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Aggravating -

Appalled -

(Adj.) to annoy or exasperate

(Adj.) struck with fear

Squidward finds Spongebob and Patrick aggravating because of their constant immaturity.

Americans were appalled, immediately taking many precautions, when they heard the news reports that our country had been attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001

Anne Frank Vocabulary

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Belfry - (N.) the part of the tower that holds the bell

Apprehension - (N.) anxiety that something bad will happen

The Jews were filled with apprehension when the Nazis shoved them into packed, unsanitary cattle cars to make the long journey to the concentration camps.

Quasimodo ran to the church's belfry to sound the bells and announce the start of a celebration.

Anne Frank Vocabulary

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Fatalist - (N.) One who believes that all events are determined by fate

Carillon - (N.) A set of stationary bells, each producing one note of the scale

One of the bells on the carillon cracked, causing the beautiful song to sound out of tune when the broken bell was struck.

The fatalist believed that there was nothing he could have done to prevent his car accident, even though he was driving recklessly.

Anne Frank Vocabulary

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Inarticulate -

(Adj.) Noticeable

(Adj.) Speechless or unable to express oneself.

The conspicuous man wore a horse head and repeatedly ran behind the live newscast of Hurricane Sandy.

People become inarticulate, often stumbling over their words, when reporters ask them to respond to a devastating event.

Anne Frank Vocabulary

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Indifference - (N.) Lack of care or concern

Indignant - (Adj.) Filled with anger over some meanness or injustice

The indifference shown by the student was really his way of hiding his apprehension about showing his parents the failing grade.

The indignant protesters shouted at the lawyers who won the case for the murderer because of a legal loop hole.

Anne Frank Vocabulary I can’t tell them.

They will take


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Loathe - (V.) to dislike greatly

Leisure - (N.) free and unoccupied time

People believe that celebrities enjoy a life of leisure; however, most celebrities spend a lot of their time working.

Americans loathe the Taliban because of their attack on America on September 11, 2001.

Anne Frank Vocabulary

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Ineffectually -

Intuition -

(Adj.) without producing the desired effect

(N.) ability to know immediately without reason

Daffy tried to warn Wile E. Coyote that there was a cliff ahead, ineffectually waving his arms and shouting at him, but Wile E. was too focused on the Road Runner and plummeted into the valley.

The mother’s intuition made her feel like something was wrong with her daughter, so she called the daycare to check up on her and they relayed that she had just fell off the swing and scrapped her knee.

Anne Frank Vocabulary

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Meticulous - (Adj.) extremely careful about details

Mercurial - (Adj.) quick or changeable in behaviorWhen people are under a lot of stress, they often suffer from mercurial mood swings that cause others around them to choose their words wisely.

The meticulous CSI investigators always attend to every detail of a crime scene in order to help solve the case.

Anne Frank Vocabulary

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Pandemonium -

(Adv.) in a showy way

(N.) a scene of wild disorder

Pandemonium spread throughout Philadelphia as fans flooded the streets and celebrated when the Phillies won the World Series in 2008.

The conspicuous Lady Gaga ostentatiously wears outrageous outfits to gain the media’s attention.

Anne Frank Vocabulary

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Sarcastic - (Adj.) speaking with sharp mockery intended to hurt another

Stealthily - (Adv.) in a secretive or sneaky way

Hermione cried on Harry’s shoulder after Draco’s sarcastic remark about her being nothing more than a dirty mud blood.

The Grinch moved stealthily throughout Whoville, being sure not to wake any of the Whos, as he stole all of their holiday decorations and presents.

Anne Frank Vocabulary

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