
Advertising basically manipulation and not moral

Group 2:-

Saurabh Gupta,08Bhabani Shankar Maiti,19Mangesh Narkar,29Pulkit Singhi,50

Advertising A part of promotion mix

can be define as:A paid form ofNon personal CommunicationFrom an identified sponsorUsing mass mediaTo persuade or influence audienceWith a unique message.


• Unfair Advertising

• Unauthentic Advertising

• Unethical Advertising

• Knowingly False Advertising

• Subliminal Advertising

• Acollective term for public announcements designed to promote the sale of specific commodities or services while being integrated below the thresholds of perception or awareness.

• Unconscious emotional manipulation by–Suggestion, or–Association

Unfair emotional Appeals

• Unrealistic Claim– A cologne ad claiming their product will make the

wearer irresistible to women.• False Authority

– Sunny Deol selling underwear. – Karina Kapoor selling sim cards cell phones

• Association– a cigarette advertisement featuring a scenic waterfall,

or healthy people engaged in rugged physical activity.– A cool drinks ad featuring an attractive model

inexplicably spraying water on herself.

• Apparently, advertising deceives people into buying things that they don’t really need–Apparently, advertising lies, deceives and

misleads–Apparently, advertising makes people think

they need things that they shouldn’t even want–Some people even think it makes us unhappy

becaise it violates ETHICS!


• Six key issues

1. Poor taste and offensive advertising

2. Stereotyping

3. Body and self image

4. Targeting children

5. Misleading claims and other message strategies

6. Controversial products

Unethical Advertising

Ethical Ad?

Poor Taste/Offensive

• Advertisers and media outlets must try to be sensitive to consumer objections

• Sex in advertising

Advertising claims are unethical if they are false, misleading, or deceptive

Misleading Claims

Controversial ads

• Though it is acceptable to advertise these products, it is still offensive to some

Manipulative marketing in food products

• Zero gram trans fat – Contain high amount Saturated and total fat

• “All natural”– citric acid, fructose syrup, and other artificial additives

• Made with “whole grains”– Contain only small amount of whole grain, main ingraident

refined wheat flower

• Light – Light in colour and not fat

• Fresh – Simply means not frozen or uncooked, but allowed to keep in

ice and keep chilled.

• False Ads Deliberately Misinform

– Airborne & Bodyflex Ads

• Deceptive Ads Over Exaggerate

– Axe Ad

Examples of False Advertising

• Airborne recently settled a lawsuit for false advertising. The box claimed the supplement was a “miracle cold buster” with no factual evidence of preventing colds.

• Bodyflex, an 18-minute routine with a Bodyflex Gym Bar, guaranteed in their ads and infomercials that in just seven days you can lose 4 to 14 inches off your waist.

Axe add – over exaggerate

• The Indian government suspended a television advertisement for Axe men's deodorant, made by Mumbai-based Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

• The ad shows a man transform into a walking chocolate figurine after spraying himself with Axe's Dark Temptation deodorant.

• As he walks through the city, women throw themselves at him, licking and biting off various parts of his body.

• The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting stopped the ad from broadcasting after receiving a complaint from a viewers

Crestor – cholesterol lowering drug - case study

Crestor – cholesterol lowering drug - case study

• Aztra Zeneca, the maker of the cholesterol-lowering drug Crestor, has been accused of false advertising.

A medication can be more effective and just as safe" -- this statement plays down the risks involved in taking a 40 mg dose of Crestor

The FDA has confidence in the safety and efficacy of Crestor" -- this statement is totally misleading.

• According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the drug company has printed misleading claims about Crestor's safety .

• Medicine is helpful in specific conditions only• Ad is facing ban


1. Study in India covering Maharashtra and Delhi, how children influence buying decisions of the family.

2. Study in Asia Pacific covering 5 countries: India, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Indonesia.

3. Central European county

4. Australia, USA and UK


• Food ads are largest category of products advertised to children in all countries.

• Most prolific advertiser - McDonalds. Others widely advertised are Nestle, Kelloggs, & Cadburys.

• Extent of protection of children from ads varies considerably from country to country.



• Advertising is one of major factors greatly influencing parent’s decision

• Food ads are often aimed at children

• 50% of adults revealed that children influence their buying decisions.


• Nutritional analysis of food ads:

-50% for products high in sugar

-62% for products high in fat

-61% for products high in salt

• Overall 95 % for products high in fat, sugar and salt

• Many food ads make misleading claims, use unfair or inappropriate marketing practices. (chocolates portrayed as healthy, chocolates kept in medicine cabinet, etc)


• Laws to regulate ads to children

• Advertising regulation should prohibit misleading, unfair or excessive number of ads.

• Ensure effective enforcement of ad regulations. Regulatory bodies should :

- be independent and impartial;

- have transparent decision-making process;

- include consumer representation;

- have majority non-industry interests in decision-making bodies;

- pre-check and monitor ads to ensure compliance with regulations;

Not all ads are manipulative

Types of positive ads

• Social message

• Education

• Safety message


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