
Aldinger, Maggie_CD Case.docx


by Maggie Aldinger

Table of Contents

Criterion A: Investigate

Explain the problem and discuss its relevance.

Design brief:

Design specification:

Criterion B: Design

Criterion C: Plan

What are the expectations of the plans that students develop?

Criterion D: Create

Appropriate quality:

Criterion E: Evaluate

Criterion F: Attitudes in Technology

Process Journal

Criterion A: Investigate


The student describes the problem, mentioning its relevance. The student investigates the problem, selecting and analysing information from some acknowledged sources. The student describes a test to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.


The student explains the problem, discussing its relevance. The student critically investigates the problem, evaluating information from a broad range of appropriate, acknowledged sources. The student describes detailed methods for appropriate testing to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

Explain the problem and discuss its relevance.

I can get information about this task onlin or maybe even Mr. Morton or Ibu Ayu. This task is basically to develop a better learning about building CDs and what are the steps we need to take. In grade 7 we sometimes have a deadline problem so that means like, sometimes we dont meet our deadlines, so we could develop our time use for this task. Maybe also our working and thinking skills because we have to think about what a CD has, why are they so important and all those types of questions we have for this specific task. We need to answer, well the questions on this document, maybe the questions that Mr.Morton gives us, maybe even our own questions. We need to research like CD names, What is in a CD and why is it there?

Design brief:

If here is a small or a large problem, for example: I saved all my work on my google docs but now i dont have internet, what do I do? Solution: You should always keep each google docs as a word doc on your laptop, so that if you have an internet problem you can just work on it on your desktop.

Design specification:

Please give all your ANSWERS in a different colour, like dark green:)

Find examples (at least 5) of CD covers on the internet, (insert a screen capture and their URL), also give the name of the band/artistic and when the album was released, and how many albums were sold worldwide.


The link to the image-

The bands name is cokelat, yes this is an Indonesian band and I dont think that their CDs are sold world wide, only in Indonesia. They first came out in the year 25th June 1996. They have made 6 albums already!


Link to picture-

These boys are called The WANTED they are one of the top bands, they have 5 albums worldwide, they have sold They first became a band in the year 2009.


The link-

This is the famous artist named Pitbull, He has sold more than 5 albums worldwide, 7.5 individually. He first started in the year 2004.


The link-

This is one of my favorite artist, His name is Flo Rida, he sold more than 3 albums, and he started in the year (wow, it doesnt say).


The link-

This is Bruno Mars, he has sold 3 albums worldwide. He started in the year (again it doesnt say).

What are some of the five common features found on CD covers?

1. The title of the band or group, artist

2. bar code

3. picture

4. Producer signs at the bottom of the page.

5. The title of the album

Describe what you like/dislike about each of the CD covers you found.

1. I like that they have matching red costumes and the lighting is cool. It didnt have a title, or maybe its just a photo that they took.

2. I like how that they added a title the name of the band, the pictures, the manly pose. What I didnt like was that they had the title in the way and they didnt have the producers signature and other things.

3. I really like Pitbulls calmness he stays all cool and stuff in his pics, he takes his music seriously so he likes to sing and rap.

4. I like a lot of Flo Rida songs because they remind me of the beach, but what I dont like about the CD case because I dont see where the Flo Rida is in it, the name as the title is to small also.

5. I really like Bruno Mars CD cases, becasue the either always have Bruno on it or his famous hat and hair, What I dont like about it is that sometimes it wont show where Brunos personality is, what I mean is that it doesnt represent Bruno Mars.

List 10 songs that help describe something about yourself.

1. Teeangers - My Chemical Romance

2. It Gets Better - F.U.N

3. Cinema - Dubstep

4. Little Talks - Of Monster and Men

5. Wake me up - Avicii

6. Just Give me a Reason - P!NK feat Nate Ruess

7. The Bird and the Worm - Owl City

8. Carry On - F.U.N

9. Home - Edward Sharpe and Magnetic Zeros

10. Goodbye Looks Good on Me - Reba McEntire

Outline key sections of your own CD cover, include a brief description of content (e.g. title, text, images, graphics, ).


Image: rainbow vintage look (back), Myself (front)

Text: The inside will have some things about me. my songs on the back.

Graphics: I will only have a picture of me on the inside in the about me page, Maybe a creative piece that I made.

Date: I will add some dates when the CD was published, where it was published.

List and evaluate different technology options you could use to create your cover (e.g. GIMP, Photoshop, etc.).

Photoshop, I will use photoshop to make my CD case

How could you evaluate the quality of your cover? List and evaluate a range of options (survey, interview, display, etc.).

Maybe I could put this CD up at my restaurant with an evaluation sheet next to it, maybe keep the cd on for a playlist! Maybe I could post it digitally.

Criterion B: Design

Maximum: 6

Students are expected to generate several feasible designs that meet the design specification and to evaluate these against the design specification.

Students are then expected to select one design, justify their choice and evaluate this in detail against the design specification.

Achievement level

Level descriptor


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.


The student generates one design, and makes some attempt to justify this against the design specification.


The student generates a few designs, justifying the choice of one design and fully evaluating this against the design specification.


The student generates a range of feasible designs, each evaluated against the design specification. The student justifies the chosen design and evaluates it fully and critically against the design specification.

What does a range of feasible designs, each evaluated against the design specification mean in the context of criterion B, design?By the end of the design stage, students should have demonstrated that they have a clear vision of the product/solution to be created in terms of its structure, function and style. More than a specific number of designs, students should be able to present a variety of feasible designs that are significantly different in nature.Feasible designs refer to ideas that can actually be made with the materials, resources and expertise available. eg: Screenshots of trial designs (mock-ups), an initial step of creation where the product is partially constructed to allow the student to develop a realistic estimate of the functionality of the software used and the time needed for the creation.In all cases a written evaluation of each idea against the list of design specifications that was developed in the investigation stage is required. Students are expected to justify the choice of the chosen design based on its evaluation, with detailed comments explaining the ways in which each specification has been addressed.

1. Generate 2 feasible designs (4 pics total); which could be sketched on paper, scanned, and uploaded to your google drive. Insert what your front cover & back cover might look like: number of sections, colour schemes, placement of media, main headings, font size and selection, etc.

Front cover:

I like this picture because, well its a picture of myself and most covers have a picture of them like the artist unless its just like a cd full of party songs.

Front covers:

This is a nice picture for a front cover with white writing as the title, some publishing information and maybe some side bar titles.

Front cover:

For this front cover I want to add a black title, and then I will add some publish info and also my name. I might actually change the one on the top into my back cover, because it will be easy to read the song titles.

Back cover:

I like this back cover although it is to colourful, if I typed the songs in my song list then I would have to write them in the colour black or another colour. Im thinking of not using this as a back cover, The person reading the back might not be able to read the songs because they are in a lot of colour.

Back cover:

For this Back cover I hope that I can add a dark grey song names on the back of the CD. This is a very easy background to put in a different colour in because the background is not that busy and is simple just like the title.

2. Choose one design and justify your choice.

I have chosen the 2nd back cover for my back cover and my 1st front cover for the front, I hope it goes well and I also hope that I can get it done. Having to make the CD cover is a challenge for everyone and myself, Getting the right picture to represent yourself and also for the picture to match your title or maybe your songs. The second back cover is a nice simple background, it is a light colour and if we add black or white titles it will be clear to read. The first front cover is also like a lighter colour and is a picture of myself, so it is not from the internet. My CD cases that I have chosen will probably have a white title and also a black title, I think that it will stand out!

Criterion C: Plan

Maximum: 6

Students are expected to construct a plan to create their chosen product/solution that has a series of logical steps, and that makes effective use of resources and time.

Students are expected to evaluate the plan and justify any modifications to the design.

Achievement level

Level descriptor


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.


The student produces a plan that contains some details of the steps and/or the resources required.


The student produces a plan that contains a number of logical steps that include resources and time. The student makes some attempt to evaluate the plan.


The student produces a plan that contains a number of detailed, logical steps that describe the use of resources and time. The student critically evaluates the plan and justifies any modifications to the design.

What are the expectations of the plans that students develop?

Click Here to see my spreadsheet and below there is an image.


If I could do this spread sheet again maybe I would think it out more, because I didnt really think about this before I actually made it. My instructions were pretty simple, maybe a bit to simple but I am happy with what I have made. The most difficult part of this is that we actually have to plan these things out, and also that we have to think of the steps and how long they may take to finish this assignment.

I actually made some changes on the 16th October 2013 at the time os 8:59. I added some resources because I forgot to add resources on my spreadsheet so I added it today.

Criterion D: Create

Maximum: 6

Students are expected to document, with a series of photographs or a video and a dated record, the process of making their product/solution, including when and how they use tools, materials and techniques. Students are expected to follow their plan, to evaluate the plan and to justify any changes they make to the plan while they are creating the product/solution.

Students will sometimes embark upon a very ambitious project, or they may encounter unforeseen circumstances. In some circumstances a product/solution that is incomplete or does not function fully can still achieve one of the levels awarded for this criterion.

Achievement level

Level descriptor


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.


The student considers the plan and creates at least part of a product/solution.


The student uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the plan and mentions any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of good quality.


The student competently uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the plan and justifies any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of appropriate quality using the resources available.

Appropriate quality: This is the best product/solution that the student can produce, taking into account the resources available, the skills and techniques they have used, their educational development, how the product/solution addresses the identified need, and aspects of safety and ergonomics.Students need to ensure they provide both evidence of creation as well as a final product. This evidence of the process of creation can take any form, a process journal, video log or diary, but it must show that the creation has taken place over a period of time and that the student has returned to the plan, made modifications as necessary, as well as reflected on changes made.

1. Create and (print: Morton will do this) your cover.

2. Insert an image of it below (take a screen capture or save as jpg - depending on technology option used to create label).

3. Did you make any changes to the Design? Explain how and why.

I thought of the size and just printed it out the way it was but then I got some help from someone who has already printed their ones. So I changed the size of my CD case and also the font. At first I wanted the font to be bald and clear then I thought of something more creaative. I thought of a font I alway used used in grade 3, it was chalk duster. It is almost the same as chelsea market. I also changed the front design of my CD case, it used to be a picture of a dandelion and now since last lesson while I was looking through my folders I found a picture of myself, I instantly thought to use it. When I was burning my CD with mr. Morton I have forgotten that we have to add 01,02,03,04 in front of the title of the song

4. List any media taken from the Internet with the proper URLs.

Criterion E: Evaluate

Maximum: 6

Students are expected to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification in an objective manner based on testing, and to evaluate its impact on life, society and/or the environment. They are expected to explain how the product/solution could be improved as a result of these evaluations.

Students are expected to evaluate their own performance at each stage of the design cycle and to suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

Achievement level

Level descriptor


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.


The student evaluates the product/solution or his or her own performance. The student makes some attempt to test the product/solution.


The student evaluates the product/solution and his or her own performance and suggests ways in which these could be improved. The student tests the product/solution to evaluate it against the design specification.


The student evaluates the success of the product/solution in an objective manner based on the results of testing, and the views of the intended users. The student provides an evaluation of his or her own performance at each stage of the design cycle and suggests improvements. The student provides an appropriate evaluation of the impact of the product/solution on life, society and/or the environment.

1. Use Google Forms to create your evaluation. It must contain at least 10 questions. Create a variety of questions (at least 4 types, eg: Multiple choice, text, scale, grid, choose from a list, check boxes, etc.). Ask at least 10 people, ask a variety of people (parent, teacher, student, brother/sister; not all the same sex or nationality). It might be best to email people the link to your evaluation form and your front/back covers as jpeg attachments.

2. Insert a snapshot and hyperlink to your evaluation here.

Click HERE to view my evaluation!

3. Summarize and Evaluate the results (examples below).

From my responses you can see that ?% of them were males/females.

From my responses you can see the main age group was: Men

From my responses I can see that main gender from the class was: Female

Some of the interesting comments include:

Great. OK I guess. Cool. Too many images, keep it simple. did a good job. Wow.

The average score given to me was 2.

4. Explain how it could be improved.

The average score given to me was between a 7 and a 10, I feel proud of that. There was one score I was not proud of and it was a 6! In some improving comments I saw how I should of added my name to the copyright title. That was pretty much it. I think i could of improved on my time management, I have a problem with that because I am sitting with people who talk a lot. If I have had enough time I think my CD cover would of been more informative. In that way I mean I could of made some parts better, maybe the copyright or the title, the picture, the things on this document could of been more informative.

5. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle.

Criteria A:

Criterion A - Research I did this well but not that well, It was hard to find like how many CD they sold, The research although for the what is on a CD case? is very easy just looking at a CD at home but it was also hard. It is mostly about research and my time management.

Criteria B:

Criterion B - Design, Designing or thinking about my CD case took me weeks. I did not want my picture in it but ended up with my face on the front cover. What I could Improve on my design was maybe when I was talking about my design on the document, I did very poorly on this criterion because I did not have much time to think about it, I did not even have an idea of the CD case.

Criteria C:

Criterion C - Plan, Having to make another plan like the one in the personal website was a little bit challenging since the assignments are different. Although it was ok at first it got harder having to change more things, It isnt that easy it feels like I spent 15 minutes on it but actually I spent like 3 hours. Maybe its just I need to improve on generating more ideas and also maybe work on time management.

Criteria D:

Criterion D - Create, I am so happy that when I created my CD case one of my class-mate told me the size of the CD case, the size we need the paper or printed cover. I had the cover printed in black and white then in colour. Maybe to improve my creating stage I could be more independent, I could of moved forward if i have printed it out at home. I need this time management done, Having to have this assignment finished in time and meeting my deadlines

Criteria E:

Criterion E - Evaluation, My evaluation I think is well done, it has information that mr. Morton needs to know. My opinions and what I thought I did well and what I thought I could of done better. having to asses my self is hard but these things are true, having time management and who I sit next to can affect my learning. So in evaluation I thought I did well and next time I can do better.

Criteria F:

Criterion F - Attitudes In technology, I think I did well in My process journal. When ever I edited my docs I would write in the process journal. Having to write in the journal when editing the docs is a bit challenging because we speak formally when we usually write in our own way its slang and sometimes like we say things about what happen today. in the process journal we only talk about what we did today on our doc or if we printed out the CD case.

6. Suggest ways in which your performances could be improved.

1. Time management

2. Make sure I know who to sit next to (right now sitting next to max is pulling me back because sometimes he talks to much or he ask me questions and touches my computer and sometimes sean and max have conversations above me, when I sit next to them.

3. Thinker, Being more of a thinker and problem solver.

7. Finally suggest what other type of project you may have preferred rather than designing a CD Case but with the same:

Maybe like a small video of what our house, and maybe just like a small talk show, having questions we ask to each other. Maybe even a music video with our songs that we chose for our CD cover. but I have other ideas that dont relate to human ingenuity.

Area of Interaction: Human Ingenuity

How can I use technology to communicate to others who I am?

MYP Question: How can you make use of computer applications to effectively communicate who you are to others in your school community?

Criterion F: Attitudes in Technology

Maximum: 6

This criterion refers to students attitudes when working in technology. It focuses on an overall assessment of two aspects:

personal engagement (motivation, independence, general positive attitude)

attitudes towards safety, cooperation and respect for others.

By their very nature these qualities are difficult to quantify and assess, and assessment should therefore take into account the context in which the unit of work was undertaken.

Achievement level

Level descriptor


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.


The student occasionally displays a satisfactory standard in one of the aspects listed above.


The student frequently displays a satisfactory standard in both of the aspects listed above.


The student consistently displays a satisfactory standard in both of the aspects listed above.

Process Journal

Make regular entries below - include descriptions of what you have been doing. Each entry MUST have an accompanying screen capture that is connected to the description given for that entry.

August 17th

Today I began to investigate what CD labels have been the most popular and what designs have been used throughout the music industry.

August 31st

I have been working on the designs for my CD label. When I had finished my designs I had to scan them and insert it into my CD Design Folder. I have also been playing with Photoshop/GIMP/Paint using the lasso tool to cut myself out of the background. I will use one of the photos for my CD cover later.

29-9-2013, Sunday

Today I got confused with the due date of the homework, i stayed up till one o'clock working on a bit of this homework i worked on criterion A. I did not have much time because my mom came back from Jogja so I did what I could in a couple of hours.

1-9-2013, Tuesday

Tonight I worked on some of the design things, picking my covers for my CD and trying to choose between the 4 awesome ones!

2-10-2013, Wednesday

Today I worked on my spreadsheet and I hope I can get it done by Friday midnight.

16-10-2013, Wednesday

I added more to the spreadsheet then I added some resources and I tried to find the links to my solid pictures

but couldnt find the link.

17-10-2013, Thursday

Today I made a barcode, I fixed up some of my designs, I worked more on my document like making the links shorter using bitly and maybe i have added another design for my front cover and the design is a picture of myself.

18-10-2013, Friday

Today I worked on the CD cover, got the songs in the back and also I added some publish titles. I changed the size and also I have printed the black and white copy to stick into my CD case that I have.

20-10-2013, Sunday

I worked on my criterion D, Create. I worked on that today maybe for like a couple of minutes. Here is what it looks like. At first it was challenging to understand what I have changed because most of my CD parts were going well and I didnt feel like I had to change anything.

23-10-2013, Wednesday

Today i improved my CD cover explanations like why I chose my CD covers. I also added like what I wanted to add to my CD cover, I also talked about what titles there were gonna be. I also liked to talk about the color of the writing so the writing pops out. I also worked on my evaluation.

28-10-2013, Monday,

Today I worked on Criterion E, here is what I did and I have stayed up doing this assignment.

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