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IndexWelcome -Phil says thanks for finding the time

The 1st Line of immunity -our lead story from Mr. Stead Herbal remedy from Thailand = HRT -Dr. Gordon explains all BEC5® the skin cancer cure -Dr. Bill Cham’s incredible research Questions & Answers -Dr Ward Dean answers

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Welcome to 2013!

Firstly, because of the time of the year, with so many infections prevalent, I thought it was important to ask the inventor of 1st Line™ why he created this remarkable natural anti-biotic and anti-viral. If you read Richard Stead’s interview, you’ll begin to understand just how much of a breakthrough this bioidentical approach to immunity and controlling infections could be. It’s well worth having one of these kits in your First Aid cabinet at the ready!

Plus, I’m delighted to have a detailed article from Dr. Bill Cham of Vanuatu; his incredible lifelong research has led to the discovery that a natural, cream related to Egg Plant is able to reverse all states of non-melanoma skin cancers. Just how many dermatologists know of these important facts?

And I’m sure many of you will know of Dr. Garry Gordon and his work, he is considered to be the father of chelation and is a world expert in detoxification. Here he informs us about a remarkable plant substance from Thailand that appears to have very significant implications for menopausal women.

Last, but not least, we have Dr. Ward Dean answering your questions; I’m sure this will become a popular section and we hope to make it a regular feature.

Phil Micans, MS, PharmBEditor, Aging Matters™ Magazine

Declaration: The IAS Aging Matters™ magazine focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies to help combat the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disor-ders such as cancer, arthritis and senile dementias etc. However, the main focus is upon the prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the ‘healthy-aging’ individual.

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The 1st Line of Immune Defence - an interview with Richard Stead

Phil: Richard, would you please be kind enough to tell us a little about your background and how you became involved in the creation of the OSCN/ 1st Line™ supplement?

Richard: I have a background in chemistry and in the last 20 years much of my work has been linked with the chemistry of nature and how to use it in the food industry. This led me to look at the removal of pathogens from uncooked foods, initially vegetables, such as lettuce, that are chopped and sold as ready to eat in supermarkets. The objective of the work was to replace chlorine as the means of killing the pathogens. The system worked wonderfully but proved to be more expensive than the chlorine technology, despite it being safer and with no dangerous by-products.

Phil: So what exactly is OSCN?

Richard: Nature designed the OSCN molecule to kill pathogens. As with everything in nature, the use of chemicals is for specific tasks. OSCN is created upon demand in the bodies of all mammals. It is a powerful anti-pathogenic molecule and so is only created when and where needed, such as when the body is under attack from pathogens, be they bacteria, viruses or even fungal.

Phil: You’ve conducted a number of in-vitro studies with OSCN, how has it performed to date?

Richard: We have carried out a few in-vitro trials. We only needed to do a few because there have been many thousand trials carried out by academia against a wide range of pathogens: bacterial, viral and fungal. In 99% of them the OSCN has quickly destroyed the pathogen, or injured it such that it cannot multiply.

Phil: And in people, what kind of results have been seen by the health profession?

Richard: Numerous health professionals, Doctors, etc., have recognised the role of OSCN and prescribed the product for some seriously ill patients – often almost as a last resort when the antibiotics have proven to be ineffective.

Phil: I understand that OSCN has a very wide range of potential, from destroying various pathogens to even viruses; is its mechanism of action understood?

Richard: There are papers showing that OSCN links onto the sulphydryl group on the external cell wall of pathogens, bacteria and virus thereby disrupting the potassium/sodium

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exchange which leads to the demise of the pathogen. Work continues in this area.

Phil: If OSCN is so effective, how come our own natural production doesn’t clear up all of our own infections completely?

Richard: In our saliva and tears, for example, the OSCN is generated on demand to meet the threat of incoming pathogens on our food or fingers or in the air. These tend to be at relatively low levels and are easily overcome by the low level of OSCN that the saliva can generate. If larger colonies of pathogens are present, for example chicken with high levels of salmonella, then the OSCN generated by the saliva will not be adequate to overcome this higher level, and so we could develop stomach problems, such as food poisoning.

Phil: I think another question our readers may be asking themselves now, is that if OSCN is natural and so effective, how come no one has produced this supplement before?

Richard: The molecule is unstable and has a very short half-life, which is the time it takes for half of the product to breakdown. This makes it almost impossible to produce and bottle at a factory followed by time in the warehouse or in a retailer’s shop. My idea is to generate the OSCN at the point of use, when the half-life is not such a problem. Nature invented the molecule I only designed the method of delivery.

Phil: I see, most interesting, so how easy is it to make up a dose of OSCN?

Richard: It’s very easy indeed; it’s just a case of emptying each of the four ingredients into a glass of water and stirring each one in at a time. It is important to make sure that each ingredient is added in the specified order, but each one is clearly labelled, 1, 2, 3 and 4, so it shouldn’t pose problems for the patient or their carer. If anybody has a way of improving the design I would be very pleased to hear from them.

Phil: And how soon afterward should the completed product be drunk and what does it taste like?

Richard: We recommend downing it within 30-minutes or so, and as there is no smell or taste, it’s just like drinking water. For those people who have trouble drinking 500 millilitres then to drink it over 60 minutes will not be detrimental to the efficacy of the kit.

Phil: And what OSCN dose does each kit provide?

Richard: Each kit provides 25 mg of OSCN, which is equivilant to a healthy person’s production each day, so effectively you double your OSCN production with the kit. The WHO guidelines for OSCN/SCN show that even if you

were to take 10 kits in a single day you are still far from the danger levels of toxicity.

Phil: Have any side-effects be seen at those doses?

Richard: None have been reported to date.

Phil: A number of readers may be asking themselves; well we have antibiotics so why bother with an OSCN kit? Of course, I appreciate that antibiotics are not antivirals, but how do you answer that?

Richard: There are several reasons why OSCN could be better than an antibiotic:

1.OSCN is natural; it was designed by nature to destroy pathogens. It has been around for hundreds of generations of mammals and yes, animals as well as humans can benefit from OSCN and, if resistance was going to be developed by pathogens, I am sure they would have done so already.

2.Viruses: I know of no product that can destroy viruses in the body, except of course OSCN.

3.It must be remembered that antibiotics have served us very well for many years but we, as users, and the medical profession, as prescribers, have over -used them and resistance has been developed by a wide range of bacteria. Alexander Fleming, only a few years after he

developed penicillin - the first antibiotic- said we must use such treatments carefully and sparingly or resistance will develop and render these wonderful drugs useless. The medical profession ignored him, and continue to ignore the advice. I do have some sympathy with the medical profession in so far as they have nothing else to offer patients, until, that is, they adopt OSCN.

4. In order to overcome resistance, stronger and stronger antibiotics are being prescribed, often in combinations. The serious side-effects for patients are fast becoming a single cause of a large proportion of hospital admissions. It is not just hard-drug related problems that are included in statistics of drug related hospital admissions.

5. And let us not forget fungal infections and the lack of treatments in this area.

6. There is also a huge group of people that have infections as a side-effect to their main condition. MS and ME are typical conditions when the immune system does not cope well. The constant use of antibiotics leaves them with severe gut problems, probably resulting from changes and damage to their gut microbiota. Absorption of nutrients is inadequate just when they need better absorption to build their immune system. This is probably a group of people that could benefit from OSCN.

7. One last point, that may be fanciful, but worthy of

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consideration: if we stopped using antibiotics for one or two generations, then maybe resistant bacteria would have disappeared or mutated into non-resistant variants, and then we could reintroduce the old antibiotics and use them more wisely to prevent resistance. But I wonder if that would ever be considered!

Phil: Thank you, they are very important points. As Professor Paul Clayton stated in an article for the Aging Matters magazine No 1, 2012, there is a real danger of many antibiotics becoming redundant soon. So may I ask how do you dose OSCN?

Richard: Of course it depends on the nature of the infection and how prevalent it is. For example, a typical oncoming of flu could be offset with just one kit taken on day 1 of the person feeling ‘under the weather.’ If the effects are still being felt 24-hours later, than another kit can be used. This suffices in more than 90% of cases, but no more than one per day is all we recommend at present. For acute or chronic infections we suggest different protocols of treatment.

Phil: I find your development fascinating; obviously there are a myriad of implications for all kinds of disorders that have impaired immunity, from colds and flus, to Lyme’s and cancer etc. Naturally, as Dr Garry Gordon refers to them- we all suffer from ‘body burdens’, including of course the chemical soup that our environment has become, therefore I would suggest that OSCN can not only be used when a problem presents itself, but even as a general preventative, so that each of us can reduce our body burdens and allow our immune system to remain strong and not compromised. Would you agree?

Richard: Yes Phil, and indeed I take an OSCN kit myself every month, whether I feel the need to or not!

Just one last point to emphasise my belief in what I have designed: my own daughters and my grandsons have all taken the kits. These 4 people are the most precious things in my world and I would not risk anything for them.

Phil: Richard, thank you very much for taking the time today to talk with us about your work and the development of this important OSCN kit.

Richard: Thank you for the opportunity to let people know about this breakthrough.

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Herbal Remedy from Thailand equals HRT Redress the Estrogen Imbalance with Pueraria Mirifica

By Dr. Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H)

When estrogen production declines and menopause begins, many chemical and hormonal changes take place that affect body and mind in far-reaching ways.

As it’s such an important hormone in the body, a drop in the level of this powerful chemical messenger means women become prone to a raft of physical symptoms such as; night sweats, chronic fatigue, and vaginal dryness. There are also psychological problems to contend with; depression, lack of libido, mood swings and memory loss are just some of the symptoms that can be experienced.

With so many changes taking place with this new life-stage, there’s a definite need to tackle the symptoms and to counter the increased propensity to long-term conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease that happen as a result of menopause.

Fortunately, these negative developments can be avoided safely, effectively and naturally with the help of a truly remarkable plant extract.

Getting to the source of hormonal imbalance Produced by the ovaries, estrogen regulates the menstrual cycle, controls breast development and helps contribute to things like heart and bone health. When the cycle stops, estrogen is sourced in far-lesser quantities from body fat.

When these key signallers are no longer abundant, the body’s physiological orchestra becomes out of sync. Part of the reason


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there are symptoms associated with the menopause is that there are fluctuations in the amount of estrogens released into the body, but also a slow decrease in the production of hormones like estradiol, testosterone and progesterone.

As symptoms of this hormone imbalance manifest, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is needed to counter this seismic internal change. Unfortunately, the media’s portrayal of HRT’s potential side effects has been heavily sensationalised. Basing its findings on a truly fractional increase in instances of breast cancer – using synthetically derived bio-identical hormones - two such subjective studies previously influenced opinion.

It’s now confirmed that HRT for menopause is not only safe, but highly beneficial – cutting the risk of heart disease by up to 50%. When we put this into the context of heart disease being the leading killer of men and women, this is a huge boost to longevity.

What’s also been established is that when HRT is started near to when the menopause sets in, side-effects are neutralised. The tests that formed the distorted (and thankfully now rectified) view of initial tests were based on subjects that started treating symptoms of menopause over ten years after the first symptoms appeared.

A natural boost for fallen hormone levels The plant known as Thai Kudzu or more commonly as Pueraria Mirifica has been at the heart of nothing short of a revelation when it comes to countering the symptoms and long-term health risks associated with the menopause. Exclusively found growing in the mountainous areas of northern Thailand and parts of Burma, the compound-abundant plant, has been used for hundreds of years in food and medicinal treatments by the local populace. The plant was brought to my attention by respected physician and friend, Dr. Sandy Schwartz. Having spent 20 years experiencing first-hand how the people of northern Thailand use the extract in all sorts of nutritional and medicinal ways, his insights have encouraged worldwide studies into how and why the plant is so beneficial to health.

Uncoincidentally, World Health Organisation (WHO) figures showed that the lowest incidences of breast cancer, prostate conditions, osteoarthritis and Alzheimer’s disease are found in these very parts of the world.

In the context of menopause and the body’s drop in estrogen levels, the remarkable properties of the plant are due to the high concentrations of phytoestrogens. One such phytoestrogen uniquely contained in this particular plant is miroestrol.

Essentially working as an adaptogen (a natural hormone balancer), miroestrol functions just like estriol - one of only three estrogens found in the body. These three hormones comprise estradiol, estrone and estriol. It is when estriol is

used as a hormone replacement that the most side-effect-free results were delivered in tests. Therefore, it makes sense to use a supplement that focuses on the estriol hormone, if we are to get close to neutralising as many symptoms of the menopause as possible.

Natural protection for all-round health As the compounds found in pueraria mirifica – particularly miroestrol – work as an S.E.R.M Beta (a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator), highly beneficial effects occur. As a naturally derived S.E.R.M, not only do the plusses of use in

menopause include the elimination of symptoms like bone density loss (osteoporosis), hot flashes, vaginal dryness, memory loss and prevention of depression, but they actively decrease the risk of breast cancer and heart disease.

Its properties to prevent a cancerous growth in vitro – in lab tests – are well documented. These tests have been cited by many doctors to show that it protects against the development of cancer in body tissue and in particular, in breast tissue. The quantities of miroestrol (20 mg per 100 g) found in the HRT Plus® supplement in particular, contain precisely the right ratio of miroestrol to be of optimum effect. Even in a synthetically or equine-derived HRT treatment, the balance isn’t as accurate as this natural and safe alternative.

Other benefits reported by users include rejuvenation of skin and hair – most simply explained by the amount of miroestrol contained in the supplement. As this is a natural estrogen substitute, changes associated with menopause (and indeed aging) like hair-thinning, skin loosening, etc. are kept at bay for longer.

The best form of pueraria mirifica From its origins in Thailand, the power of pueraria mirifica has been harnessed and brought to worldwide benefit in the form of the supplement Puresterol, or as it’s also known - HRT Plus® – the Herbal Remedy from Thailand.

With an increasing need for an effective alternative to synthetic HRT, this remarkable plant’s unique compounds are refined and channelled in exactly the right ratio, (i.e. it contains 20 mg of miroestrol per 100 g). It is also supported with the additional methylation synergistic agents of vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), natural folate, vitamin B6 and biotin.

This combination contained in HRT Plus® means relief from the symptoms of menopause and freedom from the fear of long-term conditions associated with this important and inevitable life-change. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

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The skin cancer cure (the treatment of choice for non-melanoma skin cancers)

By Bill Cham, Ph.D.

Keratosis An overgrowth of the epidermis forms a scaly layer on the skin. The start of this lesion is usually a small patch of dilated capillaries several millimetres in diameter. Then a dry, rough, adherent yellow or dirty brown scale forms, which may bleed if picked off. It may eventually become thick and horny, with a sharp, clear division between the keratosis and normal skin. Solar keratoses occasionally regress if sun exposure is stopped before they become too established. Although non-malignant, they are potentially malignant and can develop into cancer.

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) A BCC is a malignant tumour that rarely spreads to distant sites (metastasises). It starts in the basal layer of cells, between the basement membrane and the subsequent layer of cells and grows upwards from these. It consists of immature cells and has an organized complex of supportive tissue around it. The primary cause of BCC is sunlight exposed onto sensitive skin. Contributory causes are radiation damage, exposure to arsenic, burn scars and vaccination marks. BCCs are the most common malignant skin tumours in humans; they do not spread by metastases, but they erode tissue, and if not treated may eventually kill. BCCs may appear in a variety of guises and on first appearance; they are commonly small, rounded lumps with a pearly edge, and a thin surface covering with a few superficial transparent blood vessels. BCCs may also appear as ulcers, or as bleeding or non-healing lesions. Occasionally they appear as flat diffuse crusting or scaling red lesions. BCC tumours usually grow slowly but in a relentless manner. They then ulcerate and the ulcer will follow the spreading tumour, causing further damage, (for this reason they are also known as rodent ulcers).

The laws of nature may be considered as; ‘the forces and processes that produce and control all the phenomena of the material world.’ The sun is a major force in nature and is essential for life on earth; unfortunately the sun also produces some unwanted side-effects for humans. It is fashionable to have a suntan and people feel that exposing their skin to the sun is a healthy, pleasant thing to do. However, the sun also has a ‘dark side’ in that, the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum produced by the sun as light, in particular U.V.-B (290-320nm), is responsible for producing long-term solar skin damage (keratosis) and skin cancers. In fact, skin cancers are the most common malignancy in humans. BEC5 Curaderm® is a topical cream preparation of a mixture of the glycoalkaloids solasodine glycosides (BEC). BECs are present in some solanaceous plants, including edible plants such as Solanum melongena, (otherwise known as eggplant or aubergine). Now, BEC is available to the public for the treatment of cutaneous solar keratosis, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). This communication gives us some insight how, on the one hand, nature through one of its major forces- sun light, is causing increasingly higher incidences of human skin cancers but, on the other hand, nature, also with the involvement of sunlight and plants has supplied the solution on how to eradicate these skin cancers. The etiologies of keratosis, BCC and SCC, their currently available treatments, and the particular attributes of Curaderm-BEC5 within these concepts of pathogenesis and therapeutics, are presented in this article. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) An SCC is a malignant tumour arising from the cells above the basal layer of the epidermis (prickle layer), usually after many years of exposure to sunlight. The cells in the prickle layer are maturing towards keratin formation and the cancer occurs when they accelerate in growth and breakthrough the basement membrane into the dermis. Although sunlight is the most common cause of SCC, any cancer-producing substance (carcinogen) may initiate its development. SCCs often arise from precancerous conditions such as solar keratoses. SCCs may also develop from skin ulcers, scar tissues, and x-ray damaged tissues, if this occurs then the chance of metastasis increases to approximately 20%. In addition, some 40% of transplant patients who are on immunosuppressive drugs develop SCCs within 5-years post-transplantation. This skin cancer is a serious problem and is potentially deadly. The first sign of an SCC is usually a thickening, with the lesion feeling firm, and the limits are not discrete. In the early stages there may be a crust that may later shed to show an ulcer. It may also form as a crack (fissure) or a small ulcer on the lip, which fails to heal and bleeds recurrently. The SCC may metastasise with an incidence of generally less than 5%.

The Old Established TreatmentsSurgery: There are various surgical techniques available to treat skin cancer in its various forms. Surgical excision of a tumour has the advantage that if done correctly, removes the affected area virtually completely. This treatment is extensive, requires anaesthesia and depending on the tumour, may require skin grafting with its accompanying cosmetic limitations. The risks of surgical intervention are well known and excision of BCCs or SCCs from the facial area often involves reconstructive surgery, which can be both time consuming and costly.

Radiotherapy: Radiotherapy, moreso prior to the 1950’s than now, has been used to treat most skin cancers. The disadvantage of this mode of treatment is the resulting scar tissue which may be depressed, depigmented and may also undergo degenerative and malignant changes at a later date.

Dermatological: Dermatological treatment consists of curettage and diathermy/ cauterisation, cryotherapy, chemosurgery and chemotherapy, and is generally used for superficial skin cancers. With curettage and diathermy, the tumour is scraped out and the bleeding stopped by cauterisation, (application of heat) by an electric current (diathermy). Cryotherapy, possibly the most widely used method, involves an intensely cold probe, cooled by liquid nitrogen, which is applied to the lesion. When the lesion thaws, there is pain in the treated area, followed by blister formation. Chemosurgery involves chemical fixation of the lesion and

the fixed tissue is shaved off in layers. Chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), which is an anti-metabolite and inhibits RNA and protein syntheses leading to cell death, is used to treat superficial lesions, but it is not specific for cancer cells. 5-FU is supplied as an ointment and requires considerable care in its application under medical supervision.

All of the above methods (surgery, radiotherapy and dermatogical) have their own individual limitations. However, the limitations common to all of these methods are:

• Formation of scar tissue• Lack of normal tissue regrowth• Limited access to the lesion if it is deep within the skin• A high rate of recurrence• Cosmetic end result

New Specific TreatmentsIt is now well established that specific glycoalkaloids from the Solanum family have anticancer properties. The specific glycoalkaloids consist of BEC, which is a standardised mixture of triglycosides, solasonine and solamargine and their corresponding di- and mono-glycosides (1-12). All the glycosides contain the same aglycone, (the alkaloid without a sugar molecule) - solasodine. Solasodine on its own does not have anticancer properties; however the mono-, di- and triglycosides do have anticancer properties. These glycosides contain a plant sugar rhamnose, which is not usually found in mammalian species. Specific endogenous lectins (EELS), which are specific receptors for the sugar part of the glycoalkaloids and are present in the plasma membranes of susceptible cancer cells but not normal cells recognize and bind the sugar rhamnose of the BEC glycoalkaloids. BEC subsequently enters the cancer cell and causes cell death by destroying the lysosome (6, 13-17). BEC has been shown to have antineoplastic activity in cell culture, animals and in humans (1, 3-12). Currently Phase II studies with BEC are being carried out on terminal internal tumours in man. With these studies BEC is being administered intravenously (18).

Precursor of BEC5 Curaderm®A cream formulation of BEC in concentrations of 10% was well tolerated in an open tolerance and dose-finding Phase I and II studies in healthy volunteers and in patients with actinic keratosis, BCC and SCC (3). Application of the cream in this study resulted in swelling of the BCC and SCC lesions, with erythema (reddening) of the surrounding skin, then ulceration in about 2 days, followed over the next weeks by healing with healthy new cell growth. The only reported adverse events were mild itching and burning sensations at the site of the lesions in a few patients. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

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BEC5 Curaderm®In another open study with 72 patients, their treatment with a cream formulation of BEC 0.005% called Curaderm-BEC5, resulted in the regression of all treated lesions (56 actinic keratoses, 39 BCCs and 29 SCCs), with 100% healed after 1 to 13 weeks of treatment (9). There were no lasting therapeutic effects in the 14 patients who received placebo. It is important to note that BEC5 Curaderm contained extremely low concentrations of BEC (0.005%). One tube of Curaderm containing 20g of cream formulation contained the equivalent of BEC as 5g of eggplant fruit (19). However, for BEC to be effective it must first be purified from its source by a specific process. Unlike other extracts used for therapeutic effects, in which the active ingredients have to be concentrated, with BEC5 Curaderm the active ingredients in the plant material have to be diluted to still obtain the anticancer effects. In other words, the active glycoalkaloid ingredients are extremely safe as BEC5 Curaderm contains less glycoalkaloid than the edible eggplant fruit! BEC5 Curaderm is applied at least twice daily to the skin and may be applied much more frequently if rapid regression of the tumour is required. Some patients apply the BEC5 Curaderm cream up to 10 times daily. The cosmetic results after using BEC5 Curaderm are very impressive and over 80,000 patients have now used BEC5 Curaderm successfully.

British clinical trials with BEC5 CuradermA double-blind, vehicle-controlled (placebo), randomised, parallel group study of 94 patients was carried out to assess the efficacy and safety of BEC5 Curaderm in the treatment of patients with BCC. This was a multi-centre Phase III study involving 10 centres in the United Kingdom. The centres were as follows: University of Wales College of Medicine, Leicester Royal Infirmary, The Royal London Hospital, St. Mary’s Hospital, St. Thomas’ Hospital, Royal Free Hospital, Singleton Hospital, Royal Liverpool Hospital, Derriford Hospital and the Hope Hospital. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the efficacy and safety of BEC5 Curaderm in the treatment of BCCs. The primary endpoint was defined as the complete healing of the index lesions, as confirmed by the absence of tumour- determined by clinical and histological examination after 8 weeks of twice daily treatments with BEC5 Curaderm or placebo. The secondary endpoints were cosmetic evaluation, physician’s global evaluation of response to treatment, assessment of local irritation, reduction in size of the lesion and assessment of the frequency, nature and severity of adverse

events. The success rate (complete remission of skin cancers) of the BEC5 Curaderm cream was 78% within 8-weeks. Longer than the 8 weeks duration therapy with BEC5 Curaderm would have resulted in even higher success rates. These results were comparable to those previously obtained and published (4, 5, 13, 14). Not only was it shown that BEC5 Curaderm was effective in treating superficial BCC, but in a subsequent open study trial comprising 41 patients (carried out at the Dermatology Department at the Royal London Hospital), it was also shown that BEC5 Curaderm was effective on morpheoic BCC lesions, which are a type of invasive BCC. The clinical trial experience has shown that BEC5 Curaderm is safe. Only local skin irritation, some pain and erythema (reddening) occurred during treatment. Success was defined as zero presence of BCC after histological (microscopic) examination of samples, removed from the lesion sites by punch biopsy. The conclusion of the dermatologists at the Royal London Hospital is that; “BEC5 Curaderm is a topical preparation, which is safe and effective and an ideal therapy for outpatient treatment.” They stated further that; “BEC5 Curaderm is a much-needed alternative to surgery for BCC. This is the most common cancer in Caucasians worldwide and the prevalence continues to increase with an increasing ageing population.” The final conclusion of these investigations was that; “BEC5 Curaderm is a cost effective treatment for both primary and secondary skin cancer care.” These Phase III and open studies confirm the previously published articles that; BEC5 Curaderm is the method of choice for treating non-melanoma skin cancers. Over 7,000 of the commonly prescribed drugs in the western world are derived from plants. Indeed, the plant kingdom has supplied us with some excellent drugs. Pain sufferers appreciate the relief provided by morphine. Victims of congestive heart failure appreciate the life-saving role of digitoxin or digoxin. Migraine patients experience the dramatic relief effected by ergotamine. Children with leukaemia have recognized the improvement of their condition by treatment with vincristine. Importantly, in addition, the natural plant drugs have served as useful prototypes for even better medicines. Synthetic chemists have been able to convert morphine to hydro-morphone, lysergic acid to methylsergide, cocaine to procaine, physostigmine to neostigmine and even salicin to aspirin. The fact that BEC shows such tremendous promise for treating internal cancers and the fact that BEC5 Curaderm is now regarded as the method of choice for treating skin cancers lead us to conclude that BEC5 Curaderm is a primary candidate to be added to the acceptable list of commonly prescribed drugs. Whether synthetic chemists will be able to classify BEC5 as a useful prototype for terminal internal cancers still remains to be seen. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

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ConclusionsThe naturally occurring glycoalkaloids solasodine glycosides (BEC) have anticancer activity in cell culture, animals and in humans. Specific endogenous lectins which are present in the plasma membranes of cancer cells recognize and bind the sugar moiety of BEC. BEC is subsequently internalised and causes cell death by destroying the lysosome. This mode of action is very different than with other anticancer drugs (which are non-specific, destroying normal cells as well) and work on the nuclear contents such as the DNA or RNA of cells. Independent centres show that BEC5 Curaderm is virtually 100% effective for treating skin cancers if the lesions are treated for long enough. The cosmetic result of skin cancer treatment with BEC5 Curaderm is excellent and lesions treated appropriately with BEC5 Curaderm result in no recurrence.

The amount of BEC in Curaderm is very small. One average-sized eggplant fruit (300g) contains the same amount of BEC as 60 tubes of Curaderm! Thus, BEC5 Curaderm is safe as shown by the many published studies. Ergo, BEC5 Curaderm is an ideal therapy for skin cancers.

References1. Cham BE, Gilliver M and Wilson L. Antitumour effects of

glycoalkaloids isolated from Solanum sodomaeum. Planta Medica 1987; 53: 34-36.

2. Cham BE and Wilson L. HPLC of glycoalkaloids from Solanum sodomaeum. Planta Medica 1987; 53: 59-62.

3. Cham BE and Meares HM. Glycoalkaloids from Solanum sodomaeum are effective in the treatment of skin cancers in man. Cancer Letters 1987; 36: 111-118.

4. Cham BE. Monograph on BEC. Drugs of the Future 1988; 13: 714-716.

5. Cham BE and Daunter B. Curaderm (anti-neoplastic) launched in Australia. Drug News Perspectives 1989; 2: 112.

6. Daunter B and Cham BE. Solasodine glycosides. In vitro preferential cytotoxicity for human cancer cells. Cancer Letters 1990; 55: 209-220.

7. Cham BE and Daunter B. Solasodine glycosides. Selective cytotoxicity for cancer cells and inhibition of cytotoxicity by rhamnose in mice with Sarcoma 180 activity. Cancer Letters 1990; 55: 221-225.

8. Cham BE and Daunter B. Topical treatment of pre-malignant and malignant skin cancers with Curaderm. Drugs of Today 1990; 26: 55-58.

9. Cham BE, Daunter B, Evans RA. Topical treatment of malignant and premalignant skin lesions by very low concentrations of a standard mixture (BEC) of solasodine glycosides. Cancer Letters 1991; 59: 183-192.

10. 10. Cham BE. Solasodine glycosides: a new modality for cancer. In: Walker, MS, ed. Proceedings of the third Oceania Symposium on complementary medicine. Queensland: Bio Concepts Publishing 1992; 30-36.

11. Cham BE. The efficacy and mode of action of solasodine glycosides (BEC) on cancer cells. In: Walker MS, ed. Proceedings of the fourth Oceania Symposium on complimentary medicine. Queensland: Bio Concepts Publishing 1993; 41-51.

12. Cham BE. Solasodine glycosides as anti-cancer agents: Pre-clinical and clinical studies. Asia Pacific Journal of Pharmacology 1994; 9: 113-118.

13. Chang LC, Tsai TR, Wang JJ, Lin CN and Kuo KW. The rhamnose moiety of solamargine plays a crucial role in triggering cell death by aptosis. Biochemistry Biophysics Research Communication 1998; 242: 21-25.

14. Hsu SH, Tsai TR, Lin CN, Yen MH and Kuo KW. Solamargine purified from Solanum incanum Chinese herb triggers gene expression of human TNFR1 which may lead to cell aptosis. Biochemistry Biophysics Research Communication 1996; 229: 1-5.

15. Kuo KW, Hsu SH, Li YP, Lin WL, Chang LC, Lin CC, Lin CN and Sheu HM. Anticancer activity evaluation of the Solanum glycoalkaloid solamargine. Triggering aptosis in human hepatoma cells. Biochemistry Pharmacology 2000; 60: 1865-1973.

16. Nakamura T, Komori C, Lee Y, Hashimoto F, Yahara S, Nohara T and Ejina A. Cytotoxic activities of Solanum steroidal glycosides. Biology Biopharmacy Bulletins 1996; 19: 564-566.

17. Roddick JG, Weissenberg M and Leonard AL. Membrane disruption and enzyme inhibition of naturally-occurring and modified chaco-triose-containing Solanum steroidal glycoalkaloids. Phytochemistry 2001; 56: 603-610.

18. Solbec Pharamaceuticals Limited, Australia. Jones PG and Fenwick GR. The glycoalkaloid content of some

edible Solanaceous fruits and potato products. Journal of Science and Food Agriculture 1981; 32: 419-421.

Here are examples of patients before, during and after treatment with BEC5 Curaderm. A typical treatment period from start to finish is 8 weeks. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

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Dr Ward Dean answers your questions

We are delighted that Ward Dean, M.D., one of the world’s foremost antiaging physicians, has agreed to answer our readers’ questions. Full details about Dr Dean can be seen at his website:

Q. Dear Dr Dean, I enjoyed reading your interview in Issue 4, 2012 of the Aging Matters™ magazine regarding the use of smart drugs and nutrients. Indeed, I have your books at home! I have some confusion over one of the smart drugs that I personally like to use, and that is vasopressin. It seems to now be available as both the synthetic version called desmopressin and the original porcine version of vasopressin. I was wondering if you could please tell me the difference between the two nasal sprays and if they may have any different uses/ actions and which one you prefer?

- S.B.J., California

A: Desmopressin (1-desamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin) is the synthetic version of the posterior pituitary hormone, vasopressin. Desmopressin is considered to be longer acting, and perhaps more potent than its natural analog, but the clinical results with each are variable. I don’t think there’s much difference in the two - i.e., those who respond favorably to one will probably have a similar response to the other. IAS has both versions available. Desmopressin nasal provides 5 mcg per spray, the usual dose is 20 mcg per day, whereas the vasopressin provides 10 IU per spray, the usual dose is 20-25 IU per day. The effective dose is highly individualized, and may be slightly more or less than those cited.

[Ed.- IAS provides desmopressin/ Minurin® in 2.5ml = 25 sprays and vasopressin/ Vaso-Pro™ in 5 ml = 50 sprays].

Q. Dear Sir, I have high triglycerides, high homocysteine, and a low metabolism. I find myself rather lethargic and gaining weight. Could you please suggest any products that you feel may benefit me in my situation?

- A.P.M., Great Britain

A: The safest, cheapest and most effective substance to normalize one’s lipid profile is nicotinic acid (niacin, vitamin B3). Niacin has the optimal effect on the lipid profile. It lowers total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL, and raises HDL (the so-called ‘good’ cholesterol). Most people will only require 1500-2000 mg of niacin per day, although I’ve used doses up to 6 grams per day.

[Ed.- IAS provides niacin in Beyond Chelation Improved® and Xan-Pro™ which is the most potent form of niacin called xanthinol nicotinate].

Another substance that normalizes triglycerides is the anti-diabetic drug, metformin. I’ve written on the antiaging benefits of metformin (a ‘metabolic rejuvenator’), as well as its weight-normalizing effects. As a key component of my often-prescribed weight loss protocol, my patients invariably report that after taking metformin, they feel better, have more energy, and lose their carbohydrate cravings. Also, they often are surprised to find that their clothes fit better, even before they note any loss in body weight. This is because metformin seems to cause a shift in body morphology—i.e., loss of body fat, and increase in lean body mass (bone and muscle). Bone and muscle are heavier than fat, resulting in a seemingly paradoxical increase in weight, despite significant fat loss.

[Ed.- IAS provides metformin as Metforal® in 500 mg tablets or Dianben® in 850 mg tablets].

Another frequent cause of the symptoms that you describe - fatigue and weight gain -- is overt or sub-clinical hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormone is a natural substance that belongs in your body. I pay very little attention to thyroid blood tests. In most cases, I believe they are a ‘waste of blood.’ I prefer to treat my patients’ symptoms. If my patients exhibit a spectrum of hypothyroid symptoms, (i.e., cold hands and feet, low body temperature, depression, constipation, fatigue, or // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

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difficult weight loss), I start them on a low dose of thyroid (i.e., ½ to 1 grain of Armour® Thyroid), and gradually increase the dose every month or so, based on one’s clinical response. As long as the heart rate remains in the normal range (60-75 beats per minute), and the patient feels well, I believe there is very little chance of excessive thyroid being consumed. The single best treatment for elevated homocysteine is anhydrous betaine (trimethylglycine - TMG), in a daily dose of 3,000-5,000 mg. Another advantage of TMG (besides lowering homocysteine) is that it converts to the antidepressant, SAMe. While SAMe is fairly expensive, TMG is amazingly cheap. Besides, TMG tastes good, and can be added to virtually any beverage (milk, juice, coffee, etc).

[Ed.- IAS provides betaine/ TMG in the Bio En-R ‘Gy C® powder drink].

Q. I’m currently using 2400 mg of Nootropil®/ piracetam daily to help me in my studies. Some days I get very focused clarity, but other days I don’t seem to achieve as much as I’d like to. I was wondering why this might be- do I need to adjust my dose or might I be better off on another piracetam related supplement? I would appreciate any advice.

- S.P., New York

A: Frankly, I haven’t noted much difference between the various Nootropics (piracetam, aniracetam, pramiracetam, etc.) when taken in equipotent dosages. Therefore, I don’t think further increase in your dosage of Nootropil® /piracetam, or switching to one of the other piracetam analogs would result in further improvement. Instead, I would add one or more cognitive enhancers that act via different mechanisms, such as vinpocetine, which increases cerebral oxygen uptake and glucose metabolism, centrophenoxine (Lucidril), or the relatively fast-acting desmopressin nasal spray [Ed.- as mentioned above]. Another ‘wake up’ anti-depressant cognitive enhancer is deprenyl/ selegiline - especially, the fast-acting sublingual drops.

[Ed.- IAS provides piracetam/ Nootropil® 800 mg tablets, plus in liquid form, aniracetam/ Ampamet® in 750 mg tablets and a generic/ Ani-Pro™ in 750 mg capsules, pramiracetam in 300 mg capsules, vinpocetine/ Intelectol® in 5 mg tablets, centrophenoxine in 250 mg tablets and deprenyl (Dep-Pro™) in 20 ml/ 300 mg liquid with 1 drop = 1 mg].

Q. Dr Dean, I have your book the GHB, the Natural Mood Enhancer, which is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn about this remarkable substance-- but which has sadly been banned in many parts of the world. When it was legal, I was able to use it very successfully for helping me sleep. I am not ‘officially’ an insomniac, but consider myself borderline. Is there anything similar to GHB that I could try, (legally of course) that you can suggest that will help me get better sleep at night?

- A.B., Australia

A: Neurontin (gabapentin) is a GHB analog, which is approved by the FDA as an anti-seizure medication, and also

for fibromyalgia, restless legs, and nerve pain due to diabetic neuropathy and shingles. The most common ‘side effect’ of Neurontin® is ‘somnolence’ (i.e., it will induce sleep, in appropriate doses). It is a very safe drug, used in doses as high as 3.4 grams/day. Usually, restful sleep will result from doses ranging from 600-1800 mg about an hour before bedtime. Another related substance is GABOB (gamma amino hydroxy butyric acid), available in 500 mg tablets as Gamibetal®. Gamma amino hydroxy butyric acid is also in Gamalate (at 37 mg) along with GABA (75 mg), magnesium and B6. IAS also stocks 5HTP (50 mg capsules), L-tryptophan (500 mg capsules) and melatonin tablets (3 mg), which also may help restore your sleep to normal.

Q. I would like to know if there are supplements particularly good at helping mild forms of depression. I don’t have anything to be depressed about, but some days I don’t feel like getting out of bed.

- D.R., Florida

A: Taking your question at face value, without considering the myriad of potential causes, I’m guessing that your sleep is not as restful as it possibly could be. Tryptophan (1500-2,000 mg) or 5HTP (150-200 mg) at bedtime have sleep-inducing and anti-depressant effects. IAS carries both of these nutrients. Also, melatonin (3-6 mg) can be taken along with tryptophan (or 5HTP). Neurontin®/ gabapentin, as mentioned above, is an excellent sleep-inducer when used in appropriate doses—and GHB (of which Neurontin® is a chemically-related analog) is a superior antidepressant. When taken in appropriate doses, Neurontin® results in very restful sleep, and enables one to awaken refreshed, and literally ‘bounce out of bed’ (similar to the sleep-wake profile of GHB). Hypothyroidism can also be a cause of low energy and depression so please see my response to the question above.

Q. Dear Dr Dean, I read with interest your interview and your own personal smart drug regimen. I noted that you like to use modafinil for alertness and attention but that the cost puts you off. I concur! But have you ever used adrafinil, and if so, how do you see it comparing to modafinil?

A: Yes, I’ve used adrafinil, but do not find its effects quite as profound as those from modafinil or Nuvigil®. However, that may just be me. Others have told me that they have experienced virtually identical effects from adrafinil and modafinil, and prefer to use adrafinil due to its more reasonable pricing. It all seems to depend on ‘biochemical individuality.’

[Ed.- IAS provides adrafinil/ Adra-Pro™ and via the three major brands of modafinil, Alertec®, Modiodal® and Provigil®]. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

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Featured products

1st Line™ (thiocyanate) 1st Line is an exciting new and all natural weapon in the fight against various types of infections including viruses. 1st Line contains a patented formula that when made up with water becomes a drink that contains thiocyanate ions.

Thiocyanate ions (also known as oxythiocynate) are the same molecules made in body’s airways and passages, for example they can be found in tears, saliva and milk and they literally form the body’s first line of defence against all types of bacteria, yeasts, fungi, flukes, germs and even viruses, helping to destroy them on contact. Consuming 1st Line helps to flood the bloodstream with thiocyanates, but unlike antibiotics 1st Line does not attack self-molecules, in other words beneficial floras are not disturbed.

Clinical trials have exposed that 1st Line can help quickly to combat various infections relating to helicobacter, pneumonia, soft tissue infections, upper respiratory tract infections and bronchial infections. Other doctors have reported to us that their patients with various viral infections are asymptomatic, even months later after using a few doses of 1st Line.

“...thiocyanate ions are not toxic to human cells... and have little if any effect on probiotic species, making them a near perfect antibiotic system.” Professor Paul Clayton

damaging effects such as glycosylation and mitochondrial decline.

NEW: ACF228 is now also available in a specially designed mouth inhaler. The ACF228 Breathe-Easy can help those worried about their lung capacity and function, to help protect against oxygen deprivation and hopefully avoid the need for long term use of corticosteroids. In addition to the original ACF228 formula it also contains glutathione.

Dr. Lippman was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work to measure free radical production within the body and as everyone knows free radicals are unstable molecules that cause a lot of damage associated with aging and degeneration. The result of Dr. Lippman’s work is the unique patented and exclusive to IAS- ACF228 (this stands for ‘antiaging complete formula’ version 228). The capsules are designed to neutralise damaging free radical production and help to reduce other age related


For further details about ACF228 and much more besides we recommend Dr. Lippman’s latest book ‘Stay 40.’

Adrafinil works like modafinil- it resen-sitizes alpha-1 receptors in the brain to be more sensitive to noradrenaline. This heightens awareness and concentration to prevent narcolepsy (sleeping in the day-time). The results can be quite remarkable, leading to heightened states of awareness and attention, whilst at the same time not affecting sleep patterns nor causing ‘highs and lows’ that were associated with the earlier form of stimu-lants. Adrafinil is not recommended for continuous use past 3-months unless liver enzymes are being monitored.

Adrafinil (Olmifon®)

Aminoguanidine is internationally recognised as the most potent AGE inhibitor currently available. The abbreviation AGE means ‘advanced glycated end products.’ AGEs are cross linked proteins that do not work efficiently/ correctly and are seen in a number of disorders including diabetes, heart enlargement, skin discoloration and hardening (particularly in smokers), cataracts and even arterial stiffness. (If you want to see glycosylation in action, then cut an apple in half and watch it turn yellow and tough). Our aminoguanidine tablets also contain vitamin B6 so there is no need for extra supplementation.

Andro-Pro contains the latest cutting-edge nutritional ingredients to naturally boost free testosterone levels. The most unique ingredient added to Andro-Pro is the recently discovered fructoborate. Fluctoborate is a boron derivative that according to Romanian

Aminoguanidine (pimagedine)

Andro-Pro™ NEW // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 20: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013


Here are examples of patients before, during and after treatment with BEC5 Curaderm. A typical treatment period from start to finish is 8 weeks.

Arimidex contains anastrozole and it is perhaps the most famous of the 3rd generation of aromatase inhibitors. These types of drugs prevent the enzyme aromatase from converting testosterone into estrogens (and vice versa in women) and are approved for breast cancers. Men who have a need to alter the T/E balance (which becomes deranged in the favor of estradiol with age) sometimes utilise Arimidex tablets at approximately 1 mg per week, or 100 mcg per day.

NEW: A generic Arimidex® (Anastro-Pro™) is now available in 100 mcg capsules.

Azilect contains rasagiline a potent MAO-b inhibiting agent, that is believed (gram to gram) to be at least 10 times more potent than deprenyl in this regard. It has been designed to help improve dopamine levels, particularly for Parkinson’s patients where the loss of this neurotransmitter is badly affected.

NEW: In addition to the branded Azilect®, a generic version called Rasagiline-Pro is now also available.

studies is helping to alleviate bone loss and arthritis; but perhaps the most interesting clinical study was done on 13 men. They were given the equivalent of one capsule of Andro-Pro daily for 60-days, at the end of the 2 months, on average these men experienced serum level increases of vitamin D by 19.6%, DHEA-S up 56% and free testosterone rose by 29.5%. In addition, Andro-Pro also contains the supporting agents of zinc, B6, magnesium and high quality tribulus terrestris. All factors in improving free testosterone production.

Adding DIM-Pro™ to your regime can help to reduce estrogen levels and therefore improve free testosterone levels even further.

Arimidex® (anastrozole)

Azilect® (rasagiline)

ATP-Boost provides 20mg of ATP, the body’s ultimate energy molecule in each capsule. In addition, ATP Boost contains a unique combination of the nutrients acetyl-L-carnitine and R-lipoic acid that increase mitochondria energy production without the increase in damaging oxidation that usually follows. The result: enhanced energy reserves and reduced aging at the cellular level.

ATP Boost™ NEW

BEC5 Curaderm cream was discovered by Dr. Bill Cham on the Oceania island of Vanuatu. Dr. Cham noticed that when the local farmers rubbed the plant called the ‘devil’s apple’ (found in that region and which is related to eggplant) onto the backs on animals that were experiencing skin cancers- that they had considerable success in its removal.

It is known that BEC5 Curaderm has now been used by more than 80,000 patients, all with remarkable success. Clinical trials in the UK and Australia have confirmed the ability of BEC Curaderm to regress non-melanoma skin cancers within weeks! For example, one open study with 72 patients had 100% healed skin cancer lesions within just 13-weeks of applying BEC5 Curaderm cream twice daily.

BEC5 Curaderm® cream

The eggplant cancer cure by Bill Cham Ph.D. covers all aspects of BEC5 Curaderm treatment.

“BEC5 Curaderm is a topical preparation which is safe and effective, an ideal therapy for outpatient treatment... It is a cost effective treatment for both primary and secondary skin cancer care.” Dermatologists at the Royal London Hospital

Furthermore, BEC5 Curaderm is known not to harm healthy cells, therefore only destroying cancer cells on and under the skin’s surface. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 21: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013

BEC5 Curaderm is known to be effective for all the following conditions:

NEW: To achieve the best possible results in the quickest possible time, use HemaGel® and tamanu oil following the BEC5 treatment.

“What’s near perfection? BEC5 Curaderm- it’s a treatment that works nearly every time. It’s incredibly simple to use, has no adverse side effects and is inexpensive compared with other treatments.” Jonathan Wright, M.D.

• Basal cell carcinomas (BCC)• Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) • Keratoses• Keratoacanthomas• Age spots • Sun spots

Can-C eye-drops are the original formula for use in cataract and contains a purified and racemized form of n-acetylcarnosine, a natural di-peptide with potent anti-glycating and anti-oxidant properties that prevent lipid peroxidation.

Patients in trials placed 2-drops of Can-C into their eyes twice daily. After 6-months of use, 88.9% of patients showed improvement in the clarity of their lens and 90% saw an improvement in their visual acuity.

There have been numerous reports of cataract shrinkage and even disappearance with documented evidence that Can-C eye-drops remain effective (and safe) more than 24-months later.

The most commonly expressed initial reports are that glare is significantly improved, (for example night driving is much safer) and color perception is enhanced.

What’s more evidence is mounting that Can-C is efficacious for all of the following disorders: cataracts, glaucoma, presbyopia, corneal disorders, eye strain, ocular inflammation, blurred vision, dry eye syndrome, vitreous opacities and lesions, diabeteS mellitus complications, contact lens wearers, (regarding the last point in the list above, Can-C inhibits the accumulation of lactic acid which has greatly benefited those who wear contact lenses, because it enables them to be worn for longer without pain).

Can-C™ eye-drops

Left: A woman’s eye shows the cataract before treatment. Right: 5-months later after use of Can-C eye-drops (two drops twice daily), there is no longer a visible cataract and eyesight has improved.

Dr. Kyriazis book, ‘the cataract cure’, details the usefulness and evidence of Can-C eye-drops.Now available from IAS as a free e book:

“I am so grateful for the development of Can-C eye-drops, not only have they significantly improved my own eyesight, but many of my patients report most favorably about them too. Now we have a real alternative to eye surgery so Can-C can be considered to be a genuine breakthrough.” Richard Lippman, Ph.D.

Can-C Plus capsules are specially designed to be used alongside the Can-C™ eye-drops to aid and even boost their effectiveness. As there are a few supplements that can block the action of Can-C eye-drops, Can-C Plus capsules have been carefully designed to avoid them. Three Can-C Plus capsules a day can be taken with food, with or without Can-C eye-drops, although for maximum benefit it is recommended that they are used together.

Can-C Plus™

Like all good antiaging supplements, centrophenoxine has many useful features with few side effects. From a memory and cognition viewpoint, centrophenoxine has demonstrated significant improvements, most notably its ability to speed up the process of memory recall.

Centrophenoxine (Cent-Pro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 22: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013

One of centrophenoxine’s most noted benefit’s is its ability to effectively and quickly remove a cell toxin that accumulates with age (and Alzheimer’s disease) called lipofuscin. Lipofuscin can make up parts of the so-called Alzheimer brain plaques, but it can even be found in the brains of ‘normal’ aging people as well as other organs such as the heart, the lungs and even the skin- where it forms part of the so-called age or liver-spots, the brown flecks found in ‘aged’ person’s skin. Indeed several weeks of centrophenoxine supplementation has seen removal and lightening of such spots.

“Centrophenoxine has shown many facets to improve conditions related to my membrane hypothesis of aging, for example its ability to improve brain-performance, survival time in animal experiments, and to remove the cell aging-pigment called lipofuscin. It has been my antiaging supplement for more than 30-years.” Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy

Parkinson’s disease is characterised by the loss of the brain neurotransmitter dopamine and deprenyl helps to prevent this loss by acting on the specific enzyme MAO-b. Professor Knoll also believes that deprenyl very significantly increases PEA (phenylethylamine) and that this may have an even more significant function that the MAO-b inhibition, (for more details on this please read Professor Knoll’s excellent book on the subject- ‘the brain and its self’).

Deprenyl (selegiline)

Professor Jozeph Knoll of Debrechen University in Hungary- the inventor of deprenyl

CoQ10 is a universal energy agent that has significant protective qualities for the heart and the cardiovascular system. An important point- anyone taking a statin drug to lower cholesterol must also be taking CoQ10 since statins lower CoQ10 levels.

NEW: Our CoQ10SR™ is a slow release version combined with cyclodextrin, a new technology that enables greater bioavailability by improving the passage through the stomach into the bloodstream. It has been clinically shown that CoQ10SR™ has up to twice the bioavailability of ‘regular’ CoQ10. Thus depending on how you look at it, CoQ10SR is either double the effectiveness of CoQ10’s of the same dose, or half the price of CoQ10’s of twice the dose!


The specialist range of Crème-Pro’s work to attack and defend against all aspects of aging skin problems; here the cellulite contains a high 10% of phosphatidylcholine, proven to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Simply apply it regularly onto clean, dry skin on the inner thighs and buttocks or wherever cellulite appears.

Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer does what exactly says on the label. A unique combination of procaine, NADH and vitamin B12 helps to keep skin looking plump, moist and radiant. Simply apply it onto clean dry skin once or twice daily.

Crème-Pro Protector is a day cream designed to help protect the skin against environmental agents, including sunlight and oxygen as well as pollution. The agents can attack skin and make it age prematurely through their oxidative effects. The most unique agent in the Protector cream is idebenone, it is the single most potent antioxidant yet studied, and rarely found except in the most expensive antiaging skin creams. Apply it onto clean dry skin and use it as a regular day cream.

Crème-Pro Smoother is designed to be the alternative to injectable nerve freezing agents such as Botox®. Smoother can be applied to any fine lines such as crows’ feet around the eyes and around the lips etc. It contains synthetic snake venom that temporarily paralyses nerves in the skin, thereby relaxing and unfolding the skin in that region, immediately reducing the wrinkles and producing younger looking skin.

Crème-Pro™ Cellulite

Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer

Crème-Pro™ Protector

Crème-Pro™ Smoother




NEW // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 23: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013

Each Gamibetal tablet contains 500mg of the GABA related molecule- GABOB; it is technically the closest legal molecule to GHB. The approved use of Gamibetal in Europe is to help with epilepsy but like GHB – GABOB has been shown to improve growth hormone release significantly when taken before bedtime. GABOB does not have the ‘sleep inducing’ effects of GHB, but it can cause some sedation if taken in high doses.

Hair-Pro is the very latest development to help induce hair growth and it contains the absolute latest cutting-edge growth factor technologies.

Hair Pro is a unique proprietary topical liquid blend that includes finasteride, (the DHT blocking drug used orally for years as a hair loss treatment), but it also contains a plethora of aminoacids that act as hair growth factors including bFGF, TRX, VEGF and IGF-1. In addition there is aminosyn to promote protein synthesis (hair strength), hyaluronic acid to aid hair hydration (thickness) and dexpanthenol to cleanse the pores of the blocking fat- sebum which can block nutrition

Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that helps to prevent damage to important cellular components that can be caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals and peroxides. Glutathione is principally synthesized inside the body and is relatively poorly obtained via the diet. The Advanced Cellular Glutathione supplement is a spray providing nano sized particles for sub mucosal absorption to create instant bioavailability.

In addition to improving dopamine levels, deprenyl has also been shown to help rebalance serotonin, noradrenaline and acetylcholine levels and whilst the uses remain ‘off-label’ deprenyl has been used for Alzheimer’s and even cancer treatments.

Our focus here is upon deprenyl’s enhancement of dopamine, which is a key brain chemical responsible for drive, focus and well being and even libido (especially for men).

The experiments of Professor Jozeph Knoll dramatically extended the lifespan of rats who were given deprenyl. Even the first rat to die that was treated with deprenyl died after the last rat not treated with deprenyl died.

The idea behind the antiaging use of deprenyl is to use very small doses regularly in order to help maintain healthy dopamine levels and thus improve cognitive function and help to maintain function at a better level for much longer.

Note: The liquid version titrates selegiline HCL as 1 drop = 1mg.

This graph highlights the loss of dopamine with age, on average 13% per decade past the age of 40 for the average person, but far greater for those suffering from Parkinson’s disease

Esnatri cream is the world’s only bio-identical estrogen cream to replicate the work of Dr. Jonathan Wright. Dr. Wright has highlighted that the ‘average’ woman produces estrogens in the ratios of estriol 90%, estradiol 7% and estrone 3% and these are the exact same ratios found inside Esnatri. Each 1ml of Esnatri cream provides 2mg in total of the triple estrogens and it enables a precise, natural and indeed bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for women concerned about the menopause. IAS provides dose and timing advice from Dr. Wright for both estrogens and progesterones with every purchase. The additional use of bioidentical progesterone should be used along with an estrogen replacement program. For further information on estrogens we recommend one of Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s Hormone handbooks.

Esnatri™ cream (bio-identical estrogens)

Galantamine is an extract of the snow-drop plant that has been shown to have a significant effect to increase levels of the brain neurotransmitter acetyl-l-choline, the chemical most affected in Alzheimer’s disease, as a result it has been approved in many countries for the same purposes.

NEW: Galantamine-Pro™ is a generic version of Reminyl® now available in capsules.

Galantamine (Reminyl®)

Gamibetal® (GABOB)


Glutathione (also see ACF228™ Breathe-Easy)



NEW // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 24: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013


from the hair root. No finer multi factorial topical anti-alopecia product exists on the market today.

Use it in combination with the Scalproller to improve uptake into the scalp.

HemaGel has been created in the Czech Republic and specially designed to help improve the treatment times of wounds, scratches and cuts, in some cases reducing the start-to-finish treatment time by as much as 50%. It does this in two ways, (1) by absorbing harmful and damaging free radicals and (2) by also helping to absorb blood and puss extrudes, thus also keeping the wound cleaner. HemaGel can be recommend for use after BEC5 Curaderm applications to speed up the skin’s healing and also as an excellent product to have in the First Aid cabinet- just in case! Simply apply the HemaGel daily directly onto a cleaned (and disinfected) wound, and then apply a non-textile bandage over it.

Neo40 is a natural blend of hawthorn, beetroot and L-citrulline – an amino acid extracted from melons that is easily converted to L-arginine. In addition, Neo40 daily contains other heart and general health-boosting ingredients, including Vitamins C and E. This means a balanced amount of L-arginine is naturally stimulated - working to safely and substantially boost levels of nitric oxide. In doing so, it works to improve circulation, regulate blood pressure and protect against cardiovascular disorders and erectile dysfunction. A lozenge can be chewed daily. To further enhance nitric oxide release, try combining Neo40 with NADH and/or Nitric-Pro™.

NEW: You can also test your nitric-oxide levels with the Nitric Oxide saliva test strips.





Hydergine (ergoloid mesylate)

Hydergine is an extract of a fungus that grows on rye called ergoloid mesylate and its approved uses have been to aid persons with memory disturbances, Alzheimer’s disease and even for persons who have suffered from shock related to electric, drowning or suffocation. This is because hydergine is an excellent provider of stabilising the levels of oxygen in the brain and has been shown to improve levels when they are too low and even decrease levels when they are too high. The result of this optimised oxygen availability in the brain is an ability to do more mental workload without becoming tired. Accordingly, hydergine can be a good tool to battle through boring paperwork or a long drive home in the dark. A fascinating animal experiment showed a special ability for hydergine to improve mitochondrial condition. The mitochondria are vital organelles found in every cell of our body responsible for the generation of ATP, the universal energy molecule. Unfortunately mitochondrial efficiency declines as we age and this has been linked to disrupted repair mechanisms. However an Italian study highlighted those old animal mitochondria can be improved with hydergine supplementation.

Hydergine has also been attributed to stimulate the growth of dendrite nerve fibers, since these connective strands are known to decline in aging this is another antiaging feature of hydergine. Some have even linked the density and numbers of dendrite fibers to the level of I.Q. In summary, hydergine helps to protect against conditions of hypoxia and peroxidation, important factors to guard against a stroke and generalised brain injuries. Hydergine can extend the boundaries of mental workload and energy, fighting against boredom and may even

provide some groundwork for raising the levels of intelligence. The liquid form can be titrated in small doses and may be more suitable for those who want low doses or have trouble swallowing tablets.

The Bertonin-Freddari et al, 1994 study highlights that hydergine can improve the size, volume and number of mitochondria in old animals- towards the youthful example; as is shown here the difference between young, old (without hydergine) and old (with hydergine) is significant.

Melatonin (MZS™)

Melatonin is one of nature’s remarkable substances and made in response to darkness by the pineal gland. Its benefits to help overcome jet lag and shift work have become quite well known and indeed it is useful for this purpose since adequate melatonin availability enables our bodies to be correctly in tune with our circadian rhythms, these rhythms dictate our hormonal cyclicity and this cyclicity ultimately determine our aging and our level of immunity. Unfortunately melatonin secretions decline with aging. Professor Pierpaoli has published widely on melatonin, principally through the New York Academy of Science and at the meetings of the Stromboli conferences on aging and cancer- which IAS is delighted to support. What is important to know about melatonin is that Professor Pierpaoli advocates a 3mg dose to (his words) “put the pineal to sleep.” In addition, // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 25: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013

Just a few sprays of this light hydrator can instantly revive dry, tangling straw-like hair. This is the perfect solution if your hair loss treatment leaves your hair dull or your scalp irritated. The spray drenches your hair to restore condition, shine and volume, and then penetrates to leave your scalp cool and comfortable. Highly effective and formulated especially for thinning hair, Nanogen’s dermatologically tested Hydrator has hair growth factors to maintain healthy hair growth, contains no pore blocking SLS/SLES, and no Paraben preservatives.

Nanogen serum contains the highest percentage of their patent hair growth factors. Together with other synergist agents, it promotes and supports natural hair growth and reduces hair

Nanogen® hydration spray

Nanogen® serum



it is also vital to use a melatonin that produces a night peak of melatonin that is the same as the peak produced by the pineal itself. This he has achieved using specific excipients in his own formula ‘MZS™’ (which also contains the additional synergistic ingredients of zinc and selenium).

For further detailed information about melatonin and Professor Pierpaoli’s work we recommend his book ‘the key of life.’

This graph highlights that Professor Pierpaoli’s Melatonin Zn Se formula mimics the night peak of melatonin. Note that sublingual melatonin tested peaks too soon and that time released formulas peak too late.

Here are some before and after Fundus photos showing the benefit of Melatonin Zn Se. They highlight dramatic improvements to both wet and dry forms of macular degeneration. In a trial published in the New York Academy of Science, 110 eyes, (100 patients) with both wet and dry forms of ARMD were treated only with 1 tablet of Melatonin Zn Se nightly. After 6-months 90% of the treated patients’ eyes had significant improvements to their condition. This is simply remarkable compared to the current approved therapy for ARMD which involves injecting the eye quarterly, (costs $1000+) with 50% improvement at 24-months!

Memantine (Namenda®; Ebixa®)


Memantine has been a significant discovery for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease; to-date it remains the only effective agent that can benefit Parkinson’s in the latter stages of the disease. Memantine works by blocking the harmful effects of excitotoxins.

NEW: Memantine-Pro™ is a generic version now available in capsule form.

MinSaw has been updated numerous times, but now it’s in its best formula ever. MinSaw provides all of these proven hair

growth and protectors in its latest formula:

• Minoxidil: Perhaps the best known agent to help stimulate hair growth, which it does by increasing nitric oxide promotion in the root of the hair and in so doing delivers more nutrition for the hair to grow faster. MinSaw takes has one of the most potent amounts of minoxidil in it at 8%.

• Vitamin C: It’s known to help stimulate hair growth and ‘clean’ the root bulb, thus MinSaw now also contains the active form of L-ascorbic acid.

• Saw Palmetto: This herb helps to block the damaging effects of DHT, a known hair growth restrictor.

• Resveratrol: The remarkable protective agent found in red grape skins has recently been noted to help induce hair thickness.

• Melatonin: This has been documented (and was the subject of a patent) to help prevent hair loss.

• Plus, there is now a sixth active ingredient in MinSaw and that’s retinolic acid (also known as tretinoin). This super high strength vitamin A has long been known to improve skin condition by enhancing blood flow to the skin and in the same way, here in MinSaw this ingredient improves the blood supply around the hair root, helping it to be stronger and healthier.

Just apply a small amount of MinSaw daily to the scalp and see the results for yourself in a few weeks’ time. Use it in combina-tion with the Scalproller to improve uptake into the scalp. Also recommended is the Nanogen hydration spray to prevent scalp dryness and flaking. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 26: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013

Piracetam was the very first nootropic, (commonly called smart drugs) to be developed and despite being one of the very first products that IAS offered when we went online in 1991, it still remains one of our best selling products today! Why? Because it is a very beneficial memory agent that has a great safety record, with very few side effects, plus it is cost effective. Piracetam has been shown to have a better/ lower toxicity profile than salt. Maybe because it has a very small impact upon brain chemical levels, but rather helps to improve electrical communication across the brain’s corpus callosum.

In medical terms piracetam is used to improve short term memory and to treat a wide variety of senile dementias as well as autism and Down’s syndrome and can also assist with travel and altitude sickness. Note: IAS offers the original UCB brand called Nootropil which is available in tablet and liquid form. The liquid form was specifically designed for children (it is sweetened with saccharin), but its advantages include being able to titrate low doses (if required) and also aid any person who has difficulty swallowing tablets.

loss and breakage, leading to thicker, healthier looking hair. Simply dispense 1ml onto the scalp and massage it in, there is no need to rinse. As with all the Nanogen range, there are no pore blocking SLS/SLES, and no Paraben preservatives.

Nexiclear is specially designed to help treat problem skin, especially acne. It’s 3 part kit removes damaging toxins from deep within the pores, increases blood flow and rejuvenates the skin and helps to prevent new breakouts. Its ingredients of purified volcanic ash (containing zeolite), ultra distilled water and advanced cellular minerals are applied using a mask, spray and special cleaning pads. Nexiclear is natural and non-irritating, soap free; fragrance free; dye free; non-astringent and parabens free.

Nexiclear® NEW

Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus and secreted into the blood by the pituitary gland.

It is coming to light that oxytocin has pain curbing abilities and could be efficacious in fibromyalgia. Other studies are highlighting that oxytocin could be efficacious in the treatment of autism and even schizophrenias. But it is perhaps its ability to enhance bonding between partners that is likely to attract most attention. From the sexual standpoint oxytocin has been known to increase ejaculate in the male and in females oxytocin has had significant libido enhancement effects, including the inducement of multiple orgasms. We have worked alongside Dr. Hertoghe to create a practical and efficacious sublingual trouche (that’s a gel like tablet) typical doses are 5 to 20 IU as required. (The square troches can be cut in half from corner to corner easily).

NEW: Oxy-Pro™ is a new nasal spray version of oxytocin (delivering 10 IU per spray) in addition to our 20 IU sublingual trouches.

Oxytocin (Oxy-Pro™)

Oxytocin has been described in detail in Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s latest book- Passion, Sex and Adventure, the oxytocin story.

Piracetam (Nootropil®; also see Anacervix®)

The corpus callosum is the bundle of nerves that separates the two hemispheres of the brain.

Progesterone Progesterone is often the ‘missing’ hormone in the treatment of female menopause. What we mean by this is that whilst estrogen treatments, (see Esnatri™ for details) are often considered as a primary replacement hormone for women of that certain age, progesterone is often forgotten about.The best known action of progesterone is its ability to help build bone mass and since progesterone levels fall rapidly in menopause it contributes to osteoporosis in elderly women. Progesterone is strongly advocated to be taken in combination with any estrogen replacement program.

NEW: Our progesterone strength is Pharma grade and twice that found in US health food stores.

Progesterone levels decline in women with age; in some cases progesterone levels can be undetectable! // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 27: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013


PQQ is in reality the most newly discovered vitamin. In more than 200 studies it has been shown to improve overall energy levels, cognitive function and memory, reduce mitochondrial degradation and increase skin elasticity. Furthermore, it acts as a neuro and cardio protectant and helps to enhance nerve growth.

Retin-A contains retinolic acid, a pure form of vitamin A that enhances blood supply to the skin’s surface and transforms the appearance of thicker, tougher skin into more youthful looking, elastic and fresher skin but speeding up the process of the delivery of nutrition to the skin and the removal of waste materials from it. Retin-A is the cream of choice for cosmetic surgeons to speed up the wound healing of cosmetic surgery and scarring etc.

NEW: We now also supply the new Retin-A® micro-gel which is designed to sit on the skin surface and release slowly. Compared to the creams, the gel results are improved and side effects are reduced.

Sermorelin is a breakthrough development in the field of growth hormone (GH) replacement, for sermorelin is the bioidentical molecule used by the pituitary gland to help stimulate production and release of GH into the bloodstream. Sermorelin is not GH; GH is a complicated molecule consisting of 191 amino acids, but rather sermorelin is a 29 chain of aminoacids, but importantly it is the first 29 aminoacids of GH, the part responsible for activation. This is what makes sermorelin stand head and shoulders over all previous agonists of GH, because sermorelin is GH site specific and therefore effective. What is more, sermorelin has a negative feedback loop (unlike GH itself), so the issues of overdosing and safety associated with injections of GH are minimized/ completely avoided with sermorelin. And now for the first time it has been shown that sermorelin is stable at room temperature and efficacious when used sublingually. These are additional factors that favor sermorelin as the next generation of GH activators.

We are excited to introduce this sublingual liquid version of sermorelin which has been created with the close cooperation of Dr. Richard Walker of SARA (Scientific Applied Research into Aging), a world renowned antiaging expert.

PQQ (pyroloquinoline quinone)



We recommended; one of Dr. Hertoghe’s hormone handbooks for further information about progesterone.

TA65 contains a highly purified specialized extract of the Chinese herb astragalus. What makes this supplement totally unique is that it is the first natural substance that has been proven to act as a telomerase activator and to extend telomeres in humans (in-vivo). Telomeres are the strands on the ends of chromosomes that shorter each time the cell divides and the theory is that this is a significant part of the destructive process of aging. Animals with longer telomeres enjoy a more productive and healthier older age and also appear to live longer. The benefits for humans may not be clear yet, but TA65 production is carefully controlled by TA Sciences, who purchased the technology from the Geron Corporation. It remains a fact that whilst other substances have claimed to delay the shortening of telomeres, only TA65 has been clinically proven (and published) to actually lengthen short telomeres in humans. If you want the cutting-edge of antiaging supplementation and the best possible chances for longer telomeres, then TA65 is currently your best and indeed only clinically proven choice.


A decline in the secretion of hormones from the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can result in poor concentration, confusion, memory problems, cold hands and feet, weight gain, menstrual problems, sleep disorders, dry skin, thinning hair and low energy levels. An underactive thyroid is also a major cause of a common painful musculoskeletal condition known as fibromyalgia. Aging often leads to hypothyroidism, one of the most famous thyroid experts, Dr. Broda Barnes states that as many as 40% of the adult population could be hypothyroid. Thyroid supplements come in two forms; these are whole or natural supplements and synthetic supplements. It is almost always better to use a whole-natural thyroid extract because the synthetic versions usually only comprise of one of the thyroid hormones, (such as, T3 or T4), whereas, whole-natural thyroids cover a fuller spectrum of thyroid hormones (including T1, T2, T3 and T4). By measuring a particular hormone known as Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) it can be determined whether supplementation is necessary. However there are simple measures such as noticing if one regularly has cold hands and feet, problems adapting to temperature changes, or checking

Thyroid (Armour®; Synthroid®) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 28: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013

to see if one’s rising from bed body temperature is regularly below 97.8 degrees Fahrenheit could indicate a hypothyroid condition that needs correction. For further details about thyroid we recommended one of Dr. Hertoghe’s hormone handbooks.

TRH is a hypothalamic hormone whose real uses and benefits are just coming to the fore, primarily after research conducted by Dr. Walter Pierpaoli, the physician and scientist who exposed the benefits of melatonin to the world. Dr. Pierpaoli’s research suggests that TRH is a ‘master’ hormone responsible not just for helping to adjust thyroid hormones (its principle recognised role), but in helping to recorrect many imbalances throughout the body. For example in his animal experiments TRH supplements have encouraged old animals to:

• Re-establish spermegenesis, (reversing the age-related dysfunction of their testes).

• Correct kidney dysfunction, (a significant finding for renal issues).

• Correct pancreatic dysfunction, (a significant finding for diabetic issues).

• Improves many lipid profiles and aids weight loss when used over a few months.

IAS is delighted to be the first organisation in the world to offer a sublingual TRH tablet.

TRH (Abaris™)

Zeolite is a volcanic rock that is widely used for its remarkable chelation properties, that is its ability to trap heavy metals inside its electron cage. It should be noted that it comes in many different qualities however, from cat-litter (to trap the smell) up to the ZeoGold® brand, so effective it is the quality chosen by NASA to purify the water supply for astronauts on route to Mars! IAS supplies the ZeoGold capsules which must be broken and allowed to dissolve into water and drunk, or the ACZ nano-spray. These are both highly effective agents designed to remove many unwanted toxic metals from the tissues.



Page 29: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013

At Home Test KitsAll of our test kits can be used at home, or by the professional. They allow you to track yourself and see if there is a problem, and to monitor the effectiveness of your supplement etc. Controlling your dose puts the power of facts, not just faith, into your hands.

The Bio-CLIP has been designed for use by health professionals to help decipher a patient’s arterial stiffness. In addition it also records the heart rate, oxygen levels in the blood, BMI, reflective index and even outputs a vascular biological age. The test is non-invasive and quick, after completing a brief questionnaire about the patient, an oxymeter is attached to a finger, and within a minute or two it delivers all of the above data through the application of photopletysmography.

Furthermore, trend charts of patient’s results (available after repeat tests) can also be monitored. A comprehensive report, (which can be printed off with the clinic’s details included) can be kept by the patient. Meanwhile, all the patients’ records and tests are held electronically on the software that resides on your own computer. You get all of this with a Bio-CLIP for thousands of Dollars less than anything else that is comparable.

Note: The current v1.99 of the Bio-CLIP software operates on all 32-bit MS windows applications up to version 7 but requires a patch for 64-bit versions (provided). The kit includes all software and equipment with a 1-year return to base warranty and 2-year license for 1 computer. Additional licenses are available at $49.99 each and further annual warranties are available for $124.99 or $99.99 when purchased at the same time as the kit.


The PulmoLife is a FEV lung monitor with a difference. The FEV (forced expired volume) is a measure of how strong your lungs are, (remember these tests are not just to see the current position; they are also able to be repeated after the use of supplements, lifestyle changes, diet and exercise etc. to see the improvements). The PulmoLife shows the FEV number and also uniquely a lung biological age too!

Nitric-oxide (NO) is an important gas in the bloodstream that has many functions, the principle one of which is to dilate blood vessels-improving blood flow. In so doing, any tissue that the blood supplies is better provided for with vital energy and nutrients that it needs to perform properly; this has become an essential requirement to help people with cardiovascular and even stroke related problems. Perhaps not so well known, is that both Viagra®; (the erectile dysfunction drug) and even the hair restorer minoxidil work, (although through different channels) to increase NO supply! So you can soon understand the importance to know if you have healthy NO levels. These new saliva strips provide the evidence in seconds, simply dip into a clean mouth, wait a short while and compare the color change to that on the chart. Not only will you see your current NO level, but you will also be able to see the effectiveness of supplements like Neo40® lozenges to improve it.

The Bio-CUFF is the world’s first at-home arterial stiffness monitor. It looks and performs just like a blood pressure cuff and provides the systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate, but uniquely it also shows how stiff the arteries are with a 3 color bar code, green = soft arteries, orange = typical arteries and red = hard arteries. Up to 30 individual tests can be held and an average seen; this is very useful to get a more accurate picture of your cardiovascular system over time. The CUFF differs from the CLIP by being designed for one person and of course not having so much detail, however for the price the Bio-CUFF is truly a breakthrough allowing most families to be able to have this cutting-edge technology, previously only the domain of hospitals, to be it in the cupboard at home.


Nitric-Oxide saliva test-strips (Neo40®)



Vitamin C is the only vitamin the body cannot store and therefore is required to be found in the diet every day. As anyone who knows the work of Professor Linus Pauling, there is strong evidence that high levels of vitamin C can be protective against very many ailments from the common cold to cancer! To use these strips simply urinate on one and watch the color change and compare it to the chart. The greener it turns the more C is in your system. In this way you can carefully manage your vitamin C supplement/ diet to always ensure that you are maximizing your vitamin C safety net.

Vitamin C urine test strips (Vitacheck-C®) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 30: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013

Product A-Z listing

The following index underneath certain products means that it can’t be shipped there or known restrictions apply. For example:

Can’t be shipped to Australia (or New Zealand)Can’t be shipped to Canada Can’t be shipped to EUCan’t be shipped to JapanCan’t be shipped to UK

Here is an alphabetical listing of IAS stocked products. See our cross-reference list of disorders that relate to these individual products. Much more information is available from our website including full ingredient/ excipient listings, doses and side effects etc. If you need any further information or can’t find what you require, please don’t hesitate to contact us. The inside back cover has all our details.

Testimonials “IAS has shown great vision and leadership, as an organisation focused mainly on the provision of contemporary medical interventions against aging, and in also supporting the SENS Foundation’s efforts to hasten the development of much more powerful future interventions.”

Dr. Aubrey De Grey

“IAS is an outstanding resource for the finest, most-up-to-date news and information on healthy aging. They also offer products of the highest integrity and efficacy. In fact, IAS is the world’s greatest source (often the only source) for the most cutting-edge and advanced nutrients to ensure optimum health span and maximum life span.”

Dr. Nicholas Perricone

“IAS has a history of making crucial but difficult to access medications available to patients throughout the world. IAS is one of the pioneering societies in anti-aging medicine that has helped this new medical specialty move forward.”

Dr. Thierry Hertoghe

“I am a 77 year old physician who has practiced medicine for nearly half a century. My anti-aging research has permitted me to overcome serious health problems. Everyone can do this, but it requires specialized knowledge and the highest quality products. IAS is a vital link in my anti-aging program because they continually provide both accurate information AND the high quality products we all require, if we are to achieve our maximum intended useful lifespan.”

Dr. Garry Gordon

“Every adult has the right to take care of his or her own personal health as he or she chooses. In the 20th and 21st centuries, this universal human right has been nearly obliterated by an ocean of nanny-state regulation and deliberate suppression of information by bureaucracies, with hidden and not-so-hidden agendas. International Anti-aging Systems is a beacon of useful health care information and a literal island of freedom of health care product choice in our otherwise un-free health care world.”

Dr. Jonathan Wright

See them all at:


Page 31: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013


NEW: Adra-Pro™ 40x 300mg capsules retail $60 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 775

1st Line™ (OSCN, thiocyanate)

Aniracetam (Ampamet®)

Arimidex® (anastrozole)Adrafinil (Olmifon®)


5HTP (5-hydroxy-tryptophan)

Active H-Minus® (hydrogen)

Acarbose (Glucobay®)





Aminoguanidine (pimagedine)


Acetyl-L-Carnitine (see ATP-Boost™)

Adenosine Triphosphate (see ATP-Boost™)

Agomelatine (see Valdoxan), Agrimony (see Nexiclear®)

Alfalfa (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Allicin (see garlic), Alpha lipoic acid (see lipoic acid)

Aminohydroxybutyric acid (see GABOB), Ami-nophylline (see Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), Amino-syn (see Hair-Pro™), Amphoteric surfactants (see Nanogen® shampoo, Nanogen® conditioner)

Olmifon is no longer manufactured.

Arginine (see Beyond GHS®; Nitric-Pro™; Vigor-Pro™), Argireline (see Crème-Pro™ Smoother), Arterial wave velocity (see Bio-Clip & Bio-Cuff)

Ascorbyl palmitate (see Crème-Pro™ Protec-tor, Crème-Pro™ Smoother), Astaxanthin (see Crème-Pro™ Protector), Astragalus extract (see TA65®), ATP (adenosine triphosphate, see ATP-Boost™)

1 complete kit retail $89 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 675

Ampamet® 20x 750mg tablets retail $59 IAS price $47.49 - Item Code: 6

NEW: Ani-Pro™ 20x 750mg capsules retail $39 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 777

Arimidex® 28x 1mg tablets retail $199 IAS price $189.99 - Item Code: 111

NEW: Anastro-Pro™ 28x 100mcg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 779

ACF228™ 45 capsules retail $59 IAS price $49.99- Item Code: 621

NEW: ACF228™ Breathe-Easy 1 inhaler retail $140 IAS price $129.99 - Item Code: 810

5HTP-Pro™ 60x 50mg capsules retail $20 IAS price $17.49 - Item Code: 327

NEW: Active H-Minus® 90 effervescent tablets retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 783

Glucobay® 30x 100mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 373

Aldosterone 15x 125mcg capsules retail $120 IAS price $94.99 - Item Code: 687

Anacervix® 30x 420mg capsules retail $30 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 163

NEW: Andro-Pro™ 60 capsules retail $49 IAS price $44.49 - Item Code: 758

Artem-Pro™ 90x 100mg capsules retail $34 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 642

Amino-Pro 100 x 75mg tablets retail $34 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 303

Adrenal-Pro™ 30ml liquid bottle retail $40 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 633 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 32: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Beyond B12®

Beyond Chelation Improved® (BCI)

Beyond Fiber®

Beyond Clean® (Calcium EDTA)

Beyond GHS®


Bio-En’R-Gy C®


Benfotiamine (Milgamma Mono®)


Boluoke® (Lumbrokinase)

Azilect® (rasagiline)

ATP-Boost® (Adenosine Triphosphate)

BEC5 Curaderm® cream

Beetroot (see Neo40®)

Beyond Bone Defense® (see Bone-Pro™)

Benzoic acid (see Gerovital®), Beta alistine (see L-carnosine), Beta glucan (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nanogen® hydrator, Nanogen® serum), Betaine (see TMG), Beta sitosterol (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Beyond Any Multiple® (see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

bFGF (see Hair-Pro™), BHT (butylhydroxytoluene, see ACF228™)

Bioflavonoids (see Wobenzym®), Biological age measurement (see Bio-CLIP™, PulmoLife®), Bioperine (see Bio-En’R-Gy®), Biotin (see Beyond B12®; Beyond Chelation Improved®, HRT Plus®; BCI; Nitric-Pro™), Blood oxygenation measurement (see Bio-CLIP™), Blood pressure measurement (see Bio-CUFF™), Blueberry extracts (see Andro-Pro™)

Banaba Extracts (see Diet-Pro™), Barley grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), BCI (see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

Beyond B12® 40x 2mg sublingual tablets retail $30 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 477

Beyond Chelation Improved® 30 sachets retail $80 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 351

Beyond Fiber® 504 grams powder retail $45 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 436

Beyond Clean® 20 oz. bath salts retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 352

Beyond GHS® 75 tablets retail $90 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 353

Bio-CUFF® one complete kit retail $159 IAS price $149.99 - Item Code: 715

Bio En’R-Gy C® 200 grams powder retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 591

complete kit retail $849 IAS price $799.99 - Item Code: 653

Milgamma Mono® 30x 50mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 273

Bone-Pro™ 180 capsules retail $40 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 0721

NEW: Boluoke® 60 capsules retail price $108 IAS price $92.99 - Item Code: 839

Azilect® 30x 1mg tablets retail $199IAS price $184.99 - Item Code: 645

NEW: Rasagiline-Pro™ 30x 1mg capsules retail $99 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 827

NEW: ATP-Pro™ 60x 20mg tablets retail $35IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 821

BEC5 Curaderm® 20ml tube cream retail $149 IAS price $129.99 - Item Code: 403

Page 33: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Cinnamon extracts (see Diet-Pro™)

Citrus bioflavonoids (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Cocos nucifera oil (see Nanogen® conditioner)

Centrophenoxine (meclofenoxane)


Cialis® (tadalafil)

Ciproxin® (ciprofloxacin)

Cobalt chloride

CoQ10sr (Coenzyme Q10, ubiquinol, biquinone)

Centrophenoxine 60x 250mg tablets retail $34 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 243

Cerebrolysin® 5x 5ml i.m. ampoules retail $99 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 595

Cialis® 4x 20mg tablets retail $79 IAS price $74.99 - Item Code: 296

Ciproxin® 10x 500mg tablets retail $34 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 640

Cobalt 100x 200mcg tablets retail $49 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 646

CoQ10sr 30 x 100mg slow release capsules retail $39 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 824

Carboxymethylcellulose (see Can-C™)

Chasteberry (see DIM-Pro™), Chlorella (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Choline (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, centrophenoxine, krill, Vigor-Pro™), Chondroitin (see Joint-Pro™; Hy-Col™), Chromium (see Beyond Chelation Improved®; Diet-Pro™), Chromium polynicotinate (see ACF228™, Diet-Pro™)

Copper (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Cortisol (cortisone, see Fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone), Curcumin (see Joint-Pro™), Cranberry extracts (see Andro-Pro™)

Coccinia indica extracts (see Diet-Pro™), Coen-zyme Q10 (see CoQ10), Collagen (see Hy-Col™)

Can-C™ eye-drops

Can-C™ Plus


Crème-Pro™ Cellulite

Bromocriptine (Parlodel®)

Cabergoline (Dostinex®)

Borate (see Andro-Pro™, Can-C™), Boron (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, BCI, Bone-Pro™, Cardio-Pro™, Prostate-Pro™), Boswellin (see Joint-Pro™)

Bromelain (see Digestif®, Wobenzym®), Buxamin (see GABOB), Calcium (see Bone-Pro™, BCI, Nitric-Pro™)

Caffeine (see Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), Calcium (see Bone-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nitric-Pro™)

Carnosine (L-carnosine, see ACF228™, Can-C™; Cardio-Pro™, Can-C Plus™, L-carnosine), Catalase (see ACF228™)

Can-C™ 2x 5ml vials retail $45 IAS price $39.49- Item Code: 456

Can-C Plus™ 90 capsules retail $40 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 629

Cardio-Pro™ 90x 215mg capsules retail $34 IAS price $27.49 - Item Code: 500

NEW: Crème-Pro™ Cellulite 30ml pump cream retail $30 IAS price $27.99 - Item Code: 828

Parlodel® 30x 2.5mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 58

Dostinex® 8x 0.5mg tablets retail $99 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 612

Page 34: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

D3-Pro™ (vitamin D)

Dercos® (aminexil)




Desmopressin (Minurin®, also see vasopressin)

Detox-Pro™ (DSMA)


Dutasteride (Avodart®; Avodart®)

Dr. Gordon’s Organic Greens

D3-Pro™ 100x 50,000 IU capsules retail $40 IAS price $37.49 - Item Code: 689

Dercos® 200ml bottle shampoo retail $30 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 17

Diet-Pro™ 90 capsules retail $45 IAS price $35.99 - Item Code: 430

Digestif® 60 capsules retail $19 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 626

DIM-Pro ™ 90 capsules retail $40 IAS price $31.99 - Item Code: 428

Minurin® 2.5ml nasal spray retail $39 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 229

Detox-Pro™ 45 capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 0716

Doxycycline 8x 100mg capsules retail $24 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 164

Avodart® 30x 0.5mg tablets retail $89 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 276

Organic best of greens® 10 oz. bottle powder retail $35 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 688

Daidzen (see Bone-Pro™; Prostate-Pro™)

Cresote bush (see Digestif®), Cyclodextrin (see CoQ10SR™), Cyprenil® (see deprenyl)

D-pantethine (see Can-C Plus™), D-panthenol (see Nanogen® conditioner)

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, see krill, Phos-Pro™), Diapid® (see vasopressin)

DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol, see centrophenoxine, Crème-Pro™ Smoother), DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid, see ACF228™, Detox-Pro™), Docosahexaenoic acid (see DHA), Dostinex® (see cabergoline)

EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Clean®, Beyond Fiber®), Eldepryl® (see deprenyl), EPA (ei-cosapentaenoic acid, see krill), Ergoloid mesylate (see hydergine, nicergoline)

Di-IndolylMethane (DIM, see ACF228™, DIM-Pro™), DIM (see ACF228™, DIM-Pro™), Dimethicone (see Nanogen®)

Deprenyl (selegiline) Jumex® 50x 5mg tablets retail $69 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 35

Dep-Pro™ 20ml/ 300mg liquid (HCL) bottle retail $89 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 746

Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer

Crème-Pro™ Protector

Crème-Pro™ Smoother

NEW: Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer 30ml pump cream retail $40 IAS price $37.99 - Item Code: 829

NEW: Crème-Pro™ Protector 30ml pump cream retail $55 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 830

NEW: Crème-Pro™ Smoother 30ml pump cream retail $65 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 831

Page 35: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Fluconazole (Diflucan®; Loitin®)


GABOB (also see Gamalate®)

Galantamine (Reminyl®)

Gamalate B6®

Gengigel® mouthwash


Finesteride (Proscar®; Propecia®, also see Hair-Pro™)

Esnatri™ cream (bio-identical estrogens)

Loitin® 7x 50mg capsules retail $39 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 307

Fludro-Pro™ 100x 20mcg tablets retail $15 IAS price $12.49 - Item Code: 759

Gamibetal® 20x 500mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 402

Reminyl® 28x 8mg tablets retail $99 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 611

Gamalate B6® 60x 250mg tablets retail $19 IAS price $15.99 - Item Code: 27

Gengigel® 150ml bottle liquid retail $19 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 550

Gerovital-H3® 5x 5ml ampoules retail $60 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 258

Gerovital-H3® 25x 100mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 29

GH3-Pro™ 60x 100mg tablets retail $19 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 360

Finesteride generic 28x 5mg tablets retail $45 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 749

Proscar® 15x 5mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 67

Esnatri™ 50ml 100mg cream retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 25

Essential Daily Defence® (see Beyond Chela-tion Improved®), Estradiol (see Esnatri™), Estriol (see Esnatri™), Estrone (see Esnatri™), Eurycoma Longifolia (see Vigor-Pro™)

Florinef® (see Fludrocortisone)

Folic acid (folate, see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond B12®; HRT Plus®, Joint-Pro™, Lithium-Pro™, Nitric-Pro™, Vigor-Pro™), Forced Expiry Volume- Lungs (see PulmoLife®)

Fructoborate (see Andro-Pro™), GABA (gamma-aminohydroxybutyric acid, see Gamalate B6®, picamilone)

GH (growth hormone, see HGH), Ginkgo biloba (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Vigor-Pro™), Glucophage (see metformin), Glucosamine (see Joint-Pro™), Glucuronolactone (see Detox-Pro™)

Garlic (see see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

Genotropin® (see HGH)

Glutathione (also see ACF228™ Breathe Easy)NEW: Advanced Cellular Glutathione® 2 oz. spray retail $40 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 832

Glycerine (glycerin, see Can-C™, Nanogen® hydrator, Nexiclear®), Glycosides (see BEC5 Curaderm®), Grape fruit extract (naringenin, see Prostate-Pro™), Grape seed extracts (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Prostate-Pro™, Resveratrol-Pro™), Green tea extracts (see Diet-Pro™, Nexiclear®, Resveratrol-Pro™, Prostate-Pro™), Growth hormone (see HGH), Gymnena sylvestre extracts (see Diet-Pro™)

Hair-Pro™NEW: Hair-Pro™ 2 oz. spray bottle retail $199 IAS price $179.99 - Item Code: 765

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Hawthorne Berry (crataegus, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Neo40®), Heart rate measurement (see Bio-CLIP™, Bio-CUFF™)

HGH (human growth hormone, somatropin, see IGF-1, Sermorelin, Beyond GHS®, GABOB), Humatrope® (see HGH), Hyaluronic acid (see Crème-Pro™ Protector, Gengigel®, Hair-Pro™, Hy-Col™)

Hydrogen (see Active H-Minus®), Hydrogen peroxide (see Nexiclear®)

IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor, see Hair-Pro™), Indol-3-Carbinol (I3C, see DIM)


Idebenone (also see Crème-Pro™ Protector)

Hydro-Pro® 100x 5mg capsules retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 760

Idebenone 60x 30mg capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 492

HRT Plus®(pueraria mirifica)


Hy-Col® (collagen)

HRT Plus® 60 tablets retail $45 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 496

NEW: HemaGel® 5 gram tube cream retail $19 IAS price $17.49 - Item Code: 820

Hy-Col™ 120x 250mg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 553

Hydergine (ergoloid mesylate)Hydergine® 30x 4.5mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $27.49 - Item Code: 32

Hydergine® 40mg 40ml liquid bottle retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 31

Inosine (see Beyond GHS®), Inositol (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Iodide (see ACF228™), Iodine (see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®), Isoflavonoids (see HRT Plus®), Ixel® (see milnacipran), Jerusalem artichoke (see Beyond Fiber®)

L-citrulline (see Neo40®), L-cysteine (see Nanogen® conditioner), Lecithin (see Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), L-histidine (see Can-C Plus™), Lemon grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Licorice (see Beyond GHS®, Digestif®), Lipoic acid (alpha version see Beyond Chelation Improved®; R-version see ATP-Boost™), Lithium orotate (see Cardio-Pro™, Lithium-Pro™)

Jumex® (see deprenyl), Ketoconazole (see Nizoral®), Kohki leaf extract (see Prostate-Pro™)



L-carnosine (also see ACF228™; Can-C™; Can-C Plus™; Cardio-Pro™)

Laetrile (amygdalin; VitaB17®)

Joint Pro™ 180 capsules retail $50 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 432

Krill 60x 500mg gel capsules retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 584

Carnosine 60x 250mg capsules retail $29 IAS price $24.49 - Item Code: 784

B17 cream 50ml 1% retail $70 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 763

Injection packsIntramuscular kit 20x pack retail $25 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 439

Subcutaneous kit 20x pack retail $25 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 438

L-arginine (see arginine)

Page 37: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

L-methione (see ACF228™; Can-C Plus™), L-proline (see Nitric-Pro™), Lumbrokinase (see Boluoke®), Lupine extract (see Nanogen® serum)

Lycopene (see DIM-Pro™; Prostate-Pro™), Lysine (see Nitric-Pro™)

Magnesium (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro™, Digestif®, Gamalate B6®, Nitric-Pro™), Malic acid (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Manganese (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro™), Marigold (see Nexiclear®), Mastic (see Digestif®), Meclofenoxane (see centrophenoxine)


Melatonin (MZS™; Melatonin Zn Se®)

Memantine (Namenda®; Ebixa®)

Milnacipran (Ixel®; Savella®)

Modafinil (also see adrafinil)

Moclobemide (Manerix®/ Moclamine®)


Metformin (Glucophage®; Metforal®)

Maca (Longevity Maca®; lepidium mey-enii walp)

L-tryptophan 50x 500mg capsules retail $19 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 666

MZS™ 60x 3mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 701

Ebixa® 42x 10mg tablets retail $190 IAS price $174.99 - Item Code: 727

NEW: Memantine-Pro™ 42x 10mg capsules retail $115 IAS price $99.49 - Item Code: 826

Ixel® 56x 50mg tablets retail $79 IAS price $64.99 - Item Code: 400

Alertec® 30x 100mg tablets $169.99

Modiodal® 30x 100mg tablets $159.99

Provigil® 30x 100mg tablets $189.99

Moclamine® 30x 150mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 39

MinSaw™ 30ml bottle topical liquid retail $45 IAS price $39.49 - Item Code: 728

Dianben® 50x 850mg tablets retail $24 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 382

Metforal® 50x 500mg tablets retail $22 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 42

Longevity Maca® 180x 500mg capsules retail $35 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 359

UK can order in Pounds Sterling at:

Melon extracts (see Diet-Pro™)

Methione (see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

Minerals (general, see Quinton®), Minoxidil (see MinSaw™)

Miroestrol (see HRT Plus®), Mito-Pro™ (see ATP-Boost™)

Molybdenum (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Joint-Pro™), MSM (methylsulfonomethane, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, Nitric-Pro™), N-acetylcarnosine (see Can-C™), N-acetylcysteine (see ACF228™, Can-C™ Plus), NADH (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, see Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer, PQQ)

Note: This product is only available via and payable via eChecks or bank wire only.

Lithium-Pro™ Lithium-Pro™ 60 capsules retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 717

Page 38: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Nanogen® conditioner

Nanogen® hydrator

Nanogen® serum

Nanogen® shampoo

Naltrexone (Navcol®)

Nanogen® 240ml bottle conditioner retail $24 IAS price $21.49 - Item Code: 752

NEW: Nanogen® 100ml spray hydrator retail $24 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 809

NEW: Nanogen® 30ml serum dropper retail $49 IAS price $46.49 - Item Code: 822

Nanogen® 240ml bottle shampoo retail $22 IAS price $19.49 - Item Code: 751

Naltrex-Pro™ 30x 4.5mg capsules retail $60 IAS price $52.49 - Item Code: 637

Niacin (nicotinate, niacinamide, see vitamin B3)

Needles (see injection packs), Nettle root extract (see Prostate-Pro™)



NeyGero® (RNAs)

NEW: Neo40 Daily® 30x lozenges retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 790

NEW: Mask, pads & spray kit retail $59 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 834

NeyGeront® 40x 0.5ml capsules retail $79 IAS price $71.49 - Item Code: 321

Nicergoline (Sermion®)Sermion® 50x 10mg tablets retail $49 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 489

Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA, see ACF228™, Digestif®), Norditropin® (see HGH), Oat grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Omega 3 (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, krill), Omega 6 (linoleic acid, GLA, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, krill), Omega 9 (oleic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, krill), Oxythiocynate (OCSN, thiocynates, see 1st Line™)

PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Gerovital®), Palladium (see Cardio-Pro™), Palmitate (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Pancreatin (see Wobenzym®), Panthenol (pantothenic acid, see vitamin B5), Papain (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Wobenzym®)

Nitric Oxide Saliva Test Strips


Nizoral® shampoo (2% ketoconazole)

Oxytocin (Oxy-Pro™)

NEW: Neo40® 25 saliva strips $35 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 791

NEW: Nitric-Pro™ 225 grams powder retail $40 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 792

Nizoral® 60ml bottle shampoo retail $19 IAS price $12.49 - Item Code: 437

Oxytocin 24x 20 IU sublingual troches retail $89 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 660

NEW: Oxy-Pro® 5ml 500 IU nasal spray retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 823

Pentavita (see Nanogen®)

Paxil® (Seroxat®; paroxetine)

Penicillin (Penilevel®)

Paroxetine 28x 20mg tablets retail $30 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 750

Penilevel® 30x 250mg sachets powder retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 206

Phenytoin (Dilantin®, Epanutin®)Phen-Pro™ 28x 25mg capsules retail $19 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 786

Page 39: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Phosphatidylcholine (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), Phosphatidylserine (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Phos-Pro™), Phospholipids (see krill), Phosphorous (see Bone-Pro™, Nitric-Pro™)

Polyphenols (see grape seed extract), Pomegranate extracts (see Andro-Pro™), Potassium (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Gerovital®), Potassium iodide (see ACF228™)

Phos-Pro™ (phosphatidylserine & DHA)


Phos-Pro® 60x 100mg capsules retail $59 IAS price $47.49 - Item Code: 692

Picamilone 60x 50mg tablets retail $24 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 184

Pimagidine (see aminoguanidine)

Piracetam (Nootropil®; also see Anacervix®) Nootropil® 20 grams 100ml liquid retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 50

Nootropil® 60x 800mg tablets retail $30 IAS price $27.49 - Item Code: 205




PQQ (pyroloquinoline quinone)


Propranolol (Inderal®)

Reboxetine (Edronax®; Davedax®)




PulmoLife®1 Spirometer + 4 tubes retail $155 IAS price $139.99 - Item Code: 781

PulmoLife®25 additional tubes retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 782

Isotonic® 24 oral ampoules retail $49 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 681

Hypertonic® 24 oral ampoules retail $49 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 682

Pramiracetam 40x 300mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 451

NEW: Progesterone 50ml 2.5 grams cream retail $40 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 789

NEW: PQQ-Pro™ 30x 20mg capsules retail $40 IAS price $35.99 - Item Code: 837

Pregnenolone 50x 100mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 335

Inderal® 30x 40mg tablets retail $15 IAS price $11.49 - Item Code: 34

Edronax® 60x 4mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 22

Prostate-Pro™ 90x 500mg tablets retail $55 IAS price $49.49 - Item Code: 433

Cerbon 6® 60x 100mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 167

Pyri Pro 60x 50mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.49 - Item Code: 449

Procaine (Novocain®, see Gerovital®, Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer)

Pueraria mirifica (see HRT Plus®)

Rasagiline (see Azilect®)

Prasterone (see DHEA)

Pueraria mirifica (see HRT Plus®), Pygeum africanum (see Nanogen®, Prostate-Pro™)

Pyroloquinoline quinone (see PQQ), Quercetin (see Digestif®, Resveratrol-Pro™)

Page 40: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Soapwort (see Nexiclear®), Solasodine glyco-sides (see BEC5 Curaderm®), Somatomedin C (see IGF-1), Somatropin (see HGH), Spirulina (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®)

Stevia (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Strontium (see Bone-Pro™), Succinic acid (DMSA, see Heavy Detox®), Superoxide dismutase (SOD, see Nanogen® serum), Syringes (see injection packs)


Relenza® (Zanamivir)

Roxithromycin (Rulid®)


Retirides® 30ml 0.025% cream retail $40 IAS price $32.49 - Item Code: 254

Retirides® 30ml 0.050% cream retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 764

Retirides® 30ml 0.100% cream retail $60 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 74

NEW: Retin-A® 20ml 0.100% micro-gel retail $75 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 744

Relenza® 20x 5mg diskettes retail $60 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 409

Rulid® 10x 150mg tablets retail $29 IAS price $21.49 - Item Code: 635

Resveratrol-Pro™ 60 capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 647

Red algae (carrageenan, see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Red yeast (see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

Resveratrol (see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Cardio-Pro™, Crème-Pro™ Protector, MinSaw™, Resveratrol-Pro™)

Retinolic acid (tretinoin, see MinSaw™, Retin-A®), Ribonucleic acids (RNA, see Cerebrolysin®, NeyDent®, NeyGeront®), Ribose (see Bio-En’R-Gy®), Rice bran husks (see Beyond Fiber®), R-lipoic acid (see ATP-Boost™)

Rutin (see Wobenzym®), Saizen® (see HGH), Salacia reticulata extracts (see Diet-Pro™), Salicylic acid (see BEC5 Curaderm®, Nanogen® shampoo, Nexiclear®)

Selepryl® (see deprenyl), Selegiline (see deprenyl), Selenium (see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Detox-Pro™, MZS™, Prostate-Pro™, Thym-Uvocal®)

Saw palmetto (Serena repens, see MinSaw™; Nanogen®)

Shave grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Silicon/ Silica (see Beyond Chelation Improved®; Bone-Pro™, Nanogen™, Wobenzym®)

SAMe (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine; SAMYR®)SAMYR® 20x 400mg enteric-coated tablets retail $69 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 231



Silver protein (ACS®)

NEW: Scalproller® 0.3mm roller kit retail $79 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 762

Sermo-Pro® 30ml/ 30mg liquid bottle retail $225 IAS price $199.99 - Item Code: 714

Advanced Cellular Silver 200® 2 oz. spray retail $35 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 574

Stablon® (tianeptine)Stablon@ 60x 12.5mg tablets retail $69 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 748

TA65®TA65® 30 capsules IAS price $218.99 - Item Code: 755

TA65® 90 capsules IAS price $599.99 - Item Code: 754

Page 41: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]


Tetracycline (Ambramicina®)

Thymus (Thym-Uvocal®)

Thyroid (Armour®; Synthroid®)

Our synthetic thyroids include:

Tamanu 50ml bottle oil retail $25 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 724

Ambramicina® 16x 250mg tablets retail $29 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 143

Thym-Uvocal® 90x 200mg capsules retail $115 IAS price $94.99 - Item Code: 691

Armour® 100x 15mg tablets retail $54 IAS price $47.49 - Item Code: 411

Armour® 100x 30mg tablets retail $59 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 468

Armour® 100x 60mg tablets retail $69 IAS price $64.99 - Item Code: 7

Armour® 100x 90mg tablets retail $89 IAS price $84.99 - Item Code: 594

Armour® 100x 120mg tablets retail $119 IAS price $99.99 - Item Code: 410

ERFA 100x 30mg tablets retail $44 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 0736

ERFA 100x 60mg tablets retail $59 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 737

ERFA 100x 125mg tablets retail $94 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 738

Westhroid® 100x 15mg tablets retail $39 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 613

Westhroid ® 100x 30mg tablets retail $49 IAS price $37.99 - Item Code: 324

Westhroid ® 100x 60mg tablets retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 323

Westhroid ® 100x 120mg tablets retail $89 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 460

NEW: IBSA® 25 tablets (21.4mcg T3 and 74mcg T4) retail $40 IAS price $34.99- Item Code: 778

Titre® (T3) 50x 20mcg tablets retail $35 IAS price $25.99 - Item Code: 314

NEW: Tiromel® (T3) 100x 25 mcg tablets retail $40 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 811

Eutirox® (T4) 84x 100mcg tablets retail $29 IAS price $21.99 - Item Code: 662

Telomeres/ telomerase (see TA65®), Temple viper venom (synthetic, see Crème-Pro™ Smoother)

Thyrotropin releasing hormone (see TRH), TMG (trimethylglycine, betaine, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, Joint-Pro™), Tocotrienols (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Tribulus terrestris (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond GHS®, Vigor-Pro™)

Trypsin (see Wobenzym®), TRX (see Hair-Pro™), Ubiquinol (see CoQ10), Ubiquinone (see CoQ10), Urea (see BEC5 Curaderm®), Urtica dioica (see Nanogen®)

Vanadium (see Beyond Chelation Improved, Diet Pro), VEGF (see Hair-Pro™, Nanogen® conditioner, Nanogen™ hydrator, Nanogen® serum, Nanogen® shampoo)

TRH (Abaris™)

Vasopressin (also see desmopressin)

Valdoxan® (agomelatine)

Venlafaxine (Efexor®)

NEW: Abaris™ 20 x 5mg sublingual tablets retail $250 IAS price $199.99 - Item Code: 793

NEW: Vaso-Pro® 5 ml 500 IU nasal-spray retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 838

Valdoxan® 28x 25mg tablets retail $149 IAS price $132.49 - Item Code: 690

Venlafaxine 60x 37.5mg tablets retail $39 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 488

Page 42: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Vinpocetine (Intelectol®)

Vitamin C test strips (Vitacheck-C®)


Viagra® (sildenafil)

Intelectol® 50x 5mg tablets retail $19 IAS price $15.99 - Item Code: 91

NEW: Vitacheck-C® 50 strips retail $15 IAS price $12.99 - Item Code: 774

Vigor-Pro™ 90 capsules retail $25 IAS price $21.49 - Item Code: 761

Viagra® 4x 100mg tablets retail $88 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 90

Vincamine (see Anacervix®)

Vitamin A (beta carotene, palmitate, see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Vitamin B1 (thiamine, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nitric-Pro™), Vitamin B1 (see benfotiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nitric-Pro™, Vigor-Pro™), Vitamin B3 (niacin, niacinamide, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Crème-Pro™ Cellulite, Nanogen® hydrator, Nanogen® serum, Nitric-Pro™, picamilone; Vigor-Pro™, Xan-Pro™), Vitamin B5 (panthenol, pantothenic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nitric-Pro™, Vigor-Pro™), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, see ACF228™, Andro-Pro™, Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Gamalate B6®; Joint-Pro™, HRT Plus®, Nanogen®; Nitric-Pro™, Vigor-Pro™), Vitamin B6 (see pyridoxamine), Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, see Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer, Joint-Pro™, Lithium-Pro™, Neo40®, Vigor-Pro™), Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro™, D3-Pro™), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy C®, Bone-Pro™, Digestif®; MinSaw™, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™)

Vitamin E (tocopherols, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Can-C Plus™, Nitric-Pro™, Prostate-Pro™, Resveratrol-Pro™, Vigor-Pro™), Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone, see Bone-Pro™), Vitamin K2 (menatretrenone, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro™), Wheat grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®)

Wormwood (see artemisinin)

Yohimbe (see Vigor-Pro™)

Zinc (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Can-C Plus™, MZS™, Nanogen® shampoo, Thym-Uvocal®)


Xan-Pro® (xanthinol nicotinate)

Yohimbine (also see Crème-Pro™ Cellulite, Vigor-Pro™)

Wobenzym® 200 tablets retail $70 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 381

Xan-Pro® 50x 150mg tablets retail $19 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 552

Plain Prowess® 100x 5mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 94

Zeolite (also see Nexiclear®) ZeoGold® 30 capsules retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 684

NEW: Advanced Cellular Zeolite®2 oz. spray retail $40 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 833

Page 43: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Passion, sex and longevity: The oxytocin storyDr. Thierry Hertoghe159$29.99In this book, Dr. Hertoghe looks at the history of the pituitary hormone

oxytocin. He examines each of its published uses from autism, schizophrenia, depression, bonding, birth and of course sexual arousal. In his unique and detailed style, tables show a precise how to guide, indicating doses and methods of application best for each specific purpose.

Stay 40 (without diets and exercise)Dr. Richard Lippman243$39.99Dr. Lippman has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in medicine for his

work in the area of free radical research. Thus there are some extraordinary details about protecting oneself with free radical scavengers, which ends his unique formula ACF228™. But this book is much more; it includes many other protective agents and their combination with antiaging hormones. Stay 40 has easy to follow tables and even suggests protocols based on three levels (according to cost and difficulty) as ‘best, good and worthwhile.’ This way everyone can choose what’s right for them.

Great teeth for life by Brian Halvorsen, BDS

The atlas of endocrinologyby Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

169 page book $24.99

Title:Author: Number of pages:Cost:Description:

Title:Author: Number of pages:Cost:Description:

327 page book $349.99

The cataract cure by Marios Kyriazis, M.D.

The eggplant cancer cureby Bill E. Cham, Ph.D.

Was $9.99,now available FREE - download it at:

122 page book $29.99

The key of lifeby Walter Pierpaoli, M.D.

The patient hormone handbook by Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

The Physician hor-mone handbook v2 by Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

266 page book $29.99

310 page book $249.99

833 page book $424.99

Books (recommended further reading)

Page 44: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013


Condition cross-reference list

AdaptogensHRT Plus®, maca, Quinton®

Addison’s disease Aldosterone

ADHD (ADD, attention deficit disorder, see mental stimulants)

Adrenal fatigueAdrenal-Pro™, aldosterone, hydrocortisone

AGE (Advanced Glycated End Products, cross linking of proteins)

ACF228™, aminoguanidine, Can-C Plus™, Cardio-Pro™, L-carnosine, metformin, pyridoxamine

Age Related Macular Degeneration (see eyesight)

Age Related Mental Decline (see cognitive)

Aids (see HIV)

Alcoholism (also see compulsive disorders) 5HTP, L-tryptophan, memantine

AllergiesBio-En’R-Gy C®, Joint-Pro™, pregnenolone, Thym-Uvocal®, Wobenzym®

ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, see Lou Gehrig’s disease)

Alzheimer’s (see senile dementia)

Aminoacids (including di-peptides)5HTP, ACF228™, ATP-Boost™, Beyond GHS®, Cardio-Pro™, L-carnosine, L-tryptophan, Nitric-Pro

Anabolic (see growth hormone & testosterone)

Anginas (see heart, arterial & blood)

Animal useCan-C™ eye-drops, deprenyl, L-tryptophan

Antiaging (as impacting on a particular theory of aging)

Aminoguanidine (glycosylation), centrophenoxine (membrane), hydergine (mitochondrial), L-carnosine (Hayflick), melatonin (rotational), metformin (neuroendocrine), resveratrol (calorie restriction), ACF228™ (free radical), TA65 (telomeres)

Anti-biotics (also see influenzas & infections)Ciproxin, doxycycline, penicillin, roxithromycin, tetracycline

This cross-reference list highlights individual products that have been used to treat & prevent various aging disorders. Note: It does not mean that all these products are synergistic together.


Page 45: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013

Anti-depressants (also see depression & well being)

Lithium-Pro™, milnacipran (Ixel®), moclobemide (Manerix®), Paxil®, reboxetine (Edronax®), Stablon®, Valdoxan® (agomelatine), venlafaxine (Efexor®)

Anti-inflammatory (see inflammation)

Anti-oxidants (free radical scavengers)ACF228™, ™, Active H-minus®, ATP-Boost™, Bio-En’R-Gy®, glutathione, idebenone, melatonin, pyritinol

Anxiety (see stress)

ARMD (see eyesight)

Aromatase inhibitorsArimidex®, Beyond HRT®, DIM-Pro™, progesterone

Arterial (See heart, arterial & blood)

Arthritis (rheumatoid & osteo)Gerovital-H3®, Hy-Col™, Joint-Pro™, krill, pregnenolone, pyritinol, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, Wobenzym®

Asthma (see Allergies)

Autism (also see chelation agents)Oxytocin, piracetam

At-home test kits (also see health diagnostics)Bio-CUFF™, Bio-CLIP™, Nitric Oxide saliva strips, PulmoLife®, vitamin C urine strips

Bell’s palsyBeyond B12®

Blood disorders (see heart, arterial & blood)

Blood pressureNeo40®, Nitric-Pro™, oxytocin, vinpocetine

Bone problems (also see joints & arthritis) Andro-Pro™, Bone-Pro™, Esnatri™, Hy-Col™, progesterone, SAMe, thyroid

Breathing (see Lungs)

Cancer (also see anti-oxidants & radiation)1st Line™, Arimidex®, artemisinin, BEC5® Curaderm, Beyond HRT®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, bromocriptine, D3-Pro™, DIM-Pro™, HRT Plus®, laetrile, melatonin, metformin, naltrexone, progesterone, Resveratrol-Pro™, Thym-Uvocal®, TRH, Wobenzym®

Cardiovascular (see heart & arterial disorders)

Cataplexy (sudden fatigue)

Adrafinil, modafinil, picamilone

Cataract (also see eyesight)Can-C™, Can-C Plus™

Chelation agents (removing heavy metals, also see detox)

Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Fiber®, Bio-En’R-Gy C®, centrophenoxine, Detox-Pro™, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, L-carnosine, zeolite

Cholesterol (see blood disorders)

Crohn’s diseaseNaltrexone

Chronic fatigue syndrome (see mental stimulants & physical energy improvement)

Cognitive (also see memory & senile dementias)Alertness: Adrafinil, modafinilCreativity: Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetamConcentration: PhosphatidylserineFocus: Deprenyl, desmopressin, vasopressinEnergy: ATP-Boost™, centrophenoxine, picamiloneGeneral support: Gerovital-H3®, vinpocetineIntelligence: HydergineWork load: Hydergine, thyroid

Compulsive disorder treatment (also see alcoholism)

5HTP, Gamalate-B6®, L-tryptophan, picamilone

Cortisol alteration (also see stress)aldosterone, fludrocortisone, Gamibetal®, Gamalate B6®, hydrocortisone, Gerovital-H3®, phenytoin

Cross linking (see advanced glycated end products)

Deep vein thrombosis (see frequent fliers)

Dental (see teeth & gums)

Depression (also see well-being & anti-depressants)

5HTP, aniracetam, ATP Boost™, ATP-Boost™, D3-Pro™, deprenyl, Gerovital-H3®, Lithium-Pro™, L-tryptophan, milnacipran, Geront®, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid, Vigor-Pro™

Detox (also see chelation agents)Artemisinin, Bio-En-R-Gy®, Beyond Clean®, Beyond Fiber®, DIM-Pro™, Detox-Pro™, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, zeolite // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 46: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013


DHT alteration (dihydrotestosterone)Dutasteride, finasteride, Hair-Pro™, MinSaw™, Nanogen’s®, progesterone

DiabetesAcarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, benfotiamine, Diet-Pro™, krill, L-carnosine, metformin, Nitric-Pro™, pyridoxamine, TRH, thyroid

Dieting (See weight loss)

Digestive issuesBeyond Fiber®, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®

DNA support (also see telomeres)CoQ10, D3-Pro™, krill, L-carnosine, NeyGeront®, PQQ, Resveratrol-Pro, TA65®

Down’s syndromeMelatonin, piracetam

Dr. Gordon’s recommend productsBeyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Clean®, Beyond Fiber®, Beyond GHS®, Bio En’R-Gy C®, Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®, HRT Plus®, maca, silver protein, zeolite

Dr. Pierpaoli’s recommend productsMelatonin, TRH

Dr. Wright’s recommend productsEsnatri, cobalt chloride, progesterone

Energy improvement (see physical energy & mental stimulants)

EnzymesBoluoke®, Wobenzym®

EpilepsyGamalate®, Gamibetal®, phenytoin

Erectile dysfunction (also see sex-libido & premature ejaculation)

Andro-Pro™, cabergoline, Cialis®, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, oxytocin, Viagra®, Vigor-Pro™, yohimbine

Estrogen alteration (both increases & decreases)

Arimidex®, cobalt chloride, DIM-Pro™, Esnatri™, HRT Plus®, progesterone

Eyesight (also see cataract, ARMD & glaucoma)ARMD: MZS™Cataracts: Can-C™, Can-C™ PlusContact lenses: Can-C™Dry eyes: Can-C™

General support: Aminoguanidine, vinpocetineGlaucoma: Can-C™Retinal: MZS™, nicergoline, picamilone

ExcitotoxinsCarnosine, deprenyl, idebenone, L-carnosine, Lithium-Pro™, memantine

FertilityMelatonin, metformin, TRH

Fibromyalgia (also see physical energy & mental stimulants & pain relief )

1st Line, milnacipran, naltrexone, oxytocin

First Aid cabinet1st Line™, HemaGel®, silver protein

Free radical scavengers (see anti-oxidants)

Frequent fliers1st Line, artemisinin, Cardio-Pro™, Gamalate-B6®, Gamibetal®, L-tryptophan, melatonin, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, picamilone, piracetam, pregnenolone, Resveratrol-Pro™, silver protein

Gastrointestinal (see digestive)

Glaucoma (see eyesight)

Glucose control (see diabetes)

Glycation prevention (see AGE)

Growth hormoneBeyond GHS®, bromocriptine, deprenyl, Gamalate®, Gamibetal®, hydergine, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, Sermorelin, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid


Hair improvementDercos®, dutasteride, finasteride, Gerovital-H3®, Hair-Pro™, krill, MinSaw™, Nanogen’s, Nitric-Pro™, Nizoral®

Headaches (see migraines)

Heath diagnostics (see at home test kits)

Hearing disordersAldosterone, Anacervix®, fludrocortisone, nicergoline, picamilone, vinpocetine

Heart, arterial & blood (includes blood markers)

Arteries (hard): Aminoguanidine, Bio-CLIP™, Bio-CUFF™, Cardio-Pro™, L-Carnosine, Resveratrol-Pro™ // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 47: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013

Blood pressure (high): Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, Propranolol, vinpocetineCholesterol (high): Beyond B12®, Beyond Fiber™, CoQ10, TRH, Xan-Pro™Dilation (nitric-oxide): Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™Fibrinogen: CurcuminSR™, TRH, Wobenzym®General support: Cardio-Pro™, CoQ10, krill, PQQ, vinpocetine, Wobenzym®Glucose (high): Acarbose, metformin, TRHGlycated end-products: Aminoguanidine, metforminHeart pulse (irregular): ATP-Boost™, Bio En’R-Gy C®, thyroidHeavy metals (chelate): Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Fiber®, Bio En’R-Gy C®, Heavy Detox™Homocysteine: Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio En’R-Gy C®, TRHLipofuscin: CentrophenoxinePlaques (clots): Boluoke®Triglycerides: Bio En’R-Gy C®, CurcuminSR™, krill, TRH

Herpes (also see anti-biotics)1st Line™, ACF228™, silver protein, Wobenzym®

HIV (also see immune system improvement)1st Line™, melatonin, naltrexone, Thym-Uvocal®

HGH (see growth hormone)

Homocysteine (see blood disorders)

Hormones (includes hormonal support supplements)

Aldosterone, Adrenal-Pro™, Andro-Pro™, cobalt chloride, desmopressin, DIM-Pro™, Esnatri™, fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone, melatonin, oxytocin, pregnenolone, progesterone, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid, TRH, vasopressin, Vigor-Pro™

HRT (hormone replacement therapy for women)Cobalt chloride, Esnatri™, HRT Plus®, melatonin, progesterone

Human growth hormone (see growth hormone)

Hydrogen Active H-minus®

Hypertension (see blood pressure)

Immune system improvement (also see infections)

1st Line™, ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12®, L-carnosine, maca, melatonin, NeyGeront®, pyritinol, Resveratrol-Pro™, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid

Infections (also see immune system improvement, anti-biotics & influenzas)

1st Line™, artemisinin, fluconazole, silver protein, Wobenzym®

Inflammation Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, Boluoke®, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, krill, maca, pregnenolone, Thym-Uvocal®, Wobenzym®

Influenzas (also see anti-biotics, infections & immune system improvement)

1st Line™, Relenza®

Insulin & glucose control (see diabetes)

Intestinal flora (see probiotics)

Joints (also see bones & arthritis)Boluoke®, Hy-Col™, Joint-Pro™, krill, pregnenolone, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, Wobenzym®

Kidney disorders (also see infections)Aminoguanidine, SAMe, TRH

Learning (also see memory & mental stimulants)Aniracetam, desmopressin, hydergine, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin

Libido (see sex)

Lipids (see blood disorders)

Liver disorders (also see infections)Idebenone, pregnenolone, SAMe, silver protein

Longevity enhancement (significant increases seen in animal studies)

Centrophenoxine, deprenyl, Desmopressin, melatonin

Lou Gehrig (ALS)Naltrexone, TRH

LungsACF228™ Breathe-Easy, Centrophenoxine, Nitric-Pro™, PulmoLife®

LupusMilnacipran, naltrexone

Lyme’s1st Line™, silver protein

Macular degeneration (see ARMD & eyesight)

Malaria (also see anti-biotics)Artemisinin // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 48: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013


Menopause (see HRT)

Mental stimulants Adrafinil, aniracetam, centrophenoxine, deprenyl, desmopressin, modafinil, nicergoline, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin, Xan-Pro™

Memory (also see cognitive & senile dementia)General support: Krill, vinpocetineImprinting (for later recall): Desmopressin, vasopressinMedium-long term: Hydergine, phosphatidylserineShort term: Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetamSpeed of recall: Centrophenoxine, pyritinol

Methylation (conversion of one chemical into another inside the body)

ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12® Bio-En’R-Gy®, Boluoke®, SAMe, Wobenzym®, Xan-Pro™

Migraines (also see pain relief )Beyond B12®, nicergoline, memantine, picamilone, Quinton®

Minerals (including trace- also see vitamins)Beyond Chelation Improved®, Cardio-Pro™, Quinton®

Mitochondrial supportATP-Boost™, CoQ10, deprenyl, glutathione, hydergine, idebenone, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe

Multiple Sclerosis (also see mitochondrial support)

Melatonin, naltrexone, TRH

Nail conditionGerovital-H3®, krill

Narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime)Adrafinil, melatonin, modafinil, picamilone

Nitric Oxide releaseNitric-Pro™, Neo40®, Nitric Oxide saliva test strips

Oral health care (see teeth & gums)

Osteoporosis (see bone problems)

Pain reliefATP-Boost™, Gerovital-H3®, memantine, milnacipran, nicergoline, oxytocin, Wobenzym®

Parasites (see infections)

Parkinson (see senile dementia)

Pets (see Animal use)

Photoaging (see radiation & skin problems)

Ph balance (rebalancing)Active H-minus®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, Quinton®

Physical energy improvement Active H-minus®, ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12®, CoQ10, idebenone, L-carnosine, maca, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe, yohimbine

PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome)Beyond B12®, krill, HRT Plus®, maca, vinpocetine

Premature ejaculation/ ejaculate (also see erectile dysfunction & sex-libido)


ProbioticsBeyond Fiber®, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, Quinton®

Prostate (also see cancer)Beyond B12™, Bone-Pro™, D3-Pro™, DIM-Pro™, dutasteride, finasteride, HRT Plus®, melatonin, Prostate-Pro™

Prolactin alterationBromocriptine, cabergoline, Gamalate-B6® ®, Gamibetal®

PSA (prostate specific antigen- see prostate)

Radiation (see skin problems)

RNA support (see DNA support)

Senile dementia (also see cognitive & memory)Alzheimer’s: Centrophenoxine, galantamine, hydergine, memantineGeneral support: Anacervix®, aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam, vinpocetine, Wobenzym®Parkinson’s: Azilect®, bromocriptine, cabergoline, deprenyl

Senility Gerovital-H3®, NeyGeront®

Sex (libido, also see erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation)

Andro-Pro™, deprenyl, maca, oxytocin, Vigor-Pro™, yohimbine

Skin problemsAcne: Nexiclear®Anti-glycation: Aminoguanidine, L-carnosineAnti-oxidant: Crème-Pro™ ProtectorCancer (non-melanoma): BEC5® CuradermCellulite: Crème-Pro™ CellulessCollagen: Hy-Col™Environmental: Crème-Pro™ ProtectorFine lines: Crème-Pro™ Smoother // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 49: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013

General support: Gerovital-H3®, Quinton®, thyroidHyaluronic acid: Hy-Col™Infections: Silver protein, Thym-Uvocal®Moisturizer: Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer Psoriasis: Nexiclear®Radiation: Crème-Pro™ Protector, melatoninScars/ stretch marks: Tamanu oilSun spots: BEC5® CuradermWounds: HemaGel®Wrinkles: Retin-A®

Sleep disorders (both a lack of & too much)5HTP, adrafinil, ATP-Boost™, L-tryptophan, melatonin, modafinil

Smoking cessation 5HTP

Sports (see growth hormone, estrogen alteration, physical energy & testosterone)

Stress (also see cortisol)5HTP, Gamalate-B6®, Gamibetal®, Gerovital-H3®, maca, L-tryptophan, melatonin, NeyGeront®, oxytocin, picamilone, phenytoin, propranolol, pregnenolone

Stroke Anacervix®, aniracetam, Boluoke®, hydergine, idebenone, nicergoline, Nitric-Pro™, picamilone, piracetam, PQQ, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, vinpocetine

Stomach (see digestive)

Sunburn (see radiation)

Syndrome X (metabolic syndrome)Aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, krill, melatonin, metformin

Teeth & gum disordersDoxycycline, Gengigel®, NeyDent®, silver protein, Quinton®, zeolite

Telomeres (also see DNA support)Krill, L-carnosine, TA65®

Testosterone & testes (also see fertility and prostate)

Andro-Pro™, Arimidex®, Beyond B12®, Beyond GHS®, DIM-Pro™, melatonin, oxytocin, TRH, Vigor-Pro™

Travel (see frequent fliers)

Triglycerides (see blood disorders)

Veterinarian (see animal use)


Vitamins (also see minerals)Benfotiamine, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio- En’R-Gy®, Cardio-Pro™, CoQ10, Gamibetal®, Gamalate®, Nitric Pro™, PQQ, pyridoxamine, Xan-Pro™

WaterActive H-minus®, Quinton®

Weight gainAndro-Pro™, Beyond GHS®, Gamalate®, Gamibetal®, sermorelin

Weight loss 5HTP, acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, benfotiamine, Beyond Fiber®, Diet-Pro™, DIM-Pro™, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, galantamine, L-tryptophan, metformin, thyroid, TRH, Xan-Pro™

Well-being (also see depression)Active H-minus®, Aniracetam, ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12®, deprenyl, Gamalate-B6®, Gerovital-H3®, krill, melatonin, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid, Wobenzym® // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: [email protected]

Page 50: Aging Matters Magazine Issue 1 2013
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