering and MSc in Deence

    Technology & Systems rom NUS, and a MSc o Science (Distinction) in CombatSystems Technology rom the Naval Postgraduate School. MAJ Ong is also

    concurrently pursuing a PhD in Protective Technology rom the Department

    o Civil Engineering, NUS.

    Phenomena, By K. P. Staudhammer, L. E. Murr, M. A.Meyers, eds. (Oxord: Elsevier Sc ience, 2001), 485-491.

    16. M. F. Ashby, et al, Metal Foams: A Design Guide, (Oxord:

    Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000); L. J. Gibson and M.

    F. Ashby, Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties, 2nd

    Edition (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997).

    17. General Plastics Manuacturing Company, LAST-A-

    FOAM FR-6700 Aircrat Foam, June 2009, http://


    18. Ong C. W., Investigation O Advanced Personnel

    Armor Using Layered Construction, M.S. thesis,Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Caliornia,

    December 2009.

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