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Air Force Fitness Management System II (AFFMS II)

User’s Guide 18 July 2019

Operational Support Information AFSVA/SVORF [email protected]

Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors by specific authority, 06 January 2006. Other requests for this document shall be referred to ESC/HIGK, 1960 1st Street West, Bldg 977, Randolph AFB, TX, 78150-4700. Contractor will notify the Government, in writing, when proprietary data is contained within the deliverable document.

DESTRUCTION NOTICE-For classified documents, follow the procedures in DoD 5220.22-M, Industrial Security Manual, section 11-19, or DoD 5200.1-R, Information Security Program Regulation, chapter IX. For unclassified, limited documents, destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.

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Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY _________________________________________________________________ 3 2. INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________________________ 3 PURPOSE _______________________________________________________________________ 3 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ___________________________________________________________ 4 PRIVACY AND SECURITY NOTICE _____________________________________________________ 5 3. ACCESSING AFFMS II __________________________________________________________________ 7 ROLE-BASED ACCESS ______________________________________________________________ 8 GRANTING ROLE-BASED ACCESS ____________________________________________________ 8 ROLE-BASED MENU MATRIX ________________________________________________________ 9 4. CORE CAPABILITIES __________________________________________________________________ 10 FITNESS CALCULATOR ____________________________________________________________ 11 FITNESS AND HEALTH RESOURCES __________________________________________________ 13 I AM FIT _______________________________________________________________________ 13 MY FITNESS TRACKER ____________________________________________________________ 15 LOGGING OUT OF AFFMS II _______________________________________________________ 19 5. MANAGE FITNESS TESTS ______________________________________________________________ 19 LOCATING MEMBERS ____________________________________________________________ 20 CREATE A NEW FITNESS TEST ______________________________________________________ 22 REVIEW FITNESS TEST HISTORY ____________________________________________________ 23 EDIT A FITNESS TEST _____________________________________________________________ 24 DELETE A FITNESS TEST ___________________________________________________________ 26 6. EDUCATION AND INTERVENTION _______________________________________________________ 27 UPDATING THE FIP ATTENDENCE DATE ______________________________________________ 27 7. REPORTS ___________________________________________________________________________ 28 REPORTS BY ROLE _______________________________________________________________ 28 8. AFFMS II MANAGEMENT ______________________________________________________________ 31 MANAGE USER PROFILES _________________________________________________________ 31 NOTIFICATION MANAGEMENT _____________________________________________________ 40 9. AFFMS ll WORKAROUNDS ______________________________________________________________43

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1. Executive Summary

The Air Force Fitness Management System II (AFFMS II) was created and has been implemented to serve as a management tool for Air Force commanders at all levels to enable them to assess the physical fitness of personnel under their command. It provides them with the capability to identify those who require remedial conditioning, as well as those who excel and may warrant special recognition. AFFMS II is available to all Air Force components: Active Duty, Air Force Reserve, and Air National Guard. Access is through AFPC Secure or through the Air Force Portal.

The primary objective is to track, monitor and report the individual and collective physical fitness level among Air Force personnel through more effective resource management tools.

AFFMS II provides unit fitness program managers (UFPMs) with the capability to capture physical fitness information and update it so that it is available to commanders at all times. Rosters are available to identify members who are not current in their testing and who have yet to be tested. Rosters can also be produced to indicate those individuals who are due to test within a selected date range.

Reports are available to indicate UFPMs assigned to units and units that have no UFPMs assigned; personnel who have been exempted from one or more fitness components as a result of injury, illness, pregnancy, etc.; and the status of individual members.

Metrics are available to provide “score cards” for different levels of command: unit, installation, MAJCOM, and Air Force.

On an individual basis, AFFMS II allows all Air Force members to conduct physical fitness self- assessments by calculating their potential fitness scores and levels.

2. Introduction

Purpose The purpose of the Air Force Fitness Management System II (AFFMS II) is to allow individuals to assess their own fitness scores and levels, allow Unit Fitness Program Managers (UFPMs) to provide fitness reports and update Fitness Improvement Program (FIP) attendance and allow the Fitness Assessment Cell (FAC) Manager to input Fitness Data. It provides a means for commanders at all levels to examine statistical information on the fitness of personnel under their respective commands.

Users will be able to access AFFMS II through AFPC Secure or through their Air Force Portal accounts at all functional levels.

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Program Description The Air Force Fitness Management System II (AFFMS II) provides all Air Force personnel, and the organizations that support them, with a tool to monitor and track physical fitness. A fitness calculator, available to anyone with access to the Air Force Portal, allows the entry of variables and computation of that person’s fitness score according to the policies of the Air Force Surgeon General. The variables used in the calculation are age, gender, abdominal circumference, number of push-ups completed, number of sit-ups completed, and time/score on an aerobic assessment. Most personnel are expected to run a mile and a half or take the alternate 2.0 kilometer walk test for their aerobic activity. Some personnel may be exempt from abdominal circumference, sit-ups, pushups, or the aerobic assessment. The calculation takes these exemptions into consideration, as well as when the walk test is used for the aerobic activity.

A composite fitness score is calculated on a 0-100 point scale, based on the following maximum component values:

The composite scores determine the fitness level categories:

Fitness Level Categories Excellent Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Pass Fail EXEMPT

When members are exempt from portions of the assessment, the denominator of the calculation is reduced by the maximum component value. For example, a member exempt from push-ups will have no points added for the push-up component. The total possible points are reduced by 10 points. Example: A female Airman, age 28, is exempted from push-ups: If the Airman receives 49.3 points for aerobic fitness, 17.6 points for abdominal circumference and 8 points for sit-up component; the total component points achieved = 74.9. Possible points from aerobic fitness, abdominal circumference, and sit-up components = 90 points. Composite score is: (74.9/90) x 100 = 83.2 points. As long as the Airman meets component minimums and achieve an overall composite score of 75 or more, then the Airman receives a satisfactory score, with a Pass fitness level. AFFMS II provide rosters that list the personnel who are to be assessed. These rosters can be

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printed and used to record the results of the fitness assessment. The fitness program permits data entry for each of the factors contributing to the calculation of the fitness score. AFFMS II retrieves demographic information from the Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS) to calculate the fitness assessment score. It uses MilPDS data to determine the roster listing of personnel to be assessed. Grouping personnel by active unit on the basis of their assigned Personnel Accounting Symbol (PAS) generates this roster.

AFFMS II produces reports describing the number and percentage of Air Force personnel who have been assessed, the number and percentage of those who have not been assessed, and the number and percentage exempt by the type of exemption. It produces a report describing the number and percentage of those assessments categorized by their composite fitness scores. This information is reportable by unit/squadron, installation, MAJCOM, and Air Force in aggregate.

AFFMS II retains historical data for comparison purposes. Reports from AFFMS II are able to generate reports based on current annual data, not previous year data. Tier II Testing Airmen in Tier ll will continue to be exempt from the standard fitness assessment: aerobic, push-ups, and sit-ups; but are still required to complete the abdominal circumference component in addition to their occupational AFSC-specific fitness assessment annually.

Privacy and Security Notice Application security is a necessary part of all on-line systems, used to preclude unauthorized access and manipulation of the database. System administrators assign passwords with specific access levels to each application user. Password functions control who can use the system and the programs they can access. Input to AFFMS II is unclassified. The Privacy Act of 1974 affects portions of the data. DD Form 2005, Privacy Act Statement, covers the source document used in collecting the required data. Title 10, United States Code, sections 133, 1071-87, 3012, 5031, and 8012, and Executive Order 9397 describe the authority for collecting this data. All personnel with primary duties related to the access or use of the data subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 have a special responsibility to protect personal information from unauthorized disclosure. AFFMS II will label output products that contain sensitive data to identify the presence of sensitive data and the need for protective handling. AFFMS II will mark these products with the privacy caveat “PERSONAL DATA—PRIVACY ACT OF 1974” with “PA” placed to the right of the product titles.

Information presented on the AFFMS II Website is considered confidential information and may not be distributed or copied.

For site management, information is collected for statistical purposes. This government computer system uses software programs to create summary statistics, which are used for such purposes as assessing what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas.

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For site security purposes and for ensuring that this service remains available to all users, this government computer system employs software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or otherwise cause damage.

Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, no other attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits. Raw data logs are used for no other purposes and are scheduled for regular destruction in accordance with National Archives and Records Administration General Schedule 20. Agencies that are subject to DoD Directive 5240.1 will add the following: “All date collection activities are in strict accordance with DoD Directive 5240.1.”

Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this service are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1987 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act. User information in AFFMS II is used to identify users (name, title, location, etc.), to contact users (phone, E-mail, etc.), and to “sign” documents. This information must be maintained even after users have become inactive in the system. No other system will be able to access this information, and it is never shared with the public.

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3. Accessing AFFMS II AFFMS II can be accessed from AFPC Secure as well as the Air Force Portal by clicking the appropriate links using Internet Explorer as the Search Engine.

Upon being successfully authenticated and validated, you will be taken to the AFFMS II dashboard page. Initially each individual is assigned the role of Member and are presented with the functions available to that role.

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Role-Based Access Access and capabilities within AFFMS II are controlled based upon assigned roles. The following is a listing of roles that are available within AFFMS II as well as who may be granted these roles. The capability for each role determines the menu items available within the AFFMS II profile.

Granting Role-Based Access The following is a listing of each role within AFFMS II and who is authorized to grant each of those roles. MAJCOM – Access is granted by AFSVA Admin Role Air Staff – Access is granted by AFSVA Admin Role FIM – Access is granted by AFSVA MAJCOM Role FAC – Access is granted by the Installation FIM UFPM – Access is granted by the Installation FIM Commander – Access is granted by the Installation FIM


Member: Each Air Force member

Administrator: This role is for AFPC, AFSVA, and AFPOA personnel

MAJCOM: Only members assigned to a MAJCOM/A1

Air Staff: Only members assigned to Air Staff

FIM: Only 2 FIMs per installation; position must be held by CGO, SNCO/NCO or GS civilian equivalent.

FAC: Only the FAC Manager appointed by the Installation Commander. Position must be held by CGO, SNCO/NCO or GS civilian equivalent UFPM: Squadrons with 200 or less members assigned are authorized up to 2 UFPMs Squadrons with 201 or more members assigned are authorized up to 4 UFPMs

Commander: Wing, Group, and Squadron Commanders can delegate their role to “only one” Airmen who falls directly underneath their command. Commander will still be allowed to have access to AFFMS II even if they decide to delegate “role responsibility” to another Airman.

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Role-Based Menu Matrix

Note 1 – Fitness Calculator, Fitness Questionnaire, Fitness Documentation [USAF Links, External Links, External Health Links, Dispute/Appeal Process (BCMR)], Fitness Charts, I AM FIT, My Fitness Tracker Note 2 - Fitness Calculator, Fitness Questionnaire, Fitness Documentation [USAF Links, External Links, External Health Links, Dispute/Appeal Process (BCMR)], Fitness Charts Note 3 – Input Fitness Data Note 4 – Update FIP Attendance, AF Form 108 Note 5 – Manage User Profiles, Notification Management Note 6 – AF Form 108 Note 7 – Manage User Profiles Note 8 - Fitness Calculator, Fitness Documentation [USAF Links, External Links, External Health Links, Dispute/Appeal Process (BCMR)], Fitness Charts

To access additional capabilities you must change the current role. To change roles select the

AFFMS II Role Menu Item / Capability


Fitness Tools

Conduct Fitness Assessment

Reports Education Intervention

Administration Help

Member X

X (Note 1)


Administrator X

X (Note 2)

X (Note 3)


X (Note 4)

X (Note 5)



X (Note 2)


X (Note 6)

X (Note 7)


Air Staff X

X (Note 2)




X (Note 2)

X (Note 3)


X (Note 4)

X (Note 7)


Commander X

X (Note 2)


X (Note 6)



X (Note 8)

X (Note 3)


X (Note 4)



X (Note 2)


X (Note 4)


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desired role from the drop down list of assigned roles at the top of the screen.

NOTE: If drop down options are not present, make sure to enable compatibility view. In order to enable this click the gear on the top right of the Internet browser. Then Compatibility view settings. The web site will already be in the "add this site" box. Click add and then close.

4. Core Capabilities AFFMS II provides a set of core capabilities to each person accessing the system. These core capabilities provide a fitness calculator for estimating Fitness Test scores and Fitness Levels, a fitness questionnaire, fitness charts and links to additional fitness and health related information resources

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Fitness Calculator You can use this to calculate your own fitness composite score and level. Click the Fitness Calculator hyperlink in the Fitness Tools drop-down menu, and the Fitness Calculator page will be displayed. NOTE: If you are using Chrome as your search engine, not all areas within Fitness Tools will be viewable. Some features within Internet Setting may need to be enabled.

Complete the form with the appropriate values, changing any of the default values as required. Then click the Calculate button.

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To print the estimated scores click the Print button

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Fitness and Health Resources The Fitness Documentation sub-menu item contains a series of links to additional information. The series include links to other USAF information as well as External Fitness and Health information links.

I AM FIT Access to I AM FIT report can be found by clicking the MY REPORTS link under the REPORTS menu. Then select desired action (Excel, PDF, or PPT).

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My Fitness Tracker Access to MY FITNESS TRACKER report can be found by clicking the MY REPORTS link under the REPORTS menu. Then select desired action (Excel, PDF, PPT).

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Logging Out of AFFMS II In order to exit/log out of AFFMS II, users MUST click the logout link next to the Change My Role list. Simply closing the Internet Explorer, browser, window DOES NOT log the user out of AFFMSII. By not exiting AFFMS II properly the user may induce system level issues in the areas of performance, availability, and reliability inadvertently. Once you have logged out properly, a dialog window will appear indicating that you have chosen to log out, click Yes. Another dialog window will appear to confirm you have been logged out.

5. Manage Fitness Tests The primary purposes of this functional area are to: view and build rosters, input fitness scores for individuals, and manage exemptions. Information describing data changes made to fitness scores, such as who made the change and when it was made, will be recorded and tracked by the system. In order to retrieve this info a ticket will need to be made to AFPC.

To manage fitness test information change the current role to one that has the Conduct Fitness Assessment capability, see the Role-Based Access menu matrix. Click the Input Fitness Data link under the Conduct Fitness Assessment menu.

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Locating members AFFMS II provides several search options to help locate a member’s fitness information. Below are the search options and their descriptions.

Search Option Description SSAN The SSAN search is a preformatted full SSAN search. Name The name search is a case insensitive search using a

person’s First and Last name. The results will be a list of one or more people matching the criteria.

PAS Code The PAS Code search returns a list of people who are members of the current user’s selected authorized PAS Codes.

Prior to performing additional searches the Search form and results MUST be cleared. Click the Clear button on the form to perform this action.

SSAN Search The SSAN search provides a mechanism to locate a single individual based on their SSAN. Enter the SSAN into the SSAN field. The SSAN can be entered with or without the dashes “-“, the field will format the data correctly. Click Search. The results of the SSAN search will only contain members authorized to be retrieved from the user based on assigned PAS Codes.

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Name Search The Name search provides a mechanism to locate an individual by their given name. The results may include a list of individuals with the same first and last name. Enter the first and last name in the First and Last fields. The name can be entered in any combination of case (i.e. all upper-case, all lower-case or mixed-case). Click Search. The results of the Name search will only contain members authorized to be retrieved from the user based on assigned PAS Codes.

PAS Code Search The PAS Code search provides a mechanism to locate a group of individuals by their current PAS Code. Select the PAS Codes from the PAS Code list. To select multiple PAS Codes hold the Control (ctrl) key and select the PAS Code. The list contains the current user’s authorized PAS Codes. Click Search. The PAS Code search can also have one of the following three filters.

Filter Description

Not Current Provides a list of people within the selected PAS Code(s) that have a Not Current status.

Not Tested Provides a list of people within the selected PAS Code(s) that have never been tested.

Start-End Date Provides a list of people within the selected PAS Code(s) that have test dates within the supplied date range.

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Create a New Fitness Test Upon locating the individual(s) to manage, new test scores can be entered for an individual by clicking the name link under the Name column in the Results Table.

Complete the Test Data Form using the appropriate data fields from the Fitness Test Worksheet, and click Submit.

Upon a successful calculation of the fitness score and recording of the test results a Success Message window appears.

The test score Success Message window automatically disappears within 5 seconds.

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Review Fitness Test History The Administrator and FIM roles have the capability to view a member’s fitness test history. Within the Conduct Fitness Assessment Tab type the SSAN, click Search. Click the link under the History column in the Results table.

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Edit a Fitness Test The Administrator and FIM roles have the capability to edit a member’s existing fitness test. Within the Conduct Fitness Assessment Tab type the SSAN, click Search. Click the link under the History column in the Results table. Click the Edit link next to the desired Test Date column in the Test History table.

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Update the fitness test data on the Input Fitness Data screen and click Submit.

Upon a successful calculation of the fitness scores and updating of the test results a Success Message window appears.

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Delete a Fitness Test The Administrator and RIM roles have the capability to delete a member’s fitness test. Within the Conduct Fitness Assessment Tab type the SSAN, click Search. Click the link under the History column in the Results table. Click the Delete link next to the desired Test Date column in the Test History table.

Click the OK button and the screen will refresh the member’s Test History.

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6. Education and Intervention To update the FIP information for a member change the current role to one that has the FIP Update capability. Click Update FIP Attendance Date under the Education Intervention.

Updating the FIP Attendance Date

Enter the SSAN for the member and click Update.

Click in FIP Completion Date column of the desired member to update. Select the date the course was completed. Click the Update button.

A message will appear indicating that the FIP completion date has been updated, click the OK button.

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7. Reports The available reports for each AFFMS II user are governed by their assigned roles. To access the available reports, click My Reports. A list of available reports for the current role appears. The matrix below describes the reports by role.

Reports By Role



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Air Staff


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8. AFFMS II Management

Manage User Profiles An AFFMS II user is a person who has been registered within AFFMS II and has associated roles, other than Member, and a list of PAS Codes assigned to them. A person’s assigned role(s) determines their level of access and capabilities within AFFMS II.

Review the Role-Based Access menu matrix to see the roles that may be assigned to AFFMS II users. This will describe who these roles may be granted to. Also, review Granting Role-Based Access for information on who is able to grant each role.

Create New User To create a new user change the current role to one that has the Administration capability, see the Role-Based Access menu matrix. Click Manage User Profiles under the Administration menu.

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Enter the SSAN for the new user and click the Search button.

Click the new user’s name in order to display their personnel information.

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Select the desired user roles from the Assigned Roles, then select the Create, next to Account Action. To authorize and unauthorized PAS Codes, select the PAS Codes from the appropriate list and click either the Authorize or Unauthorized button. Click the OK button on the pop-up message. Once the form has been completed click the Submit button to save the user.

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A Message indicating that the user has been created will appear. Click the Ok button and the screen will refresh to the beginning

Update Existing User To add or delete PAS Codes or change the role of an existing AFFMS II user, change the current role to one that has the Administration capability, see the Role-Based Access menu matrix. Click Manage User Profiles under the Administration menu.

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Enter the SSAN for the new user and click the Search button.

Click the user’s Name in order to display their personnel information.

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Select the desired user roles from the Assigned Roles, then select the Update, next to Account Action. To authorize and unauthorized PAS Codes, select the PAS Codes from the appropriate list and click either the Authorize or Unauthorized button. Click the OK button on the pop-up message.

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Once the form has been completed click the Submit button to save the user. A message indicating that the user has been updated will appear. Click the Ok button and the screen will refresh to the beginning.

Delete a User To delete an AFFMS II user change the current role to one that has the Administration capability, see the Role-Based Access menu matrix. Click Manage User Profiles under the Administration menu.

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Enter the SSAN for the desired user and click the Search button.

Click the user’s name in order to display their personnel information.

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Select the Delete action and click the Submit button. A message indicating that the user has been deleted will appear.

Click the Ok button and the screen will refresh back to the beginning.

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Notification Management

The AFFMS II application provides a mechanism to alert members and registered users of important events associated with the application. These notifications are visible by everyone who has access to the application and are located on the application’s dashboard.

To create or manage application notifications, ensure that the current role is Administrator and click the Notification Management menu item under the Administration menu.

Create a New Notification To create new application notifications click the Create New Message link.

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Next complete the Add Edit Message screen providing the necessary information for the notification. Provide an expiration date for the notification message, click Apply.

Click the OK button to return to the Notification Administration screen.

Edit an Existing Notification To create or manage application notifications, ensure that the current role is Administrator and click the Notification Management menu item under the Administration menu. Locate the notification message to delete and click the Edit link. Complete the Add Edit Message form and click the Apply button.

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Delete a Notification To create or manage application notifications, ensure that the current role is Administrator and click the Notification Management menu item under the Administration menu. Locate the notification message to delete and click the Delete link.

Click the OK button to return to the Notification Administration Screen

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9. AFFMS II WORKAROUNDS ENTRY ISSUES • For any members that take an FA and have an exemption, and/or DNF, the FA will reflect the "from" and "to" dates as listed on member’s AF Form 469. • Altitude Adjustment Defect: Do not use the prepopulated altitude adjustment when entering FAs. Manually adjust the aerobic score and input the adjusted score as the run time until further notice. • Traditional ARC/Non-AGR 90 day acclimatization for deployment exemption workaround, use deployment return date and add 90 days to determine FA due date, then minus 42 days for exemption end date. • If you are unable to click on the member’s name to input a FA, please contact your MPS to ensure the member’s DAS, DDLDS and Functional Category are updated in MilPDS. WALK TEST ENTRY • When entering “pass” walk test the fitness history shows exemption not the member walk time • Use the following interim scoring method to record a walk test score of "pass" or "fail" in the AFFMS II. NOTE: This interim scoring method is a place holder within AFFMS II until a system update allows for "pass" or "fail" entries for individual components: • If an Airman passes the 2.0 km walk test, mark the Airman exempt for the aerobic exemption and update the exemption dates to reflect the dates as listed on member’s AF Form 469. • If the Airman fails the 2.0 km walk test, enter the Airman's heart rate as "99" and enter the score as "59:59." This interim scoring method is a workaround to reflect "fail" and will ensure the overall fitness assessment score is accurately calculated. PULLING REPORTS • AFFMS II users having issues related to receiving an error with blanks/exempt components on the individual/Unit Fitness Report, please contact your local FAC to reenter the FA Data • When pulling Individual Tracker Reports, place dashes within the SSN (XXX-XX-XXXX). Pulling reports without the dashes will cause the fitness report to come out blank • Cannot pull reports for brand new Airmen with no fitness entries GRANTING UFPM ACCESS & LOADING PAS CODEs • FIM, ADMINISTRATOR, OR MAJCOM roles that receive pop up error stating that they do not have the rights to grant UFPMs access. Close out all your open browsing pages except for one and go to the tools icon at the top of the page, and click Internet options. Under the General tab click the delete button under browsing history, make sure the Favorites is unchecked then click delete again. Click the Content tab and clear the SSL State. Close out all pages and log in to the portal again • PASCODE disappears if authorizing the same PAS code to more than one person. You will have to log off and log back in for the PAS code to appear on the authorized list again OTHER ISSUES • Fitness History does not automatically reflect scorecard entry, 24-48 hours is the wait time to see the updated score • New users experiencing a blank blue bar with no drop down options. The member will need to add to the compatibility view settings and their profile will work

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