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Refuting the christian missionaries fakes about

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Prophet’s Marriage to 'Aisha

Christian missionaries always frown at the marriage of the Prophet Muhammad from Lady Aisha when she was nine years as stated in some biographies. In fact there is another opinion based on historical calculations that she was about eighteen years old.

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Prophet’s Marriage to Aisha

Since some authentic books say that Lady Aisha was nine years when the prophet married her was, we are going to prove that marriage at this early age was common among the Arabs and ancient civilizations.

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Prophet’s Marriage to Aisha

•In this presentation we are going to refer to :•The marriage from Lady Aisha was no more that a divine decree.• There was great wisedom behind this marriage. •The age of consent at that time was something common.•Many civilization followed similar age of consent. • The age of consent according the Hindu Holy Book•The age of marriage in biblical times.

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It is narrated that the prophet said to Lady Aisha , “You have been shown to me twice in my dream. I saw you pictured on a piece of silk and some-one said (to me). ‘This is your wife.’ When I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. I said, ‘If this is from Allah, it will be done.” {Bukhari :: Volume 5 :: Book 58 :: Hadith 235}

It was a divine inspiration

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No where is mentioned that the prophet married Lady Aisha for her beauty or wealth. She developed into a profound and able teacher and scholar, due in part to her remarkable memory, intelligence and wisdom. She was always keen to learn whatever the prophet said and also what was revealed to him.

What was Sayyidah Aisha famous for ?

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Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) marriage with Aisha at that age was indeed a great blessings for all the Muslims ever since. Most of the matters related to cleanliness, married relationship and other household issues have been cleared due to her narrations. She lived a long time after the death of the Holy Prophet and continued to teach the Ummah about matters of daily routine and great importance. Even after the death of the honourable prophet many scholars were taught at her hands.

Great Wisdom behind this marriage:

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It was not out of his physical desires:

After the death of Lady Khadiga( the first wife), the prophet remained single for many years and it was his companions who pressed on him to marry another woman to look after him and his children. However, the prophet chose an old lady though many beautiful young women wished to marry him. The prophet also proposed to Lady Aisha at that time who had already been engaged but this engagement was nullfied.

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Age of Marriage in Old Ages:

1400 years ago, the age of concent was different from that we know now. It is unfair if we take our age as a criteria to judge past ages.The prophet at that time had many enemies who were in search for any fault to tarnish his image but no one single event in which the idolaters used that against the prophet simply because this was common among people.Visit this link to see how common were the child brides in the Byzantine Empire.

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• Marital Practices of the 7th Century•East and west, civilized and uncivilized, Muslim or Christian, Monotheistic or Polytheistic; the vast majority of the world in the 7th century C.E. married young. •Also it was the norm from at least the 5th century BC through Medieval European times, and still continues till this day in part all over the world. •An Encyclopedia of Religion

• Talmudic law fixed the legal age for contracting marriage at puberty.

• The prevailing marriageable age for girls in Europe during the Renaissance was twelve years.

• Furthermore, marriages were often celebrated among Europeans until well into the 17th century between persons who had not yet achieved puberty, as was also true in India until very recent times …

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The Age of marriage according to Hindu Scriptures

“A girl should be given in marriage before (she attains the age of) puberty. He who neglects it, commits sin.Some (declare, that a girl shall be given in Marriage)  before she wears clothes.”

(Gautama Smriti,,Chapter XVIII,verses 21-23)[ Sacred Laws of Aryas Part I Translated by George Buhler ,SBE Vol-2 Edited by F.Muller,., Oxford Clarendon Press ,1879]

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A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl eight years of age ; if (the performance of) his duties would (otherwise) be impeded, (he must marry) sooner."

- (Laws of Manu, Ch 9 ,Verse 94) [Sacred Books of East , VOL. XXV, Oxford ,Claredon Press ,1886 Translated by Georg Buhler, Edited by F.Max Muller]

The Age of Marriage According to the Hindu Holy


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Let him give his daughter, while she still goes naked, to a man who has not broken the vow of chastity and who possesses good qualities, or even to one destitute of good qualities ; let him not keep (the maiden) in (his house) after she has reached the age of puberty. He who does not give away a marriageable daughter during three years doubtlessly contracts a guilt equal to (that of) destroying an embryo. Such will be the case if anybody asks her in marriage, and also if nobody demands her. Manu has declared that at each appearance of the menses (the father incurs the guilt of) a mortal sin.”

-( Baudhayana Smriti ,Prasna 4, Adhyaya 1, verses 11-13)[Translated by Georg Buhler ,Sacred Laws of Aryas Part II,Oxford ,Clarendon Press, 1879]

The Age of Marriage According to the Hindu Holy


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When a Girl is to be Married according to Christian Scriptures

Numbers 31:17-18 "Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.“After the conquest of Midian and Moab, and the great venereal plague, Moses (peace be on him) ordered that all the women "who have known a man" be killed but that "all the young girls, who have not known a man by lying with him" be kept alive for the Israelites.

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When a Girl is to be Married according to Christian Scriptures

Since the only females left fit for marriage and wholesome relations were prepubescent virgins, a Jewish law concerning child marriage was enacted. That law is found in the Babylonian Talmud:"Rabbi Joseph said, 'Come and hear. A maiden aged 3 years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition.'Mishnah: A girl of the age of 3 years and a day may be betrothed, subject to her father's approval, by sexual intercourse.Today, the Jewish law for marriage, sets the age of consent for females at the age of 11 yrs

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Biblical Marriages

-Solomon and Rehoboam (refer to 1 Kings chapter 11 and 14 for further reference)- Mary, the Mother of Jesus

- Like other women of her day, Mary would have been married around the age of twelve, the onset of puberty. Dr. Helen K Bond

- As per Oxford bible Dictionary Mary delivered Jesus at the age of 12 yrs.

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Encyclopedia Britannica on English Common Law

Historically, the attitude of the English common law was that a person under 7 yrs lacked the mental ability to consent to marriage, and that between 7 yrs and puberty there could be consent but not a consummated marriage. At common law, therefore, the marriage of a person between the ages of 7 and 12 or 14 was "inchoate" and would become "choate" on reaching puberty, if no objection was raised.

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What is English Common Law?

-English Common Law in its earliest structure was formulated in 1066.-By the 14th century, legal decisions and commentaries on common law started to supply precedents for the courts and lawyers to follow. -Today almost all common law has been enacted into statutes with modern variations by almost all US states.

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Is Common Law Related to Christianity?

The common law of England has been the subject of unstinted eulogy and it is, undoubtedly, one of the most splendid embodiments of human genius. It is a source of profound satisfaction to Catholics that it came into being as a definite system and was nurtured, and to a great extent administered, during the first ten centuries of its existence by the clergy of the Catholic Church.

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Christian Marital Doctrine

-The Church set the age for marriage at puberty, when girls reached the age of twelve and boys, the age of fourteen. -Children could be betrothed at seven years of age, although this would not be binding for another five to seven years.

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Church Doctrine cont’d

- If any marriage took place before the age of seven, the partners, not the parents, (although it would be a difficult task to separate one from the other) had to confirm their consent when they reached maturity. -The lay authorities accepted the Church's doctrine on marriage, but betrothals and marriages did occasionally take place before the parties were seven years old. Ward, English Noblewomen in the Later Middle Ages

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Catholic Pio-Benedictine Code

Not until 1917 under the Catholic Pio-Benedictine code that the canonical age of marriage in the church was raised to fourteen for girls and sixteen for boys.Oddly enough, this is not the law in many territories including eight to ten US states where the legal age of marriage is still twelve for girls provided there is parental consent.

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Consent in Marriage - Christianity

In Christian law, not until 1140 was

the consent

of a woman of any importance in

regards to the marriage contract

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When a Girl is to be Married according to ISLAMIC traditions

- A girl can be married the moment she

get matured.

-But the marriage should be with the

consent of girl.

No body should marry a girl with force.

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When a Girl is to be Married according to ISLAMIC traditions

The Messenger of God said, "A matron should not be given in marriage except after consulting her; and a virgin should not be given in marriage except after her permission." The people asked, "O Prophet of God! How can we know her permission?" He said, "Her silence (indicates her permission). - Bukhari

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Modern Puberty Information

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) defines puberty as: "the time in your life when your body changes from that of a child to that of an adult." One of these changes in women is the onset of menstruation, and according to the AAP, "Most girls [first] get their periods between 9 and 16 years of age.”

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Was It Unusual for Aisha to Reach Puberty at Nine?

According to a 1997 landmark study published in the medical journal Pediatrics, nearly 50% of African-American girls and 15% of Caucasian American girls begin to develop Maturity by age eight!

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