Page 1: Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANETNuPECC meeting in Munich 2007 Letters of Intent - Overview 13 LoI for Trans-national Access facilities 38 LoI for Joint Research

NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent - Letters of Intent - OverviewOverview

• 13 LoI for Trans-national Access facilities

• 38 LoI for Joint Research Activities

• 23 LoI for Network Activities

Page 2: Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANETNuPECC meeting in Munich 2007 Letters of Intent - Overview 13 LoI for Trans-national Access facilities 38 LoI for Joint Research

NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Activity ID Facility Name Location Responsible Person

TNA1 GSI Darmstadt/Germany Klaus-Dieter Gross

TNA2 UCL-CRC Louvain-la-Neuve/Belgium Guido Ryckewaert

TNA3 GANIL Caen/France Patricia Roussel-Chomaz

TNA4 JYU-JYFL Jyväskylä/Finland Rauno Julin

TNA5 INFN-LNL-LNS Legnaro + Catania/Italy Gabriele Puglierin

TNA6 ECT* Trento/Italy Jean-Paul Blaizot

TNA7 KVI Groningen/The Netherlands Muhsin M. Harakeh

TNA8 CERN-ISOLDE Geneva/Switzerland Karsten Riisager

TNA9 DAF distributed accelerator facility:Rez-Prague, RBI-Zagreb, NCSR-Athens, Atomki, U-Warsaw, NIPNE

Dimiter Balabanski

TNA10 AGATA mobile facility Wolfram Korten

TNA11 TSL Uppsala/Sweden Curt Ekström

TNA12 ALTO IPN Orsay/France Fadi Ibrahim

TNA13 BCPL Bergen/Norway Jan S. Vaagen

Letters of Intent - Letters of Intent - TNATNA

TNA facilities in EURONS

new TNA facility ideas

Page 3: Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANETNuPECC meeting in Munich 2007 Letters of Intent - Overview 13 LoI for Trans-national Access facilities 38 LoI for Joint Research

NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent - JRALetters of Intent - JRA

Activi-ty ID

Acronym Working title / short description Field/Type

Respon-sible Person

Participants (responsible person)

JRA1 ISOL-AT ISOL Actinide Targets (bringing together the expertise of the target development groups of the main operating or future On Line Isotope mass Separation (ISOL) European facilities to develop actinide targets with improved performances)

EXP/beam generation

Thierry Stora (CERN)

CERN, Switzerland (T. Stora); GANIL, France (G. Lhersonnau, M.H. Moscatello, R. Leroy); INFN-LNL, Italy (A. Andrighetto); IPN-Orsay, France (C. Lau); PSI, Switzerland (F. Groeschel); Associate partners: ORNL, USA (D. Stracener); TRIUMF, Canada (M. Dombsky)

JRA2 COMPLECS Coupling Of Microwaves to PLasma for Electron Cyclotron resonance ion Sources

EXP/beam generation

Giovanni Ciavola (INFN)

INFN, GSI, CERN, GANIL, JYFL, KVI, LPSC, NIPNE, TSL, ATOMKI, IKF-University of Frankfurt, IAP Nizhny Novgorod

JRA3 ARRPP Applied Research in Repetitive Pulse Power (development of new negative pulsed power modulator circuit for the target voltage extractor of the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE for short lived isotopes)

EXP/beam generation

Luis Redondo (ISEL)

Lisbon Engineer Superior Institute (ISEL), Nuclear Physics Centre from Lisbon University (CFNUL), Technical Superior Institute (IST), CERN/ISOLDE

JRA4 ISOL-HT Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Materials at High Temperature

EXP/beam generation + database

Alberto Andrighetto (INFN)

INFN-LNL (A. Andrighetto), INFN-LNS, Italy (G. Cuttone), Dip. Chimica – Università di Padova – Italy (P. Di Bernardo), Dip. Ingegneria, Meccanica (Settore Materiali) – Università di Padova - Italy (P. Colombo), Dip. Ingegneria Meccanica (Settore Progettazione Meccanica) –, Università di Padova - Italy (G. Meneghetti), ENEA, Bologna – Italy (S. Cevolani)

JRA5 SC-Sputt Super Conducting Sputtered Quarter Wave Capacities ( robust sputtered cavities are well adapted to the very demanding operation required at a RIB facility with frequent changes of isotopes)

EXP/beam generation + manipulation

Matteo Pasini (CERN)


Page 4: Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANETNuPECC meeting in Munich 2007 Letters of Intent - Overview 13 LoI for Trans-national Access facilities 38 LoI for Joint Research

NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Activi-ty ID

Acronym Working title / short description

Field/Type Responsi-ble Person

Participants (responsible person)

JRA6 LaRIE Lasers for Radioactive Ion production and Exotic nuclei research

EXP/beam generation + manipulation

Piet Van Duppen (KU-Leuven)

Mainz, Germany; GSI-Darmstadt, Germany; JYFL, Jyvaskylä; Manchester, U.K.; CERN, Switzerland; K.U.Leuven, Belgium; IN2P3: IPN-Orsay, CSNSM France; GANIL, France; KVI – Groningen, The Netherlands; PNPI - Gatchina, Russia; Associate partners: Oak-Ridge, Argonne, TRIUMF , MSU, RIKEN

JRA7   Ultra Pure and High Intensity Multiply Charged Radioactive Ion Beams (development of new types of ECR charge breeders and ion sources with strongly enhanced beam purity)

EXP/beam generation + manipulation

Pierre Delahaye (CERN)

GANIL, France; ISOLDE - CERN, Switzerland; JYFL, Finland; LPSC Grenoble, France; University of York, United Kingdom; Associated institutes:IAP RAS Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; Have expressed their interest –participation under discussion: GSI, Germany; KVI, Netherlands

JRA8   Next Generation Instrumentation for Cold Rare Ion Beams (transfer, preparation and manipulation of a thermalized ion beam)

EXP/beam manipulation + traps

Iain Moore (JYU)

University of Jyväskylä, Finland; GSI, Germany; CNSM Orsay, France; University of Mainz, Germany; University of Manchester, UK

JRA9 RIB4NA Radioactive Ion Beams For Nuclear Astrophysics (development, production and acceleration of RIB for use in experiments related to nuclear astrophysics)

EXP/beam generation + manipulation (NA)

Carmen Angulo (UCL)

UCL-CRC, Belgium; GANIL, France; MPI für Chemie, Otto-Hahn-Institut, Germany; ATOMKI, Hungary; Weiz-mann Institute, Israel; INFN-LNS, Italy; IEEC, Spain; CERN-ISOLDE, Switzerland; PSI, Switzerland; Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Basel, Switzerland; KVI, The Netherlands; School of Physics, University of Edinburgh, U.K.; Department of Physics, University of York, U.K.

JRA10   Mass measurements for nuclear astrophysics ( improve the experimental data required for the nuclear astrophysics by combining the expertise of the leading facilities in the field)

EXP/beam generation + manipulation + traps (NA)

Ari Jokinen (JYU)

JYFLTRAP, A. Jokinen; SHIPTRAP-GSI, F. Herfurth, M. Block; U-Giessen, W. Plass; ESR-GSI, C. Scheidenber-ger; GSI, theory contribution, G. Martínez-Pinedo; University of Greifswald, L. Schweikhard; Triga reactor, Mainz University, K. Blaum; Associate partners: PNPI (Gatchina), Yu. Novikov; Orsay, D. Lunney and G. Audi

Letters of Intent - JRALetters of Intent - JRA

Page 5: Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANETNuPECC meeting in Munich 2007 Letters of Intent - Overview 13 LoI for Trans-national Access facilities 38 LoI for Joint Research

NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Activi-ty ID

Acronym Working title / short description

Field/Type Responsi-ble Person

Participants (responsible person)

JRA11 ECOS European collaboration on Stable Ion Beams (preparation of design study phase for a new dedicated high intensity stable ion beam facility in Europe, with energies at and above the Coulomb barrier

EXP/beam generation + manipulation + detection systems + electronics

Faisal Azaiez (IPNO)

Bulgaria: Univ. Sofia; Finland: Univ. Jyväskylä; France: GANIL Caen, CSNSM Orsay, IPN Orsay, CEA-DSM-DAPNIA Saclay, IPHC Strasbourg; Germany: GSI Darmstadt; Greece: NCSR Demokritos; Hungary: Debrecen; Italy: INFN Legnaro, INFN Padova, INFN catania, INFN Milano; Netherlands: KVI; Poland: Krakow and Warsaw; Romania: NIPNE Bucharest; Sweden: Lund Univ., Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm; UK: Univ. Brighton, STFC Daresbury, Univ. Liverpool, Univ. Manchester, Univ. Paisley, Univ. Surrey, Univ. York

JRA12   Development of a heavy ion high current Linac Injector for FAIR

EXP/beam generation + manipulation

Winfried Barth (GSI)

GSI, Univ. of Frankfurt + ???

JRA13   UNILAC-Upgrade Programme for the Heavy Element Research at GSI-SHIP

EXP/beam generation + manipulation

Winfried Barth (GSI)

GSI, Univ. of Frankfurt, CERN, INFN, CEA-SACLAY ???

JRA14   PSI Upgrade EXP/beam generation + manipulation

Kurt Clausen (PSI)

CERN, IPUL, Others

JRA15   Collaborative development of a Common Controls Infrastructure for European Large Scale Accelerators

EXP/Software Ralph Baer (GSI)

GSI, CERN, DESY, COSYLAB Ltd. (industrial partner)

Letters of Intent - JRALetters of Intent - JRA

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Activi-ty ID


Working title / short description

Field/Type Responsi-ble Person

Participants (responsible person)

JRA16   Off-line search for long lived heavy ion reaction products

EXP/detectors (Ge, gamma)

Istvan Bikit (U-Novi Sad)

KVI, Dept. of Physics/University of Novi Sad

JRA17   High-resolution -ray detection and imaging

EXP/detectors (Ge, gamma)

Juergen Gerl (GSI)

GANIL Caen (France), STFC Daresbury (UK), GSI (Germany), TU Darmstadt (Germany), JYFL Jyväskylä (Finland), U-Köln (Germany), INFN LNL Legnaro (Italy), U-Liverpool (UK), U-Madrid (Spain), University/INFN Padova (Italy), Dapnia/SPhN Saclay (France), U-Salamanca (Spain), INRNE Sofia (Bulgaria), U-Sofia (Bulgaria), U- Surrey (UK), IPHC Strasbourg (France), KTH Stockolm (Sweden), Uppsala University (Sweden)

JRA18   R&D on Ancillary detectors and devices for AGATA and other large Ge arrays

EXP/detectors (particles)

Andres Gadea (INFN)

GANIL, FRANCE; GS, GERMANY; INFN, ITALY; U-Sofia, Sofia, BULGARIA; IPN Lyon, FRANCE; CEA, DAPNIA/SPhN, FRANCE; IKP U-Köln, GERMANY; ATOMKI, HUNGARY; U-Warsaw, POLAND; IFJ-PAN, POLAND; U-Huelva, SPAIN; U-Lund, SWEDEN; U-Uppsala, SWEDEN; U-Istanbul, TURKEY; other institutions are being contacted

JRA19   Innovative solutions for gamma and light charged-particle scintillation detectors

EXP/detectors (scintillators)

Dolores Cortina-Gil (USC)

USDC (Spain), IPN Orsay (France), PAN-Krakow (Poland), Chalmers (Sweden), INFN (Italy), IFIC (Spain), CSIC (Spain), IEM CSIC (Spain), ATOMKI (Hungary), U-York (UK), Dapnia/SPhN (France), IPHC Strasbourg (France), IPN Lyon (France), GSI (Germany), GANIL (France), U-Lund (Sweden), U-Warsaw (Poland), U-Surrey (UK), DEMOKRITOS Athens (Greece), INRNE, Sofia (Bulgaria), U-Sofia (Bulgaria), KVI (NL) , JINR Dubna (Russia), U-Stockolm (Sweden), FIN-HH, Bucarest (Romania), U-Nigde (Turkey), U-Istambul (Turkey), U-Ankara (Turkey), CIEMAT (Spain), U-Uppsala (Sweden)

Letters of Intent - JRALetters of Intent - JRA

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent - JRALetters of Intent - JRA

Activi-ty ID

Acronym Working title / short description

Field/Type Responsi-ble Person

Participants (responsible person)

JRA20   Tracking Detectors for Low-Energy Radioactive Beams

EXP/detectors (SeD + diamond)

Ivan Mukha (U-Sevilla)

GSI, Germany; CEA, Saclay, France; IPN Orsay, France; University of Seville, Spain; Koeln University, Germany; University of Huelva, Spain ; University of Liverpool, UK; University of Surrey, Guilford, UK

JRA21   Application of new silicon detector technologies for heavy ion and light charged particles identification

EXP/detectors (Si)

Andrzej Kordyasz (U-Warsaw)

Heavy Ion Laboratory, Warsaw University, Poland, Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warsaw Poland, GSI Darstadt, Germany

JRA22   Development of novel Silicon detectors for next generation nuclear physics experiments

EXP/detectors (Si)

Oleg Kiselev (GSI)

GSI, Darmstadt; University of Mainz; CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory; Helsinki Institute of Technology; University of Huelva; CEA Saclay; Mid-Sweden University; Uppsala University; associated partners PTI, St. Petersburg; RIMST, Zelenograd; BNL, Brookhaven.

JRA23 DPS-FA Digital Pulse Shape in FAZIA (4Pi array for charged particles, with high granularity and good energy resolution, with A and Z identification capability over the widest possible range (present goal: up to Z≈70 and A≈50))

EXP/detectors (Si)

Giacomo Poggi (INFN)

France: GANIL – Caen; IPNL and University C.Bernard; IPNO and University Paris-Sud XI – Orsay; LPC-ENSICAEN and University – Caen; Italy: INFN and University – Bologna; INFN and University – Catania; INFN and University – Firenze; INFN and University – Napoli; INFN LNL – Legnaro; INFN LNS – Catania; Poland: Jagellonian University; University of Silesia; Warsaw University – Warsaw; Romania: IFIN – Bucharest; Spain: Huelva University

JRA24   Development of position-sensitive, radiation-hard gas detectors for beta-decay of exotic medium-heavy nuclei, combined with tape transport development

EXP/detectors (Si)

Gary Simpson (LPSC)

LPSC, Grenoble, FRANCE; Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, FRANCE; Bruyeres-le-Chatel, FRANCE; JYFL, Jyvaskyla, FINLAND; GANIL, Caen, FRANCE; K.U. Leuven, BELGIUM; Bordeaux, FRANCE; University of Waraw, POLAND

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent - JRALetters of Intent - JRA

Activi-ty ID

Acronym Working title / short description

Field/Type Responsi-ble Person

Participants (responsible person)

JRA25   Research and development for advanced neutron detection systems

EXP/detectors (n)

Daniel Cano-Ott (CIEMAT)

Atomki (Hungary), CEA (France), CIEMAT (Spain), GANIL (France), GSI (Germany), IFIC (Spain), IN2P3 - Strasbourg (France), INFN (Italy), ITN (Portugal), JINR – Dubna (Russia), JYFL (Finland), KTH (Sweden), LPC – Caen (France), National Technical University of Athens (Greece), NCSR Demokritos (Greece), Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain), PTB (Germany), SUBATECH-Nantes (France), U-Huelva (Spain), U-Surrey (United Kingdom), U-Uppsala (Sweden), U-Warsaw (Poland), U-York (UK)

JRA26   High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Spectrometer for Fast Neutrons (development of a next-generation neutron detector with significantly improved resolution and multi-hit recognition capabilities as compared to presently existing state-of-the-art devices)

EXP/detectors (n)

Thomas Aumann (GSI) GSI, KVI Groningen, ISS Bucharest, Jagellonian

University Krakow, Universidad Santiago de Compostela, CEA Saclay, University Frankfurt, University Mainz, TU Darmstadt, University Köln, FZ Dresden Rossendorf, Associated Partners: Saha Institute, Kolkata, Tokyo Institute of Technology

JRA27   Detector development for slow and fast extracted ion beams on Super FRS

EXP/detectors (TPC + beam chambers)

Branislav Sitar

Comenius University Bratislava, GSI Darmstadt, ...

JRA28   Versatile multi-track detectors for complete kinematics reconstruction and fragment identification in nuclear physics experiments

EXP/detectors (TPC)

Jean-Éric Ducret (CEA) CEA-Saclay; H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear

Physics, Krakow, Poland, Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland

JRA29   Simlations activities for NUSTAR (response of relevant detectors)

EXP/detectors (simulations)

Nasser Kalantar (KVI)

Atomki, CEA/Saclay, Daresbury Laboratory, ISS, Laboratory for Space Research, Bucharest, GSI, KVI, Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, University of Liège

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent - JRALetters of Intent - JRA

Activi-ty ID

Acronym Working title / short description


Responsi-ble Person

Participants (responsible person)

JRA30 SPFDC Synergy Program for Front-end electronics Data acquisition and Control (SPFDC) for Nuclear Physics Experiments

EXP/elec-tronics + DAQ

Emanuel Pollacco (CEA)

CEA Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, GANIL FRANCE, STFC Daresbury and Rutherford Labs, England, GSI, Germany, INFN, Italy , KVI, The Netherlands, U-Huelva, Spain (Industrial partners will be called to collaborate in the project)

JRA31 EXID EXotic nuclei IDentification (overcome the present limitations of the instrumentation devoted to the selection (including the cooling), tracking and identification of exotic nuclei produced by using IF (In-Flight) or ISOL (Isotope Separation On-Line) methods or following nuclear reactions with stable/RIB beams)

EXP/spec-troscopy + detectors

Enrico Fioretto (INFN)

JYFL+U-Jyväskylä, FINL; ISOLDE, CERN , SWITZERLAND; GSI, GERMANY; INFN-LNL, ITALY; INFN-Padova, ITALY; GANIL, FRANCE; U-Liverpool, UK; CEA+DAPNIA/SPhN, FRANCE ; U-York, UK; K.U. Leuven, BELGIUM; U-Lund, SWEDEN ; IPN Orsay, FRANCE; U-Sevilla, SPAIN; U-Huelva, SPAIN; U-Bonn, GERMANY; U-Manchester, UK; Weizmann Institute, ISRAEL; U-Warsaw, POLAND; U-Surrey, UK; STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK

JRA32   Reaction products identification after the secondary target within the HISPEC/DESPEC project

EXP/spec-troscopy + detectors

Dieter Ackermann (GSI)

GSI (D.Ackermann, H.Geissel, M.Winkler, H.Weick, D.Boutin), Jyvaskyla (J. Saren, J. Uusitalo, M. Leino, R. Julin, P.Greenless). The charged particle detector system will be built by Lund (D.Rudolph), York (M.Bentley), Koeln (P.Reiter) etc.

JRA33   From Hot Fusion to Ultracold Ions (spectroscopy of single trapped trans-einsteinium ions via single photon scattering)

EXP/traps Michael Swetz (LMU)


JRA34 COOL Tools for advanced spectroscopic measurements with stored and cooled particles (improvement of the precision obtained in measurements with ion and atom traps, and extention of the range of observables that can be investigated with traps)

EXP/traps Nathal Severijns (KU-Leuven)

K.U.Leuven, N. Severijns; Univ. Mainz, W. Heil, S. Baeßler; Univ. Jyväskylä, A. Jokinen; KVI-Groningen, H. Wilschut; LPC-Caen, G. Ban; Univ. Krakow, K. Bodek; Univ. Ferrara (Univ. Siena, Univ. Pisa, LNL-Legnaro), R. Calabrese; GSI-Darmstadt, F. Herfurth; CERN (ISOLTRAP/ISOLDE), A. Herlert; KFKI-Budapest, F. Glück

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent - JRALetters of Intent - JRA

Activi-ty ID

Acronym Working title / short description

Field/Type Responsi-ble Person

Participants (responsible person)

JRA35   Towards a unified theory of structure of stable and exotic atomic nuclei

THEO Jacek Dobaczewski (U-Warsaw)


JRA36   Towards an improved description of astrophysically important nuclear properties and rates

THEO/nuclear and astrophysics

Karlheinz Langanke (GSI)

University of Basel (F.-K. Thielemann), University of Basel (T. Rauscher), Orsay (E. Khan), GSI (G. Martinez-Pinedo, T. Neff, K. Langanke), ULB Brussels (S. Goriely), NIPNE Bucharest (A. Petrovici), Milano (G. Colo), ICREA Barcelona (J. José), University of Warsaw (P. Hänsel), GANIL (S. Typel),

JRA37   Towards an ab-initio nuclear reaction theory for extreme nuclei (continuum discretized coupled channel method)

THEO/reaction theory

Helmut Leeb (AIAU)

D. Baye, ULB, Brussels; P. Demetriou, Demokritos, Athens; J. Dobaczewski, IFT, Warsaw University; H. Feldmeyer, GSI, Darmstadt; H. Leeb, Atominstitut, TU Wien; H. Lenske, Theor. Physik, Univ. Gießen; T. Neff, GSI, Darmstadt; A. Petrovici, NIPNE, Bucharest; M. Ploszajczak, GANIL, Caen; J. Tostevin, Surrey; S. Typel, GANIL, Caen; J. Vaagen, Dep.Physics & Techn., Univ. Bergen; H. Wolter, Dep. Physics, Univ. München

JRA38   Short-Range Correlations in Nuclei: improve existing experimental techniques, further development of theoretical treatments

EXP+THEO/experimental techniques+theoretical treatments

Eli Piasecky (U-Tel Aviv)

Tel Aviv University (L- Frankfurt, E. Piasetzky), University of Glasgow (J.R.M. Annaud, D.G. Ireland, K. Livingston, I.J.D. MacGregor, G. Rosner), University of Perugia (C. Ciofi degli Atti, S. Scopetta), Ghent University (J. Ryckebusch), University of Ljubljana (S. Sirca), Thomas Jefferson Laboratory (C.W. Jager)

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent – NetworkLetters of Intent – Network

Activi-ty ID

Acronym Working title / short description

Field/Type Responsible Person

Participants (responsible person)

NA1   Liquid Metal Target (Development - Optimization)

EXP/beam generation

Janis Freibergs (U-Latvia)

Participants of EURISOL Design Study

NA2   Thin actinide targets optimized for high intensity primary beams

EXP/beam generation

Ulli Koester (ILL) Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France; GANIL Caen, France; IPN Orsay, France; LPSC Grenoble, France; ...

NA3   Coordination of ISOL Radioactive Beams Information

EXP+THEO/ISOL database

John D' Auria (Simon Frasier University)


NA4 ECOS European collaboration on Stable Ion Beams

EXP/beam generation + manipulation + detection systems + electronics

Faisal Azaiez (IPNO)

Univ. Sofia, Univ. Jyväskylä,GANIL Caen, CSNSM Orsay, IPN Orsay, CEA-DSM-DAPNIA Saclay, IPHC Strasbourg, GSI Darmstadt,NCSR Demokritos, Debrecen , INFN Legnaro, INFN Padova, INFN catania, INFN Milano, KVI, Krakow and Warsaw,NIPNE Bucharest, Lund Univ., Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Univ. Brighton, STFC Daresbury, Univ. Liverpool, Univ. Manchester, Univ. Paisley, Univ. Surrey, Univ. York

NA5   Network for the synergy and coordination on the development of Ancillary detectors and devices for AGATA and other large Ge arrays

EXP/detectors Andres Gadea (INFN)

GANIL, Caen, FRANCE; GSI, GERMANY; INFN,ITALY; U-Sofia, BULGARIA; IPN Lyon, FRANCE; CEA+DAPNIA/SPhN, FRANCE; IKP UNI-Köln, GERMANY; ATOMKI, HUNGARY; U-Warsaw, POLAND; IFJ-PAN, POLAND; U-Huelva, SPAIN; U-Lund, SWEDEN.; U-Uppsala, SWEDEN; U-Istanbul, TURKEY; other institutions are being contacted

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent – NetworkLetters of Intent – Network

Activi-ty ID

Acronym Working title / short description

Field/Type Responsible Person

Participants (responsible person)

NA6 GAMMANET European Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Network

EXP/detectors (Ge)

Silvia M. Lenzi (INFN)

GSI, Germany; INFN, Italy; IN2P3, France; U-Liverpool, UK; U-Manchester, UK; CEA/DSM, France; GANIL, France; JYFL, Finland; TU-Darmstadt, Germany; KU-Leuven, Belgium; FZD, Germany; U-Koln, Germany; UKBH, Denmark; IFJ-Krakow, Poland; KTH, Sweden; NIPNE, Romania; U-Uppsala, Sweden; U-Surrey, UK; U-York, UK; U-Ankara, Turkey; U-Sofia, Bulgaria; IKP-Koln, Germany; U-Lund, Sweden; NCSR-Demokritos, Greece; CLRC-Daresbury, UK; U-Warsaw, Poland; UAM-Madrid, Spain; IFIC-Valencia, Spain; U-Bonn, Germany; IPN, Lyon, France; CSNSM, Orsay, France; IPN, Orsay, France; IPHC-Strasbourg, France

NA7 FastPool Fast Timing pool of detectors and electronics

EXP/detectors + electronics

Luis Fraile (CERN)


NA8 SPFDC Synergy Program for Front-End Electronics, Data Acquisition and Controls (SPFDC) for Nuclear Physics Experiments

EXP/electronics + DAQ

Heinrich J. Wörtche (KVI)

CEA Saclay, France, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, CNRS/IN2P3 France, GANIL, France, GSI, Germany, INFN Florence, Italy, INFN Padua, Italy, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, STFC Daresbury & Rutherford Appl. Labs., Unit. Kingdom, University of Groningen, KVI, The Netherlands, University of Huelva, Spain

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent – NetworkLetters of Intent – Network

Activi-ty ID

Acronym Working title / short description


Responsi-ble Person

Participants (responsible person)

NA9 NEMO Network on Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments


Andreas Görgen (CEA)

NCSR Demokritos, Athens (S. Harissopulos); CEA/DIF Bruyères-le-Châtel (J.-M. Daugas); NIPNE Bucharest (V. Zamfir, D. Bucurescu, M. Ionescu-Bujor); University Politehnica Bucharest (G. Cata-Danil); University of Jyväskylä (R. Julin); Universität Köln (A. Dewald); INFN Legnaro (G. de Angelis, A. Gadea); KU Leuven (P. Van Duppen, M. Huyse, G. Neyens); University of Liverpool (P. Butler); TU München (R. Krücken); CSNSM Orsay (G. Georgiev); University of Padova and INFN (F. Brandolini, P. Pavan, C.A. Ur); Weizmann Institut, Rehovot (M. Hass); CEA/DAPNIA Saclay (A. Görgen, W. Korten); INRNE Sofia (D. Balabanski, P. Petkov, D. Tonev); University of Warsaw (P. Napiorkowski, J. Srebrny); University of York (C. Barton)

NA10 NACTAR Network for Active Targets EXP/experiments

Patricia Roussel-Chomaz (GANIL)

GANIL, France; CENBG Bordeaux, France; SPhN/DAPNIA/DSM Saclay, France; IPN Orsay, France; Subatech Nantes, France; University Santiago de Compostela Spain; University Liverpool UK; Daresbury Laboratory, CCLRC, UK; University of York, UK; University of Birmingham, UK; GSI Darmstadt Germany; Krakow, Poland

NA11 SPiN Shapes and Phases in Nuclei EXP+THEO/shape coexistance

Kris Heyde (U-Gent)

Dept. Subatomic a. Radiation Physics - Univ. Gent, Serv. de Pys. Nuc. Theor. Univ. Libre de Bruxells, Inst. f. Kern- en Stralingsfisica KU Leuven, INRNE Sofia, JYFL,GANIL, Inst. f. Kernpys. Univ. Köln, NCSR, INFN Padova Italy, NIPNE, Dept. Fisica Aplicada Univ. de Huelva, Dept. Fisica Teor. Univ. Autónoma de Madrid,CSIC,Dept. Fisica Atómica Univ. de Sevilla

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent – NetworkLetters of Intent – Network

Activi-ty ID

Acronym Working title / short description

Field/Type Responsi-ble Person

Participants (responsible person)

NA12 ShERN European Network for Research on Superheavy Elements


Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg (U-Liverpool)

U-Liverpool, UK - GSI, D – U-Jyväskylä, FI - GANIL, FR - CEA Saclay, TUM, D – LMU, D – U-Mainz, D UAAR, DK - School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv, IL - PSI and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bern, CH - Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Comenius University, Bratislava, SK - CSNSM Orsay, FR - SAFE (Centre for Accelerator Based Research and Energy Physics) at the University of Oslo, N - DPTA/SPN CEA-Bruyeres-le-Chatel, FR - PNTPM Université Libre de Bruxelles, FR -CENBG Physique Théorique, B


EURISOL Network after the cessation of EURISOL DS in mid-2009

EXP+THEO Yorick Blumenfeld (IPNO)

CEA, CERN, CNRS/IN2P3, Institute of Physics, Vilnius, LT, FZJ, GANIL, GSI, INFN, Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear, PT, JYU, KU-Leuven, LMU, NIPNE, PSI, SAS, Soreq Nuclear Research Centre,Yavne, IL, STFC (CCLRC), Stockholm University -Manne Siegbahn Laboratory, UCL, U-LIVERPOOL, U-PAISLEY, USDC, U-YORK

NA14   Advanced Atomic Mass Evaluation EXP+THEO/database + software

Yuri Litvinov (GSI)

GSI (Yu. Litvinov, F. Herfurth, H. Geissel); Justus-Liebig-Univ. Gießen (W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger); Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (K. Blaum, B. Pfeiffer); CSNSM Orsay (G. Audi, D. Lunney); GANIL (W. Mittig, H. Savajols); JYFL (J. Aysto, A. Jokinen); CERN-ISOLDE (A. Herlert); Univ. Stockholm (R. Schuch); Univ. Liverpool (M. Chartier); Theory groups (Th. Bürvenich, H. Lenske, S. Goriely, P.H. Heenen, Z. Patyk)

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent – NetworkLetters of Intent – Network

Activi-ty ID


Working title / short description

Field/Type Responsible Person

Participants (responsible person)

NA15   n-TOF (measurement of (n, γ) cross sections; The n_TOF activities contribute substantially to the leading role of Europe in the field of neutron capture nucleosynthesis in particular and stellar evolution in general. These experimental activities represent an important complement for modelling the stellar life cycle by European theorists.)

EXP+THEO/nuclear astrophysics

F. Käppeler (FZK)

Atominstitut der Österreichischen Universitäten,Technische Universität Wien, - IAEA, NAPC/Nuclear Data Section, Vienna, Austria, Institut für Isotopenforschung und Kernphysik, Universität Wien, Austria -Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic - INFN, Bari, Italy - Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bologna, and INFN Bologna, Italy - INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Italy. INFN, Trieste, Italy - CEA/Saclay - DSM/DAPNIA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France - Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (FZK), Institut für Kernphysik - GSI - University of Frankfurt, Germany - National Technical University of Athens, Greece - University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland - Instituto de Física Corpuscular, CSIC-Universidad de Valencia, Spain - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland - Department of Physics and Astronomy - University of Basel, Basel -

NA16 ENNA European Network for Nuclear Astrophysics

EXP+THEO/nuclear astrophysics

Carmen Angulo (UCL)

VERA laboratory & University of Vienna, Austria -IPN-Orsay, France-Experimentalphysik III/RUBION Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany-Institut für Kernphysik, Universität su Köln, Cologne, Germany- Institut für Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt, Germany -Institut für Strahlenphysik an FZ Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany- MPI für Chemie, Otto-Hahn-Institut, Mainz, Germany - LUNA collaboration, Germany-Hungary-Italy - NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece - ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary -Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, Israel Department of Astronomy, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy - Dep. de Scienze Fisiche, INFN Sezione di Napoli, Italy- INFN-LNS, Catania, Italy - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Madrid, Spain - Universidad de Granada, Spain - Geneva Observatory, Switzerland - NIPNE-HH, Bucharest, Romania - School of Physics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K. - Department of Physics, University of York, Heslington, York, U.K

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent – NetworkLetters of Intent – Network

Activi-ty ID


Working title / short description


Responsi-ble Person

Participants (responsible person)

NA17 ENSF European Network on Small-scale accelerator Facillities

EXP+THEO/nuclear astrophysics

Sotirios Harissopulos (NSCR)

NuPECC - IKS KU Leuven - RBI-Zagreb - NPI Rez/Prague -RUBION Bochum - HISKP Uni. Bonn - TU Darmstadt -MLL Garching - IKP Uni Köln - Demokritos, Athens -IPN Orsay - CEN Bordeaux - ATOMKI, Debrecen -LNS Catania - LNGS Assergi - LABEC Firenze - OCL Oslo - INP Cracow - HIL Warsaw - ITN Lisbon - NIPNE Bucharest - CNAM Madrid - CNA Seville - ETH Zürich

NA18   Nuclear structure theory for stable and exotic nuclei

THEO Paul-Henri Heenen

M. Bender - CENBG Bordeaux, T. Duguet - CEA Saclay, P.-H. Heenen- ULB Bruxelles, A. Poves - UAM Madrid, (list should be enlarged at a later stage)

NA19 NTSTAR Towards a representative organization to coordinate the European theory community working in the areas of nuclear structure, nuclear reactions and nuclear astrophysics

THEO Niels R. Walet (U-Manchester)

J. Dobaczewski - IFT Univ. of Warsaw, Jim Al-Kalil - Univ. of Surrey, Niels Walet - Univ. of Manchester (for the NTSTAR community)

NA20   Nuclear Theory Studies THEO Mihail Mirea (IFIN)

IFIN-HH, Romania


Nuclear Reaction Modelling Network THEO Sylvie Leray (CEA)

CEA/Saclay, France; Liège University, Belgium; GSI, Germany; USDC, Spain; LPC Caen, France; SOREQ, Israel; Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia (associate partner); ....

NA22   Few-Body Approach to Direct Nuclear Reactions

THEO Antonio C. Fonseca (U-Lisbon)

U-Lisbon, U-Seville, U-Surrey; other participants to be added.

NA23   Topological soliton model for nuclei THEO Egidijus Norvisas U-Vilnius and other

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent – Letters of Intent – ParticipantsParticipants


76 EURONS participants

45 contractors

31 other entities

EURONS successor:

138 possible participants of EURONS successor

69 new participants to EURONS successor

118 institutions from European countries

20 institutions from third countries

7 EURONS participants have not applied again for EURONS successor

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent – Letters of Intent – ParticipantsParticipants

Participant Country

AIAU Austria

U-Wien Austria

UCL Belgium

KU-Leuven Belgium

UL-Brussels Belgium

U-Gent Belgium

U-Liege Belgium

U-Sofia Bulgaria

INRNE Sofia Bulgaria

IRB-Zagreb Croatia

U-Zagreb Croatia

CAS Czech Republic

Rez-Prague Czech Republic

U-Prague Czech Republic

UAAR Denmark

UKBH Denmark

JYU Finland

HIP Finland

GANIL France

CEA France

Participant Country

IN2P3 France

ILL Grenoble France

GSI Germany

FZJ Germany

FZR Germany

MPG Germany

U-Köln Germany

U-Mainz Germany

LMU Germany

TUM Germany

ESF-NuPECC Germany

U-Giessen Germany

FZK Germany

MPE Germany

U-Bochum Germany

U-Bonn Germany

TU-Darmstadt Germany

U-Göttingen Germany

R&R.COM Germany

Participant Country

IKF Germany

ACCEL Germany

MPI-Chemie Germany

DESY Germany

PTB Germany

MPQ-Garching Germany

NCSR-Athens Greece

NTU-Athens Greece

Atomki Hungary

RMKI-Budapest Hungary

Weizmann Israel

U-Tel Aviv Israel

SOREQ Israel

Hebrew-Uni Israel

INFN Italy

ECT* Italy

U-Trento Italy


IPUL Latvia

RUG Netherlands

Participant Country

U-Bergen Norway

U-Oslo Norway

BCPL Norway

UJ-Krakow Poland

INP-Krakow Poland

U-Silesia Poland

U-Warsaw Poland

HIL-Warsaw Poland

IEMT-Warsaw Poland

SINS Poland

U-Lodz Poland

FU-Lisboa Portugal

ISEL Portugal

CFNUL Portugal

IST Portugal

ITN Portugal

NIPNE Romania

U-Bucharest Romania

ISS Bucharest Romania

Vinca 010 Serbia

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Letters of Intent – Letters of Intent – ParticipantsParticipants

Participant Country

U-NoviSad Serbia

SAS Slovakia

U-Comenius Slovakia

COSYLAB Ltd. Slovenia

U-Ljubljana Slovenia

USDC Spain

CSIC Spain

IEEC-Barcelona Spain

U-Huelva Spain

U-Sevilla Spain

ENEA Spain

UA-Madrid Spain

UC-Madrid Spain


U-Salamanca Spain

IFIC Spain

PUC Spain

U-Granada Spain


KTH Sweden

Participant Country

U-Uppsala Sweden

U-Lund Sweden

TSL Sweden

U-Mid-Sweden Sweden

LTH-Lund Sweden

CERN Switzerland

U-Basel Switzerland

PSI Switzerland

U-Bern Switzerland

Geneva Observatory Switzerland

ETH Zürich Switzerland

U-Ankara Turkey

U-Istanbul Turkey

TU-Istanbul Turkey

U-Nigde Turkey


U-Liverpool UK

U-Manchester UK

U-Surrey UK

U-York UK

Participant Country

U-Birmingham UK

U-Edinburgh UK

U-Paisley UK

U-Brighton UK

U-Glasgow UK

Participant Country

ANU-Canberra Austalia


CIAE-Beijing China

NSC-Dehli India

Saha Institute India

U-Sri Sathya Sai India


IoT-Tokyo Japan

U-Tsukuba Japan

U-Saitama Japan

JINR-Dubna Russia

IAP Nizhny Russia

PNPI-Gatchina Russia

PTI Russia

RIMST Russia






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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

Time table towards FP7

Friday 15. Februar 2008 Deadline for submission

20. January 2008 Complete I3 proposal ready for submission 1. December 2007 Formatted activity proposals ready (with the I3-Co-

ordination office) 15. November Call published

1st formatted drafts for individual activities ready 5. October Selection process completed (activities selected,

activity co-ordinators, I3 co-ordinator, budgets fixed)

17.-20. September Helsinki town meeting

SSC (Scientific Selection Committee)

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NuPECC meeting in Munich 2007Alex C. Mueller, EURONS MANET

SSC – Scientific Selection Committee

Select activities suitable for the next European nuclear structure I3-proposal in FP7

Shape structure and scope of the class of activities

Start: as soon as possible End: 5. October

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