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Air Ambulance India: Medical Emergency

Indian Air Ambulance  takes pride in providing quality patient care, both domestic and internationally. We are composed of highly trained medical staff and experienced flight crew. Our air ambulance service capabilities are supported by a 24 hour flight coordination center, staffed by experienced air ambulance flight coordinators.  Flight coordinators specialize in assisting our customers to ensure a smooth, safe and efficient patient transfer. A medical crew that has the everyday job of transporting patients in ambulances built inside of airplanes. Flight paramedics, flight nurses, and specialized physicians( “ flying doctors ”) routinely save lives within the India and around the world. This is a look into their work, as well as a look into the families and patients who need to be transported in air ambulances.

When you are weighing the difference between the cost and insurance coverage for air ambulances things may not seem as out of proportion as it looks at first glance. There are many other things to take into consideration besides the difference between the cost of air ambulances and the amount the insurance company covers for this irreplaceable service. Some of the major things to take into consideration when you are looking at the difference in cost versus insurance for air ambulance include hidden costs, security, and safety. Security is a huge issue for the majority of people and they want to feel safe no matter where they are and an air ambulance company can help increase the general security of people. Having this type of service available will help you attract the best suited employees for your work place. People also tend to be more productive when they don't have security issues nagging at the back of their minds. By providing the security found in an air ambulance company you will significantly increase production and reduce your cost of insurance payments.

Medical Staffing in India :

The makeup of the medical crew staffing an air ambulance varies depending on country, area, service provider, and type of air ambulance. In services operating under the Anglo-American model of service delivery, the helicopter is most likely to be used to transport

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patients, and the crew may consist of Emergency medical technicians, Paramedics, flight nurses, a Respiratory Therapist, or in some cases, a physician. Services with a primary focus on critical care transport are more likely to be staffed by physicians and nurses. In the Franco-German model, the aircraft is much more likely to be used as a method of delivering high-level support to ground-based EMS. In these cases, the crew generally consists of a physician, often a surgeon, anesthetist, trauma specialist or similar specialty, accompanied by a specially-trained advance care paramedic or nurse. In these cases, the object is the rapid delivery of definitive care, occasionally even performing emergency surgical procedures in the field, with the eventual transport of the patient being accomplished by ground ambulance, not the helicopter.

Medical control in India :

The nature of the air operation will frequently determine the type of medical control required. In most cases, the available skill set for an air ambulance staffer is considerably greater than that of a typical paramedic. As a result, those operating in this environment will often be permitted by medical control to exercise more latitude in medical decision-making. Assessment skills tend to be considerably higher, and, particularly on interfaculty transfers, permit the inclusion of such factors as the reading of x-rays and the interpretation of lab results. This allows for advance planning, consultation with supervising physicians, and the issuing of contingency orders in case they are required during the flight. Some systems operate almost entirely off-line, using protocols for almost all procedures and only resorting to on-line medical control when protocols have been exhausted. Some air ambulance operations have full-time, on-site medical directors with pertinent backgrounds (e.g., emergency medicine); others have medical directors who are only available by pager. For those systems operating on the Franco-German model, the physician is almost always physically present, and medical control is not an issue.

Equipment and Interiors in air ambulance of India :

Most aircraft used as air ambulances, with the exception of charter aircraft and some military aircraft, are equipped for advanced life support and have interiors that reflect this. The challenges in most air

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ambulance operations in India, particularly those involving helicopters, are the high ambient noise levels and limited amounts of working space, both of which create significant issues for the provision of ongoing care. While equipment tends to be high-level and very conveniently grouped, it may not be possible perform some assessment procedures, such as chest auscultation, while in flight. In some types of aircraft, the aircraft's design means that the entire patient will not be physically accessible in flight. Additional issues occur with respect to pressurization of the aircraft. Not all aircraft used as air ambulances in all jurisdictions have pressurized cabins, and those which do typically tend to be pressurized to only 10,000 feet above sea level. These pressure changes require advanced knowledge by flight staff with respect to the specifics of aviation medicine, including changes in physiology and the behavior of gases.

Safety in the workplace has been a rising public issue lately and companies that take measures to help prevent injuries among their employees are looked at more favorably than companies that don't. Having an air ambulance company on retainer can help show your commitment to your workers safety and can also help protect you and your company against legal action from your employees in the case of an injury in India. By spending this small amount of money upfront to hire the services of a reputable air ambulance company you will protect your employees, protect yourself, improve your company image, and reduce the costs of insurance. With all of these benefits available the small cost of hiring an air ambulance company is minimal compared to the expenses you could face by not having their services.

The concept of using aircraft as ambulances in India is almost as old as powered flight itself. The concept of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) has its origins in the military. It is thought that the first air medical transport occurred in 1870 during the Siege of Paris when 160 wounded French soldiers were transported by hot-air balloon to France. From that point on, air ambulances have been used by the military in times of war. The knowledge and expertise at the use of aircraft as ambulances continued to evolve, and by 1969, in Vietnam, the use of specially trained medical corpsmen and helicopters as ambulances led U.S. researchers to conclude that servicemen wounded in battle had better rates of survival than motorists injured

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on California freeways, and inspired the first experiments with the use of civilian paramedics in the world. To know more about air ambulance in India, please log in to: or send your queries at [email protected] or contact at +91-9579034641.

Tags: Air Ambulance India, Air emergency service India, Air ambulance, Aero medical Evacuation, Medevac India, Emergency medical service, cost effective Air ambulance, Emergency service, Aero medical evacuation India, Economical Aero medical service, Medevac, Air support India, Emergency service, Air ambulance, Helicopter, air emergency service, Helicopter, Emergency air ambulance, cost saving Air service,

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