Page 1: Albury Public School NEWSLETTER · Albury Public School NEWSLETTER TERM 1 WEEK 9 28 March 2019 481 David Street, ALBURY, NSW, 2640 Email:

Albury Public School


TERM 1 WEEK 9 28 March 2019

481 David Street, ALBURY, NSW, 2640 Email: [email protected]

OFFICE: 02 6021 3849

Our office hours are 8:30am to 3:30pm FAX: 02 60411265

A message from the Principal


A message from the Principal—Page 1-2 School security - Page 2 Harmony Day photos - Page 3 Athletics Carnival photos - Page 4 Ride to School photos - Page 5

Gold Certificates - Page 6 Positive Behaviour for Learning - Page 6 Dates for your diary - Page 7 Payments due - Page 7 Cross Country - Page 7

Canteen & P&C news - Page 8 Feature Page 1MS - Page 9 Community news - Page 10 Schoolzine app - Page 10

Yesterday we conducted our first coffee and cake for the year. It was terrific to see so many parents/carers in attendance and contributing to our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) implementation. Yesterday’s coffee and cake provided opportunities for some deep conversations and engagement with the research into early literacy development and the programs offered at Albury Public School. We will repeat these sessions at an evening timeslot next term, with regular snippets from the discussions and information session, in future newsletters. Thanks to our very knowledgeable presenters and all who attended.

On Tuesday night the P&C Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held in the staff room. Despite numbers being low, we have a terrific group of enthusiastic parents/carers who work above and beyond to support the school to support your children. A huge thank you to the outgoing President, Sharon Green, and P&C executive. You were amazing people to work with. Congratulations to our incoming team, superbly led by Leanne Bailey as the new President. I know that we will have a very close and purposeful working relationship, following on from the great work already established.

Albury Public School is committed to effectively communicating student progress to parents/carers. To facilitate this, reporting to parents will take the following format again this year.

Term 1: parent teacher interviews (Week 10 Term 1)

Term 2: written report and interview by request (from either parent or teacher)

Term 3: 3 way interview (student, teacher and parent/carer)

Term 4: written report (and interview if required)

Parent teacher interviews are next week, except Miss Henderson’s 3/4CH. Details outlining the process for booking in for a meeting with the class teacher have been sent home but please call the office if there are any issues/problems. For any parent/carers who are unable to secure an appointment in Week 10, please contact the class teacher. Parent teacher interviews are an opportunity for parents/carers to discuss goals, aspirations and any issues relating to their child with the classroom teacher so that collectively we can better meet the needs of your child.

I would like to remind parents/carers/visitors that under NO circumstances, are you to approach and reprimand a child, other than your own, in the playground or on school grounds at any time. This is a serious issue that could result in civil action being taken against you by the parents/carers of the other child. If you have an issue involving a child that does not belong to you, please let the school or OOSH staff know so that they can deal with the matter.

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A message from the Principal cont ..

Earlier this week we had a very serious reminder that some students are anaphylactic or prone to food allergies. It is important to note that all due care is taken to ensure that children at our school, who are identified as being allergic to certain foods or airborne allergens, bites and stings, are managed as per their Health Care Plan. Please be aware that some of the things you might put in your child’s lunchbox or their school bag for consumption at recess or lunchtime could be harmful to other children.

We have an increasing number of students who are identified as Anaphylactic (that is: they could die or at the very least become extremely ill from touching, tasting or swallowing certain foods) so we ask that all consideration be given when providing food for your child at school.

Common allergens include:

Nuts of any variety

Fish of any variety



All students are supervised during eating times, however, could you please discourage your child from sharing their food or swapping their food and that you encourage your child to wash their hands after eating as part of their eating routine. I would also like to congratulate and thank the many Stage 3 students who checked in with each other and their teachers following the serious incident that occurred this week. Your care and concern was noted and appreciated at this difficult time.

Last Thursday we had great weather for the Athletics Carnival. Congratulations to all competitors, students who attended and parent volunteers who made it a fantastic day. A team of 58 students will be attending the Zone carnival next term at Alexandra Park with Miss Sheridan, Mr Takle and Mr Weaven. The Zone team’s events will be posted outside the canteen this week and additional ribbons will be handed out at next Monday's assembly.

Wishing you a great week.

Quote of the week: “Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong,

because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life.

Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.“

David M. Burns

Lianne Singleton


School Security

We have had a few mid-level security scares in the past 6 months which have led to the implementation of further security at the school. As a result, all perimeter gates will be locked each day, except the front gate at this stage. Gates will be locked from 9:15am and opened again at 2:45pm. Various options are being considered for securing the front area and still allowing parent/carer access as needed. At this stage, the front gate will be closed but not locked during the day. All parents/carers and visitors are asked to report to the front office before entering the school grounds. If collecting a student early, parents/carers are asked to report to the office to receive an early leave pass. Students arriving late to school are to present to the front office for a late arrival pass, otherwise they will be marked as absent for the day. Students are to be signed out and collected from the front office only. All visitors to the school, including parent/carer classroom helpers and canteen volunteers must sign in through the front office and receive a “visitor” sticker which needs to be displayed. All volunteers and helpers will require a 100 point identification check prior to commencing in the classroom or canteen.

Please register with the front office.

On assembly days (Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:30pm), the only gate open will be the front gate on David Street. Visitors are required to enter via the office to sign in and pick up a “Visitor” sticker. VISITOR

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2019 Ride2School Day

Ride2School Day 2019

Well done to all the students and parents who

took the “Active Travel” option and rode to

school last Friday on “Ride2School” Day. It was

great to see so many parents riding with their

children and the Gym full of bikes. The hope is

that many students who may have ridden to

school for the first time last week, will continue to

ride on a more regular basis. Thanks to Paul and

Mick from Cycle Station who spent over an hour

pumping up tyres and ensuring our students’

bikes were roadworthy for the return ride home.

Thanks also to Miss Sheridan, Mrs Pargeter and

Mrs Morris who lead the bike-trains from around


Mr Dylan Clift.

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Gold Certificates

Congratulations! Ted Larkin

Ned McMillan

Sophie Poulton

Positive Behaviour for Learning - Decision Time

After eight weeks of staff collaboration, discussing values in classrooms and community consultation, it is finally time for us to make a decision on ‘the things we value’ that will drive implementation of Positive Behaviour for Learning at Albury Public School.

Our shortlist of ‘the things we value’ is:

* Cooperation * Resilience *Positive relationships

* Care * Perseverance * Respect

* Inclusion * Challenge * Responsibility

* Courageous learners * Excellence * Pride

Over the next week, staff (teaching and non-teaching), students and our community will vote on our shortlist. The results will be collated and reviewed by our PBL implementation committee and recommendations made to the school executive. We will then be ready to announce our values at the start of next term.

On day one of Term 2, our staff will begin the work of translating the Albury Public School PBL values into behaviour expectations at school.

If you would like to discuss the PBL implementation process or provide any further input, please contact Jo Cameron, Assistant Principal Engagement, Learning and Support.

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Dates for your Diary!

Monday 1 April Parent Teacher Interview Week

Tuesday 2 April

Wednesday 3 April 3/4 CT Assembly 12:30pm in the Hall

Thursday 4 April 1MF Assembly, 12:30pm in the Hall

Friday 5 April

School News


2019 Cross Country

The Albury Public School Cross Country will be held at the Albury Equestrian Centre on Friday 12 April 2019 from

11:30am to 2:30pm. All students from years 3-6 are expected to attend. Year 2 students who turn 8 this year may

attend but it should be noted that they must compete if they attend the event.

Permission notes will be sent home tomorrow.

Cost: $4.00

Notes and Payments Due

Please keep a look out for the following notes which have being sent home in previous weeks:

Borambola Camp - Final note. After $100 deposit paid still remaining $210. Total $310

All payments need to be finalized by Wednesday 10 April.

Canberra Camp next payment - Notes will be going home shortly indicating the balance to be

paid for this camp

Canberra Camp

Information and medical notes for the Canberra excursion are being

sent home this afternoon.

It is important that the Medical form be filled out and returned to your

child’s teacher by Friday 5 April.

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Canteen and P&C News


29 March




2 April


3 April


4 April


5 Ap;ril

Christa Smit


Cinamon Bohr

9.30 –11.30

Helper needed Helper needed Helper needed Jim Browne


Judy Churchill



P&C Canteen News

What a great response to Harmony Day and thank you to all the classes for lining up and having such great manners on the day.

A very big thank you this week to our special mums who helped out on Harmony Day.

YOU WERE AMAZING…...we were running like a well oiled machine by the end of it.

These events can’t happen without parents support, so thank you again.

Our roster is looking a bit sad this week, so if you can spare an hour to make some sandwiches between 10am and 11am that would be much appreciated, or even pick up the Sushi for us on Wednesday around 10am is a huge help with the early lunchtime.

The Weekly Special is one of our most popular, Carbonara Pasta

Wishing you all a great week!

Jude and Emma,

Contact us via Mobile phone 0422 701 463 email [email protected]

P & C News

Tuesday night’s P&C meeting and AGM was a great success. We have all of executive roles filled. Congratulations and a huge thank you to the parents who have accepted these important positions:

President : Leanne Bailey

Vice Presidents: Anna Sullivan and Antoinette Roberts

Secretary: Amber McSwiney

Treasurer: Don Smith

We are always looking for additional members and support, so please contact us if you are interested in getting involved. We have some important positions that need filling also:

Class parent liaison coordinator: Role involves collecting information from class parents that is to be brought to the attention of the P&C as well as disseminating information to the class parents. You networking masters would love this role!

Fundraising coordinator: We are planning to run a trivia night and silent auction this year, as well as our usual pie drive, mango drive and other fun fundraising activities. If you have enthusiasm and ideas, please contact us and you will receive plenty of support!

A new role loosely called “communications coordinator” for someone who is great on social media, and would be happy to post short, eye catching messages to the school community on the various platforms, as needed, when parental input is sought. Can you devote 5 minutes of your usual Facebook or Instagram browsing to your school? We would love to have you!

Finally, Mother’s Day is approaching and we will be doing a stall for children to purchase gifts from. If you are a crafter and would like to contribute to items for sale, please contact the P&C.

Email: [email protected]

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Our class expectations in 1MS are:

Follow instructions

Be kind

Stay on task.

We have been thinking about kind

things that we can say to other people.

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Schoolzine App !!

SZapp is a mobile function app that’s free for parents/carers to download.

SZapp allows our school to send free push notifications (when downloading select yes for push

notifications) to you at anytime.

Eg: notifying parents of bus arrival times, cancellation of sport, venue changes etc….

View weekly newsletter

Submit your child's absences


Registrations are now open:

Sunday 5 May 2019

Get in now for early bird prices

Early bird prices close: 4:00pm Monday 8


Online registrations close: 4:00pm 3 May


Bib collection and last minute entries:

Dean Street bus stop at QEll Square,

Saturday morning 4 May 2019

Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings

for Albury Public School P&C

This Sunday, 31 March 2019

from 9am-4pm

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