  • Alexander Bells TelephoneBy: Mary Takla

  • Table Of ContentsWhat Is A Telephone ? .......................................................................................3The Telephone Long Ago!.....................................................................................4SENDING MASSAGES FROM LONG AGO....................................5How Telegraph And The Telephone.........................6Who Is Alexander Bell ?............................................................................................7Hearing Aid....8Why Was Alexander Bell Credited With Inventing The Telephone Instead Of Gray ?.................................................................................................................................9The Story Of How Bell Got The Idea Of The Telephone..................................10How Did Bell Got The Idea Of The Telephone?......................................................11Bell Now Hs An Assistant !.....................................................................................12I am Only Two Hours Late!!!...................................................................................13What Background Did Bell Have More Than Gray?................................................14Another Thing That Prepared Bell For His Invention...15Picture Of The Telephone.................................16Who Got The Telephone Idea Into The World.....17Telephone Lines Per 1000 People From 1990 And 2000........................18What Impact Did The Telephone Have On Society?..............................................19Business Life........20Bibliography21 The End.22

  • What Is A Telephone ? A telephone is a system which converts sound, specifically the human sound, to electrical impulses of various frequencies and then back to a tone that sounds like the original voice. Here is how, the speech is transmitted in a form of either modulated electrical current propagating along conductors or radio waves. The apparatus used for converting the verbal sounds into electromagnetic signals and vice versa is the telephone. Also, telephone is a kind of telecommunication. Telecommunication which permits people to carry direct conversations over almost any distance.

  • The Telephone Long Ago! The invention of the telephone has made our lives mush easier. Before the telephone was invented people used to communicate by fire or a torch . Native Americans actually developed a more complex system of signaling also had their limitation. People sometimes send massages between places that were not too far apart by using sounds but not like human voices ! For example, African tribes used drums to communicate.


    The common way of communicating was by sending massages by foot. Then, messengers started to use horses and get the letters mush faster. In the nineteenth-century the massage delivery system was called Pony Express. It took about ten days for the massage to get to the destination.

  • How Telegraph And The Telephone From the humble original telephone a crude device consisting of wooden stand, a funnel, a cup of acid, and some copper wire to the modern day telephone, the device works pretty much the same. In modern electrical transmitters, a thin plastic sheet (much like a human eardrum the tympanum that works by the same principle )is coated on one side with a conductive metallic coating. The plastic separate that coating from another metallic electrode and maintains an electric field between them. Vibrations caused by speech produce fluctuations in the electrical field, which in turn produce small variations in voltage. The voltages are amplified for transmission over the telephone line. Simply put the modern day telephone is an electrical instrument that carries and varies electric current between two mechanical diaphragms. It duplicates original sound from one diaphragm and transfers it to the other. Simple, but at the same time profound in its impact.

  • Who Is Alexander Bell ? Alexander Graham Bell is famous for his telephone. He was born on march 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland, Alexander was the son of authorities in elocution and the correction of speech. Educated to pursue a career in the same specialty, his knowledge of the nature of sound le him not only to teach the deaf, but also to invent the telephone.

  • Hearing Aid Eighteenth-and 19th-century hearing aids had consisted of various types of ear trumpets or horns that the partially deaf or hard of hearing individual could use to magnify sound .However, such devices were cumbersome, not very portable and inefficient. Alexander Graham Bell(1847-1922) sought to develop an electrical hearing aid. Also without miniaturization and a reliable power supply, it was extremely difficult to design a fully portable system suitable for the individual. In 1923 the Marconi company introduced the Otophone, using vacuum tubes to amplify the sound , with a battery electrical supply. However, the system was hardly convenient , although it was , strictly speaking, portable, weighing some 16 pounds . By the 1930s,reducing the size of electronic tubes and using smaller batteries, hearing aids that weighed about 4 pounds or more were marketed regularly. A. Edwin Stevens introduced one of the first wearable hearing aids, weighing about 2.5 pounds, in 1935, through the company Amplivox.

  • Why Was Alexander Bell Credited With Inventing The Telephone Instead Of Gray ? Many inventors worked alone, misunderstood earlier discoveries, or wasted time coming up with results someone else had already achieved. For instance, Alexander Graham Bell is credited with inventing the telephone. On March 10, 1876 , using his new device , he uttered the famous words to his assistant,Mr.Watson, come here, I want to see you. He was not , however, the only person exploring what would later be known as the telephone. Indeed, he only got credited with inventing it by hours, though others had achieved what he had. For example, Elisha gray also filed a patent application for a telephone only a few hours after Bell.

  • The Story Of How Bell Got The Idea Of The Telephone The work by Bell of the telephone was inspired by an earlier invention, dating back to 1860.A young high school physics teacher in Frankfurt, Germany, Philipp Reis, tinkered in the school workshop, attempting to develop an electrical voice transmission system. He gave a lecture in October 1861 at the local physics association on telephony by means of the galvanic current. His sending Device was a bladder over a wooden cask, and the receiver was a needle inside a violin body. After publication of a report on his lecture, he received requests for copies of the instrument, and about a dozen were made in the shop of a local Frankfurt workman. There remains a dispute as to whether the Reis device could transmit a clear version of the human voice.

  • How Did Bell Got The Idea Of The Telephone The Reis telephone was described in a popular German magazine, and one copy of the device was on display at Edinburgh University. The Scottish-born Alexander Graham Bell was studying at Edinburgh in 1862, and he became enthralled with the concept that a device could be used to assist the hearing-impaired. Bell visited Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875), one of the inventors of the telegraph , and discussed technical advances that might applied to the telephone.

  • Bell Now Has An Assistant ! Moving to Boston, Bell engaged in training teachers of the deaf, and his future father-in-law, Gardiner Hubbard(1822-1897),helped fund his experiments with equipment. In 1874 Bell engaged an assistant, Thomas Watson, and the two quietly tried to perfect improvements to the Reis device. In 1875,at the Smithsonian Institution, Bell visited Joseph Henry(1797-1878),another inventor of the telegraph, who encouraged him to continue his work.

  • I am Only Two Hours Late!!! Hubbard filed Bells application for a patent for the telephone on February 14 ,1876 (issued March 7,1876).Two hours after Hubbard filed the bell application ,Elisha Gray filed papers with the patent office indicating he had already begun work on such a device and intended to file a patent, only then discovering that the Bell documents had already been deposited .On March 10,1876,Bell succeeded in transmitting from the attic to the ground floor of his home a line that later became famous Mr. Watson, please come here ,I want you .Bell displayed his invention in 1876 at the centennial exposition in Philadelphia, where it drew the attention of the emperor of Brazil , Dom Pedro 2,and then the attention of a wider public .

  • What Background Did Bell Have More Than Gray? Alexander Graham Bell wanted to invent a way of talking to his friends without moving from his house .He first started of with two cups and a string attached to it from the end of the two cups .He gave one of them to his friend and one of them put the cup on his ear while the other one talked .He talked and later discovered how it worked and that is how he invented the telephone . As professor of vocal Physiology at Boston University, Bell was engaged in training teachers in the art of instructing deaf mutes how to speak ,and experimented with the Leon Scott in phonautograph in recording the vibrations of speech .This apparatus consists essentially of a thin membrane vibrated by the voice and carrying a light stylus, which traces an adulatory line on a plate of smoked glass. The line is a graphic representation of the vibrations of the membrane and the waves of sound in the air This background prepared him for work with sound and electricity.

  • Another Thing That Prepared Bell For His Invention Bells knowledge of acoustics (the study of sound) that gave him the edge over Gray .Bell did know a little about electricity, a necessary ingredient for a telephone to work, but he knew a lot about acoustics. Indeed, like Gray many other inventors working on similar projects knew more about electricity than acoustics which also translated into an inability to bring the two disciplines together to create the telephone.

  • Picture of The Telephone

  • Who Got The Telephone Idea Into The World The first real spat in the telephones evolution occurred in 1729 when an English chemist named Stephen Gray transmitted electricity over 300 feet of wire. Later, in 1746 two Dutchmen developed a Leyden jar for storing static electricity. It acted as a battery to store energy, but the big drawback was that it stored such a small amount of electricity that it couldnt be used for any practical purpose. But it was the start of something bigger such as the telephone.

  • Telephone Lines Per 1000 People From 1990 And 2000

  • What Impact Did The Telephone Have On Society? Alexander Bells telephone impacted the American society positively. The invention of the telephone transformed communication technology by expanding interpersonal communication. the telephone led to many great inventions. with the telephone we could have fax machines, the internet, Caller ID ,and even cell phones. With all the inventions that came of the telephone , the internet s the finest. The internet provides all possible combinations of data in the form of sound, text, and images. The worlds greatest teachers are available to interested students; medical specialists can view patients from far and analyze their symptoms; business can hold video conferences, thus eliminating the need to travel farther than the nearest TV set. Now computers can check how mush you have spent , your account balance, and even if your business is worth keeping. You can be identified, ranked and routed in only a few seconds without knowing it. The invention of the telephone transfigured communication technology by leading the path for future inventions.

  • Business Life Telephone are not only used in the home life but also in the business life . The business part of life is helped greatly by the invention of the telephone . Most if not , all business could not succeed without the telephone . The telephone is used in the business word to tell people as far away as other countries about the stock market or even how their company vehicle are running . Out of all the invention in the 1800s the telephone is the most important and has changed our lives the most. Thanks to Alexander Bell our lives have been made easier. Out of every invention ever created the telephone is the greatest and most useful ,and it will stay that way ever . The telephone has helped the business world in a number of ways. for example , instead of meeting face to face and making appointments to meet someone a person can do everything over the phone in an easier and much faster way . In a stock exchange many people are seen with the telephone.

  • Bibliography book by Tom Philbin named 100 Greatest Inventions Of All Time


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