Page 1: ALC celebrates ETHNIC DAY - Andhra Loyola · 2017-11-17 · Vol. 10 No. 1 October 2010 Andhra Loyola College (Autonomous),

Vol. 10 No. 1 October 2010 Andhra Loyola College (Autonomous), Vijayawada 520 008 Pages 16

ALC remembers Dr YSR

Bemus 2010

BEC workshop

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ALC celebratesETHNIC DAY

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Sphoorthi 2010Page 6

Feast of St IgnatiusPage 11

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ALC celebrates ETHNIC DAYIn sharp contrast to thereverberations inside the auditorium,the lawns of Father DeviahAuditorium were quiet: at the 56food stalls displaying 215 ethnic fooditems on the serene lawns, thegourmets and gourmands of ALCwere imperturbably doingthemselves justice. The Ethnic FoodFestival was also a contest (see boxbelow) judged by a panel consistingof Fr D Papaiah, Director, GogineniHostel; Fr Dr G Jayaraj, Vice-Principal (PG), Dr V Vallabha Rao,Vice-Principal (Degree); Mr GMathew Srirangam, Head,Department of Zoology; Mr SanjeevKumar Bali, Lecturer in English; andMs G S Sangeetha, Lecturer inEnglish.

The celebration of Ethnic Day forthe second successive year in 2010became possible thanks to theefforts of a core committeeconsisting of Fr Principal, both Vice-Principals of the Degree section, FrVice-Principal (PG), seven HoDs –Dr NA Francis Xavier (Commerce),Dr Ch Srinivasu (Physics), Mr SABNehru (Computer Science), Mr MSatish Rajan (Visual Communi-cation), Ms T Rose Mary (Botany),Ms S Baby Rani (Economics), andMs M Jhansi (MBA) – and fourother lecturers – Dr G SahayaBaskaran (Physics), Ms A Manjula(MCA), Ms G Syamala (English),and Mr K Srinivas (Statistics) – andcoordinated by Dr G SahayaBaskaran.

Ethnic Day is here to stay. Thisyear's celebration, held on July 16,matched up to the high standardslast year's event had set. On themassive stage of the Father DeviahAuditorium appeared, one afteranother, over 70 ALC students, girlsas well as boys, parading their ethnicclothes and proclaiming their culturalidentities in their native tongues.'Culture for Unity' was the theme ofthis year's celebration.

'In celebrating Ethnic Day, we arecelebrating the diversity within ourunity,' said Fr Dr A Francis Xavier,Principal, welcoming the guests to

the celebrations. It was followedby a brief talk by Dr G SambasivaRao, Head, Department of Telugu,on the significance of Ethnic Day.Fr A Stanley, Rector, declared openthe one-hour-long display of ALC'scultural diversity. The openingceremony was preceded by aprocession by the scholastics ofSanjeevan Niwas and followed bya tribal dance by some of the Jesuitscholastics.

In the pageant that followed inwhich there was a dazzling displayof saris, sherwanis, ghaghras,

lehngas, dhotis, and traditionalclothes of Tibet, over 70 students ofALC belonging to about 25 differentregions of this country appeared onthe stage as Telugu girls, KeralaChristian brides, traditionalTamilians, Arabs, Adivasis andLambadas, among others. Thepresentation was a contest as well(see box below) which was judgedby a distinguished panel consistingof Fr A Stanley, Rector; Fr GGnanadevan, Treasurer; Fr M LouieDoss, Director of New Hostel; andMs N Nirmala Mary, Head of theDepartment of English.

Prize-winners at the Ethnic Day celebrations ETHNIC OUTFIT

Best Ethnic ManWinner : R Kalyan (DEC 40) – HaridasuRunners up : 1. Vamsi (DEC 3), Lakshmi Narayana (DEC 17) and Siva

Naga Sai (DEC 37). 2. N Pavan (ABMC 23)

Best Ethnic WomanWinner : Tejaswi (ABMC 4) – Persian girlRunners up : 1. Pravallika (ABMC 11) – Bridegroom

2. Durga Bhavani (NET 20) – Lambadi girl


Taste-Based PrizesFirst : Phuntsok (NOC 31) & Group – Tibetan foodSecond : K N Chandra Sekhar (DCP 42) & Group – Andhra foodThird : Arun (DOC 1) & Group – Kerala foodSpecial Prize : Chinnayya (DOC 54) & Group – Hyderabad biryani

Presentation-Based PrizesFirst : Sumanth (DML 2) & Group – Andhra foodSecond : M J Swaroop (NMCA 42) & Group – Traditional foodThird : Madhuri (NEC 14) & Group – Traditional food

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The academic year started with atwo-day (June 7-8) staff seminarwhich focused attention onmentoring and reaccreditation.

Mentoring was the subject ofdiscussion on the first day of theseminar, and the discussion wasfacilitated by Fr Dr V JosephXavier, Superior and Coordinator of

Staff seminar explores issues inMENTORING AND RE-ACCREDITATION

Research Unit, Indian SocialInstitute, Bengaluru. ‘The Teacheras a professional’ was the theme ofa lively interaction Fr Xavier initiated.The participants identified andprioritized various characteristics ofa good teacher which revolvedaround mentoring. The seminar alsopaid some attention to the process

of mentoring and the proceduralaspects of mentoring.

On the second day, the subject ofdiscussion was reaccreditation, andthe resource person was Dr B SPonmudiraj, Assistant Adviser,National Assessment andAccreditation Council (NAAC),Bengaluru. Responding to the

request from a participant to discussthe parameters NAAC assessmentrather than providing informationabout the education system in India,the resource person focusedattention on the subject with theutmost willingness. Thanks to hisopenness and his being receptive tosuggestions and new ideas, athorough discussion of NAACparameters became possible, andDr Ponmudiraj advised theparticipants to send their suggestionsto NAAC through Fr Principal.

At the seminar, Dr Durga PrasadOhja, Head, PostgraduateDepartment of Physics, wasfelicitated on receiving severalawards, including the IndianLeadership Award for EducationalExcellence (from the IndianEconomic Development andResearch Association) for which hehad been selected.

ELT Centre hosts BEC WORKSHOP of the British CouncilTwenty-five teachers of Englishfrom 14 colleges, including auniversity, participated in theBusiness English Certificate (BEC)Teacher Support Programme, a3-day training programme of theBritish Council, meant for teachersof English who want to trainstudents for the CambridgeUniversity’s international exami-nation, BEC. The workshop wasorganized by the Loyola ELTCentre from October 6 to 8.

Explaining the significance of BEC,Dr CLN Prakash, TrainingConsultant, British Council, and theCourse Trainer, who was the chiefguest of the inaugural ceremony,said, ‘BEC is offered at three levels– Preliminary, Vantage and Higher.These examinations are aimedprimarily at individual learners whowant to gain a business-relatedEnglish language qualification; theyalso provide an ideal focus forcourses in Business English.Though the tests are set in abusiness context, they do not testbusiness knowledge; they only testthe examinee’s competence in theEnglish language.’

‘Examinations such as BEC demandmental and linguistic abilities of a

higher order,’ said Dr P Ramanujam,Director, Loyola ELT Centre. ‘Theyhave, therefore, the potential toexpand the mental and linguistichorizons of not only the students whoare preparing for the examination butalso the teachers who train them forit. A teacher training students forBEC can hope to gain a level ofexpertise which is far beyond whathalf-a-dozen teacher educationprogrammes of the academic staffdevelopment system can effect.’

Both Fr A Stanley, Rector of ALC,who presided over the inauguration,

and Fr Dr A Francis Xavier,Principal of ALC, commended theefforts of the Loyola ELT Centre inenriching the English learning-teaching environment. Mr AshishGoyal, Education InformationOfficer, British Library, Hyderabad,was also present at the workshop.

There were ten workshops sessionson the TSP focusing on all threelevels of BEC and considering arange of activities to developstudents’ abilities in the skills andsub-skills tested on BEC. On theconcluding day of the workshop, the

participants undertook micro-teaching to put to test the techniquesthey had learned, and receivedfeedback from their fellow-participants, who acted asobservers, as well as from theCourse Trainer.

‘The BEC workshop at ALC is oneof my best TSPs,’ said the CourseTrainer. At the valedictoryceremony held on October 8, theLoyola ELT Centre was given astanding ovation by all theparticipants for organising a seriesof professional developmentprogrammes of great value.

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‘Character, compassion, courage,commitment, competence,conviction and connectivity withpeople – develop these 7 Cs, andyour personality development iscomplete,’ said Dr M V Rao,Physician and Personality Trainer,concluding his 20-minute-longmessage as the chief guest at theinauguration of the DepartmentalAssociations at Father DeviahAuditorium on July 3.

Investiture sets ASSOCIATIONS in action

Fr Dr A Francis Xavier, Principal,Fr A Stanley, Rector, and Fr Dr DShowraiah, Correspondent, who hadspoken earlier, advised the studentsto be active in their associations.

The formal declaration ofinauguration was followed by aninvestiture ceremony at which ChSurya Prakash (DO 53) wasinstalled in office as StudentRepresentative; Anindita Nath

(DCP 45) as Girl Students’Representative; Shameem Banu(DGH 11) as Literary Secretary;Rajeev Kumar (DGH 1) as CulturalSecretary; M Navya (DSC 7) asGirls’ Cultural Secretary; and anumber of students and lecturers asoffice-bearers of different depart-mental associations (see box below).All the office-holders werepresented by Mr S A B Nehru, Deanof Student Activities, whose own

investiture as Chief Coordinator ofthe Departmental Associations alsotook place on the same occasion.

A brief cultural programme followedthe investiture ceremony. Ch SuryaPrakash (DO 53), Student Co-ordinator, proposed a vote of thanks.

The programme was emceed byJeevan (DGH 20) and MonicaThomas (DEC 31).

Convener : Fr A Rex Angelo, Vice-Principal (Degree)

Chief Coordinator : Mr SAB Nehru, Dean, Students’ Affairs

Student Representative : Ch Surya Prakash (DO 53)

Girl Students’ Representative : Anindita Nath (DCP 45)

Literary Secretary : Shameem Banu (DGH 11)

Cultural Secretary : Rajeev Kumar (DGH 1)

Girls’ Cultural Secretary : M Navya (DSC 7)

Department of EnglishChairman: P Anil Kumar (DGH 18); Secretary: K Jakkar (NGH 21)Joint Secretary: V Prathusha (AGH 7); Staff Coordinator: Ms G Sangeetha

Department of MathsChairman : B Jyothi Kiran (DSC 4); Secretary : V Bhavana (NCS 28)Joint Secretary : Bosco Jose (NSC 6); Staff Coordinator : Mr A Venkatesh

Department of StatisticsChairman : Sumanth (DML 2); Secretary : A Joseph Jerome (NML 64)Joint Secretary : G Amani (AML 18); Staff Coordinator : Mr N LakshmiNiranjan

Department of ChemistryChairman : K N Kranthi Kamal (DC 57); Secretary : R Ramu (NC 57)Joint Secretary : V Siva Manikandaiah (AC 43); Staff Coordinator :Mr Siva Krishna

Department of CommerceChairman : N Cheme (DOC 31); Secretary : V Abhishek Thomas (NO 31)Joint Secretary : Niteesh Demala (AO 20); Staff Coordinator : Ms KKiranmyee

Department of ArtsChairman: Y Arla Reddy (DEH 6); Secretary: K Harish (NEM 14); JointSecretary: P China Babu (AET 7); Staff Coordinator: Mr S Yosebu

Department of Computer ScienceChairman: V Vamsi Shankar (DCP 17); Secretary: Y Siddartha (NCP50) Joint Secretary: M Bala Manikanta (NCP 40); Staff Coordinator:Ms A Lavanya

Department of ZoologyChairman: G Mahanth Nair (DZ 34); Secretary: K Himavanth (NZ 18);Joint Secretary: E Vignesh (ABMC 17); Staff Coordinator: Mr M VijayaKumar

Department of Botany & MicrobiologyChairman: B Ashok Kumar (DB 32); Secretary: M Shoba Rani (NBC9); Joint Secretary: N Leela Prasad (AB 4); Staff Coordinator: Ms ChV L Padmavathi

Department of Visual CommunicationChairman: Varun; Secretary: Stephen; Joint Secretary: Siva Teja;Staff Coordinator: Mr Santhosh Kumar

Department of PhysicsChairman: G Ramya Sri (DP 33); Secretary: L Venkateshwara Rao (NP44); Joint Secretary: Wilson Rosorio (AP 45); Staff Coordinator: Ms CKalpana

Department of ElectronicsChairman: R Kalyan (DEC 40); Secretary: M Nagendra Babu (NEC18); Joint Secretary: B Srimuki Syamala (AEC 40); Staff Coordinator:Mr L Ekambaram

Departments of Telugu, Hindi & SanskritChairman: Hamanth Kumar; Secretary: J Sandeep Topno; Staff Coordi-nator: Dr N V Ramana Murthy

Departmental Associations: 2010 – 2011

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Page 5LOYOLA TODAY � October 2010 :: Vijayawada C O M P E T I T I O N S

Loyola ELT Centre holds a

POETRY 2010, a 2-day (August 27-28) poetry festival organised by theLoyola ELT Centre generated agreat deal of interest in poetry. ‘Wewanted to ring a bell, as St Francisof Assisi did, collect people and askthem to look at something whichcould excite them and rejuvenatethem,’ said Dr P Ramanujam,Director, Loyola ELT Centre,explaining why the ELT Centre haddecided to hold a poetry festival.The festival was inaugurated byCommander V V M Krishna, aretired officer of the Indian Navy.


As part of the festival, two poetrycontests, one in reading and anotherin writing, were organised. Fortyundergraduate and postgraduatestudents from 8 colleges and auniversity participated in thecontests.In Poetry Writing, Manpreet Kaur,a first year BA (English Literature)student of Maris Stella College wonthe first prize (Rs 1500). Zareen, asecond year BTech student of theNRI Institute of Technology, got thesecond prize (Rs 1000). G KrupaRao, a first year BSc student of

Andhra Loyola College, won thethird prize (Rs 750).

In Poetry Reading, K NityaSudhakar, a first year Intermediatestudent of Narayana Junior College,won the first prize (Rs 1000). Thesecond (Rs 750) and the third (Rs300) prizes were won respectivelyby D Yamuna, a first year BAstudent of Maris Stella College, andDiana Susan, an MCA student ofAndhra Loyola College.

The festival was part-sponsored byThe Hindu.

Personality comes to the fore atSpirit and passion marked Bemus2010, a 2-day (September 6-7)national-level commercefest, held bythe Department of Commerce.

Inaugurating Bemus 2010, MrAnurag, Divisional RailwayManager, South Central Railways,urged the participants to developtheir personality. ‘Personality, valuessuch as honesty and discipline and apositive approach can stand you ingood stead,’ he said.

Over 500 students from 80 collegesin West Bengal, Karnataka, AndhraPradesh, Tamil Nadu and Keralaparticipated in a variety ofcompetitions held at Bemus 2010.There were five national-levelevents (commerce quiz, groupdiscussion, product launching, casestudy, and personality contest) forstudents from degree colleges andfour State-level events (commercequiz, group discussion, personalitycontest and group dance) forintermediate students. Mr Bemuswas won by Vikas of LoyolaCollege, Chennai, and Ms Bemus bySri Lakshmi of V S Lakshmi College,

BEMUS 2010

Kakinada. In the State-level quiz,the ALC Intermediate teamconsisting of Lalith Jain (RMC 66),Nitesh (RMC 107) and NitnemSingh (RA 62) won the first prize.

At the valedictory ceremony, heldon September 7, prizes were givento the winners. Fr A Theckemury,Director of ALCAA, was the chiefguest at the ceremony.

Organised on a large scale for thefourth year in succession, Bemus

demanded a great deal of effort andcoordination. A number of staff andstudents of the Department ofCommerce, under the leadership ofDr N A Francis Xavier, Head of theDepartment and Convener ofBemus 2010, Ms K Kiranmayee,Coordinator of the CommerceAssociation, and Mr Ch VeeraiahChowdary, Event Coordinator, roseto the challenge and made Bemus2010 a memorable festival.

IN BRIEFWeddingMr T Kamalakar Raju, Lecturer inComputer Science, married Ms Arunaon May 5. Dr B Elia, Lecturer inZoology, married Ms Swapna onOctober 16. Ms M Kiranmai, Lecturerin the Department of MBA, marriedMr K Jagath Kumar on June 14.

Honours and awardsProfessor Durga P Ojha, Head, PGDepartment of Physics, has receivedthe Indian Leadership Award forEducational Excellence from theIndian Economic Development andResearch Association. This award waspresented by the former Governor ofTamil Nadu and Union Minister, Dr BN Singh, at an awards ceremony heldin New Delhi on August 26. A few daysearlier, Dr Ojha had received theChigurupati Sudheekshan Scienceand Technology Award 2010 from theSudheekshan Foundation, Vijaya-wada, on August 18.

Academic achievementBr Thomas Bellarmine, Mess Managerand faculty member of the AndhraLoyola Institute of Engineering andTechnology, has completed hisMTech in Structural Engineering atJawaharlal Nehru TechnologicalUniversity, Hyderabad. He took thedegree in July.

SamikshaStudents from 65 colleges participatedin Samiksha 2010 (October 23), a State-level IT seminar organised by theDepartment of MCA. Theinauguration of the seminar by Mr DRamakrishna, CEO, Efftronics, wasfollowed by a presentation on‘Microstrategy business intellience’by Mr Vamsi Krishna, Senior SoftwareEngineer, CTS.

In the competitions held at the seminar,the following colleges won the firstand the second prizes respectively: KLUniversity and VR SiddharthaEngineering College in softwaremarketing; KL University and KBNCollege in ashtavadhanam; KLUniversity and Chalapathi EngineeringCollege in coding; PVP Institute ofTechnology and VR SiddharthaEngineering College in debugging;KBN College and VR SiddharathaEngineering College in plan a project;and Chalapathi Engineering collegeand VR Siddharatha EngineeringCollege in quiz. In escaletra, the prizewas won by Montessori MahilaKalasala.

JKCEleven of our students took theplacement interviews held by Infosysat SRR and CVR Government College,Vijayawada, in June, and 5 of themwere selected. In July, JKC trainingcommenced at ALC for the 84 enrolledstudents.

A generous gestureDr A Samuel Dayakar, Lecturer inPolitical Science, wishes toacknowledge through LT the ALCmanagement’s generous gesture of adonation of Rs 2,00,000 towards hismedical treatment.

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‘Youth power for a better India’was the theme of Sphoorthi 2010,the literary and cultural festival ofALC (Degree), held on August 16and 17. The festival provided aplatform for our students to put theirliterary and cultural skills to the testas well as showcase their talents.

SPHOORTHI 2010 showcasescultural talents

Declaring open Sphoorthi 2010,Prof. N Samuel, Officer on SpecialDuty, Acharya NagarjunaUniversity, who was the chief guestat the inaugural ceremony, spoke atlength in Telugu about theexcellence ALC had achieved indifferent spheres and gave a longlist of ALC alumni who haddistinguished themselves in differentfields. ‘It is your responsibility tokeep up this excellent tradition,’ hereminded the present batch ofstudents.

In the intramural competitions heldon the two days, students from 13associations took part in over 20events. The overall championshipwas won by the Commerce

Association. The runners-up werethe Visual CommunicationAssociation and the ArtsAssociation.

At the valedictory ceremony heldon August 17, the prizes were givenby Padmashri Turlapati KutumbaRao, veteran journalist andChairman of the Andhra PradeshGranthalaya Samstha, who was thechief guest, and the three guests ofhonour, Mr P Prakash Rao (ChiefManager, Indian Overseas Bank,ALC Branch), Mr S A Naidu(Chartered Accountant) and Mr KSreedhar (Director, College forCompetitive Examinations).

A large number of staff andstudents under the leadership of Fr

A Rex Angelo (Vice-Principal andConvener), Dr V Vallabha Rao(Vice-Principal) and Mr S A BNehru (Dean of Students’ Affairsand Chief Coordinator ofDepartmental Associations) workedhard to make Sphoorthi 2010 amemorable festival. The organisingteam also included Ch Suryaprakash(Student Coordi-nator), AninditaNath (Girl Students’ Represen-tative), Rajeev Kumar (CulturalSecretary), Shameem Banu(Literary Secretary) and M Navya(Girl Students’ Cultural Secretary).

Spandana, the annual cultural andliterary festival of the IntermediateWing, was organized in two phasesfrom September 20 to 25. In thefirst phase (September 20-23),intramural competitions were held,while, in the second phase(September 24-25), the festival wastruly inter-collegiate. The festivalwas held under the leadership of FrS Raju, Vice-Principal (Inter), whowas assisted by two coordinators,Dr B Elia of the Department ofZoology and Ms Ch Bhargavi of theDepartment of Chemistry.

In the first phase, 14 contests wereheld for the intermediate students ofALC. In the essay-writingcompetitions in Telugu, Hindi andEnglish, the prizes were won by PJagadeesh (RA 87), Anup Kujur(RMY 20) and D Parthu (RMC 83).In solo singing, the prize was wonby Ch Seetharamaraju (RA 32), inelocution by Anup Kujur (RMY 20),

ALC (Inter) celebrates SPANDANA 2010

in drawing and cartoons by D Parthu(RMC 83), in monoaction by GKishore Babu (TB 17), in talent testby Naveen Kumar (TA 53), in fancydress by B Rajesh (TA 7), inpersonality contest by Tejus (TMC47), in rangoli by Naga Pavani (TM13) and Sowjanya (TM 49), in mimeby the TMC section, and in groupdance by RMC.

In the second phase in whichstudents from 10 colleges took partin 6 contests, the first prize was wonby: M J S Vaishnavi of Sarada JrCollege in solo singing; Sai Teja ofMadonna Jr College in fancy dress;the RMC section of ALC in groupdance; the ALC team (Nitesh,Manikanta and Leela Krishna) inquiz; Nikita of Maris Stella College

in personality contest; andAlakananda of Maris Stella Collegein solo classical dance.

Spandana 2010 was inaugurated byMr M Ravindranath Babu, DeputyCommissioner of Police,Vijayawada, on September 24, andMr P Brahmanandam, RIO, Boardof Intermediate Education, was theguest of honour at the ceremony. Atthe valedictory ceremony held onSeptember 25, Dr Demos Gora,Vasavya Nursing Home,Vijayawada, was the chief guest,and Lt Col K Sivaji, CommandingOfficer, R & V Regiment,Vijayawada, was the guest ofhonour.

Spandana 2010 was emceed by fourlecturers: Dr A Samuel Dayakar(Political Science), Ms P SaraHepsiba (English), Mr N SureshBabu (Sanskrit) and Ms J Catherine(English)

HOSTEL NEWSGogineni HostelThis year, there are 381 studentsin the hostel consisting of 233intermediate students and 148 first-year degree students.

Mr Ch Siva Krishna, Lecturer inChemistry, has taken over asAssistant Director.

Freshers’ Day was celebrated onJuly 3. Fr A Stanley, Rector, wasthe chief guest.

New HostelFr M Louie Doss has taken officeas Director.

Celebrated Freshers’ Day on July3. Fr A Stanley, Rector, was thechief guest.

Organised a talk on July 22. Thespeaker, Fr Dr A Francis Xavier,Principal, urged the students to gobeyond their academic work andtake part in different other activitieshaving the potential to develop theirpersonality.

Released a CD about the hostel.

Organised a cultural night on August7. Each inmate of the hostel gave aperformance. It was decided tohave a cultural night on the secondFriday of every month.

Held a prayer meeting on theoccasion of the first deathanniversary of Dr Y S RajasekharaReddy, departed Chief Minister ofAP and an ALC alumnus, onSeptember 2.

Organised a guest lecture on ‘Webresources for learning and project

development’ by Dr G SahayaBaskaran, Lecturer in Physics, onAugust 11.

Xavier Hostel

Celebrated Freshers’ Day on July20.

Celebrated the birthday of Fr DrD Showraiah, Hostel Director, onAugust 20.

Celebrated Teachers’ Day on asmall scale on September 5.

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Centre, explained why the Centrehad thought about a literary forum.He also explained the objectives ofthe Loyola Literary Society.

‘I am sure that this ELT Centreinitiative will go a long way towardspromoting enlightened ideas,’ saidMr K Chandrasekaran, RegionalGeneral Manager, The Hindu,Vijayawada, who inaugurated theLoyola Literary Society. Mr KSrimali, Chief of Bureau of TheHindu, Vijayawada, who was theGuest of Honour at the inauguration,commended the new venture of theELT Centre and said, ‘Consideringwhat the ELT Centre hasaccomplished so far, I am confidentthat the new initiative will live up toits objectives.’

The winners of the different contests(poetry contests and the AD ShroffMemorial Elocution Competition)organized by the Loyola ELT Centrewere given prizes at the ceremony.

Loyola ELT Centre launches a LITERARY FORUM

Going beyond organizing profes-sional development programmes forteachers of English and promotingclassroom research, the Loyola ELTCentre has established a forum forpromoting enlightened ideas andopinions and nurturing creative andcritical talents. The forum, named‘Loyola Literary Society,’ waslaunched on August 28.

‘I hope – and I am confident – thatthe Loyola Literary Society willenrich the intellectual life on ourcampus,’ said Fr Dr A FrancisXavier, Principal, in his speech at theinauguration. Fr Dr D Showaraiah,Correspondent, expressed his warm-hearted appreciation of this newventure of the ELT Centre. Dr PRamanujam, Director, Loyola ELT

IN BRIEFMass of the Holy Spirit

A Mass of the Holy Spirit wascelebrated on June 26. Fr AStanley, Rector, was the maincelebrant, and Fr M Louie Dosspreached a homily. A large numberof students and staff attended themass.

Orientation ProgrammeA day-long (June 21) orientationprogramme in two sessions wasorganised for the first-year degreestudents. In the first session, heldin Fr Deviah Auditorium, a seriesof presentations was made on thevarious aspects of ALC. In thesecond session in which theorientation was departments-specific, each student group hadinteraction with the lecturers of itsown department. The orientationconcluded with the studentscompleting a questionnaire on theirentry-level expectations as well asoffering feedback on how theorientation programme wasconducted.

Vision 2012ALC has launched Vision 2012, anacademic programme whichcombines EAMCET coaching witha regular intermediate course (MPCand BiPC). ‘The aim is to helpstudents realize their vision ofbecoming top-ranking professionalsin their chosen fields through MPCor BiPC at the crucial intermediatestage,’ says Fr Dr D Showraiah,Correspondent, who developed theidea of Vision 2012 and proposed itto the ALC management. ‘A highpercentage of marks in the IPE,considering that the exam carries a25% weightage in admission, and agood rank in EAMCET 2012 – thisis what we are striving to achieve.’

Prayer meeting

Christian staff prayer meeting, along-standing tradition with not-so-regular observance in the recentpast, has been revived andstreamlined by Fr Rector.Accordingly, the prayer meeting willtake place on the first Thursday ofevery month hereafter. The initialmeeting was hosted by the ALCJesuit community. A large numberof ALC staff took part in the

meeting held at the Jesuit Residenceat 6.30 pm on July 2.


Sixty students have enrolled in theALC AICUF Unit this year, and theUnit for this academic year wasinaugurated on July 6. Fr MKishore, the State Adviser, who wasthe guest of honour at theinauguration, gave a motivationaltalk. The new cabinet consists ofthe following:

Unit Adviser : Fr M Louie Doss

Unit Animater : Mr M Maria Das

President : Neeraja

Vice-President : Sreekanth

Secretary : Naresh

Joint-Secretary : Jyothsana

Treasurer : Sudheer

State Exco : Antony Prabhu

Bridge course (Intermediate)A month-long bridge course inEnglish was organised for the first-year intermediate students fromJune 24. Video presentations werepart of the course methodology.

Dr V VallabhaRao, Reader andHead, Depart-ment of Hindi,who has suc-ceeded Mr K VVijaya Babu asVice-Principal(Degree), in June,brings to his new

assignment a wealth of experiencegained as a lecturer in Hindi for overthree decades, as an NSSProgramme Officer for ten years,and as the Secretary of the ALCStaff Co-operative Society for eightyears. A product of Andhra Uni-versity from which he took his MAand PhD in Hindi, Dr Vallabha Raois an active academic who has at-tended a number of national andinternational conferences and semi-nars, including the Eighth WorldHindi Conference (2007) at NewYork, presented as well as publishedpapers, taught Hindi at the post-graduate level at Ambedkar OpenUniversity, and guided research inHindi at the MPhil level.

Dr Vallabha Rao is a well-knowntranslator: he has translated 125poems from Hindi into Telugu, 75poems from Telugu into Hindi,several radio plays from Telugu intoHindi and radio features from Hindiinto Telugu. He has presented over50 lessons in Hindi on AIR,Vijayawada, and given radio talks,too.

Dr V Vallabha Raothe new Vice-Principal (Degree)

In Memoriam

G Ravi Teja(AEC 18)September 29

M Siva KiranKumar(DEH 14)October 5

M S VenkataPhani Raju(DZ 3)October 14

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ENGLISHIntroduced two special programmesfor the first-year degree studentsbelonging to Stream B: (a) a year-long remedial course in English; and(b) an extensive reading programmein English. Both programmes areoffered outside the college hours.

The Loyola ELT Centre conducted,in association with the Forum ofFree Enterprises, Mumbai, the 46thA D Shroff Memorial ElocutionContest (21 August) and the 54thAll-India Essay-Writing Contest.


language (‘Seventy-five per cent ofIndians can understand Hindi,’ hesaid) and in promoting national inte-gration.


Organised two guest lectures: (a) on‘The relationship betweenVijayanagara state and Andhraregion and the impact of theVijayanagara rule in general andKrishnadevaraya in particular overAndhra’ (July 23) by Dr J KrishnaPrasada Babu, Head, Dept ofHistory, Jawahar Bharathi College,Kavali; and (b) ‘The role ofindividualism in European history’(September 17) by Dr AninditaMokhopadhya, Reader, Departmentof History, University ofHyderabad.

Babu, VR Siddhartha EngineeringCollege, Vijayawada.


(‘Hobbies collection’) at which theALPhA students exhibited theircollections consisting, among others,of coins, drawings, paintings, articlesprepared from waste materials,poetry in Telugu and quotations, towhich Fr Principal added his owncollections consisting of key chains,watches and pens.

Three students of the Dept, KNeelima (DP 46), Harsha Vardhan(AP 62) and Wilson Rosario (AP 45),won prizes in different competitionsheld at Maris Stella College inAugust: first prize in quiz (all three);first in extempore and powerpoint(Wilson) and second in extempore(Neelima).

The students of ALPhA donatednotebooks and pencils worth Rs1500 to the children of ALCAASchool on August 9.

ELECTRONICSOrganised an industrial trainingprogramme for the present final-year students. Under theprogramme, all the 36 DEC studentsunderwent training for 15 days (inMay) in different industries such asNSIC, Hyderabad, BSNL CTXExchange, Efftronics, VijayaTransformer, INCAP Capacitorsand All India Radio.

Organised a training programme on‘Home Appliances Mechanism’(July 14 - August 20) in which 32General Elective studentsparticipated.

HISTORYFive students of the Dept presentedpapers at a seminar on ‘Travel andTourism’ (September 16) held at JMJCollege, Tenali. Two of them,Jeevan (DGH 20) and SakunthKumar (AGH 1), won the first andthe third prizes respectively.


Orgnised a guest lecture on ‘Makingof US foreign policy’ (September14) by Ms Juliet Wurr, Public AffairsOfficer, US Consulate, Hyderabad.

CHEMISTRYThe NC and the DC studentsundertook an industrial tour of analuminium industry, a mineral waterindustry and a polymer cap industryon September 25 and 27respectively.

Organised a guest lecture on ‘Waterand waste water management’(September 29) by Dr M Sarath

Organised a guest lecture on‘Application of probability’ (August9) by Prof Pottluri Venkata Rao,Reed College, Oregon, USA.

Forty-two DML students visited(September 1) Vijaya Milk Projecton an industrial tour.


Organised (a) a guest lecture on‘Research avenues in non-crystalline materials’ (July 12) byProf Manuel de Almeida Valentefrom the Department of EngineeringPhysics, University of Aveiro,Portugal; (b) two bridge courses, onein ‘Physics terminology’ and anotherin ‘Physics problems orientation’, for60 first-year students from Telugu-medium background with Dr ChSrinivasu as the resource person; (c)an essay-writing competition forstudents on the eve (July 29) of theFeast of St Ignatius; (d) a workshopon ‘Training in optics experimentson spectrometer’ (September 13)for the second-year students (NP,NC, NCP and NML); (e) a two-day(September 14-15) exhibition

As part of the plantationprogramme (July 22) held on theoccasion of Environment Day, thestudents and staff planted 30saplings near the Jesuit Residence.

Organised a talk on, ‘How to do andreport science projects’ (July 26) byDr Ch Srinivasu, Head, Departmentof Physics, ALC, for the DECstudents.

I Vamsi (DEC 3), T Divya (DEC11) and B Naga Sai Murahari (NEC2) won the first prize in electronic

The ELT Centre held a poetryfestival (August 27-28) in which 8colleges and a universityparticipated. The festival wassponsored by The Hindu.

The Centre launched (August 28) aliterary forum called ‘LoyolaLiterary Society’ for promotingenlightened ideas and opinions andnurturing creative and criticaltalents.

The Centre organized a 3-day(October 6-8) Business EnglishCertificate workshop in associationwith the British Council. Theworkshop, known as the BritishCouncil Teacher SupportProgramme, was facilitated by DrC L N Prakash, Training Consultant,British Council, who was assistedby Mr Ashish Goyal, EducationInformation Officer, British Council,Hyderabad.

TELUGUCelebrated Telugu Bhasha-dinathsavam on August 28 on theeve of the birthday of the renownedTelugu scholar, Gidugu RamaMurthy Panthulu. Sathavadhani DrPalaparthi Syamalananda Prasad,chief guest, spoke about the great-ness of the Telugu language and re-galed the students with Telugu po-etry.

HINDICelebrated Hindi Day on Septem-ber 14. Mr K V Subba Rao, for-merly Head, Dept of Hindi, ALC,who was the chief guest, spokeabout the value of Hindi as a link

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A C A D E M I C A S S O C I AT I O N Squiz at Technomeet 2010 (July 28)held at Maris Stella College,Vijayawada.

Antony Prabhu (DEC 28) won thesecond prize in the 46th AD ShroffMemorial Elocution Competition(August 21) conducted by theLoyola ELT Centre on behalf of theForum of Free Enterprises, Mumbai.


The Dept lent its resources andexpertise in the production of theplay that was presented at thecelebrations of the Feast of StIgnatius held on July 30: the soundrecording was made in the Viscomstudio and some of the students ofthe Dept acted in the shadow sceneof the play.

The Viscom team consisting of KSurya Teja, B Raj Abhishek, YSiviah, Sk Baji Rahman, S Uday andIjaz Khan won the second prize inmime at the Acharya NagarjunaUniversity Youth Festival (August12-13).

included listening to lectures onjournalism, being exposed to artdirection, visiting the E TVproduction house and Maya IndoorStudio, and taking part in a youth fest.

BOTANY AND MICROBIOLOGYObserved Environmental Aware-ness Day on July 22. Essay-writingand poster competitions wereconducted on environmental issues.An awareness lecture was alsoorganised: Mr Lakshmi Narayana,APPCB, spoke on environmentalissues.

Organised a painting competition onthe eve (July 30) of the Feast of StIgnatius. The students imaginativelybrought out the life of St Ignatius incolours.

for Community Learning and PublicService, University of New Mexico,as the recourse person.

Organised Bemus 2010, a 2-day(September 6-7) national-levelcommercefest.

The students of the Dept won thefollowing prizes at Zephyr 2010, anational-level event (July 15-17)organized by Badruka College ofCommerce and Arts, Hyderabad: ChSurya Prakash and Felix Reddy(both III BCom) – first prize inNirmaninc; Vijay Kumar (IIIBCom) – first prize in pot painting;M Ashok Kumar (III BCom) –second prize in pot painting; MAshok Kumar and Vijay Kumar(both III BCom) – second prize incollage; M Ashok Kumar (IIIBCom), Ch Surya Prakash (III BCom) and G Naveen Kumar (IIBCom) – second prize in ad-zap; andVijay Kumar (III BCom) – first prizein spot painting.

At Aura 2010, a State-level event(September 17) held at St Theresa’sCollege for Women, Eluru, FelixReddy (III BCom), N NaveenKumar (II BCom) and P NagendraSai (II BCom) won the first prize inquiz, and G Ashok, Sagar, Basha,Priyanka, Reena, Divya, Lavanya,Revathi, Satish and Nagaraju wonthe third prize in group dance.

At Magnova 2010, a national-levelevent (September 17-18) held at PB Siddhartha College of Arts andSciences, the students won thefollowing prizes: Ch Surya Prakash(III BCom), G Naveen Kumar (IIBCom) and J Lakhan (II BCom) –first prize in human resourcemanagement; and G Ashok, Sagar,Basha, Priyanka, Reena and Divya– first prize in group dance.

At Samayak 2010, a national-levelmanagement meet (October 8-9)held at Koneru Lakshmaiah Univer-sity, Guntur, Ch Surya Prakash (IIIB Com) won the first prize in cap-tion writing and the second prize incase study.

In the national-level dance competi-tions (September 27) organised bythe AP Tourism Board in collabora-tion with Westin College of HotelManagement, Vijayawada, our Com-merce students from Tibet won thesecond prize for Tibetan culturaldance, and G Ashok, Sagar, Basha,Priyanka, Reena and Divya won thesecond prize in national culturaldance.

Ch Surya Prakash (III BCom) pre-sented papers on ‘The role of tour-ism in the development of Indianservice sector’ and ‘The hotel man-agement sector of India’ at a na-tional seminar (September 12-13)organized by Sri Durga MalleswariSiddharta Mahila Kalasala,Vijayawada.

Organised two guest lectures: oneon ‘Success in your career’ (July7) by Mr P V Krishna Rao, ALCalumnus and Managing Director ofCity Group Energy Inc, Houston,Texas, USA; and (b) another (July23) on ‘Real-time implementation ofsoftware development life cycle’ inwhich the guest-speaker, Mr BBuchaiah, Software DevelopmentEngineer, Microsoft India,Hyderabad, dealt with SDLCprocesses in IT organizations.

Organised, in association with theDepartment of Electronics, a plan-tation programme (July 22) on theoccasion of Environment Day. Thestudents planted 250 saplings at dif-ferent places on campus.

At Technomeet 2010 (July 27) heldat Maris Stella College, Vijayawada,Srikanth (DCM 28) won the firstprize in extempore and the Dept thesecond prize in quiz.

VISUAL COMMUNICATIONOrganised a facial paintingcompetition on the theme, ‘Thepresent education system’ (July 3).Over 100 students participated in thecompetition in which 20 faces werepainted. K Surya Teja won the firstprize in the contest.

Celebrated Friendship Day on July24.

Celebrated World Photography Day(August 19). The photographstaken by the students of the Deptwere on display at the exhibition heldon the occasion. A number ofpeople visited the exhibition andrecorded their appreciation andfeedback.

In keeping with their practice ofconducting a social awarenesscampaign, the Dept launched aneducation campaign, which wasinaugurated on August 26. The aimof the campaign was to raisepeople’s consciousness about the illsof our education system andencourage the proposal of solutions.The campaign logo was released byFr Dr D Showraiah, Correspondent,and Fr Dr A Francis Xavier,Principal, and the logo was carriedround the campus by the Viscomstudents. The trailers of a few shortfilms and documentaries oneducation produced by the studentsof the Dept were screened on theoccasion.

The campaign strategy took theform of a street play staged atdifferent places (September 16-18)and watched by over 10,000 people.

Forty students of the Deptundertook an industrial visit toEenadu Journalism School,Ushodaya Private Ltd (E TVchannels) and Ramoji Film City(September 3-4). Their experiences

Six students – B Ashok Kumar (DB32), Mamatha (DB 14), G VVaralakshmi (DB 18), Murali(DBM 10), Srinivas (DBM 6) andPratap (DBC 7) – attended anational seminar on ‘MedicinalPlants – Cultivation andConservation, Post-HarvestTechnologies, Marketing and Trade’(August 11-12) held at HinduCollege, Guntur.

Seven students – B Ashok Kumar(DB 32), J Ravindra (DBM 1), SRajesh (DBC 8), K Venkaiah (DBC13), P Niveditha (DBM 12), MVijaya Mary (DBM 8) and RPrathap Reddy (DBC 7) – attendeda State-level workshop on‘Osteoarthritis and LifestyleManagement’ (September 2) at ChS D St Theresa’s College, Eluru. Inthe calcium-rich recipe contest heldat the workshop, Prathap Reddyand Venkaiah won the first prize andNiveditha and Vijaya Mary won thesecond prize.

COMMERCEOrganized a seminar on ‘The Roleof Educational Institutions for aBetter Society’ (August 9) with MrMicheal Malahy Morris, Director

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Dr P Ramanujam gave an interviewon ‘SMS English and its impact’ onAIR, Vijayawada, on April 12.

He conducted a one-day (May 11)workshop on ‘Teaching Speaking’and ‘Teaching Writing’ on a State-level in-service course for teachersof English from KendriyaVidyalayas, at Kendriya Vidyalaya,Satyanarayanapuram, Vijayawada.

He delivered the keynote addressat the UGC-sponsored seminar on‘English Communication: A RoadMap’ (June 29) held at The BapatlaCollege of Arts and Sciences,Bapatla.

He edited a book entitled, ActionResearch for ProfessionalDevelopment in ELT, which is acollection of papers presented at aUGC national workshop on ‘ActionResearch for ProfessionalDevelopment in English LanguageTeaching’, organised by the LoyolaELT Centre.

Fr A Rex Angelo attended anInternational Jesuit Conference onthe theme, ‘Shaping the Future:Networking Jesuit Higher Educationfor a Globalising World’ (April 22-24), organised by the InternationalCoordinator of Jesuit HigherEducation, Rome, at UniversidadIberoamericana, Mexico. Very RevFr Adolfo Nicolas SJ, SuperiorGeneral of the Society of Jesus,delivered the keynote address at theconference which was attended byover 250 Jesuit academicians fromdifferent parts of the world. Fr RexAngelo also visited a few JesuitUniversities in the USA.


Dr G Sambasiva Rao published: (a)four book reviews in theVisalandhra (April 25), SahithiSravanthi (June), Upadhyaya(July) and Nadusthunna Charitra(August); (b) an essay on ‘Siddhasankalpudu Khandavalli LakshmiRanjanam’ in the Visalandhra(May 10); and (c) a book entitled,Telugu Bala Sathakam, which wasreleased by Padmasri YarlagaddaLakshmi Prasad in Vijayawada(August 16).

He participated in (a) ‘TeluguloBhakti Sahityam’ (May 10)organised by Rasabharathi; (b)‘Telugulo Dandaka Sahityam’ (May14) conducted by the Industrial andAgricultural Exhibition Society ofVijayawada; (c) a Buddhism

Teacher EDUCATION Activities (Degree)conference (May 25-27) organisedby the Vaisakhi Cultural Society atChinakakani, Guntur, and presenteda paper on ‘Bouddha kavyalu –yuvataku prabodham’; (d) ‘BhuvanaVijayam’ (July 23) organised by theAP Cultural Affairs in Vijayawadaand played the role of NandiTimmana; (e) a national seminar(July 26-27) organised by theDepartment of Sanskrit at MarisStella College and presented a paperon ‘Tenali Ramakrishnunisamskrutha pada – gumphanam’;and (f) ‘Bhuvana Vijayam’ (July 31)organised by the AndhraSaraswatha Samithi, Machilipatnam,and played the role of PingaliSurana.

He gave the following talks: (a) on‘Annamayya sankeerthanasahityam’ on a programme (May 27)organised by the AnnmayyaSamskrutika Samithi atNarasaraopet; (b) ‘SuravaramPratapa Reddi’s short stories’ on aprogramme (May 28) organised bythe Telugu Bhashodyama Samakhyain Vijayawada; and on ‘Gopichand’sshort stories’ on AIR, Vijayawada(September 22).

His essay on ‘Kovvali navalalu’ wona prize in a competition (June 8)conducted by the Kinnera Arts,Hyderabad. He was felicitated byDelhi Public School, Vijayawada, attheir Telugu Bhashothsavalu(September 5).


Dr M Sivaram attended (a) the 45thAll-India Oriental Conference (June2-4) at Rastriya SamskritVidyapeeth, Tirupati, and presenteda paper on ‘Ramaayana –Raajaneethi’; and (b) a 2-day (July26-27) UGC-sponsored nationalconference on ‘Contributions ofKrishnadevaraya to SanskritLiterature’ at Maris Stella College.


Dr V Vallabha Rao has published(a) a book entitled, Chote Kumar,which was released by Mr MandaliBuddha Prasad, former minister, onMay 9 in Vijayawada; (b) atranslation of a Hindi short story intoTelugu in Chinuku (April);translations of two Telugu poemsinto Hindi in Sadbhavana Darpan(June-July) and Sahitya Amrit(August); translations of ten Hindipoems into Telugu in Bhava Vina(June), Visalandhra (April 19 and26), Kavita (July-August) and

Patrika (August); and a bookreview in Chinuku (July).

He presented a paper on ‘Hindisahityam pai Bowddhamprabhavam’ at the national seminaron Buddhist culture (May 25-27) atChinakakani.


Mr C Ravindra Raju presented twopapers: (a) on ‘Social mobility inSouth India’ at an ICHR-sponsorednational seminar on ‘Disprivilegedand Social Change in South India;(August 13-14) at CSR SarmaCollege, Ongole; and (b) on ‘Humanrights violation’ at a national seminar(September 4) at VSR & NVRCollege, Tenali.

He attended as chief guest aseminar on ‘Travel and Tourism’(September 16) held at JMJ College,Tenali.

Dr M Srinivasa Reddy presentedtwo papers: (a) on ‘Social mobilityas observed in the Bhakti Movementof early medieval South India’ at anICHR-sponsored national seminaron ‘Disprivileged and Social Changein South India’ (August 13-14) atCSR Sarma College, Ongole; and(b) on ‘Women uplift movement andprogress of women in the post-18thcentury in India’ at a symposium on‘Progress of Women in India duringthe Modern Period’ (September 17)at the Centre for Women Studies,Montessori Mahila College,Vijayawada.


Mr S Yosebu gave two guestlectures: (a) on ‘Child statistics’ atthe National Statistics Daycelebrations (June 29) held at theNational Sample SurveyOrganisation, Vijayawada; and (b)on ‘The role of youth in the presentsociety’ (August 13) at VV GiriGovernment College, Dumpa-gadapa.

He presented a paper on ‘Humanrights violation: Socio-economicperspectives’ at a UGC-sponsorednational seminar on ‘Human RightsViolation’ (September 4) at VSRand NVR College, Tenali.


Mr KV Vijaya Babu gave a guestlecture on ‘Nuclear weapons andworld peace’ (August 6) on theoccasion of Hiroshima Day at ALC.The lecture was jointly organised byAICUF and the NGC.

AppointmentsJesuit StaffThere are two new arrivals: Fr LouieDoss and Fr Palnati Showri Raju. FrLouie Doss has taken over NewHostel as Director from Fr G M VictorEmmanuel, and Fr P Showri Raju tookoffice as Headmaster, ALCAASchool. Fr N Vijaya Bhaskar Rao andSch B Naveen Xavier have beentransferred from ALC.

Heads of DepartmentsMr M Satish Rajan (Viscom)

Teaching StaffPGMr S S Sridhar (MCA), Mr G SarathBabu (MCA), Ms K Nirmala (MBA),Mr T Sasi Kanth (Chemistry), Ms SHena Fatima (Chemistry), Ms G GraceVictoria (Chemistry), Ms T Anusha(Physics), Ms Anila (Physics), Mr ChChinnappa (Botany), Dr P J SThateswari Devi (Botany), Ms VKavitha (Biotechnology), Ms PNagamani (Biotechnology), Ms GReena Susan (Biotechnology), Ms GRoja Mani (Librarian).

DegreeMs Y Parimala (Value Education),Fr M Louie Doss (English), Ms S VPriyadarsini (English), Ms R SoniaPriyadarsini (English), Ms T SaiMamatha (English), Mr Y SaiSubraymanyam (Mathematics), MrCh Prasanna Kumar (Commerce), MsM Nirmala Rani (Commerce), Ms KBharathi Lakshmi (Commerce), Ms PAsa Lakshmi (Commerce), Ms KMahalakshmi (Commerce), Ms K V BSailaja (Commerce), Mr PKrishnarjuna Rao (Politics), Mr KUday Kiran (Vis. Commn), Mr P KumarChand (Vis. Commn), Mr K Vinesh(Vis.Commn), Mr Ch Siva Krishna(Chemistry), Ms T Pavani (Chemistry),Ms K Sai Keerthi (Chemistry), Mr MAnjaiah (Telugu), Ms P Sushma(Comp. Science), Ms J Annie RajaRanjitha (Comp. Science), Mr PNarasimham (Comp. Science).

IntermediateMs P Sara Hepsiba (English), MsK Shahini Begum (English), MrK Prakasa Rao (Hindi), Ms PKamala Sirisha (Commerce), MsM Jyothsna (Chemistry), Mr MLinga Rao (Physics), Ms PNagasri (History).

Non-Teaching StaffMs D Navatha (Programmer), Mr P

Kiran (Vis Commn Tech.), Mr Ch Prabu

Sujit (Technical Instructor), Ms D

Hima Bindu (Receptionist), Mr D

Parasuramudu (Library Assistant),

Mr KVenkatesh (Library Assistant).Continued on page 11

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Dr N Srinivasa Rao’s PhD thesishas been brought out in the form ofa book entitled, Statistical andRelated Approaches to PatternRecognition. The book waspublished by the German publishers,VDM Verlag Dr MÜller, inSeptember (ISBN-10: 3639287754,ISBN-13: 978-3639287752, pages348, price $ 100).


Dr G Srinivasa Rao, Dr G MuraliKrishna, Dr G Sahaya Baskaran, MrY Sudhakar and Mr RamakrishnaChand attended a national seminaron ‘Advanced Materials for Displayand Other Applications’ (May 31-June 1) held at VSR & NVRCollege, Tenali. At the seminar, DrSahaya Baskaran gave an invitedtalk on ‘Spectroscopic features ofsome rare earth ions in Sb





glass system’.

Dr Ch Srinivasu served as aresource person on two bridgecourses and a workshop (detailsunder ‘Activities of DepartmentalAssociations’) the Departmentorganised for its students. He alsogave a talk on, ‘How to do and reportscience projects’ (July 26), in theDept of Electronics.

Dr G Murali Krishna and Dr GSahaya Baskaran attended aninternational workshop on ‘Synthesisand Characterization of Glass /Glass-Ceramics’ (July 7-8)organised jointly by the MaterialsResearch Society of India andCMAT at the Centre for Materialsfor Electronics Technology, Pune.

At an international symposium on‘Synthesis and Characterization ofGlass / Glass-Ceramics (July 9-10)organised by the Centre forMaterials for ElectronicsTechnology, Pune, Dr G MuraliKrishna made a poster presentationand Dr G Sahaya Baskaran madean oral presentation on ‘Dielectricdispersion in LiF-Bi




5 : TiO


glass system’.

Dr G Sahaya Baskaran acted as aresource person on two orientationprogrammes: (a) one (June 12) heldfor the teaching staff of JMJCollege, Tenali, where he delivereda lecture on the choice-based creditsystem; and (b) another (October4), a UGC-sponsored one, on ‘Theuse of ICT in teaching and learning’held at Duvvuru RamanammaWomen’s College, Gudur.

One of the scholars of Dr M C Raohas obtained a UGC scholarship fordoing her MPhil.

Dr G Srinivasa Rao has publishedtwo papers: (a) B K Sudhakar, N RK. Chand, H N L Prasanna, GSrinivasa Rao, J. Non-Cryst.Solids, 356 (2010) 2211–2217,‘Vibrational spectral analysis ofstructural modifications of Cr



containing oxyfluoroborate glasses’(b) G Srinivasa Rao, B K Sudhakar,H N L Prasanna, V Devasahayam,N R K Chand, Mater. Lett.doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2010.10.043.‘Infrared spectral study of thestructure of oxyfluoroborateglasses’.

Dr G Murali Krishna has jointlypublished a paper with four otherson ‘Fluorescence features of Sm3+

ions in Na2SO

4 – MO - P


5 glass

system-Influence of modifier oxide'in the Journal of Luminescencedoi: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2010.09.044

Dr G Sahaya Baskaran haspublished two papers (a) ‘Orderingin Nematogenic p-n-HeptyloxyBenzoic Acid – A ComputationalStudy’, Asian Journal ofChemistry 22, 7 (2010) 5730-5736;and (b) A Computational Analysisof Ordering in p-n- OctyloxyBenzoic Acid – A Nematogen,International Journal of Pure andApplied Physics, 6, 2(2010) 127-133.


Dr M Venkateswara Rao, Dr BVenkateswara Rao, Dr G VRamana and Dr G SubrahmanyaSastry attended a national seminaron ‘Nanomaterials’ (September 5)at VR Siddhartha EngineeringCollege, Vijayawada.

Dr B Venkateswara Rao haspublished a paper on ‘Reflectivepractice – Creative means ofteaching’ in IJONTE (July-September 2010). His paper on‘Teacher’s introspection –Classroom Teaching’ has beenaccepted for presentation at aninternational conference on TeacherEducation.


All the staff of the Dept attendedan orientation lecture (July 8) onproject documentation by Fr IDominic Sundar Raj, facultymember, Loyola Academy, Secun-derabad, and former Vice- Principal(PG), ALC


Ms T Rose Mary presented a paperon ‘Herbal medicine’ at the nationalseminar on ‘Medicinal Plants –Cultivation and Conservation, Post-Harvest Technologies andMarketing and Trade (August 11-12) held at Hindu College, Guntur.

Ms Ch V L Padmavathi attended aState-level workshop on‘Osteoarthritis and LifestyleManagement’ (September 2) at ChS D St Theresa’s College, Eluru.


Ms P Manjula and Ms S Suneethaattended a training programme onplant and animal tissue culture(August 5-8) at Loyola Academy,Secunderabad.

Mr N Ranga Babu, Mr D Praveenand Ms N Nirmala Mary (all threefrom the Dept of English) attendedan interdisciplinary RefresherCourse on ‘Language and Litera-ture’ (May 10 – 30) at ASC, AndhraUniversity, Visakhapatnam.

Fr Dr G Jayaraj (Botany), Mr PSrinivasa Sastry, Mr D V Satish,and Mr PVS Sairam (all three fromPhysics), Mr J V Nagendra Prasad(Physical Director), Mr PVenugopala Rao (Mathematics)and Dr N Srinivasa Rao (Statistics)attended a Refresher Course on‘ICT Applications’ (May 5-25) atASC, Moulana Azad National UrduUniversity, Hyderabad.

Mr A V Ravi Kumar and Mr VDevasahayam (both Physics) at-tended a Refresher Course on‘Earth Sciences’ (June 4-24) atASC, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam.

Mr R Vijaya Kumar, Fr A RexAngelo and Mr B Raju (all threefrom the Dept of English) attendeda Refresher Course on ‘Telugu Lit-erature – Translations’ (September


Dr N A Francis Xavier presented apaper on ‘The importance offinancial markets in the developmentof service sector in India’ at anational seminar (September 12-13)organized by Sri Durga MalleswaraSiddhartha Mahila Kalasala,Vijayawada.

Refresher Courses attended by lecturers

16 – October 6) at AcharyaNagarjuna University, Guntur.

Mr M Arokiasamy, Mr A ShouReddy, Fr G M Victor Emmanuel,Mr P Venugopala Rao, Mr MMaria Das (all five from the Deptof Mathematics), Mr A V RaviKumar, Mr T Srikumar (both fromPhysics) and Mr J V NagendraPrasad (Physical Director) at-tended a Refresher Course on ‘Hu-man Rights’ (September 23 – Oc-tober 11) at ASC, Maulana AzadNational Urdu University,Hyderabad.

Mr P Srinivasa Sastry, Mr D VSatish, Mr P V S Sairam (all threefrom Physics) and Mr YHanumantha Rao (Chemistry) at-tended a Refresher Course on‘Nanomaterials: Synthesis andCharacterization’ (September 13 –October 4) at ASC, JawaharlalNehru Technological University,Hyderabad.

Fr Dr G Jayaraj (Botany) attendeda Refresher Course on ‘Life Sci-ences’ (September 5 – 20) at ASC,Osmania University, Hyderabad.

Feast of St Ignatius

The Feast of St Ignatius of Loyolawas held on July 30 and 31. Fr AStanley, Rector, gave the Feast Daymessage, and both Fr Dr DShowraiah, Correspondent, and FrDr A Francis Xavier, Principal,offered greetings. Dr G SahayaBaskaran, Lecturer in Physics,made a power-point presentation on‘St Ignatius the Great Visionary’.The students of degree and PG aswell as those of Kaladarshini andALCAA School gave danceperformances, and the PG students

To raise awareness about thebenefits of ecology and generalhealth, ALC held a joint cycle rallywith the Association of ActiveBicyclers on July 10. Bothstudents and staff took part in therally which was flagged off by MrM Raja Rao, Deputy GeneralManager, The Hindu, Vijayawada,at 8 am on our campus.

Loyola cycle rally

presented a song. The ALC staffpresented a play entitled,‘Phalinchina Kala’.

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A Viscom gallery

pressure of education. Students areconstantly under pressures ofdifferent kinds – parental, peer, andsocietal, to name only a few – toenter the rat race and score higherand higher in a system which valuescramming rather than creativity.The street play dealt with a rangeof problems threatening meaningfuleducation in this country, includingthe fixation with engineering andmedicine and the humanities (history,literature, etc.) being given the go-by, and made people reflect on thismayhem.

The street play, developed under theguidance of Mr M Satish Rajan,Head of the Department of VisualCommunication, was performed inthree phases – on our own campuson the first day (September 16), atAcharya Nagarjuna University andRamavarapadu Ring on the second,

WHITHER EDUCATION? - star dot edu asks

Why is the rising generation of thiscountry down in the dumps? Theundergraduate students of VisualCommunication attempted ananswer in the form of a street playperformance, which was a

significant part of their 3-day(September 16-18) socialawareness campaign on education,named ‘star dot edu.’

The answer the street playdemonstrated was: pressure – the

and at Lenin Centre, KBN Collegeand NTR Circle on the third. Thedepartment claims that over 10,000people watched the play.

‘The campaign was part of thecourse requirements of the Viscomstudents,’ said Mr Satish Rajan.‘They are expected to developcampaign strategies anddemonstrate them in a creativeway.’ The campaign strategy alsoincluded facial painting, display ofphotographs taken by the studentson the campaign theme, short filmsand documentaries, and culturalperformances.

The campaign was inaugurated bythe well-known film artist and NandiAward winner, Mr Pilla Prasad. MrSAB Nehru, Dean of Students’Affairs, and Mr RJ Robert from RedFM were the guests of honour atthe valedictory ceremony.

Magnelite 2010 brings talents to the foreMagnelite 2010, a one-day (October1) management meet held by thePostgraduate Department ofBusiness Administration drew awealth of talent: over 450 studentsfrom 48 colleges participated in thisState-level talent contest.

‘Discipline holds the key to successin life, including professional life,’ saidMr Gokaraju Ramaraju, Director,Laila Group of Companies, whoinaugurated the meet. He advisedthe participants to work withdiscipline and acquire industry-relevant skills in order to besuccessful in their professional life.‘Students of business managementmust have cutting-edge business

skills during their course perioditself,’ said Fr Dr A Francis Xavier,Principal. ‘It is to help you developsuch skills that programmes likeMagnelite are held.’ Fr A Stanley,Rector, Fr Dr G Jayaraj, Vice-Principal (PG), and Mr K SashiKiran, Head, PG Department ofBusiness Administration, also spoke.

Four contests were held at the meet:business quiz, market makers, youngmanager, and Mr and Ms Magnelite.In business quiz, DJR College andPotti Sriramulu Engineering Collegewon the first and the second prizesrespectively. In market makers,

DJR College and KBN College wonthe first and the second prizesrespectively. In young manager,MIC College won the first prize andSashi Enginerring College thesecond. KBN College, Vijayawada,emerged Mr Magnelite, and AuroraCollege, Hyderabad, Ms Magnelite.

At the valedictory ceremony held inthe evening, Mr Kalyan, Director,Haailand, complimented theDepartment of Business Admini-stration on providing opportunities fordeveloping industry-relevant skills ingeneral and communication skills inparticular and gave the prizes to thewinners.

MBAOrganised Magnelite 2010, a one-day (October 1) State-levelmanagement meet in which over 450students from 48 collegesparticipated.

MCAThe students won the third prize ingroup singing at the AcharyaNagarjuna University Youth Festival(August 12-13). At Talentia 2010(August 21) held at MIC College,Kanchikecherla, K Sairam (NMCA29) and Nagaraju (DMCA 45) wonthe second prize in magic mix and

Activities of Departmental Associations (PG)‘Medicinal Plants – Cultivation andConservation, Post-HarvestTechnologies and Marketing andTrade (August 11-12) held at HinduCollege, Guntur.

The Dept of Botany has starteddeveloping a medicinal garden infront of the PG Botany lab.

The Botany students of both yearsvisited Araku on a 4-day (September15-18) botanical tour.

Both departments organised a one-day (September 3) seminar on‘Biofuels and Biotransformations’.

In the morning session in which DrA Prem Kumar from LoyolaCollege was the resource person,the seminar focused on ‘Signaltransduction in arabidopsis thaliana’.Dr Prem Kumar also explained howto apply for projects. Mr SrinivasaSastry of KL University, Guntur,was the resource person in theafternoon session.

CHEMISITRYOrganised a guest lecture (Sep-tember 14) on ‘NMR Spectroscopy’by Prof (retd) K Saraswathi of SriVenkateswara University.

dance respectively, and K Raju(NMCA 52) and G Sree Deepthi(NMCA 28) won the third prize incoding and singing respectively.

On Mother Teresa’s birthday(August 26), the students of NMCAvisited Sishu Bhavan. Theypresented gifts to the children andspent some time with them.

Organised Samiksha 2010 (October23), a State-level IT seminar.

BOTANY ANDBIOTECHNOLOGYThe students of Botany (both years)attended a national symposium on

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Women’s Cell 2010 – 2011 wasformally inaugurated on July 1. DrG Regina, former Head of theDepartment of Telugu, Maris StellaCollege, Vijayawada, was the chiefguest at the inaugural ceremony.

In her message, Dr Regina recalledhow ALC, an all-male bastion for along time, gradually opened towomen students, and complimentedthe college management on thesignificant change. ‘But for thischange in the ALC admission policy,all these girls would be at MarisStella,’ she added in a lighter vein.She urged the students to be service-minded and dignified under allcircumstances. ‘The students ofAndhra Loyola College have alwaysbeen a role model and a source ofinspiration to students of all othercolleges,’ she said in conclusion.

Fr A Stanley, Rector, blessed theinauguration, and Fr Dr A FrancisXavier, Principal, indicated, in hisspeech, several possibilities for theWomen’s Cell. Fr Dr G Jayaraj,Vice-Principal (PG), Fr A Rex


Angelo, Vice-Principal (Degree),and Fr S Raju, Vice-Principal (Inter)were also present at the inaugu-ration.

Ms G Syamala, Lecturer in English,who heads Women’s Cell 2010-2011 as Coordinator, introduced theother office-holders.

CoordinatorMs G Syamala, Lecturer, Dept ofEnglish

SecretaryMs Mary Manjula Rani, Lecturer,Dept of MCA

Staff Representatives

Ms N Nirmala Mary (English)

Ms T Rose Mary (Botany)

Ms B Siva Kumari (Botany)

Ms P Anila (Chemistry)

Ms R Raja Rajeswari (Chemistry)

Ms P Radha Kalyani (Chemistry)

Ms B Baby Rani (Economics)

Ms M Jhansi (MBA)

Student RepresentativeAnindita Nath (DCP 45)

ALC hosted a job mela (July 18),held by the Career Awareness andRecruitment Drive (CARD), aninitiative of the AP State Council of

ALC hosts CARD job mela

Higher Education (APSCHE).Twenty-five companies, includingAmazon, HCL Technologies,Ascent Consulting Services,

Synchroserve, Accenture, and IndiaOnline, participated in the mela,which was inaugurated by Prof KC Reddy, then Chairman ofAPSCHE. Prof Y HaragopalReddy, Vice-Chancellor of AcharyaNagarjuna University, and Prof MK Durga Prasad, Vice-Chancellorof Krishna University, were alsopresent at the inauguration.

Over 2000 students from Krishna,Guntur and West Godavari districtstook the placement tests andinterviews held at the mela, and 400of them, most of whom were PGstudents, were selected forplacement.

The job mela was coordinated byDr N A Francis Xavier, Head,Department of Commerce, ALC.

Sanjeevan NiwasOrientation programmeAn orientation programme wasorganised for the scholastics ofSanjeevan on June 2 withresource persons from the Jesuitcommunity of ALC.

In the first session, Fr A Stanley,Rector explained the JesuitSociety’s perspective of academicpursuit as a mission with a deepcontact with Jesus through prayer.In the second session, Fr S Antony,Spiritual Father at Sanjeevan,spoke about the relevance andsignificance of a Jesuit’s vows. Inthe third session, Fr A Rex Angelo,Vice-Principal (Degree) spokeabout the supportive role thescholastics were expected to playin the day-to-day affairs of thecollege.

This was followed by a Holy Spiritmass by Fr S Raju, Superior. Thesenior scholastics formallywelcomed the new ones,Kamlakar, Karunakar, Krupa Raoand Vijay Kumar.

Mini Balamela

The scholastics organized a minibalamela (June 8) for the childrenof Deepa Niwas, Madona,Christurajapuram and HouseMinistry.

The children participated in threegroups (seniors, juniors and sub-juniors) in the drawing, singing andquiz competitions that followed.The mood was upbeat throughout.At the end of the contests, thewinners were given prizes. Theywere also given a high tea.

– Sch Ishwar Kujur

The Basic Sciences ResearchGrant of Rs 60 lakhs sanctioned bythe UGC has given a much-neededboost to research activities at ALC.Each of the 10 science depart-ments of ALC got Rs 6 lakhs ofthe grant and they used it fordeveloping infrastructure (includingtiling and electrical renovation) andadding, to the extent possible, state-of-the-art equipment to their labs.

ALC labs add state-of-the-art equipment worth Rs 60 lakhsThe grant was spent during theacademic year 2009-10.

At a meeting of all the teaching staffheld on July 29, the Head of each ofthe ten departments made a briefpower-point presentation on thefacilities developed in his/herdepartment. The presentationsdrew warm appreciation from Fr DrD Showraiah, Correspondent, whosaid, ‘We must thank the person

behind all this, Fr Francis Xavier, ourPrincipal,’ and the staff gave athunderous applause.

Excerpts from the presentations ofthe HoDs:In our department, there are 27research scholars working for anMPhil or a PhD degree under theguidance of 4 supervisors. The facilitiesprovided under this grant will certainlyhelp us expand ourselves into aresearch department. Dr Ch Srinivasu(Physics)

The renovated laboratory of ours ison a par with that of any University.–Dr B Venkateswara Rao (Chemistry)

The establishment of a separate com-puter centre in our department by ac-quiring 30 new systems is indeed agreat boost to the department. – Dr NV Ramanamurthy (Maths)

A good amount of the grant was uti-lized for tiling, making new shelvesand purchasing new instruments. –Mr G M Srirangam (Zoology)

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R E S E A R C HLOYOLA TODAY � October 2010 :: Vijayawada

AWARDMr B Johnson (Physics) wasawarded an MPhil degree inPhysics for his dissertation entitled,‘Thermodynamic and Spectro-scopic Studies of IntermolecularInteractions in Nitrobenzene andMethanol System’ by AcharyaNagarjuna University in March.His research was guided by Dr GSrinivasa Rao of the same Dept.

SUBMISSIONMr P Venugopala Rao (Mathe-matics), who did his MPhilresearch in Mathematics as an FIPscholar at Acharya NagarjunaUniversity, under the guidance ofDr NV Ramana Murthy of thesame Dept, submitted hisdissertation entitled, ‘FuzzyS.Ideals of Seminear Rings’ to theuniversity on June 21.

Ms Ch Kalpana (Physics), whoseresearch was guided by Dr ChSrinivasu of the same Dept,submitted her MPhil dissertationentitled, ‘Study of MolecularInteractions on Binary MixtureAnisaldehyde and Toluene fromAcoustic and ThermodynamicParameters at Temperatures303.15 K -318.15k’, to AcharyaNagarjuna University in July.

Mr M Vijaya Kumar (Zoology)submitted his PhD thesis entitled,‘Mixed Toxicity of ThreeOrganophosphorus Pesticides(Quinalphos, Malathion, Mono-crotophos) and on Effects ofQuinalphos on Fresh Water FishChanna Punctatus (Block),’ toAcharya Nagarjuna University inAugust.

Mr PVS Sairam (Physics), whoseresearch was guided by Dr GSrinivasa Rao of the same Dept,submitted his MPhil dissertationentitled, ‘Ultrasonic VelocityStudies in 1-Heptanol and BenzeneMixture at Different Tempe-ratures’ to Sri Krishna DevarayaUniversity in September.

REGISTRATIONMr B Johnson (Physics) registeredfor PhD (part-time) in the area ofglass science (Physics) at AcharyaNagarjuna University under theguidance of Dr G Srinivasa Rao(Physics) in June 2010.

GUIDANCEA scholar guided by Dr PRamanujam (English) wasawarded the PhD degree inEnglish Language Teaching atJawaharlal Nehru TechnologicalUniversity, Hyderbad, in June.

Two scholars guided by Dr GSrinivasa Rao (Physics) wereawarded the MPhil degree inPhysics, one in March by AcharyaNagarjuna University and anotherin May by BharathidasanUniversity. Yet another MPhilscholar of his submitted hisdissertation to Sri KrishnaDevaraya University in September.

Two of the scholars guided by DrCh Srinivasu (Physics) submittedtheir MPhil dissertations in Physicsto Acharya Nagarjuna Universityin July.

One of the scholars guided by DrG Sahaya Baskaran submitted hisMPhil dissertation to AcharyaNagarjuna University in May, andanother was awarded the MPhildegree by the same university inOctober.

UGC Teacher FellowshipThe following lecturers who havebeen granted the TeacherFellowship of the UGC are doingtheir research as full-time scholarsat ANU/AU:

PhD: Mr D Praveen and Mr BRaju (English); Mr T Srikumar, MrCh Srinivasa Rao and Mr D VSatish (Physics); Mr KTSSS Raju,Mr G Rayappa Reddy and Mr DBala Karuna Kumar (Chemistry);and Mr B Syam Sundar(Commerce).

PHYSICSMr P Lakshmi Praveen, working asan SRF on a DST project, presentedtwo papers: (a) one on ‘ComputerSimulation of Ordering in a BipolarNematogen at Nematic-IsotropicTransition Temperature’ at the ‘1stJoint Meeting of InternationalAssociated Laboratory, France, and3rd SERC Summer School on SolidState and Materials Chemistry’(June 17-July 7), organized by theSolid State Structural ChemistryUnit, Indian Institute of Sciences,Bangalore; and (b) another on‘Ordering in a Strong PolarNematogen in Dielectric Medium –A Computational Analysis’ at theDST-sponsored national workshop-cum-conference on ‘Monte CarloSimulation” (August 9-13)organized by Madurai KamarajUniversity in collaboration with theSchool of Physics, University ofHyderabad.

The following papers have beenpublished by the staff of the Dept:(1) P Lakshmi Praveen and D POjha, Mat. Chem. & Phys., 123, 147(2010). Computer Simulation ofordering in a Bipolar Nematogen atPhase Transition Temperature; (2)P Lakshmi Praveen and D P Ojha,Z. Naturforsch., 65a, 555 (2010).Computer Simulations of Orderingin a Nematogen-The Role ofDielectric Medium; (3) P LakshmiPraveen and D P Ojha, Asian J.Chem., 22, 4075 (2010). MolecularOrdering in a Nematogen Based onQuantum Mechanics andIntermolecular Forces-AComputational Analysis; (4) P.Lakshmi Praveen and D P Ojha,Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 528, 175(2010). Ordering of a Strong PolarNematogen 6CBB in Dielectric


Medium-A Computational Analysis;(5) N Ajeetha and D P Ojha, Mol.Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 528, 96 (2010).The Influence of Oxygen onMesomorphic Behaviour ofBenzylidene Anilines-The Effect ofEnd Chain; (6) Ashwani Kumar andD P Ojha, Met. Mat. Trans. B, 41,574 (2010). Electronic Transport andThermodynamical Properties ofBinary Alloys: ab initio Approach; (7)P Lakshmi Praveen and D P Ojha,Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., (2010). In-Press Molecular Order-DisorderPhenomenon of a Nematogen-AComputational Analysis; (8) PLakshmi Praveen and D P Ojha,Russ. J. Gen. Chem. (2010) In-Press. Influence of DielectricMedium on a Cyano ContainingMesogenic Compound-A StatisticalStudy Based on QuantumMechanics and IntermolecularForces; (9) Ashwani Kumar and DP Ojha, Commun. Theo. Phys.,(2010). In-Press. Study ofElectronic Density of States of Zintlalloys; (10) Ashwani Kumar and DP Ojha, J. Super Conductivity &Novel Magnetism (2010). In-PressSuperconducting State Parametersof MgB2: An ab initio approach.

MBAFr Dr G Jayaraj, Vice-Principal, MrK Sashi Kiran and Mr G SravanKumar acted as resource personson a faculty-training-cum-inductionprogramme (August 14) held atMorning Star Junior and DegreeCollege, Phirangipuram, Guntur.

Mr Sashi Kiran gave a guest lectureon ‘Indian marketing environment:Challenges and opportunities’(September 15) at Nalanda DegreeCollege, Vijayawada.

On September 2, on the occasion of the firstdeath anniversary of Dr Y S RajasekharaReddy, ALC alumnus and Chief Minister ofAndhra Pradesh, ALC held a prayer meeting.All the staff and students of the collegeparticipated in the meeting and paid homage tothis Loyola Ratna. Those who spoke on theoccasion included Mr Surya Prakasa Rao,alumnus and a close friend of Dr Y S R.

ALC remembers Dr YSRALCAA SchoolWhen the students of ALCAASchool returned after their summervacation, the newly constructedschool building facing Arul Nagarwelcomed them. This was possiblethanks to the generosity of ouralumni. The school has also beengiven provisional recognition for 10years for Classes I to VII, and theschool has now a Headmaster inRev Fr P Showri Raju, SJ

Fr A Theckemury, SJ

Alumni Get-togetherOn July 11, 180 ALC alumni (1970– 1980 batches) gathered togetherat the Railway Officers Club,Taranaka, Secunderabad, for thefirst time. I am grateful to Mr A VApparayulu (1976-79 batch), whowas also present at the get-together,for providing detailed informationabout each member, and to Dr K RParamahamsa (1976-79 batch),Chairman, AMC Group of Colleges,Bangalore, for sponsoring the entireevent.

ALC Alumni ReunionThis reunion will be held on Novem-ber 7, 2010 (Sunday).

ALC Alumni Association

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ARMY WINGCaptain R Ravindra Bhas, ANO,was the Deputy CampCommandant of the TSC SelectionCamp (May 19-27) at Vuyyuru.Four (U Sumanth Varma, Ch ManiKumar, Ch Siva and M VinodKumar) of the six cadets whoattended the camp were awardedmedals by the Group Commander.

Five cadets (U Sumanth Varma, KDileep Kumar, M Phanindra KumarNaik, B Vasanth Babu, and MVinod Kumar) received a certificateof appreciation from the DistrictCollector for taking part in a specialdrive against domestic child labour(June 22-23) and rescuing over 200children.

Fifty cadets participated in theQueen’s Baton Relay (August 17)organized by the District SportsAuthority and the Krishna DistrictOlympic Association. They alsotook part in a rally held on theoccasion.

Fifty cadets participated in a trainingprogramme on traffic rules (August23-24) held on our campus forcadets from different colleges. Thepurpose of the programme was totrain NCC cadets for security dutyduring Dasara.

NAVAL WINGLieutenant M Arokiasamy, ANO,served as Officer-in-Charge at theDetachment Camp (July 10-19)held at Vijayawada to give specialtraining in boat pulling, sailing,swimming, semaphore, drill andfiring to the Inter Group Competition(IGC) team.

PO Cdt K Baji Babu (DC 24)attended a Ship Attachment with theIndian Naval Ship (INS) TIR (May31 to July 12) held at Kochi, Kerala.He also visited training schools suchas Signal school, N D School,

National Cadet CorpsDiving School, ASW School,Seamanship School, INS Garudaand INS Dhronacharya.

PO Cdt K Siva Naga Raju (NML11) and L/Cdt V Ramanjanuyulu(NOC 40) attended the GodavariRiver Sailing Expedition 2010 (Aug24 to Sep 6). They sailed theGodavari from Bhadrachalam inKhammam District to Samalkot inEast Godavari District covering adistance of over 400 kms.

As part of the ‘My Earth, My Duty’,campaign, a tree plantationprogramme was undertaken by theNaval Unit on our campus withCommander Shivlal, CommandingOfficer, 8 Andhra Naval Unit NCC,as the chief guest. Fr Rex Angelo,Vice-Principal, Lieutenant MArokiasamy, ANO, Mr John,Caretaker, and 100 of our NavalWing cadets took part in thecampaign. They planted saplingsand pledged themselves to treeplantation.

16-25) held at Nuzvidu. A contingentof 33 of our cadets attended thecamp.

JUO V Aditya Pavan (NCP 13)attended the Air Force AttachmentCamp (June 7-19) at Hakimpet.

JUO V Aditya Pavan (NCP 13), CdtM Uday Bhaskar (NP 38), Cdt PSubba Reddy (NP 21), Cdt P Aashik(AGH 17), Cdt E V Ganesh and CdtP Ramya Krishna attended theInter-Group Competitions (IGC)Camp (September 7-16) held atWarangal. At the camp, UdayBhaskar and Ramya were awardedthe gold medal for securing the firstposition in control line speedcategory (aeromodelling), and UdayBhaskar won a gold medal in .22range firing and a silver medal inskeet shooting competitions. TheANO claims that it was the ‘firsttime that a cadet secured so manypositions in different competitions atthe IGC level.’

JUO V Aditya Pavan (NCP 13), CdtM Uday Bhaskar (NP 38), Cdt PSubba Reddy (NP 21), Cdt P Aashik(AGH 17) and Cdt P RamyaKrishna have been selected torepresent the Andhra Pradesh NCCDirectorate in the All-India VayuSainik Camp (October 19-31) to beheld in Bangalore. Subba Reddy andAashik have been selected for theAP drill contingent and UdayBhaskar and Ramya Krishna for thecontrol line speed category(aeromodelling) competitions.

Cdt P Sai Ram (NP 30) has beenselected for attending the Air ForceAttachment Camp (October 22-November 4) to be held at Dundigal.

CAVALRY WINGAn article entitled, ‘My Experiencesof Flood Relief Activities’, writtenby Lieutenant N Suresh Babu, ANO,has been selected by the NCC Group

Commander for publication in theNCC journal, The Cadet.

Ten cadets attended CATC-I (May16-25) held at Vuyyuru.

Celebrated Independence Day withLt Col K Sivaji, CommandingOfficer of the NCC Cavalry Unit,as chief guest. In the competitionsheld as part of the celebrations, JUOS T Thawng Khan Lian (NZ 16)won the prize in the Best Cadetcompetition.

Cdt V Abhishek Thomas (NO 31)is now Senior Under Officer (SUO),Cdt M Aravind Subash (NEC 25)Cadet in Quartermaster Service(CQMS), Cdt ST Thawng KhanLian (NZ16) Junior Under Officer(JUO) and Cdt K Kumar babu(RMC 90) Junior Under Officer(JUO). The ranks were given onthe eve of the Independence Daycelebrations.

L/Cdt Siyon Raju (DML 38 ), L/CdtK Durga Prasanna (NCP 01), L/CdtP Pavani (NCP 02) and L/Cdt KKesavarao (AC 29) participated inthe Inter-Group Competitions(September 15-24) held atVishakhapatnam. They took part inboat pulling, sailing, drill, swimming,semaphore and firing.

AIR WINGSquadron Leader K V Vijaya Babu,ANO, served as the Deputy CampCommandant of the CombinedAnnual Training Camp-X (August

The cadets and the ANOparticipated in a tree plantationprogramme (August 25) around thehorse-riding school at Gannavaram.The ANO claims that this was partof a drive (‘My Earth My Duty’)initiated by the Director General ofthe NCC to plant ten million saplingsin a day so as to enter the GuinnessBook of World Records. Twopictures drawn by our cadets, SUOV Abhishek Thomas (NO 31) andCdt N Swathi (TB 63), on the theme,‘My Earth My Duty’, woncommendation from the NCCGroup Commander who has sentthem to the Director General of theNational Cadet Corps.


ALERTThe first year degree studentsvisited Ramavarappadu, Prasa-dampadu, Enikepadu, Nidamanuru,Poranki, Gosala, Nenamaluru,Yenamalakuduru, Auto Nagar,Carmel Nagar, Gulabi Thota,Gangiredduladibba and Sunna-pubatti. The activities includedvisiting families, vanamahotsavam,literacy programme, AIDSawareness programme and SriKrishnadevaraya golden jubileeprogramme.

NSSa. Fifty new volunteers have beenenrolled; b. A Red Ribbon Club hasbeen launched; c. A blood groupingcampaign was conducted (June 25)

Mohan of the Red Cross Societygave a talk on the role of nutritiousfood in increasing the haemoglobincontent in the blood; d. Thevolunteers planted 250 saplings oncampus, organized a rally againstgirl-child labour at Auto Nagar, andhelped with decoration and disciplinemaintenance at Sphoorthi 2010; e.Local NGOs such as Care andShare, GUIDE, Navajeevan andVasavya Mahila Mandali havefacilitated programmes on humanrights, domestic child labour andwomen and child welfare throughcommunity health, education and

awareness activities; and f. Mr KAdam attended a 10-day(September 13 – 22) NSSorientation programme at ANU.

Sports and gamesALC has won the ANU softballtournament 2010-2011 (October 8-10) held at RVRJC College,Chodavaram. Three of the 15players of the ALC softball teamhave been selected to represent theuniversity in a national-level softballtournament: M Sudhakar (NO 86),P J H Dasan (DEH 25), and NagaManikanta Reddy (AET 5).

in which 597 first-year degreestudents participated, and Dr Madan

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THE LAST WORD P. Ramanujam


Over a quarter century ago, while"mining" for books on writing inFather Gordon Library, I cameacross a treasure called A ShortGuide to English Style by AlanWarner, which made me cry likeArchimedes. (Incidentally, I haveuttered several eurekas in FatherGordon Library, which is a veritablegoldmine with, alas, few miners.) Ihave since read the Warner bookover a dozen times and recom-mended it to several batches ofstudents who have never surprisedme by sharing my passion formining.

But that's another story. What isof relevance here is Warner'sadvice to writers in three of thechapters of the book: 'Cut the cackle

and come to the 'osses'; 'Call a spadea spade'; 'Hit the nail on the head.'In other words, Warner tells writersto avoid ready-made expressionswhich can be indiscriminatelyapplied to many similar objects orsituations. To the cliché-expert,every big city is a "bustlingmetropolis", every mountain a"majestic mountain", and everycampus a "sprawling campus". Don'tsay something is interesting, saysWarner; make it interesting by theway you describe it.

Why am I waxing lyrical on Warner?It's because the reports we receivefor Loyola Today (LT) prove thatA Short Guide, written over sixdecades ago, is still relevant. The

reports for the current issue, forinstance, abound in hand-me-downswith little attempt to tell us whatactually happened. Here is asample: events were organised"successfully"; celebrations were"grand"; speakers spoke "enthu-siastically"; Event X "executed thebest approach and made peopleunderstand and aware of…" Takeaway these general statements, andthere will be nothing in the reportsexcept names. The reports mightas well say, 'You know how –– washeld last year. It was held the sameway this year also.'

At LT, we have quite a job collectingup and processing these well-wornhand-me-downs.


P Ramanujam


G Sahaya Baskaran


GA Prasad Rao

B Baby Rani

P Sushma

J Catherine


Diana Susan (NMCA 32)

Hari Gopal (NMCA 50)

Anindita Nath (DCP 45)

Ishwar Kujur (DGH 16)

P Anil Kumar (DGH 18)

P Nagendra (NO 24)

N V Prudhvi (NOC 15)

K Sachin Bharadwaj (DCV 14)

Y D N Sai Raju (DP 6)

M Sandeep Kumar (DZ 35)

Lalit Jain (RMC 66)


Andhra Loyola College

Vijayawada 520 008


Sri Anjaneya Graphics and

Digitals, Lalapet, Guntur

Processing well-worn hand-me-downs

Academic backgroundThe parameters here are:percentage of marks in theIntermediate Public Examination(IPE), medium of instruction at theintermediate level, and type ofinstitution where intermediateeducation was pursued. On all threecounts, the first-year degreestudents of ALC are by and large aprivileged group.

First, percentage of marks. The vastmajority of the students (89% ofMPC and MPS, 83.5 % of thecomputer science sections, 86% ofthe biological science sections,96.8% of the commerce sections,and 53% of the arts sections)obtained 60% or above in IPE. Asa matter of fact, 16-22% of thescience students secured 80% orabove in IPE. The figures are lowonly in the case of the commerce(9.6%) and the arts (9%) sections.

Secondly, medium of instruction atthe intermediate level. Here again,the students appear to be fairly welloff. The vast majority of themstudied through the medium ofEnglish: MPC and MPS 89%,

A SURVEY OF THE BACKGROUNDof our first-year degree students

computer science sections 96%,biological science sections 76%,commerce sections 70%, and artssections 64%. However, a goodnumber of them did their SSCthrough the medium of Telugu.

Thirdly, the types of institutions wereintermediate was done. A goodnumber of them, if not the majority,studied in either corporate collegesor institutions like ALC: 35% of thescience students in Chaitanya, 8%of them in Narayana, and 8% atALC. The survey team did not findout how many of the otherinstitutions were corporate colleges.

Financial backgroundHere, parental occupation is the onlycriterion adopted. The data indicatethat 16-29% of our first-yearstudents come from extremely poorfinancial backgrounds. To beprecise, the parents of 29 % of thescience students, 24% of the artsstudents, and 26.5% of thecommerce students are daily-wagelabourers eking out a living workingas rickshaw pullers or coolies (thelatter expression is considered to beoffensive). The commerce sections

record the highest number (33%) ofthis category, followed by MPC andMPS (30%), biological sciences(14%), and computer sciencesections (5.3%). The agriculturalbackground accounts for 27% in thecase of commerce, 25% in the caseof arts, and 22% in the case ofscience. The parents of theremaining students do various otherjobs – as bankers, lawyers, teachers,businessm(wom)en, governmentemployees, mechanics, etc.

Where do we go from here?The survey not only confirms thatour elitism has substantially scaleddown but also shows that about one-fourth of our first-year students arefrom extremely poor financialbackgrounds. The collegemanagement has introduced thefollowing schemes to alleviate theirhardship: (a) The mid-day mealscheme under which 160 studentsare provided subsidized (Rs 7 permeal) lunch which costs themanagement Rs 14 per meal; (b)The earn-while-you-learn schemeunder which 180 students, including

a few intermediate ones, aresupported; (c) a good number ofpoor students are providedmanagement scholarships. All threeschemes cost Rs 9 lakhs per yearwhich includes the interest accruedfrom the established scholarships(Rs 64,000/-).

'The arrangements the managementhas made are good, but they are notenough, given the number ofstudents who need support,' says FrDr A Francis Xavier, Principal.'According to a rough estimate, Rs20 lakhs will have to be raised everyyear to help all these students. Iwould, therefore, appeal to peoplewho are philanthropically inclined tosupport us in our task of providingsuccour to these miserable students.I am grateful to one of our lecturerswho wishes to remain anonymousfor his generous gesture. He hasrecently donated Rs 25,000 forestablishing a scholarship in thename Dr YSR for a BSc (MPC)student every year.'

Can ALC boast of – or be accused of – elitism any longer? Do the students of this college continue to come from privileged backgrounds,as they used to in the past? Rule-of-thumb estimates have often suggested that while our elitism has considerably scaled down, wecontinue to be elite nevertheless, though not elitist. Fr Principal wanted to find out if this was true. He suggested a survey of the academicand financial backgrounds of our first-year degree students. Dr G Sahaya Baskaran, our Editor, conducted one. Here are the results inDr Baskaran's own words.

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