Page 1: AGRA Law (Samplex Answers to Question)


30 out of 50

10 POINTS Agrarian Reform is the redistribution of agricultural lands to the regular, seasonal farmers and farmworkers. The primary aim of agrarian reform is to equally distribute the lands utilize for agriculture in order to provide and promote development of the farmers and farmworkers in the Philippines. This to promote equal rights to the farmers who have been devoting their lives in doing farm activities.

10 POINTS The members of the Social Security System are those: Private employees who have an employer employee relationship, self-employed, domestic worker earning at least P1000, private individual who voluntarily join the social security system, those who are not subject to the members of GSIS provided they apply in SSS. The Government Service Insurance System members are those employed in the government who are considered as a regular employee. It also include regular employee in the government owned and controlled corporations. The difference of the two is that the Government Srvices Insurance System (GSIS) caters those who are employee of the government provided thath ther are regular while the Social Security System provide services to private employees and individuals who voluntarily join the SSS.

0 POINT Yes, X can register his Patent in the Registry of Deeds. Despite X’s lack of money to pay the registration fee and other charges, he can still register his Patent through the help of the Land Bank of the Philippines. The creation of Lnd Bank of the Philippines aims to assist and provide services to the farmers, farmworkers covered by agrarian reform. The Land Ban k(LBP) provide bonds that can be aquire through loans. This is to help the farmers and farmworker in developing the land granted to them.

0 POINT A and his family will be entitled to return 15 hectares of land subject to the condition that both of his children will apply for the retention right also. Under the retention right of 5 hectares of land, 3 hectares grant to a legal age children if the child will develop and till the land.

Page 2: AGRA Law (Samplex Answers to Question)

10 POINTS Yes, X is entitled to the benefits of a senior citizen. It is not expressly provided in th law that income or financial status is needed in determining who will be benefited from the Senior Citizens Act. As provided in Senior Citizens Act, a senior citizen is a person reaching the age of at least 60 years old, a citizen of the Philippines but considering those who have dual citizenship who have been residing in the Philippines for at least 6 months. Given the condition, X is considered as a senior citizen thus he is entitled for th benefits provided for by law.

17 out of 30

3 POINTS Idle or abandoned lands refers to those land which were not used or utilized and is subject to the agrarian reform. Lands which are considered to be idle or abandoned are those land which are deemed for agricultural purposes but not utilized based on its purpose. If a land is unproductive, that land is considered to be idle or abandoned lands. Example, if the land are mere infested with pest or typhoons and for that crops are not good in the area, the landowner will not utilize it for agricultural purposes hence, he will let it to be considered as idle or abandoned land.

3 POINTS An idle or abandoned lands will be exempted in the implementation of CARL if: the land is deemed to be converted to parks, reserved areas for natural resources, fish sanctuaries, and mangrove areas; the land is for possible school or educational institution purposes; it is deemed converted to be a residential area; the land is for fish ponds, livestock, poultry purposes; the land is converted subject to commercial institution; the land is 5 hectares and below; the land is in the slope measuring 18 meters and below;

3 POINTS In R.A. 6657, the landowner can only retain 5 hectares of land while P.D. 27 provide that 7 hectares of land shall be retained by the landowner. Also, the 5 hectares retention of land granted by the R.A> 6657 will be added 3 hectares each for children 15 years old and below while the P.D. provide that 7 hectares of land alone shall be granted regardless of the children they have. P.D. 27 once granted to the farmworker or farmers

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cannot utilize R.A. 6657, unless otherwise that farmworker or farmer will let the 5 hectares of land alone granted to him or her.

Republic Act 3844 created the Land Bank of the Philippines. IT is created for the purpose of the implementation of the agrarian reform program. The Land Bank of the Philippines serves as the lending entity for the farmes and farmworkers in instituting their farms effectively through the agrarian reform. The Land Bank of the Philippines collect the annual mortgage of the farmers and farmworkers on the land granted to them through CARP. Also, they release Land Bank bonds to those landowners whose land are being covered by the Comprehensive Reform Program.

31 out of 100

2 POINTS Rural women according to CARL are women engaged directly or indirectly in farming or farm activities and depend on it as their source of livelihood. A rural women may be engaged in tilling the land but no necessarily.

1 POINT The primary responsibility of the women’s desk it to ensure that rural women are extended equal shares of the farm produce, and shaves an equal right to patent, benefits, etc that the CARP may provide. The Women’s desk as provided in CARL’s mandate to DAR shall be put up to protect womens right, uphold and develop their role in the society.

2 POINTS The BARC may seek legal advice to the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) to ensure that its proposed solution to the dispute is within the bounds of law. The DAR is the proper party for the issue to be raised as provided in CARL.

5 POINTS Yes, Jose is allowed to work in his aunt’s refilling station. As the law provides, a minor may work if it is under the supervision of a relative, a legal guardian, and within the approval of DOLE. Jose may be allowed to work on his aunt’s water station if the aunt serves as her legal guardian, or it is within the approval of his parents and under their supervision and if the work will not put the child’s life in harm or in danger.

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2 POINTS Article 183 and Article 184 provides the provision on adultery and concubinage. It is discriminatory since the law provides a higher sanction for women who commit this crime as provided in the RPC.

3 POINTS The provisions regarding adultery and concubinage is discriminatory to women since the penalty provided to them is higher thatn the penalty imposed to men. Also, some of the descritions and requisites provided in those provisions are derogatory to women.

1 POINT No, Samuel Cruz is not entitled to avail the privileges of a Senior Citizen. Provided that the Senior Citizens Act states that any citizen of at least 50 years of age and been residing in the Philippines for at least 6 months is entitled for the benefits of being a senior citizen. At this case, Samuel Cruz has only started residing in Cebu since July 2014. Thus, it made him not qualified on the length of stay required in the Senior Citizens Act.

0 POINT No, X cannot proceed to retain his chosen area due to the EP. This is because, an Emancipation Patent already gave rights to the beneficiary to own the land as provided in P.D. 27, given that he already registered it to the Register of Deeds.

0 POINT X may call upon the DAR to secure his chosen area covered by the Emancipation Patent, to implement the comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law provided that the beneficiary covered by the Emancipation Patent will allow the owner of the land to cover the area benefited to him already.

0 POINT No, my answer will be the same. If the land is already awarded by to a beneficiary covered with an Emancipation Act or a Certificate of Lawn Ownership Award, the land owner cannot easily proceed to retain his chosen area even if it is one of his rights as a landowner. This is because, the awarding of land is already been perfected before he chose his retention area. His best remedy is to chose another area for this right retention.

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0 POINT No, the actuation of Y is not correct. As an agrarian reform beneficiary, it is the duty of Y to register the Patent in the Register of Deeds. Lack of funds to pay the registration fees and other charges is not a valid excuse to register the land awarded to him. Under CARL, the beneficiary shall register the land awarded to him as one of the conditions for the land benefit.

2 POINTS Z should file a syndicated illegal recruitment provided that A, B, and C conspired to engage in illegal recruitment. To be considered as a syndicated illegal recruitment, there should be two or more person who conspired to commit illegal recruitment. As provided in Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipino Workers Act, an illegal recruitment can be considered a syndicated illegal recruitment if there are two or more person who performs that act of illegal recruitment through conspiracy.

0 POINT No, Nelia is not a domestic worker. As provided in R.A. 10361, a domestic worker is one hired to perform household work within the country. Nursing is not considered as a household work even if the job of Nelia is to take care and serve as a nursemaid in all her activities of Dona Estela here and abroad. R.A. 10361 only provides those who perform work as a helper or yaya to be considered as a domestic worker.

7 POINTS No, the defences of good faith and lack of demand is not a valid defense for the failure to remit premium contributions of the company. Under the Social Security Act, good faith and lack of demand is not a valid excuse to the failure of remittance of the six months premium contributions of the company and its employees. It is the duty of the company to pay on time their monthly contributions and need not to mind by the SSS all the time.

6 POINTS Pedro Cruz sustain permanent and partial disability as stated in the GSIS, Pedro Cruz sustain a permanent disability because his leg cannot grow or be attached anymore and partial disability only because he still has another leg to perform other duties. The GSIS distinguished disability from permanent and partial or temporary and total. A permanent and partial disability is that the part of the body cannot be attached again

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but still the counter part or the other pair is there to perform the activities. If the disability is temporary the performing of the activities is stop for a while but the chance of doing and performing as normal again is certain. Lastly, if the disability is total, the person before without the chance of recovery. In this case, Pedro Cruz only sustain a permanent and partial disability.

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