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  • 7/28/2019 alcohol fuel.docx


    Cannibis sativa has not always been classified as a dangerous narcotic. As early as the 1600s, colonists in

    Virginia and Massachusetts cultivated cannabis to produce hemp fiber, which was useful for creating

    strong cloth and twine. In the 1700s, the British parliament paid bounties for hemp and distributed

    manuals on hemp cultivation to dissuade American colonists from relying only on tobacco as a cash

    crop. By the 1840s, the therapeutic potential of cannabis extracts gained a modicum of recognition

    among U.S. physicians, and starting in 1850, the drug was included in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia as a

    recognized medicine. Solutions and tinctures containing cannabis were frequently prescribed for

    relieving pain and inducing sleep.

    Cannabis has been an important product in the past, during 1600 cannabis was being cultivated by

    Virginia and Massachusetts to produce hemp fiber for very strong cloth and twine. In 1700 the British

    parliament promoted cannabis too much, incentives were paid and guide manuals to boost production

    were applied. During 1840 its use in the medical field started as a general pain killer, it was a recognized

    medicine. When new drugs such as aspirin came into market marijuana was targeted and more and

    more pain killer drugs started kicking away marijuana from the market because use of marijuana was

    found to be in reciprocal proportion to the sale and profit from the newer drugs.

    In India it had been a religious as well as a cheap distressing natural drug available in abundance, it was

    also called poors recreation media. Slowly the harmful effect of marijuana on the heavy profit from

    alcohol was recognized by the alcohol manufacturers, they found that as long as marijuana is in the

    market the sale of alcohol and the corresponding profits remain low, there was a factor in favor of the

    government also, the excise duty, the more liquor sale the more excise earnings . Thus the safe never

    harming gift from the nature was defamed by name it psycotropic etc , people did not argue weather

    tea and alcohol are also psychotropic?

    India is at a juncture where millions are dying due to liver damaged from alcohol consumption, an

    alcohol consumer not only destroys himself but also the whole family and thus affects the whole

    generation. Society is built by families and families from individuals, if families are destroyed it means

    there is a great damage to the society.

    We are facing many problems because of the automobile fuel shortage, these problems are not

    independent, they command many other problems. Thus fuel is the key to todays sustenance and

    survival.This is the time and the right time to save the country from the great disaster ahead. Alcohol

    has very high potential to be used as a clean fuel, it gives out water and smokeless exhaust. What is

    neede is to increase the applied research effrts to design engines or modify engines to suit alcohol as

    afuel. Many countries have motorcycles and cars which run only on alcohol, Brazil is one example.If

    alcohol is opened to be used as a fuel by keeping aside the fear of loosing the excise duty, we might save

    in other areas. Marijuana necessarily need to be promoted as a safe intoxicant so that dependence on

    alcohol by people is reduced and thus the crimes like murders, rapes, bribery and thefts

    Alcohol is

    By the turn of the twentieth century, new drugs such as aspirin began to replace cannabis as a pain

    reducer, and marijuana, in its smokable form, gained notoriety as an intoxicant. During this time,

  • 7/28/2019 alcohol fuel.docx


    recreational use of the drug occurred primarily among poor minorities and immigrants, particularly

    Mexican American migrants, Filipino laborers, southern blacks, and black jazz musicians. The general

    publics opinion of marijuana began to shift in the 1920s as use of the drug appeared to be correlated

    with a rising crime rate. Some politicians and civic leaders, reflecting the anti-immigrant sentiments of

    the time, claimed that marijuana abuse among ethnic minorities was largely the cause of increased

    crime and violence. Several state and local governments began a vigorous campaign against marijuana

    and its primary users. A 1917 editorial in a San Antonio, Texas, newspaper reported that the hemp

    plant is a dangerous narcotic from which dangerous vice is acquired among the lower classes in Mexico.

    The men who smoke this herb become excited to such an extent that they go through periods of near

    frenzy. Similarly, in 1934, Harry Anslinger, the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, stated that

    fifty percent of the violent crimes committed in the districts occupied by Mexicans, Filipinos, Greeks,

    Spaniards, Latin-Americans, and Negroes may be traced to abuse of marijuana. Some contemporary

    analysts contend that marijuana received the blame for social ills that were actually rooted in the

    deeper national problems of poverty and racial prejudice.

    Marijuana was not the only substance targeted by anti-drug activists during the early twentieth century.

    In the 1920s, Congress banned the use of alcohol and hard drugs and considered the prohibition of

    medicinal pain killers and caffeine. Yet after the ban on alcohol was lifted, the campaign against

    marijuana continued. In an effort to prevent marijuana abuse, political and law enforcement leaders

    often made exaggerated claims about the drugs effects. A notorious example of such exaggeration is

    seen in the 1936 educational film Reefer Madness, in which marijuana is depicted as causing vivid

    hallucinations, insanity, murder, and suicide. By this time, most states had laws prohibiting either the

    use, sale, or possession of marijuana. Then, in 1937, Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which,

    rather than outlawing the substance, imposed a high tax on its growers, sellers, and buyers. As a resultof this act, all medical products containing cannabis were withdrawn from the market, and in 1941, the

    drug was dropped from recognition by the U.S. Pharmacopoeia.

    During the 1960s, marijuana became the most popular recreational drug among segments of the

    countercultural movementa group composed largely of young adults and left-wing activists who

    demanded free speech on college campuses, opposed the war in Vietnam, and challenged mainstream

    cultural values. Subsequently, many of those who wished to protect the status quo came to see

    marijuana as a threat to the moral fiber of the nation. At the same time, the public became increasingly

    concerned about the rising rates of abuse of heroin, amphetamines, and LSD. In response to these

    concerns, Congress passed the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (CSA), which established a new

    classification system for drugs based on their potential for abuse. Existing state laws that regulated illicit

    drugs, though they remained in effect, were overridden by the new federal statute. Under this law, all

    drugs considered to have a high potential for abuse and no generally accepted medical use would be

    defined as Schedule I drugs. Hence, marijuana was placed in Schedule I of the CSA.

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  • 7/28/2019 alcohol fuel.docx


    Critics of U.S. marijuana policy, on the other hand, argue that most anti-drug campaigners continue to

    exaggerate the dangers of marijuana. They contend that the majority of marijuana users suffer no

    lasting harm, do not move on to other drugs, and do not become addicts. While they grant that

    adolescents should not be permitted to smoke marijuana, they often maintain that the responsible use

    of the drug by adults for either recreational or medicinal purposes should not be illegal. Legalization

    proponents admit that any drug can be abused, and that no drug is entirely harmless or free of long-

    term health effects, but they believe that marijuanas mild intoxicating effects make it no more

    dangerous to society than alcohol or nicotine. In fact, states R. Keith Stroup, founder of the National

    Organization for the Reformation of Marijuana Laws (NORML), alcohol and tobacco are the most

    commonly used and abused drugs in America and unquestionably they cause far more harm to the user

    and to society than does marijuana. In Stroups opinion, Congress needs to . . . stop legislating as if

    marijuana smokers were dangerous people who need to be locked up. Marijuana smokers are simply

    average Americans. . . . Whether one smokes marijuana or drinks alcohol to relax is simply not an

    appropriate area of concern for the government.

    In recent years, a growing number of commentators of various political persuasions have questioned

    why it is legal for adults to become intoxicated with alcohol but not with marijuana. Some see this

    inconsis- AI Marijuana INT 12/5/02 10:01 AM Page 10 tency as an unacknowledged hypocrisy rooted in

    historical cultural bias. In the United States, they argue, alcohol has long been the recreational drug of

    choice of Americas dominant cultural group, and campaigns to prohibit it were unsuccessful. Marijuana

    use, which first emerged among non-white immigrants and minorities and later reappeared as the

    preferred drug of the 1960s counterculture, became an easy target for criminalization by powerful elites

    who harbored various prejudices. As National Review editor Richard Lowry explains, Marijuana

    prohibition basically relies on cultural prejudice. . . . Many of *the drugs+ advocates over the years havelooked and thought like *countercultural icon+ Allen Ginsberg. But that isnt much of an argument for

    keeping it illegal, and if marijuana started out culturally alien, it certainly isnt anymore.

    But others discount the cultural prejudice theory as the explanation for the continued prohibition of

    marijuana. Some argue that the marijuana high is significantly different than the intoxication of alcohol.

    As journalist Damon Linker maintains, While alcohol primarily diminishes ones inhibitions and clarity of

    thought, marijuana inspires a euphoria that resembles nothing so much as the pleasure that normally

    arises only in response to the accomplishment of the noblest human deeds, allowing its users a means

    to enjoy the rewards ofexcellence without possessing it themselves. Such unearned euphoria is

    dangerous for both youths and adults, Linker contends, because it can destroy ones ambition to pursue

    the kinds of activity that would bring about normal pleasure. Ultimately, he concludes, marijuana use

    results in a pathology of the soul that would be most harmful to the developing minds of youthswho

    would have easier access to the drug if it were legalized for adults.

  • 7/28/2019 alcohol fuel.docx


    Whether marijuanas potential harms outweigh its benefits remains a central question in current

    debates about this controversial drug. The authors in At Issue: Marijuana present various opinions on

    the effects of marijuana and discuss some of the public policy measures concerning its status as a

    Schedule I drug.

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