  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    Alcohol: Death in a Bottle

    (Canned Death)


  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    Peter !:"!

    11Therefore, since Christ has sueredTherefore, since Christ has sueredin the esh, arm yourselves alsoin the esh, arm yourselves alsowith the same purpose, becausewith the same purpose, because

    he who has suered in the eshhe who has suered in the eshhas ceased from sin.has ceased from sin.


    so as to live the rest of the time inso as to live the rest of the time inthe esh no longer for the lusts ofthe esh no longer for the lusts ofmen, but for the will of, but for the will of od.

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    !!"or the time already past is"or the time already past issu#cient for you to have carried out thesu#cient for you to have carried out thedesire of the entiles, having pursued adesire of the entiles, having pursued acourse of sensuality, lusts, drun$enness,course of sensuality, lusts, drun$enness,carousing, drin$ing parties andcarousing, drin$ing parties andabominable idolatries.abominable idolatries.


    &n all this, they are surprised that you do&n all this, they are surprised that you donot run with them into the samenot run with them into the samee'cesses of dissipation, and theye'cesses of dissipation, and theymalign you(malign you(

    Peter !:"!

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer



    # E$cess o% &ine ('r ino*hl+'ia an o-er%lo&E$cess o% &ine ('r ino*hl+'ia an o-er%lo&

    o% &ine. Dr+n/enness. 0allin' do&n dr+n/),o% &ine. Dr+n/enness. 0allin' do&n dr+n/),

    # 1e-ellin's (/omos, 'r A ni'htl2 caro+sal.1e-ellin's (/omos, 'r A ni'htl2 caro+sal.

    3al%"dr+n/en, re-elr2, dr+n/en *art2).3al%"dr+n/en, re-elr2, dr+n/en *art2).

    # Ban4+etin's (caro+sin's) ('r Potos aBan4+etin's (caro+sin's) ('r Potos a

    drin/in', not o% necessit2 e$cessi-e. Adrin/in', not o% necessit2 e$cessi-e. A

    drin/in' *art2. 5o si*).drin/in' *art2. 5o si*).



    Peter !:"!

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    DSM IV"51 

    # 6se # A7+se # De*endence

    They are viewed as progressive

    # Criteria:

      Increased8decreased tolerance  Withdra&al s2m*toms

      Ina7ilit2 to control or 4+it

      6sin' more o-er lon'er time thanintended

      Contin+ed +se des*ite conse4+ences



  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    # 9C+nnin', 7a%%lin', deceit%+l

    # It doesn;t care a7o+t # A BI? W1D AB65 PAIN

    # A Choice 9man ta/es drin/, drin/ ta/es

    drin/, drin/ ta/es man

    # Drin/ to o7li-ion to %or'et and 7e


    The Power of Addiction

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    0irst 6se

    Baseline8 Normalle-el

    5hree Choices:

    1ide it o+t

    @ Increase thedosa'e

    Add astron'ers+7stance

    Percei-edas normal

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer



  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


      A!coho! Heroin

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer



  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    Cocine$A!coho! %% &efore$fter

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    # 99Ma/e no *ro-ision %or the %lesh to %+l%ill theMa/e no *ro-ision %or the %lesh to %+l%ill thel+sts thereo%l+sts thereo% (Rom. 13:14)(Rom. 13:14)

    # 99B2 their %r+its 2e shall /no& themB2 their %r+its 2e shall /no& them (Matt.(Matt.7:16)7:16)

    # 99Be not amon' &ine7i77ersBe not amon' &ine7i77ers (Prov. 23:20)(Prov. 23:20)# 99Wine is a moc/er, stron' drin/ is a ra'e andWine is a moc/er, stron' drin/ is a ra'e and

    &hoe-er is decei-ed there72 is not &ise&hoe-er is decei-ed there72 is not &ise (Prov.(Prov.


    ?od;s Word is S+%%icient

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    @Who hath &oe &ho hath sorro& &ho hath contentions &ho@Who hath &oe &ho hath sorro& &ho hath contentions &ho

    hath 7a77lin' &ho hath &o+nds &itho+t ca+se &ho hathhath 7a77lin' &ho hath &o+nds &itho+t ca+se &ho hathredness o% e2es 5he2 that tarr2 lon' at the &ine. the2 thatredness o% e2es 5he2 that tarr2 lon' at the &ine. the2 that'o to see/ mi$ed &ine Loo/ not tho+ +*on the &ine &hen'o to see/ mi$ed &ine Loo/ not tho+ +*on the &ine &henit is red, &hen it 'i-eth his colo+r in the c+*, &hen it mo-ethit is red, &hen it 'i-eth his colo+r in the c+*, &hen it mo-eth

    itsel% ari'ht @At the last it 7iteth li/e a ser*ent, and stin'ethitsel% ari'ht @At the last it 7iteth li/e a ser*ent, and stin'ethli/e an adder 5hine e2es shall 7ehold stran'e &omen, andli/e an adder 5hine e2es shall 7ehold stran'e &omen, andthine heart shall +tter *er-erse thin's !

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    PRO '(:') *ho h+ woe,PRO '(:') *ho h+ woe,*ho h+ +orrow, *ho h+*ho h+ +orrow, *ho h+

    contention+, *ho h+contention+, *ho h+com-!inin, *ho h+com-!inin, *ho h+wo#nd+ witho#t c#+e, *howo#nd+ witho#t c#+e, *hoh+ redne++ of e/e+,h+ redne++ of e/e+,


    e1c!mtion of -in ore1c!mtion of -in or#ne+ine++% contention+0#ne+ine++% contention+0

    Conf!ict2 +trifeConf!ict2 +trife

    Com-!inin0 n1iet/2Com-!inin0 n1iet/2


    Tho+e who !iner !on o3erTho+e who !iner !on o3er

    wine 2 Tho+e who o to t+tewine 2 Tho+e who o to t+temi1ed wine.mi1ed wine. 

    S-endin time4rd#tinS-endin time4rd#tin

    to mi1ed drin5+6to mi1ed drin5+6

    So!omon 7+ D1 Chec5!i+t of A!coho!i+m )88


  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    o#r e/e+ wi!! +ee +trneo#r e/e+ wi!! +ee +trnethin+ And /o#r mind wi!!thin+ And /o#r mind wi!!#tter -er3er+e thin+.#tter -er3er+e thin+.

    Loo5in 2 !#+tin fterLoo5in 2 !#+tin fter+trne women2 other men;++trne women2 other men;+wi3e+2 3i+#! h!!#cintion+2wi3e+2 3i+#! h!!#cintion+2

    +ee do#&!e2 cor+e2 3#!r+ee do#&!e2 cor+e2 3#!rt!52 +-irit#! &n5r#-tc/t!52 +-irit#! &n5r#-tc/

    And /o# wi!! &e !i5e one whoAnd /o# wi!! &e !i5e one who!ie+ down in the midd!e of the!ie+ down in the midd!e of the+e2 Or !i5e one who !ie+ down+e2 Or !i5e one who !ie+ down

    on the to- of m+t.on the to- of m+t.

    Ree!in nd +terin of Ree!in nd +terin of dr#n5en mn4dner+ hedr#n5en mn4dner+ hee1-o+e+ him+e!f too.e1-o+e+ him+e!f too.

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    The/ &etme2 t = did not 5now itme2 t = did not 5now it

    9eten nd +tr#c5 down4+o9eten nd +tr#c5 down4+on#m&ed nd ne+theti?edn#m&ed nd ne+theti?eddid not fee! it6 9eten nddid not fee! it6 9eten nddid not 5now it6 9!c5 o#t6did not 5now it6 9!c5 o#t6

    *hen +h!! = w5e , = wi!!*hen +h!! = w5e , = wi!!

    +ee5 nother drin5.

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    # 99Do not drin/ &ine or stron' drin/ lest 2e die=thatDo not drin/ &ine or stron' drin/ lest 2e die=that

    2e *+t a di%%erence 7et&een the hol2 and the +nhol22e *+t a di%%erence 7et&een the hol2 and the +nhol2and the clean and the +ncleanand the clean and the +nclean (ev. 10:!"10)(ev. 10:!"10)

    # 99What"/no& 2e not that 2o+r 7od2 is the tem*le o%What"/no& 2e not that 2o+r 7od2 is the tem*le o%the 3ol2 S*irit, &hich is in 2o+, &hich 2e ha-e o%the 3ol2 S*irit, &hich is in 2o+, &hich 2e ha-e o%

    ?od and 2o+ are N5

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    # 99Be not decei-ed, e-il com*anions corr+*ts 'ood moralsBe not decei-ed, e-il com*anions corr+*ts 'ood morals

    (1 #or. 1%:33)(1 #or. 1%:33)# &&The 'ight is $ar spe't the day is at ha'd: et *s there$oreThe 'ight is $ar spe't the day is at ha'd: et *s there$ore

    +ast o$$ the wor,s o$ dar,'ess a'd et *s p*t o' the armor o$+ast o$$ the wor,s o$ dar,'ess a'd et *s p*t o' the armor o$ight. et *s wa, ho'esty as i' the day. -T /-ight. et *s wa, ho'esty as i' the day. -T /-

     R/T/- a'd R---55 -T /- #M8R/- R/T/- a'd R---55 -T /- #M8R/-

    a'd 9-T--55 -T /- 5TR/ - -;/-. 8*ta'd 9-T--55 -T /- 5TR/ - -;/-. 8*t p*t ye o' the R

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    #  /'divid*a Roe

    # &ry r*',= >ehaviors

    # 5a$e pa' $or sippery sopes

    #  /?; TM@@@

    #  8ear ea+h othersA >*rde's

    9hat is o*r respo'seB

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    # The heathiest oo,i'g +a' o$te' >e the si+,est 

    # 1 i' 4 +hidre' ive i' a home where +oho is *sed


    # These +hidre' are at greater ris, $or 

       Me'ta i'esses



       Mood disorders

       eath pro>ems

       ear'i'g di$$i+*ties

     ?amiy eai'g 

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    #  istortio' o$ $amiy va*es

       a+, o$ tr*st 


    #  istorted $amiy roes

       'a>er    ost +hid 

       5*per hero



    #  #T/-: Tit*s 2:4

    #  ys$*'+tio's wi >eed i'to +h*r+h i$e

    #  a>iitatio' vs. Reha>iitatio'

     ?amiy eai'g 

  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    #  vaia>iity o$ +ari'g >rothers a'd sisters


  • 8/17/2019 Alcohol the Great Killer


    # 9e ive /- the word >*t are 'ot ? the


    # The +h*r+h was desig'ed to a' oasis $ortro*>ed so*s to ay >*rde's at the +ross

    to >e a pa+e o$ $orgive'ess heai'g a'd

    redemptio'.#  8TTM /-: T #R# 5 T

     P RR T- T 9R@


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