
“Forward Ever

AFRICAN LIBERATION DAY, 2021 “Forward Ever to World-Wide Pan-African Unity”

All-African People’s Revolutionary Party

Inside this issue…

• Sanctions:SelectivePunishmentandActsofWar-AfricansEverywhereMustFight• Sanctions-WarfareAgainsttheMostVulnerable• Sanctions-Imperialism’sImmoral,Amoral“BluntInstrument”toForceCompliance• Pan-AfricanandInternationalSolidaritywillBreakSanctions• AfricansEverywhereMustFight!-ButHow?• Poetry–“OpenVeins”• TheEnduringRelevanceofKwameNkrumah’sRoadMaptoRevolution• RevolutionaryPan-AfricanistAmilcarCabralconsideredthe2ndGreatestLeaderofHumanity• ImperialistpuppetsoverthrowPan-AfricanistParty(PAIGC)inGuinea-Bissau

These are hard times for Africans. We are a people who have been dispersed to all corners of the world where we have been enslaved and oppressed for centuries and where we now cope with the continuing horrors of a pandemic, police terrorism, theft of natural resources, widespread poverty and illness, racial discrimination, inadequate education and much more. In every corner of the African World, our people experience isolation and a growing sense that a united effort to end our misery is more a dream than a realistic possibility.

African Liberation Day is the one day during each year when African people throughout the world stand united in their commitment to liberation. This year we want to use this special day to dedicate ourselves to sustaining that level of world-wide unity every day of every year. It’s not an easy job. By participating in the 2021 commemoration of African Liberation Day, you are striking a blow against the enemies of oppressed people everywhere by fighting for unity. The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) thanks and salutes you! (Cont. p. 2)



African Liberation Day 2021

Unity is not totally absent from our struggles. For example, in the wake of the police murder of George Floyd, Africans throughout the world have been united in action against police terrorism. Many thousands have participated in street manifestations and militant uprisings. However, among the ranks of these demonstrators, the individuals have countless ideas about their objectives, and why they are engaged in these actions. For example, in any demonstration against police terrorism, you will find some who march to defund the police, and others who want only for police forces to hire more Africans. Some want civilian control of police. Others want police abolished altogether. They are united in their actions, but they are not united in thought.

This unity in action and disunity in thought is nothing new. Even during Africa’s colonial era, there were members of Africa’s bourgeoisie who united in nationalist action with workers and peasants to purge the continent of European colonizers. However, they were not united in thought with respect to what should happen in Africa after the colonizers were chased out. The supposed “unity” lasted only long enough for the bourgeoisie to take the place of European colonizers as new African bosses, and without any concerns about the workers and peasants who shed their blood for independence. We will be free only when we are united in both thought and action. As Kwame Nkrumah observed: “Unity presupposes organization.” We will achieve world-wide Pan-African unity of thought and action when we achieve world-wide Pan-African organization. That’s what the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party fights to achieve every day of every year. Organization for the sake of organization is insufficient. Organization to achieve unity of thought and action will liberate Africa and Africans. An organization that strives to achieve unity of thought and action needs a clear objective and an ideology to focus and guide it. The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party has both. You can read all about the A-APRP’s objective and ideology in the following article. (p. 3)


• The A-APRP’s Objective and Ideology Were Created by and for Africans • Pan-Africanism Won’t Fall Into Our Laps – We Must Fight! • What’s So Frightening About Revolution? • Revolutionary African Culture and an End to Gender-Based Violence and

Border Wars are Critical to Establishing African Unity • Imperialist Meddlers Keep Out! Conflict Resolution and the Military Defense

of Africa are Africa’s Business • Poem: Guess Who They Are • Spooks and Grunts and Pigs! Oh My! A Revolutionary Call to Smash the

Industrial, Police-Military, Intelligence Complex (IPIC) • World-Wide Pan-African Unity Holds the Key to the Defeat of Imperialism • World-Wide Pan-African Unity will Lead to the Liberation of the Sahrawi • African Liberation Day 2021 Awards • Supplement

Africa needs unity now -- time is running out, it’s a choice between life and death

Zimbabwe Movement of Pan African Socialists



Total Liberation The total liberation of Africa is a critical element of Pan-Africanism. African countries may have African presidents, prime ministers and parliaments, but most of these countries are not under African control. Africa is largely controlled by western governments and foreign corporations. European countries understood back in the 19th Century that Africa possesses enormous natural resources of inestimable value. This one continent has gold, oil, coltan, chromium, bauxite, diamonds and numerous other valuable minerals. Imagine if these resources were in the hands of Africans. Imagine what Africa’s resources could do for Europe. By 1885, European countries had resolved to colonize and dominate African countries to gain full access to the continent’s wealth.

African resistance to colonialism was protracted and fierce. By the end of the 20th Century this resistance had succeeded in driving European governments out of Africa and leaving African countries nominally independent. However, this independence was illusory. Unwilling to surrender access to the valuable natural resources of Africa, imperialists devised a new form of colonialism that to all appearances was not colonialism at all. This new form of colonialism – or “neo-colonialism” relies heavily on the betrayal of Africa’s people by Africans who by one means or another control the reins of African governments.

The A-APRP’s Objective and Ideology Were Created

by and for Africans

Our Objective is Pan-Africanism

Our Party provides African people organizing globally a vehicle for the achievement of one primary objective – Pan-Africanism, which is: the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism.

There are many other objectives our organization might have that could focus on our local circumstances and that could facilitate our integration into existing systems and institutions. But our liberation requires more than positions in local government, or ownership of small businesses, or membership on corporate boards of directors, or even the support of well-meaning non-governmental organizations. Genuine African liberation requires power. Power does not mean money. Power does not mean fame. Power does not mean close association with those who have power. When Africans gain real power, Africa and Africa’s people worldwide will have the ability to determine and pursue their own destiny without anyone having the capacity to stop them. Fighting for Pan-Africanism is the time-tested strategy for achieving power. It is a strategy implemented by African people organizing globally to achieve one primary objective: the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism. It will place within the hands of the masses of African people the wealth of the world’s most mineral rich continent, and a truly democratic government that will use it for their benefit and their protection.

Some of these African neo-colonial heads of state are vicious dictators like Mobutu Sese Seko of Congo, who during his tyrannical tenure stole much of the country’s treasury and had innumerable people killed. The U.S. and Western Europe turned a blind eye to his crimes for many years because he allowed foreign interests to steal and exploit Congo’s resources. There are still other African neo-colonial government officials who mean well, but they are constrained and directed by a well-organized system of imperialism (i.e., domination of African territory by non-African foreign forces). Even these well-meaning government officials are bound to carry out the agenda of their puppet-masters in the U.S. and Europe.

Imperialist control of Africa is by force. If an African leader attempts to steer an independent course even after experiencing threats and coercion, intelligence agencies of the western governments will engineer a coup, or in some cases an assassination. In other cases where an African leader not only attempts to act independently but establishes effective defenses to subversion, imperialists may resort to economic warfare. This happened in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe’s governing party, the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front, initiated a program for the return of land occupied by European settlers to Africans. In response, the U.S., England and other western countries commenced and maintained an economic embargo against Zimbabwe for many years that caused substantial economic decline and consequent social and political instability.



Imperialism is also not reluctant to use armed force against those who do not cooperate with the neo-colonial agenda. This was made easier by the creation of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM). The purpose of AFRICOM is to dominate Africa militarily without appearing to dominate Africa militarily. The way it works is U.S. military forces serve as behind the scenes “advisors” to the armies of African countries. These African armies are directed to carry out missions that advance imperialist interests. One example is AFRICOM’s leadership in the overthrow and vicious murder of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya. AFRICOM armed reactionary and racist forces whose campaign of terror allowed the U.S. and France to gain control of Libyan oil fields and end Gadhafi’s plans for an independent gold-backed Pan-African currency. AFRICOM now has operations in almost all African countries.

Pan-Africanism requires Africa to be totally liberated from all these foreign forces and interests so that Africa can not only genuinely govern itself but also control its own natural wealth for the benefit of its own people in Africa and in other parts of the world.


“Divide and conquer” is a very old strategy used by oppressors. Africa is extremely divided, and it is for that reason that Pan-Africanism can be achieved only if Africa is united. How did Africa become divided in the first place? As the year 1884 neared its end, the major European powers that lusted after Africa’s wealth concluded that it made no sense for them to fight each other because there was enough in Africa for everyone to exploit. Representatives of the various European countries came together in Berlin and cut up and distributed portions of a map of Africa in much the same way one would divide a birthday cake. Each European country proceeded to colonize the African territory assigned to them.

When dividing the African continent, Europe paid no heed to existing communities and nation states. Borders and boundaries were established for European convenience, and in the process, Africans with political and social differences were forced into relationships with those they did not necessarily want in their communities. Language differences and other factors created tension and division within the colonies, and these territories were much easier to dominate.

Notwithstanding the intra-African conflicts in the colonies, resistance to colonialism occurred nevertheless. As these movements gained momentum, conditions became ripe during World War II for African countries to begin to win at least nominal independence. With its attention and resources consumed by the war, Europe lacked the capacity to maintain direct control of its colonies. Independence ushered in a new era of struggle.

Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of Ghana, became a vocal proponent of Pan-Africanism. Other heads of state like Sekou Toure of Guinea and Patrice Lumumba of Congo echoed these calls much to the chagrin of the United States and Western Europe. The continuing interest in the exploitation of Africa made these African revolutionaries a threat to efforts to establish a new form of colonialism, or neo-colonialism. Consequently, Nkrumah was overthrown by a plot devised by the CIA. Toure was repeatedly attacked and harassed by the French. Lumumba was assassinated by African stooges of the CIA. Other African revolutionaries were also targeted by imperialist forces in the years that followed.

“I prefer to die with my head held high, unshakable faith, and the greatest confidence in the destiny of my country . . . “

Patrice Emery Lumumba Prime Minister of Democratic

Republic of Congo

The A-APRP’s Objective and Ideology Were Created

by and for Africans (cont’d from p. 3)

Ghana–Guinea–Mali Union 1960



The attacks on African revolutionaries and revolutionary forces have historically been made easier by disunity in Africa. For example, one country that has thrown off imperialist control and is traveling a revolutionary path may be regarded as a “liberated zone.” However, a country on its border may still be a “zone under enemy control” that still bears the burden of western domination. Such a country may be used as a convenient staging ground for attacks and invasions of the neighboring liberated country. Such a strategy could not be pursued if Africa were united in its opposition to neo-colonialism.

There is a yet larger and more important benefit of a united Africa. To understand it, imagine the state of New York in the U.S. as an independent, sovereign country. Even the fact that it has one of the largest, most cosmopolitan cities in the world would not give it very much power or influence on the world stage. It would be overwhelmed economically, diplomatically and militarily by not only the world’s superpowers, but also by many smaller countries. However, if you annex New York to 49 other states that together call themselves the United States of America, then New York along with these other states becomes a force to be reckoned with. The more than 50 little countries in Africa are no different. Alone, they have no more power than would a “country” called New York. However, if all these countries come together to form the United States of Africa, there will be no other country on the planet with as much economic, diplomatic, or military power. That can mean only good things for Africans worldwide.

Scientific Socialism

When Africa unites to achieve Pan-Africanism, scientific socialism must guide and govern the continent’s economics. Many Africans not only fail to include scientific socialism as part of their agenda, they also don’t even know what it is. It’s really not as complicated as it sounds.

Any country is always faced with a basic question: “How are we going to deal with the nation’s money and resources?” If those answering the question believe in a capitalist approach to economics, they will say: “Let’s put the wealth of the nation in the hands of a small elite group. This group can determine whether the broad masses of people will share in this wealth, and if so, to what extent.” Africa has already had many years of experience with capitalism, and the results have not been good.

Among other things, capitalism gave Africa the slave trade, colonialism, widespread poverty, environmental disasters, wars, foreign theft and exploitation of natural resources, corruption, and disease. There is another path that Africa must follow. It is the socialist path.

A socialist will say: “Let’s put the wealth of the nation in the hands of everyone. This will ensure that decisions about what to do with it will always be in the best interests of the broad masses of the people. The people themselves will never purposely make decisions that will hurt themselves.” Why, for example would the people ever decide to allow foreign corporations to come into Africa to steal their oil and most valuable minerals? Socialism just makes good sense. It is a scientific approach to economics because it is based on concrete, practical considerations rather than romantic, theoretical notions about how money and resources should be handled.

It should therefore be clear that Pan-Africanism is the objective that Africans throughout the world must pursue. For those who conclude that Pan-Africanism is the proper objective, there is a need to ensure that as efforts are made to achieve it, those efforts are properly directed and effective. This is accomplished through the adoption of an ideology. There are many socialist ideologies that are based on the ideas of Marx, Lenin, Mao, Trotsky, and others. But the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party has adopted an ideology that is both proper and effective because it is grounded in the analyses of Africans themselves.

The A-APRP’s Objective and Ideology Were Created

by and for Africans (cont’d from p. 4)



The A-APRP’s Objective and Ideology Were Created

by and for Africans (cont’d from p. 5)

Our Ideology is Nkrumahism-Toureism

Nkrumahism-Touréism is grounded in the consistent, revolutionary, socialist and Pan- African principles, practices and policies followed, implemented, and taught by Kwame Nkrumah and Ahmed Sekou Touré. It is an ideology drawn from their speeches, writings, actions, achievements, and lives. The ideology also includes accumulated practical and theoretical contributions and achievements of struggles for Pan-Africanism and socialism over many generations.

Nkrumahism-Touréism is anchored by a set of fundamental principles. They include: the primacy and unity of Africa; the integrity of the revolutionary African personality; humanism, egalitarianism, and collectivism; dialectical and historical materialism; and the harmony of spirituality and revolution. We will consider each in turn.

The Primacy and Unity of Africa

The primacy of Africa speaks to our primary identity as Africans regardless of where we were born or live. We are African even if we are regarded by others as Nigerian, Ivorian, Kenyan, Ethiopian, Jamaican, Brazilian, African American, etc. Nkrumah himself said: “…[T]he core of the black revolution is in Africa and until Africa is united under a socialist government, the black man throughout the world lacks a national home… All people of African descent, whether they live in North or South America, the Caribbean or in any other part of the world are Africans and belong to the African nation.” Because we are Africans first, last, and always, we must also regard the African continent as one nation rather than as a collection of artificial micro-states created by Europe in 1885 at the Berlin Conference.

The Integrity of The Revolutionary African Personality

The African personality reflects Africans’ conception of the world, their way of life, their ethics and moral principles that reflect African culture. This African personality has been under constant attack by Africa’s enemies in diverse and sometimes subtle ways. These attacks assert that Africans are morally, intellectually, and culturally inferior. When effective, these attacks cause even Africans themselves to embrace these lies and to internalize their own oppression.

Sekou Touré said: “…[T]he science of depersonalizing the colonized people is sometimes so subtle in its methods that it progressively succeeds in falsifying our natural psychic behavior and devaluing our own original virtues and qualities with a view to our assimilation.”

Affirming and asserting the personality of an oppressed people can become the catalyst for national liberation. Nkrumah and Touré both called for re-personalization - or the successful affirmation of the cultural personality of the oppressed.



Humanism, Egalitarianism and Collectivism

Humanism, Egalitarianism and Collectivism are the cluster of humanist principles which underlie traditional African society and define the African personality. Respect for human beings and social solidarity, coupled with a keen sense of fraternity, justice and cooperation are the very foundation of traditional African society.

Imperialism exacerbated negative, destructive notions that conflict with the humanism that existed in traditional Africa. Our ideology is based on the idea that everything we have in life reflects the struggles and contributions of the people, and people must not be treated as means to an end but rather as an end in themselves.

Dialectical and Historical Materialism

Dialectical materialism and historical materialism are analytical tools that analyze material rather than metaphysical/spiritual conditions. More particularly, they involve analysis of social, political, economic, and historical forces in conflict, and how those conflicts are resolved. By recognizing that systems (like capitalism and socialism) that are fundamentally in conflict cannot coexist in the same place at the same time, revolutionaries are better equipped to struggle for the profound changes needed and demanded by the people.

The A-APRP’s Objective and Ideology Were Created

by and for Africans (cont’d from p. 6)

The Harmony of Religion/Spirituality and Socialist Revolution

Religion and spirituality are dominant features of the African Personality. Religion generally consists of beliefs and principles that serve as a moral compass while also affirming respect for human dignity and human virtue. Both socialism and religion share positive, life-affirming values and challenge people to aspire to the defeat of evil forces and the achievement of a just world. Suffering and sacrifice are regarded by both socialist revolution and religion as redemptive. Religion and socialism revolve around ideas of community and collective welfare. Unfortunately, both socialism and religion have been distorted and reconfigured for use by corrupt forces as tools of exploitation and oppression. Consequently, socialism and religion must be judged by their principles rather than by negative actions of some of their adherents.

What Must You Do? Our unity of thought and action can be achieved within a struggle for Pan-Africanism. Unity is required because Pan-Africanism cannot be accomplished by an individual. The capitalist propaganda about individualism drives myths about super heroic feats of individuals, when in fact no individual accomplishes anything of significance alone. These individualist ideas are absorbed by osmosis even by many of those who are oppressed, and they wait in vain for a “leader” who will rescue them from their misery. This mortal messiah will never come because it is not possible for an individual – even a well-meaning one – to liberate a people. On the other hand, when individuals work together, they have the capacity to overcome even the fiercest oppressors. Organization is the stuff of which revolutions are made. Organization contemplates a steadfast and abiding commitment that involves both work and study. A member of an organization engages in a consistent collective process of self-education to ensure that any work done on behalf of the organization is fully informed and effective. What must you do? You must join an organization. Africa needs you! Africa's people scattered around the world need you! The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) needs you! In the A-APRP you will have the opportunity to not only work for your people, but to also learn things universities don't teach, and to otherwise gain knowledge that will make you the most effective organizer you can be.

Enlist in the A-APRP's work and study program today!



Pan-Africanism Won’t Fall Into Our Laps – We Must Fight! –

If Africans throughout the world aspire only to drive a Mercedes, eat a chocolate bar, wear a diamond ring, and pump gasoline into our vehicles, we will never achieve the liberation we have craved for generations. We will be free only when we realize that we should be the people managing the auto, cocoa, diamond, and oil industries. Not only should we be managing those industries, we should be managing them within a socialist development system that places the needs of people over profit so that our riches are not exploited, but instead made available for collective good and development.

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) didn’t choose “Forward Ever to Worldwide Pan-African Unity!” as our international theme for African Liberation Day on a whim. The A-APRP understands that global African unity is essential to achieving Pan-Africanism, which means the liberation of Africa from the control of exploitative foreign capitalist interests and the unification of the African continent under a continent-wide socialist government. Accomplishing that objective will make it possible for African people everywhere to not only control the industries mentioned above, but to also make it possible for Africans around the world to benefit from them.

The A-APRP is not guessing about the benefits of Pan-Africanism. We have seen how others have achieved global power when they have liberated territory and consolidated it into a super state that has the capacity to impose its will economically, diplomatically, and militarily. Consider China. At one time, China was subordinate to colonizers, warlords, and feudal landowners. Chinese immigrants were disrespected and exploited, and often found work outside of China as laborers whose low wages allowed lifestyles that were qualitatively comparable to those of enslaved persons. The old saying: “He doesn’t have a Chinaman’s chance” reflected an abusive, discriminatory reality.

However, China underwent a socialist revolution that fundamentally transformed the country’s reality. Since then, China has been and remains a world power and a growing force to be reckoned with. China’s success may have inspired resentment among western imperialists that has trickled down to racist individuals who have engaged in recent acts of abusive violence, but it can’t be denied that the power of China and its people is highly respected, and in some cases feared. China’s people benefit from this respect regardless of whether they are born in Beijing or San Francisco. This respect will continue to grow, and racist propaganda aimed at China for whatever reason will do nothing to stop this.

Africans around the world do not enjoy that type of respect. When Africans are gunned down like mad dogs by police in New York, Toronto, Paris, and Lagos, it is suggested that the victims’ brought violence on themselves by their actions. When Africans’ resources are shamelessly exploited and they suffer premature deaths because of this blatant exploitation, those who plunder claim their deeds encourage “development.” Africans’ resistance is met with suggestions that Africans too can get a piece of the action if they join in and play the imperialist game. It’s all a lie of course, and the living conditions of Africans everywhere prove it. There are government crackdowns against people in Kenya, Uganda, Senegal, and elsewhere. There is the continued domination of the Horn of Africa by outside imperialist interests, intent on ensuring control of that region. Apple, Samsung, Shell, Chevron, Firestone, DeBeers, Ford, Toyota, Mercedes, BMW, Chevrolet, Nestle, Hershey, Alcoa Aluminum, and many other foreign corporations exploit both Africa’s mineral wealth and its people. Outside of Africa, the experiences of Africans throughout Europe, Australia, Canada, the U.S., Haiti, Brazil, and elsewhere involve daily, systemic attacks on Africans’ dignity.



Pan-Africanism Won’t Fall Into Our Laps – We Must Fight! (cont’d from p. 8)

What then are we to do? First, we must be wary of hazards we create for ourselves. Sekou Toure warned that class struggle was a human challenge in Africa long before the Europeans invaded, and that often, the greatest enemy is the internal one. The evidence is found in many neo-colonial regimes throughout Africa and countries with large African populations. So-called African leaders make symbolic Pan-Africanist gestures, but then implement policies that serve the interests of international imperialism at the expense of the African masses. Even outside of Africa there are opportunists who claim they seek reparations for the historical abuse of Africans, but they use a scarcity model and appeal to the ignorance and fears of Africans in the U.S. by claiming Africa and Africans born outside of the U.S. do not share the oppressive history of those descended from Africans enslaved in North America and should therefore be excluded from their so-called movement.

Anyone who calls for the division of Africans works against the best interests of Africans. When the slave raiders entered Africa, they had no concerns about keeping families together. Consequently, any African whose family was touched by the slave trade is likely to have blood relatives living anywhere and everywhere from Eritrea to Ghana to Congo to Canada to Cuba to Haiti to the U.S. This irrefutable fact makes any efforts to separate Africans illogical, unscientific, and unproductive.

When one considers that Africa’s enemies have worked hard to divide Africans and that Africa possesses the greatest mineral wealth on Earth, it becomes easy to understand why African people everywhere are the poorest. African division allows Africa’s enemies to maintain their dominance, and they are eager to eliminate any possible chance that Africans will embrace the concept of Pan-African unity.

Pan-Africanism realized represents African people everywhere combining our intellectual, scientific, artistic, creative, and practical skills to determine how to utilize and manage Africa’s mass mineral wealth to serve the purpose it should serve – service to the masses of African people. No African (or any justice-loving human being for that matter) can credibly oppose Pan-Africanism. But Pan-Africanism will never just fall into our laps. We are going to have to fight for it, and that means getting organized and creating the unity we need to be free. The A-APRP represents that. The theme for African Liberation Day 2021 represents that. The only remaining question is how many of us are willing to demonstrate our commitment to those values?

Save the Date!!!





What’s So Frightening

About Revolution?

Some years ago, a member of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party spoke to university students about the thousands of years of African history that preceded slavery, explaining that the length and breadth of that rich history and culture meant descendants of enslaved Africans are not simply emancipated slaves, but they have been and remain “Africans.” The lecturer recalls: “A student came up to me after the presentation and said she understood and agreed that she should have an allegiance to Africa, but she also suggested: ‘you would attract more people if you didn’t call yourselves revolutionary. Revolution scares people away.’”

What’s so frightening about the word revolution? The capitalists always use that word to advertise their products. The pictures below are three examples.

So why do capitalists train us to become frightened when socialists use the word revolution? The reason is simple. Socialist revolution requires the destruction of capitalism. This would mean the elimination of a system where a few own and control the factories, banks, farms, mines, and oil fields across the planet. The wealthy don’t want this to happen, so their media outlets make people think fighting for revolutionary social and economic change is harmful and dangerous and buying more and more of their “revolutionary” junk is good.

It has been this way for a very long time. Years ago, students were taught that the invention of the transistor was a “revolutionary” advance in technology. Transistors replaced vacuum tubes. When it comes to technology, revolutionary change is applauded. Integrated circuits replaced transistors, then computers on a chip replaced circuit boards of integrated circuits. We are taught that the industrial revolution was a great thing. Now there is much discussion of how Africa must embrace the fourth industrial “revolution.”

Each year individuals are awarded Nobel prizes in a range of disciplines. We are told that it is for their “revolutionary” contributions in physics, chemistry and even peace-making. An award-winning physicist once spoke of the days and hours of running experiments. After a breakthrough, he was so excited he ran from his lab into the hallway to share his excitement, only to find the building empty. He then realized it was 3 a.m. on a holiday weekend. It was evidence of the fact that revolutionary change of any kind, including scientific change, requires hard work, determination, sacrifice, and discipline. Organizing to bring an end to neo-colonialism and capitalism is no exception.



What’s So Frightening About Revolution? (cont’d from p. 10)

Although capitalists imply socialist revolutionaries are dangerous or criminal, socialists are actually fighting for a better world. Capitalism is based on a few people owning and controlling all production and distribution and operating to make personal profits. The so-called free market system involves cutthroat competition and a drive to increase profits to survive. Where do these profits come from? They come from the labor of workers and the cheap extraction of natural resources. Capitalism increases the wealth of a few while increasing the toil, work, and exploitation of the many. That toil, work and exploitation are the basis for capitalist profits. It is only natural that well-meaning people – good socialist people - want an end to this system of exploitation. The elimination of capitalism and its replacement with a system that asks people to contribute according to their abilities and to receive according to their needs is the revolutionary change capitalism demonizes. However, it is in the best interest of humanity for us to struggle for this revolutionary change. In fact, our collective conscience demands that we do all we can to support and improve humanity and our world. This is the essence of being human. Therefore, the highest expression of humanity is to struggle for revolution!

Are you ready for revolution?

“Forward Ever to World-Wide Pan-African Unity”



Revolutionary African Culture and an End to Gender-Based Violence and Border Wars

are Critical to Establishing African Unity

The key to worldwide Pan-African unity is found in Africa’s history. African civilizations once developed their own societies based on their needs and visions for the future. These societies had social, political, and economic foundations grounded in an African way of life. However, colonial intrusion caused disorder and confusion as well as the adoption of beliefs and practices that opposed matriarchal culture. This had a significant impact on gender, class, and clan, and led to the abandonment of the social and communal principles that guaranteed African unity and prosperity. It was an abandonment of principles intrinsic to African culture.

Value systems adopted from colonizers conflict with the value systems of African societies that align life and nature. Africans’ instinct is to support others, but capitalist individualism promotes antagonism, disrespect, and abandonment of others. These foreign values create obstacles to unity and cause Africans to question their identity and transform gender respect and community cooperation into disruptive, divisive, and destructive relationships. The ultimate consequence is war. War in Africa has caused people to flee conflict and poverty by attempting to reach Europe by way of the Mediterranean Sea. In recent years, an average of 1,800 migrants from Africa and surrounding regions may have drowned each year attempting to make this journey. War has destabilized millions of women and children, with more Africans living outside their country of birth than any other continent.

There are fifteen civil or border wars occurring in Africa today. Women and men of revolutionary African organizations like MPLA, PAIGC, TANU, PDG, FRELIMO, PAC/ANC, ZANU and others fought valiantly for unity and true liberation. They did not make sacrifices so that Africans might engage in the internecine conflict we witness today.

We are creating instability within our nations and a worker and brain drain in Africa which is feeding the labor base in capitalist, elitist and racist countries in Europe, Asia, and America. As they did during periods of enslavement and colonialism, capitalists benefit from our misery. When Africans internalize capitalist values, adopt capitalist governmental systems, military strategies and ways of life, Africans’ lives become meaningless.

In Ethiopia, Sudan, Congo, Nigeria, and throughout the African continent, children - especially women and girls are kidnapped and murdered by Africans at an alarming rate. During the current pandemic, the numbers have increased. The fight over mineral resources has made the weakest of the society pawns of corporate bloodsuckers. This is not African!



Revolutionary African Culture and an End to Gender-Based Violence and Border Wars are Critical to Establishing African Unity (cont’d from p. 12 )

Women and youth make up most of the African World’s population, and they have become the primary victims of war, migration, and poverty. In 2019 and 2020, there were 53,300 incidents of sexual violence reported in South Africa. Police report an average of 146 such incidents each day. Violence has escalated throughout Africa and Africa’s diaspora. These crimes include an increase in forced child marriages, domestic violence, honor killings, rape, political and sexual assassination, female genital mutilation, sex trafficking or slavery, and physical punishment - especially against gay and lesbian citizens. Such violence can only be addressed by revolutionary principles and a recommitment to revolutionary culture.

Our focus must be on ideological and political development of the masses. The enemies of our people are in our midst and only mass, revolutionary African culture and organization can combat this reactionary behavior. We must collectively reconstruct not only the ethical and political foundation for a new African society but also reinvigorate revolutionary and principled people willing to build an ethical and principled society for the future of Africa and all our African communities.

We must have a plan that guides development from youth to leader. We must build revolutionary collectives, be they community, political, cultural, social, and educational for the reconstruction of our ethics and principles. The contradictions throughout the diaspora are our contradictions and they must be honestly addressed so we can elevate our individual and collective consciousness and behavior.

A social/cultural revolution can cause a resurgence of revolutionary love, a commitment to principles that will bind us to a common foundation that will live beyond our years into the next generation, creating the revolutionary cultural foundation for Africa and the world.

Unity is one of the cardinal principles of revolution. The PAIGC of Guinea Bissau made “Unity, Struggle, Unity” their motto. In their struggle, there were the Fula, the Pepel, the Mandinka, and the varied classes but stronger than any ethnic or social division was a unity amongst those who wanted to free Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde. So, our differences cannot be allowed to prevent us from achieving our Pan-African objective. It is the critical key for African Unity, stability, development and prosperity for all!



The longstanding strategy of ‘divide and rule’ was used to perfection throughout much of Africa, which now has more borders than any other continent. The scheme was simple: fossilize Africa’s various ethnic groups, many of which were historical rivals, then force them under one geopolitical roof with preferences given, in some instances, to one group over another. Independence, then, would be fraught with so many ethnic (and religious) hostilities and antagonisms that national integration and political stability would be practically impossible. As a result, Africa is replete with intrastate and interstate conflicts, many of which, over the years, have blossomed into full-scale civil wars.

Only the might of an All-African Military High Command, under the centralized authority of an African Union Government, will be able to resolve these conflicts and end these devastating wars, including the various forms of violence resulting from religious extremism. The UN, NATO, EU, USA, or any other entity outside of Africa can never, and will never, solve Africa’s internal problems. None of them have the genuine interest, will, means, or mandate to do so. Instead, if left in the hands of outside forces (many operating with anti-African agendas) they are more likely to make matters worse.

Given what we know, it makes no sense to count on non-African forces to solve our problems. Who, after all, maneuvered the great Pan-Africanist, Patrice Lumumba, out of office in the Congo and into the murderous clutches of the CIA, the Belgians, and their puppet soldier, Mobutu Sese Seko? Who pulled their troops out of Rwanda and failed to protect the lives of over 800,000 victims of genocide? And who orchestrated and sponsored the civil war in Libya that resulted in the assassination of Muammar Gadhafi, one of Africa’s most serious Pan-Africanists? Even now, consider the inability of the UN to prevent the war-torn southeast Democratic Republic of Congo from becoming the ‘Rape Capital of the World.’ Is there any wonder, then, why UN ‘Peacekeepers’ in Mozambique, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Haiti have been found guilty of fathering hundreds of children with local women and girls, in some cases subjecting them to the most virulent forms of sexual violence and exploitation?

Imperialist Meddlers Keep Out! Conflict Resolution and the Military Defense

of Africa are Africa’s Business

As quiet as it has been kept, Africa itself, has an outstanding record of resolving its own conflicts, and it has done so for generations. Throughout the continent, there were many traditional systems and institutions that were strikingly similar, and that were designed to resolve inter and intra ethnic and regional conflicts long before the European invasion of Africa. Unfortunately, as with many indigenous African cultural patterns, these arbitration customs were either jettisoned or marginalized in favor of Eurocentric models.

Nonetheless, the tools for ending conflicts and building peace throughout Africa still lie essentially in Africa among Africans. More recently, this has been evidenced by the indispensable role played by African women in helping to resolve conflicts and build peace throughout the continent. Indeed, their success record, especially in countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone in West Africa, and Rwanda in East Africa, has been far better than the intervention experiences and mediating efforts of some of the regional (male dominated) ad hoc military formations. In this regard, the Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group (ECOMOG) readily comes to mind. A weak resolve, inadequate funding, poor planning, flawed logistics, and uncertain objectives—all of which could have been remedied with an All-African Military High command—were the main factors that contributed to the blunders ECOMOG made in West Africa. Unfortunately, many of these same criticisms can be leveled at the African Union’s Standby Force (ASF), which has been plagued by poorly trained soldiers, ill-equipped armies, underfunded operations, and lack of centralized control.



Although the ASF and the various regional ad hoc groupings have not experienced complete failure, clearly the primary victims of war and conflict in Africa, women (and children), need to be at the forefront of any attempt to end conflicts and build peace in Africa. Who has a greater reason for this to happen than African women, whose lives have been ruined by ethnic conflicts, tribal wars, political violence, and sexual exploitation by peacekeeping soldiers? And who is better equipped to make this happen than African women, who find it much easier than men to cross the explosive boundaries of religion, ethnicity, and party affiliation? Their socialization, along with their vested interest in peace, renders them the greatest stakeholders for peace that we have.

A Bureau of Women’s Affairs, then, as an integral part of an All-African Union Government, must be charged with the responsibility of institutionalizing a pivotal role for women in conflict resolution and peace building in Africa. With proper training, a steadfast commitment to Pan-Africanism, and the backing of an All-African Union Government, African women, especially women from the grassroots, can be deployed throughout the continent, alongside their male counterparts, as Africa’s primary arbitrators, negotiators, conciliators, and mediators.

On the international front, an effective defense against foreign espionage and aggression must be one of Africa’s top priorities. Without it, whatever gains made towards a unified and socialist Africa will be seriously threatened. Who begrudges China for acquiring the military capacity to protect the Chinese homeland,

including building an arsenal of inter-continental ballistic missiles capable of reaching anywhere in the world in a matter of minutes? Had they not, how safe, how secure, would their standing be as a growing industrial giant and formidable global power? Global peace, with justice, including universal nuclear disarmament, must be the ultimate objective of all peoples around the world. However, until we get there, nay, in order to get there, Africa will have to be in a position to repel or dissuade any other country, or groups of countries, from establishing military bases on its soil, using Africa’s armed forces to fight proxy wars in pursuit of foreign interests, and bullying Africa into economic and political submission. This can only be achieved by the power derived from an All-African Union Government.

A balkanized Africa will have billions of dollars it spends on military hardware, and millions of its uniformed soldiers stretched across the continent, dissipated into ineffectiveness—the existence of regional ad hoc military groups and the ASF notwithstanding. Into this void slipped NATO, EU, and single country interlopers, each committed to maintaining geo-political dominance in Africa while protecting the financial interests of the global north (vis a vis its adversaries, e.g., China, Russia, and others). While France has become a perfectionist in this regard, one of the more recent and most troubling examples of this, because of its continental reach, is U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM). With very little transparency, AFRICOM has carried out thousands of military missions in Africa since its inception in 2008, including a growing number of airstrikes. This has been carried out with thousands of U.S. troops, weaponized drone bases, and the connivance of various African governments scattered across the continent. Only an All-African Union Socialist Government will be able to put an end to foreign interference and establish an effective military defense, intelligence-gathering agency, surveillance operations, and reconnaissance missions. What is at stake is the peace and prosperity that Africa so urgently needs.

With the attainment of a free, economically and militarily strong Africa, African people the world over will have a real defense against vicious racist and neo-colonial exploitation. Africa, as projected by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, will then be a powerful force for world peace.

Imperialist Meddlers Keep Out! (cont’d from p. 14)




Guess who they are Cowards unfit to rule Cowards unfit to resist Neo-colonialism and the International community Based on their Promises We voted them into Power But alas, all promises were Vain As stomach politicians, They represent cold-blooded Multi-national corporations Guess who they are Cowards unfit to rule Cowards unfit to resist Neo-colonialism and the International community Honorable and Excellency are their titles But nothing honorable or excellent about their nature They inherited the OAU, now AU To unite the African continent With one army, one currency One foreign policy and a common market For our economic independence But as perfect agents of neo-colonialism They sabotaged the unification of Africa Guess who they are Cowards unfit to rule Cowards unfit to resist Neo-colonialism and the International community

By Nii Ardey Otoo Organizer, All African People’s Revolutionary Party

A stand they must take Either they are agents of imperialism Faithful servants of neo-colonialism Or defenders of the people's aspirations Submerged in inferiority complex They cannot manage their own affairs So they give up a rich continent For cheap food donations and used clothes This keeps Africa underdeveloped Guess who they are Cowards unfit to rule Cowards unfit to resist Neo-colonialism and the International community Afraid to execute the African Revolution They ran to the IMF, WB, G-8 and G-20 To participate in their own exploitation Blind to the abundance of their own riches Their people wallow in poverty Shamelessly, they ask the people To tighten their belt For the benefit of cold-blooded multi-national corporations Guess who they are Cowards unfit to rule Cowards unfit to resist Neo-colonialism and the International community

Guess who they are!



Spooks and Grunts and Pigs! Oh My! A Revolutionary Call to Smash the

Industrial, Police-Military, Intelligence Complex (IPIC)

The capitalist/imperialist system is driven by a world view that is colonialist, racist, sexist and Zionist. It is an enemy that operates through governments, institutions and agencies that do its bidding. More particularly, a worldwide network of military, intelligence and police agencies protect the capitalist system with interconnected assets that operate locally, nationally, regionally, and internationally. The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party calls this network the Industrial, Police/Military, Intelligence Complex (IPIC).

Who makes up IPIC? It’s a collection of spooks, grunts and pigs. Spooks are the spies who staff intelligence agencies, and who direct military forces to the world’s natural resources. Grunts are soldiers enlisted in imperialist military forces who secure the resources identified by the spooks. The pigs are the so-called law enforcement forces that protect the property and resources of the capitalists.

IPIC is an economically motivated espionage-military-prison-police force controlled by a global empire supported by international, monopoly, finance capital. IPIC’s role is to repress popular discontent, secure resources, protect property, defend wealth, and pursue the vital interests of capitalism and imperialism. It is a vast criminal web that includes but is not limited to a global network of governments, corporations/financial institutions, intelligence agencies, military organizations, private armed militias, and local, regional, national, transnational police, and security forces. They are the world’s biggest gang.

Spies, soldiers and cops are the frontline forces in the enemy's global assault on African people. They are the goons who facilitate the theft of the African World’s resources and the exploitation of our labor, inside and outside of Africa. They are the armed police thugs that occupy our communities. They are the military conquerors who bomb, invade, and plunder our nations. They are police officers trained by Zionists to smother dissent and rule through military occupation. They are African generals with allegiance to Washington or Paris. They are Haitian presidents managing by murder. They are international spies that infiltrate our organizations, destroy revolutionary governments, and assassinate our people-centered political leaders.

Capitalist countries and their partners (Transnational Corporations and international Institutions) employ these spies, soldiers, and police to protect their wealth and crush the People’s resistance to oppression and exploitation. The entire apparatus is directed by super-secret spy agencies such as the CIA (USA), Mossad (Israel), and MI6 (Britain).

Grunts (soldiers) and their dirty work IPIC’s job is to identify resources such as oil, coltan, gold etc. and develop means of securing this wealth and delivering it into the greedy hands of international capital. To find IPIC at work, find the locations of valuable resources. When capitalism locates resources, it uses military forces to secure them. The invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Syria, are examples of how this happens. Also consider the establishment of 50 U.S. military bases in Africa (AFRICOM), and the 800 U.S. military installations in 80 countries around the world. The mission of these forces is to overthrow progressive and revolutionary governments, kill progressive leaders, infiltrate, destabilize and destroy revolutionary organizations, and suppress mass uprisings. They have blockaded Cuba and Venezuela, and murdered protesters in Uganda, Haiti, and Nigeria. They put knees on our necks and shoot us down in the streets of urban areas around the world.

IPIC employs sophisticated surveillance technologies, dirty tricks, invasion, mass murder, political assassination, extra-judicial police killings, mass incarceration, lies, bribery, mass kidnapping, disinformation campaigns, environmental terrorism, chemical warfare, drones, smart bombs, tactical teams, raw brutality, and plunder. Anywhere on the planet Earth where African people stand up courageously to fight for our freedom, we will be met with the coordinated force of IPIC.



Spooks and Grunts and Pigs! Oh My! (cont’d. from p. 17 )

Corporate Criminals Resources, once controlled by grunts, are not handed over to governments that the spies and grunts work for. Instead, they are delivered to international corporations and financial institutions that control the world’s resources. They sell everything on Wall Street. They want everything, everywhere to be owned and controlled by the Gangster Banks, corporations, and international financial agencies Everything, from Baltimore’s dilapidated housing stock to South Africa’s gold and diamond mines, Nigerian Oil fields, Costa Rican mango farms, South American rainforests and Congolese coltan mines are all owned and/or controlled by the transnational corporations, banks, and financial institutions. All of this to accumulate wealth for the capitalist ruling elite, which represents 1/10th of 1% of the world’s population.

Control of a nation’s resources can sometimes be secured through diplomatic or economic means. Bribery, aid, trade agreements, arms sales, contracts, and diplomatic pressure are the not-so-subtle means used to coerce governments to comply with capitalist/imperialist pressures and demands. When these means fail, military force is considered.

A Coordinated Mission The spooks come first. They identify, collect, and analyze data, collect assets, define targets, and coordinate missions. The grunts carry these missions out.

These operations are very expensive and siphon away resources that could be used to address critical needs of people in need. In 2020-2021 the U.S. government alone spent 706 billion dollars on the military (grunts). This is more than half of the government’s annual discretionary spending. U.S. state and local governments annually spend over 115 billion dollars (about $350 per person in the U.S.) on police (pigs) and prisons. An additional secret budget of billions of dollars is set aside each year for the domestic and international intelligence services.

Countries that resist surrender of their resources are subject to sanctions, blockades, espionage, and regime change. Leaders who resist are often assassinated (Gadhafi, Sankara, Lumumba, Malcolm X are examples). The spooks lay the groundwork for invasions, coup d’états, drone strikes, mercenary conflicts, genocide, famine, sabotage, terrorism, and war. Soldiers and police fight wars directed by spies. Grunts and pigs fight under the direction of spooks!

Who are the Spooks? Numerous intelligence agencies or departments serve the interests of imperialism. They include, among others: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Department of Military Intelligence, and Homeland Security. Israeli Intelligence includes Mossad, Aman (military intelligence) and Shin Bet (internal security). In Britain there is MI5, MI6, Secret Intelligence Services (SIS), Defense Intelligence (DI) and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), and in France there is the General Directorate for External Security (DGSE), General Directorate for Internal Security (DGIS) and the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DRM). These are just a few of the spy agencies and departments of capitalist states set up to defend capitalist interests around the world and to ensure the continuation of the capitalist/imperialist enterprise. The intelligence community is the head of the imperialist snake.

Each of these capitalist/imperialist states has both an internal and external intelligence service. The internal agency combats dissent within by repressing progressive and revolutionary organizations and suppressing active opposition to the capitalist system.

The external intelligence agencies work to maintain control of the world’s economy by establishing monopoly control of natural resources, markets, and labor power. They protect corporate wealth and the capitalist elite.

The external intelligence services of all capitalist states are in cahoots and operate in conjunction with international institutions like the United Nations, financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and Wall Street, and regional institutions like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the African Union (AU).

The intelligence agencies of different capitalist countries are intimately connected by a common elitist ideology. They are led by The United States and Israel. Britain and France are two of many willing junior partners. The CIA, MI5 and Mossad are financed by nation states, but always they serve monopoly capital, the global master. Money rules, profit dictates and cash is king! In the end spies, soldiers, and cops work for the banks, and the owners of capital.



Spooks and Grunts and Pigs! Oh My! (cont’d. from p. 18 )

Pigs Wallow in Capitalist Filth National, state, and local police forces protect business interests, private property and maintain control of populations through extra-judicial killings, mass incarceration, crowd control and other anti-insurgency methods, harassment, and violence. Communities around the world are occupied by police forces loyal to capital. Many of these police forces, patrolling the streets of the world’s cities are trained by the Zionists, using methods perfected in the occupation of Palestinian land and the suppression of Palestinian people. Lagos, Port of Spain, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Monrovia, and Port of Prince are policed by officers trained by Zionists, they are not alone.

We have found the enemy, and it is IPIC Spooks, grunts and pigs (IPIC) are the Enemies of African people and all humanity! The A-APRP understands that, to defeat capitalism and imperialism (to be free, united, and socialist) we must defeat IPIC. We long ago called for a coalition to Smash IPIC, especially the FBI and CIA. Our struggle is for the organization and political education of the people and against capitalism and its Industrial Police-Military Intelligence Complex. Failure to identify these enemies and unite in a fight against them can only result in continued exploitation and oppression of African people and the defeat of our movement to change the world for future generations.

LocalPolice StatePolice Federal:e.g.FBI



African Delegation in Venezuela During Recent December 2020 Assembly Elections

“We can’t ignore the fact that the same imperialist forces which exploit and subvert our independent states and which oppress our people in the remaining colonial enclaves in Africa, are the same forces which breed armed conflicts, civil strife and economic impoverishment on other continents.” Kwame Nkrumah

World-Wide Pan-African Unity Holds the Key to the Defeat of Imperialism

Wherever Africans live, they suffer. Wherever Africans live, the cause of their suffering and oppression is the same. Africans throughout the world must therefore unite in struggle, not only with Africans everywhere, but also with all oppressed peoples whose suffering is caused by a shared enemy.

Who or what is this enemy that causes so much pain for so many? It is a process of empire-building whereby capitalists extend their reach beyond their own national borders and dominate, steal and otherwise exploit the natural resources and labor of others. This is commonly referred to as “imperialism” and the culprits that drive it include, among others, the United States, the United Kingdom, so-called Israel, France, the European Union, together with feudal partners in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and all their neo-colonial junior partners that cooperate with imperialism in Africa, the Americas and Asia.

Imperialism dominates oppressed regions with an iron hand. It coordinates military force with NATO, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), and SOUTHCOM in Latin America and the Caribbean. These forces work with Zionist Israel to dominate the military training and security agencies of neo-colonial countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America. They strategically control drone bases, airstrips, and staging areas while maintaining military personnel throughout these areas under the guise of counterterrorism. Yet it is these forces that have inflicted terror by dropping 40,000 tons of bombs in Libya alone, and with drone strikes in Sudan and Somalia. There have been countless invasions of Cuba, Haiti, Grenada, Panama, and numerous assassinations and coups targeting a series of African heroes from Patrice Lumumba to Muammar Gadhafi.




World-Wide Pan-African Unity Holds the Key to the Defeat of Imperialism (cont’d from p. 20 )

Imperialism does not rely only on military force. U.S. Presidents Obama, Trump, and Biden have all used blockades and economic sanctions. The U.S. and E.U. have sanctions on 39 countries across the globe. They have nine in Africa alone against Sudan, Burundi, Congo, Mali, Libya, Zimbabwe, Somalia, South Sudan and the Central African Republic. Sanctions kill by causing the devaluation of currency, and an inability to get access to medicines, food, fuel and other much needed necessities for the prevention of death, disability and starvation.

The challenge may be daunting, but imperialism can be defeated with unity. Current efforts to establish unity have been underway for decades. The Transcontinental Conference of 1966 assembled anti-colonial forces from Africa, Asia and Latin America. In more recent years, global resistance to imperialism has been evident in the continuing development of relationships among the former colonized countries of the world, particularly in meetings between Africa and Venezuela that were initiated by Hugo Chavez, as well as the bi-annual Africa - Cuba Summits.

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) includes Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Venezuela and the African Descendants Movement. It is organizing African, indigenous, and working-class peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Finally, the recent elections in Venezuela and Bolivia have strengthened anti-imperialism not only in the Americas, but also around the globe. The superiority of this socialist unity against capitalist imperialism is evident in the fight against Covid 19. In the leading imperialist nations, there are Covid-related deaths in the hundreds of thousands. Not only have socialist countries like China and Cuba had substantially fewer deaths, but they have also provided aid to other countries in the fight against Covid 19.

The call for Pan-African unity is an African-specific response to imperialism, and it is clear about not only what it is against but also about what it is for – the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism. Pan-Africanism calls for anti-imperialism, the right to self-determination of oppressed nations, socialist economics and humanism, environmental justice, and the end of all exploitation of humans by nation, class, and gender etc. Pan-Africanism stands for: the rights of those who labor, the reclamation of land and resources from settler and foreign control, people’s participatory democracy based on collective ownership and equitable use of national resources.

World-wide Pan-African Unity can be achieved with world-wide revolutionary organization. Kwame Nkrumah’s Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare makes the case for the organization of Pan-African revolutionary forces in Africa and around the globe. He was clear about the need for an All-African People’s Committee for Political Coordination (A-APCP) that can bring together Pan-African Parties in power and other parties still struggling for liberation. This A-ACPC is still needed to take World-Wide Pan-African Unity to the next level. The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party is working hard to make Nkrumah’s vision a reality. We invite you to join us in this struggle that is so vital to the liberation of Africans everywhere.

Divided by Colonial Borders, United by History and Culture-Africa Must Unite!



World-Wide Pan-African Unity will Lead

to the Liberation of the Sahrawi

Forty-five years ago, the people of Western Sahara in northern Africa declared their independence, notwithstanding claims to the region by Morocco. The people’s struggle for their right to be recognized globally as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic has, over many decades, faced numerous challenges.

The Sahrawi march toward self-determination did not begin with the Moroccan aggression. As far back as 1957, the Sahrawi people fought to expel Spanish colonizers from Western Sahara. In 1972, U.N. Resolution 2983 affirmed the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination. Nevertheless, Spain ceded its colonial occupation of Western Sahara to Morocco and Mauritania in 1976.

The United States and Saudi Arabia played a role in the 1975 “Green March” where Morocco’s military led a 350,000 Moroccan settler invasion force that carried Moroccan, U.S. and Saudi flags in a colonial assault on Western Sahara and the Sahrawi people. Morocco brutally and mercilessly drove more than 40,000 Sahrawi people to the interior where the Moroccan Air Force bombed them with napalm and phosphorus. But the Sahrawi resistance stood firm and forced Mauritania to pull out in 1979.

From 1976 until 1991 the Sahrawi’s “Polisario Front” guerilla force fought against great odds to push back the Moroccan military. This led to a U.N.-brokered ceasefire in 1991 and a call for a referendum vote by the people of Sahrawi in 1992. Unfortunately, the referendum was never conducted, and the 29-year-old ceasefire between the Sahrawi Republic and Morocco was severely threatened on November 13, 2020 when the U.S.-trained and supplied Moroccan military moved in to crush Sahrawi protesters at the border crossing in Western Sahara’s “demilitarized zone,” a highway that connects Morocco to Mauritania, built in violation of international law.




This Moroccan military provocation was followed by diplomatic provocation by the United States. Efforts were made to declare Western Sahara as Moroccan territory in exchange for Morocco’s restoration of full ties with Zionist Israel. This unholy alliance between Morocco, the United States and Zionist Israel is not new. The United States has supported Morocco since the Cold War, and now trains Moroccan officers in the U.S. and the Moroccan military forces in Morocco.

Morocco signed a new 10-year military pact with the U.S. and spent 10 billion dollars on U.S. weapons. The U.S. recognition of Moroccan colonial claims to Western Sahara is not only an attempt to legitimize the crimes of Israel, but it is also an attempt to hide the United States’ and the European Union’s participation in Morocco’s theft of the Sahrawi people’s oil, fish, phosphates and other resources.

Zionist Israel has a long covert relationship with Morocco. The Mossad (Israel’s intelligence agency) helped assassinate Morocco’s famed opposition leader and African internationalist Mehdi Ben Barka. The Moroccan government also used many of Israel’s tactics during the Green March invasion. Morocco waged a war of terror against Sahrawi men, women and children, and built illegal settlements in territory invaded and occupied in 1975. Like the Palestinian population in occupied Israel large numbers of Sahrawi were driven out. An estimated 200,000 live in refugee camps in Algeria. Morocco built a wall littered with Moroccan landmines called the “Berm” to separate Moroccan settlers from the Sahrawi people. The Sahrawi occupy only 20 percent of their land in Western Sahara and have been reduced to a third of the population.

Ultimately, it is African unity that will ensure the victory of the Sahrawi. To date, such unity has eluded this struggle. When the Organization of African Unity (OAU) gave its support to the Sahrawi in 1964, Morocco left the OAU in protest. Although support provided by Algeria and Libya was a critical factor leading to the ceasefire in 1991, after 29 years there has been very little progress. Since 1991 United Nations peacekeepers have stood by and allowed the Moroccan government to expand its settler population to 500,000, while also allowing the continued rape of the Western Sahara of its mineral and agricultural wealth. The U.N. Security Council members have taken very little action.

World-Wide Pan-African Unity will Lead to the Liberation of the Sahrawi

(cont’d from p. 22 )

The African Union (successor to the OAU) allowed Morocco to return to the African Union without any resolution of the Western Sahara issue. President Brahim Gali has expressed his frustration with the U.N. and reserved Polisario’s right to resume armed struggle. The world-wide Pan-African movement must stand with the Sahrawi people in Western Sahara (Africa’s last colony) and support the call for an immediate solution to occupation by whatever means they deem necessary. The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party stands committed to the struggle of the Sahrawi people.

Aziza Brahim: The Sahrawi songbird beats the drums for freedom

-An artist, raised in refugee camps and received scholarships to attend school in Cuba, who uses her

music to spread the word about the plight of her people and their Saharawi homeland-

Brahim Ghali, the elected president of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, was chosen as the recipient of the 2020 Kwame Ture Black Star of Labor Award.



Lizzy Majadibodu Lizzy Majadibodu is a founding member of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC). From Mohlakeng on the West Rand of Johannesburg, she later resided in Kagiso. She trained in Lesotho in the 1960s, and became an operative for Poqo (the PAC’s military wing) in the Randfontein, Bekkersdal and Munsieville area. Ms. Majadibodu--a dedicated Pan Africanist.


Kwame Ture Black Star of Labor Award

The All-African People’s Revolutionary (A-APRP) Legacy Award is given to our organizers who have given a lifetime in service to building the AAPRP and global Pan-African

struggles. We thank them for past and continued selfless work and sacrifice. They are the true cadre who inspire us and generations to come.

• Revolutionary, Educator, Historian, Master Storyteller, Wife, Mother, Daughter and Sister!

Maisha Washington was among the earliest members of the All-African People's Revolutionary Party in the US. She was also the first elected Coordinator of the newly founded All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union and served on the Central Committee. Despite illness, she was busy hosting the 2020 Africa Liberation Day International Symposium and continued to work in the Maryland area, with sisters in Liberia, with the local Elders, until she joined the ancestors in October 2020.

• Olu Awoonor-Gordon-- comrade, brother, friend, father, husband, warrior, revolutionary, teacher, PANAFU organizer, intrepid journalist, A-APRP cadre and Central Committee member, Great son of Africa, and so much more. Born in Nigeria, Olu lived in several locations over the years, but his love for Sierra Leone was so strong after the nation’s civil war he moved home to publish his dynamic newspaper peep in his fight against neo-colonialism. In April 2011 he too joined the ancestors but leaves us with a wealth of inspiration.

The A-APRP Legacy Award



Miriam Miranda Miriam Miranda is a land rights activist from Honduras. As a member of the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras she has fought the tourist industry’s efforts to steal land that belongs to her people, the Garifuna. The Garifuna are indigenous and African, and they have been heavily impacted by the drug trade and environmental crimes. In fighting both, Miranda has been repeatedly arrested and beaten by fascist Honduran police agencies. In 2014, she was kidnapped by a drug cartel as part of a failed attempt to frustrate her work and that of her organization. She has received numerous human rights awards for her work.

Mildred Trouillot Aristide Mildred Trouillot Aristide, who was born and raised in the Bronx, NY. After working for five years as a commercial transactions attorney, she moved to Washington D.C. in 1992 to join the legal team representing Jean-Bertrand Aristide, then exiled president of Haiti. She drafted his speeches, represented the Haitian government at high-level meetings and coordinated press. In 1994, she moved to Haiti where she continued to work on behalf of the Haitian government. She and President Aristide married in 1996 and have two daughters. Ms. Aristide’s work for Haiti included: presiding over the national AIDS/TB commission; authoring Child Domestic Service in Haiti and Its Historical Underpinnings; and she was an advocate for girls’ education.

After the February 2004 coup d’état, and while the Aristides were in exile in South Africa, Ms. Aristide and her husband were appointed research fellows at the University of South Africa. Ms. Aristide also joined the Centre for African Renaissance, becoming a founding editor of its academic journal. The Aristides returned to Haiti in March 2011, where they set out to reopen the university they founded in 2002. Ms. Aristide is an active member of the Council of Administration, and she provides continuing service to the university. Charo Mina-Rojas Charo Mina-Rojas is an Afro-Colombian human rights defender with more than two decades of experience in activism at the national and international levels. Ms. Mina-Rojas is the National Coordinator of Advocacy and Outreach for the Black Communities’ Process (Proceso de Comunidades Negras- PCN) and a member of the Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network. She was extensively involved in the Havana peace process, serving on the Gender Committee of the Ethnic Commission, thus Ms. Mina-Rojas was instrumental in guaranteeing that Afro-Colombian and indigenous women’s rights were included in the final agreement. Ms. Mina-Rojas has worked for many years to educate grassroots communities of African descent about Law 70 of 1993, which recognizes their cultural, territorial, and political rights. Ms. Mina-Rojas’ organization successfully advocated for enactment of this law as well as the development of the Observatory of Racial Discrimination in Colombia, and the collection and maintenance of specific statistics about people of African descent in the 2005 Census. Ms. Mina-Rojas raises awareness about gross human rights violations against women of African descent at national and international levels, calls for accountability and provides protection for African descended women


Mawina Kouyate Daughters of Africa Award



--Africa Needs Unity Now –

Time is running out, It’s a choice between life and death


Written by Comrade Mafa Kwanisai Mafa - founder and Chairman of the Zimbabwe Movement of Pan African Socialists which is affiliated to the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party through the Worldwide Pan-African Movement (WWPAM), Provincial Chairman of Zimbabwe Cuba Friendship Association, Chairman of the Chimurenga Vanguard, District Secretary of Administration of ZANU PF. [email protected] and whatsapp +263777334750

As we commemorate African Liberation Day on 25 May, it is a stark reminder to Africa that instead of celebrating the day, it is a day of mourning as Africa is still a far cry from being liberated. Africa is bleeding from neo colonialism, endless wars and grinding poverty. Africa has become the Fanonian “wretched of the earth”. The economic system of capitalism is deeply entrenched and it is perpetuating oppression and exploitation of the motherland.

The biggest question is why Africans are so poor when Africa is rich in world’s strategic minerals? Africa can reverse this situation by uniting. African unity has been elusive since the formation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU).

At the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), on 24 May 1963, President Nkrumah appealed, cajoled and did everything in perhaps his greatest speech ever to convince his comrades to create a strong continental union. Sadly they decided otherwise. Part of his speech read, “On this continent, it has not taken us long to discover that the struggle against colonialism does not end with the attainment of national independence. Independence is only the prelude to a new and more involved struggle for the right to conduct our own economic and social affairs, to construct our society according to our aspirations, unhampered by crushing and humiliating neo-colonialist control and interference.“ He went on to say that, “…the unity of our continent, no less than our separate independence, will be delayed if indeed we do not lose it, by hobnobbing with colonialism. Africa unity is above all, a political kingdom which can only be gained by political means. The social and economic development of Africa will come only within the political kingdom, not the other way round.“ He implored the leaders that we must unite now or perish. We must work to ensure that his words were not in vain.

According to an online newsletter, The Conservation (, it is reported that “currently, the US has 7000 military personnel on rotational deployments in Africa. These troops carry out joint operations with African forces against extremists or jihadists. They are hosted in military outposts across the continent including Uganda, South Sudan, Somalia, Niger, Gabon, Cameroon, Burkina Faso and the DRC.” “In addition, 2000 American soldiers are involved in training missions in 40 African countries. America Special Forces operate across east Africa so called forward operations locations in Kenya and Somalia.”

In Africa we still have colonial military outposts in Western Sahara, the Comoros and Diego Garcia. This shows that the task of Pan African liberation is far from complete. The biggest threat to African unity now is the US Africa Command or AFRICOM, which many Africans see as another attempt to recolonise Africa. Netfa Freeman, a member of the Black Alliance for Peace Coordinating Committee, concurs to this view when he posited that, “Today, US bases as well as military to military relations between 53 out of the 54 African countries and the United States characterise



the aggressive strategy of the US to preserve the interests of the Pan European, white supremacist colonial/capitalist project on the African continent. Africans must wake up and rise up against the militarisation of Africa by the US, colonial state.” We must forge a powerful Pan African resistance with support from anti-imperialists everywhere.

Zimbabwe has suffered for two decades without any practical support from any African nation. There is no African unity, the support is only rhetoric. It was only recently when SADC declared a date for member states to march against sanctions in Zimbabwe. Sadly most of our Pan African comrades and friends are buying into foreign media propaganda. They now believe that the issue of sanctions is an overplayed CD and it only targets the ruling elite. That’s why it is important that as Pan Africanists we must have our own media outlets that tell our own stories. The global reactionary cooperate media is misleading people on the Zimbabwe question. South African media which is mainly controlled by Europeans is on a crusade to demonise and vilify Zimbabwe, this happens because such critical institutions and means of production are still under agents of Apartheid. Up to this day, notwithstanding the reformist agenda post-Mugabe, Zimbabwe is still subjected to a barrage of disinformation, propaganda and isolation. Zimbabwe is enacting the new Patriotic Act to punish those who collude and connive with foreign hostile governments to destabilise, destroy and tarnish our national image.

The US foreign policy has not moved an inch, as they continue to renew their sanctions on Zimbabwe every year. Zimbabwe has tried to make some concessions to appease western imperialism but nothing has changed. Western imperialism is not relenting in its efforts to subvert the constitutionally elected government of Zimbabwe. Most Africans fail to realise that the sanctions are meant to collectively punish the 16 million Zimbabweans for upsetting white economic interests. If sanctions succeed in Zimbabwe, it will be a heavy blow to African liberation in as far as land expropriation is concerned; and without land, Africans will continue to wallow in poverty. The Zimbabwe land revolution inspired most people in the underdeveloped countries and demands for land repatriation got amplified in South Africa and Namibia. This torch which Zimbabwe ignited is slowly but surely being extinguished. That’s why African unity call and action must be an urgent priority before we perish. South Africa and other SADC nations (capitalists) are actually benefiting from sanctions on Zimbabwe because they under pay cheap migrant labourers , they subject them to precarious labour conditions, and Zimbabwe is forced to import most of its foodstuffs from these countries because most multinational corporations migrated to other Southern African countries.

White capital monopoly in South Africa deliberately misleads South Africans that “foreigners “are taking their jobs and fan afro-phobia where Africans turn against each other maiming and killing one another. South Africa is sadly becoming Africa’s problem child; it is South Africa which voted for the invasion of Libya leading to the murder of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. South Africa’s hostile imperialist dominated media was awash with news that Zimbabwe has become a hotspot in Africa for COVID – 19, yet Zimbabwe even up to this day has the lowest statistics compared to its regional counterparts. Zimbabwe was the first country to undertake a voluntary vaccination programme using vaccines from China, India and Russia. Zimbabwe will also be one of the first countries which will receive vaccines from the revolutionary socialist country of Cuba. It seems that South Africa is being used as a front to delay African liberation. Maybe that is the reason why it does not have 25 May as a public holiday for African Liberation Day. The white community is even arrogant to the levels of burning police cars with impunity, white South Africans are untouchables but when black South Africans do their picketing they are brutally dealt with by the police. The Marikana shootings is but one example where brute force was unleashed on innocent workers to protect white capital monopoly interests. South Africa needs to decolonise the instruments of state from agents of apartheid.

There are many factors that deter African unity and lead to the lack of support from other African countries for Zimbabwe in its fight against sanctions. Most African countries are propped up by neo-colonial forces, which mean that that he who pays the piper calls the tune. Most African economies are indebted to the World Bank and IMF, which is why the most pliant countries benefit from debt forgiveness while others do not. Zimbabwe had not been getting financial support from World Bank and IMF for the past two decades. These financial institutions play a carrot and stick tactic to African governments. This is why it is important that Africa must fund its development through its own resources and create its own strong and robust financial institutions. Zimbabwe must start to focus on building internal capacity and its leaders should look at cross investment with friendly countries to build its economy and production base.

Only when Africa unites as one political entity, will it be able compete economically with the advanced industrialised countries of the world. Without genuine African unity, our continent will remain at the mercy of imperialist domination and exploitation.







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