Download - AHS Newsletter 36

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Anderson High School Newsletter

Issue 36

September 2010

Class 6 made a great job of organising the annual end of

term event in June 2010

Staff v Pupils - ”It’s a Knockout”

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Head Teacher’s Comments - Ms V Nicolson

Welcome back everyone, and an especially warm welcome to all the pupils who joined us in August 2010. Over the years, we have developed a strong programme of transition events, supporting young people as they move from primary school, and junior high school, to Anderson High. In May 2010, we added a new event to the school calendar, when we invited P7 pupils to meet up with some of S1 to take part in co-operative learning activities in order to get to know each other and their new school. Pupil feedback shows it was a success, and we’ve been given some tips on how to improve it for next time round too! My thanks to our primary colleagues of their lead with this.

Over the summer, I was pleased to see some improvements to the centre of the school being completed. The new social area for S3 and S4 opened last term, and has been decorated with cartoon images from “The Simpsons” thanks to S1 – S3 pupils and the Art & Design Department during Activities Week. Class 6 moved into the school hall, where the 60 inch television has kept them informed of world news (and world cup scores).

We ran a photographic competition last term, with the theme of “Healthy Eating and Around AHS”. With the support of Taycad, eight fantastic photographs have been transformed into canvases and are now hanging in the school canteen.

Congratulations and well done to Ailidh Risk, Karis Georgeson, Freya Garden, Krissi Sandison, Aidan Ward, Sarah Irvine, Mr Hogg and Ms Hall for their winning entries.

P7 pupils meet with AHS S1 pupils in June 2010 at the Co-operative Learning Event

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As intimated in my letter of April 2010, in our School Development Plan 2010-11 we are working on the following four targets this year:

After the October Holidays, I will be in touch with parents regarding Target 3, but in the meantime if you have any comments to make about our plan, or any other issue, please do let me (or the Pupil Support teachers) know.

Target 1: To develop and implement Curriculum for Excellence This means that all teachers are thinking about how we teach, embedding new ideas like “Assessment is for Learning” into our classrooms. Some teachers are taking part in local training opportunities and teacher learning groups. As more information comes from the Scottish Government regarding Curriculum for Excellence, the school is working on how classes will be timetabled and how many courses pupils will take at each stage. Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing are considered in detail, as well as trying to offer wider opportunities for everyone once they reach 16.

Target 2: To develop ICT in AHS Two ICT developments need careful planning at the school at the moment. Firstly, SEEMIS, a programme for managing all information about pupils and staff, has been introduced. This involves all staff being trained in its basic use, and looking at its potential for new tasks (eg recording attendance every period by computer, collating report cards from across the school electronically). Secondly, the AHS computer network is being up‐graded, and hopefully we will gain more wireless connection and more reliable computer access across the school.

Target 3: To meet the requirements of SIC Schools Service Parental Involvement Strategy With the publication of this new document, it is a good time to review how we communicate with home. We will be asking you about the kind of information you would like to get and how else you would like to be involved in the school. We will continue to support the Parent Council. We plan to consider our current complaints procedure in line with the requirements of the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006.

Target 4: To further improve punctuality, respect and readiness to work We will continue to review our code of conduct and talk with pupils and parents about new approaches to supporting school life.

Inside this issue:

Head Teachers Comments 2-3

Important Dates 4

School Chef Competition 4

“Speak Up Speak Out” 5

Vaila’s Fund 5

Electron Microscope Online 6

Road Safety 6

NHS Mobile Skills Bus 7

AHS Parent Council 7

Geography Field Trip 8

Geopark Shetland/John Muir Trust


ASN News 10-12

S2 Learning 13

SRC 14-15

Barcelona Trip 16-17

Art & Design News 18-20

The Scottish Baccalaureate 21

S4 XL Meet 9-11 Survivors 22

Club XL Visit to Unst 23

AHS Retirements 23

Pupil Support News 24-26

Auld Lerwick Walks 27

AHS Health Week 28-29

“Revive” Young Enterprise Company


AHS Library 31

Kool Katz Disko 31

Wild Bus 32

Nuffield Science Bursaries 33

Class 6 Hoodies 33

Battle of Britain 34

German Exchange 34

CDT News 35

Maths News 36

Music News 37

AHS Fitness Suite 37

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 38

Inter Schools Football

S2/3 Sports Day 39

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S2 worked on a unit called Religions, Festivals and Foods of the World, where they made foods from different countries. We studied Scotland as one of the countries, and at the end of the unit thought it would be a good idea to take a closer look at Shetland.

After looking at all the local produce available to us, pupils planned and made dishes using as much local produce as possible. They had to consider their time, skills and the cost of the dish before going ahead to make it.

One finalist was chosen from each class and on Tuesday 25th May 6 pupils made their chosen dish, and a winner was chosen.

This is what the winner, Mary Dimitrov, wrote:

“The competition itself was really good fun! I didn’t expect to get through to the final, so winning it was a big surprise! The other competitors were really good as

well and their food looked really professional, like you would get in a restaurant. It was a really good experience and I hope that future competitors enjoy it as much as I did“

Mary’s chosen dish was Fish and Chips Shetland


AHS School Chef Competition - Mrs A Eunson, Home Economics Department

Important Dates

Term 1 Monday 16 August 2010 - Friday 08 October 2010 inclusive (Pupils resume on Wednesday 17 August 2010)

October Holidays Monday 11 October 2010 - Friday 22 October 2010 inclusive

Term 2 Monday 25 October 2010 - Wednesday 22 December 2010 inclusive

(Pupils resume on Thursday 28 October 2010)

Christmas Holidays Thursday 23 December 2010 – Tuesday 04 January 2011 inclusive

Term 3 Wednesday 05 January 2011 - Friday 25 March 2011 inclusive

Easter Holidays Monday 28 March 2011 - Friday 8 April 2011 inclusive

Term 4 Monday 11 April 2011 - Thursday 30 June 2011 inclusive

(Pupils resume on Tuesday 12 April 2011)


In-Service Day 1 - Monday 16 August 2010 Occasional Holiday 1 - Wednesday 26 January 2011 In-Service Day 2 - Tuesday 17 August 2010 Occasional Holiday 2 - Monday 28 February 2011 In-Service Day 3 - Monday 25 October 2010 Occasional Holiday 3 - Tuesday 1 March 2011 In-Service Day 4 - Tuesday 26 October 2010 Occasional Holiday 4 - Monday 11 April 2011 In-Service Day 5 - Wednesday 27 October 2010 Occasional Holiday 5 - Monday 30 May 2011 In-Service Day 6 - Friday 25 February 2011 In-Service Day 7 - Tuesday 31 May 2011

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Review of “Speak Up Speak Out” by Class 2A

In the ‘Speak Up Speak Out’ workshop we learnt how to talk to a group of people effectively and confidently. There were many fun games which helped us learn the skills needed for effective presentations including shouting Shakespearean insults at one another and an exercise which involved pretending to smell flowers. Our final individual presentations were held in the afternoon and judged by the workshop leader, Mrs Sheila Fraser, and our English teacher. The overall champion for 2A was Shannon Boston.

Quotes from the class:

“I liked the games and speaking in small


“I liked speaking out especially when

people said I was very good. It was


“It was nerve-wracking at the

beginning but fun by the end.”

“It was a good laugh.”

Shannon receiving her certificate from Mrs Sheila Fraser

Vaila’s Fund - Mr K Turner, Geography Department

Vaila’s Fund was set up in memory of Vaila Harvey. Its purpose is to support young people in Shetland achieve their aspirations through international study. The Fund is very grateful of the contributions local people continue to make. Vaila’s family and the Trustees of the Fund are also delighted to announce that last session saw the first recipients of awards. Sophie Chapman and Lynda Flaws both successfully applied to the Fund to support their international endeavours! Sophie took part in the Global Classroom event in USA while Lynda is just embarking on a year-long study and sports scholarship in Denmark.

The Fund is once again accepting applications from 5th and 6th year students from AHS and Brae High School who have the opportunity to take part in an International experience but may need financial support to make it happen.

On behalf of the Trust, many thanks again to everyone who has supported Vaila’s Fund and congratulations to last year’s recipients. More information about the Fund can be found at or you can speak to Mr Turner (Geography Department) or Mr Regan (Pupil Support).

Elizabeth Eastham congratulating Lynda Flaws on her successful application.

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Electron Microscope Online - Mr S Davidson, Biology Department

Last May AHS S2 Science pupils became the first pupils in Scotland to link up online with the Electron microscope at The Environmental Research Institute (ERI) in Thurso .

The electron microscope was developed in the late 1930s and allowed scientists for the first time to view samples at much greater magnifications than with conventional light microscopes. Modern electron microscopes are capable of magnifications up to 2 million times. This means an object 1mm long would appear to be 1km long! The high cost of electron microscopes has put these pieces of equipment well beyond the budget of schools. Normally only universities, research institutes or large companies have access to such high tech equipment. You can imagine our excitement at not only being able to use an electron microscope but also to view our own samples and control the microscope remotely from school.

S2 pupils from Mr Davidson’s and Mrs Simpson’s Science classes met in early May to select samples to be sent off for viewing. These ranged from small insects to sand, hair and sugar; and thanks to an anonymous donor we also had a plastic bag filled with dandruff. Yuck!

The specimens were then sent to our link scientist Dr Kathleen McDougall at ERI who prepared the necessary slides. She also offered to let us see some volcanic ash collected in Shetland during the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull.

Finally the big day arrived and S2 pupils, S4 Chemistry pupils and lots of interested staff squeezed into the

AHS “Wow room” for the online link up. Thanks to Dr McDougall’s webcam we were not only able to view our samples but to see the inside the inside of her lab and the inside of the microscope. Her excellent commentary whilst changing samples was superb. We only found out later that this was the first time she had linked the electron microscope with a school.

Were those perfectly shaped cubes really sugar grains? The insect sample below looked like something from a 1950’s horror film.

It was like having access to a secret world. The highlight for everyone was to view the volcanic ash which was causing so much disruption to air traffic. Thanks to some ingenious software it was possible to analyse the ash revealing it contained a high proportion of iron and sulphur. The electron microscope link up proved such a success that it is hoped that we can use it for future projects involving other year groups.

Road Safety - Mr D McDonald, Pupil Support Department

We would suggest to parents that they could ask their children for their thoughts on the plays and PSE lessons, and to use this as a vehicle for discussion in order to reinforce the importance of safety for pedestrians and road users.

On Tuesday 14th September the Baldybane Theatre Company visited Anderson High School to stage 2 productions on the theme of road safety.

"Roddy Hogg" was performed for S1 pupils plus 3 pupils who were visiting from Skerries school. This went down a treat with the audience - the play charts the "9 lives of Roddy Hogg", highlighting the pitfalls and dire consequences of risk-taking behaviour. RIP Roddy!

With S6 pupils in attendance, "Friends Disunited" carried strong messages for young drivers, and this too was very well received by the audience.

S1 pupils have also attended PSE lessons on cycle safety, and S3 classes have had lessons using the "Arrive Alive" road safety presentation.

Baldybane Theatre Company

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NHS Mobile Skills Bus - S5/S6 Biologists

We would really like to thank Catriona Barr (NHS) for inviting us to experience the Mobile Skills unit. Everyday in the AHS we experience all different types of learning and it was so interesting to find out how Healthcare professionals learn and develop their skills.

In June the NHS Mobile Skills Unit visited Shetland and Mrs Reid arranged for 2 groups of interested AHS pupils to be invited on board!

The Mobile Clinical Skills Unit has been funded by NHS Education for Scotland for a 2-year pilot period to provide education that is otherwise only available in fixed facilities in urban centres in mainland Scotland. The unit has been fitted out with state of the art audio-visual facilities, and specialist interactive life-like adult and child manikins. The aim of the unit is to ensure that healthcare practitioners get the opportunity to update their skills e.g. resuscitation and stabilisation, as well as learn new techniques without having to leave their workplace. This ensures that the NHS workforce has equal access to skills education and in turn will enhance patient experience and safety.

The skills unit was full of exciting interactive equipment and video feedback! This meant that we could simulate the patient’s conditions on the SIM MAN, treat the patient, and evaluate our treatment and aftercare. Many healthcare specialists find that the video feedback really made them enhance their skills as it highlighted their strengths and their areas for improvement.

We were really lucky as some of us got the opportunity to change the physiological conditions of the SIM MAN whilst the others had to stabilise him. The SIM MAN felt so real, that when his pulse was racing, and his breathing was loud we were all panicking and trying to treat him the best we could. This experience really made us appreciate the pressure that all Healthcare professionals are under in emergency situations! An anaesthetist, doctor and paramedic demonstrated how they work together during an emergency and it really highlighted the vast number of skills required with the most important skill being that of communication!

Anderson High School Parent Council promotes partnership between the school, pupils and parents.

Anderson High School Parent Council has the following membership:

Ms Lisa Crooks Parent Representative (and temporary Chairperson until 28.09.10) Ms Catriona Barr Parent Representative Ms Joyce Davis Parent Representative Mr Alex Fullerton Parent Representative Mr John Handley Parent Representative Ms Clare McMillan Parent Representative Ms Lise Sinclair Parent Representative Ms Sarah Taylor Parent Representative Ms Patricia Wright Parent Representative Mr Michael Spence Staff Representative Miss Caroline Watt Staff Representative Mr George McGhee Halls of Residence Manager and co-opted member Miss Emily Shaw Pupil Representative Miss Nicole Mowat Pupil Representative Ms Valerie Nicolson Head Teacher and Adviser Mr Cecil Smith SIC Councillor Mr Jonathan Wills SIC Councillor

AHS Parent Council

The Council will meet approximately 6 times per

annum at the Anderson High School.

All parents are very welcome to the first meeting of 2010-11

session, on Tuesday 28th September 2010 at

7.00pm, in room B1.1.

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Geography Field Trip to Kindrogan - Adv Higher Geography Class

The Adv Higher class at Kindrogan Field Studies Centre

geomorphological mapping of the lateral moraines. Then after drawing up our results in the lab we got the minibus back up to Aberdeen, where we had an hour to spare for shopping due to Mr Turner’s excellent driving (he only stalled twice!)

We all really enjoyed the trip and we bonded as a class while cows disturbed our studying, wasps stung people and we all got stuck in a muddy bog! We bonded the most over trying to get a certain member of the group to the toilet on time!

Thanks to the Geography Department for organising the trip and to everyone who supported our fundraising by buying cakes and quizzes! And thanks to Miss Watt and Mr Turner for our presents!

Congratulations to Callum Tait (2F), the winner of the £20 Clive’s voucher in the Geography Quiz!

Our class of 12 Advanced Higher Geography students went on a trip to Kindrogan Field Centre in Perthshire, where we improved our understanding of fieldwork techniques and statistics, which will help us with our coursework later on in the year.

Our first day there we spent the afternoon doing a soil profile of Kindrogan Hill after which we went back to the lab where we analysed our samples for pH and soil moisture levels.

Day two involved an hour-long walk up the hill to begin our river study where we encountered wildlife such as deer, buzzards, and other animals. The evening was again spent analysing our results and applying statistics to them.

We got up bright and early for our last day in sunny Kindrogan. We headed out to a field to carry out our Miss Watt enjoying the soil survey field work

Geopark Shetland & the John Muir Trust - Mr K Turner, Geography Department

Eshaness. To develop the accompanying education packs, AHS and BJHS came together in May 2010 to undertake a two day field trip with a group of S2 “guinea pigs”! Pupils from both schools worked on a series of challenges during two of the sunniest days of the summer. The BJHS group of S1 and S2 pupils where based at the Braewick wigwams, while Class 2B (now 3B) travelled up by minibus each day. The pupils were mixed up and sent out to discover and explore the wild places around Braewick, Stennes and Eshaness. En route they learned basic geology, volcanic processes, coastal landscapes as well as the human history of the area. The pupils recreated Shetland’s past by erupting ‘volcanoes’ on the beach, debating the true story behind the formation of the Grind of Navir,

Last September Shetland’s unique and varied geology and landscape where officially recognised by UNESCO when it was welcomed into the European and Global Geopark Networks. Spear-headed by the Shetland Amenity Trust, Geopark Shetland brings together a wide range of groups and individuals from across Shetland who are passionate about our landscape and how it might promote sustainability in our community. Education has a key role to play in this. Mr Turner (Geography Department) along with colleagues from Baltasound Junior High School and the Shetland Amenity Trust has been working to produce education materials to accompany the heritage trails being produced by the Geopark Team at SAT. The first of the trails to be completed, Shetland’s Volcano, highlights the volcanic landscapes of

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where then professionally produced by the Geopark Shetland Team at the Shetland Amenity Trust. You might have seen their work in the museum over the summer or on display at the Braewick Café. The posters can also be seen on display in AHS and BJHS. All the pupils involved did an amazing job and deserve their John Muir Awards. This project was the first time that the two schools had come together to use field work and the John Muir Award scheme to support the delivery of Social Subjects and Science curriculum outcomes. The next phase of the Geopark Shetland trails will explore Unst and Fetlar. Work is underway to develop the accompanying education pack and it’s just possible that AHS pupils may the opportunity to take part.

and hunted for agates on the beach of Stennes. As well as this, the group learned how the work of the Shetland Amenity Trust and others are promoting sustainable development and conservation in the area. They also took part in a little bit of first hand conservation by cleaning up the beach at Braewick. Through discovering, exploring and conserving these wild places, the group fulfilled most of the criteria for a Discovery Level John Muir Award. This education initiative, run by the John Muir Trust, encourages people to learn about and take active steps to help conserve, wild places around the world. The group’s last task was to share what they had discovered. To do this the pupils produced the text, selected the photographs and designed the layout for a series of three posters that documented the field trip. These

The group debated the formation of the Grind of Navir

Building volcanoes on Braewick beach

Class 3B receive their John Muir Awards

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There have been lots of changes in the ASN Department over the last six months. Mr Stephen Raikes has been appointed as Principal Teacher, Additional Support Needs, to work along side Mrs Niki Sharp (nee Thomson). The whole Department continues to function over a split site, with some pupils based in the main Anderson High School building and some based in the ASN Department building. Staff and pupils are now managed by one of the principal teachers and the whole delivery of additional support needs at the Anderson has been brought together. The new S1 and S5 pupils have settled in with support provided at a level appropriate for each pupil. There is also an enthusiastic S6 peer support programme set up to offer support for younger pupils in class and at social times.

During the summer term pupils form the ASN Department participated in residential trips and day activities. These are invaluable experiences for promoting confidence and life skills as well as raising self esteem.

Badaguish Residential trips

Badaguish Outdoor Centre in Aviemore has been a favourite location for various teams from the ASN Department in recent years. The whole experience is amazing and there is always so much to do. 2010 has been no different. This year 3 one week residential trips were run from the ASN Department. 14 pupils with severe and complex needs enjoyed this residential experience on the mainland.

We tried everything from canoeing, abseiling, rock climbing and assault courses to a Land Rover safari, visits to a wildlife park and osprey centre plus Strathspey steam train rides!! All set in a great variety of stunning surroundings. It’s always a great opportunity to spend lots of time with friends and try new activities and experiences.

ASN Department News - Mrs N Sharp, Principal Teacher Page 10

Danny Gaffney, climbing net

John Robert Jamieson,

Ian Mutch, Archery

Dale Moar, Assault Course

John Arthur, Abseiling

Calum Risk enjoying a Land Rover Safari with Dad and Ranger

Leanna Smith, Asa Tulloch, Hunter Arthur, Canoeing

Piotr Wronecki and Hunter Arthur at the Osprey Centre

Meal time in the chalet

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Visit to Scatsta Airport

Ask anyone in Mrs Hilary Conabeer’s class which was one of the most enjoyable day trips last session and everyone would say ‘Scatsta!’ Six pupils were treated to an amazing time at the airport. We all had a ride in the fire appliances, racing up and down the runway!

We stood on top of the fire appliances, squirted water ‘full on’ with powerful hoses towards an imaginary fire and two minutes later the tank was empty!

We also saw six helicopters in an enormous hanger. They all looked so shiny and new and we even had a look inside one. Wow! The cockpit was full of controls and switches and different colour lights!

“Here we all are – you can tell by the look on our faces how much we enjoyed the visit!” say Piotr Wronecki, Mari Johnson, Katie Hunter, Hunter Arthur, Louise Jackson and Jennifer Moss.

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Hunter Arthur, Louise Jackson and Piotr Wronecki in control of the Fire Appliance!

Trip to Whalsay

Another favourite day out was a day trip to Whalsay where one of our pupils lives. We had a great ride across to Whalsay on the ferry. We visited the school at Symbister and had the opportunity to do some planting in the poly tunnel . Below is a picture of some of us planting produce and now see what it looks like, 3 months later!

We also visited the charity shop to think about ‘recycling’ goods and finally we visited one of Jennifer’s ponies! We all loved the ponies and it was a beautiful sunny day – just perfect!

Poly tunnel at Whalsay High School

Results of our planting

Jennifer’s pony and a happy team!

Whole group by helicopter at Scatsta

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Work experience /Shetland College placements

Work experience placements continue to be an extremely important aspect of the curriculum for pupils with additional support needs. In the past 6 months pupils have been on placements at Streamline, Westside Pine, Muckle Cafe, Hays Dock cafe, COPE gardens, Sound Nursery, Sandveien Playgroup, Lerwick Fish Traders, Tescos, Co-op, with the AHS janitors to name a few! Pupils are able to build up a ‘work portfolio’ of experience, qualifications and references that they can use when they leave school. We continue to appreciate the invaluable support that employers offer our pupils.

Shetland College continues to be valuable link for our senior pupils during their transition years from school to adult life. Pupils have attended the college on a part time basis to complete various courses, including the European Computer Driving License.

At the end of last session pupils with additional needs have gone onto jobs, the ‘Get ready for Work’ programme, Shetland College and supported placements with the Eric Gray Resource Centre.

Recycling in the ASN Department

John Robert Jamieson is the expert recycler for the ASN Department this year. Every week he works hard, collecting anything recyclable from the staffroom, Home Economics, and recycling ‘bins’.

Here he is in action sorting bottles, cans, and newspapers. Can-crushing is a favourite part of his work! Once everything is sorted, he then takes it to Rova Head so it can go to the proper places for recycling. Thank you, John Robert for doing such an important job.

Making Music with SoundBeam

Last winter there were some curious sounds coming from the ASN department! We had a great time with an unusual piece of technology called SoundBeam. It is an invisible, infra-red beam that triggers musical sounds. You can make music by waving or dancing or even just tilting your head. In groups, we created our own composition which transported us from the delicate chimes of the northern lights to a jazzy Christmas party with real double-bass and electronic saxophone.

Music Therapy

The SoundBeam sessions were led by Ms Alice Mullay who is a Music Therapist. Alice normally works with individuals and small groups in a private, confidential setting. Music Therapy can help people in many different ways, for example to build confidence, motivation, co-ordination and communication skills.

To find out more please contact:

[email protected]

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Makaton signing at Happyhansel School

On Friday afternoons I do work experience at Happyhansel School. I help the children sign. We did food signs and games. The children are fantastic at signing. I enjoy helping the children to sign.

Leanna Smith

Mari Johnson using the Soundbeam

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What did S2 think of their learning last year?

As part of our new P7/S1 Co-operative Learning Event, back in May 2010, we asked S1 pupils to “apply” for their place at the event, as only 60 S1’s were able to participate. 104 S1 pupils applied to take part out of the year group of 126. Two of the questions from the application form are shown below, with the collated pupil responses. During the In Service Day in June 2010, teachers were thinking about developing their courses for the new S1, in light of Curriculum for Excellence. The feedback from S1, below, was shared with everyone, to help us understand how pupils enjoy learning.

What did you enjoy most about your learning in S1 at AHS?

What would have improved your learning experience in S1?

• Make new friends/meet people from other primary schools (46)

• More subjects than primary/moving around school/having a timetable (39)

• Having many different teachers/new teachers (29)

• Practical subjects (various named) (27)

• More freedom/out of school at lunchtime (21)

• Activities Week (18)

• Discos/Beanfeast/Up Helly Aa parties (11)

• Trips (8)

• Bigger school (8)

• Lunches (6)

• Non-practical subjects (various named) (7)

• Peer support (4)

• Lunchtime activities (2)

• Learning new things/more information about things (2)

• Having talks and debates (2)

• Social area (1)

• It was awesome (1)

• Darwin Week (1)

• Not treated like a child (1)

• Did not enjoy it but did my work (1)

• More work in pairs/groups (20)

• Listening and concentrating more (13)

• More outdoors/other activities (12)

• More tournaments/activities with other schools (10)

• Less time having to go to some of the subjects (various named) and more time in others (various named) (9)

• Better social area (S1 and S2) (8)

• More sports/sporting events (7)

• Be more confident/ask the teacher (5)

• More (named) practical subjects (5)

• Less homework (5)

• More trips (5)

• More PSE/Peer Support (6)

• More discos (4)

• Take more care of my work/writing (2)

• Longer lunch hour (2)

• More visit days (2)

• P7 event like this year are getting (2)

• More effort/bring a pencil (2)

• Better teachers (1)

• Days with no work to get used to each other (1)

• Being in a smaller class (1)

• More class discussions (1)

• More talks and presentations in class (1)

• Some things could be explained better (1)

• Not worry what others think of me (1)

• Get to know people in other classes (1)

• Didn’t talk so much (1)

• Be less shy and take part more (1)

• Chance to go back to primary for a day (1)

• Talk more about it at primary school (1)

• Less writing/less tests (1)

• More computer work (1)

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Election Day

On 2nd September all pupils took

part in the Student Council elections.

They were held in the main hall of

the school throughout the morning.

Pupils elected three representatives

from their year group. Just a few

hours later, all the ballots were

counted and the elected pupils were

announced and congratulated. All in

all, Election Day was a triumph, with

few spoiled ballots.

Induction Day

On 10th September all newly

elected members of the Student

Council took part in an Induction

Day in Islesburgh. Throughout the

day the students participated in

various team building activities.

Later on in the day, the council held

its first official meeting where they

were elected into different roles.

The day was an overall success, all

the representatives bonded and got

to know each other.


The 2010/2011 Student Council

aims to ensure that every pupil’s

opinion is voiced as well as

welcoming any ideas involving

the improvement of the school.

Chair Person

Nicole Mouat Ben Allinson

Katie Farnworth

SRC Advertising


Cameron Stewart

Vice Secretary

Barry Meheut

Vice Chair Person

Lee Ann Peterson

SRC Fundraising

SRC Co-ordinators


SRC Photographers

John Robertson

Natalie Moverley

Emma Moncrieff

Conor Mainland

Barry Meheut


Josh Newcombe

Kyle Kent

Cameron Stevenson

Joseph Morgan

Megan Christie

Shannon Boston

Persephone Poulton

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2010-2011 SRC Members S1 S2 S3

Joseph Morgan Josh Newcombe Kyle Kent

Megan Christie Yhanna Smith Conor Mainland

Natalie Moverley Shannon Boston John Robinson

S4 S5 S6

Barry Meheut Cameron Stevenson Nicole Mouat

Persephone Poulton Katie Farnworth Ben Allinson

Emma Moncrieff Lee Ann Peterson Cameron Stewart

Lee Peterson, Katie Farnworth, Nicole Mouat, Ben Allinson and Emily Shaw present Mrs Claire Reid with a bunch of flowers to say THANKS for being an SRC Link Teacher for the past 11 years.

Good luck to Miss Shona Taylor and Miss Jamie Cowie, the new Link Teachers.

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Barcelona 2010 - Iona Holmes, Ellyn Leask, Hayley Tulloch & Natalie Moffat S4

fastest roller coaster in Europe! We thought it was amazing! Another main ride was Hurricane Condar which we had seen on the way to our hotel the previous day as it is extremely high! We also went on the biggest roller coaster in Europe, the Dragon Khan. It looked huge and terrifying from a distance but most of us found that it was loads of fun and went on it more than once!

Later that night we walked into Salou, it was a long walk but we made sure to stick to the theme of a “no moaning” trip! In Salou we visited various shops and stalls but we got our good “dealios” on Barcelona strips from Mr. Hollywood who is a good friend of the Anderson High school teachers! We soon found out that Joe Goodlad was an expert at haggling and he managed to get himself and others a few good “dealios”.

On the 2nd Day to Port Aventura, we went to Costa Caribe water park. It was extremely quiet there that day and we were SO very lucky as there were NO queues for any of the water rides so we could keep going on them! The weather was fantastic and it was lovely to chillax in the water and enjoy the sunshine


The teachers booked a Karaoke Café for us at night and it was hilarious! We all enjoyed watching Mrs Reid, Mr Spence, Miss Watt & Mr Malcolmson sing and dance to “I Gotta Feeling” by Black Eyed Peas, but no one could beat Zack Manson’s amazing rendition of “American Idiot” by Greenday! After the karaoke we hopped across the road to the Crow’s nest to “strut our stuff”. It didn’t take long for everyone to get up and dance and for the boys to start their dance-off!

Barcelona By Evening

We spent the morning at the pool, had lunch at the hotel and got the bus to Barcelona and the first stop was Nou Camp football Stadium. We got a tour of the stadium and some managed to get soaked by the sprinklers!

Next, we headed to La Ramblas and split off into groups to explore the largest food market in Europe! Some chose to stay and sample some of the exotic fruits others decided to watch street acts! For the first time ever on an AHS Barcelona trip we got to experience Barcelona by night. Mrs Reid booked all 44 of us into a pizzeria on La Rambles and we tucked into delicious freshly made pizzas. Natalie enjoyed the pizza’s so much we nearly left her there! We went to the Barcelona Magic Fountain Show and it was amazing! It was a huge display of colourfully lit fountains which represented the joining of all the different nationalities. It felt very cosmopolitan with lots of tourists from all over the world there!

Nearly Cancelled

One week before departure it was looking highly unlikely that our trip was going to go ahead due to British Airways strikes.

However, Mrs Reid & Mr Spence worked really hard along with our Travel Consultant to find any alternatives. They tried every possibility:- trains, buses, and even chartering flights! Mrs Reid was on a mission to ensure our trip went ahead because she knew how much it meant to us – that she even tried Richard Branson! However, it was MSP Tavish Scott that came to her rescue and became our local hero! We were SO excited and emotional when Mrs Reid announced that the trip was going ahead! We pre-sented her with a big bunch of flowers to say THANKS for all her efforts and we were determined to make this one of the BEST AHS Barcelona Trips EVER!!!!


We got the boat from Shetland and at Aberdeen Airport we were really lucky to meet two celebrities - Ricky Whittle and Carly Stenson from Hollyoaks! They were really nice and allowed us to get a few pictures and Ricky even signed his Torso of the Week!!!

Posh Hotel!

We spent the night in London in the 4* Renaissance Hotel – with British Airways help. We enjoyed a huge evening meal and really comfy big beds! However we had to get up at 5:00am! Some folk were very sleepy but we didn’t complain, as this was a NO MOANING trip as we were so delighted that it was going ahead!

Barcelona Sights

On arrival in Barcelona, Mrs Reid took on the role of Tour Guide, and she gave us the low down on famous Barcelona landmarks and sights. We visited Sagrada Familiar which is Barcelona’s famous holy church and Mrs Reid explained how the well-known architect, Gaudi, designed it, what his intentions were and how it was paid for by the people of Barcelona. We then went to Plaza Catalunya (town centre) and walked down La Ramblas looking at all the market stalls and street acts. We had a quick stop at Barcelona harbour where we saw all the “swanky” cruise ships and had a bit of time to sit in the sun. Once we got back to the hotel we had a lovely buffet dinner and spent out first night “chillaxing” at the hotel making the most of the facilities there like the tennis court, bungee trampolines, cafes and evening entertainment.


We went to Port Aventura, which is a fantastic theme park run by Universal Studios. Once we got there everyone was so eager to get on all the rides! We were really lucky as the queues were tiny! Furios Baco is the

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and got some pictures. After arriving at the airport our bus was ready and waiting for us to take us to the ferry terminal and we got to have two hours shopping in Aberdeen!

We all gathered up for our last meeting and managed to squeeze in a “happy birthday” song for Mr Malcolmson along with a cake for him. Mrs Reid then gave us one of her special talks and thanked us for being such a great bunch and she told us that lots of members of the public at the airport, on flights, on buses and at the hotel had all commented about how well behaved we were for a large group of 44 teenagers.

Overall, the 8th AHS Barcelona Trip was absolutely amazing and we will always remember it! We were so lucky that the trip went ahead and we’d like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Mrs Reid, Mr Spence, Miss Watt and Mr Malcolmson.


On the last day in Barcelona we chillaxed at the hotel, swam in the pool, sunbathed and used the hotel facilities such as the jacuzzi and tennis courts. We all went to the beach joined onto the hotel and some of us got on pedaloes with the teachers whilst others made the most of their time by burying Erin Burgess in the sand! We all packed our suitcases that afternoon and sadly left the hotel for the last time to go to the airport to get our flight out of Barcelona.

Aberdeen & Shops!!!

On the Saturday we got on the bus with our suitcases to go to Heathrow Airport and our bus driver was a hilarious Cockney driver who kept us all awake with a few funny stories and impressions! In the airport a few of us spotted Stavros Flatley from Britain’s Got Talent

“Mes que un club—MORE than a club!”

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strategic advice to our students. Encouragement is also an integral part of the system, and teachers often sketch exemplar diagrams to help explain their comments.

We also grade the work, in line with the Standard Grade award system, marking each piece of homework on a scale from 1 to 6 (a’1’ is a top grade). We have also recently introduced a quick ‘checklist’ to be used in conjunction with the comments and grades provided. A copy of this is shown below:-

For many students and parents, Art and Design is often perceived as a mysterious, perhaps even arcane and magical world – a world in which only an elite and talented few can really thrive.

But all the Art & Design staff in Anderson High School see things very differently – they see their subject as helping people to gain an understanding of the myriad aspects of Expressive art or Design is a useful skill that everyone is able to access at various levels. By de-mystifying the subject for all students, an Art & Design teacher’s aim is to make the subject user-friendly for all – young or old - to diminish the elitist aspect of the work that so many are afraid of.

This ‘understanding’ can come in many forms, but it does have a huge impact on all of our lives. These forms can range from classic drawing, painting and craft skills, understanding design concepts such as ergonomics, safety and use of materials, making informed choices when shopping, decorating your home and right through to choosing your outfit and cereal each morning!

To enable the Department to do this, we have adopted many successful strategies, such as displays of work, of all skill levels, around our Department and the rest of the school, taking part in Schools Exhibitions within Shetland, exploring art and design through digital media and software, and introducing good quality homework sketchbooks for all pupils in S1&2 and Standard Grade students in S3&4.

In line with Curriculum for Excellence policies and strategies, we use this as a major way to provide individualised support, personalised comments and

Marble Study - Stephanie Wiseman

This has proved to be very helpful for students and staff alike, and students are now positively keen to get their homework back, so that they can check their ‘grade’ and find out their strengths and weaknesses for each task they have been set.

Fiddle scroll - Lana Thomson



























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With so much feedback given to students, we would encourage all of you at home to take a look at these sketchbooks regularly. We are sure you will be just as amazed at some of the work as we are!


Last session, the Advanced Higher Art & Design candidates all worked extremely hard to complete their portfolios.

Despite all the intense, hard work involved, the Art & Design rooms they worked in were very happy hives of activity, jolly banter and unbridled mess. But it was worth all the blood, sweat and tears in the end!

All of this dedication and hard work paid off handsomely, with magnificent results for all of them and we would like to give you a small insight into their world of study…………………be amazed and enjoy!

We also utilise peer marking occasionally, where others in the same class group mark each other’s drawings. Surprisingly, they are often much ‘harder’ markers than the teachers, being very severe with their own work, as well as the work of their classmates.

The homework is seen as an essential part of course-work for all year groups, and is usually tailored to fit in with current themes or projects.

The comments and advice are used to encourage the students to achieve their potential, and they often surprise themselves when they see what how well they can really do. As a broad rule of thumb, the Art & Design staff expects a minimum of 45 minutes to be spent on each set task, and students are encouraged to use the sketchbook for their own work as well – staff are always happy to look at this work as well and provide constructive feedback on it.

Developments for a top - Tiffany Bateson

Dress developments - Tiffany Bateson

Jigsaw mouth - Christina Inkster

Dot and line eyes - Christina Inkster

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Art & Design Advanced Higher Portfolio Work (continued)

Giant rose - Stephanie Wiseman

Marbles - Stephanie Wiseman

Seaforms beret - Symone Duddy

Seaurchin research - Symone Duddy

Fiddle player - Lana Thomson Research sheet - Lana Thomson

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The Scottish Baccalaureate

Scottish Baccalaureates are new qualifications which were introduced for the first time in August 2009 for Science and Languages. The Scottish Baccalaureates in Science and in Languages have been designed to provide a challenging and rewarding experience for candidates in fifth and sixth year of secondary school.

They are based on a coherent group of subjects at Higher and Advanced Higher level with the addition of the Interdisciplinary Project, which offers added breadth and value and helps to equip the candidate with the generic skills, attitudes and confidence necessary to make the transition into Higher Education and/or employment.

Some of our senior pupils are very keen to have a go at the Baccalaureate. The Interdisciplinary project is the piece of work which characterises this qualification and could be a daunting task for some, but it has been met with considerable enthusiasm. It will be based on something that pupils choose themselves and must explore the relevance of science or languages in one of more of;




Sustainable development

Economic development

Here are some comments from the pupils choosing to do the Baccalaureate;

“I want to do the Scottish Science Baccalaureate because I think the project will give me valuable skills for university and later life. It also gives me the chance to study something I really want to lean about and be in charge of my own learning.” Hannah Best

“We chose to do the Baccalaureate as a group project and felt that is was a great opportunity to do something in school that we were interested in. We are choosing to research renewable energy as it is really relevant to the world today. Also we hope that completion of the Baccalaureate will give us an insight into the independent study involved in university life and help us get into our preferred courses.” Lachlan Shaw, Paddy Bevington

“I decided to do the Baccalaureate because I thought it would be a good learning experience and it offers valuable life skills that I could use at university and in my future career. I am also very interested in doing more research in my chosen project which is Stem Cells. I believe that this will become a very important part of medicine in years to come.” Emma Leask

“The reason I chose to do the Science Baccalaureate is because I have a keen interest in the project I am researching as part of my Advanced Higher Physics course – Aeronautics. It offers a completely different learning perspective as it is mostly self taught and so I believe it would be a good opportunity to develop this kind of learning style in preparation for university.” Haydn Thomason

“The reason I chose to do the Languages Baccalaureate is because of my passion for foreign languages and different cultures. I would like to use this opportunity to show how important it is to have some knowledge of a language other than English.” Evelyn Murphy

We hope that the students will find the Interdisciplinary project a challenging but rewarding experience, and aim to report back on this in the Spring edition of the school newsletter.

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S4 XL Meet 9-11 Survivors - Mrs C Carter, APS Department

The S4 Club XL went to New York for a week in March 2010. The inspiration for this learning opportunity was directly attributable to the 10 week work experience and citizenship course which students had completed earlier as volunteers with Highlands and Islands Fire Service. This stimulated club members’ interest in the events of the New York 9-11 tragedy.

The group planned to visit Ground Zero and Fire House 10 The experience was organised in association with AHS partner school Ridgewood High School, New Jersey where they met pupils and staff.

Preparatory work for the visit included planning and raising funds through enterprise activity - making and selling cakes, running a Fair Trade school tuck shop and bag packing. Overall the opportunity enabled students to consolidate their learning in keeping with the objectives of Curriculum for Excellence - in particular to develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work.

Below is a flavour of the comments from the group as part of their evaluation of the New York study visit.

“The Twin Towers site just looked like a normal building site. It didn’t have any impact on me till we spoke to the fireman.”

“I’ll never forget the visit to the fire station. He told us how he went in with eight other fire fighters and how he was the only one alive. It was really upsetting but interesting to meet someone who was actually there.”

“When you read about stuff that happened it doesn’t really hit you but when you’re there it does affect you and you really think about it “

“When you go to New York you realise the impact of 9/11… you see what happened, you meet the people involved and it makes you real-ise how significant it all was.”

“ I loved speaking to different people… especially other students from the school who were really friendly and different.”

“It was interesting meeting and seeing different people….although the accents and voices are different, you realise people from that part of the world are much the same as us.”

“ Here you wouldn’t go up to foreigners and speak to them. Usually I would ignore them but now I would try and talk to them.”

“ I learned to get along with people more and work together as a group. “

“ We all get along a lot better. Before we used to argue all the time. I’d say it’s been better since we got back”

They participated in the production of a DVD of the trip which they presented at a meeting of Lerwick Community Council and to school staff. Thanks must go to Lerwick Community Council, Callum Younger Reach Fund , Ms Nicolson and the school management team and International Education team for supporting the visit.

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Club XL Visit to Unst - Alvar Foster 4F

expected, we had to use our mobile phones to see, it was that dark.”

The Hostel- “We had a BBQ outside, it took a while to cook the food but it was worth the wait. We went fishing from the pier, but didn’t have much luck. ”

During activities week, our S3 club XL went on a three day trip to Unst. We had planned and organised this visit ourselves as part of our course, the trip included visiting RAF Saxavord, Foords Chocolate Factory, Bobby’s Bus Shelter, The Viking Longship and the Boathaven. Other activities included a visit to Baltasound Junior High School where we had a tour around the school, then played handball with the pupils who showed us around. We made music on the Yoal at Belmont, swam in the sea at Norwick Beach, had a Redd Up on the shoreline at Uyeasound and prepared and enjoyed a BBQ at the Hostel in Uyeasound.

Some of the group’s favourite bits of the trip were:

Norwick Beach-“really fun running and jumping over sand dunes.”

Saxavord-“concrete bunkers built into the hill which the group got to go and explore. They were bigger than Handball at Baltasound JHS

Enjoying a BBQ at Uyeasound Youth Hostel

Norwick Beach

July 2010 say the retirement of five colleagues:

Ms Norma Aitken, teacher of English since 2002; Mrs Deirdre Hayward, Music Instructor since 2002; Mrs Marion Ockendon, teacher of Modern Languages since 1998; Mrs Elizabeth Ratter, ASN Auxiliary since 1999, and Mr Benny Wiseman, Head Janitor since 1994. We wish them all the best!

AHS Retirements

Janitors Geoffrey Johnson and Terry Leith say “cheerio” to Benny Wiseman

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Pupil Support News - Mr R Calder & Mr A Johnson, Pupil Support Department

views on their learning experiences in school and asked them to discuss school values and aims. The theme of the second session was future directions and possible career and job options. Following an excellent drama performance by Izzy Swanson, John Haswell and S5 pupil, Ceidoig Saxelby, our pupils took part in a “speed dating” workshop whereby they had to interview around 14 different employers, professionals and training providers to find out what their job involved. After a short workshop on employability skills, we then moved on from Islesburgh and participated in a range of health and wellbeing activities in the afternoon as part of

S3 Away Days, September 2010

With the new Curriculum for Excellence promoting and encouraging learning in different environments, we organised new Away Days for our S3 pupils. With the support of S6 Peer Supporters, we took two S3 Register classes out of school each day between Monday 13th and Wednesday 15th September. The day was split into three sessions. In the first session at Islesburgh, pupils were encouraged to reflect on the transition from S2 into S3 and develop their own Personal Learning Plan. We then gathered pupils’

In the afternoon it was time to head to the sea for some Coasteering, a challenging pursuit which involves walking and swimming around the coastline. The local seal population took a keen interest in the unusual visitors. Lori Bulter thought coasteering was “really fun and an experience of a lifetime” while Regan Williamson said “I thought I would hate it and never jump in but I did, it was superb”.

On behalf of the Pupil Support department we would like to thank all the S1 pupils and the teachers who accompanied them on what was a very successful week for the Transition programme.

S1 Activity Days

As part of the Primary 7 to Secondary 1 transition all first year classes have the opportunity to take part in an Activity day with the Outdoor Education Team. The day provides the opportunity for the members of the class to work collaboratively, get to know each other, their Register teacher and a member of staff from the Pupil Support department as well as having some well earned fun!

The first activity of the day took part at the Gilbertson Park and set the tone for the day. This was followed by perhaps the most challenging task of the day - squeezing into a wetsuit! Once into the wetsuit we leapt onto the minibuses and headed off on a Magical Mystery Tour.

At the Dale Burn classes took part in a number of tasks to develop their team working and communication skills. Colleen Hanlon thought “it was good to work together so we could get to know each other”. The pupils were then given the opportunity to take part in some bog jumping a thoroughly smelly and dirty activity which involved quite simply jumping into a peat bog. Despite the horrendous smell of rotting vegetation pupils enjoyed hurling themselves into the bog, the pupils of 1E were particularly determined to earn the title ‘King of the Bog’.

Collaborative working

1F enjoying the Dale Burn Spa!

Coasteering in perfect conditions at the Knab

It has been a busy start to the new session in Pupil Support with several activities and events organised for our pupils:

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Health Week, including steam and swim, spinning, badminton and football at the Clickimin and a Healthy Eating Workshop with Glynn Wright in the Bruce Kitchens. The whole day was extremely rewarding and positive for all concerned and the feedback we have received reflects this:

Logan Spence 3D looking at school values and aims.

3B and 3C pupils during their Health and Wellbeing football activity at Clickimin

3D pupils meet with Kellie Naulls from Moving On as part of the “Speed Dating” activity.

“The Speed Dating has given me more confidence as I am quite shy but I was able to ask the employers lots of questions.” John Keir 3B.

“A really fun day, I wish

we could do this sort of

thing more often.” Ross

Mustard 3C.

“I think it has been one of the best out of school events that I have been to. The kids thoroughly enjoyed it and they appeared to become a more socially cohesive group throughout the day, gaining in strength.” Mr Andy Duffus, ASN Department.

“It was excellent to see pupils

interact with employers and

industry. I was very impressed

with their social skills, their

enthusiasm, their manners and

their interaction with us.” Danny

Peterson, 16+ Implementation

Co-ordinator and Elizabeth Johnson,

Pure Energy Manager in Unst.

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Pupil Support News (continued)

Students who become involved in other aspects of the school, through extra-curricular activities, are able to include their experiences on application forms and at university and job interviews, which is crucial in an every increasingly competitive world. Moreover, this type of work can also count towards nationally recognised MV volunteering awards. Finally, the extra–curricular activities push students out of their comfort zones and can develop their social, communication and organisation skills.

S6 “Getting Involved Event”

S6 is a crucial year for our pupils as they study more Highers and/or Advanced Highers in order to gain the qualifications for college and university courses or full-time employment.

There is, however, more to Class 6 than studying subjects. Sixth Years also have the opportunity to take part in a number of extra-curricular activities. On Monday 21st June, our senior students had the chance to sign up for a range of activities and committees, including Peer Support, helping out in the ASN Department or in subject departments, Young Enterprise, International Education, lunchtime sports and the Student Representative Council. There are real benefits for pupils who involve themselves in extra-curricular activities – these activities can be really rewarding and give them a real insight into what future careers are like. For example, many students who do Peer Support, which involves teaching small groups of S1 pupils for six weeks, have subsequently gone into teaching. Similarly, Young Enterprise has inspired many youngsters to pursue a business related career.

S6 pupils sign up for Young Enterprise. Neil Pearson from SYIS looks on.

And Finally!

Remember that we are located in PS4. If you have any queries or concerns about your child’s progress or welfare at school you should contact your Pupil Support Teacher in the first instance. There is always a member of staff in Pupil Support on duty if your child needs help or assistance urgently.

Our caseloads are as follows:

Mr Robin Calder 1B, 2B, 3B, 3F, 4B, 5B, 6B & 6H

Mr Adam Johnson 1E, 1F, 2E, 3E, 4E, 5E, 6E & 6F

Ms Maggie Liddle 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 4F, 5C, 5H & 6C

Mr Donald McDonald 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 5F, 6A & 6G

Mr Paul Regan 1D, 2D, 2F, 3D, 4D, 5D, 5G & 6D

S4 Study Skills

The November prelims represent an important stage in our S4 pupils’ education. It is the first big exams that they will sit and are designed to prepare them for the final exams next year. In addition, Departments use the prelim results to recommend the level of course that pupils will start working on in their subject in S5. Given the importance of prelims, we have re-introduced the Study Skills Seminars with each S4 class this month to help pupils with their revision and exam preparation.

During the Study Skills Seminar we looked at the following themes:

• Learning Styles

• How emotions affect learning

• The Learning Brain

• How to memorise information and develop memory skills

• Personal Goals and Targets.

• Tips for studying and creating a study plan

• Preparing for exams

• Exam techniques and tips for exam success.

We wish our pupils every success with their S4 prelims and hope the Seminar helped!

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All classes in S2 Social Subjects ventured out on walks around the old town during the Spring and Summer months. These toured walks complemented the Unit which classes were doing in school on Old Lerwick. The major concern was the weather, but we hit it luck; at least on the days that we went out on the walks! So, everyone seemed to enjoy a good stroll around a part of the town that they were very familiar with, or at least what they ‘thought’ they were familiar with. Pupils were taken in and around the old part of Lerwick and were told the whole story of how the town was built up around such things as trade, smuggling and fishing. However…..there were to be a few surprises about how Lerwick ‘used to be’. For example, most were surprised to learn that Twageos used to be a village, and that where much of Lerwick’s water front now is used to be in the sea!

The Unit itself focuses on the growth and development of Old Lerwick during the 17th, 18th and 19th Century. In turn, it gives pupils a real feel for their local environment and history. Within the Unit, pupils completed individual study on key parts of Lerwick’s history, including the Lodberries, Smuggling, Pressgang, Arctic Whaling and Folklore. In doing so, classes also learned about the geographical growth of the town in relation human development. Pupils then completed an individual project in class looking at a chosen area, with some going on to develop this in a presentation via Powerpoint, Moviemaker, poster or report. The work that classes completed was further developed with a timeline in the Social Subjects corridor showing the whole progression of Lerwick’s history from the past to the present day. Every class played a part in constructing this timeline. As a result, it became clear to all the classes that many things had changed in Lerwick over the years, it was also apparent that the towns reliance on the sea, external communication and links to others is still vital for its development today.

As classes were working on the Unit around the time of Johnsmas and the Hamefarin, there was a real buzz around the town. This helped to add to the atmosphere of walks, and seemed to give pupils a further feeling of Lerwick’s history and sense of place. Hopefully, as a result of the Unit and walks, pupils to look at the town that they live and come to school in in a different light.........

Auld Lerwick Walks - Mr J Sandison, History Department

Photos by Anita Orheim

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This year’s theme for Health Week was nutrition with an emphasis on eat- ing sensibly and health-ily. As usual there were many activities with lunchtime sessions promoting all aspects of health including social, physical and mental well being.

This year’s healthy breakfasts took the same format as last year where each day a different type of breakfast was promoted. Staff served up a varied of different healthy breakfasts, which is always popular with the pupils.

Monday breakfast was cereals – good for providing slow release energy throughout the day.

AHS Health Week 2010, 13-18 September 2010

The highlight of Monday lunchtime was the launch of the new Fitness Suite up in the PE Dept. This is a new facility which features state of the art equipment including concept 2 rowing machines, spinning bikes and cross trainer. This room has come about as a result of funding of £9000 from the Big Lottery Fund/Awards for All Scotland. This facility was open every lunchtime during the week and was bursting at the seams with enthusiastic gym goers.

Jenny Gilmour (CADSS) provided a drug and alcohol information drop-in session which was well attended. Pupils could pick up leaflets and chat to Jenny who was saying that this year one of the major concerns are so called “legal highs” which can give people the wrong impression that these substances are safe when in fact they have very serious side effects.

An episode of “Come Dine with Me” was showing in room C3.9 and was well attended.


Tuesday’s healthy break-fast was protein packed scrambled eggs on toast and proved very popular. This kept Mr Turner busy serving all breaktime.

Local Chef, Glynn Wright was in school period 3&4 to lead a Healthy Eating workshop for 12 S2 pupils in the Bruce kitchens beside the school. The pupils got the chance to cook a healthy meal consisting of Tandoori chicken, vegetable cous cous and tattie wedges. The pupils had great fun and their friends really enjoyed helping them to eat their healthy dish at lunchtime.

There were two major events running on Tuesday lunchtime:

The “Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook” event was very popular with two new staff members, Ms Boyce and Ms Fraser going head to head against two pupils, Ceidiog Saxelby and Sophie Tulloch. The two teams were presented with a table of ingredients and had to make two courses in 25 mins. The pupils made a meal of chicken and vegetable wraps topped with cheese and a dessert of a digestive biscuit and cream tower decorated with melted chocolate and strawberries. Despite the pupil efforts the teachers team won with their spicy wedges, dip and a side salad and a caramelised banana dessert.

Also on Tuesday, Joy Duncan was back by popular demand to do some African Drumming with pupils. The lunchtime session was open to all and over 30 pupils attended. By the end of the lunch hour Joy had them all beating out a new rhythm on djembes and dun duns. Joy also did two periods with ASN pupils in the afternoon which was enjoyed by all.


Wednesday’s breakfast was Kippers a real “brain food” and once again staff were surprised by how popular these were with the pupils.

Wednesday lunchtime there was a healthy eating drop-in info session in B1.1. This included the Sugar Game and the Fat Game which consisted of having to match up how much sugar and fat was in well known foods. This was well attended and pupils seemed particularly surprised at how much hidden sugar was in foods. One girl stated “I’ll never eat Jelly again!” Meanwhile upstairs in C3.9 another episode of “Come Dine With Me” was being shown.

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Thursday morning started with the ever popular chopped fruit at breaktime which had been provided free of charge by Tescos and chopped by home economics classes the previous day.

On Thursday lunch-time there was a “Heal thy Muff in Workshop” with Mr Nield. Pupils signed up to cook delicious low fat, low sugar porridge oat and buttermilk muffins. This session was full with 18 pupils working in teams of two. Despite the time constraints everybody got their muffins cooked before the bell and all agreed they were delicious!

Also in school on Thursday lunchtime was Neil Pearson from SYIS. He ran a “Sexual Health and the Law” info session in B1.1. Pupils could go along and pick up leaflets or have an informal chat with Neil. Approximately 30 pupils took part in Neil’s questionnaire to test how much they knew about Sex and the Law. There were some answers that surprised them.


Friday’s breakfast focus was porridge with some pupils trying this for the first time and finding, to their surprise, that they liked it.

Also on offer on Friday was the climbing wall at Clickimin. Pupils were invited to sign up for this activity and three groups of pupils attended the Clickimin for three separate Climbing Wall sessions.

Overall this was another action packed, fun filled week and was enjoyed by all who took part. Curriculum for Excellence places great emphasis on Health and Well Being and its role in school life. Health Week not only gives the chance for the school to really focus on Health and Well Being but also leads on to other related events throughout the year. It provides the opportunity for staff to make connections and work collaboratively with outside agencies and from this many other ideas and events arise.

As usual a successful Health Week depends on a lot of people pulling together to make it all possible and the Health Week Team have a lot of people to thank for their help during the week. These include:Jenny Gilmour, Glynn Wright, Joy Duncan, Nicola Blance, Mr Nield, Neil Pearson, staff from PE, Home Economics and Music for accommodating lunchtime activities, library staff, Tescos, Shona Manson and the canteen staff. Also to all pupils and staff who participated and made this another successful week.

If you have any comments on this year’s event or activities/events you’d like to see running throughout the year or ideas for next year please contact your SRC Rep or one of the Wellness Group: Mr Barney Redman, Mr Keith Turner, Mr Kevin Smith, Miss Kat Brack, Mr Adam Johnson, Mr Robin Calder, Miss Louise Jamieson, Mrs Niki Sharp, Miss Sarah Black and Mrs Caroline Simpson.

For the second year in a row all S1 and S2 pupils were invited to take part in the Mini Mind Your Head walk. This was established last year and due to it's success we was decided to do this again. The route took us around the Knab Golf Course, up Breiwick Road, down Lovers Loan and along Twageos Road and back round the Knab past the graveyard. The breezy afternoon meant everyone was keen to keep moving. A few showers did not interfere with the feel good factor and ponchos were worn imaginatively by a few! The pupils seemed to enjoy the walk and some managed four laps of the circuit - very impressive indeed. A really enjoyable afternoon and all for a good cause.

As well as the main events the library offered two “active” and two “chilled” days. The active days offered pupils a chance to get energetic (and noisy) in the library with fun games such as Twister, Giant

Jenga, Nintendo Wii tournaments and everyone’s favourite “the Dice Game”. Chilled days offered a more tranquil lunch-time with active games replaced with Scrabble, Chess and Draughts, complimented with a cup of fruit tea.

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We are hoping to produce and sell a range of boards and pieces made from different materials such as glass, wood, plastic and cardboard but keep the rules used in Fetlar. This will therefore help promote the game of ‘Hnefatafl’ which is not played very much. This was the basis around which we named our group as we are ‘reviving’ a once popular game back into popularity. We are looking to have some products ready to be viewed and possibly sold at the popular annual Craft Fair at the Clickimin in November.

If you are interested in buying any shares in the company or wish to enquire about anything, do not hesitate to contact the group by emailing us at [email protected] .

The Young Enterprise company “Revive” established itself at the end of the term preceding the summer holidays and we were allocated our link teacher (Mr Paul Thomason) and our business advisors (Neil Pearson, Joanne Coutts and Marie Robertson). We initially had some indecision about which route to go down after exploring such paths as reusable, keeping fit and healthy eating. About a month ago, one member of the group came up with the idea of promoting a Viking chess game known as ‘Hnefatafl’ that is played in Fetlar. This idea captivated the group as members of the group have family from Fetlar. ‘Hnefatafl’ is a strategical board game that is played by two players, one attacker and one defender. The object of the attacker is to get the king to a corner square and the defenders are trying to capture the king by surrounding him on all sides.

The group has enlisted the help of Peter Kelly from Fetlar who has a vast knowledge of the game, rules and history. As soon as we contacted him about our idea he was eager to help us as much as possible with our product. Five members of the group have recently been to Fetlar to visit Mr Kelly and learn about the history ‘Hnefatafl’ and also how to play it. An exceedingly positive report was given to me by both the five members of the group and Mr Kelly himself. He is very keen for the group to go up again in the near future and also for him to attend some of our meetings at the school.

“Revive” Young Enterprise Company - Callum Williamson 6D

We are a group with high ambitions, a good worth ethic, hard, efficient workers and are hoping to go places this year with the Young Enterprise company; Revive.

Back Row L-R: Stuart MacLeod, Josh Laing, Jordan Morrison, Jordan Whitfield, Callum Williamson Front Row: Joseph Leask, Bobby Leask, Ali Scott, Hayden Thomson, James Aitken, Ross Groat

The Geography Department are delighted to have the Weatherbug as it will prove to be very useful when teaching weather topics to S1, S4 Standard Grade and even at Advanced Higher level. The equipment was donated by an American company which has a worldwide network of these sites. If you go to their main web site at n i t e d% 20 K i n g d o m /L e r w i c k - w e a t h e r . h t m l ?zcode=z6286 and there you click on “change weather station”. That should load a map which will allow you to look for other Weatherbug stations anywhere around the world. You might have to download a small application called Silverline to get6 the map to load.

The Geography department is also very grateful to two anonymous donors who provided funds to pay for the installation of an access ladder which allows staff to safely carry out routine maintenance of the weather station. Thanks also to Ocean Kinetics who made and installed the ladder.

Weatherbug is in fact an extremely useful ‘bug’ – one which the more observant of you might already have spotted on the roof of A-block.

A Weatherbug is in fact a weather station like the one shown in the picture which constantly collects information about our weather. It measures the temperature, the air humidity, the wind speed and direction, the precipitation (rain, hail, snow). If you want to see what the weather conditions are at any time all you need to do is to log on to the web site at The weather station data will also be available

from the homepage of the school web site.

Weatherbug invades AHS – Mr D Grieve, Geography Department

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Everyone’s Talking about AHS Library - Miss K Brack, Librarian

“The Library is a place to spend your free time.”

“The Library and its staff are an amazing resource for educators. From an English perspective they are crucial for encouraging reading for enjoyment without association with ‘work’. They are also invaluable at helping students’ master research and note taking skills. An enthusiastic, can-do Librarian is really a treasure for any school.”

“The Library provides friendly and helpful services to all pupils and staff.”

On the evening of 15th September over 150 pupils attended the Kool Katz Disko, an annual event promoted by the school's anti-bullying committee.

A brilliant night was had by all, and thanks are due to all the staff and 6th year pupils who came along to help out. A major thanks to Mr Dave Ferrier (DJ Dave), and Mr Kevin Gifford, for organising the music.

Well done to the S1 and S2 pupils who danced the whole evening and made the event such a success.

Kool Katz Disko

“There are always plenty of good books to read at the Library and Kat can always suggest a good book.”

“The Library is that of a high

calibre” The book and media

collection is vast and has good

selection to meet the tastes of

everyone in the school. The

Librarians are also helpful, nice

and generally all round happy


“The Library is good because there is always something different to do every day.”

“The Library is good because it has a Wii and has lots of lunchtime activities!”

“There are a variety of games to choose from plus sometimes it’s just nice to chill out. I love the Library. You too Tanya & Kat.”

“Loads of books and comfy seats.”

“A good place to hang out with friends and a quiet place to read.”

“You can finish off your homework.”

“A great place to hang out and catch up with mates.”

“The Library is good because it is a quiet place to read and chat at lunchtime. The Library could be better by being open every day at lunchtime.”

“There’s a good choice of movies.”

“I usually come to the Library to be myself and get some head space so I can breath.”

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All pupils who attended really enjoyed the experience:

“The bus was a colourful, fun experience. We learnt you should use fair trade products and recycle your old phones and cans.”

“We got to hold Sam, the Giant African Snail. He was really big and slimy. Tipsy the rat was soft and furry. I thought he was cute.”

“The cockroach’s feet were very sticky and tickly – it was cool.”

“We enjoyed our experience on the bus and got a badge and free pass to Edinburgh Zoo”.

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Wild Bus comes to AHS - S2 Scientists

In June, the Edinburgh Zoo wild bus visited AHS. The bus had been touring the country since last September, as part of its Centenary tour, and Shetland was their last stop!

The brightly decorated double decker bus was a mobile classroom. Downstairs pupils got a lesson on rainforest conservation whilst upstairs they had the opportunity to handle some animals. The lesson comprised of a bowling game which led to a question/answer session. There were also special hidden compartments where pupils found themselves feeling leaves and smelling dung! Upstairs pupils got the chance to meet and hold a hissing cockroach, a rat, a giant snail and a corn snake.

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Nuffield Science Bursaries - Advanced Higher Biologists

(STEM) course are eligible to apply for a bursary of £80 per week to support them during their project.

Placements are available across the UK, in universities, industry or research institutions. Frances Chapman. Demand for bursaries are high, and four AHS pupils were extremely lucky to gain placements in Shetland.

The pupils worked with the following workplaces:-

Frances Chapman from TECH-FEST SETPOINT has linked with the AHS Biology Department to encourage pupils to participate in the Nuffield Foundation Science Bursaries. The aim of the foundation is for students to work alongside practising scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians.

Projects take place during the summer holidays, giving students an insight into the world of scientific research and development. Students in the first year of a post-16 Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths

Chapman Cheng RSPB Impact of Seal Disturbance Jack Henderson RSPB Impact of Tourists on Ecosystems Rebecca Nicolson SNH Population and Distribution of Harbour Porpoises Magnus Sinclair NAFC Impact of dredging in Scalloway Harbour

Magnus Sinclair produced a report for the Nuffield Foundation about the findings of his investigation and his work was highlighted as good scientific practice. He is pictured (left) receiving his certificate from Ms Nicolson.

Magnus, Chapman, Jack and Rebecca would like to take this opportunity to say special THANKS to:

Rob Fray & Helen Moncrieff (RSPB), Karen Hall & David Wood (SNH), Kenny Gifford and Richard Shellmerdine (NAFC)

Class 6 2009-10 took the initiative, before they left

school, to organise a special momento……………hoodies

- with the AHS crest on the front, and everyone’s name on the back. They looked


Class 6 2009-10 Leavers get their ‘Hoodies’

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upon by the teacher to recall some of the key areas that they had just listened their classmate explain.

Once all pupils in each became confident that they were aware of each key investigation area from their group, they were then given a brief bit of time to stand up and deliver a verbal presentation to the class on the key areas that they had investigated.

Some S2 classes in Social subjects undertook Co-operative Learning lessons to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain from 15th to 17th of September.

In classes, pupils were split into thematic groups from the period. Then, pupils were given a number in their groups, and then allocated key investigation areas about the Battle, including a Chronology events , The Spitfire, The Luftwaffe, Air Raid Shelters, RAF Fighter pilots, Radar, and The Blitz. Also, pupils were given a further investigation area which focused on the Allied bombing of German cities to ensure that a degree of balance was provided of the wider picture of World War Two.

Pupils then had around eight minutes to write down as many key points on their investigation area as possible. Once they had done this, they then had to give a brief presentation of their own investigation area to the rest of the group. The key focus was to encourage ‘listening’ skills as pupils then were called

Battle of Britain Co-operative Lessons - Mr J Sandison, History Department

Twenty two of us went on the German Exchange to Reinfeld in Summer 2010 in the middle of the World Cup. For many of us, it was a chance to visit old friends (who had come to stay with us) but for a few, it was a chance to meet completely new people.

The weather was scorching and we got to visit the amazing city of Berlin and learn about the history of the famous Berlin Wall. We also visited the hugely anticipated “Hansa Park”. We all got to practise our German a lot and we felt very lucky to have this opportunity. We are already feeling the benefits!

Many of us are planning on re-visiting on our own little holiday as we made such strong friendships, and flights are already booked for some of the Germans to return.

We all loved the German Exchange and would highly recommend it to all the new second and third year pupils!

Overall, we have constant help with our German homework now!

German Exchange - Jennifer Sim, Lee Peterson, Katie Farnworth S5

Mrs Coyne and Jack Pearson on the high wires

Hansa Park

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During the school’s three day’s of activities held in May the CDT department offers the chance for students to do some wood turning. Groups of four students had one day and a wood turning lathe each to design and produce their own wooden bowls. These are some of the students and the work produced by them and others in the course of the three days.

CDT News - Mr J Handley, Principal Teacher

As part of the assessment of the Standard Grade Craft & Design course, students have to design and make a project of some sort. They start the design of the project in October and then go on to make it finishing in March. These pictures show examples of some of the projects designed and made by the students in March.

A unit of work covered by S2 looks at renewable energy in Shetland past and present. In the process of doing this unit the students working in groups are given the task of designing wind turbine blades. The aim is to see which groups design can lift the most weight. These are a few examples of some of the designs.

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UK Maths Challenge

Each session the Maths department enter a class from every year group into the UK Maths Challenge competitions. The Intermediate and Junior level challenges took place in the spring of this year and our pupils did well in both. S3 & S4 take part in the Intermediate Challenge where just over half of our pupils gained a certificate, which is better than the national average. S1 & S2 pupils do the Junior Challenge and we are pleased that they did particularly well with eight pupils gaining a gold certificate. One of these was Thomas Moynihan, then S2, who did well enough to gain entry to the next level competition, the Junior Mathematical Olympiad. Well done Thomas.

If you would like to try your hand at these competition questions, previous questions are available on the web site:

Maths Competitions - Mr G Dorrat, Maths Department

Scottish Maths Challenge

This is a different competition which individuals enter on two occasions during the school year producing written solutions to longer problems. Three of our pupils from last session were awarded certificates. They produced consistently good results in their particular levels, from all those who entered from the North & North East of Scotland.

L-R: Anya Risk S4 (Middle Division Gold certificate), Robert John Anderson S6 (Senior Division Gold certificate) and Sarah Irvine S2 (Junior Division Bronze certificate)


What is GAP? It stands for Games, Activities & Puzzles and is a lunch time activity which runs on Wednesdays from 1.15pm in A2.6. There is a wide selection of less well known board games and strategy games for pairs, groups and sometimes individuals. The activities on offer include paper and card constructions, making of 3-D shapes and origami. Can you solve a Rubik's cube, move the Towers of Hanoi, do hexagonal jig-saws or construct a cube from awkward shapes? Everyone in the school is welcome to try out any of these and more any Wednesday lunchtime.

S1 & S2 pupils with their Junior Maths Challenge certificates

S3 & S4 pupils with their Intermediate Maths Challenge certificates

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you for enriching the musical life of the school. Soloists featured were Maggie Adamson (violin), Megan Govier (trumpet), Ellen Smith (double bass), Kirsten Hendry, Merran Nugent, Mary Haviland and Ryan Stevenson (fiddle), Lana Thomson (accordion), Eilidh Peterson (violin) and Sasha Wood (cello).

T h e r e w e r e o u t s t a n d i n g performances from Tunester and friends who played a special Tommy Anderson tribute set, Fiddle Finale and the Senior Strings. Brack da Brod – a band including Kirsten Hendry, Lana Thomson and Johanna Goodlad played a lively set. The concert concluded with the Orchestra under their charismatic conductor Neil Morris playing a movement from Mozart’s Symphony No 29.

It was an evening of wonderful music and emotions as we said goodbye to our 6th year musicians.

Folk Festival – Top Band Bodega visit Anderson High school

The top Scottish band Bodega made a special visit to the Anderson High School prior to their busy schedule during the Folk Festival. They gave a mini-concert for the S3 Intermediate Music class and for all the S2 pupils who will be studying Intermediate Music next session. It was a fantastic opportunity for the pupils to meet the musicians, ask questions and see and hear the instruments close up. Bodega’s front man is Ross Couper – who of course if our fiddle instructor Margaret Scollay’s son. It was a very energetic and inspiring concert and we hope they will come back the next time they are in Shetland.

Spring Interlude – Friday 21st May 2010

Spring Interlude was a concert designed to celebrate and highlight the very talented Class 6 that will be leaving Anderson high School this June. These musician’s have contributed so much to the school and the outlying community in many different ways, and this was a wonderful way to say farewell and thank

News from the Music Department

During our annual Health Week we had the launch of the new fitness suite at Anderson High School.

The school was successful in securing over £9000 of funding from Big Lottery Fund/Awards for All Scotland in order to help improve fitness facilities in the school. The majority of the money was used to purchase a new cross trainer, rowing machine, exercise bike and two spinning bikes which are now in the school’s brand new Fitness Suite. These machines have made a huge difference to the previous facilities, which only consisted of a treadmill, rowing machine and some weights machines. Awards for All funding also provided a new trampoline, which will be put to good use by the P.E department, ASN department and lunchtime clubs.

The new equipment is also appreciated by the school’s Additional Support Needs Department, which provided funding for an additional treadmill. Anderson High and Active Schools provided funding for a sound system and television. The school also paid for new flooring, paint and wall mirrors, making the fitness suite an appealing place for all to workout.

Principal Teacher of PE, Kevin Smith, said, “We are delighted with the new equipment and the new fitness options it offers to both pupils and staff. Health Week is the perfect time to launch the new facility, as it adds an attractive option to the range of interesting health-focused activities available this week.”

Launch of AHS Fitness Suite

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Would you like to be involved?

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (or D of E) is a programme of leisure activities which recognises an individual’s commitment and progress. The school’s D of E Group is active throughout the school year but from late September will be encouraging any pupils from S3 to S6 who wish to make a start on the Award, to come along to the meetings on Thursday lunchtimes in A2.3. Watch out for posters and tannoys.


In June there was a presentation to those in Shetland who had achieved individual sections of the award or who had completed a full Bronze or Silver award over the last year or so.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

L to R: Andrew Haviland (Full Bronze), Amber Johnson(Bronze sections completed in Baltasound), Cara Manson, Caitlin Watt, Eilidh Peterson, Mary Haviland, Stephanie Wiseman (all full Silver), David Noblett (Bronze sections)

Missing from the photo were Calum MacFarlane (Full Silver) and Calum Marshall (Bronze sections)


What did you do in the “peerie summer” we had on the first weekend in September? Four fifth year boys were lucky enough to have chosen that weekend to do a Silver level expedition. They spent the weekend in some of the more remote and scenic areas of Northmavine visiting all the northern O.S. white triangulation pillars, on the summits of hills. Starting above Isbister, North Roe they walked passed Roer Water then climbed Ronas Hill before camping at Ronas Voe. On day 2 they were above Ollaberry then went west to camp near Heylor. Their route on the last day took them into Esha Ness, north to The Faither then south to finish at the lighthouse. This was the required thirty miles over three days.

How did they feel at the end? They had enjoyed their trip, appreciated the good weather and had kept to schedule without any problems. Their feet were only a little sore and they were not overtired - quite an accomplishment!

At the start of the adventure: L-R Calum Marshall, David Noblett, Liam Coffey, Andrew Haviland

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90 metres High Jump Wellie Boot S2 Girls: Holly King (12.89secs) S2 Girls: Heather Marshall (1.25m) S2 Girls: Amy Goddard (16.6m)S2 Boys: Shane Talukder (13.35secs) S2 Boys: Charlie Unsworth (1.30m) S2 Boys: Liam Buchanan (15m) S3 Girls: Shaela Halcrow (13.68secs) S3 Girls: Danielle Warnham (1.24m) S3 Girls: Laura Blance (15.5m) S3 Boys: Cameron Gibbs (12.13secs) S3 Boys: Daniel Walterson (1.44m) S3 Boys: Saul Swanson (19.1) Triple Jump 2 Lap Race (500 metres) Speed Bounce S2 Girls: Holly King (5.70m) S2 Girls: Holly King (1.38.5 New Record) S2 Girls: Holly King (76) S2 Boys: Jonathan Hunter (6.02m) S2 Boys: Luke Smith (1.40.67) S2 Boys: Luke Smith (69) S3 Girls: Shaela Halcrow (5.98m) S3 Girls: Megan Petursdottir (1.37.59) S3 Girls: Lauren Evans (77) S3 Boys: Eoin Leask (6.84m) S3 Boys: Eoin Leask (1.32.61) S3 Boys: Eoin Leask (76)

Our S2 & S3 pupils enjoyed a very successful sports day this year. Participation levels were very high and the pupils were particularly keen to take part in the newly added, very technical event called the wellie boot throw! The girls threw a size 6 boot, and the boys threw a size 9 steel toe capped boot, which were kindly donated from the Geography department. Teams were put into groups based on the World Cup: Spain, Argentina, England, Brazil, South Africa and Holland. The scores were very close throughout the whole day with the lead changing after almost every event. With the final relay to be done, Both Holland and England were tied on 492 points. Holland managed to finish ahead of England in the S3 relay, which crowned them champions. Special mention to Holly King who broke the S2 girls 2 lap race (500m) with a time of 1.38.50. Winners of events were:

S2/3 Sports Day

Overall Scores Spain— 409 Argentina—421 Brazil—484 England—493 South Africa—417 Holland—495 Overall winners—Holland

AHS winning team who took part in the recent Inter-schools Football Competition.

Inter-Schools Football

Back from left: Paul Regan (coach), Magnus Smith, Sam Maver, Fraser McKenzie, Mathew Scollay, Saul Swanson

Front from left: Sam Constable, Joshua Johnson, Ben Dade, John Wright, Rory Smith, Luke Smith, Connor Couper, Eoin Leask

Mr Redman and Mr Smith get their hands on the Scottish Cup during its tour of Shetland (thanks to JW Gray Wholesalers)

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S5 Induction Day

A warm welcome was extended to the new Class 5 on 7th June 2010. The induction day gave folk a great chance to get to

know each other.

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