Page 1: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Advances in algorithmic graph theory

George B. Mertzios

School of Engineering and Computing Sciences,Durham University, UK

Graph and routing dynamics: models and algorithms

Part I

EULER Summer School 2013

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Page 2: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing


Partial orders

Comparability graphs

Permutation graphs

Trapezoid graphs

Unless stated otherwise, definitions and theorems can be found in:[Golumbic, Alg. Graph Theory & Perfect Graphs, 2004]

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Partial orders


A (strict) partial order is a pair P = (U,<P), where U is a finite set and<P is a transitive binary relation on U, i.e.:

whenever x , y , z ∈ U, if x <P y and y <P z , then x <P z .

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Page 4: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders


A (strict) partial order is a pair P = (U,<P), where U is a finite set and<P is a transitive binary relation on U, i.e.:

whenever x , y , z ∈ U, if x <P y and y <P z , then x <P z .

A partial order is:

order: the elements of the “ground set” U are “ordered”

partial: not all elements of U are “ordered”

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Partial orders


A (strict) partial order is a pair P = (U,<P), where U is a finite set and<P is a transitive binary relation on U, i.e.:

whenever x , y , z ∈ U, if x <P y and y <P z , then x <P z .

A partial order is:

order: the elements of the “ground set” U are “ordered”

partial: not all elements of U are “ordered”

Two elements x , y ∈ U are:

comparable in P, if x <P y or y <P x ,

incomparable in P, otherwise.

Element x is covered by element y (or y covers x) if:1 x <P y and

2 there exists no element z ∈ U with x <P z <P y .

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Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

Do we need all this information for the relation <P ?

since we know that <P is transitive: a <P d and d <P g ⇒ a <P g

similarly: b <P d and d <P g ⇒ b <P g

similarly: b <P c and c <P f ⇒ b <P f

all other pairs of comparable elements are needed(i.e. they are not implied by others)

=⇒ all information we need is which element covers which other element !(since we know that <P is transitive)

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Page 7: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

Do we need all this information for the relation <P ?

since we know that <P is transitive: a <P d and d <P g ⇒ a <P g

similarly: b <P d and d <P g ⇒ b <P g

similarly: b <P c and c <P f ⇒ b <P f

all other pairs of comparable elements are needed(i.e. they are not implied by others)

=⇒ all information we need is which element covers which other element !(since we know that <P is transitive)

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Page 8: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

Do we need all this information for the relation <P ?

since we know that <P is transitive: a <P d and d <P g ⇒ a <P g

similarly: b <P d and d <P g ⇒ b <P g

similarly: b <P c and c <P f ⇒ b <P f

all other pairs of comparable elements are needed(i.e. they are not implied by others)

=⇒ all information we need is which element covers which other element !(since we know that <P is transitive)

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Page 9: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

Do we need all this information for the relation <P ?

since we know that <P is transitive: a <P d and d <P g ⇒ a <P g

similarly: b <P d and d <P g ⇒ b <P g

similarly: b <P c and c <P f ⇒ b <P f

all other pairs of comparable elements are needed(i.e. they are not implied by others)

=⇒ all information we need is which element covers which other element !(since we know that <P is transitive)

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Page 10: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

Do we need all this information for the relation <P ?

since we know that <P is transitive: a <P d and d <P g ⇒ a <P g

similarly: b <P d and d <P g ⇒ b <P g

similarly: b <P c and c <P f ⇒ b <P f

all other pairs of comparable elements are needed(i.e. they are not implied by others)

=⇒ all information we need is which element covers which other element !(since we know that <P is transitive)

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Page 11: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

An element x ∈ U is called:

minimal in <P , if there exists no element y ∈ U with y <P x ,

maximal in <P , if there exists no element y ∈ U with x <P y .

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Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

An element x ∈ U is called:

minimal in <P , if there exists no element y ∈ U with y <P x ,

maximal in <P , if there exists no element y ∈ U with x <P y .

There may be many minimal/maximal elements !

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Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

An element x ∈ U is called:

minimal in <P , if there exists no element y ∈ U with y <P x ,

maximal in <P , if there exists no element y ∈ U with x <P y .

There may be many minimal/maximal elements !

In this example:

the minimal elements are: a, b,

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Page 14: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

An element x ∈ U is called:

minimal in <P , if there exists no element y ∈ U with y <P x ,

maximal in <P , if there exists no element y ∈ U with x <P y .

There may be many minimal/maximal elements !

In this example:

the minimal elements are: a, b,

the maximal elements are: e, f , g .

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Page 15: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

Consider a subset V ⊆ U of the ground set.

The restriction of the partial order P = (U,<P)on the elements of V is denoted by P(V ) = (V ,<P(V )).

the partial sub-order P(V ) = (V ,<P(V )) is:

a chain, if every two elements of V are comparable in <P ,

an antichain, if every two elements of V are incomparable in <P .

An (anti)chain is:

maximal, if it is not strictly included in another (anti)chain,

maximum, if it does not have less elements than any other (anti)chain.

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Page 16: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

Consider a subset V ⊆ U of the ground set.

The restriction of the partial order P = (U,<P)on the elements of V is denoted by P(V ) = (V ,<P(V )).

the partial sub-order P(V ) = (V ,<P(V )) is:

a chain, if every two elements of V are comparable in <P ,

an antichain, if every two elements of V are incomparable in <P .

An (anti)chain is:

maximal, if it is not strictly included in another (anti)chain,

maximum, if it does not have less elements than any other (anti)chain.

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Page 17: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

Consider a subset V ⊆ U of the ground set.

The restriction of the partial order P = (U,<P)on the elements of V is denoted by P(V ) = (V ,<P(V )).

the partial sub-order P(V ) = (V ,<P(V )) is:

a chain, if every two elements of V are comparable in <P ,

an antichain, if every two elements of V are incomparable in <P .

An (anti)chain is:

maximal, if it is not strictly included in another (anti)chain,

maximum, if it does not have less elements than any other (anti)chain.

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Hasse diagrams

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

It is often useful to represent a partial order by a diagram:

succinct representation,

a better overview of the structure of the partial order,

useful to devise algorithms.

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Hasse diagrams

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

This is done by the Hasse diagram of a partial order:

a layered diagram

first we place the maximal elements in the uppermost layer

in the next layer (below) we place the maximal elementsin the partial sub-order of the remaining elements

we continue recursively, until we place all elements in layers


two elements x , y of the same layer i are always incomparable

an element x in layer i is always covered by an element y in layer i + 1

the chains can be read top-down

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Hasse diagrams

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

This is done by the Hasse diagram of a partial order:

a layered diagram

first we place the maximal elements in the uppermost layer

in the next layer (below) we place the maximal elementsin the partial sub-order of the remaining elements

we continue recursively, until we place all elements in layers


two elements x , y of the same layer i are always incomparable

an element x in layer i is always covered by an element y in layer i + 1

the chains can be read top-down

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Hasse diagrams

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

The Hasse diagram of this partial order (edges ←→ comparable elements):

e f gmaximal elements −→

c damong {a, b, c, d}maximal elements −→

a bmaximal elements −→among {a, b}

maximal chains:{a, e}, {a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

maximum chains:{a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

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Hasse diagrams

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

The Hasse diagram of this partial order (edges ←→ comparable elements):

e f gmaximal elements −→

c damong {a, b, c, d}maximal elements −→

a bmaximal elements −→among {a, b}

maximal chains:{a, e}, {a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

maximum chains:{a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

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Hasse diagrams

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

The Hasse diagram of this partial order (edges ←→ comparable elements):

e f gmaximal elements −→

c damong {a, b, c, d}maximal elements −→

a bmaximal elements −→among {a, b}

maximal chains:{a, e}, {a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

maximum chains:{a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

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Hasse diagrams

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

The Hasse diagram of this partial order (edges ←→ comparable elements):

e f gmaximal elements −→

c damong {a, b, c, d}maximal elements −→

a bmaximal elements −→among {a, b}

maximal chains:{a, e}, {a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

maximum chains:{a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

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Hasse diagrams

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

The Hasse diagram of this partial order (edges ←→ comparable elements):

e f gmaximal elements −→

c damong {a, b, c, d}maximal elements −→

a bmaximal elements −→among {a, b}

maximal chains:{a, e}, {a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

maximum chains:{a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

not a maximal chain:{c,f}

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Hasse diagrams

For example, U = {a, b, c , d , e, f , g} and the transitive relation <P is:

a <P d , a <P e, a <P g ,b <P d , b <P e, b <P g , b <P c , b <P f ,d <P g , c <P f , c <P g

The Hasse diagram of this partial order (edges ←→ comparable elements):

e f gmaximal elements −→

c damong {a, b, c, d}maximal elements −→

a bmaximal elements −→among {a, b}

maximal chains:{a, e}, {a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

maximum chains:{a, d, g}, {a, c, f}, . . .

not a maximal chain:{c,f}

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Linear orders and linear extensions


A linear order (or total order) is a partial order P = (U,<P),where every pair of elements in U is comparable.


Let P = (U,<P) be a partial order. A linear extension of P isa linear order L = (U,<L), such that:

if x <P y , then x <L y .

In other words, a linear extension L of a partial order P has:

all the comparabilities of P

and additional comparabilities to make L linear.

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Linear orders and linear extensions


Every partial order P has a linear extension L.

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Linear orders and linear extensions


Every partial order P has a linear extension L.


If P is a linear order ⇒ L = P

Otherwise we construct a linear extension L of P as follows:1 L← ∅2 In the Hasse diagram H of P, let the layers be H1, H2, . . . , Hk3 For i = 1 to k :

add to L the elements of the layer Hi in an arbitrary order

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Linear orders and linear extensions


Every partial order P has a linear extension L.


Since the elements within one layer Hi are all incomparable, thisprocess is equivalent to the following algorithm (Topological Sorting):

1 i = 12 While U 6= ∅:

ai ← an (arbitrary) minimal element of U(such an element always exists!)U ← U \ {ai}i ← i + 1

3 Return L← (a1, a2, . . . , an)

Correctness: since we always pick up as the next element a minimalelement ai in the remaining set, we do not violate in L anycomparability of P. (“smaller comes first”)

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Linear orders and linear extensions


Every partial order P has a linear extension L.


Since the elements within one layer Hi are all incomparable, thisprocess is equivalent to the following algorithm (Topological Sorting):

1 i = 12 While U 6= ∅:

ai ← an (arbitrary) minimal element of U(such an element always exists!)U ← U \ {ai}i ← i + 1

3 Return L← (a1, a2, . . . , an)

Correctness: since we always pick up as the next element a minimalelement ai in the remaining set, we do not violate in L anycomparability of P. (“smaller comes first”)

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Interval orders

A generalization of linear orders:


An interval order is a partial order P = (U,<P), where every element xcan be assigned an interval Ix on the real line, such that x <P yif and only if Ix lies completely to the left of Iy .


A linear order is an interval order where all intervals are points.

Every interval representation of an interval graph correspondsbijectively to an interval order.


b c de

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Interval orders

A generalization of linear orders:


An interval order is a partial order P = (U,<P), where every element xcan be assigned an interval Ix on the real line, such that x <P yif and only if Ix lies completely to the left of Iy .


A linear order is an interval order where all intervals are points.

Every interval representation of an interval graph correspondsbijectively to an interval order.


b c de

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Interval orders

A generalization of linear orders:


An interval order is a partial order P = (U,<P), where every element xcan be assigned an interval Ix on the real line, such that x <P yif and only if Ix lies completely to the left of Iy .


A linear order is an interval order where all intervals are points.

Every interval representation of an interval graph correspondsbijectively to an interval order.


b c de

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Dimension of partial orders


Let P1 = (U,<P1), P2 = (U,<P2), . . . , Pk = (U,<Pk) be k partial

orders on the same ground set U. The intersection of them is the partialorder P = P1 ∩ P2 ∩ . . . ∩ Pk , where:

x <P y if and only if x <Piy for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k.

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Dimension of partial orders


Let P1 = (U,<P1), P2 = (U,<P2), . . . , Pk = (U,<Pk) be k partial

orders on the same ground set U. The intersection of them is the partialorder P = P1 ∩ P2 ∩ . . . ∩ Pk , where:

x <P y if and only if x <Piy for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k.


Let P be a partial order and P be a class of partial orders(e.g. linear orders, interval orders, etc.).

The P-dimension of P is the smallest number kof orders P1, P2, . . . , Pk ∈ P , such that P = P1 ∩ P2 ∩ . . . ∩ Pk .

If P is the class of linear orders, then the P-dimension of P is calledthe dimension of P (denoted dim(P)).

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Dimension of partial orders


Let P1 = (U,<P1), P2 = (U,<P2), . . . , Pk = (U,<Pk) be k partial

orders on the same ground set U. The intersection of them is the partialorder P = P1 ∩ P2 ∩ . . . ∩ Pk , where:

x <P y if and only if x <Piy for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k.


Let P be a partial order and P be a class of partial orders(e.g. linear orders, interval orders, etc.).

The P-dimension of P is the smallest number kof orders P1, P2, . . . , Pk ∈ P , such that P = P1 ∩ P2 ∩ . . . ∩ Pk .

If P is the class of linear orders, then the P-dimension of P is calledthe dimension of P (denoted dim(P)).

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Dimension of partial orders


Let P1 = (U,<P1), P2 = (U,<P2), . . . , Pk = (U,<Pk) be k partial

orders on the same ground set U. The intersection of them is the partialorder P = P1 ∩ P2 ∩ . . . ∩ Pk , where:

x <P y if and only if x <Piy for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k.

Since every linear order is also a (trivial) interval order, it follows that:


interval-dimension of P ≤ dimension of P

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Dimension of partial orders

Example of the dimension of a partial order P:

a′ b′ c′

a b c


dim(P) = 3.


(i) dim(P) ≤ 3: P = L1 ∩ L2 ∩ L3 (see figure)




L2 L3

b cc a

a′ b′a b



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Dimension of partial orders

Example of the dimension of a partial order P:

a′ b′ c′

a b c


dim(P) = 3.


(ii) dim(P) ≥ 3: assume otherwise that dim(P) ≤ 2, i.e. P = L1 ∩ L2

Since a, b, c are incomparable in P⇒ a, b, c have opposite orderings in L1, L2

without loss of generality: a <L1 b <L1 c and c <L2 b <L2 a

Since c <P b′ ⇒ c <L1 b′ ⇒ b <L1 b′

Since a <P b′ ⇒ c <L2 b′ ⇒ b <L2 b′

b <L1 b′ and b <L2 b′ ⇒ b <P b′, contradiction

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Partial orders

Comparability graphs

Permutation graphs

Trapezoid graphs

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Comparability graphs

Given a partial order P = (U,<P), the comparability graph of Pis a graph G , where:

the vertices of G are the elements of U,there is an edge in G between any two comparable elements.


A graph G is a comparability graph if it is the comparability graphof a partial order P, i.e. if we can transitively orient the edges of G .

G is a cocomparability graph if its complement G is a comparability graph,i.e. if we can transitively orient the non-edges of G .


Interval graphs are cocomparability graphs.


b c de

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Comparability graphs

Given a partial order P = (U,<P), the comparability graph of Pis a graph G , where:

the vertices of G are the elements of U,there is an edge in G between any two comparable elements.


A graph G is a comparability graph if it is the comparability graphof a partial order P, i.e. if we can transitively orient the edges of G .

G is a cocomparability graph if its complement G is a comparability graph,i.e. if we can transitively orient the non-edges of G .


Interval graphs are cocomparability graphs.


b c de

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Comparability graphs

Given a partial order P = (U,<P), the comparability graph of Pis a graph G , where:

the vertices of G are the elements of U,there is an edge in G between any two comparable elements.


A graph G is a comparability graph if it is the comparability graphof a partial order P, i.e. if we can transitively orient the edges of G .

G is a cocomparability graph if its complement G is a comparability graph,i.e. if we can transitively orient the non-edges of G .


Interval graphs are cocomparability graphs.


b c de

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Comparability graphs

Given a partial order P = (U,<P), the comparability graph of Pis a graph G , where:

the vertices of G are the elements of U,there is an edge in G between any two comparable elements.


A graph G is a comparability graph if it is the comparability graphof a partial order P, i.e. if we can transitively orient the edges of G .

G is a cocomparability graph if its complement G is a comparability graph,i.e. if we can transitively orient the non-edges of G .


Interval graphs are cocomparability graphs.


b c de

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Comparability graphsAn alternative definition using graph orientations

Given an undirected graph G = (V , E ), we can interpret Gas a directed graph (V , D(E )), where:

D(E ) is a set of directed arcs (instead of the edges of E ),for two vertices u, v ∈ V , uv ∈ E ⇔ 〈uv〉, 〈vu〉 ∈ D(E )(sometimes we may write E instead of D(E )).

For any subset F ⊆ D(E ):we call (V , F ) an orientation of G ,we denote by F−1 the inverse orientation of F ,where 〈uv〉 ∈ F−1 ⇔ 〈vu〉 ∈ F .we denote by F 2 = {〈uw〉 : 〈uv〉, 〈vw〉 ∈ F for some vertex v}.

(V,E) :

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Comparability graphsAn alternative definition using graph orientations

Given an undirected graph G = (V , E ), we can interpret Gas a directed graph (V , D(E )), where:

D(E ) is a set of directed arcs (instead of the edges of E ),for two vertices u, v ∈ V , uv ∈ E ⇔ 〈uv〉, 〈vu〉 ∈ D(E )(sometimes we may write E instead of D(E )).

For any subset F ⊆ D(E ):we call (V , F ) an orientation of G ,we denote by F−1 the inverse orientation of F ,where 〈uv〉 ∈ F−1 ⇔ 〈vu〉 ∈ F .we denote by F 2 = {〈uw〉 : 〈uv〉, 〈vw〉 ∈ F for some vertex v}.

(V,E) : (V, F ) :

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Comparability graphsAn alternative definition using graph orientations

Given an undirected graph G = (V , E ), we can interpret Gas a directed graph (V , D(E )), where:

D(E ) is a set of directed arcs (instead of the edges of E ),for two vertices u, v ∈ V , uv ∈ E ⇔ 〈uv〉, 〈vu〉 ∈ D(E )(sometimes we may write E instead of D(E )).

For any subset F ⊆ D(E ):we call (V , F ) an orientation of G ,we denote by F−1 the inverse orientation of F ,where 〈uv〉 ∈ F−1 ⇔ 〈vu〉 ∈ F .we denote by F 2 = {〈uw〉 : 〈uv〉, 〈vw〉 ∈ F for some vertex v}.


A graph G = (V , E ) is a comparability graph if there existsan orientation (V , F ) of G such that:

(i) F ∩ F−1 = ∅, (ii) F + F−1 = E , (iii) F 2 ⊆ F .

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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph?a

b c


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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph?a

b c


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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph?a

b c


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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph?a

b c


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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph? YES.a

b c


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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph? YES.a

b c


Is this graph a comparability graph?a



d e


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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph? YES.a

b c


Is this graph a comparability graph?a



d e


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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph? YES.a

b c


Is this graph a comparability graph?a



d e


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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph? YES.a

b c


Is this graph a comparability graph?a



d e


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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph? YES.a

b c


Is this graph a comparability graph?a



d e


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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph? YES.a

b c


Is this graph a comparability graph?a



d e


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Comparability graphsExamples

Is this graph a comparability graph? YES.a

b c


Is this graph a comparability graph? NO.a



d e


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Comparability graphsThe forcing relation

What was common in these examples?

Some orientations were forcing some others !

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Comparability graphsThe forcing relation

What was common in these examples?

Some orientations were forcing some others !


The binary relation Γ on the edges of an undirected graph G = (V , E ) is:

〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 if and only if:

either a = a′ and bb′ /∈ E

,or b = b′ and aa′ /∈ E .

In this case we say that 〈ab〉 directly forces 〈a′b′〉.

a = a′

b b′b = b′

a a′

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Comparability graphsThe forcing relation

What was common in these examples?

Some orientations were forcing some others !


The binary relation Γ on the edges of an undirected graph G = (V , E ) is:

〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 if and only if:

either a = a′ and bb′ /∈ E ,or b = b′ and aa′ /∈ E .

In this case we say that 〈ab〉 directly forces 〈a′b′〉.

a = a′

b b′b = b′

a a′

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Comparability graphsThe forcing relation

What was common in these examples?

Some orientations were forcing some others !


The binary relation Γ on the edges of an undirected graph G = (V , E ) is:

〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 if and only if:

either a = a′ and bb′ /∈ E ,or b = b′ and aa′ /∈ E .

In this case we say that 〈ab〉 directly forces 〈a′b′〉.

a = a′

b b′b = b′

a a′

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Comparability graphsThe forcing relation

What was common in these examples?

Some orientations were forcing some others !


The binary relation Γ on the edges of an undirected graph G = (V , E ) is:

〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 if and only if:

either a = a′ and bb′ /∈ E ,or b = b′ and aa′ /∈ E .

In this case we say that 〈ab〉 directly forces 〈a′b′〉.

Note that:

Γ is symmetric: 〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 ⇔ 〈a′b′〉 Γ 〈ab〉

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Comparability graphsThe forcing relation

What was common in these examples?

Some orientations were forcing some others !


The binary relation Γ on the edges of an undirected graph G = (V , E ) is:

〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 if and only if:

either a = a′ and bb′ /∈ E ,or b = b′ and aa′ /∈ E .

In this case we say that 〈ab〉 directly forces 〈a′b′〉.

Note that:

Γ is symmetric: 〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 ⇔ 〈a′b′〉 Γ 〈ab〉Γ is reflexive: 〈ab〉 Γ 〈ab〉 (since aa′ /∈ E and bb′ /∈ E )

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Comparability graphsThe forcing relation

What was common in these examples?

Some orientations were forcing some others !


The binary relation Γ on the edges of an undirected graph G = (V , E ) is:

〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 if and only if:

either a = a′ and bb′ /∈ E ,or b = b′ and aa′ /∈ E .

In this case we say that 〈ab〉 directly forces 〈a′b′〉.

Note that:

Γ is symmetric: 〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 ⇔ 〈a′b′〉 Γ 〈ab〉Γ is reflexive: 〈ab〉 Γ 〈ab〉 (since aa′ /∈ E and bb′ /∈ E )

〈ab〉 6 Γ 〈ba〉 (since a 6= b)

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Comparability graphsThe forcing relation

To be more useful, we need a generalization of the forcing relation Γ:


The transitive closure Γ∗ of Γ is defined as follows:

1 〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 =⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈a′b′〉

2 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉 and 〈cd〉 Γ∗ 〈xy〉 =⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈xy〉 (transitivity)(apply this rule as long as possible).

The transitive closure Γ∗ is an equivalence relation, since it is:

reflexive: 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈ab〉,symmetric: 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉 ⇐⇒ 〈cd〉 Γ∗ 〈ab〉,transitive: by condition 2 of the definition of Γ∗.

=⇒ Γ∗ partitions the arcs on E into equivalence classes:

the equivalence class of 〈ab〉 is: [〈ab〉] = {〈cd〉 : 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉},[〈ab〉] is called the implication class of 〈ab〉.

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Comparability graphsThe forcing relation

To be more useful, we need a generalization of the forcing relation Γ:


The transitive closure Γ∗ of Γ is defined as follows:

1 〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 =⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈a′b′〉2 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉 and 〈cd〉 Γ∗ 〈xy〉 =⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈xy〉 (transitivity)

(apply this rule as long as possible).

The transitive closure Γ∗ is an equivalence relation, since it is:

reflexive: 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈ab〉,symmetric: 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉 ⇐⇒ 〈cd〉 Γ∗ 〈ab〉,transitive: by condition 2 of the definition of Γ∗.

=⇒ Γ∗ partitions the arcs on E into equivalence classes:

the equivalence class of 〈ab〉 is: [〈ab〉] = {〈cd〉 : 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉},[〈ab〉] is called the implication class of 〈ab〉.

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Comparability graphsThe forcing relation

To be more useful, we need a generalization of the forcing relation Γ:


The transitive closure Γ∗ of Γ is defined as follows:

1 〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 =⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈a′b′〉2 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉 and 〈cd〉 Γ∗ 〈xy〉 =⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈xy〉 (transitivity)

(apply this rule as long as possible).

The transitive closure Γ∗ is an equivalence relation, since it is:

reflexive: 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈ab〉,symmetric: 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉 ⇐⇒ 〈cd〉 Γ∗ 〈ab〉,transitive: by condition 2 of the definition of Γ∗.

=⇒ Γ∗ partitions the arcs on E into equivalence classes:

the equivalence class of 〈ab〉 is: [〈ab〉] = {〈cd〉 : 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉},[〈ab〉] is called the implication class of 〈ab〉.

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Comparability graphsThe forcing relation

To be more useful, we need a generalization of the forcing relation Γ:


The transitive closure Γ∗ of Γ is defined as follows:

1 〈ab〉 Γ 〈a′b′〉 =⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈a′b′〉2 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉 and 〈cd〉 Γ∗ 〈xy〉 =⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈xy〉 (transitivity)

(apply this rule as long as possible).

The transitive closure Γ∗ is an equivalence relation, since it is:

reflexive: 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈ab〉,symmetric: 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉 ⇐⇒ 〈cd〉 Γ∗ 〈ab〉,transitive: by condition 2 of the definition of Γ∗.

=⇒ Γ∗ partitions the arcs on E into equivalence classes:

the equivalence class of 〈ab〉 is: [〈ab〉] = {〈cd〉 : 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉},[〈ab〉] is called the implication class of 〈ab〉.

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Comparability graphsImplication classes

In other words:

〈ab〉 and 〈cd〉 are in the same implication class (i.e. [〈ab〉] = [〈cd〉])if and only if there exists a sequence of arcs:

〈ab〉 = 〈a0b0〉 Γ 〈a1b1〉 Γ . . . Γ 〈akbk〉 = 〈cd〉such a sequence is called a Γ-chain from 〈ab〉 to 〈cd〉in this case we say that 〈ab〉 eventually forces 〈cd〉.

Let A be an implication class. Then:

A = A∪ A−1 is the symmetric closure of A,

A corresponds to the undirected edges of the arcs in A,

A is called a color class of G .

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Comparability graphsImplication classes

In other words:

〈ab〉 and 〈cd〉 are in the same implication class (i.e. [〈ab〉] = [〈cd〉])if and only if there exists a sequence of arcs:

〈ab〉 = 〈a0b0〉 Γ 〈a1b1〉 Γ . . . Γ 〈akbk〉 = 〈cd〉such a sequence is called a Γ-chain from 〈ab〉 to 〈cd〉in this case we say that 〈ab〉 eventually forces 〈cd〉.

Let A be an implication class. Then:

A = A∪ A−1 is the symmetric closure of A,

A corresponds to the undirected edges of the arcs in A,

A is called a color class of G .

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Comparability graphsImplication classes

This graph has the following implication classes:

A1 = {〈ad〉, 〈ac〉, 〈ae〉} A−11 = {〈da〉, 〈ca〉, 〈ea〉}A2 = {〈bc〉, 〈bd〉, 〈be〉} A−12 = {〈cb〉, 〈db〉, 〈eb〉}A3 = {〈ab〉} A−13 = {〈ba〉}A4 = {〈cd〉} A−14 = {〈dc〉}



c d e

it is a comparability graph:

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Comparability graphsImplication classes

This graph has the following implication classes:

A1 = {〈ad〉, 〈ac〉, 〈ae〉} A−11 = {〈da〉, 〈ca〉, 〈ea〉}

A2 = {〈bc〉, 〈bd〉, 〈be〉} A−12 = {〈cb〉, 〈db〉, 〈eb〉}A3 = {〈ab〉} A−13 = {〈ba〉}A4 = {〈cd〉} A−14 = {〈dc〉}



c d e

it is a comparability graph:

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Comparability graphsImplication classes

This graph has the following implication classes:

A1 = {〈ad〉, 〈ac〉, 〈ae〉} A−11 = {〈da〉, 〈ca〉, 〈ea〉}A2 = {〈bc〉, 〈bd〉, 〈be〉} A−12 = {〈cb〉, 〈db〉, 〈eb〉}

A3 = {〈ab〉} A−13 = {〈ba〉}A4 = {〈cd〉} A−14 = {〈dc〉}



c d e

it is a comparability graph:

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Comparability graphsImplication classes

This graph has the following implication classes:

A1 = {〈ad〉, 〈ac〉, 〈ae〉} A−11 = {〈da〉, 〈ca〉, 〈ea〉}A2 = {〈bc〉, 〈bd〉, 〈be〉} A−12 = {〈cb〉, 〈db〉, 〈eb〉}A3 = {〈ab〉} A−13 = {〈ba〉}

A4 = {〈cd〉} A−14 = {〈dc〉}



c d e

it is a comparability graph:

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Comparability graphsImplication classes

This graph has the following implication classes:

A1 = {〈ad〉, 〈ac〉, 〈ae〉} A−11 = {〈da〉, 〈ca〉, 〈ea〉}A2 = {〈bc〉, 〈bd〉, 〈be〉} A−12 = {〈cb〉, 〈db〉, 〈eb〉}A3 = {〈ab〉} A−13 = {〈ba〉}A4 = {〈cd〉} A−14 = {〈dc〉}



c d e

it is a comparability graph:

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Page 79: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes

This graph has the following implication classes:

A1 = {〈ad〉, 〈ac〉, 〈ae〉} A−11 = {〈da〉, 〈ca〉, 〈ea〉}A2 = {〈bc〉, 〈bd〉, 〈be〉} A−12 = {〈cb〉, 〈db〉, 〈eb〉}A3 = {〈ab〉} A−13 = {〈ba〉}A4 = {〈cd〉} A−14 = {〈dc〉}



c d e

it is a comparability graph:

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Page 80: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes

This graph has one implication class:

A = {〈ab〉, 〈cb〉, 〈cd〉, 〈cf 〉, 〈ef 〉, 〈bf 〉, 〈ba〉, 〈bc〉, 〈dc〉, 〈fc〉, 〈fe〉, 〈fb〉}This is not a comparability graph:




d e


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Page 81: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes

This graph has one implication class:

A = {〈ab〉, 〈cb〉, 〈cd〉, 〈cf 〉, 〈ef 〉, 〈bf 〉, 〈ba〉, 〈bc〉, 〈dc〉, 〈fc〉, 〈fe〉, 〈fb〉}

This is not a comparability graph:




d e


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Page 82: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes

This graph has one implication class:

A = {〈ab〉, 〈cb〉, 〈cd〉, 〈cf 〉, 〈ef 〉, 〈bf 〉, 〈ba〉, 〈bc〉, 〈dc〉, 〈fc〉, 〈fe〉, 〈fb〉}This is not a comparability graph:




d e


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Comparability graphsImplication classes


Let A be an implication class of G . If G has a transitive orientation F ,then either F ∩ A = A or F ∩ A = A−1. In both cases A∩ A−1 = ∅.

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


Let A be an implication class of G . If G has a transitive orientation F ,then either F ∩ A = A or F ∩ A = A−1. In both cases A∩ A−1 = ∅.


(i) A ⊆ F + F−1 (since F + F−1 = E as a transitive orientation)

(ii) F ∩ F−1 = ∅ (again, since F is a transitive orientation)

Furthermore: 〈ab〉 ∈ F and 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈a′b′〉 ⇒ 〈a′b′〉 ∈ F .

Thus, if F ∩ A 6= ∅, then A ⊆ F , i.e.: either F ∩ A = ∅ or A ⊆ F .

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


Let A be an implication class of G . If G has a transitive orientation F ,then either F ∩ A = A or F ∩ A = A−1. In both cases A∩ A−1 = ∅.


(i) A ⊆ F + F−1 (since F + F−1 = E as a transitive orientation)

(ii) F ∩ F−1 = ∅ (again, since F is a transitive orientation)

Furthermore: 〈ab〉 ∈ F and 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈a′b′〉 ⇒ 〈a′b′〉 ∈ F .

Thus, if F ∩ A 6= ∅, then A ⊆ F , i.e.: either F ∩ A = ∅ or A ⊆ F .

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


Let A be an implication class of G . If G has a transitive orientation F ,then either F ∩ A = A or F ∩ A = A−1. In both cases A∩ A−1 = ∅.


(i) A ⊆ F + F−1 (since F + F−1 = E as a transitive orientation)

(ii) F ∩ F−1 = ∅ (again, since F is a transitive orientation)

Furthermore: 〈ab〉 ∈ F and 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈a′b′〉 ⇒ 〈a′b′〉 ∈ F .

Thus, if F ∩ A 6= ∅, then A ⊆ F , i.e.: either F ∩ A = ∅ or A ⊆ F .

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


Let A be an implication class of G . If G has a transitive orientation F ,then either F ∩ A = A or F ∩ A = A−1. In both cases A∩ A−1 = ∅.


(i) A ⊆ F + F−1 (since F + F−1 = E as a transitive orientation)

(ii) F ∩ F−1 = ∅ (again, since F is a transitive orientation)

First case: F ∩ A = ∅. Then:

F ∩ A = ∅ ⇒ A ⊆ F−1 [by (i)]

⇒ A−1 ⊆ F

⇒ F ∩ A = F ∩(A∪ A−1

)= A−1

Furthermore A∩ A−1 = ∅ (since F ∩ A = ∅ and A−1 ⊆ F )

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


Let A be an implication class of G . If G has a transitive orientation F ,then either F ∩ A = A or F ∩ A = A−1. In both cases A∩ A−1 = ∅.


(i) A ⊆ F + F−1 (since F + F−1 = E as a transitive orientation)

(ii) F ∩ F−1 = ∅ (again, since F is a transitive orientation)

Second case: A ⊆ F . Then:

A ⊆ F ⇒ A−1 ⊆ F−1

⇒ F ∩ A−1 = ∅ [by (ii)]

⇒ F ∩ A = F ∩(A∪ A−1

)= A

Furthermore A∩ A−1 = ∅ (since A ⊆ F and F ∩ A−1 = ∅)

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


Let A be an implication class of G . If G has a transitive orientation F ,then either F ∩ A = A or F ∩ A = A−1. In both cases A∩ A−1 = ∅.

The converse of the Theorem is also valid (we will prove it):

if A∩ A−1 = ∅ for every implication class of G ,then G has a transitive orientation F ,which includes exactly one of {A, A−1} for every A.


if we choose for every A an arbitrary implication class from {A, A−1},do we always obtain a transitive orientation?



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Page 90: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes


Let A be an implication class of G . If G has a transitive orientation F ,then either F ∩ A = A or F ∩ A = A−1. In both cases A∩ A−1 = ∅.

The converse of the Theorem is also valid (we will prove it):

if A∩ A−1 = ∅ for every implication class of G ,then G has a transitive orientation F ,which includes exactly one of {A, A−1} for every A.


if we choose for every A an arbitrary implication class from {A, A−1},do we always obtain a transitive orientation?



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Page 91: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes


Let A be an implication class of G . If G has a transitive orientation F ,then either F ∩ A = A or F ∩ A = A−1. In both cases A∩ A−1 = ∅.

The converse of the Theorem is also valid (we will prove it):

if A∩ A−1 = ∅ for every implication class of G ,then G has a transitive orientation F ,which includes exactly one of {A, A−1} for every A.


if we choose for every A an arbitrary implication class from {A, A−1},do we always obtain a transitive orientation?




b c


b c

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


Let A be an implication class of G . If G has a transitive orientation F ,then either F ∩ A = A or F ∩ A = A−1. In both cases A∩ A−1 = ∅.

The converse of the Theorem is also valid (we will prove it):

if A∩ A−1 = ∅ for every implication class of G ,then G has a transitive orientation F ,which includes exactly one of {A, A−1} for every A.


if we choose for every A an arbitrary implication class from {A, A−1},do we always obtain a transitive orientation?




b c


b c

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Comparability graphsImplication classes

Let 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉, i.e. 〈ab〉 = 〈a0b0〉 Γ 〈a1b1〉 Γ . . . Γ 〈akbk〉 = 〈cd〉

Then for each i = 1, 2, . . . , k we have:

〈ai−1bi−1〉 Γ 〈aibi−1〉 Γ 〈aibi 〉

where the middle edge is equal to one of the other two,i.e. either ai−1 = ai or bi−1 = bi .


Lemma (canonical Γ-chain)

If 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉, then there exists a Γ-chain from 〈ab〉 to 〈cd〉 of the form

〈ab〉 = 〈a0b0〉 Γ 〈a1b0〉 Γ 〈a1b1〉 Γ 〈a2b1〉 Γ . . . Γ 〈akbk〉 = 〈cd〉.

Such a chain is called a canonical Γ-chain.

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Comparability graphsImplication classes

Let 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉, i.e. 〈ab〉 = 〈a0b0〉 Γ 〈a1b1〉 Γ . . . Γ 〈akbk〉 = 〈cd〉

Then for each i = 1, 2, . . . , k we have:

〈ai−1bi−1〉 Γ 〈aibi−1〉 Γ 〈aibi 〉

where the middle edge is equal to one of the other two,i.e. either ai−1 = ai or bi−1 = bi .


Lemma (canonical Γ-chain)

If 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cd〉, then there exists a Γ-chain from 〈ab〉 to 〈cd〉 of the form

〈ab〉 = 〈a0b0〉 Γ 〈a1b0〉 Γ 〈a1b1〉 Γ 〈a2b1〉 Γ . . . Γ 〈akbk〉 = 〈cd〉.

Such a chain is called a canonical Γ-chain.

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


If A is an implication class of G , then exactly one of the following holds:

(i) A = A = A−1,

(ii) A∩ A−1 = ∅, A and A−1 are transitive, and they are the onlytransitive orientations of A.

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


If A is an implication class of G , then exactly one of the following holds:

(i) A = A = A−1,

(ii) A∩ A−1 = ∅, A and A−1 are transitive, and they are the onlytransitive orientations of A.


(i) Assume A∩ A−1 6= ∅.

Let 〈ab〉 ∈ A∩ A−1 ⇒ 〈ba〉 ∈ A∩ A−1 ⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈ba〉.For every 〈cd〉 ∈ A, we have 〈cd〉 Γ∗ 〈ab〉 and 〈dc〉 Γ∗ 〈ba〉Thus, since Γ∗ is an equivalence relation and 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈ba〉:〈cd〉 Γ∗ 〈dc〉 ⇒ 〈dc〉 ∈ A.

Therefore A = A−1 ⇒ A = A = A−1.

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


If A is an implication class of G , then exactly one of the following holds:

(i) A = A = A−1,

(ii) A∩ A−1 = ∅, A and A−1 are transitive, and they are the onlytransitive orientations of A.


(ii) Assume A∩ A−1 = ∅, and let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ A.

If ac /∈ E , then 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cb〉 ⇒ 〈cb〉 ∈ A ⇒ 〈bc〉 ∈ A−1,which is a contradiction since 〈bc〉 ∈ A by assumption.Therefore ac ∈ E .

We will show that 〈ac〉 ∈ A, i.e. that A is transitive.

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


If A is an implication class of G , then exactly one of the following holds:

(i) A = A = A−1,

(ii) A∩ A−1 = ∅, A and A−1 are transitive, and they are the onlytransitive orientations of A.


(ii) Assume A∩ A−1 = ∅, and let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ A.

If ac /∈ E , then 〈ab〉 Γ∗ 〈cb〉 ⇒ 〈cb〉 ∈ A ⇒ 〈bc〉 ∈ A−1,which is a contradiction since 〈bc〉 ∈ A by assumption.Therefore ac ∈ E .

We will show that 〈ac〉 ∈ A, i.e. that A is transitive.

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


(ii) Assume A∩ A−1 = ∅, and let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ A. Then ac ∈ E .

Assume that 〈ac〉 ∈ B, where B 6= A.

Since 〈bc〉, 〈ab〉 ∈ A:

〈bc〉 = 〈b0c0〉 Γ 〈b1c0〉 Γ 〈b1c1〉 Γ 〈b2c1〉 Γ . . . Γ 〈bkck〉 = 〈ab〉We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :

a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction basis (i = 0): true, since b0 = b and c0 = c .


b0 = b




c = c0b c

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


(ii) Assume A∩ A−1 = ∅, and let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ A. Then ac ∈ E .

Assume that 〈ac〉 ∈ B, where B 6= A. Since 〈bc〉, 〈ab〉 ∈ A:

〈bc〉 = 〈b0c0〉 Γ 〈b1c0〉 Γ 〈b1c1〉 Γ 〈b2c1〉 Γ . . . Γ 〈bkck〉 = 〈ab〉

We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction basis (i = 0): true, since b0 = b and c0 = c .


b0 = b




c = c0

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


(ii) Assume A∩ A−1 = ∅, and let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ A. Then ac ∈ E .

Assume that 〈ac〉 ∈ B, where B 6= A. Since 〈bc〉, 〈ab〉 ∈ A:

〈bc〉 = 〈b0c0〉 Γ 〈b1c0〉 Γ 〈b1c1〉 Γ 〈b2c1〉 Γ . . . Γ 〈bkck〉 = 〈ab〉We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :

a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction basis (i = 0): true, since b0 = b and c0 = c .


b0 = b




c = c0

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Comparability graphsImplication classes


We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction hypothesis:assume that a 6= bi−1, abi−1, aci−1 ∈ E , 〈abi−1〉 ∈ A, 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B.

(i) To prove that a 6= bi , abi ∈ E and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A:

Since 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B and 〈bici−1〉 ∈ A ⇒ a 6= bi .

If abi /∈ E ⇒ 〈aci−1〉 Γ 〈bici−1〉⇒ A = B, contradiction.Therefore abi ∈ E

Since bi−1bi /∈ E ⇒ 〈abi−1〉 Γ 〈abi 〉 ⇒⇒ 〈abi 〉 ∈ A





bi−1 ci−1


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Comparability graphsImplication classes


We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction hypothesis:assume that a 6= bi−1, abi−1, aci−1 ∈ E , 〈abi−1〉 ∈ A, 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B.

(i) To prove that a 6= bi , abi ∈ E and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A:

Since 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B and 〈bici−1〉 ∈ A ⇒ a 6= bi .

If abi /∈ E ⇒ 〈aci−1〉 Γ 〈bici−1〉⇒ A = B, contradiction.Therefore abi ∈ E

Since bi−1bi /∈ E ⇒ 〈abi−1〉 Γ 〈abi 〉 ⇒⇒ 〈abi 〉 ∈ A





bi−1 ci−1



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Page 104: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes


We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction hypothesis:assume that a 6= bi−1, abi−1, aci−1 ∈ E , 〈abi−1〉 ∈ A, 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B.

(i) To prove that a 6= bi , abi ∈ E and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A:

Since 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B and 〈bici−1〉 ∈ A ⇒ a 6= bi .

If abi /∈ E ⇒ 〈aci−1〉 Γ 〈bici−1〉⇒ A = B, contradiction.

Therefore abi ∈ E

Since bi−1bi /∈ E ⇒ 〈abi−1〉 Γ 〈abi 〉 ⇒⇒ 〈abi 〉 ∈ A





bi−1 ci−1



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Page 105: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes


We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction hypothesis:assume that a 6= bi−1, abi−1, aci−1 ∈ E , 〈abi−1〉 ∈ A, 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B.

(i) To prove that a 6= bi , abi ∈ E and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A:

Since 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B and 〈bici−1〉 ∈ A ⇒ a 6= bi .

If abi /∈ E ⇒ 〈aci−1〉 Γ 〈bici−1〉⇒ A = B, contradiction.Therefore abi ∈ E

Since bi−1bi /∈ E ⇒ 〈abi−1〉 Γ 〈abi 〉 ⇒⇒ 〈abi 〉 ∈ A





bi−1 ci−1



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Page 106: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes


We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction hypothesis:assume that a 6= bi−1, abi−1, aci−1 ∈ E , 〈abi−1〉 ∈ A, 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B.

(i) To prove that a 6= bi , abi ∈ E and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A:

Since 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B and 〈bici−1〉 ∈ A ⇒ a 6= bi .

If abi /∈ E ⇒ 〈aci−1〉 Γ 〈bici−1〉⇒ A = B, contradiction.Therefore abi ∈ E

Since bi−1bi /∈ E ⇒ 〈abi−1〉 Γ 〈abi 〉 ⇒⇒ 〈abi 〉 ∈ A





bi−1 ci−1




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Page 107: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes


We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction hypothesis:assume that a 6= bi−1, abi−1, aci−1 ∈ E , 〈abi−1〉 ∈ A, 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B.

(ii) To prove that aci ∈ E and 〈aci 〉 ∈ B:

If aci /∈ E ⇒ 〈bici 〉 Γ 〈bia〉⇒ A = A−1, contradiction.Therefore aci ∈ E

Since ci−1ci /∈ E ⇒ 〈aci−1〉 Γ 〈aci 〉 ⇒⇒ 〈aci 〉 ∈ B







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Comparability graphsImplication classes


We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction hypothesis:assume that a 6= bi−1, abi−1, aci−1 ∈ E , 〈abi−1〉 ∈ A, 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B.

(ii) To prove that aci ∈ E and 〈aci 〉 ∈ B:

If aci /∈ E ⇒ 〈bici 〉 Γ 〈bia〉⇒ A = A−1, contradiction.

Therefore aci ∈ E

Since ci−1ci /∈ E ⇒ 〈aci−1〉 Γ 〈aci 〉 ⇒⇒ 〈aci 〉 ∈ B








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Page 109: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes


We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction hypothesis:assume that a 6= bi−1, abi−1, aci−1 ∈ E , 〈abi−1〉 ∈ A, 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B.

(ii) To prove that aci ∈ E and 〈aci 〉 ∈ B:

If aci /∈ E ⇒ 〈bici 〉 Γ 〈bia〉⇒ A = A−1, contradiction.Therefore aci ∈ E

Since ci−1ci /∈ E ⇒ 〈aci−1〉 Γ 〈aci 〉 ⇒⇒ 〈aci 〉 ∈ B








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Page 110: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes


We prove (by induction on i) that for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k :a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

Induction hypothesis:assume that a 6= bi−1, abi−1, aci−1 ∈ E , 〈abi−1〉 ∈ A, 〈aci−1〉 ∈ B.

(ii) To prove that aci ∈ E and 〈aci 〉 ∈ B:

If aci /∈ E ⇒ 〈bici 〉 Γ 〈bia〉⇒ A = A−1, contradiction.Therefore aci ∈ E

Since ci−1ci /∈ E ⇒ 〈aci−1〉 Γ 〈aci 〉 ⇒⇒ 〈aci 〉 ∈ B









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Page 111: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes



〈bc〉 = 〈b0c0〉 Γ 〈b1c0〉 Γ 〈b1c1〉 Γ 〈b2c1〉 Γ . . . Γ 〈bkck〉 = 〈ab〉for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k:

a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

This is a contradiction, since 〈bkck〉 = 〈ab〉 and a 6= bk .

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Page 112: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsImplication classes



〈bc〉 = 〈b0c0〉 Γ 〈b1c0〉 Γ 〈b1c1〉 Γ 〈b2c1〉 Γ . . . Γ 〈bkck〉 = 〈ab〉for every i = 0, 1, . . . , k:

a 6= bi , abi , aci ∈ E , and 〈abi 〉 ∈ A, 〈aci 〉 ∈ B

This is a contradiction, since 〈bkck〉 = 〈ab〉 and a 6= bk .


Every color class A of a graph G :

either has exactly two transitive orientations A and A−1,one being the reversal of the other (case A∩ A−1 = ∅),

or has no transitive orientation (case A = A = A−1)(in this case G is not a comparability graph).

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Page 113: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

So far we studied transitive orientations, forcing, implication classes.

How can we decide whether a graph G is a comparability graph?

We need some extra notions:


Let G = (V , E ) be a graph. A partition E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk

of the edges is a G -decomposition of E if for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k:

Bi is an implication class of Bi + Bi+1 + . . . + Bk .

A sequence of arcs [〈x1y1〉, . . . , 〈xkyk〉] is a decomposition scheme for Gif there exists a G -decomposition E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk such that:

〈xiyi 〉 ∈ Bi , for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k.

For any G -decomposition: many decomposition schemes(any representative for each Bi )

For any decomposition scheme: exactly one G -decomposition

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Page 114: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

So far we studied transitive orientations, forcing, implication classes.

How can we decide whether a graph G is a comparability graph?

We need some extra notions:


Let G = (V , E ) be a graph. A partition E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk

of the edges is a G -decomposition of E if for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k:

Bi is an implication class of Bi + Bi+1 + . . . + Bk .

A sequence of arcs [〈x1y1〉, . . . , 〈xkyk〉] is a decomposition scheme for Gif there exists a G -decomposition E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk such that:

〈xiyi 〉 ∈ Bi , for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k.

For any G -decomposition: many decomposition schemes(any representative for each Bi )

For any decomposition scheme: exactly one G -decomposition

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Page 115: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

So far we studied transitive orientations, forcing, implication classes.

How can we decide whether a graph G is a comparability graph?

We need some extra notions:


Let G = (V , E ) be a graph. A partition E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk

of the edges is a G -decomposition of E if for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k:

Bi is an implication class of Bi + Bi+1 + . . . + Bk .

A sequence of arcs [〈x1y1〉, . . . , 〈xkyk〉] is a decomposition scheme for Gif there exists a G -decomposition E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk such that:

〈xiyi 〉 ∈ Bi , for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k.

For any G -decomposition: many decomposition schemes(any representative for each Bi )

For any decomposition scheme: exactly one G -decomposition

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Page 116: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

So far we studied transitive orientations, forcing, implication classes.

How can we decide whether a graph G is a comparability graph?

We need some extra notions:


Let G = (V , E ) be a graph. A partition E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk

of the edges is a G -decomposition of E if for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k:

Bi is an implication class of Bi + Bi+1 + . . . + Bk .

A sequence of arcs [〈x1y1〉, . . . , 〈xkyk〉] is a decomposition scheme for Gif there exists a G -decomposition E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk such that:

〈xiyi 〉 ∈ Bi , for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k.

For any G -decomposition: many decomposition schemes(any representative for each Bi )

For any decomposition scheme: exactly one G -decomposition

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Page 117: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

How to find a G -decomposition?

Decomposition Algorithm

1 i ← 1; E1 ← E

2 While Ei 6= ∅:

3 Arbitrarily pick an edge xiyi ∈ Ei

4 Enumerate the implication class Bi of Ei that contains 〈xiyi 〉5 Ei+1 ← Ei − Bi ; i ← i + 1

Do all graphs have a G -decomposition?

YES: the algorithm returns a scheme [〈x1y1〉, 〈x2y2〉, . . . , 〈xkyk〉]and a G -decomposition E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk for any graph G .

If we choose 〈yixi 〉 instead of 〈xiyi 〉 for some i=⇒ we include B−1i instead of Bi in the G -decomposition.

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Page 118: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

How to find a G -decomposition?

Decomposition Algorithm

1 i ← 1; E1 ← E

2 While Ei 6= ∅:

3 Arbitrarily pick an edge xiyi ∈ Ei

4 Enumerate the implication class Bi of Ei that contains 〈xiyi 〉5 Ei+1 ← Ei − Bi ; i ← i + 1

Do all graphs have a G -decomposition?

YES: the algorithm returns a scheme [〈x1y1〉, 〈x2y2〉, . . . , 〈xkyk〉]and a G -decomposition E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk for any graph G .

If we choose 〈yixi 〉 instead of 〈xiyi 〉 for some i=⇒ we include B−1i instead of Bi in the G -decomposition.

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Page 119: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

Recall our previous example:(with eight implication classes A ←→ four color classes A)

A1 = {〈ad〉, 〈ac〉, 〈ae〉} A−11 = {〈da〉, 〈ca〉, 〈ea〉}A2 = {〈bc〉, 〈bd〉, 〈be〉} A−12 = {〈cb〉, 〈db〉, 〈eb〉}A3 = {〈ab〉} A−13 = {〈ba〉}A4 = {〈cd〉} A−14 = {〈dc〉}a


c d e

it is a comparability graph:

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Page 120: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

The Decomposition Algorithm:



c e

(V,Ei)i 〈xiyi〉 (V,Bi)

i = 1 〈ac〉



c d e



c d e



c d ei = 2 〈bc〉



c d e



c d ei = 3 〈dc〉


E B2 B3B1

+ +


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Page 121: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

The Decomposition Algorithm:



c e

(V,Ei)i 〈xiyi〉 (V,Bi)

i = 1 〈ac〉



c d e



c d e



c d ei = 2 〈bc〉



c d e



c d ei = 3 〈dc〉


E B2 B3B1

+ +


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Page 122: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

The Decomposition Algorithm:



c e

(V,Ei)i 〈xiyi〉 (V,Bi)

i = 1 〈ac〉



c d e



c d e



c d ei = 2 〈bc〉



c d e



c d ei = 3 〈dc〉


E B2 B3B1

+ +


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Page 123: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

The Decomposition Algorithm:



c e

(V,Ei)i 〈xiyi〉 (V,Bi)

i = 1 〈ac〉



c d e



c d e



c d ei = 2 〈bc〉



c d e



c d ei = 3 〈dc〉


E B2 B3B1

+ +


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Page 124: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

The Decomposition Algorithm:

decomposition scheme: [〈ac〉, 〈bc〉, 〈dc〉]G -decomposition: B1 = A1, B2 = A2 + A−13 , B3 = A−14

Note that:

Although 〈ba〉 and 〈bc〉 are not Γ-related in the original graph:〈ba〉 Γ 〈bc〉 once B1 is removed from G .

In general: each implication class of Ei+1

is the union of some implication classes of Ei .

———————————————————————————————A1 = {〈ad〉, 〈ac〉, 〈ae〉} A−11 = {〈da〉, 〈ca〉, 〈ea〉}A2 = {〈bc〉, 〈bd〉, 〈be〉} A−12 = {〈cb〉, 〈db〉, 〈eb〉}A3 = {〈ab〉} A−13 = {〈ba〉}A4 = {〈cd〉} A−14 = {〈dc〉}



c d e

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Page 125: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

The Decomposition Algorithm:

decomposition scheme: [〈ac〉, 〈bc〉, 〈dc〉]G -decomposition: B1 = A1, B2 = A2 + A−13 , B3 = A−14

Note that:

Although 〈ba〉 and 〈bc〉 are not Γ-related in the original graph:〈ba〉 Γ 〈bc〉 once B1 is removed from G .

In general: each implication class of Ei+1

is the union of some implication classes of Ei .

———————————————————————————————A1 = {〈ad〉, 〈ac〉, 〈ae〉} A−11 = {〈da〉, 〈ca〉, 〈ea〉}A2 = {〈bc〉, 〈bd〉, 〈be〉} A−12 = {〈cb〉, 〈db〉, 〈eb〉}A3 = {〈ab〉} A−13 = {〈ba〉}A4 = {〈cd〉} A−14 = {〈dc〉}



c d e

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Page 126: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsA transitive orientation algorithm

The Decomposition Algorithm:

decomposition scheme: [〈ac〉, 〈bc〉, 〈dc〉]G -decomposition: B1 = A1, B2 = A2 + A−13 , B3 = A−14

Note that:

Although 〈ba〉 and 〈bc〉 are not Γ-related in the original graph:〈ba〉 Γ 〈bc〉 once B1 is removed from G .

In general: each implication class of Ei+1

is the union of some implication classes of Ei .

———————————————————————————————A1 = {〈ad〉, 〈ac〉, 〈ae〉} A−11 = {〈da〉, 〈ca〉, 〈ea〉}A2 = {〈bc〉, 〈bd〉, 〈be〉} A−12 = {〈cb〉, 〈db〉, 〈eb〉}A3 = {〈ab〉} A−13 = {〈ba〉}A4 = {〈cd〉} A−14 = {〈dc〉}



c d e

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Page 127: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphs

Theorem (Transitive Orientation Theorem)

Let E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk be a G -decomposition of a graph G = (V , E ).The following statements are equivalent:

(i) G is a comparability graph,

(ii) A∩ A−1 = ∅, for every implication class A of G ,

(iii) Bi ∩ B−1i = ∅, for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k.

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Page 128: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphs

Theorem (Transitive Orientation Theorem)

Let E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk be a G -decomposition of a graph G = (V , E ).The following statements are equivalent:

(i) G is a comparability graph,

(ii) A∩ A−1 = ∅, for every implication class A of G ,

(iii) Bi ∩ B−1i = ∅, for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k.


(i) ⇒ (ii): it follows by the first theorem.

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Page 129: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphs

Theorem (Transitive Orientation Theorem)

Let E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk be a G -decomposition of a graph G = (V , E ).The following statements are equivalent:

(i) G is a comparability graph,

(ii) A∩ A−1 = ∅, for every implication class A of G ,

(iii) Bi ∩ B−1i = ∅, for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k.


(ii) ⇒ (iii):

Let E1 = E .

For i ≥ 2 let Ei = Bi + Bi+1 + . . . + Bk .

It suffices to prove by induction on i that:for every implication class Ci of Ei , we have Ci ∩ C−1i = ∅.

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Page 130: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphs


Induction basis (i = 1): it follows by (ii), since E1 = E .

Induction hypothesis (i ≥ 1):for every implication class Ci of Ei , we have Ci ∩ C−1i = ∅Bi is an implication class of Ei (by the Decomposition Algorithm)

Let Ci+1 be an implication class of Ei+1 = Ei − Bi

If Ci+1 is an implication class of Ei ⇒ Ci+1 ∩C−1i+1 = ∅ (by ind. hyp.)

Otherwise Ci+1 = D1 + D2 + . . . + Dx , where D1, D2, . . . , Dx , x ≥ 2,are disjoint implication classes of Ei .

By induction hypothesis: Dj ∩D−1j = ∅, 1 ≤ j ≤ x . Thus:

Ci+1 ∩ C−1i+1 = (D1 + D2 + . . . + Dx ) ∩ (D−11 + D−12 + . . . + D−1x )

= ∑n

j ,`=1(Dj ∩D−1` )

= (D1 ∩D−11 ) + . . . + (Dx ∩D−1x ) = ∅

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Page 131: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphs


Induction basis (i = 1): it follows by (ii), since E1 = E .

Induction hypothesis (i ≥ 1):for every implication class Ci of Ei , we have Ci ∩ C−1i = ∅Bi is an implication class of Ei (by the Decomposition Algorithm)

Let Ci+1 be an implication class of Ei+1 = Ei − Bi

If Ci+1 is an implication class of Ei ⇒ Ci+1 ∩C−1i+1 = ∅ (by ind. hyp.)

Otherwise Ci+1 = D1 + D2 + . . . + Dx , where D1, D2, . . . , Dx , x ≥ 2,are disjoint implication classes of Ei .

By induction hypothesis: Dj ∩D−1j = ∅, 1 ≤ j ≤ x . Thus:

Ci+1 ∩ C−1i+1 = (D1 + D2 + . . . + Dx ) ∩ (D−11 + D−12 + . . . + D−1x )

= ∑n

j ,`=1(Dj ∩D−1` )

= (D1 ∩D−11 ) + . . . + (Dx ∩D−1x ) = ∅

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Page 132: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphs


Induction basis (i = 1): it follows by (ii), since E1 = E .

Induction hypothesis (i ≥ 1):for every implication class Ci of Ei , we have Ci ∩ C−1i = ∅Bi is an implication class of Ei (by the Decomposition Algorithm)

Let Ci+1 be an implication class of Ei+1 = Ei − Bi

If Ci+1 is an implication class of Ei ⇒ Ci+1 ∩C−1i+1 = ∅ (by ind. hyp.)

Otherwise Ci+1 = D1 + D2 + . . . + Dx , where D1, D2, . . . , Dx , x ≥ 2,are disjoint implication classes of Ei .

By induction hypothesis: Dj ∩D−1j = ∅, 1 ≤ j ≤ x . Thus:

Ci+1 ∩ C−1i+1 = (D1 + D2 + . . . + Dx ) ∩ (D−11 + D−12 + . . . + D−1x )

= ∑n

j ,`=1(Dj ∩D−1` )

= (D1 ∩D−11 ) + . . . + (Dx ∩D−1x ) = ∅

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Page 133: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphs


Induction basis (i = 1): it follows by (ii), since E1 = E .

Induction hypothesis (i ≥ 1):for every implication class Ci of Ei , we have Ci ∩ C−1i = ∅Bi is an implication class of Ei (by the Decomposition Algorithm)

Let Ci+1 be an implication class of Ei+1 = Ei − Bi

If Ci+1 is an implication class of Ei ⇒ Ci+1 ∩C−1i+1 = ∅ (by ind. hyp.)

Otherwise Ci+1 = D1 + D2 + . . . + Dx , where D1, D2, . . . , Dx , x ≥ 2,are disjoint implication classes of Ei .

By induction hypothesis: Dj ∩D−1j = ∅, 1 ≤ j ≤ x . Thus:

Ci+1 ∩ C−1i+1 = (D1 + D2 + . . . + Dx ) ∩ (D−11 + D−12 + . . . + D−1x )

= ∑n

j ,`=1(Dj ∩D−1` )

= (D1 ∩D−11 ) + . . . + (Dx ∩D−1x ) = ∅

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Page 134: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphs


Induction basis (i = 1): it follows by (ii), since E1 = E .

Induction hypothesis (i ≥ 1):for every implication class Ci of Ei , we have Ci ∩ C−1i = ∅Bi is an implication class of Ei (by the Decomposition Algorithm)

Let Ci+1 be an implication class of Ei+1 = Ei − Bi

If Ci+1 is an implication class of Ei ⇒ Ci+1 ∩C−1i+1 = ∅ (by ind. hyp.)

Otherwise Ci+1 = D1 + D2 + . . . + Dx , where D1, D2, . . . , Dx , x ≥ 2,are disjoint implication classes of Ei .

By induction hypothesis: Dj ∩D−1j = ∅, 1 ≤ j ≤ x . Thus:

Ci+1 ∩ C−1i+1 = (D1 + D2 + . . . + Dx ) ∩ (D−11 + D−12 + . . . + D−1x )

= ∑n

j ,`=1(Dj ∩D−1` )

= (D1 ∩D−11 ) + . . . + (Dx ∩D−1x ) = ∅

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Comparability graphs


(iii) ⇒ (i):

Let E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk be a G -decomposition of E ,where Bi ∩ B−1i = ∅ for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k⇒ in particular, B1 is transitive (by the previous theorem)

We prove that B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk is a transitive orientation of G

Proof by induction on the length k of the G -decomposition.

Induction basis (k = 1):if E = Bi ⇒ B1 is clearly a transitive orientation of G

Induction hypothesis: the statement is true for all G -decompositionsof graphs of length ≤ k − 1

⇒ F = B2 + . . . + Bk is a transitive orientation of E − B1

We will show that B1 + F is transitive

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Comparability graphs


(iii) ⇒ (i):

Let E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk be a G -decomposition of E ,where Bi ∩ B−1i = ∅ for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k⇒ in particular, B1 is transitive (by the previous theorem)

We prove that B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk is a transitive orientation of G

Proof by induction on the length k of the G -decomposition.

Induction basis (k = 1):if E = Bi ⇒ B1 is clearly a transitive orientation of G

Induction hypothesis: the statement is true for all G -decompositionsof graphs of length ≤ k − 1

⇒ F = B2 + . . . + Bk is a transitive orientation of E − B1

We will show that B1 + F is transitive

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Comparability graphs


(iii) ⇒ (i):

Let E = B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk be a G -decomposition of E ,where Bi ∩ B−1i = ∅ for every i = 1, 2, . . . , k⇒ in particular, B1 is transitive (by the previous theorem)

We prove that B1 + B2 + . . . + Bk is a transitive orientation of G

Proof by induction on the length k of the G -decomposition.

Induction basis (k = 1):if E = Bi ⇒ B1 is clearly a transitive orientation of G

Induction hypothesis: the statement is true for all G -decompositionsof graphs of length ≤ k − 1

⇒ F = B2 + . . . + Bk is a transitive orientation of E − B1

We will show that B1 + F is transitive

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Comparability graphs


Let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 + F

For transitivity of B1 + F we need to prove that: 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 + F

Case 1: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 ⊆ B1 + F (B1 is transitive)

Case 2: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ F ⊆ B1 + F (F is transitive)

Case 3: 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 and 〈bc〉 ∈ F

If ac /∈ E ⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ 〈cb〉 ⇒ B1 ∩ F 6= ∅, contradiction ⇒ ac ∈ E

Assume that 〈ac〉 /∈ B1 + F ⇒ 〈ca〉 ∈ B1 + F . Then:

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ B1. Since also 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈cb〉 ∈ B1,(contradiction, since 〈bc〉 ∈ F in Case 3)

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ F . Since also 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ba〉 ∈ F ,(contradiction, since 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 in Case 3)

Case 4: 〈ab〉 ∈ F and 〈bc〉 ∈ B1: symmetric to Case 3

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Comparability graphs


Let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 + F

For transitivity of B1 + F we need to prove that: 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 + F

Case 1: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 ⊆ B1 + F (B1 is transitive)

Case 2: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ F ⊆ B1 + F (F is transitive)

Case 3: 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 and 〈bc〉 ∈ F

If ac /∈ E ⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ 〈cb〉 ⇒ B1 ∩ F 6= ∅, contradiction ⇒ ac ∈ E

Assume that 〈ac〉 /∈ B1 + F ⇒ 〈ca〉 ∈ B1 + F . Then:

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ B1. Since also 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈cb〉 ∈ B1,(contradiction, since 〈bc〉 ∈ F in Case 3)

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ F . Since also 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ba〉 ∈ F ,(contradiction, since 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 in Case 3)

Case 4: 〈ab〉 ∈ F and 〈bc〉 ∈ B1: symmetric to Case 3

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Comparability graphs


Let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 + F

For transitivity of B1 + F we need to prove that: 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 + F

Case 1: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 ⊆ B1 + F (B1 is transitive)

Case 2: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ F ⊆ B1 + F (F is transitive)

Case 3: 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 and 〈bc〉 ∈ F

If ac /∈ E ⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ 〈cb〉 ⇒ B1 ∩ F 6= ∅, contradiction ⇒ ac ∈ E

Assume that 〈ac〉 /∈ B1 + F ⇒ 〈ca〉 ∈ B1 + F . Then:

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ B1. Since also 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈cb〉 ∈ B1,(contradiction, since 〈bc〉 ∈ F in Case 3)

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ F . Since also 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ba〉 ∈ F ,(contradiction, since 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 in Case 3)

Case 4: 〈ab〉 ∈ F and 〈bc〉 ∈ B1: symmetric to Case 3

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Comparability graphs


Let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 + F

For transitivity of B1 + F we need to prove that: 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 + F

Case 1: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 ⊆ B1 + F (B1 is transitive)

Case 2: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ F ⊆ B1 + F (F is transitive)

Case 3: 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 and 〈bc〉 ∈ F

If ac /∈ E ⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ 〈cb〉 ⇒ B1 ∩ F 6= ∅, contradiction ⇒ ac ∈ E

Assume that 〈ac〉 /∈ B1 + F ⇒ 〈ca〉 ∈ B1 + F . Then:

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ B1. Since also 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈cb〉 ∈ B1,(contradiction, since 〈bc〉 ∈ F in Case 3)

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ F . Since also 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ba〉 ∈ F ,(contradiction, since 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 in Case 3)

Case 4: 〈ab〉 ∈ F and 〈bc〉 ∈ B1: symmetric to Case 3

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Comparability graphs


Let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 + F

For transitivity of B1 + F we need to prove that: 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 + F

Case 1: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 ⊆ B1 + F (B1 is transitive)

Case 2: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ F ⊆ B1 + F (F is transitive)

Case 3: 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 and 〈bc〉 ∈ F

If ac /∈ E ⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ 〈cb〉 ⇒ B1 ∩ F 6= ∅, contradiction ⇒ ac ∈ E

Assume that 〈ac〉 /∈ B1 + F ⇒ 〈ca〉 ∈ B1 + F . Then:

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ B1. Since also 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈cb〉 ∈ B1,(contradiction, since 〈bc〉 ∈ F in Case 3)

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ F . Since also 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ba〉 ∈ F ,(contradiction, since 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 in Case 3)

Case 4: 〈ab〉 ∈ F and 〈bc〉 ∈ B1: symmetric to Case 3

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Comparability graphs


Let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 + F

For transitivity of B1 + F we need to prove that: 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 + F

Case 1: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 ⊆ B1 + F (B1 is transitive)

Case 2: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ F ⊆ B1 + F (F is transitive)

Case 3: 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 and 〈bc〉 ∈ F

If ac /∈ E ⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ 〈cb〉 ⇒ B1 ∩ F 6= ∅, contradiction ⇒ ac ∈ E

Assume that 〈ac〉 /∈ B1 + F ⇒ 〈ca〉 ∈ B1 + F . Then:

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ B1. Since also 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈cb〉 ∈ B1,(contradiction, since 〈bc〉 ∈ F in Case 3)

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ F . Since also 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ba〉 ∈ F ,(contradiction, since 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 in Case 3)

Case 4: 〈ab〉 ∈ F and 〈bc〉 ∈ B1: symmetric to Case 3

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Comparability graphs


Let 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 + F

For transitivity of B1 + F we need to prove that: 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 + F

Case 1: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ B1 ⊆ B1 + F (B1 is transitive)

Case 2: 〈ab〉, 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ac〉 ∈ F ⊆ B1 + F (F is transitive)

Case 3: 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 and 〈bc〉 ∈ F

If ac /∈ E ⇒ 〈ab〉 Γ 〈cb〉 ⇒ B1 ∩ F 6= ∅, contradiction ⇒ ac ∈ E

Assume that 〈ac〉 /∈ B1 + F ⇒ 〈ca〉 ∈ B1 + F . Then:

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ B1. Since also 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 ⇒ 〈cb〉 ∈ B1,(contradiction, since 〈bc〉 ∈ F in Case 3)

assume that 〈ca〉 ∈ F . Since also 〈bc〉 ∈ F ⇒ 〈ba〉 ∈ F ,(contradiction, since 〈ab〉 ∈ B1 in Case 3)

Case 4: 〈ab〉 ∈ F and 〈bc〉 ∈ B1: symmetric to Case 3

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Comparability graphs

The Transitive Orientation Theorem implies the next algorithm:

Transitive Orientation Algorithm

1 i ← 1; E1 ← E ; F ← ∅2 While Ei 6= ∅:

3 Arbitrarily pick an edge xiyi ∈ Ei

4 Enumerate the implication class Bi of Ei that contains 〈xiyi 〉5 If Bi ∩ B−1i = ∅ then add Bi to F

else Return “G is not a comparability graph”

6 Ei+1 ← Ei − Bi ; i ← i + 1

7 Return F

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Comparability graphs

Running time of the algorithm for a graph G = (V , E ):O(δ|E |) = O(|V ||E |) = O(|V |3) in worst case(see details in [Golumbic, Alg. Graph Theory & Perfect Graphs, 2004])

Several later algorithms for transitive orientation

The currently fastest algorithm:[McCornell, Spinrad, Discrete Mathematics, 1999]

Given a graph G = (V , E ), it produces in linear O(|V |+ |E |) timean orientation F of G such that:

F is transitive ⇐⇒ G is a comparability graph

F is given implicitly through a linear order L, which serves asa linear extension of F (topological sort)

main tool: a fast “modular decomposition” of a graph

But, in order to check whether F is transitive:matrix multiplication (currently in O(|V |2.376) time)

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Comparability graphs

Running time of the algorithm for a graph G = (V , E ):O(δ|E |) = O(|V ||E |) = O(|V |3) in worst case(see details in [Golumbic, Alg. Graph Theory & Perfect Graphs, 2004])

Several later algorithms for transitive orientation

The currently fastest algorithm:[McCornell, Spinrad, Discrete Mathematics, 1999]

Given a graph G = (V , E ), it produces in linear O(|V |+ |E |) timean orientation F of G such that:

F is transitive ⇐⇒ G is a comparability graph

F is given implicitly through a linear order L, which serves asa linear extension of F (topological sort)

main tool: a fast “modular decomposition” of a graph

But, in order to check whether F is transitive:matrix multiplication (currently in O(|V |2.376) time)

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Comparability graphs

Running time of the algorithm for a graph G = (V , E ):O(δ|E |) = O(|V ||E |) = O(|V |3) in worst case(see details in [Golumbic, Alg. Graph Theory & Perfect Graphs, 2004])

Several later algorithms for transitive orientation

The currently fastest algorithm:[McCornell, Spinrad, Discrete Mathematics, 1999]

Given a graph G = (V , E ), it produces in linear O(|V |+ |E |) timean orientation F of G such that:

F is transitive ⇐⇒ G is a comparability graph

F is given implicitly through a linear order L, which serves asa linear extension of F (topological sort)

main tool: a fast “modular decomposition” of a graph

But, in order to check whether F is transitive:matrix multiplication (currently in O(|V |2.376) time)

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Comparability graphsColoring and clique

Recall that for every graph G = (V , E ):

a clique U ⊆ V is a maximal clique if there exists no other cliqueU ′ ⊆ V such that U ⊂ U ′,a clique U ⊆ V is a maximum clique if there exists no other cliqueU ′ ⊆ V such that |U | < |U ′|,the clique number ω(G ) is the size of a maximum clique of G ,

a proper k-coloring of G is:an assignment of k colors to the vertices of G such that,if uv ∈ E then u and v have different colors,a partition V = V1 ∪ V2 ∪ . . . ∪ Vk , where each Vi isan independent set (“color class”),

the chromatic number χ(G ) is the smallest k for which G hasa proper k-coloring.


For any graph G , χ(G ) ≥ ω(G ).

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Comparability graphsColoring and clique

Recall that for every graph G = (V , E ):

a clique U ⊆ V is a maximal clique if there exists no other cliqueU ′ ⊆ V such that U ⊂ U ′,a clique U ⊆ V is a maximum clique if there exists no other cliqueU ′ ⊆ V such that |U | < |U ′|,the clique number ω(G ) is the size of a maximum clique of G ,a proper k-coloring of G is:

an assignment of k colors to the vertices of G such that,if uv ∈ E then u and v have different colors,a partition V = V1 ∪ V2 ∪ . . . ∪ Vk , where each Vi isan independent set (“color class”),

the chromatic number χ(G ) is the smallest k for which G hasa proper k-coloring.


For any graph G , χ(G ) ≥ ω(G ).

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Comparability graphsColoring and clique

Recall that for every graph G = (V , E ):

a clique U ⊆ V is a maximal clique if there exists no other cliqueU ′ ⊆ V such that U ⊂ U ′,a clique U ⊆ V is a maximum clique if there exists no other cliqueU ′ ⊆ V such that |U | < |U ′|,the clique number ω(G ) is the size of a maximum clique of G ,a proper k-coloring of G is:

an assignment of k colors to the vertices of G such that,if uv ∈ E then u and v have different colors,a partition V = V1 ∪ V2 ∪ . . . ∪ Vk , where each Vi isan independent set (“color class”),

the chromatic number χ(G ) is the smallest k for which G hasa proper k-coloring.


For any graph G , χ(G ) ≥ ω(G ).

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Comparability graphsColoring and clique


A graph G is perfect if χ(GA) = ω(GA) for every induced subgraph GA.

Is every comparability graph G also a perfect graph?

We need to exploit the Hasse diagram of the partial order for G !

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Comparability graphsColoring and clique


A graph G is perfect if χ(GA) = ω(GA) for every induced subgraph GA.

Is every comparability graph G also a perfect graph?

We need to exploit the Hasse diagram of the partial order for G !

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→ q

r s

t x y


among {p,q,r,s}

among {p,q}

d(t) = d(x) = d(y) = 1

d(r) = d(s) = 2

d(p) = d(q) = 3

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Comparability graphsColoring and clique

Let G = (V , E ) be the comparability graph of the partial order P.

We define a depth function d : V −→N, such that for every v ∈ V :if v is a maximal element in P, then d(v) = 1,otherwise d(v) = 1 + max{d(w) : v <P w}.

If the Hasse diagram has k layers, then:the longest top-down path in the diagram has k vertices, i.e.the maximum chain has k vertices.

Every chain in P corresponds to a clique in G ⇒ ω(G ) ≥ k.

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→ q

r s

t x y


among {p,q,r,s}

among {p,q}

d(t) = d(x) = d(y) = 1

d(r) = d(s) = 2

d(p) = d(q) = 3

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Comparability graphsColoring and clique

Let G = (V , E ) be the comparability graph of the partial order P.

We define a depth function d : V −→N, such that for every v ∈ V :if v is a maximal element in P, then d(v) = 1,otherwise d(v) = 1 + max{d(w) : v <P w}.

If the Hasse diagram has k layers, then:the longest top-down path in the diagram has k vertices, i.e.the maximum chain has k vertices.

Every chain in P corresponds to a clique in G ⇒ ω(G ) ≥ k.

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→ q

r s

t x y


among {p,q,r,s}

among {p,q}

d(t) = d(x) = d(y) = 1

d(r) = d(s) = 2

d(p) = d(q) = 3

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Page 156: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsColoring and clique

Let G = (V , E ) be the comparability graph of the partial order P.

We define a depth function d : V −→N, such that for every v ∈ V :if v is a maximal element in P, then d(v) = 1,otherwise d(v) = 1 + max{d(w) : v <P w}.

If the Hasse diagram has k layers, then:the longest top-down path in the diagram has k vertices, i.e.the maximum chain has k vertices.

Every chain in P corresponds to a clique in G ⇒ ω(G ) ≥ k.

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→ q

r s

t x y


among {p,q,r,s}

among {p,q}

d(t) = d(x) = d(y) = 1

d(r) = d(s) = 2

d(p) = d(q) = 3

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Page 157: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsColoring and clique

Let G = (V , E ) be the comparability graph of the partial order P.

We define a depth function d : V −→N, such that for every v ∈ V :if v is a maximal element in P, then d(v) = 1,otherwise d(v) = 1 + max{d(w) : v <P w}.

If the Hasse diagram has k layers, then:the longest top-down path in the diagram has k vertices, i.e.the maximum chain has k vertices.

Every chain in P corresponds to a clique in G ⇒ ω(G ) ≥ k.

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→ q

r s

t x y


among {p,q,r,s}

among {p,q}

d(t) = d(x) = d(y) = 1

d(r) = d(s) = 2

d(p) = d(q) = 3

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Page 158: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsColoring and clique

Let G = (V , E ) be the comparability graph of the partial order P.

We define a depth function d : V −→N, such that for every v ∈ V :if v is a maximal element in P, then d(v) = 1,otherwise d(v) = 1 + max{d(w) : v <P w}.

If the Hasse diagram has k layers, then:the longest top-down path in the diagram has k vertices, i.e.the maximum chain has k vertices.

Every chain in P corresponds to a clique in G ⇒ ω(G ) ≥ k.

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→ q

r s

t x y


among {p,q,r,s}

among {p,q}

d(t) = d(x) = d(y) = 1

d(r) = d(s) = 2

d(p) = d(q) = 3

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Page 159: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Comparability graphsColoring and clique

Let G = (V , E ) be the comparability graph of the partial order P.

We define a depth function d : V −→N, such that for every v ∈ V :if v is a maximal element in P, then d(v) = 1,otherwise d(v) = 1 + max{d(w) : v <P w}.

If the Hasse diagram has k layers, then:the longest top-down path in the diagram has k vertices, i.e.the maximum chain has k vertices.

Every chain in P corresponds to a clique in G ⇒ ω(G ) ≥ k.

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→ q

r s

t x y


among {p,q,r,s}

among {p,q}

d(t) = d(x) = d(y) = 1

d(r) = d(s) = 2

d(p) = d(q) = 3

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Comparability graphsColoring and clique

On the other hand:

Every layer in the Hasse diagram is an independent set

If the diagram has k layers, then:every layer is a color class of G ⇒ χ(G ) ≤ k

Therefore ω(G ) ≥ k ≥ χ(G ) ≥ ω(G ) ⇒ χ(G ) = ω(G )

Every induced subgraph GA of G is a comparability graph⇒ χ(GA) = ω(GA) for every induced subgraph GA

⇒ G is a perfect graph.

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→ q

r s

t x y


among {p,q,r,s}

among {p,q}

d(t) = d(x) = d(y) = 1

d(r) = d(s) = 2

d(p) = d(q) = 3

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Comparability graphsColoring and clique

On the other hand:

Every layer in the Hasse diagram is an independent set

If the diagram has k layers, then:every layer is a color class of G ⇒ χ(G ) ≤ k

Therefore ω(G ) ≥ k ≥ χ(G ) ≥ ω(G ) ⇒ χ(G ) = ω(G )

Every induced subgraph GA of G is a comparability graph⇒ χ(GA) = ω(GA) for every induced subgraph GA

⇒ G is a perfect graph.

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→

maximal elements −→ q

r s

t x y


among {p,q,r,s}

among {p,q}

d(t) = d(x) = d(y) = 1

d(r) = d(s) = 2

d(p) = d(q) = 3

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Comparability graphsColoring and clique

On the other hand:

Every layer in the Hasse diagram is an independent set

If the diagram has k layers, then:every layer is a color class of G ⇒ χ(G ) ≤ k

Therefore ω(G ) ≥ k ≥ χ(G ) ≥ ω(G ) ⇒ χ(G ) = ω(G )

Every induced subgraph GA of G is a comparability graph⇒ χ(GA) = ω(GA) for every induced subgraph GA

⇒ G is a perfect graph.


Every comparability graph G is a perfect graph.


Given the Hasse diagram of a comparability graph G = (V , E ), we cancompute a minimum coloring and a maximum clique in O(|V |+ |E |) time.

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Partial orders

Comparability graphs

Permutation graphs

Trapezoid graphs

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Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

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Page 165: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

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Page 166: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

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Page 167: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

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Page 168: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4

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Page 169: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4, π2 = 3

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Page 170: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4, π2 = 3, π3 = 6

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Page 171: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4, π2 = 3, π3 = 6, π4 = 1

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Page 172: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4, π2 = 3, π3 = 6, π4 = 1, π5 = 5

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Page 173: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4, π2 = 3, π3 = 6, π4 = 1, π5 = 5, π6 = 2

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Page 174: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4, π2 = 3, π3 = 6, π4 = 1, π5 = 5, π6 = 2,

π−11 = 4

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Page 175: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4, π2 = 3, π3 = 6, π4 = 1, π5 = 5, π6 = 2,

π−11 = 4, π−12 = 6

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Page 176: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4, π2 = 3, π3 = 6, π4 = 1, π5 = 5, π6 = 2,

π−11 = 4, π−12 = 6, π−13 = 2

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Page 177: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4, π2 = 3, π3 = 6, π4 = 1, π5 = 5, π6 = 2,

π−11 = 4, π−12 = 6, π−13 = 2, π−14 = 1

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Page 178: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4, π2 = 3, π3 = 6, π4 = 1, π5 = 5, π6 = 2,

π−11 = 4, π−12 = 6, π−13 = 2, π−14 = 1, π−15 = 5

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Page 179: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Graphs can be defined using mathematical structures:

we saw: partial orders −→ comparability graphswhat about permutations?

Consider the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n

Consider a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] of these numbers

For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi is the ith number in the permutation π

π−1i is the position of number i in the the permutation π

Example: n = 6

π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

π1 = 4, π2 = 3, π3 = 6, π4 = 1, π5 = 5, π6 = 2,

π−11 = 4, π−12 = 6, π−13 = 2, π−14 = 1, π−15 = 5, π−16 = 3

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Page 180: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

For every permutation π we can define the graph G [π] as follows:

the vertices of G [π] are {1, 2, . . . , n},there is an edge between vertex i and vertex j (where i < j)when j appears to the left of i in π i.e. π−1j < π−1i

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Page 181: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

For every permutation π we can define the graph G [π] as follows:

the vertices of G [π] are {1, 2, . . . , n},there is an edge between vertex i and vertex j (where i < j)when j appears to the left of i in π i.e. π−1j < π−1i

Example: π = [4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2]

1 2





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Page 182: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

For every permutation π we can define the graph G [π] as follows:

the vertices of G [π] are {1, 2, . . . , n},there is an edge between vertex i and vertex j (where i < j)when j appears to the left of i in π i.e. π−1j < π−1i

Equivalent definition of G [π] = (V , E ):

V = {1, 2, . . . , n},ij ∈ E ⇔ (i − j)(π−1i − π−1j ) < 0.


A graph G is a permutation graph if there exists a permutation πsuch that G is isomorphic to G [π].

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Page 183: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

For a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn], the reverse permutation π is:

π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] = [πn, πn−1, . . . , π1]

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Page 184: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

For a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn], the reverse permutation π is:

π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] = [πn, πn−1, . . . , π1]

Note that for every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi = πn−i

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Page 185: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

For a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn], the reverse permutation π is:

π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] = [πn, πn−1, . . . , π1]

Note that for every i = 1, 2, . . . , n:

πi = πn−iπ−1i = n− π−1i

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Page 186: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

For a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn], the reverse permutation π is:

π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] = [πn, πn−1, . . . , π1]


For every permutation π: G [π] = G [π].

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Page 187: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

For a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn], the reverse permutation π is:

π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] = [πn, πn−1, . . . , π1]


For every permutation π: G [π] = G [π].


Denote G [π] = (V , E ) and G [π] = (V , E ).

Then: ij ∈ E ⇔ (i − j)(

π−1i − π−1j

)< 0

⇔ (i − j)((

n− π−1i


n− π−1j

))< 0

⇔ (i − j)(

π−1i − π−1j

)> 0

⇔ ij /∈ E

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Page 188: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

For a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn], the reverse permutation π is:

π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] = [πn, πn−1, . . . , π1]


For every permutation π: G [π] = G [π].


Denote G [π] = (V , E ) and G [π] = (V , E ).

Then: ij ∈ E ⇔ (i − j)(

π−1i − π−1j

)< 0

⇔ (i − j)((

n− π−1i


n− π−1j

))< 0

⇔ (i − j)(

π−1i − π−1j

)> 0

⇔ ij /∈ E

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Page 189: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

For a permutation π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn], the reverse permutation π is:

π = [π1, π2, . . . , πn] = [πn, πn−1, . . . , π1]


For every permutation π: G [π] = G [π].


The complement of a permutation graph is also a permutation graph.

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Page 190: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs


Every permutation graph G is a comparability graph(i.e. G is transitively orientable).


Denote G = G [π] = (V , E ).

Define an orientation F of G such that, whenever ij ∈ E :

〈ij〉 ∈ F ⇐⇒ i < j

We show that F is transitive. Assume that 〈ij〉, 〈jk〉 ∈ F

Then: i < j < k (by definition of F )

Furthermore: π−1i > π−1j and π−1j > π−1k (by definition of G [π])

⇒ π−1i > π−1k ⇒ ik ∈ E and 〈ik〉 ∈ F

⇒ F is transitive

⇒ G is a comparability graph

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Page 191: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs


Every permutation graph G is a comparability graph(i.e. G is transitively orientable).


Denote G = G [π] = (V , E ).

Define an orientation F of G such that, whenever ij ∈ E :

〈ij〉 ∈ F ⇐⇒ i < j

We show that F is transitive. Assume that 〈ij〉, 〈jk〉 ∈ F

Then: i < j < k (by definition of F )

Furthermore: π−1i > π−1j and π−1j > π−1k (by definition of G [π])

⇒ π−1i > π−1k ⇒ ik ∈ E and 〈ik〉 ∈ F

⇒ F is transitive

⇒ G is a comparability graph

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Page 192: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs


Every permutation graph G is a comparability graph(i.e. G is transitively orientable).


Denote G = G [π] = (V , E ).

Define an orientation F of G such that, whenever ij ∈ E :

〈ij〉 ∈ F ⇐⇒ i < j

We show that F is transitive. Assume that 〈ij〉, 〈jk〉 ∈ F

Then: i < j < k (by definition of F )

Furthermore: π−1i > π−1j and π−1j > π−1k (by definition of G [π])

⇒ π−1i > π−1k ⇒ ik ∈ E and 〈ik〉 ∈ F

⇒ F is transitive

⇒ G is a comparability graph

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Page 193: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs


Every permutation graph G is a comparability graph(i.e. G is transitively orientable).


Denote G = G [π] = (V , E ).

Define an orientation F of G such that, whenever ij ∈ E :

〈ij〉 ∈ F ⇐⇒ i < j

We show that F is transitive. Assume that 〈ij〉, 〈jk〉 ∈ F

Then: i < j < k (by definition of F )

Furthermore: π−1i > π−1j and π−1j > π−1k (by definition of G [π])

⇒ π−1i > π−1k ⇒ ik ∈ E and 〈ik〉 ∈ F

⇒ F is transitive

⇒ G is a comparability graph

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Page 194: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs


Every permutation graph G is a comparability graph(i.e. G is transitively orientable).


Denote G = G [π] = (V , E ).

Define an orientation F of G such that, whenever ij ∈ E :

〈ij〉 ∈ F ⇐⇒ i < j

We show that F is transitive. Assume that 〈ij〉, 〈jk〉 ∈ F

Then: i < j < k (by definition of F )

Furthermore: π−1i > π−1j and π−1j > π−1k (by definition of G [π])

⇒ π−1i > π−1k ⇒ ik ∈ E and 〈ik〉 ∈ F

⇒ F is transitive

⇒ G is a comparability graph

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Page 195: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Theorem (Pnueli, Lempel, Even, 1971)

A graph G = (V , E ) is a permutation graph ⇔ G and G arecomparability graphs.

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Page 196: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Theorem (Pnueli, Lempel, Even, 1971)

A graph G = (V , E ) is a permutation graph ⇔ G and G arecomparability graphs.


(⇒): Let G = G [π] for some permutation π. Then:

G is a comparability graph (last theorem)

G = G [π] is a permutation graph ⇒ G is a comparability graph

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Page 197: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Theorem (Pnueli, Lempel, Even, 1971)

A graph G = (V , E ) is a permutation graph ⇔ G and G arecomparability graphs.


(⇐): Let G and G be comparability graphs.

Let (V , F1) be a transitive orientation of G

Let (V , F2) be a transitive orientation of G

We show that F1 + F2 is a transitive orientation of the clique⇒ Assume otherwise that 〈ij〉, 〈jk〉, 〈ki〉 ∈ F1 + F2

⇒ at least two of them belong to the same Fi , wlog. 〈ij〉, 〈jk〉 ∈ F1

⇒ by transitivity of F1: 〈ik〉 ∈ F1, contradiction⇒ F1 + F2 is transitive

Similarly: F−11 + F2 is transitive

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Page 198: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Theorem (Pnueli, Lempel, Even, 1971)

A graph G = (V , E ) is a permutation graph ⇔ G and G arecomparability graphs.


(⇐): Let G and G be comparability graphs.

Let (V , F1) be a transitive orientation of G

Let (V , F2) be a transitive orientation of G

We show that F1 + F2 is a transitive orientation of the clique⇒ Assume otherwise that 〈ij〉, 〈jk〉, 〈ki〉 ∈ F1 + F2

⇒ at least two of them belong to the same Fi , wlog. 〈ij〉, 〈jk〉 ∈ F1

⇒ by transitivity of F1: 〈ik〉 ∈ F1, contradiction⇒ F1 + F2 is transitive

Similarly: F−11 + F2 is transitive

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Page 199: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs

Theorem (Pnueli, Lempel, Even, 1971)

A graph G = (V , E ) is a permutation graph ⇔ G and G arecomparability graphs.


(⇐): Let G and G be comparability graphs.

Let (V , F1) be a transitive orientation of G

Let (V , F2) be a transitive orientation of G

We show that F1 + F2 is a transitive orientation of the clique⇒ Assume otherwise that 〈ij〉, 〈jk〉, 〈ki〉 ∈ F1 + F2

⇒ at least two of them belong to the same Fi , wlog. 〈ij〉, 〈jk〉 ∈ F1

⇒ by transitivity of F1: 〈ik〉 ∈ F1, contradiction⇒ F1 + F2 is transitive

Similarly: F−11 + F2 is transitive

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Page 200: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs


For every transitive orientation of the clique:

a unique linear ordering of its vertices

We now construct in 3 steps a permutation π such that G = G [π]:

1 Label the vertices according to the linear ordering of F1 + F2:the ith vertex v in this ordering gets label L(v) = i

2 Re-label the vertices according to the linear ordering of F−11 + F2:the ith vertex v in this ordering gets label L′(v) = i

Let u, v be two vertices of G . Then:

uv ∈ E ⇔ (by definition of F1)

u and v have different relative position in the labelings L(·) and L′(·)⇔ (L(u)− L(v)) (L′(u)− L′(v)) < 0

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Page 201: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs


For every transitive orientation of the clique:

a unique linear ordering of its vertices

We now construct in 3 steps a permutation π such that G = G [π]:

1 Label the vertices according to the linear ordering of F1 + F2:the ith vertex v in this ordering gets label L(v) = i

2 Re-label the vertices according to the linear ordering of F−11 + F2:the ith vertex v in this ordering gets label L′(v) = i

Let u, v be two vertices of G . Then:

uv ∈ E ⇔ (by definition of F1)

u and v have different relative position in the labelings L(·) and L′(·)⇔ (L(u)− L(v)) (L′(u)− L′(v)) < 0

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Page 202: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs


For every transitive orientation of the clique:

a unique linear ordering of its vertices

We now construct in 3 steps a permutation π such that G = G [π]:

1 Label the vertices according to the linear ordering of F1 + F2:the ith vertex v in this ordering gets label L(v) = i

2 Re-label the vertices according to the linear ordering of F−11 + F2:the ith vertex v in this ordering gets label L′(v) = i

Let u, v be two vertices of G . Then:

uv ∈ E ⇔ (by definition of F1)

u and v have different relative position in the labelings L(·) and L′(·)⇔ (L(u)− L(v)) (L′(u)− L′(v)) < 0

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Page 203: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs


For every transitive orientation of the clique:

a unique linear ordering of its vertices

We now construct in 3 steps a permutation π such that G = G [π]:

1 Label the vertices according to the linear ordering of F1 + F2:the ith vertex v in this ordering gets label L(v) = i

2 Re-label the vertices according to the linear ordering of F−11 + F2:the ith vertex v in this ordering gets label L′(v) = i

Let u, v be two vertices of G . Then:

uv ∈ E ⇔ (by definition of F1)

u and v have different relative position in the labelings L(·) and L′(·)⇔ (L(u)− L(v)) (L′(u)− L′(v)) < 0

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Page 204: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphs


For every transitive orientation of the clique:

a unique linear ordering of its vertices

We now construct in 3 steps a permutation π such that G = G [π]:

3 Define π as follows:

For every vertex v , if L(v) = i then define π−1i = L′(v).

Then: uv ∈ E ⇔ (L(u)− L(v)) (L′(u)− L′(v)) < 0 ⇔⇔ (i − j)

(π−1i − π−1j

)< 0 ⇔ G = G [π]

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Page 205: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphsThe recognition problem

Therefore, given a graph G :

We can decide efficiently whether G is a permutation graph(recognition problem)

If both G and G are comparability graphs then:

G is a permutation graphconstruct a permutation π (using the theorem) such that G = G [π]

Otherwise G is not a permutation graph

Time complexity:

using the Transitive Orientation Algorithm: O(n3)

the currently fastest algorithm: O(n + m)[McCornell, Spinrad, Discrete Mathematics, 1999]

using modular decomposition of G

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Page 206: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphsThe recognition problem

Therefore, given a graph G :

We can decide efficiently whether G is a permutation graph(recognition problem)

If both G and G are comparability graphs then:

G is a permutation graphconstruct a permutation π (using the theorem) such that G = G [π]

Otherwise G is not a permutation graph

Time complexity:

using the Transitive Orientation Algorithm: O(n3)

the currently fastest algorithm: O(n + m)[McCornell, Spinrad, Discrete Mathematics, 1999]

using modular decomposition of G

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Page 207: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphsAn intersection model


An undirected graph G = (V , E ) is called an intersection graph, if eachvertex v ∈ V can be assigned to a set Sv , such that two vertices of G areadjacent if and only if the corresponding sets have a nonemptyintersection, i.e. E = {uv | Su ∩ Sv 6= ∅}.Then, F = {Sv | v ∈ V } is the intersection model of G .

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Page 208: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphsAn intersection model


An undirected graph G = (V , E ) is called an intersection graph, if eachvertex v ∈ V can be assigned to a set Sv , such that two vertices of G areadjacent if and only if the corresponding sets have a nonemptyintersection, i.e. E = {uv | Su ∩ Sv 6= ∅}.Then, F = {Sv | v ∈ V } is the intersection model of G .


A graph G is called an interval graph, if G is the intersection graph of aset of intervals on the real line.


b c de



c d


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Page 209: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphsAn intersection model


Permutation graphs are exactly the intersection graphs of line segmentsbetween two parallel lines.




c de b



c d



c d eb

Proof idea:

for every i = 1, 2, . . . , n, the ith line segment has endpoints i and πi

the ith line segment intersects the jth line segment

⇔ i and j appear in reversed order in π

⇔ i and j are adjacent in G [π]

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Page 210: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Permutation graphsAn intersection model


Permutation graphs are exactly the intersection graphs of line segmentsbetween two parallel lines.




c de b



c d



c d eb

Proof idea:

for every i = 1, 2, . . . , n, the ith line segment has endpoints i and πi

the ith line segment intersects the jth line segment

⇔ i and j appear in reversed order in π

⇔ i and j are adjacent in G [π]

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Page 211: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders of dimension 2

Theorem (see Spinrad, Efficient graph representations, 2003)

The complements of permutation graphs are exactly the comparabilitygraphs of partial orders with dimension at most 2.

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Page 212: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders of dimension 2

Theorem (see Spinrad, Efficient graph representations, 2003)

The complements of permutation graphs are exactly the comparabilitygraphs of partial orders with dimension at most 2.

Proof idea:

Every line segment `u is defined by two points pu and qu

Define a partial order P from the line segments:`u <P `v ⇔ `u lies to the left of `v

Define two linear orders P1 and P2 from the points on L1 and L2

`u <P `v ⇔ pu <P1 pv and qu <P2 qv , i.e. P = P1 ∩ P2



`u `v

qu qv

pu pv

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Page 213: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Partial orders of dimension 2

Theorem (see Spinrad, Efficient graph representations, 2003)

The complements of permutation graphs are exactly the comparabilitygraphs of partial orders with dimension at most 2.


Theorem (see Spinrad, Efficient graph representations, 2003)

For k ≤ 2, we can decide in polynomial time whether the dimension of apartial order is at most k.

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Partial orders

Comparability graphs

Permutation graphs

Trapezoid graphs

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Page 215: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

A generalization of permutation graphs:

Definition (Dagan, Golumbic, Pinter, 1988; Corneil, Kamula, 1987)

A graph G is called a trapezoid graph, if G is the intersection graph of aset of trapezoids between two parallel lines.







c d

eTa Td Te

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Page 216: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

A generalization of permutation graphs:

Definition (Dagan, Golumbic, Pinter, 1988; Corneil, Kamula, 1987)

A graph G is called a trapezoid graph, if G is the intersection graph of aset of trapezoids between two parallel lines.







c d

eTa Td Te

Special cases of trapezoid graphs:

Permutation graphs: when trapezoids are line segments

Interval graphs: when trapezoids are rectangles

Parallelogram graphs: when trapezoids are parallelograms

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Page 217: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

A generalization of permutation graphs:

Definition (Dagan, Golumbic, Pinter, 1988; Corneil, Kamula, 1987)

A graph G is called a trapezoid graph, if G is the intersection graph of aset of trapezoids between two parallel lines.







c d

eTa Td Te

Special cases of trapezoid graphs:

Permutation graphs: when trapezoids are line segments

Interval graphs: when trapezoids are rectangles

Parallelogram graphs: when trapezoids are parallelograms

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Page 218: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

A generalization of permutation graphs:

Definition (Dagan, Golumbic, Pinter, 1988; Corneil, Kamula, 1987)

A graph G is called a trapezoid graph, if G is the intersection graph of aset of trapezoids between two parallel lines.







c d

eTa Td Te

Special cases of trapezoid graphs:

Permutation graphs: when trapezoids are line segments

Interval graphs: when trapezoids are rectangles

Parallelogram graphs: when trapezoids are parallelograms

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Page 219: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Dagan, Golumbic, Pinter, Discr. Applied Math., 1988)

The complements of trapezoid graphs are exactly the comparabilitygraphs of partial orders with interval dimension at most 2.

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Page 220: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Dagan, Golumbic, Pinter, Discr. Applied Math., 1988)

The complements of trapezoid graphs are exactly the comparabilitygraphs of partial orders with interval dimension at most 2.

Proof idea:

every trapezoid Tu is defined by two intervals Iu and JuDefine a partial order P from the trapezoids:Tu <P Tv ⇔ Tu lies to the left of Tv

Define two interval orders P1 and P2 from the intervals on L1 and L2

Tu <P Tv ⇔ Iu <P1 Iv and Ju <P2 Jv , i.e. P = P1 ∩ P2



Tu Tv

Iu Iv

Ju JvGeorge Mertzios (Durham) Advances in algorithmic graph theory EULER, July 2013 58 / 75

Page 221: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Dagan, Golumbic, Pinter, Discr. Applied Math., 1988)

The complements of trapezoid graphs are exactly the comparabilitygraphs of partial orders with interval dimension at most 2.



Trapezoid graphs are cocomparability graphs.




Ta Td Te

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Page 222: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.


G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 223: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 224: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 225: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 226: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 227: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 228: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 229: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 230: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !

If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 231: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !

If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 232: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !

If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 233: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !

If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 234: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !

If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 235: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !

If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 236: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !

If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 237: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !

If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 238: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Question: Is every trapezoid graph also a comparability graph?

Equivalently: Is every trapezoid graph also a permutation graph?(i.e. can we always “rewrite” a trapezoid graph as a permutation graph?)

Answer: No.

Example: a b








b c a g ed d f

bca ge dd f

G :

G is not a comparability graph ⇒ not a permutation graph !If d becomes a line segment ⇒ f intersects b. (contradiction)

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Page 239: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

How can we recognize whether a graph G is a trapezoid graph?

We can first check whether G is a comparability graph

necessary but not sufficient condition !

Several algorithms are known:

[Felsner, Habib, Mohring, SIAM Journal on Discrete Math., 1994]

[Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994]

[Langley, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 1995]

[Mertzios, Corneil, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2011]

We sketch the algorithm of [Ma, Spinrad, 1994]

Running time: O(n2)

Main tools of this algorithm:

trapezoid graphs ←→ partial orders of interval dimension ≤ 2

cover of a bipartite graph with “chain graphs”

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Page 240: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

How can we recognize whether a graph G is a trapezoid graph?

We can first check whether G is a comparability graph

necessary but not sufficient condition !

Several algorithms are known:

[Felsner, Habib, Mohring, SIAM Journal on Discrete Math., 1994]

[Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994]

[Langley, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 1995]

[Mertzios, Corneil, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2011]

We sketch the algorithm of [Ma, Spinrad, 1994]

Running time: O(n2)

Main tools of this algorithm:

trapezoid graphs ←→ partial orders of interval dimension ≤ 2

cover of a bipartite graph with “chain graphs”

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Page 241: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

How can we recognize whether a graph G is a trapezoid graph?

We can first check whether G is a comparability graph

necessary but not sufficient condition !

Several algorithms are known:

[Felsner, Habib, Mohring, SIAM Journal on Discrete Math., 1994]

[Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994]

[Langley, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 1995]

[Mertzios, Corneil, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2011]

We sketch the algorithm of [Ma, Spinrad, 1994]

Running time: O(n2)

Main tools of this algorithm:

trapezoid graphs ←→ partial orders of interval dimension ≤ 2

cover of a bipartite graph with “chain graphs”

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Page 242: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

A graph G is bipartite ⇔ χ(G ) ≤ 2⇔ its vertices can be partitioned into two independent sets U, V

We denote a bipartite graph as G = (U, V , E ),where U, V are its color classes


A bipartite graph G = (U, V , E ) is a chain graph if N(a) ⊆ N(b) orN(b) ⊆ N(a), for any two vertices a, b in the same color class.

Therefore, in a chain graph G = (U, V , E ):

we can enumerate the vertices of U = {u1, u2, . . . , un} such that

N(u1) ⊆ N(u2) ⊆ . . . ⊆ N(un)

and the vertices of V = {v1, v2, . . . , vm} such that

N(v1) ⊆ N(v2) ⊆ . . . ⊆ N(vm)

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Page 243: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

A graph G is bipartite ⇔ χ(G ) ≤ 2⇔ its vertices can be partitioned into two independent sets U, V

We denote a bipartite graph as G = (U, V , E ),where U, V are its color classes


A bipartite graph G = (U, V , E ) is a chain graph if N(a) ⊆ N(b) orN(b) ⊆ N(a), for any two vertices a, b in the same color class.

Therefore, in a chain graph G = (U, V , E ):

we can enumerate the vertices of U = {u1, u2, . . . , un} such that

N(u1) ⊆ N(u2) ⊆ . . . ⊆ N(un)

and the vertices of V = {v1, v2, . . . , vm} such that

N(v1) ⊆ N(v2) ⊆ . . . ⊆ N(vm)

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Page 244: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs


Let G = (U, V , E ) be a bipartite graph. The bipartite complementG = (U, V , E ) of G is the bipartite graph such that for u ∈ U, v ∈ V :

uv ∈ E ⇔ uv /∈ E

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Page 245: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs


Let G = (U, V , E ) be a bipartite graph. The bipartite complementG = (U, V , E ) of G is the bipartite graph such that for u ∈ U, v ∈ V :

uv ∈ E ⇔ uv /∈ E


Chain graphs are exactly the bipartite graphs with no induced 2K2.

2K2 :

u1 u2

v1 v2


G = (U, V , E ) includes an induced 2K2

⇔ N(u1) * N(u2) and N(u2) * N(u1) for two vertices u1, u2

⇔ G is not a chain graph.

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Trapezoid graphs


Let G = (U, V , E ) be a bipartite graph. The bipartite complementG = (U, V , E ) of G is the bipartite graph such that for u ∈ U, v ∈ V :

uv ∈ E ⇔ uv /∈ E


Chain graphs are exactly the bipartite graphs with no induced 2K2.


G = (U, V , E ) is a chain graph ⇔ G = (U, V , E ) is a chain graph.

That is:

chain graphs are closed under bipartite complementation.

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Trapezoid graphs


Let G = (U, V , E ) be a bipartite graph. Then:

the chain cover number ch(G ) of G is the smallest number k of chaingraphs Gi = (U, V , Ei ), 1 ≤ i ≤ k , such that E =

⋃ki=1 Ei .

the chain dimension chdim(G ) of G is the smallest number k of chaingraphs Gi = (U, V , Ei ), 1 ≤ i ≤ k , such that E =

⋂ki=1 Ei .


For any bipartite graph G = (U, V , E ): ch(G ) = chdim(G ).

Proof idea: chain graphs are closed under bipartite complementation


The problems of computing ch(G ) and computing chdim(G ) forbipartite graphs G are polynomially equivalent to each other.

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Trapezoid graphs


Let G = (U, V , E ) be a bipartite graph. Then:

the chain cover number ch(G ) of G is the smallest number k of chaingraphs Gi = (U, V , Ei ), 1 ≤ i ≤ k , such that E =

⋃ki=1 Ei .

the chain dimension chdim(G ) of G is the smallest number k of chaingraphs Gi = (U, V , Ei ), 1 ≤ i ≤ k , such that E =

⋂ki=1 Ei .


For any bipartite graph G = (U, V , E ): ch(G ) = chdim(G ).

Proof idea: chain graphs are closed under bipartite complementation


The problems of computing ch(G ) and computing chdim(G ) forbipartite graphs G are polynomially equivalent to each other.

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Trapezoid graphs


Let G = (U, V , E ) be a bipartite graph. Then:

the chain cover number ch(G ) of G is the smallest number k of chaingraphs Gi = (U, V , Ei ), 1 ≤ i ≤ k , such that E =

⋃ki=1 Ei .

the chain dimension chdim(G ) of G is the smallest number k of chaingraphs Gi = (U, V , Ei ), 1 ≤ i ≤ k , such that E =

⋂ki=1 Ei .


For any bipartite graph G = (U, V , E ): ch(G ) = chdim(G ).

Proof idea: chain graphs are closed under bipartite complementation


The problems of computing ch(G ) and computing chdim(G ) forbipartite graphs G are polynomially equivalent to each other.

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Trapezoid graphs


Let G = (U, V , E ) be a bipartite graph. Then:

the chain cover number ch(G ) of G is the smallest number k of chaingraphs Gi = (U, V , Ei ), 1 ≤ i ≤ k , such that E =

⋃ki=1 Ei .

the chain dimension chdim(G ) of G is the smallest number k of chaingraphs Gi = (U, V , Ei ), 1 ≤ i ≤ k , such that E =

⋂ki=1 Ei .


For any bipartite graph G = (U, V , E ): ch(G ) = chdim(G ).

Proof idea: chain graphs are closed under bipartite complementation


The problems of computing ch(G ) and computing chdim(G ) forbipartite graphs G are polynomially equivalent to each other.

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Page 251: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

How can we efficiently recognize trapezoid graphs?

We use the chain cover number ch(G ) for bipartite graphs G

Definition (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

Let P = (U,<P) be a partial order, where U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}. DefineV = {v1, v2, . . . , vn}. The bipartite graph C (P) = (U, V , E ) is defined as:

uivj ∈ E ⇔ ui <P uj .

“C” stands for “Comparable”

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Page 252: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

How can we efficiently recognize trapezoid graphs?

We use the chain cover number ch(G ) for bipartite graphs G

Definition (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

Let P = (U,<P) be a partial order, where U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}. DefineV = {v1, v2, . . . , vn}. The bipartite graph C (P) = (U, V , E ) is defined as:

uivj ∈ E ⇔ ui <P uj .

“C” stands for “Comparable”

Example:u1 u2 u3 u4

v1 v2 v3 v4

C(P ) :

P :u1 <P u3 u3 <P u4u1 <P u4 u2 <P u4

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Page 253: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

How can we efficiently recognize trapezoid graphs?

We use the chain cover number ch(G ) for bipartite graphs G

Definition (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

Let P = (U,<P) be a partial order, where U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}. DefineV = {v1, v2, . . . , vn}. The bipartite graph C (P) = (U, V , E ) is defined as:

uivj ∈ E ⇔ ui <P uj .

“C” stands for “Comparable”

Example:u1 u2 u3 u4

v1 v2 v3 v4

C(P ) :

P :u1 <P u3 u3 <P u4u1 <P u4 u2 <P u4

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Page 254: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

How can we efficiently recognize trapezoid graphs?

We use the chain cover number ch(G ) for bipartite graphs G

Definition (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

Let P = (U,<P) be a partial order, where U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}. DefineV = {v1, v2, . . . , vn}. The bipartite graph C (P) = (U, V , E ) is defined as:

uivj ∈ E ⇔ ui <P uj .

“C” stands for “Comparable”

Example:u1 u2 u3 u4

v1 v2 v3 v4

C(P ) :

P :u1 <P u3 u3 <P u4u1 <P u4 u2 <P u4

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Page 255: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

How can we efficiently recognize trapezoid graphs?

We use the chain cover number ch(G ) for bipartite graphs G

Definition (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

Let P = (U,<P) be a partial order, where U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}. DefineV = {v1, v2, . . . , vn}. The bipartite graph C (P) = (U, V , E ) is defined as:

uivj ∈ E ⇔ ui <P uj .

“C” stands for “Comparable”

Example:u1 u2 u3 u4

v1 v2 v3 v4

C(P ) :

P :u1 <P u3 u3 <P u4u1 <P u4 u2 <P u4

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Page 256: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

How can we efficiently recognize trapezoid graphs?

We use the chain cover number ch(G ) for bipartite graphs G

Definition (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

Let P = (U,<P) be a partial order, where U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}. DefineV = {v1, v2, . . . , vn}. The bipartite graph C (P) = (U, V , E ) is defined as:

uivj ∈ E ⇔ ui <P uj .

“C” stands for “Comparable”

Lemma (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

A partial order P is an interval order ⇔ C (P) is a chain graph.

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Trapezoid graphs

Moreover something more general is true:

Lemma (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For every partial order P = (U,<P): ch(C (P)) is equal to the intervaldimension of P.


(≥): Assume C (P) is covered by k chain graphs H1, H2, . . . , Hk

Construct a partial order Q` = (U,<Q`) for every H` such that:

ui <Q`uj ⇔ uivj ∈ H`

Every Q` is an interval order, since C (Q`) = H` is a chain graph

We prove that P = Q1 ∩Q2 ∩ . . . ∩Qk :

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Page 258: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Moreover something more general is true:

Lemma (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For every partial order P = (U,<P): ch(C (P)) is equal to the intervaldimension of P.


(≥): Assume C (P) is covered by k chain graphs H1, H2, . . . , Hk

Construct a partial order Q` = (U,<Q`) for every H` such that:

ui <Q`uj ⇔ uivj ∈ H`

Every Q` is an interval order, since C (Q`) = H` is a chain graph

We prove that P = Q1 ∩Q2 ∩ . . . ∩Qk :

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Page 259: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Moreover something more general is true:

Lemma (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For every partial order P = (U,<P): ch(C (P)) is equal to the intervaldimension of P.


(≥): Assume C (P) is covered by k chain graphs H1, H2, . . . , Hk

Construct a partial order Q` = (U,<Q`) for every H` such that:

ui <Q`uj ⇔ uivj ∈ H`

Every Q` is an interval order, since C (Q`) = H` is a chain graph

We prove that P = Q1 ∩Q2 ∩ . . . ∩Qk :

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Page 260: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Moreover something more general is true:

Lemma (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For every partial order P = (U,<P): ch(C (P)) is equal to the intervaldimension of P.


(≥): Assume C (P) is covered by k chain graphs H1, H2, . . . , Hk

Construct a partial order Q` = (U,<Q`) for every H` such that:

ui <Q`uj ⇔ uivj ∈ H`

Every Q` is an interval order, since C (Q`) = H` is a chain graph

We prove that P = Q1 ∩Q2 ∩ . . . ∩Qk :

ui <P uj ⇔ uivj ∈ C (P) ⇔ uivj /∈ C (P)

⇔ uivj /∈ H` for every ` ⇔ uivj ∈ H` for every `⇔ ui <Q`

uj for every `

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Page 261: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Moreover something more general is true:

Lemma (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For every partial order P = (U,<P): ch(C (P)) is equal to the intervaldimension of P.


(≥): Assume C (P) is covered by k chain graphs H1, H2, . . . , Hk

Construct a partial order Q` = (U,<Q`) for every H` such that:

ui <Q`uj ⇔ uivj ∈ H`

Every Q` is an interval order, since C (Q`) = H` is a chain graph

We prove that P = Q1 ∩Q2 ∩ . . . ∩Qk :

Therefore ch(C (P)) ≥ Idim(P).

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Page 262: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Moreover something more general is true:

Lemma (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For every partial order P = (U,<P): ch(C (P)) is equal to the intervaldimension of P.


(≤): Assume P = Q1 ∩Q2 ∩ . . . ∩Qk , where all Qi are interval orders

We prove that C (P) is covered by C (Q1), C (Q2), . . . , C (Qk)

if uivj ∈ C (P) ⇔ uivj /∈ C (P) ⇔ ui ≮P uj⇔ ui ≮Q`

uj for some ` ⇔ uivj /∈ C (Q`) for some `

⇔ uivj ∈ C (Q`) for some `

Therefore ch(C (P)) ≥ Idim(P).

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Page 263: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Moreover something more general is true:

Lemma (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For every partial order P = (U,<P): ch(C (P)) is equal to the intervaldimension of P.


(≤): Assume P = Q1 ∩Q2 ∩ . . . ∩Qk , where all Qi are interval orders

We prove that C (P) is covered by C (Q1), C (Q2), . . . , C (Qk)

if uivj ∈ C (P) ⇔ uivj /∈ C (P) ⇔ ui ≮P uj⇔ ui ≮Q`

uj for some ` ⇔ uivj /∈ C (Q`) for some `

⇔ uivj ∈ C (Q`) for some `

Therefore ch(C (P)) ≥ Idim(P).

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Page 264: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Moreover something more general is true:

Lemma (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For every partial order P = (U,<P): ch(C (P)) is equal to the intervaldimension of P.

Recall that:

Theorem (Dagan, Golumbic, Pinter, Discr. Applied Math., 1988)

The complements of trapezoid graphs are exactly the comparabilitygraphs of partial orders with interval dimension at most 2.

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Page 265: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Moreover something more general is true:

Lemma (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For every partial order P = (U,<P): ch(C (P)) is equal to the intervaldimension of P.

Recall that:

Theorem (Dagan, Golumbic, Pinter, Discr. Applied Math., 1988)

The complements of trapezoid graphs are exactly the comparabilitygraphs of partial orders with interval dimension at most 2.

Therefore, to recognize trapezoid graphs:

it suffices to recognize bipartite graphs G with ch(G ) ≤ 2 !

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Page 266: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Moreover something more general is true:

Lemma (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For every partial order P = (U,<P): ch(C (P)) is equal to the intervaldimension of P.

Recall that:

Theorem (Dagan, Golumbic, Pinter, Discr. Applied Math., 1988)

The complements of trapezoid graphs are exactly the comparabilitygraphs of partial orders with interval dimension at most 2.

Therefore, to recognize trapezoid graphs:

it suffices to recognize bipartite graphs G with ch(G ) ≤ 2 !

Theorem (Yannakakis, SIAM J. Alg. Discr. Methods, 1982)

For k ≥ 3, it is NP-complete to decide whether ch(G ) ≤ k.

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Trapezoid graphs

Recognition of bipartite graphs G with ch(G ) ≤ 2:[Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994]


Let P = (A,<P) be a partial order and a ∈ A. The upper set of ais the set U(a) = {b : a <P b}.

Let G = (X , Y , E ) be a bipartite graph

We compute a partial order P = (X ∪ Y ,<P) with these rules:(initially P = ∅)

1 If N(a) = N(b) for two vertices a, b ∈ X ∪ Y ⇒ remove a from G

2 If N(x) ⊂ N(x ′), where x , x ′ ∈ X : add x ′ <P x to P

3 If N(y) ⊂ N(y ′), where y , y ′ ∈ Y : add y <P y ′ to P

4 If xy /∈ E , where x ∈ X , y ∈ Y : add y <P x to P

5 If U(y) ∩ X ⊆ U(x) ∩ X , where x ∈ X , y ∈ Y : add x <P y to P

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Page 268: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Recognition of bipartite graphs G with ch(G ) ≤ 2:[Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994]


Let P = (A,<P) be a partial order and a ∈ A. The upper set of ais the set U(a) = {b : a <P b}.

Let G = (X , Y , E ) be a bipartite graph

We compute a partial order P = (X ∪ Y ,<P) with these rules:(initially P = ∅)

1 If N(a) = N(b) for two vertices a, b ∈ X ∪ Y ⇒ remove a from G

2 If N(x) ⊂ N(x ′), where x , x ′ ∈ X : add x ′ <P x to P

3 If N(y) ⊂ N(y ′), where y , y ′ ∈ Y : add y <P y ′ to P

4 If xy /∈ E , where x ∈ X , y ∈ Y : add y <P x to P

5 If U(y) ∩ X ⊆ U(x) ∩ X , where x ∈ X , y ∈ Y : add x <P y to P

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Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).


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Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).



G :

Xx1 x2 x3

y1 y2 y3Y

after Step 1: P = ∅

after Step 2: N(x1) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x1

N(x3) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x3

after Step 3: N(y3) ⊂ N(y1)⇒ y3 <P y1

N(y3) ⊂ N(y2)⇒ y3 <P y2

after Step 4 (from the non-adjacent vertices):

y1 <P x3, y2 <P x1y3 <P x1, y3 <P x3

after Step 5:

U(y1) ∩X = {x3}U(y2) ∩X = {x1}U(y3) ∩X = {x1, x3}

U(x1) ∩X = ∅

U(x3) ∩X = ∅U(x2) ∩X = {x1, x3}

x2 <P y1, x2 <P y2,x2 <P y3

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Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).

1 If N(a) = N(b) for two vertices a, b ∈ X ∪ Y ⇒ remove a from G


G :

Xx1 x2 x3

y1 y2 y3Y

after Step 1: P = ∅

after Step 2: N(x1) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x1

N(x3) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x3

after Step 3: N(y3) ⊂ N(y1)⇒ y3 <P y1

N(y3) ⊂ N(y2)⇒ y3 <P y2

after Step 4 (from the non-adjacent vertices):

y1 <P x3, y2 <P x1y3 <P x1, y3 <P x3

after Step 5:

U(y1) ∩X = {x3}U(y2) ∩X = {x1}U(y3) ∩X = {x1, x3}

U(x1) ∩X = ∅

U(x3) ∩X = ∅U(x2) ∩X = {x1, x3}

x2 <P y1, x2 <P y2,x2 <P y3

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Page 272: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).

2 If N(x) ⊂ N(x ′), where x , x ′ ∈ X : add x ′ <P x to P


G :

Xx1 x2 x3

y1 y2 y3Y

after Step 1: P = ∅

after Step 2: N(x1) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x1

N(x3) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x3

after Step 3: N(y3) ⊂ N(y1)⇒ y3 <P y1

N(y3) ⊂ N(y2)⇒ y3 <P y2

after Step 4 (from the non-adjacent vertices):

y1 <P x3, y2 <P x1y3 <P x1, y3 <P x3

after Step 5:

U(y1) ∩X = {x3}U(y2) ∩X = {x1}U(y3) ∩X = {x1, x3}

U(x1) ∩X = ∅

U(x3) ∩X = ∅U(x2) ∩X = {x1, x3}

x2 <P y1, x2 <P y2,x2 <P y3

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Page 273: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).

3 If N(y) ⊂ N(y ′), where y , y ′ ∈ Y : add y <P y ′ to P


G :

Xx1 x2 x3

y1 y2 y3Y

after Step 1: P = ∅

after Step 2: N(x1) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x1

N(x3) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x3

after Step 3: N(y3) ⊂ N(y1)⇒ y3 <P y1

N(y3) ⊂ N(y2)⇒ y3 <P y2

after Step 4 (from the non-adjacent vertices):

y1 <P x3, y2 <P x1y3 <P x1, y3 <P x3

after Step 5:

U(y1) ∩X = {x3}U(y2) ∩X = {x1}U(y3) ∩X = {x1, x3}

U(x1) ∩X = ∅

U(x3) ∩X = ∅U(x2) ∩X = {x1, x3}

x2 <P y1, x2 <P y2,x2 <P y3

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Page 274: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).

4 If xy /∈ E , where x ∈ X , y ∈ Y : add y <P x to P


G :

Xx1 x2 x3

y1 y2 y3Y

after Step 1: P = ∅

after Step 2: N(x1) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x1

N(x3) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x3

after Step 3: N(y3) ⊂ N(y1)⇒ y3 <P y1

N(y3) ⊂ N(y2)⇒ y3 <P y2

after Step 4 (from the non-adjacent vertices):

y1 <P x3, y2 <P x1y3 <P x1, y3 <P x3

after Step 5:

U(y1) ∩X = {x3}U(y2) ∩X = {x1}U(y3) ∩X = {x1, x3}

U(x1) ∩X = ∅

U(x3) ∩X = ∅U(x2) ∩X = {x1, x3}

x2 <P y1, x2 <P y2,x2 <P y3

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Page 275: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).

5 If U(y) ∩ X ⊆ U(x) ∩ X , where x ∈ X , y ∈ Y : add x <P y to P


G :

Xx1 x2 x3

y1 y2 y3Y

after Step 1: P = ∅

after Step 2: N(x1) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x1

N(x3) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x3

after Step 3: N(y3) ⊂ N(y1)⇒ y3 <P y1

N(y3) ⊂ N(y2)⇒ y3 <P y2

after Step 4 (from the non-adjacent vertices):

y1 <P x3, y2 <P x1y3 <P x1, y3 <P x3

after Step 5:

U(y1) ∩X = {x3}U(y2) ∩X = {x1}U(y3) ∩X = {x1, x3}

U(x1) ∩X = ∅

U(x3) ∩X = ∅U(x2) ∩X = {x1, x3}

x2 <P y1, x2 <P y2,x2 <P y3

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Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).

5 If U(y) ∩ X ⊆ U(x) ∩ X , where x ∈ X , y ∈ Y : add x <P y to P


G :

Xx1 x2 x3

y1 y2 y3Y

after Step 1: P = ∅

after Step 2: N(x1) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x1

N(x3) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x3

after Step 3: N(y3) ⊂ N(y1)⇒ y3 <P y1

N(y3) ⊂ N(y2)⇒ y3 <P y2

after Step 4 (from the non-adjacent vertices):

y1 <P x3, y2 <P x1y3 <P x1, y3 <P x3

after Step 5:

U(y1) ∩X = {x3}U(y2) ∩X = {x1}U(y3) ∩X = {x1, x3}

U(x1) ∩X = ∅

U(x3) ∩X = ∅U(x2) ∩X = {x1, x3}

x2 <P y1, x2 <P y2,x2 <P y3

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Page 277: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).

5 If U(y) ∩ X ⊆ U(x) ∩ X , where x ∈ X , y ∈ Y : add x <P y to P


G :

Xx1 x2 x3

y1 y2 y3Y

after Step 1: P = ∅

after Step 2: N(x1) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x1

N(x3) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x3

after Step 3: N(y3) ⊂ N(y1)⇒ y3 <P y1

N(y3) ⊂ N(y2)⇒ y3 <P y2

after Step 4 (from the non-adjacent vertices):

y1 <P x3, y2 <P x1y3 <P x1, y3 <P x3

after Step 5:

U(y1) ∩X = {x3}U(y2) ∩X = {x1}U(y3) ∩X = {x1, x3}

U(x1) ∩X = ∅

U(x3) ∩X = ∅U(x2) ∩X = {x1, x3}

x2 <P y1, x2 <P y2,x2 <P y3

Hasse diagram of P :







ch(G) = 2

dim(P ) = 2

P1 = {x2, y3, y1, x3, y2, x1}P2 = {x2, y3, y2, x1, y1, x3}

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Page 278: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).

5 If U(y) ∩ X ⊆ U(x) ∩ X , where x ∈ X , y ∈ Y : add x <P y to P


G :

Xx1 x2 x3

y1 y2 y3Y

after Step 1: P = ∅

after Step 2: N(x1) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x1

N(x3) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x3

after Step 3: N(y3) ⊂ N(y1)⇒ y3 <P y1

N(y3) ⊂ N(y2)⇒ y3 <P y2

after Step 4 (from the non-adjacent vertices):

y1 <P x3, y2 <P x1y3 <P x1, y3 <P x3

after Step 5:

U(y1) ∩X = {x3}U(y2) ∩X = {x1}U(y3) ∩X = {x1, x3}

U(x1) ∩X = ∅

U(x3) ∩X = ∅U(x2) ∩X = {x1, x3}

x2 <P y1, x2 <P y2,x2 <P y3

Hasse diagram of P :







ch(G) = 2G = G1 ∪G2

dim(P ) = 2

P1 = {x2, y3, y1, x3, y2, x1}P2 = {x2, y3, y2, x1, y1, x3}

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Page 279: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).

5 If U(y) ∩ X ⊆ U(x) ∩ X , where x ∈ X , y ∈ Y : add x <P y to P


G :

Xx1 x2 x3

y1 y2 y3Y

after Step 1: P = ∅

after Step 2: N(x1) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x1

N(x3) ⊂ N(x2)⇒ x2 <P x3

after Step 3: N(y3) ⊂ N(y1)⇒ y3 <P y1

N(y3) ⊂ N(y2)⇒ y3 <P y2

after Step 4 (from the non-adjacent vertices):

y1 <P x3, y2 <P x1y3 <P x1, y3 <P x3

after Step 5:

U(y1) ∩X = {x3}U(y2) ∩X = {x1}U(y3) ∩X = {x1, x3}

U(x1) ∩X = ∅

U(x3) ∩X = ∅U(x2) ∩X = {x1, x3}

x2 <P y1, x2 <P y2,x2 <P y3

Hasse diagram of P :







ch(G) = 2G = G1 ∪G2

dim(P ) = 2

P = P1 ∩ P2

P1 = {x2, y3, y1, x3, y2, x1}P2 = {x2, y3, y2, x1, y1, x3}

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Page 280: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).


We can we can efficiently check whether ch(G ) ≤ 2

Summarizing the algorithm: [Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994]

Let G be the input cocomparability graph

Let P be a partial order of the complement G

We compute the bipartite graph C (P)

If ch(C (P)) ≤ 2 then:

P has interval dimension at most 2we compute two interval orders P1, P2 such that P = P1 ∩ P2

we compute from P1, P2 a trapezoid representation of G

else return “G is not a trapezoid graph”

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Page 281: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphs

Theorem (Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994)

For the constructed partial order P: dim(P) = ch(G ).


We can we can efficiently check whether ch(G ) ≤ 2

Summarizing the algorithm: [Ma, Spinrad, Journal of Algorithms, 1994]

Let G be the input cocomparability graph

Let P be a partial order of the complement G

We compute the bipartite graph C (P)

If ch(C (P)) ≤ 2 then:

P has interval dimension at most 2we compute two interval orders P1, P2 such that P = P1 ∩ P2

we compute from P1, P2 a trapezoid representation of G

else return “G is not a trapezoid graph”

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Page 282: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphsSpecial subclasses


Parallelogram graphs are the intersection graphs of parallelograms betweentwo parallel lines.

Very similar structure with trapezoid graphs (subclass)

Can we recognize parallelogram graphs efficiently?

Theorem (Mertzios, Sau, Zaks, SIAM Journal on Computing, 2011)

Given a graph G , it is NP-complete to decide whether G is a parallelogramgraph.

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Page 283: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphsSpecial subclasses


Parallelogram graphs are the intersection graphs of parallelograms betweentwo parallel lines.

Very similar structure with trapezoid graphs (subclass)

Can we recognize parallelogram graphs efficiently?

Theorem (Mertzios, Sau, Zaks, SIAM Journal on Computing, 2011)

Given a graph G , it is NP-complete to decide whether G is a parallelogramgraph.

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Page 284: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphsSpecial subclasses


Parallelogram graphs are the intersection graphs of parallelograms betweentwo parallel lines.

Very similar structure with trapezoid graphs (subclass)

Can we recognize parallelogram graphs efficiently?

Theorem (Mertzios, Sau, Zaks, SIAM Journal on Computing, 2011)

Given a graph G , it is NP-complete to decide whether G is a parallelogramgraph.

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Page 285: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphsSpecial subclasses

Definition (Corneil, Kamula, 1987)

A trapezoid graph G is called a triangle (or PI∗) graph, if it admitsa trapezoid representation, in which every trapezoid is a triangle.



Definition (Corneil, Kamula, 1987)

A trapezoid graph G is called a simple-triangle (or PI) graph, if it admitsa trapezoid representation, in which every trapezoid is a triangle withone point on L1 and the other two points (i.e. interval) on L2.



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Page 286: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphsSpecial subclasses

Definition (Corneil, Kamula, 1987)

A trapezoid graph G is called a triangle (or PI∗) graph, if it admitsa trapezoid representation, in which every trapezoid is a triangle.



Definition (Corneil, Kamula, 1987)

A trapezoid graph G is called a simple-triangle (or PI) graph, if it admitsa trapezoid representation, in which every trapezoid is a triangle withone point on L1 and the other two points (i.e. interval) on L2.



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Page 287: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphsSpecial subclasses

Permutation ⊂ Simple-Triangle ⊂ Triangle ⊂ Trapezoid

Triangle and simple-triangle graphs:

again very similar structure with trapezoid graphs (subclass)

can we recognize parallelogram graphs efficiently?

these problems remained open since 1987 (until recently)

Theorem (Mertzios, Theoretical Computer Science, 2012)

The recognition of triangle (i.e. PI∗) graphs is NP-complete.

Theorem (Mertzios, ESA, 2013)

Given a graph G with n vertices and m non-edges, we can decidein O(n2m) time whether G is a simple-triangle (i.e. PI) graph.

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Page 288: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphsSpecial subclasses

Permutation ⊂ Simple-Triangle ⊂ Triangle ⊂ Trapezoid

Triangle and simple-triangle graphs:

again very similar structure with trapezoid graphs (subclass)

can we recognize parallelogram graphs efficiently?

these problems remained open since 1987 (until recently)

Theorem (Mertzios, Theoretical Computer Science, 2012)

The recognition of triangle (i.e. PI∗) graphs is NP-complete.

Theorem (Mertzios, ESA, 2013)

Given a graph G with n vertices and m non-edges, we can decidein O(n2m) time whether G is a simple-triangle (i.e. PI) graph.

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Page 289: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphsSpecial subclasses

Permutation ⊂ Simple-Triangle ⊂ Triangle ⊂ Trapezoid

Triangle and simple-triangle graphs:

again very similar structure with trapezoid graphs (subclass)

can we recognize parallelogram graphs efficiently?

these problems remained open since 1987 (until recently)

Theorem (Mertzios, Theoretical Computer Science, 2012)

The recognition of triangle (i.e. PI∗) graphs is NP-complete.

Theorem (Mertzios, ESA, 2013)

Given a graph G with n vertices and m non-edges, we can decidein O(n2m) time whether G is a simple-triangle (i.e. PI) graph.

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Page 290: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Trapezoid graphsSpecial subclasses

Permutation ⊂ Simple-Triangle ⊂ Triangle ⊂ Trapezoid

Triangle and simple-triangle graphs:

again very similar structure with trapezoid graphs (subclass)

can we recognize parallelogram graphs efficiently?

these problems remained open since 1987 (until recently)

Theorem (Mertzios, Theoretical Computer Science, 2012)

The recognition of triangle (i.e. PI∗) graphs is NP-complete.

Theorem (Mertzios, ESA, 2013)

Given a graph G with n vertices and m non-edges, we can decidein O(n2m) time whether G is a simple-triangle (i.e. PI) graph.

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Page 291: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Simple-Triangle (PI) graphs


A partial order P is a linear-interval order if P = P1 ∩ P2, where:

P1 is a linear order,

P2 is an interval order.

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Page 292: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Simple-Triangle (PI) graphs


A partial order P is a linear-interval order if P = P1 ∩ P2, where:

P1 is a linear order,

P2 is an interval order.


The complements of simple-triangle graphs are exactly the comparabilitygraphs of linear-interval orders.

Proof idea:



Ju Jv

Tu Tv

pu pv

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Page 293: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Simple-Triangle (PI) graphs


A partial order P is a linear-interval order if P = P1 ∩ P2, where:

P1 is a linear order,

P2 is an interval order.


The complements of simple-triangle graphs are exactly the comparabilitygraphs of linear-interval orders.

How to recognize linear-interval orders efficiently?

We can not apply directly the previous results for permutationand trapezoid graphs !

new techniques are needed

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Page 294: Advances in algorithmic graph in algorithmic graph theory George B. Mertzios School of Engineering and Computing

Simple-Triangle (PI) graphs

Theorem (Mertzios, ESA, 2013)

Given a graph G with n vertices and m non-edges, we can decidein O(n2m) time whether G is a simple-triangle (i.e. PI) graph.

Main idea of the algorithm:

Construct a Boolean formula φ = φ1 ∧ φ2 such that:

φ1 is a 3SAT formula

φ2 is a 2SAT formula

φ is satisfiable ⇔ such G is a PI graph

φ has a special structure:satisfiability on φ can be solved in linear time

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Thank you for your attention!

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