Page 1: All hands meeting Budget discussion P. Oddone, February 15, 2011

All hands meetingBudget discussion

P. Oddone, February 15, 2011

Page 2: All hands meeting Budget discussion P. Oddone, February 15, 2011

Why this meeting?

• I have many calls from the press and others regarding the consequences of various budget scenarios

• I want to talk to you first, before you read what I have to say in the newspapers

• There are two main scenarios to discuss: the FY12 President’s Budget Request for HEP and the recently proposed 20% cut to Office of Science in FY11

P. Oddone, All-hands meeting, February 15, 20112

Page 3: All hands meeting Budget discussion P. Oddone, February 15, 2011

The bad news first……

• The House is debating the FY11 budget and the Committee on Appropriations has come through with $100B in cuts to domestic spending

• The cuts respond to powerful forces to restore fiscal balance to the Federal budget. The deficit is estimated for FY11 at $1.5 trillion or about 10% of GDP (it will also add 10% to total debt)

P. Oddone, All-hands meeting, February 15, 20113

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From Congressional Budget Office:

P. Oddone, All-hands meeting, February 15, 20114

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Budget deficit

• Would decrease to tolerable levels in 3-4 years by the CBO projections if:

Economy recovers to historical standards of growth

Laws stay without changes, i.e. taxes enacted first in President Bush’s era are allowed to expire after their present extension

P. Oddone, All-hands meeting, February 15, 20115

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Budget deficit

• These are two big assumptions. If they are not correct, the debt keeps increasing at a relatively fast pace. So limiting outlays is the call of the day on both sides of the isle: President’s freezing of non-defense discretionary


Proposed cuts in the House budget also on non-defense discretionary spending

• Non-defense domestic spending is only 12% of the budget so the actions above won’t solve the problem but they are a start

P. Oddone, All-hands meeting, February 15, 20116

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What does a 20% cut in FY11 mean?

• It comes halfway through the fiscal year so it would amount to a 40% cut on the rate of expenditures for the remainder of the year.

• Impossible to accommodate such cuts without major disruptions: Stop operation of all accelerators immediately Stop most procurements for remainder of year Slow down projects to barely keep-alive levels Furlough staff for roughly two of the remaining six

months Prepare layoffs of 20% of the staff or 400 employees

P. Oddone, All-hands meeting, February 15, 20117

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What does a 20% cut in FY11 mean?

• There would be similar effects on all other Office of Science laboratories

• It would be a major blow not only to particle physics but to US science overall, with thousands of layoffs, many projects terminated, and a very difficult recovery

• We have to make the consequences of these cuts evident if we are to prevent them. We have support from our representatives and our stakeholders

P. Oddone, All-hands meeting, February 15, 20118

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Now for the better news

• Yesterday the President released his FY12 budget request to Congress

• Within the overall freeze of domestic spending there were major increases in the Office of Science budget for three areas that contribute to clean energy technologies: Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Biological and Environmental Research (BER), and Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR)

P. Oddone, All-hands meeting, February 15, 20119

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Office of Science in the PBR

P. Oddone, All-hands meeting, February 15, 201110

Office of Science ($M) FY10

Enacted* FY12 PBR**

% Change FY10-FY12

BES 1,637 1,985 21%ASCR 394 466 18%BER 604 717 19%HEP 810 797 -2%NP 535 605 13%Fusion 426 400 -6%SLI 128 112 -12%SC Prog Dir 189 217 15%WDTS 21 36 74%S&S 83 84 1%SBIR/STTR - - - Earmarks 77 - -100%Total program activities 4,904 5,419 11%

* FY11 continuing resolution funding level** PBR = President's Budget Request

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Laboratory projection

P. Oddone, All-hands meeting, February 15, 201111

FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 PBR














$ M

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Laboratory projection

• The FY12 budget is very tight and less than what we would have hoped for

• Playing on this is the uncertainty in the DUSEL situation and whether new starts will be allowed in a FY11 CR

• Given all the factors and the tremendous emphasis on research tied to green energy, we would still have a good budget that will allow progress in all our projects

P. Oddone, All-hands meeting, February 15, 201112

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