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MAIN TASK PRODUCTION LOG My Role as Editor: After Effects

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CREATING BLOODLINE: THE TEASER TRAILER Once, we had finished filming and started the construction of

our teaser trailer, me and my production team took it in turns assembling and editing our teaser trailer with the main role of editor being split between us. I was assigned:

Role C) : Modifying edited sequences in negotiation with the director/ producer

Role D) Dubbing additional sound effects, music or voice over as appropriate which I will be sharing with Solyanna and Terri.

And Role E) : Creating titles and credits for the finished project This PowerPoint will be focussing on Role E and my task in

creating titles and credits for the finished project.

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Adobe After Effects: is a digital motion graphics and composting software published by Adobe systems, used in the post production process of film making and television production . I will be using After Effects to create motion graphics such as my taglines and captions. I have decided to use this program because looking back at my initial target research, I found that my audience responded more positively to title graphics that moved, thus I have decided to incorporate this feedback into my own media product.

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WHY WE DECIDED TO USE AFTER EFFECTS Once we had finished our trailer, we had decided to

change the taglines so that they were moving images. Looking back at our research real media texts such as Takers and, we saw that this was a typical convention of the action genre. This is one of the ways, real media text influence our own media texts. We also wanted to use After Effects after previewing our initial storyboards and rough cuts, we gained feedback from our target audience saying that by using after effects it would keep them engaged in the trailer as they did not feel enticed to watch the whole of the trailer, they felt the whole thing was stagnant due to the contrast of the moving images and taglines, thus me and my group made the decision to change our taglines to a quick time movie by using Adobe After Effects, in the hope of encouraging our audience to pay attention to the narrative.

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1. The first step was to create a new composition with a black background, I did this by using the bucket tool and making sure the eyedropper tool was on background instead of foreground. I did this because I wanted to provide a contrast to the moving images in our trailer, that way it would provide a change of scenery for our audience and ensure their focus as they would have to read the taglines to follow the films narrative. I then created a layer to add the taglines as text. By creating a new layer it will be easier to move and edit the text.

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MY ROLE AS A EDITOR: USING AFTER EFFECTS 2. Next, I added the taglines by

typing them in as a layer. Looking back to our initial designs we decided that we was going to use Myriad Pro with a white swatch as a font, its easy ,simple and clear to read due to the contrast of the white, bold letters against the black background. It also creates a sense a sense of branding between our main products and ancillary task as we will be using the same font and colour scheme. We also decided to increase the spacing between each letter so that the tagline was easily readable from afar and also occupied more floor space as it holds significance. I did this by adding 2 spaces between each letter when typing the tagline. Once I typed in the tagline I moved it to the middle and repeated the steps 1- 2 again for all of taglines.

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3. The next stage was to add effects. Effects were crucial as from our research into real texts, I noticed this was a key convention of action genres and it was also a good way drawing the audience to read the taglines, prompting them to be more active. For the effects, I clicked on animation presets which was underneath the effect toolbar. Then, I got a range of effects and animations, clicking on the text section. From our previous designs we had decided as a group to choose blur by word and bullet train as we thought these were the best effects that suited our taglines and narrative. Our target audience responded to these effects well and were eager to read as they found it simple to read due to the word by word effect.

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MY ROLE AS A EDITOR: USING AFTER EFFECTS 4. Next, I had to edit the pace and

speed of the animation so that it was at a end point of 92%, which focused on the speed, making it short, concise and under ten seconds as a trailer is not meant to give much of the narrative away and also because we had limited seconds for each tagline. I then changed the offset to 100% which had an impact on the pace, making it effortless to read the text for the viewer. I did this because we want the audience to engage in the narrative but also feel laidback and engrossed in the action, as the taglines only play a small element in the trailer. I then played it on the monitor, playing close attention to the amount of seconds each tagline used.

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5. I then had to add it to the render queue so that the image would be easily exported in Adobe Premiere as a moving sequence. I did this by clicking on the composition toolbar and selected add to render queue, then at the bottom of the screen a small window popped up titled “Render Queue” which had automatically put the tagline into the queue and then I clicked render which produced me a movie file based on the settings below which we chose earlier. Clicking on the settings, choosing the output module of “ Lossless” which was the default AVI format originally used in the programme. Then a window appeared, in order for the trailer to gain a professional appearance I chose the format mode of a QuickTime movie, so that the sequence blended in with the trailer and flowed in terms of continuity with the trailer as I didn’t want it to be stagnant like an animation or sequence. I then clicked to done to output the movie.

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6. My output module has now changed to based on ‘ Lossless’ this is because it has renamed the movie into a QuickTime movie format extension making the taglines into a movie sequence. This will help change our audience’s initial opinions of our trailer being stagnant and will improve our trailer’s continuity and cohesion which is imperative for the audience to follow the trailer’s narrative. Repeating steps 2 – 6 for each tagline, I finally reached the next step which was to output the sequence to our project folder “Bloodline” so that it would appear on Adobe Premiere and it could be easily imported onto the project file.

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Spacing between letters

White and black colour scheme

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