Page 1: Alameda Sun Family of Subscribers · Alameda Sun Nov. 1, 2018 17 The Alameda Sun Family of Subscribers These generous Alamedans comprise the public trust that supports this unique

Alameda Sun Nov. 1, 2018 17

The Alameda Sun Family of SubscribersThese generous Alamedans comprise the public trust that supports this unique source of Alameda news.

Their contributions benefit the entire community and they deserve our thanks.


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Commentary set us backEditor:

At a time where we’re all sick of the hateful tenor of politics in this country, it was incredibly disappoint-ing to see the commentary from Gaby Dolphin (“Let’s Meet ‘the Kevins,’” Oct. 25). Neither of us have ever met her but she didn’t hesitate to (by her own admission) use “some oral history” to conveniently place us in a box and label us as she sees fit.

Dolphin’s piece and all the vile mailers we’ve all received in recent weeks are huge steps backwards from restoring civility to our local political scene. Two years ago we ran for re-election and won in a land-slide. Alameda voters know we have integrity, present accurate informa-tion and work on behalf of the entire community. We stand by our record.

And we stand by our endorse-ments of Robert Matz and Tony Daysog for City Council. Both would bring the intelligence, independence and fiscal responsibility that our local government needs.

— Kevin Kennedy, City Treasurer &

Kevin Kearney, City Auditor

Alameda goes lowEditor:

While the current political cli-mate seems to be at an all-time low — including the three-ring circus that is the White House — it’s dis-heartening to see that the tone of our local politics have also taken an unfortunate nose-dive.

With only days until elections — the local newspapers and political propaganda are filled with nega-tive attack ads amongst Alameda candidates. Equally troubling is the tag-team, block or majority position that groups of candidates are using while mud slinging their opponents. That seems to be at odds with inde-pendent thinking in governance.

Whatever happened to cam-paigning on one’s own accomplish-ments, community service, civic spirit or positive vision as a plat-form for elected office? Hoping that Alamedans will consider voting for local candidates that have taken the high road and refrained from negative campaigning, have dem-onstrated integrity and choose to unite (not divide) our community.

— Patrick Kenney

No on K nonsenseEditor:

For those against Measure K, claiming it would make simple changes more difficult, I am remind-ed of how the tentant activists in the 2016 election treated Measure M1. The activists set up M1 to go

Still More Letters to the Editor Sent in Just Prior to Publicationimmediately into the City Charter. The title of M1 was “The Alameda Renter Protection and Community Stabilization Charter Amendment.”

At the end of the M1 text a paragraph states, “This charter amendement shall supersede any ordinance passed by the Alameda City Council covering the area of rents or evictions.”

In between the title and the quoted paragraph there are 17 places where “charter” is used. The tenant activists meant to put their measure into the Charter. So, for the tenant activists to now com-plain about Measure K entering the Charter is nonsense.

— Pauline Zazulak

Pleasant day in townEditor:

A couple of weeks ago, I trav-eled to Alameda on business from

San Diego. Having grown up in San Francisco and Burlingame, I have always been familiar with your city. I was recently close-by in Oakland for a rare event at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. However, this was the first time I had reason to be in Alameda proper.

My day started at the House of Bagels on Park Street, followed by hours driving around the island (often asking for directions). Everybody I came into contact with was friendly, and I enjoyed all the conversations I had. By traveling from downtown to Wind River to the South and North Loops to the Marina, I was able to get a sense of your community.

My evening concluded at your City Council meeting. Though four hours long, the meeting was well-managed and productive. Over these past few years, I have attend-ed countless city council meetings

all over California. There is truth to the saying that if you want to get to know a city, attend a city council meeting. A city’s character is dem-onstrated by the character of those who work inside its hallowed halls.

After the adjournment of the meeting, at approximately 11 p.m. your mayor came and introduced herself with a smile and answered the questions that a few individu-als had. She was well-informed and engaging. She reminded me of those several Alamedans I had come into contact with earlier in the day.

As a stranger to your town, the mayor welcomed me. I am grateful whenever that happens, which is less frequent than you might imag-ine. If nothing else it makes me look forward to the next time I visit and, hopefully, the business that will transpire.

— Marcus C. Musante

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