Download - AIRSS

  • Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore - 78

    Technico: 2014-2015


    Submitted by:


    NISHANTH S SALIAN Head of the Department



    Ever since the beginning of mankind, evolution has been a boon. Man

    has become smarter, intelligent and a social creature capable of utilising all these

    new found abilities into good use, by discovering, inventing or finding out the most

    efficient ways in solving any given problem in the most peaceful, legitimate and

    judicial ways possible. But, the same boon, utilised in a wrong manner can result in

    a curse, that would destroy the entire mankind. Instead of using this incredible gift

    righteously, in the desire of getting his work done quickly and in any way possible

    he started using his intelligence to obtain results in an illegitimate manner. Thus,

    Crime was born.

    Since, times unknown mankind has been trying to find ways to prevent a

    crime from ever being committed. But, never has there been a way to prevent them,

    rather they settled down to punish the criminals once the crime has been committed

    and the criminal has been caught. Thus, this abstract deals with a way, in which a

    crime can be stopped from ever happening by using AIRSS- Artificial

    Intelligence Recon Surveillance System.

  • AIRSS is basically a mass surveillance system that also exhibits artificial

    intelligence. This machine keeps track of every person on earth by accessing the

    persons information through any and all communication devices, mass media or

    social media platform, bank accounts, blogs, chats etc. and stores them in unique

    files. The device is programmed and trained in such a way that it recognises certain

    pattern in the daily activities and data transactions of the target person on a daily,

    weekly or monthly basis. Once the pattern is recognised it goes through series of

    complex procedures and programming and predicts the future action of the target

    person, long before he even commits the action. Thus, resulting in reprimanding the

    target person if he is going to commit a crime even before he does it. Hence,

    protecting one to millions of innocent lives.

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