
All Plans for PRIMARY

Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain

Co- tutora: Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur

Lesson Plans – Practicum – Second Period

I.F.D.C. LenguasVivas


Compañera que revisó el plan: Myriam Tielve

Período de Práctica: Segundo – Nivel Primario

Institución Educativa: Colegio Bilingüe Neuquén

Dirección: Los Álamos 700, Neuquén

Sala/Grado/Año: 6to “A”

Cantidad de alumnos: 19

Nivel Lingüístico del curso: Pre- intermedio

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Piratas y Tesoros

Clase N°: 1 (Readjustment)

Fecha: 6/08/2015

Hora: 8.10 – 9.20

Duración de la clase: 80 minutos

Fecha de la primera entrega: 2/08/2015

Fecha de la segunda entrega: 4/08/15

Teaching Points:

Past continuous in the affirmative form (questions and affirmative answers)

Revising past tense (questions and affirmative/ negative answers)

Aims and goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to…

Develop their listening and speaking skills by understanding the message of a

short story.

Develop their speaking skill while talking about what they have heard in the

story and about themselves.

Develop their writing skill by writing sentences related to their peer s

activities during the previous day.

Language focus:


REVISION Greetings

Good morning!

Goodbye! The

Imperative Sit down!

Listen to!

Objects Pirates

Chest Sand

Time: 8 am

3 pm


and naming past events


requests -Let s sit

down/open your book on page…

-Listen, please!

Wh questions

in the past Where did

they find the chest? They found …


questions and answers in

the past Did they travel by

boat? Yes, they did.

No, they didn t.

Could they see the ship? Yes,

Recognition and use of the short


/ˈwɪkɪd/ in


/ʃɪp/ in ship

they could.

No, they couldn t.


Objects: Parchment Spade

Actions: To dig

To pick To bother

Adjectives: Wicked



about previous day s



questions with present continuous

-What were

they doing at 3pm? They

were sailing.

What were you doing at 11pm?

I was….

Recognition and use of the sounds


in parchment

/ˈtreʒə(r)/ in


Teaching approach: The Natural Approach as the students are expected to

interact with the teacher and peers in a natural way promoting in this way the

communicative abilities. Since language and vocabulary are of principal

importance for this approach and to acquire the language, I will encourage the

students to concentrate mainly on the understanding of the message rather on

the target language specifically. Consequently, learners are also expected to

acquire language in a free-stress classroom environment. Besides, the PPP

method will be used as well to introduce the target structure.

Integrating skills: during this class students will develop their listening skill

while listening to the teacher and to their mates. They will also integrate

reading and writing when they are asked to write sentences about their

classmates and then read them aloud. Their critical thinking will also be

developed while talking about the moral of the story.

Materials and resources: short story – color markers – blackboard –


Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson we will not work with ICT


Seating arrangements: The students will be sitting at tables in groups of 4 or

5 to foster group interaction. It must be said that each student has a set

place given by the teacher so as to avoid misconduct among them.

Cooperative work: sts will work in pairs to talk about their past actions,

according to the characteristics of this age group sts will tend to help each

other if someone is in need either of the proper word or the answer for a

given question.

Possible problems/difficulties and their solutions during the class: as it is

the first class I give to the sts, I hope I will manage to do all the activities

planned. I was surprised to see all the activities they do with their teacher.

Either the sts may feel shy with the new teacher or relaxed and so they may

take their time to work. So I will be checking time during the whole class.

Potential problems students may have with the language: Students may find

it difficult to use the past continuous, if this is the case I will prompt or

model the answer.

Assessment: I will assess learners’ comprehension and understanding through their oral interactions, and their participation and development during the


Routine: 10 Purpose: to greet students and get them into a positive mood to start the lesson.

As this is the first period, sts take their time to open their school bags and

take their elements. They also have to place their communication copybook in a

box that is on the Tch´s desk. Then, the teacher checks that all the

schoolbags are placed next to the walls because no objects can impede the

free walk through the classroom.

So after all that routine, I will greet the sts, ask them how they feel and then

I will ask one of them about the date. I will write it on the blackboard (this is

the teacher´s routine so I will stick to it).

Transition: let´s get ready to listen to a nice story!

Warm up: 10

Purpose: to recall previous knowledge and set the context

T: ok sts. What topic do you think our story will be about? I will give you a


I´m going to take a rolled poster from my bag and little by little I’m going to

unfold it to create suspense.

Sts: Yes! Pirates!

T: Great! You are dealing with pirates and treasures. Today we are going to

listen to the story of a very special group of pirates. While you listen to the

story you have to write words from the story that are connected to pirates. I

will draw this web on the board.

T: For example, who can tell me words related to pirates?

Sts: chest, port, hook (these are words sts have already learnt).

So I will write these words on the blackboard (bb) so as to model the activity.

If the sts don´t come with any word, I will prompt them with some scramble

words on the bb or Yes/No questions or mime.

For this very first reading I´m going to use as many gestures as possible and

change my tones of voice so as to help the sts understand the story and also

to create suspense.

After reading the story for the 1st time, I will ask for the words to complete

the web. This will give an idea of which words are new for the kids.

T: which words are mentioned connected with pirates?


So I will write the words on the bb. Probably the words that will be mentioned

are: treasure - sail – sand – secret, among others.

All words will be welcomed even if they not appear in the story.

Cecilia, about your question, I have decided to use the story to develop

students’ listening skill, to provide a context with familiar lexis and also to

motivate their speaking skill taking as an advantage that the story has a very

concrete moral.

Transition: very good! We have many words about pirates! Why don´t we listen

to the story again?

Presentation: 15

Purpose: to check understanding while reading for the 2nd time

I will give a copy of the story to each student to follow it while I read. I think

this visual support will help sts to concentrate on this second reading, promote

the reading skill as they get acquainted with the spelling of some words, guess

the meaning through context and therefore get a better understanding of the

story´s message.

As I said before, the sts have already been working with this topic they know

most of the words that appear in the story, maybe parchment will be new for

them, the same with go inland, pick, spade and wicked. So, at the time of

reading the first word I will take a rolled piece of paper to hold it so sts will

understand its meaning. Then, when the character in the story reads the

message I will do as if I were unrolling the parchment so as to be read. As

regards the other words I will mime the action of doing or using the objects.

As regards the length of the story, I do not think the sts will find it difficult

to follow since their coursebooks have long passages. They sometimes listen to

the story and others they read from the book. During one of the observations,

the teacher read the 1st part of a story and the sts just listened to her with

books closed. Then she asked them to open their coursebooks to go on reading

the story.


There was once an invisible ship in which some wicked pirates lived. These pirates spent their

days sailing the oceans hunting for very valuable treasure – some hidden treasure that no one

had seen before. The pirates and their ship were invisible, and you could only see it if you were a

pirate too. It also meant that the pirates could get to all the secret treasure before anyone else

because nobody could see them.

One day, the pirates sailed looking for one secret treasure that no one had ever heard of, but

even so this treasure was very special for it guarded a big secret…

Following the treasure map, the pirates were impatient to get there as soon as possible, for they

believed it would be the best treasure. Quickly, the invisible pirates and the invisible ship reached

the treasure island and as they were the first to get there they were extremely happy.

Just as the treasure map indicated, they had to go inland from the beach by taking one hundred

steps in a direct line, turning right and taking eight more steps – and there, buried in the sand,

was the hidden treasure.

The pirates grabbed their picks and spades and started digging as fast as they could. After they

had been digging for quite a while, they hit something metal…

“We’ve found it!” shouted a pirate.

They had found an old chest that had to contain the treasure! So they opened it to see the hidden

treasure that no one had ever seen.

But to their horror, the chest was full of sand and had a piece of parchment inside it.

Extremely angry, one of the pirates picked up the parchment to see if it told them where the

treasure really was.

He began reading: “If you have come so far, it is because you are not happy with what you already

have. You wish to be richer and richer. Well, don’t bother looking more, because there is no

hidden treasure – the only thing that exists is the chest, the sand and this parchment. I was once

like you, a pirate who was only interested in becoming the richest pirate of all. But then I realised

that material things such as money are not important. I hope you learn to understand this as I


These words made all the wicked pirates think hard, because one person who had also been a

pirate had taught them a valuable lesson.


Source: I have adapted

the story for pedagogical purposes.

T: ok. How did you like the story?

Sts: it´s nice!

Now, I’m going to ask the sts some comprehension questions about it.

T: How were the pirates?

Sts: they were crazy and invisible

T: Could you see the ship?

Sts: no or only pirates

T: Where did they go one day?

Sts: to find a secret treasure

T: Did they have a map?

Sts: yes!

T: what did they have to do to get to the treasure?

Sts: walk and dig in the sand

T: What did they find?

Sts: a chest

T: how do you think the pirates felt after opening the chest?

Sts: Angry!

So as to foster the sts thinking skills, I will ask them about the moral of the

story, if they liked it or not and why.

T: What do you think is the moral or the message of the story?

Sts: you do not have to think about money

T: Do you like the message of the story?

Sts: yes!

Then I will write on the bb 4 different morals for the sts to choose the one

that corresponds to the story and say why.

Be courageous

Respect others

Be tolerant

Don´t work only for money

T: From these morals, which one corresponds to the story?

Sts: the last one

T: What makes you say so?

Sts: because that is what the pirate said in the letter.

If the sts do not know how to answer a question, I will give prompts, read the

part of the story again or provide alternatives.

Transition: great! Let´s go on talking about the pirates!


Activity 1: 15

Purpose: to set the context to introduce the target structure

T: so let´s mention what the pirates did before finding the treasure.

I will provide the 1st example and I’ll write the sentence on the left side of

the bb.

T: they sailed to the island. What else did the pirates do?

Possible answers:

They looked for the treasure.

They walked on the beach.

They talked to each other.

They travelled by ship

I will write at least 5 sentences. Sts will be encouraged to use the past tense.

In case they use the present tense, I will provide alternatives such as: do they

look or did they look for the treasure?

T: fantastic! Now let´s imagine that yesterday the pirates found this

treasure. (I will give emphasis to the word yesterday to show proximity and

therefore make it more vivid)

T: So let´s give a time to each activity.

On the bb, next to the first action, I’ll write the first set time for the sts to

understand the task:

They sailed to the island From 8 am to 2pm

They looked for the treasure. From 3 pm to 8pm

They walked on the beach. From 2pm to 7pm

They talked to each other. From 8am to 9 pm

They travelled by ship From 8 am to 2pm

Having this guide on the bb, I will say and write the following sentence in black

ink but use a different color for the verb in the past continuous.

Yesterday at 9 am, the pirates were sailing to the island.

T: what about at 4pm?

Sts: Walk on the beach

T: good! they were walking on the beach. What were they doing?

Sts: they were walking on the beach.

I will go on like this until all the activities have been mentioned. I will

encourage choral repetition if I identify that some students are still doubting

about the use of the verbs.

To check that the students understand the meaning of this verb, I will ask


T: Were the pirates sailing at 9:10?

Sts: yes!

T: Were the pirates sailing at 9:20?

Sts: Yes!

T: So was it a continuous activity?

Sts: Yes!

T: Was this activity in the present or in the past?

Sts: in the past!

T: great kids! We call this verb past continuous.

Transition: excellent kids!

Activity 2: 15

Purpose: to practice in a less controlled way the target structure

I will clean the blackboard and I will ask the sts to talk about them.

T: what about you? What were you doing yesterday at 2pm? I will write this

question on the bb in black ink and I will write the time in another color. As

the auxiliary verb “to be” changes when the person talks about “I”, I will write

the beginning of the answer as well, as it follows.

What were you doing yesterday at 2pm?

I was……

I will wait for some answers or I will ask some proficient st to answer. In case

the chosen st does not use the correct tense I will provide alternatives.

After some answers have been modeled I will ask the sts to work in pairs and

ask the mate they have sat next to them. I will encourage the sts to

remember the answers even take notes if they want. Meanwhile I will walk

around asking, prompting or even congratulating the sts for their answers.

Transition: great! Now open your folders, please.

Activity 3: 15

Purpose: to integrate the new structure in meaningful sentences about


Cecilia, I thought of including this activity as to connect the target structure

to the students’ world, to make it more personal. Before they talked about

themselves, but instead of copying those sentences I thought of reporting

what other friends had just said. They also took notes in the previous activity.

T: Students open your folders, copy the date and write at least 3 sentences

about what your friends were doing yesterday at 11 am, for example.

In case I see they are lost, I will write a model on the bb.

1. Yesterday at 2 pm, Juan was……

While the sts are writing the sentences, I will walk around checking

understanding, spelling, prompting possibilities, etc.

Once they have finished I will ask some volunteers to read some sentences

aloud, for example:

T: who can tell me what Mariano was doing yesterday morning at 9am?

St: He was doing gym.

Transition: you have learned a lot! Now put your belongings away and let´s go

to the break.

Homework: I will ask the sts to remember a movie on pirates they have seen,

or the stories they have read in class and think about the characteristics of

the pirates: clothes, personality, physical appearance. They must also bring a

picture of a pirate.

This will be used next class to work with comparatives, a topic the teacher

asked me to revise.

Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain

Co- tutora: Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur

Lesson Plans – Practicum – Second Period

I.F.D.C. LenguasVivas


Compañera que revisó el plan: Myriam Tielve

Período de Práctica: Segundo – Nivel Primario

Institución Educativa: Colegio Bilingüe Neuquén

Dirección: Los Álamos 700, Neuquén

Sala/Grado/Año: 6to “A”

Cantidad de alumnos: 19

Nivel Lingüístico del curso: Pre- intermedio

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Piratas y Tesoros

Clase N°: 2

Fecha: 13/08/2015

Hora: 8.10 – 9.20

Duración de la clase: 80 minutos

Fecha de la primera entrega: 10/08/2015

Teaching Points:

“Will” used to express decisions at the time of speaking

Revision of the use of adjectives to compare body characteristics, personality

and clothes

Cecilia: Just to tell you that I have found it difficult but challenging as well to

deal with these two topics the teacher gave me to teach and revise


Aims and goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to…

Compare different characters considering their body characteristics, aspects

of personality and items of clothing.

Develop their listening skill by understanding a character’s description of a

pirate s costume

Develop their speaking skill while talking about what they think they will do in

the future.

Develop their writing skill by writing sentences related a possible future


Language focus:






Good morning!

Goodbye! The

Imperative Sit down!

Listen to!

Objects: Eye-patch Dress, hat

pair of

pants, Belt,


blouse ,




symbol, t-

shirt, skull

Adjectives and their



characters according to

their body characteristics, aspects of

personality and items of



requests -Let s sit

down/open your book on page…

-Listen, please!

Wh questions

What can you say about…?

Yes- No questions

Do you know what it is?

Is this a vest?

Did you see…?

Possessive case

Pirate s hair

Recognition and use of the sound

/məˈstɑːʃ/ in


e forms:

(more) Intelligent, Short(er),

Long(er) Old(er),

New(er), Dirty/

dirtier Big(ger),

Small(er), Curly (ier) (more)


NEW Costume

party Sword


To dress up Adjectives:


Items of clothing:

Vest, belt, costume,

Taking decisions at

the time of speaking

I think, I will wear…

I don´t think I will…


questions What can you say about the

pirate s hair?

What will you wear?

What will you dress up like?

Recognition and use of the sounds

/ ˈkɒstjuːm/ in


/sɔː(r)d/ in


Teaching approach: The Natural Approach as the students are expected to

interact with the teacher and peers in a natural way promoting in this way

their communicative abilities. Since language and vocabulary are of principal

importance for this approach and to acquire the language, I will encourage the

students to concentrate mainly on the understanding of the video message

rather than on the target language specifically. Consequently, learners are also

expected to acquire language in a free-stress classroom environment. Besides,

the PPP method will be used as well to introduce the target structure.

Integrating skills: during this class students will develop their listening skill

while listening to the teacher, their mates and a video. They will also integrate

reading and writing when they are asked to write sentences about their

classmates and then read them aloud.

Materials and resources: computer – overhead projector – color markers –

blackboard– copies (survey, vocabulary and homework) – vocabulary poster –

three A4 size pictures of pirates – (cell phone and loudspeaker just in case of

technological problems with the computer)

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson we will use ICT support, music

and a video from You Tube, to develop speaking and listening skills. The music

will be used to create a suitable atmosphere to work on the topic and the video

will be used to trigger ideas on costumes.

Seating arrangements: The students will be sitting at tables in groups of 4 or

5 to foster group interaction. It must be said that each student has a set

place given by the teacher so as to avoid misconduct among them.

Cooperative work: sts will work in pairs to talk about their past actions,

according to the characteristics of this age group sts will tend to help each

other if someone is in need either of the proper word or the answer for a

given question.

Possible problems/difficulties and their solutions during the class: In case

there is any problem about technological devices I will use my cell phone to

play the music and I will skip the part of the video watching to pass on directly

to the supposition activity only. If any st uses L1, I will provide the words in L2

and check if he / she understands the activity or needs helps with the


Potential problems students may have with the language: Students may get

confused or not remember some comparatives, if this is so I will elicit them

from their partners or provide possibilities for example at the time of

comparing two pirates: can you use the adjective intelligent or more

intelligent?, Is he more intelligent than….?

Assessment: I will assess learners’ comprehension and understanding through

their oral interactions, and their participation and development during the activities.

Routine: 10 Purpose: to greet students and get them into a positive mood to start the lesson.

T: Hello, good morning! Don´t forget to put all the schoolbags next to the

walls and your communication copybook in the box, please.

T: How are you today?

Sts: Fine!

T: Who wants to write the date on the bb, please?

In the previous class, sts were asked to bring pictures of pirates to work with

during this class.

T: Ok. What did we talk about last class? Do you remember?

Sts: Pirates!

T: great!

Transition: let´s get ready to start with the action, kids!

Warm up: 12

Purpose: to recall previous knowledge and set the context

T: Let´s listen to this music for a while. Where is it from?

I won´t say the word movie to create more suspense. As it is the music of

Pirates of the Caribbean, I´m sure sts will find it very easy to find out. This

music is well known for them, so they will feel confident to start talking

achieving our main goal that is to have the kids communicating in English.

Moreover, they probably like the movie so it would be a motivating starting

point, as well. If the sts don´t relate the music with its movie I will elicit the

right answer by asking questions with two possibilities:

T: “Is it the music from Shrek or from The Pirates of the Caribbean?” Source: You Tube



I have already downloaded this music and the video that comes in next stages

to my computer.

I have also downloaded the music to my cell phone in case there is any problem

with the technology devices. I will carry my cell phone and the loudspeaker I

usually use with it.

Sts: Piratas del Caribe!

T: Yes! It is Pirates of the Caribbean!

Transition: Ok. Let´s talk about it!

Communicative Activity: 10

Purpose: to activate previous knowledge about pirate movies they have seen or

pirate games they have played with.

To start a short discussion and a true communicative moment, I will ask the

sts some questions about the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean” and the Play

Station, Wii or X-Box game Assassin Creed: “Black Flag”.

T: Do you play Black Flag? What is it about?

T: Did you see the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”? How did you like it?

T: Who is the main character?

T: Can you describe him?

T: Is there a woman pirate? What is her name?

Then, I will display 3 A4 pictures of some famous pirates to trigger some


Jonny Deep as Jack Sparrow Keira Knightley as Elisabeth Swann

Penelope Cruz as Angelica

Source: Google images

T: fantastic, did you remember to bring pictures of pirates?

Sts. Yes!

T: Ok, can we see them, please?

So sts will take out the pictures. In case some sts haven´t brought some color

pictures, I will take several like the following ones. Then, I will ask them to

have a look at their classmates pictures as well.

Source: Google images

Transition: Now, let´s compare the pirates

Activity 1: 5´

Purpose: to compare movie characters with the pictures they brought

T: We have many pirates! But they are very different, aren´t they?

Sts: Yes!

T: What aspects are different? for example, the color of their hair.

I will write hair color on the bb.

What else can we add, Luciano, what do you think?

Luciano: The clothes!

T: Great!

Then, I will give the instructions as follows:

T: Get in pairs and you have 2 minutes to list the elements that the pirates on

the bb and your pictures have different.

While they are finding the differences, I will play the music again and I will

walk around checking sts are using the target language to find the

differences. In case, they are using L1, I will ask them, What do you find

different about these pirates? so as to promote the use of the target

language. I will also prompt or provide words on demand.

Once the time is over, I will lower the volume of the music and I will say:

T: Great! Let´s make a list of the elements you found different among the


I will write all the characteristics they mention on the board.

Hair color





T: What about the personality? Do you think they may be different?

Sts: Yes!

I will include this item as well.

Transition: very good! Now let´s include something else about the pirates!


Activity 1: 10

Purpose: to say how different the pirates are

T: So, using all the information from the bb, let´s compare the pirates.

I will choose 2 pictures that are on the board and I will say.

T: What can you say about their hair?

I will write this question on the bb using a color marker for the sts to have it

as a guide.

What can you say about the pirates´……HAIR……… ?

Sts: This pirate has long hair

T: this pirate´s hair is longer than this one.

And I will copy it on the board.

T: Now take the pictures again and using the list on the blackboard, ask your

classmate about the different pirates and compare them.

Meanwhile, I will walk around checking the correct use of the comparatives.

Every time I see the sts are in doubts or using the comparatives in the wrong

way, I will write the correct version on the bb for the sts to have them as a


Transition: great! Let´s go on talking about the pirates!


Activity 1: 15

Purpose: to set the context and introduce the target structure

T: so let´s imagine you are invited to a costume party! Do you know what it


Sts: No!

T: It´s a birthday party, for example, but you have to wear clothes, you dress

up like a pirate, like spiderman or a ghost. I will mime the actions.

Sts: fiesta de disfraces!

T: yes, a costume party! Imagine you have to go to a costume party next

Saturday and the theme is Pirates and Treasures. What costumes would you


I will take a poster with some words, I will stick it on the bb for the students

to choose possible pieces of clothing. As some words may be new for the sts I

will use the already used pictures to point at the pieces of clothing they may

not know, I will give the definition, or I will draw it on the bb for example with

the word tie. Most of these words will appear in the video.

I will model the first answer and I will write it on the bb.

I think I will wear…an eye-patch…

T: What about you, Lautaro?

St: I think I will wear boots!

T: And you Luciana?

St: I think I will wear a symbol.

T: Great. What symbol?

St: A skull (this is a word the teacher has already taught).

T: Will you take a sword? (I will mime as if I had a sword or I will point to

some in the pictures).

St: Yes!

I will write this answer also on the bb for the sts to have some other

alternatives and not only clothes to be mentioned

I think I will take a sword

Then I will ask:

T: Are you deciding the clothes now or is it something you thought about at


St: Now!

T: Is it your decision to wear these costumes?

Sts: Yes!

Vest hat pair of pants

Belt scarf blouse

Boots shoes skirt

Dress symbol

Eye-patch t-shirt tie

T: Did you take this decision before coming to the class?

Sts: No! In the class!

T: Well done! So you are taking the decision now and the party will be next

Saturday! When you take the decision at the moment you are speaking, what

structure do we use? Pointing to the sentences on the board, I will elicit the

right answer from the sts.

Sts: Will!

Transition: Let´s watch a video about a boy who is invited to a pirate´s party.

Activity 2: 5

Purpose: to provide new elements for a less controlled practice of the target


I will ask the sts to guess what the boy will wear. So, I will ask the sts

T: From all these items (I will point to the words in the poster) what will the

boy use to dress up like a pirate?

St: I think he will wear a pair of pants.

I will ask some proficient sts to model some other answers.

T: ok. Let´s see what a boy will wear to dress up like a pirate!

T: You do not have to understand every word the boy says. I´m going to give

you a copy of these words that are on the poster and you have to circle the

elements mentioned in the video.

Then, we will watch the video.

Source: You Tube

Sts will watch from 00:27 up to 1:46. Script

Do you want to pretend you are a pirate, too?

So you need my help and Disney Junior´s guide to dressing up like a pirate

Step 1: treasure hunt

Grandpa says that if you gonna be a real pirate, you should dress up as a pirate

So get on a treasure hunt around the house

I´ll find everything I need

Your mom and dad wardrobe is the best place to start

Make sure you ask first

I´m going to use this old blouse and scarf of mom´s, dad´s vest

And this old hat I have found

Step 2: make some modifications

Put on the blouse and roll up the sleeves

Tie your scarf around your waist and add the vest

And now it is time to make a pirate´s hat

Turn up the front and back, then customize

Every pirate has a symbol, mine is a starfish

Step 3

Add the fun staff. Every pirate needs an eye-patch and I know how to make a fierce one.

T: Did you like it?

Sts: Yes!

T: So this boy is going to a costume party as a pirate. What will he wear?

Sts: He will wear an eye-patch.

T: Very good. What else?

STs: a vest!

Once the sts have mentioned all the possibilities I will say,

Transition: Now, let’s talk about you!

Activity 3: 13

Purpose: to refer to instant decisions about themselves using the target


I will clean the blackboard and take the poster and I will ask the sts to talk

about themselves.

T: Students, open your folders and copy the date, please.

T: Let´s suppose the school organizes a costume party, and it is going to be

about pirates and treasures. What will you wear? You will ask your friends and

you will complete this chart.

I will give the sts this copy for them to complete a survey.

Friend What will you dress

up like?

What will you wear?

What will you take?

While the sts are working, I will walk around checking that they are

performing the activity and helping those students who have any problem. I

will also encourage the use of the L2 if necessary. Once I they have finished,

I will also ask some students to report the result of the survey in a loud voice

to practice reading and check their pronunciation as well.

Then, I will ask one st to deliver the slips of paper with the homework and I

will ask another st to read it aloud in case there are some questions.

Transition: you have learned a lot! Now put your belongings away and let´s go

to the break.

Homework: as next class is the last class with the sts, I will ask them to

dress up like pirates, if they want. Also, sts will be given the link of the video

to watch again at home.

Querida Familia:

En las horas de inglés estamos trabajando con la temática Piratas. Es por ello

que invitamos a sus hijos a caracterizarse de pirata para el próximo Martes 18.

También les compartimos el link del tema trabajado hoy donde pueden sacar

ideas para el disfraz.

Muchas gracias,

Miss Mariana y Miss Paula

Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain

Co- tutora: Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur

Lesson Plans – Practicum – Second Period

I.F.D.C. LenguasVivas


Compañera que revisó el plan: Myriam Tielve

Período de Práctica: Segundo – Nivel Primario

Institución Educativa: Colegio Bilingüe Neuquén

Dirección: Los Álamos 700, Neuquén

Sala/Grado/Año: 6to “A”

Cantidad de alumnos: 19

Nivel Lingüístico del curso: Pre- intermedio

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Piratas y Tesoros

Clase N°: 3

Fecha: 18/08/2015

Hora: 8.10 – 9.30

Duración de la clase: 80 minutos

Fecha de la primera entrega: 15/08/2015

Teaching Points:

First Conditional (Simple Present + will) to express future condition, a real


Revision of the use of adjectives in the superlative form to talk about body

characteristics, personality and clothes and ship s characteristics

Aims and goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to…

Compare different characters considering their body characteristics, aspects

of personality and items of clothing.

Compare different ships and their characteristics

Develop their listening skill by understanding the information from a video

Develop their speaking skill while talking about their preferences and opinion

about pirates ships.

Develop their writing skill by writing sentences related to superstitions.

Language focus:




Greetings Good morning!


The Imperative

Sit down! Listen to(

your classmate)!

Objects: Vest, belt,

costume, Wig, sword,

skull, handkerchief


and their superlative

forms: Best, most

expensive, Biggest,

Comparing characters according to

their body characteristic

s, aspects of personality

and items of clothing.

Polite requests -Let s sit

down/place your book in

the box. -Listen,


Wh-questions Who is the

tallest pirate?

Yes- No

questions Did you like the video?

Recognition and use of the


/sɔː(r)d/ in


/ˈkæptɪn/ in



(most) colorful

NEW superstition cabin

Actions: sink


in the superlative

form: The (most) scary…

Expressing future


If sentences:

If you enter a yellow

element, the ship will sink.

Recognition and

use of the sounds

/bɪə(r)d/ in beard

/ˈleɡəʊ/ in Lego

Teaching approach: The Natural Approach as the students are expected to

interact with the teacher and peers in a natural way promoting in this way

their communicative abilities. Since language and vocabulary are of principal

importance for this approach and to acquire the language, I will encourage the

students to concentrate mainly on the understanding of the video message

rather than on the target language specifically. Consequently, learners are also

expected to acquire language in a free-stress classroom environment. Besides,

the PPP method will be used as well to introduce the target structure.

Integrating skills: during this class students will develop their listening skill

while listening to the teacher, their mates and a video. They will also integrate

reading and writing when they are asked to write sentences about their

superstitions and then read them aloud.

Materials and resources: laptop – cell phone and loudspeaker – copies – items

of clothing – fake bills- presents

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson we will use ICT support, music

and a video from You Tube, to develop speaking and listening skills. The music

will be used to create a suitable atmosphere to work on the topic and the video

will be used to state facts about different ships.

Seating arrangements: Last week, students were assigned by the coordinator

a new place to each one and this time the desks are not placed in a circle but

one after the other one. So the seating arrangement will be respected as set

by the coordinator.

Cooperative work: sts will work in pairs to talk about their past actions,

according to the characteristics of this age group sts will tend to help each

other if someone is in need either of the proper word or the answer for a

given question.

Possible problems/difficulties and their solutions during the class: In case

there is any problem about technological devices I will use my cell phone to

play the music and I will skip the part of the video watching to pass on directly

to the supposition activity only. If any st uses L1, I will provide the words in L2

and check if he / she understands the activity by modeling it myself or needs

helps with the vocabulary.

Potential problems students may have with the language: Students may get

confused or not at the time of remembering some superlatives, if this is so I

will elicit them from their partners or provide possibilities for example at the

time of comparing three pirates: can you use the adjective intelligent or most

intelligent?, Is he the most intelligent or the most powerful?

Assessment: I will assess learners’ comprehension and understanding through

their oral interactions, and their participation and development during the activities.

Routine: 8

Purpose: to greet students and get them into a positive mood to start the lesson.

T: Hello, good morning! Don´t forget to put all the schoolbags next to the

walls and your communication copybook in the box, please.

T: How are you today?

Sts: Fine!

T: Who wants to write the date on the bb, please?

In the previous class, sts were asked to bring clothes to dress up like pirates

during this class. The coordinator allowed the kids to bring the clothes in a

bag, so they can dress up like pirates only for this class then when they leave

for the break they have to be wearing the uniform again.

T: Ok. What did we talk about last class? Do you remember?

Sts: Pirates!

T: great!

Transition: So, let´s get ready to start with the action, kids!

Warm up: 20

Purpose: to organize a competition while setting the context

T: Ok what did you have to bring for today?

Sts: Pirates’ clothes!!

T: Great! So we are going to put all the pieces of clothing together on 3 desks.

Take all the elements that you brought and put them on these 3 desks, please.

As I do not know how many elements will be brought or if all the sts will bring

clothes, I would prefer the sts to share the elements they have. So, I will

place two separate desks at the front of the classroom and I will divide the

elements the sts brought on an exact number. For example, I will place 5

pieces of clothing on each desk. I will wear or put on the extra element, if

there is one and if I fit in! This is to show involvement and that I’m also having

fun. I will also take some clothes from home.

1Blue skirt, flowered handkerchief, eye-patch, wig, white shirt, pirate hat and sort of pink belt with coins.

Note: Positive aspect of being a mother of 4!!!

Then I will ask the sts to go back to their seats.

T: ok let´s see what we´ve got on this desk.

So I will show the elements and ask the sts to name them using the TL. If a

new word appears I will first ask the sts if somebody knows the meaning, if

they answer affirmatively I will ask them to explain the meaning of the word

using the target language, for example,

T: How do you call this element in English?

Sts: wig!

And then I will round the idea or give the exact word, for example. It will not

be necessary to mime the meaning or give the definition since the elements

will be there. The purpose of the activity is to revise the words they learned

in the previous class and teach new ones.

Then I will ask the sts to divide into 3 groups.

Note: The previous day has been a holiday, and on that week the sts are having classes only on

Tuesday and Wednesday because on Thursday and Friday the teachers have a whole-day

training on Vess Routines, so the teachers already know that fewer sts will come.

As for this game, the present sts will be divided into 3 groups in case there is

an odd number I will choose that free st to check the rules of the game. I will

try to have more or else the same number of boys and girls in each group as

well as equal pieces of clothing if possible that is to say 1 hat, 1 sword on each


Next, they will be asked to make 3 lines of chairs in front of the desks with

the clothes on.

If I see that there are many sts I will ask them to move the chairs and desks

and sit on the floor one after the other one.

Classroom layout

Once they are set, I will ask for a volunteer from each group to stand in front

of the desk and I will explain the rules of the game.

T: Each of you has to stand up, run to the front, choose a piece of clothing and

put it on the volunteer; I mean dress up the volunteer with that element. Then

you must go back to your place and once you are sat the next classmate can

stand up and repeat the action. The activity is over when all the pieces of

clothing have been used and all the members of the group are sat at their

places. I will mime the actions while I give the instructions.

I will ask 1 volunteer to say the rules again and I will ask 2 volunteers to model

the activity before starting the game.

While the sts are playing the game, I will set the music of Pirates of the

Caribbean again as they enjoyed it very much.

Desk with


Desk with


volunteer Desk with

clothes Source: You Tube

I have already downloaded this music to my computer.

I have also downloaded the music to my cell phone in case there is any problem

with the technology devices. I will carry my cell phone and the loudspeaker I

usually use with it.

Once the game is over, I will stop the music and I will say:

Transition: Yes! Here we have 3 fantastic pirates! Let´s talk about them!

Practice: 15

Purpose: to compare the costume of the pirates

I will ask the pirates to stand straight at the front and I will give some

minutes to the sts to organize the chairs in case they were sat on the floor.

Meanwhile, I will try to straighten or put the pirates’ clothes in a good way for

the rest of the sts to see the clothes, symbols, extra elements he /she may

be wearing.

Now, I will whisper in the sts´ears that in the next minutes they will have to

do gestures so as to seem strong, elegant or scary for their classmates to

answer some questions.

Then, I will start asking questions to compare the pirates.

T: Who has more items of clothes?

T: Whose hat is the biggest?

T: Who has the longest belt/ hair?

T: Who is most colorful pirate?

T: Who is the strongest?

T: Who is the most elegant? (Both volunteers will have to do as if they were


T: Who is the youngest? (Both volunteers will have to show their clothes)

T: Who is the tallest?

T: Whose sword is the longest?

Now, I will give each volunteers a plastic and transparent bag with fake bills (I

will take them from the board game El Estanciero) but 1 bag will have 2 or 3

bills, the 2nd a bit more and the last one much more.

Who is the wealthiest pirate?

I will encourage the sts to provide the complete answers; Lautaro is the

tallest pirate. And I will elicit the form from them in case they do not answer

correctly: Is Franco the tallest or the youngest?

At this point I will tell the sts that if they want they can take the elements

they brought and dress up like pirates. In this way, no one will be disappointed

at bringing the clothes and not wearing them.

Transition: Excellent! Now let´s watch a video about pirates´


Activity 1: 15

Purpose: to provide new elements for a less controlled practice of the

superlative form

T: We are going to watch a video about 4 ships. What kind of ships do you

think they will be?

T: Pirates!

T: do you think they are going to be real?

Sts: yes! Like the ones in museums

T: OK! It could be…… Can you imagine the names of the ships?

Probably the sts will mention the Black Pearl as it is the most famous ship in

the movie Pirates of the Caribbean.

T: Do you think they are going to be sweet names?

Sts: Ok, let´s see.

T: ok. Now, I’m going to deliver a copy and there you have the names of the

other ships.

Who can read them? At that point I’m going to explain the new words (names

and characteristics to pay attention to).

Bounty- reward, sth good that you receive because of sth good you have done

Revenge- The burglar killed his family so as he is angry he decides to take

revenge and kill the burglar.

Sail: a large piece of strong cloth fixed to a tall pole on a boat, used for

catching wind to move the boat across water.

Beard: hair that grows on men chin and cheek. I will mime the word to show

the meaning of it.

T: Ok now, while watching the video you have to mark with a X which of these

ships have the best or most important characteristics ok? For example, the

first characteristic is tall, so you will have to listen to see: which is the tallest

ship? Do you understand?

Who can ask the 2nd question?

St: Which is the shortest ship?

T: Excellent! Let´s watch the video!


Flag Ship




Black Pearl






1 Tall

2 Short

3 Number of sails

4 Good flag

5 Long ship

6 Good front figure

7 Big ship

8 Small cabin


Source: You Tube


Hey, guys I´m the Brick Queen

I know how much you like my comparison videos

So today I thought we could do a ship comparison

So we have the Imperial Flag Ship, Queen Anne´s Revenge, Black Pearl Ship and Brick-beard´s

Bounty Ship

They are all really great ships and they have come up at various times over the years and for more

info go to the closure I’ll show you the details

Let´s go ahead and get started on a ship-comparison; a close-up portion

See the 4 of them all formed set side by side

Right now, obviously the Flag Ship, the Imperial Flag over there is the tallest

And Brick-beard´s Bounty is slightly shorter than Queen Anne´s Revenge and the Black Pearl Ship

And you´ve got different sails on everyone, as you can see

These are sails on the Flag Ship, that´s the Queen Anne´s Revenge, Black Pearl Ship and Brick-

beard´s Bounty.

And you also have a different flag at the top of each one.

And the way I have the ships sitting, the back of each ship is lined up so you can see

The difference of the length of each one

The shortest one is actually the Black Pearl Ship and each one has a different little figure

At the end here you have a mermaid at the end of Brick-beard´s Bounty

That the Black Pearl, you can tell

And Queen´s revenge, you´ll find a skeleton

And then on the Flag Ship you have a shark

Obviously the Imperial Flag Ship is the biggest ship

And you can also take the mast off

And see a complete in-sight of the ship

I´ve done several reviews on this and I’m not going to go on every detail

I just wanna do an overview and kind of show you the difference of each size

I have done a view on these three and I have added Brick-beard´s Bounty

Let´s kind of show you the inside of each ship for a quick look

This is the inside of Brick-beard´s Bounty, the cabin

Then on the Black Pearl, this is the cabin

There is a small cabin on the Queen Anne´s Revenge

And there is the Black Ship cabin, even has a little organ in it, just really cool

But I think that´s a pretty good comparison of the 4

You´ve got a pretty good idea for they look like

Thank you everybody for watching!

After watching the 1st time;

T: did you like the video?

Sts: Yes!

T: What are the ships made of?

Sts: Legos!

T: Yes! Do you want to watch it again?

According to the sts answers I will decide whether to watch it again or not. I

think it will be better to do so.

After the 2nd watching, I will use the numbers on the left column to check the

comparisons between the ships. I will use the numbers instead of the

superlative form so the sts provide them by themselves.

T: What can you say about the second boat? What´s its name?

Sts: The Black Pearl.

T: What can you tell me about the Black Pearl?

Sts: It is the short!

T: Is it the short or the shortest among the 4 ships?

Sts: The shortest!

T: Ok. Let´s pass on to the 3rd characteristic. This will be done until all the

characteristics have been mentioned.

Once the sts have answered all the possibilities I will say,

Transition: Now, let’s talk about superstitions!


Activity 1: 10

Purpose: to refer to a real possibility about ships superstitions while using the

target structure

T: Now, let´s imagine you are the captain of those ships. Franco, which ship

will be yours?

St: Black Pearl!

T: Fantastic! Now as captains you are going to have some rules on the ship.

But you think that if some of those rules are broken something bad will

happen, for example (I will write the sentences on the bb and I will underline

some key words)

If you enter a yellow element in the ship, it will sink. (I will mime the word


If you sing a sad song, pirates will attack your ship.

T: So now, get in pairs. And complete these superstitions. Remember you are

the captains of the ship and you have 2 minutes to think about some

superstitions. Use the sentences on the copy as a guide.

I will deliver the following copy:

If you clean the boat on a rainy day, the ship


If you open the cabin´s door slowly, a pirate


If you find a ring on the ship, the captain will


While the sts are working, I will walk around checking that they are

performing the activity using the target structure as well. I will also

encourage the use of the L2 if necessary. Once they have finished, I will also

ask some students to report the results in a loud voice, I will check the use of

the target structure and their pronunciation as well.

After some superstitions have been told and using the sentences that are on

the bb, I will ask the sts some questions to infer the use of the target


T: So you are the captain of a ship. Are these superstitions important for you?

Sts: Yes!

T: Are these superstitions real for you?

Sts: Yes!

T: So if you have a yellow element in the ship, what do you think will happen?

Sts: sink!

T: Yes, so this structure of a real possibility is called 1st conditional. If sth

happens, then sth else will happen.

Transition: Now, let´s write more superstitions


Activity 2: 13

Purpose: to provide new elements for a less controlled practice of the target


I will clean the blackboard and I will ask the sts to stick their superstitions in

their folder.

T: Students, open your folders and copy the date and stick your superstitions

in your folders, please. But now you will work alone and you will include 2 new

superstations! I will write these 2 starting sentences on the bb.

If a pirate is ………………………………………………… ,


If the weather is ……………………………………………… , ………………………………… will


While the sts are working, I will walk around checking that they are

performing the activity and helping those students who have any problem.

Once I they have finished, I will also ask some students to report their

superstitions in a loud voice to practice reading and check their pronunciation

as well.

T: please, now you can take off the costume. Before finishing, I want to thank

you for your fantastic work and that is why I have brought a bon-o-bon for

each of you. I will also want to thank Miss Mariana and I have brought a

present for her, too. I will deliver the presents

Transition: you have learned a lot! Now put your belongings away and you can

go to the break

I will put my belongings away and leave the classroom.

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