  • 7/29/2019 Agri Agenda - Sept 15 - 21 2013


    Events that directly and indirectly impactagricultural development

    Caribbean Regional Agriculture Policy Networksupported by IICA, the CTA and agricultural professionals in the Caribbean

    AgricultureAgenda 22001133September 15th21st 2013 FYI!Mon 16th

    Thur 19



    PreparednessSeminar Series

    Trinidad andTobago

    The export Limited is hosting a series of seminars on compliance with US Food and Drug

    Administration Regulations aimed at helping exporters to understand and meet the

    mandatory entry requirements under the Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA). The

    seminar thematic focus, date and venue are:

    Seafood Mon 16th Fiesta Plaza, MovieTowne

    Juice & Beverage Tues 17th Kapok Hotel, St. Clair

    Acidified & Low-acid Canned Foods

    (sauces, spices & other condiments)

    Wed 18th Kapok Hotel, St. Clair

    Produce & Processed Food Thur 19th Fiesta Plaza, MovieTowne

    Each session costs TT$ 1,000.00 and will be hosted by Dr Andre Gordon of TechnologicalSolutions Limited, Jamaica.

    For further details, contact: Mandisa Granderson or Samilla Khan

    both at

    Mon 16th

    Fri 20th

    CDB Regional

    Workshops for the

    Caribbean on the

    Preparation of the

    Fifth National

    Report & on



    Gros Islet, Saint


    Organized by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) with support

    from the Governments of Japan and Saint Lucia, these two workshops will be held in

    parallel, aiming to strengthen capacities of the countries in the region for preparing theirfifth national reports and for developing their national clearing-house mechanisms,

    respectively. Clearing-house mechanism refers to the networks of parties and partnerstogether facilitating implementation of the Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM) of the

    United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. The principle objectives of the

    Convention include: the conservation of biological diversity; the sustainable use of itscomponents; and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the use of genetic

    resources. As a biodiversity hot-spot of the world, the Caribbean has much to benefit

    from improved management of its genetic resource particularly in the context ofagricultural productivity and adaptation to climate change, the development of

    pharmaceutical and nutraceuticals products, and maintenance of diversity as a facet ofthe tourism product.

    For more information, contact: CDB Secretariat

    For further details, go to:

    Wed 18th Market Survey

    Findings: Guyana

    and Suriname

    Cara Suites Hotel,Port of Spain,Trinidad and


    This free seminar seeks to present findings which inform on market access from a marketsurvey mission for the CARICOM market conducted by the export Limited. The market

    survey was aimed at evaluating the size and scope of the market potential for growth in

    exports from Trinidad and Tobago, as well as assessing competition and market dynamics(i.e. pricing, supply, logistics, etc.).

    For more info contact: or

    For more details, go to:

    Thur 19th

    Sat 21st

    Workshop on

    Intensive Small



    Systems for the


    Sugarcane FeedCentre, Trinidadand Tobago

    This technical workshop focuses on integrated feeding systems for small ruminants utilizing forages with high nutritive value and improved husbandry practices toincrease productivity. Taking a hands-on approach, after learning the fundamentals

    of the feeding system, participants will have the opportunity to prepare a nursery forproducing forage, as well as to visit a demonstration plot where they will beinstructed in establishing and managing forage by seeds.

    For more info contact: Dr Lisa Harrynanan

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://www.exportt./mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.exportt./mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 7/29/2019 Agri Agenda - Sept 15 - 21 2013


    Events that directly and indirectly impactagricultural development

    Caribbean Regional Agriculture Policy Networksupported by IICA, the CTA and agricultural professionals in the Caribbean

    AgricultureAgenda 22001133Thur 19th

    Fri 20th

    Trade Policy

    Climate Change &



    Kapok Hotel, Portof Spain, Trinidadand Tobago

    This workshop aims to critically look at both the ecological impact of climate changeas well as the effects of mitigation and adaptation policies on key economic and

    trade sectors. For sectors such as agriculture which directly interface and areconsequently affected by a wide range of natural and commercial factors, climate

    change is a major issue. The workshop is organised by UWI Consulting (a subsidiary ofThe UWI), International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) andthe Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of Service Industries (TTCSI). Support has also been

    received from the World Trade Organization (WTO) Chair at The UWI.For more info contact: Natalie-Anne de Silva

    For more details, go to:

    Whats on the Agenda for Next Week?You tell us!!

    Please share information about your events to keep all stakeholders informed and updated on time to

    [email protected] and/or [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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