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‘How to Overcome Procrastination &

Take Effective ‘Inspired’ Action

A Planning .. & DOING .. Guide To Success’

By Kathy Baker

©All Interactive Solutions & Kathy Baker & Associates 2005

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Kathy Baker is a Success Coach (Business & Personal), Intuitive Marketer (Marketing with Integrity), Information Marketer/Infopreneur, Law of Attraction practitioner & Internet Marketer. She is Founder/Lead Person of All Interactive Solutions & Kathy Baker & Associates. With an extensive background in business strategy consulting, marketing, business development & communications, Kathy operates her own business providing Business Coaching & Personal Coaching & Information Product Marketing services to a diverse, happy & abundant range of clients. Website: Email: [email protected] My Intention to Help You You’ve obviously recognized that you may have a bit of an issue with Procrastination, at least some of the time, or else you wouldn’t have downloaded & be reading this E-Report. My intention is to help You get clear on a few fundamentals, so that You can better get to know the ‘beast’ that You’re dealing with - whether it’s a habit You’ve formed, or a limiting belief that is holding You back, or whatever – so that You can move forward & conquer or harness that ‘beast’ for amazing positive return for You. So that You can go forth & have a totally victorious Life …

Please Note: This E-Report is copyrighted to Kathy Baker.

You may pass on this E-Report to others as long as you do not alter or edit it in any way.

©All Interactive Solutions & Kathy Baker & Associates 2005

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Do You Have a Problem with Procrastination & Do You Really Know

Why You’re Experiencing It?

What Action have You NOT Taken because You were So Attached to the Results that You were AFRAID

You Wouldn't Get Your Desired Outcome?

Are You Living Your Life the Way You Want? … By Your Own Design …

or by Other Outside External Forces?

WHY Do You Get Out of Bed each & every Morning? So, What Can You Do Seriously to Take Action –

To Overcome Procrastination & Take Positive Effective ‘Inspired’ Action?


The above questions have everything to do with the many reasons why we all procrastinate at some time or another in our lives. Not wanting to move out of our comfort zone … not enjoying & even disliking what we have to do each & every day … not living our life the way we’d like to & feeling we have no purpose in what we’re doing … just feeling tired, sapped of energy & unmotivated … feeling trapped in an existence that we feel totally uninspired by … & many, many others …

There is good news –

Know that it is within Your ‘Power’ to Change all this – You have the choice –

& we will cover steps to achieve that later in this E-Report.

In the meantime, let’s cover some basics –

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We are All Human & that means We ALL Do Procrastinate at some times … You know that everybody procrastinates at some time or another, around some issues. We are all human beings with our own imperfections. It is fair to ask Yourself – am I perhaps being a bit too hard on myself sometimes? You’re probably making incremental changes over time, but perhaps it’s not easy to see it in overview. You’re taking action right now, aren’t you, right? You’re reading this E-Report … so that’s good … The important question is - Are You procrastinating on some things because You have higher priorities on other things at a particular point in time that rightly demand Your attention, or are You just habitually procrastinating on most things as a way of dealing/or not dealing with circumstances each & every time … period? Knowing the difference is important. Being honest with Yourself is really important & self-awareness is vital ... Let me continue by asking You some more really important questions – What gets YOU really excited about Life, so much so, that You’re literally jumping out of bed in the morning with anticipation of what You can achieve & what the day has in store for You? Do You love what You’re doing & are You absolutely passionate about it? Will You do anything to go after it, & revel in the ‘feeling’, ‘emotion’, ‘buzz’ & adrenalin rush of the experience of achieving it? Or, is Your daily life routine a chore, drudgery & does it drain & sap the energy from You, every single day? Does it lack meaning & purpose for You? Pretty heavy stuff, eh? … Just take a big deep breath … hold … & exhale … OK, so, let’s get back to the original question, let me ask You again – What gets You out of bed in the morning? Is it perhaps, the idea that the World needs You? Yes, there is nothing more noble & fulfilling than having the desire to ‘make a difference’ in the lives of others, even great numbers of others ...

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Granted, I hear you saying – ‘if only I had the money, I would do so, no sweat’ ... Sure, when You have the money, You have the resources to do more for the world & those around You more easily. If You have a little, You probably can only give a little, if You have more, You can give more, much more easily … We are not always in the position to do so … Right now, You may be struggling to make ends meet & to just stay afloat … Or, perhaps You’re reasonably OK, but just can’t get ahead of the game & breakthrough & make the changes to move Yourself to Your next desired level. Perhaps You have really big dreams & just can’t get Yourself on the right track to achieving them …

******* Living Your Life by Your Own Design, According to Your Own Truths, Passions & Desires … There is no doubt that the closer You are to loving what You do, living the Life of Your Dreams ‘on purpose’ that You were meant to live, the more easily You will effectively & consistently ‘Take Action’ & feel really good, happy & energized about it.


Living Your Life by the Design of Others & Society, or even by Default - of Not knowing What You Really Want … Many of us are trapped in a life of doing what we think we ‘should’ be doing based on the expectations of others - family, friends, co-workers & the society around us – the things that are expected of us – the ‘You shoulds’ in our lives. Sometimes, we may even just not know what we want. This is more common than You may think. We have become so disconnected & socialized out of knowing intuitively what we really want to do & how to do it that we feel trapped in a vacuum of not knowing what direction to take. We are lost, not knowing what we can do to move forward.

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Living this way means we allow the forces to overtake us & direct our lives – you give up the driver’s seat. After a while, you can settle into a pattern of just ‘settling’ for what life dishes up to you, over & over again & deprive yourself of the potential of what could be & what is possible for You …

******** So How Can You Know? … & What Can YOU DO? So where does that leave You? What way are You going to choose? What other options are there for You? How can You find Your way & make it happen for You more easily? Seriously, Ask Yourself – what really excites ME? What do I enjoy doing that absolutely is not a chore & the time just flies by? Is it perhaps – being creative, a particular hobby, leading a team, being part of a team, inventing something brand new, starting a business from a great idea, being an entrepreneur, being wealthy, having a multi million dollar business, total freedom, helping others, contributing to make the world a better place, living Your Life authentically & with integrity … The most important thing is to know what YOU want, to get in touch with it & go after it. There is no sadder thing than a life wasted pursuing a treadmill of ‘I shoulds’ & not discovering what You’re really here to do & meant to contribute from Your special natural talents & Life Purpose.

******** It is often said that successful people do all the things that unsuccessful people hate to do. So, how can YOU get mobilized? What techniques can YOU use to train Yourself to TAKE ACTION more easily & routinely, so that it flows more effortlessly, that You can turn it on at will, & so that it becomes a natural part of Your behavior?


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Here are 10 Basic Steps to Help You – 1. Find Your ‘WHY’? - Find Your WHY for doing whatever it is You want to do - Your ‘core’ reason for wanting to do something. Listen to Your inner voice, Your intuition. Identify Your ‘core’ reason for ‘being’, Your purpose & find Your Values around these things. Identify & decide what it is You want to accomplish before You start - You need to be working towards something that’s really important to You! To be motivated & passionate You have to do the things You want to do, not what You think You should do, or what others say You should do. They have to be things that fuel & motivate You, without any effort ... Making money may not always be enough – it may not be focused or passionate enough. The desire/need/want to make more money is usually a cloak, a veneer for something else more important that You want beneath Your layers of desires & reasoning. The underlying reason may be wanting more freedom/escape from stresses, recognition, or the independence to express Your creativity in Your own way. Follow Your passion … Follow what’s in Your heart … Follow Your enthusiasm … Follow Your ‘bliss’ ... Go for what Your heart & soul is propelling You to do ... Come from Your heart & You just have to trust that it will happen, that it will come ... Know that You will be on the right track if You are true to this approach … Focus on Your Self Fulfillment of Your Heart’s Desires as Your guiding principle - not just the making money focus (Note**see next page). If You follow the making money pursuit motivator, You’re focusing on an ‘Outside-In’/externally focused approach, rather than the ‘Inside-Out’/ internally focused approach to making ‘real’ significant changes in Your Life. To learn more about this, please go here –

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(Note** from previous page) Interestingly, A ‘How to Become a Millionaire’ study (Scrully Blotnick) of 1,500 people over 20 years revealed that 101 became millionaires: Here’s a breakdown of their primary interests - Group 1 of 1,245 people said that pursuing money was their 1st interest. Group 2 of 255 people said that they would follow their own interests 1st & trust that the money would come. The results 20 years later – Group 1 had 1 millionaire; Group 2 had 100 millionaires.


Also, remember that what You want may & probably will change over time. You have to make a Life decision that to be true to Yourself You’re going to do what You Want to do, whenever You want to (within reason), to go with Your Inspiration, Your Ideas, Your intuitive drives, whatever they may be along Your journey, for the rest of Your Life, & that this will be a dynamic & evolving process. So many people live their lives by default - either not knowing exactly what they want, or not being committed enough to follow through with what they want. They focus on what they don’t want & settle for less than they deserve, & many become victims of their circumstances. The Living life by the Default system will not allow you to move forward & take action. It leads to compromises that prevent us from achieving our fullest potential & best lives. It’s like driving a car without a steering wheel. So, get clear on your values & don’t compromise your Values, Your Purpose. Take responsibility & take action. Recognize that You’re going to have to make sacrifices to get Yourself on the right track ... The rewards will be oh so very worthwhile !!! …


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2. Set Your Clear INTENTION -

Intention is magnetic. You will draw it to you. Whatever you focus on is what you will get. The Universal Law of Attraction & Quantum Physics supports this with scientific fact. It is a very powerful force in the Universe & means simply that you attract what you spend most of your time thinking about – whether good or bad, whether positive or negative, & whether you want it or not! So be mindful & purposeful in your thinking. To learn more about this, just go here

Decide unequivocally that You’re going to achieve what You want. This moment is the turning point. This is the bottom line. Enough is enough. There is no possibility of failure. And, believe that it will show up ...

Make a decision here & NOW that by the end of reading this E-Report that You will put in place a plan of ACTION to achieving one major desire or goal. It may be setting up & running something to generate some extra income for You, perhaps starting a new business, or putting up online a simple one page website … or getting fit, improving your relationship/s, doing something for the community. Or, whatever takes Your fancy & ignites the fire within You – the ‘fire in Your belly’…

******** 3. Focus

Make a commitment to focusing on the job at hand & it will get done faster. Remember what motivates you & tie your motivation & focus together into a powerful partnership. Focus yourself & get in the ‘zone’ for peak performance. Know Yourself & harness Your strengths to work for You. If you prefer to work on one thing at a time, then do so.

If you prefer to multi task & work on a bunch of things at once then do so. There really is no right or wrong, it’s what suits your style the best. It’s OK to juggle several things at once, if that is the way You like to work. In fact, it may keep your interest fresh to have the stimulation of variety.

We’re often made to think that there is only one set perfect ‘right’ way to do something. Well, there isn’t! There’s a massive variety of ways. You just have to know Yourself & Your strengths & find the best way for You & harness its power & channel & direct it to work for You. Have confidence in Yourself & what You believe.


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4. Just DO IT ! … Just Take ACTION !

As the saying goes – Change happens when the pain of staying the same

becomes greater than the pain of change itself … The key thing to figure out is how to best motivate & train Yourself to optimally TAKE ACTION. So that You can turn it ON at will like pressing a button that works for You - & You alone. Taking Action makes up for many sins - & what motivates each & every one of us is a very individual thing. You have to start right at the beginning, with the smallest steps & compound them over time (Compound Motivation). The more You do it, the more You develop the habit. You have to decide how important the outcome is to You – What would be the reward to achieving the outcome - Or what would be the loss if You didn’t? Just be in the moment, don’t over analyze, clear the angst & fear You may be feeling, & just move forward & TAKE ACTION …

When you TAKE ACTION, you’ll see that magic things start to happen. Just by the sheer act of doing & taking action, You’ll set a series of events in motion … You’ll also feel like a million bucks when You do … & feel good about it! …

Also, when You’re ‘in the flow’ & TAKING ACTION – this is the ideal time to move into a higher gear, to a higher level - & that is lifting yourself to a higher frequency & opening yourself to receiving inspired, intuitive inspirations, like ideas for what You should do next … Keep Yourself open to the inspirational ideas that come when You’re in this state … If You have felt this feeling - You will know what I mean … If You’d like to know more about how to achieve this, please feel free to visit here -


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5. Cultivate the Habit of DOING IT NOW Cultivating the habit of Doing it Now is a great way to overcome procrastination. Make the decision to do it now or schedule it now. Set yourself a time limit & stick with it. Suspend any negative thoughts, fears, & limiting beliefs you may have – Yes, perhaps the uninspiring, less than exciting task may not be easy to do, but JUST DO IT any way, & it will become easier & easier. The key is to get into the practice of doing something outside of Your normal habits & comfort zone – this is what most people have trouble with. If You feel uncomfortable when You’re put on the spot to do something, perhaps by another person asking something of You – that’s a sign that it’s probably exactly what You should do. When You’re put on the spot, it’s easy to slip into Your comfort zone & resist or stall. You may even have a bit of a rebellion issue going on. Be mindful & know Yourself … Doing it NOW gives You an adrenalin rush! When You get that rush You know You’re doing something right. In fact, go a step further & seek out the challenges that make You feel uncomfortable. When You feel put on the spot – seek out & welcome that feeling - & take the action, the inspired action – schedule it & DO IT in the face of that feeling ... If You want to live Your Life with Passion, You’ll seek out those confronting feelings & act – when You do, You’ll feel like a million dollars! You’ll feel so powerful in walking that path ... & getting things done & achieving … You may just find that Your best will come out when Your back is up against the wall. You’ll also save time & be more time efficient. We all know the value of good Time Management. By DOING IT NOW You work on capturing the moment, the energy, & You keep the momentum going to complete a good task.


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6. Eliminate Distractions Set up daily routines to eliminate distractions & make achieving Your Goals much easier for Yourself. To ensure that You stack Yourself in favor of as much Success as possible – > Make a ‘To Do Action List’ for each day – When you achieve & cross/tick items off Your List as You complete & achieve them, its exciting, motivating, satisfying & exhilarating! … You can really feel good about Yourself … Your productivity … Your vast potential! … & so much more!!! … Also, You know that You’re doing it for a much grander plan – Your overall Personal & Business Success, & also for the other people in Your Life – Your Loved Ones, Your Clients, & the many other People you can reach ... > For Maximum Success, plan out Your ‘To Do Action List’ the night before - Arranging Your tasks & priorities for the next day as You close off Your current day has a continuity to it – fresh with the knowledge of where things are at & what You need to do next day, so that You can make a fresh start knowing exactly what needs to be done with clarity from the start of Your next day. You will get a great head start … Doing Your Plan the night before is important for another reason – it has a significant psychological effect. Knowing what’s planned ahead makes You feel more relaxed when going to sleep & bodes well for a better more restful night’s sleep. This also programs Your subconscious mind while You’re asleep - You’re giving commands to Your subconscious mind. When you have a major task to do like writing an article the next day, you’ll find that you can write the article more easily because you’ve already pre-written it beforehand in major part in your mind during the night.


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7. Accept the Fact that It Will Never Be Absolutely

Perfect …

What Action have You NOT Taken because You were so attached to the results that You were AFRAID You

wouldn't get Your Desired Outcome?

Do You have a ‘Perfection’ hang up? Does everything have to be absolutely perfect before You finalize it & move forward? Do You feel overwhelmed by all the different options & choices You have to make? Do You worry about making the right choices? Does this all sound too familiar? So many people ‘miss the boat’ because they wait too long & get hung up on needing to get things perfect. Meanwhile the opportunity disappears, or may even go elsewhere to be fulfilled by someone else ... Yikes!!! Ouch!!! You can be absolutely sure about one thing - You always can & will be able to improve on what You’re already doing or working on. In fact, you probably will never stop improving if You continue working on it. There is no doubt about that ... Everybody knows that Life isn’t perfect, & that You’re always trying to improve on what You have. Everybody is in the same boat ... Is it really ever possible to cover all the bases? No, probably not, there is no end to it, really ... In business, You’re going to have more & more bases to cover. As You do, the water will always get more treacherous, but know that the rewards will also get greater & more rewarding the more You Take Action & take the risks. You have to accept that things won’t always work out exactly the way You want ... It’s impossible to predict whether You’re making the right choices, because sometimes it will work out better, sometimes it will be worse ... That’s just the way it is … Taking Action will allow You to work out more quickly what works & what doesn’t, what succeeds & what doesn’t. Consistency & doing it over & over through trial & error is better than waiting to get it right & procrastinating & missing out due to missed timing or missed opportunity.

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You also need to Accept that its also not always about what You think is best or perfect, but more importantly how Your market or Your customer perceives & reacts. You won’t know how good it is (your sales letter, your email campaign, your web page, your special offer, your promotion) until you send it out. This is a big test. Believe that what You have is good enough & JUST DO IT! You will be pleasantly surprised at how good it will make You feel - & You may be totally enamored & delighted at the results also ... What separates successful people from the less than successful is their ability to TAKE ACTION – if it works, great, if it doesn’t, they have the ability to learn & try again, with persistence! They regard each failure as a step closer to achieving THE Successful Breakthrough ... Persistence! If You find that You simply can’t take action quickly & spontaneously, then plan it out – schedule it ahead of time, make the commitment, Take the ACTION & DO IT - & stick to it. You’re already taking action by doing what you’re doing right now – by reading this E-Report this far. Now all you need to do is apply this ‘doing mode’ to take many different actions, consistently on an ongoing basis. So, break the ‘analysis paralysis’ pattern, be light about it, free Yourself from the angst, & get into the Taking Action & movement forward mode … for great results … Here’s another important thing – whatever You do, do it with Integrity. Come from Your heart, & it will flow easily ... You want to inspire, but do it with honesty, truth & integrity - never pretend, be false or fake it, or lie to Your audience - people will sense it & see through it easily …


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13 8. Feel Good !!! Make a concerted decision to ‘feel good’ about it & Congratulate Yourself for Taking Action. Reward Yourself. The Law of Attraction & Quantum Physics shows us again that it is our emotions & feelings around a particular issue rather than our conscious thoughts that have the power, the vibrational frequency to draw to us the things we want. That’s why affirmations on their own don’t always work. Whenever You feel the angst or the fear creeping up on you, quickly shift Your focus to something really positive. In fact, choose an experience beforehand that You can instantly shift to that really uplifts You – Your favorite moments with a loved one, great music, a fabulous movie You love, an uplifting, heartwarming book, a wonderful trip You took or travel plans You have, happy times with loving friends, or whatever. To learn more about this, click here -

******** 9. Make Taking Action Fun & Enjoyable - You can learn how to transform or ‘make-over’ the areas You procrastinate in into enjoyable & productive activity in some wonderful & positive ways – by inter-mixing the things that You don’t enjoy doing with the things You really do enjoy doing – in a balanced way, of course. The idea is to offset or counter-balance & stimulate more productive achievement in Your less than desired areas, by leveraging on & combining with activities from the areas You love doing. In other words, You mix ‘work’ with what You love doing, making it fun & recreational in the overall sense. Remembering all the way, that when You are doing what You love doing it isn’t work anyway. So, there is a mindset & behavioral shift you are aiming to facilitate here for Yourself.

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Here are some suggestions – > Identify 5 things You really love doing & 3 things You need to improve on getting motivated about or have to do on a regular basis that are a struggle for You to get done (like menial tasks, admin activities, book keeping, doing taxes, doing follow-up telephone calls or whatever else it may be for You). Can You connect any of the latter 3 up with the former 5? The idea is to get a sequence of mixing the things You don’t enjoy doing with those that You do enjoy doing. And, rewarding Yourself as the way to alternate the activities. Then start scheduling it in on a regular basis. And, be fair – make a balanced judgment that ensures You genuinely achieve Your goals & desires & don’t get distracted & carried away. Keep Yourself accountable. > Take this a step further & use a Time Management technique (particularly suited to multi tasking) - 1. Set aside a chunk of say 3 hours (3 hour intervals are manageable

to work with in concentration spans. So, You can plan Your day in roughly 2 x 3 hour chunks).

2. Make a list of the 5-7 things You want to work on. 3. Of the 5-7 things on Your list, 2-3 things have to be things You

enjoy doing & have a natural flair or talent for. 4. Set Yourself a time limit for each activity & stick with it –

approximately equal time portions, or a time span appropriate to the activity. For example, reading & replying to emails can be a very time consuming & distracting activity – set a time limit, say 30-45 minutes, or what You judge to be appropriate, & stick to it, very strictly.

5. Use a timer as discipline to remind Yourself when the time allocations begin & end & transfer into the next activity/time slot.

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2 Great Questions to Ask Yourself Consistently – > Is what I’m doing - this task I’m doing/going to do - actually contributing directly to moving me closer to achieving my dreams, desires & goals? > Is what I’m doing actually contributing directly to my overall ability to bring more money in the door? C’mon be totally honest with Yourself – You know that while You may not enjoy admin activities, they’re an essential part of Your business & do contribute to its success - & the same applies to areas of Your personal Life. So, give it Your best shot! And, if You simply can’t, then outsource the activity – when you’re successfully bringing the money through the door …

******** 10. Reward Yourself – when the time is right! … When You’ve completed what You set Yourself to do … Remember, be accountable! … but also be fair on Yourself … its all about Balance! Set up a Reward system for Yourself. Delay Your gratification – get some tasks done 1st & then reward Yourself at a set time. As we know, emails can be quite compelling, commanding & hypnotic as they come in (& quite time consuming & totally distracting) – don’t be a slave to them, be in control, be their Master! Make a commitment to check Your emails later at a set time & enjoy the process as an rewarding & informative break from your other activities. For incredibly wonderful ways to Reward Yourself, You could – > Listen to music You love. > Take a Gratitude Walk – combine taking a break with getting some exercise & take in & appreciate all the wonderful abundance & magnitude of Nature all around You … > Schedule in some meditation to refresh & rejuvenate Yourself. > Treat Yourself & go out & see a movie. > Grab a cup of coffee with an associate or friend at a great local café. > Or, whatever else You love to do & replenishes & energizes You …

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> Set aside 1 hour per day to learn something new – The most successful people devote time each day to furthering their ongoing learning quest. Make this fun. Anticipate the learning … look for ways You can use it, & even pass it on to help others … perhaps even as content in your email newsletters, blogs or promotional campaigns … This is also a wonderful way to Reward Yourself … > Find inspiration in someone/or some people/role models You really admire – Study the habits of successful people & follow what they have done. You can make this really fun & inspirational ... Another wonderful way to Reward Yourself … > Construct a Picture Board of Your Desires – gather visuals/pictures of the things You want to achieve – spend time doing this as a 10 minute ‘Reward’ break in between completing Your other less than desired tasks & activities. You can also use this time to refresh Yourself, dream & visualize, & raise your vibrational frequency to more easily attracting the things you desire. For more hints on how to do this, pay a visit here -


OK, so NOW its time to MOVE & TAKE ACTION !!!

Go forth & have a Victorious Life ...


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How To Overcome Procrastination & Take Effective Positive Inspired Action –

A Planning & ‘DOING’ Guide to Success …

This Action Planning process can be used for any Personal or Business project – whether it is to build Your Business through its next growth phase, blossom a great new business idea & Kick-Start Your new Business, accelerate Your Career Path advancement, plan & move to Your next Ideal Career/Job Position, or reorganize & set the stakes higher in Your Personal Life ...

The suggestion is that you focus on a 90 Days timeframe. Why 90 days? It’s an easily foreseeable & manageable period of time. It’s also an optimum period to focus on making changes that the experts tell us is the average time required to make the changes stick … It’s also a period in which we (as human beings) can grasp & appreciate the changes & results we are achieving (relative short-term delayed gratification) …

So, let’s see what You can do or should be doing during the next 90 days to ‘make a difference’ in your Business & Personal Life?

If You’re like most people, You spend time thinking about what You would like to achieve in Your professional &/or personal life, but more often than not Life gets so busy, demanding & stressful that You just don’t have time to take the required action.

Well, why don’t You take this time for Yourself & take advantage of this opportunity to put some thought into planning & getting Yourself ready for a new, fresh flying start. Make this the ideal time for YOU! Make it special just for YOU & start right NOW ...

By doing this right NOW, You will be off to a great head start ... It is all about advantage, about gaining that 'edge'. If You know what You want, why You want it, & most importantly, HOW You’re going to get it, then You are a step ahead of the game.

So, what can YOU do right now to get focused & get a clear plan of action up & running?

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Here’s a Step-By-Step Guide to Setting up Your Action Plan

Let's start first by doing a quick inventory of where You are at right now ...

Spending a few minutes reflecting on where You are right now on Your Business / Career / Personal Goals list will get you focused on what You need to do. The actions You have taken to date this year are the measuring stick of Your REALITY.

As business philosopher & motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, says (paraphrasing) - You are where you are today as a result of actions you took a year ago. ‘If you want to be in a different place this time next year, then you have to do things differently now’ ...

Regarding Your goals, Your past or recent actions have placed You in one of three positions. You’ve either: 1. Exceeded Your expectations of what You wanted to achieve. Congratulations! 2. Achieved Your expectations of what You set out to accomplish. Well done! 3. Did not/or fell behind in achieving Your desired goals or expectations. That’s OK – time to start anew! Regardless of what position You’re in, remember You have decided that now is the ideal time to gather Yourself, wipe the slate clean & get Your plan clear & on track to kick into high gear for the next phase in your business or personal life. Pat yourself on the back.

Important preliminary Questions

Do you know what you want? Do you know why you want it? Do you know how you are going to get it?

If you do, that’s great! You’re a step ahead. If you don't, then take the time to think this through. Give yourself some space to work on this. Indulge yourself. This can be a highly enjoyable process.

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Some of you may be doing this seriously for the first time - enjoy the process! For others, you may have done this many times before - use this opportunity to approach this with a fresh eye & enjoy the process!

Focusing on Your Dreams & Desires Sets Your Goals

Start with focusing on Your Dreams & Desires. Get in touch with what really excites & inspires You, what You are passionate about & what You really love doing. Write down Your Dreams & Desires.

What’s the difference between a Dream & a Goal?

On one level, the standard reply is - a Goal is a Dream with a Timeframe. On another level, there is so much more to this, as you will see as you read on …

Make Sure Your Goals are Aligned with Your Values

A note of caution - It is important that Your Goals are aligned with Your Values. Decide what is important to You & in what order. Make sure the Goals You set for Yourself do not conflict with your Values.

Be Authentic It’s important to operate from a place of truth & honesty within You - tap into what You really want from the heart, from Your soul, from a place of integrity & authenticity within You. It has to sit right with You. Take note of Your feelings & emotions as You put thought to this.

Beware! And, Be Aware that your ego is not driving your goals - fuelled by competitiveness with others, or envying what others have, or fitting in with what you think others expect of you.

This takes some soul searching & self-awareness.

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Picture yourself doing what You wish for & what You need to get done. Visualizing trains the subconscious to focus on completing tasks & primes Your mind & intention for action.

From Your Dreams & Desires – Set Your Goals …

With your Dreams & Desires firmly in focus, write down your Goals. Be very specific - the more specific, the better. Be as graphic as you can be. Be creative. Use written words, draw pictures, cut out images from magazines, use your PC drawing facility. Create a Picture Board. Whatever takes your fancy ...

Quoting Jim Rohn again – 'If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.'

Write Down Your Plan

Rough ideas about goals & actions are of no value unless they are written down. Putting your plans on paper makes an elusive goal more concrete. A connection takes place between the brain & the hand via pen & paper. When you do not write it down, it remains fuzzy, but as you write it & revise it, it becomes clear ...

Long Term Goals (3-5 years & beyond)

Look ahead 3-5 years & write down your goals. This may be difficult for some, but give it Your best shot. You may wish to look further down track, if You can, perhaps to 10 years.

1 Year Goals

From the long term, bring Your goals into a 1 year timeframe of what You believe is achievable. Write these down. Quantify wherever possible. For example, if You have a financial goal, be specific to the dollar. But, always include the qualifier - ‘or something better’ … to open up & allow the infinite possibilities that the Universe has in motion to help You along …

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6 Month Goals

Bring Your goals into a 6 month timeframe of what You believe is achievable. Write these down. Quantify again wherever possible, & include the qualifier - ‘or something better’ …

3 Month Goals & the 90 Day Plan …

You have arrived at the 90 Day Plan ! Congratulations !

Action Plan

Break down the activities into achievable timeframes within the 90 days or 3 months.

Break these down into monthly activities & then into weekly & daily activities. Be reasonable about what is achievable.

Get a diary planner, or use those available on your PC, or better still, create Your own on Your PC to suit Your own special needs & tastes.

When complete You will have a week-by-week, day-by-day 90 Day Action Plan.


With Your Action Plan in place, make sure You stay accountable to yourself. Be true to Yourself. You may wish to work with a Coach for a period to help You with this. A Coach also can help You to more clearly align Your goals with Your values, help You overcome what may be holding You back, guide You to creatively identify lateral action steps, help & motivate You to take action, help You adjust Your plan, & work with You hand-in-hand so that You can achieve Your goals much faster. If You’d like to explore Coaching Support –

Remember, a dream stays a dream, & a goal stays a goal, & they never see reality - without ACTION. So take action today, now, tomorrow, soon. Just take action. Massive action if You really want to see big results.

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But, don't allow Yourself to feel irretrievably locked in. Don't feel as though an iron grid or ball & chain are being placed on you. A plan is a rough guide.

Review Your Plan

Be flexible. Adjust it to suit You & Your circumstances. Ramp it up or take it down. Whatever is relevant & appropriate to You.

Why would You change your plan in midstream? If what You were doing did not work as well for you as You expected, then You CAN adopt a new approach in the next 90 days.

Most successful entrepreneurs will tell you that they routinely adjust their plans if results are not what they expected. They regard something that did not work as a learning process & one step closer to the next idea that will work outrageously well. They bounce back, they get excited & exhilarated by the next opportunity, the next experiment to try - to see if that one nets them the successful result.

It has nothing to do with failure but rather with Your willingness to step back, analyze, 'go with the flow', learn & try again until You finally get the desired results. Remember, the point is to try to make an impact in Your Business or achieve changes in your Personal Life in the next 90 days. It’s OK to take things step by step … remember, baby steps … they all add up.

Back-to-Back 90 Day Plans

When Your first 90 Day Plan is nearing completion, You can plan the next 90 Day Plan & run back-to-back Plans. With 4 x 90 Day Back-to-Back Plans You will have the entire year sewn up & well on Your way to achieving Your great Dreams & Desires!

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Guiding Questions to Help You with Your Action Planning - Anytime! ...

To assist You further with Your planning activity & gaining more clarity, here is the 'best pick' of guiding questions to help You to make the process as easy & enjoyable as possible for You ...

This process can be done at anytime – Any Time is a great time - any new phase in your Business, Career or Personal Life, or in the approach to the next quarter/90 days in Your Plan - ANYTIME IS A GOOD TIME to do a stock take, review, refresh & plan your next phase of activity.

So, why not DO IT RIGHT NOW !!! …

So take some time to sit down & work with these questions if You’re serious about having your most successful & best ever year ahead ...

Think about these questions & Your answers. Challenge yourself. Think 'Big Picture' & think laterally. Write down Your answers & plans - the act of committing to the written word is a vitally important part of the planning, visualizing & materializing process. And, most importantly - HAVE FUN !

Then go to work & take Action ... lots of Action to make it HAPPEN! And again, most importantly - HAVE lots of FUN ! Your Business / Career: > What are You going to do everyday to keep your attitude, motivation & action orientation at a high level?

> What are You going to do to develop Your leadership skills further – with Your Employees, Your Peers/Networks & in the Community?

> What are You going to do to improve Your business /industry/ professional /product /leadership knowledge in the coming year?

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> What will You do to ensure that You’re taking maximum care &

protecting Your best Clients/Customers, & 'value adding' the relationships? How will You best service them & sell even more to them?

> How many new Clients/Customers will You attract this year? How do

You plan to do that specifically? > How many inactive Clients/Customers will You revive & turn into

regular Clients/Customers again? What do You need to do to make that happen?

> What are Your specific business/service/sales/production goals for

the coming year? How does that break down into six monthly, quarterly & monthly goals?

> How many referrals will You get in the coming year? How will You get them & from whom? What will You do to turn them into sales & increased business?

> How much time are You going to spend, daily, to improve Your own

communication, presentation, sales & networking skills? What will You do?

> What plans will You put in place to develop & nurture Your Employees to their next level & help them to achieve their maximum potential? What actions will You take to empower them to take responsibility & initiative in a risk-taking entrepreneurial environment? What will You do to create/develop this environment?

> What career advancement plans do You have & how will You achieve

them? > What plans do You have with Your Mentors? > How much more money will You make in the coming year? How will

that happen? What will You need to do, today, to take the first steps in that direction? What will You need to do to increase that number by an additional 10%?

> What plans do You have to 'give back to the community' &

participate or initiate voluntary involvements & activities? What community group do You feel a particular affinity with helping & will You commit to give of Your time, skills & energy?

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Your Personal Life: > What actions will You take to achieve a healthy balance between

your Business/Career & Personal Life? > How do You plan to make more time for Yourself - for reflection,

review & self-replenishment? > In what way & in which areas will you improve Your personal, family,

& spiritual life? > What will You do to improve Your overall health & physical fitness in

the coming year? > How are You going to maximise the use of Your time? Where will

You cut out the time-wasters & energy sappers/drainers in each day?

> What have you been putting off that you really need to do & that you will take care of within the next 2 to 4 weeks?

> What actions do You need to/will You take to reduce the feeling of 'overwhelm' in your Life? Do You need to put together a DO NOT NEED TO DO list? If so, do so & stick to it!

> What can You do to enhance Your most valued friendships?

> What can You do & who can You help to feel special every day? > What challenge, wish or desire that You have never attempted

before will You finally achieve in the coming year? How will You do that & Why?

Will You write down all of this so You can review & revise Your plans regularly? Remember, writing down Your plans is a vital part of getting Your mind clear & focused. It acts as a reference point & constant reminder to You of Your Dreams, Desires, Plans & Goals. It helps you visualize, actualize & materialize Your Dreams, Desires, Plans & Goals.

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Ask Yourself - What will it LOOK like when I accomplish everything I have just been thinking about? How good will it FEEL? What will it SOUND like & FEEL like when I achieve these things?

The most difficult question: Are there any reasons why You can’t do all of this? Any answer to the last question is not a reason, but rather a self-imposed limitation, excuse, or lack of desire or effort. The biggest deterrent to success looks us in the mirror every day ... Now, go & enjoy Yourself & plan & commit to having YOUR BEST YEAR EVER!


For some really great Resources to help You further – > You will find FREE Resources & other ‘Highly Recommended’ Resources – supported by regular ongoing contact with updates through my FREE ‘Your Success’ E-Newsletter – just subscribe by clicking here – & You can also visit the ‘Cool’ Resource Centre by clicking here - > You can also drop by at my Getting What You Want through the Success Mindset & Law of Attraction companion section on this website by going here – > For Coaching support to give you individualized personalized one-on-one attention, you can find out more by clicking here – Check out My Website - Please feel free to Email Me - [email protected]


©All Interactive Solutions & Kathy Baker & Associates 2005

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