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Your Kokoda Trek

Your Adventure Kokoda Trek Leader is an experienced ex-military officer. He will meet you on arrival

at the Port Moresby international airport. You will be under his guidance for the entire duration you

are in Papua New Guinea – until he checks you back into the airport at the conclusion of your trek.

On your first night in PNG your trek leader will conduct a detailed briefing covering all historical,

safety, administrative and medical aspects of your trek. He will then provide advice and assistance

in your final preparation (packing and fitting of your backpack, etc).

During the trek your leader will sound reveille each morning and provide you with a detailed outline

of the day ahead – the condition of the trail, any safety issues, breaks for morning tea/lunch and

location of each battlesite. He will conduct a detailed historical briefing at each significant site along

the way. He will also check for any medical issues trekkers might have (how to address blisters, etc).

Our PNG campsite crew will pack up the tents for the group and carry them forward to the next

campsite where they will be set up again. Our PNG catering crew will prepare, cook and serve all

meals during the trek.

At the end of each day our trek leader will be available to check the medical condition of each

trekker and will discuss the main lessons learned from battlesite presentations around the campfire

after the evening meal.

Trekkers are responsible for preparing themselves mentally and physically for the trek - the following

guide will assist in this regard.

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Before Departing Australia


You should arrange to change A$350 into PNG Kina at your departure airport in Sydney or Brisbane

when you arrive to check-in. The currency in PNG is based on the Kina (1 Australian dollar is equal to

2.3 PNG Kina). You should therefore receive approximately K810.

Please ask for the following: • $200 in 20 Kina notes • $100 in 10 kina notes • $30 in 5 kina notes • $20 in 2 kina notes


We are advised that no vaccinations are required for entry to PNG. However you should consider

Cholera, Typhoid and Hepatitis-A vaccinations and make sure your tetanus cover is up to date.

Discuss your requirements with your doctor.

If you are advised to have vaccinations then plan ahead for getting them. Some require an initial

shot followed by a booster, while some vaccinations should not be given together. This also applies

to some malaria prophylactics, which have to be begun at least a week before you leave home.


The major area of concern in Papua New Guinea is malaria. The best protection is to avoid being

bitten - and the best way to do this is to wear long sleeve shirts and long pants, and apply

'Bushman’s' or ‘tropical strength Rid/Aeroguard’ mosquito repellent to exposed areas of skin in the

morning and evenings.

Tell your Doctor you are going to PNG for two weeks and will be spending most of the time on the

Kokoda Trail in the Owen Stanley Range. He or she will then prescribe the appropriate anti-malarial

medication for you.

A number of trekkers have experienced an adverse reaction to Doxycyclin and Malarone which are

often prescribed by medical practitioners. You should discuss the likelihood of this with your Doctor

and seek his/her advice.

We strongly recommend that you begin your anti-malarial course at least one week prior to your

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departure date. This will give you time to discuss any adverse reaction you might have to the

medication – it is best to sort this out before you leave than be affected on the track. We evacuate

more trekkers as a result of their adverse reaction to the malarial medication than any other cause.

Please check the Smart Traveller website for Papua New Guinea for the latest advice on medical

precautions and recommendations regarding immunisation. Click here for more information:

If you have any concerns then please discuss them with your Medical Doctor during your health

check and fitness assessment.


You should complete your PNG customs and immigration cards for presentation when you arrive.

You will need to declare the snacks you have with you and advise the quarantine staff they are for

your consumption on the Kokoda Trail.


On arrival at the Port Moresby Airport you will follow the passengers off the plane and into the

terminal. You will see people forming up into various queues - you will need to join the queue for

visitors. After you have your passport stamped by customs you will then collect your bags and move

to the quarantine area where they will check your bags.

When you clear the customs area you will be met by Adventure Kokoda staff who will check your

name off and get you to wait with them until all members of the group have arrived. If you were not

able to change your Australian dollars into PNG Kina at your departure airport you can do it here but

it takes time.

You will then exit the terminal as a group and climb aboard the bus which will take you to the Sogeri

Lodge. Here you will check-in to your allocated room and your trek leader will advise you of the

details of your pre-trek briefing, etc.

Please read this instruction carefully as it details all of the information you need to plan

your trek.


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The following items are included in the price of the trek:


• Specialist Australian Expedition Leader

• Experienced Koiari Trek Leader and local guide/carrier team

• Travel Insurance

• Public Liability Insurance protection (A$10 million with Lloyds of London)

• International economy class return ticket to Port Moresby (for bookings ex-Cairns, Brisbane or Sydney)

• Private charter flight between Port Moresby and Kokoda

• All vehicle transfers in PNG

• Pre and post-trek twin-share lodge accommodation in PNG

• All meals at your lodge accommodation in PNG

• Official Kokoda Track Authority Trek Permit

• All trek and village campsite fees

• Personal mosquito proof tent for each trekker (carried, erected and dismantled by our trek guides each day)

• All meals during the trek

• Group First Aid Kit with experienced first aid support

• Emergency Communications – satellite phone, two UHF Radios, 24-hour rear link to Port Moresby

• All group trekking gear – safety ropes, machetes, shovels, tarpaulins, etc

• Visit to Bomana War Cemetery

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• Visit to Network Kokoda agricultural projects on the Sogeri Plateau

• Topographic map of the Kokoda Trail

• Embroidered Adventure Kokoda polo shirt

• Kokoda Certificate of Achievement suitable for framing


The following items are not included in the price of the trek:


• Passport

• Visa for entry to PNG

• Anti-malarial medication as prescribed by your doctor

• Personal First Aid items (see recommended list below)

• Personal camping gear (less tent, backpack and group cooking equipment which we provide) as detailed in the recommended checklist below

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The days are hot and humid however you will spend most of the time under jungle canopy. The

nights can be quite cold (it can get down to 1°C at the higher altitudes):

You will need a set of casual clothing for your short stay in Port Moresby. This could be the clothing

you travel in, or a spare set. Either way you store this clothing at the Sogeri Lodge until you return

from the trek.

We recommend you wear a long sleeve shirt and long pants for proper protection from both the

elements and malarial mosquitoes however it is OK to trek in shorts and t-shirt if you wish. Long

pants and long sleeve shirts provide protection against sunburn; from some plants that tend to sting

when you brush past them; and from leeches, bugs and creepy crawlies on the ground. Other

recommended items to wear whilst trekking include a sweat rag, a hat/peak cap, thick socks and

good quality walking boots.

For protection against chafing it is a good idea to wear a pair of nylon jogging shorts, lycra gym

shorts or skins (compression shorts) as underwear.

Each night you will camp near a creek with plenty of fast flowing, crystal clear mountain water. You

will therefore always have the opportunity to have a good refreshing bath. After this you will want

to change into a spare set of dry clothing and your spare joggers, sandals or crocs. Please do not

bring thongs as a substitute.

Women should bring a sarong to wear between the campsites and the bathing areas.

Because it rains on a regular basis it is a good idea to have a waterproof poncho or light rain jacket.

It is a good idea to wrap your spare clothing within a plastic garbage bag, and then store them within

‘dry sacks’ which are available in camping stores. This will ensure you always have something dry to

put on each evening.

It is essential that you wear boots, joggers or sandals at all times during your trek – you must never

walk around in bare feet at any time as it increases the chances of getting an infection.

A recommended list of clothing to bring for your trek is at Appendix 1.

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Camping Gear

We provide you with a personal mosquito proof tent and a backpack. You will you therefore need to

bring your clothing, camping gear, 1st Aid items, etc in a case or bag. Please ensure that you can lock

the case you bring. After you arrive you can pack the stuff you need for your trek into your backpack

which we provide and secure the items you don’t need to take on the trek in your case which will be

stored in a secure room at the lodge.

A recommended list of camping gear to bring is at Appendix 2.

Preventative Medical Advice

We carry a comprehensive group first-aid kit however there are some items you should bring for any

minor ailments you might get. These are listed in Appendix 3.

Personal hygiene is the most important preventative measure for sickness and disease on the trail.

It is therefore most important to bring some small bottles of anti-bacterial gel to wash your hands

with before meals and after toilet stops. See the following hints:

Plan to look after your feet. Ensure you have a comfortable pair of walking boots and three (3) pair

of good trekking socks.

Each night you will have the opportunity to thoroughly wash your feet and apply some anti-fungal

foot powder before putting on a pair of spare clean dry socks. Next morning we recommend you

apply Bepanthen antiseptic cream to your feet.

Blisters should not be a problem if you have a good pair of non-waterproof trekking boots that fit

your feet properly. Nevertheless it is a wise precaution to have a blister kit with you. Dr Scholl kits

are most useful.

Backpack Weight

Trekkers are required to carry their own backpacks. The backpack that will be provided to each one

has a capacity of 70 litres.

The dry weight of your backpack should not exceed 12 kg (if it weighs more than this you are

carrying too much). It should only contain your spare clothing, light sleeping bag, sleeping mat,

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personal items (camera, torch, eating utensils, etc), toiletries, your trek snacks, and first aid items as

per the recommended list above.

Our group carriers carry our group camping equipment, trekkers tents, food for our main meals,

group first aid kits, ropes, machetes, shovels, emergency equipment and radios. They erect and

dismantle our tents each day.

Trek Meals

We provide the three main meals each day for the trek. This includes cereal, biscuits, tea, coffee and

hot chocolate for breakfast; noodles/pasta, dry biscuits, cheese, tuna, luncheon meat, corned meat,

tea, coffee, hot chocolate and sweet biscuits for lunch; and a variety of canned meat/chicken/fish

and vegetables served with rice or mashed potato for dinner with tea, coffee and hot chocolate.

All meals are prepared and served by our PNG Trek Catering Crew.

We recommend you bring some snacks to nibble on during the day. A suggested list would include

some small packets of fruit/nut mixes/sultanas, biscuits, glucose lollies, chocolate bars, jelly beans,

etc. Important: The weight of your daily snack pack should not exceed 150 – 200 grams. You will

have the opportunity to buy some bananas, mandarins, passionfruit and other local fruits along the

way to supplement your diet.

Food Allergies

Please advise us if you have any food allergies or if you have any special food requirements. We

need to know this information in advance as it can be difficult to cover all contingencies in PNG at

short notice.

Village Food

Along the track the villagers will usually bring out offerings of fresh fruit and cooked vegetables.

These items of food are not provided for in the cost of your trek. If you wish to accept the offerings

please be prepared to pay between K5 and K10 directly to them in return.

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Gifts for Villagers

Please don’t bring balloons as there are never enough to go around to all the kids - they pop after

a few minutes and the rubber takes years to dissolve. Please don’t bring sweets for the kids as

some are already showing signs of tooth decay with the increasing numbers of trekkers making

these types of offerings.

If you wish to bring something to give to villagers we have a ‘Helpim Pikinnini Program’ where you

can bring an item or two to carry in your backpack. Your trek leader will advise you of the most

appropriate village to make your presentation. We will advise you of a suggested list of items nearer

to your date of departure.

Cash Requirement for the Trek

You can purchase some souvenirs along the trail during your trek. Your guides will carve a

commemorative walking stick for around $30. A traditional PNG bilum bag will cost $25-$45. You can

also purchase soft drinks, snacks and local fruit from some of the local villages we pass through.

In Port Moresby your meals, accommodation and transport are all included in the price of the trek.

You will only need extra money for any additional charges you incur at the lodge in regard to drinks,

bar snacks, souvenirs and laundry items.

At the end of the trek the staff at the lodge will do your laundry and clean your boots for an

additional charge.

Public Liability Insurance

Adventure Kokoda has secured public liability protection for treks conducted across the Kokoda Trail.

The limit of each claim is A$10 million. The cost of this insurance protection is included in the price

of each trek.

Personal Health Requirements

The trek across the Kokoda Trail is a physically arduous challenge across remote mountainous jungle

terrain in a hot, humid and wet tropical environment. You therefore need to be free of physical

ailments and have a very high standard of physical fitness.

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We strongly recommend you ask your doctor for a thorough medical examination at least three

months prior to your trek.


Participants selected for the Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge are required to sign a Deed

of Release and Indemnity which is attached as Appendix 5. If the participant is under the age

of 18 years the Deed will have to be signed by a parent or guardian.


We recommend you read ‘Kokoda’ by Peter Fitzsimons prior to your trek.

Further Information:

If you require any further information or have any questions please email

[email protected]

We wish you well in your preparation for your adventure with us.

Hepi Trekking,

Charlie Lynn Adventure Kokoda PO Box 303 CAMDEN NSW 2570 [email protected]

APPENDICES: 1. Recommended Clothing List 2. Recommended Personal Camping Gear List 3. Personal First Aid Checklist 4. Physical Training 5. Deed of Release and Indemnity

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One rimmed hat or peak cap (and a beanie for night-time)

One waterproof poncho or light rain jacket

Two long sleeve shirts

Two pair of long pants

One pair of long thermal underwear

Three (3) pair of socks suitable for trekking

One pair of trekking boots – see:

One pair of gaiters – see:

One pair of joggers/sandals/crocs (DO NOT BRING THONGS)

One sweat rag

One towel (the pack towels (like a big wettex cloth) you can purchase from camping/disposal stores are excellent)

One pair of nylon jogging shorts/Skins/lycra gym shorts (prevents chafing)

One Sarong (for women)

Swimming costume

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A small camping pillow

Sleeping Bag (lightweight – 0 to +5 degrees is recommended)

Sleeping mat (thick foam or thermorest - lightweight)

One head torch with spare batteries – see:

Pocket-knife (to lend to one of our PNG guides if you would like them to carve a souvenir walking stick)

A plastic plate and bowl

Enamel or plastic mug

Knife/fork/spoon set

3-litre hydration bladder – see:

One (1) 1-litre waterbottle (to carry your electrolyte replacement mix – Staminade/Gatorade)

Dettol Antiseptic Soap or biodegradable soap such as ‘Wilderness Wash’

Toilet paper (keep in a waterproof plastic bag) – two rolls (one for your pack and one for the halfway drop-off point)

Dry sacks or waterproof plastic bags (to keep your clothing and other items dry within your backpack)

Small car chamois (useful for drying your boots)

Camera with spare battery (there are no opportunities to charge your battery during the trek).

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Anti-malarial tablets (as prescribed by your doctor)

Tea Tree Antiseptic Spray

1 x 50g tube of ‘Bepanthen’ (Antiseptic Cream with Vitamin B5) - for your feet!

2 x 70ml bottles of Aqium Anti-Bacterial Gel

Packet of Cold and Flu Tablets

Water purification tablets

Anti fungal foot-powder

Anti-fungal liquid/cream eg Canesten or Daktarin

Packet of Pain Relievers – Panadiene or Nurofen

Anti-inflammatory tablets (as prescribed by your doctor)

Broadspectrum Antibiotic tablets (as prescribed by your doctor)

Antihistamine Capsules for bites and stings (Telfast 180 mg recommended)

2 x Dr Scholl blister packs

One (1) Roll of broad elastic bandage

Roll of Leukoplast waterproof elastoplast (30mm x 5m)

Band-Aids (waterproof)

Bushman’s/Rid/Aeroguard /tropical strength Mosquito Repellent


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Electrolyte tablets:

• Hydralite or • Shotz

Body Glide Anti Chafing Stick

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Please do not underestimate the ruggedness of the Kokoda Trail!

The trek across the wartime Kokoda Trail is physically demanding and you will need to be physically

fit. Please don’t delude yourself – if you have not been training regularly or if you are a bit

overweight go to your Doctor and get an honest assessment of your physical condition then work

out a realistic plan to improve it. You should then make regular appointments to monitor your


Your physical fitness is your personal responsibility. You need to therefore assess your condition as

of now – and commit to an exercise program that will enable you to complete the trek.

We strongly recommend you also complete a cardio check and physical assessment at your local

gymnasium as early as possible.

Your training plan should include a program to improve your aerobic fitness, abdominal and leg

strength. A recommended training program is included on the Adventure Kokoda website at

Aerobic fitness can be gained by commencing a vigorous walking program. The minimum

requirement is to start with walks of about 45 minutes duration. This should be increased by

intervals of 10% per week. As you progress it is a good idea to mix in some slow jogging.

Other good aerobic activities include aerobic step classes in your local gymnasium, jogging and/or

cycling (for at least 45 minutes per session).

Strength can be gained by specific exercises. The best place to do this is in your local gymnasium.

Step machines are ideal. Plan a program to strengthen your leg and abdominal muscles.

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Acclimatization is a problem as we are going from a temperate climate in Australia to a tropical

environment in PNG. It takes a couple of days to adapt to the heat and humidity of the jungle - It is

therefore a good idea to work out in a tracksuit. The fitter you are the quicker you will acclimatize.

Think of your training as a deposit in your fitness account – everything you do between now and the

trek will pay a dividend on the track. If you haven’t made enough ‘deposits’ in your fitness account

you will have to go into ‘debt’ on the track – and any form of ‘debt’ involves pain.

You can’t cheat yourself on Kokoda – if you have done the work you will complete it OK – if you

haven’t you will be a candidate for an emergency evacuation!

So please ensure you are adequately prepared for what is a gruelling and physically demanding


Our trek leaders reserve the right to withdraw you from the trek if they believe you are under

stress or are unable to maintain the trek schedule in reasonable time.

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DEED OF RELEASE AND INDEMNITY made the ………….……………. day of ………………….. 2016



KYLC BENEVOLENT FUND LIMITED (ACN 119 891 548) (“KYLC”) in its capacity as trustee of the

Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge Benevolent Fund


The person named in the Schedule (the "Participant")

Name of Participant: …………………………………………………………………………………………….


The Participant’s parent, guardian or legal representative (where appropriate) named in the

Schedule (“the Guardian”)

Name of Guardian: ………………………………………………………………………………………………


A. Adventure Kokoda is the organiser of the “Kokoda Trek” across the Kokoda Trail, in Papua

New Guinea during the period …………………………………………..(“the Trek”).

B. Adventure Kokoda contracts with KYLC to facilitate the Trek on behalf of KYLC.

C. KYLC is the trustee of the Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge Benevolent Fund.

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D. The Participant has registered as a participant in the Trek.

E. The Participant has agreed to participate in the Trek subject to the terms and conditions

contained in this Deed.

F. The Trek is a “recreational activity” (as defined in the NSW Civil Liability Act and the Trade

Practices Act) which involves significant risk of physical harm.

G. The Participant and/or Guardian agree to release and indemnify Adventure Kokoda, KYLC

and the Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge Benevolent Fund in the manner set out in this deed.

NOW THIS DEED WITNESSES and it is hereby agreed and declared:-

1. The Participant and/or Guardian acknowledge that the Participant has received from

Adventure Kokoda and KYLC appropriate warnings as to the risks associated with the Kokoda Trail

including (without limitation) - see Attachment 1:

1.1 the hazardous nature of the terrain and waterways;

1.2 the physically arduous nature of the Trek;

1.3 criminal or malicious acts of people who may be encountered on the Trek;

1.4 becoming lost or disorientated;

1.5 injury or illness caused by plant or animal life;

1.6 injury or illness as a result of exposure to the elements;

1.7 illness as a result of the consumption of food or drink in the course of the Trek;

1.8 illness as a result of contracting disease including (without limitation) cholera, malaria,

typhoid, tetanus and hepatitis.

2. The Participant and/or Guardian acknowledge the significant risks inherent in participation

in the Trek and agree that:

2.1 in order to safely complete the Trek the Participant will require a high level of physical and

medical fitness and exceptional endurance ability;

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2.2 the Participant will need to take appropriate medical precautions and advice before during

and after the Trek to avoid illness or disease;

2.3 the Participant has been advised to consult a medical practitioner prior to commencement

of the Trek;

2.4 the Participant must take his or her own safety precautions and first aid equipment and all

such items as specified by Adventure Kokoda;

2.5 the Participant is medically fit to participate in the Trek and has obtained certification of

medical fitness from a qualified medical practitioner.

2.6 Adventure Kokoda and KYLC have advised the Participant to effect travel and health

insurance cover.

3. The Participant and/or Guardian agree:

3.1 to assume full responsibility for all risks associated with participation in the Trek;

3.2 that Adventure Kokoda, KYLC and the Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge Benevolent Fund

are not responsible for the safety of the Participant either jointly and/or severally;

3.3 that the Participant will act in accordance with all reasonable instructions given by Kokoda

Adventure and/or its trek guides in and about the Trek;

3.4 that the Participant will act in accordance with all reasonable instructions given by KYLC

and/or its officers, directors, employees, agents or contractors in and about the Trek.

4. The Participant and Guardian both jointly and severally hereby release and indemnify

Adventure Kokoda its officers, directors, employees, agents and contractors from and against all

actions, proceedings, claims, damages, liabilities, suits, demands, losses, costs, fees and expenses

whatsoever incurred or arising out of the Participants participation in the Trek, notwithstanding any

negligence on the part of Adventure Kokoda, its officers, directors, employees, agents or


5. The Participant and Guardian both jointly and/or severally hereby release and indemnify

KYLC its officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors and the Kokoda Youth Leadership

Challenge Benevolent Fund from and against all actions, proceedings, claims, damages, liabilities,

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suits, demands, losses, costs, fees and expenses whatsoever incurred or arising out of the

Participant’s participation in the Trek, notwithstanding any negligence on the part of KYLC, its

officers, directors, employees, agents or contractors.

6. The interpretation of this Deed will be governed by the law in the State of New South Wales

and the parties agree by their execution hereof to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts in the

State of New South Wales in respect of all matters arising hereunder.


in accordance with Section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001:

Director/Company Secretary Signature

Full Name (print)

Office Held


in accordance with Section 127 of the

Corporations Act 2001:

Director/Company Secretary Signature

Full Name (print)

Office Held


Full Name of Participant (print) ………………………………………………………….

Participant’s signature: …………………………………………………………………………….

in the presence of:


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Witness (signature)


Print name of witness

Please Note: Witness is to be over 18 years of age and NOT a family member


Name of Parent or Guardian (print): ………………………………………………………….

Relationship (if Guardian): ………………………………………………………………………..

Signature of Parent or Guardian


in the presence of:


Witness (signature)


Print name of witness

Please Note: Witness is to be over 18 years of age and NOT a family member

Attachment 1:

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1.1 The physically arduous nature of the Trek

The Kokoda Trail is located in remote mountainous jungle terrain in a tropical region. The climate is

hot and humid. Much of the area is inaccessible by helicopter and remote from the nearest medical

facility in Port Moresby. The trek itself is physically demanding and strenuous. Participants must

therefore achieve a high level of physical fitness prior to the commencement of their trek.

1.2 The hazardous nature of the terrain and waterways

The Kokoda Trail crosses mountainous ranges with razorback ridges. Swiftly flowing rivers and

creeks flow beneath the ridges.

1.3 Criminal or malicious acts of people who may be encountered on the Trek

The risk of criminal or malicious acts on people who trek across the Kokoda Trail is low as trekkers

will be led by an experienced Australian trek leader accompanied by PNG guides and carriers from

local villages along the trail. The trek leader carries a satellite phone and two VHF radios. The

Adventure Kokoda rear link at Sogeri maintains a 24/7 listening watch. All villages along the trail are

equipped with a VHF radio base station.

1.4 Becoming lost or disorientated

Trekkers are advised at the pre-trek briefing in Port Moresby of the action to take if they become

lost or disorientated.

1.5 Injury or illness caused by plant or animal life

The threat of contracting a microscopic parasite is very high if trekkers do not maintain a very high

standard of personal hygiene. Wild pigs and venomous snakes inhabit the region.

In the event of an injury or illness caused by plant or animal life the Adventure Kokoda trek leader

will assess the extent condition and take appropriate action including evacuation from the trail if


Page 23: Adventure Kokoda Trek Planning Guide for 2015 Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge · 2016-05-30 · TREK PLANNING GUIDE FOR PARTICIPANTS IN THE 2016 KOKODA YOUTH LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE


1.6 Injury or illness as a result of exposure to the elements

The Adventure Kokoda trek leader will assess the extent of the injury or illness relating to exposure

to the elements and take appropriate action including evacuation from the trail if necessary.

1.7 Illness as a result of the consumption of food or drink in the course of the Trek

The risk of illness from contaminated water is high if trekkers do not use water sterilisation tablets.

In the event of illness as the result of the ingestion of contaminated food or water the Adventure

Kokoda trek leader will assess the situation and take appropriate action including evacuation from

the trail if necessary.

1.8 Illness as a result of contracting disease including (without limitation) cholera, malaria,

typhoid, tetanus and hepatitis.

The Adventure Kokoda trek leader will assess the extent of the illness as a result of contracting

disease including (without limitation) cholera, malaria, typhoid, tetanus and hepatitis and take

appropriate action including evacuation from the trail if necessary.

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