Page 1: ALL SOULS WEEKLY - · resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ, ... There's a sign-up sheet on the welcome table



St. Bartholomew’s Day is August 24, but I wonder how many of us could say much

about St. Bart? It turns out that Bartholomew is one of the twelve Apostles known to

us only by his being listed among them in the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark,

and Luke. His name means “Son of Tolmai,” and he is sometimes identified with

Nathanael, the friend of Philip, the “Israelite without guile” in John’s Gospel, to whom

Jesus promised the vision of angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man.

Nothing more is heard of him in the four Gospels.

Some sources credit Bartholomew with having written a Gospel, whose existence was

known to Jerome and Bede, but which is lost today. There is a tradition that

Bartholomew traveled to India, and Eusebius reports that when Pantaenus of

Alexandria visited India, between 150 and 200 A.D., he found there “the Gospel

according to Matthew” in Hebrew, which had been left behind by “Bartholomew, one

of the Apostles.” Tradition maintains that Bartholomew was martyred in Armenia.

I like the fact that the Church often commemorates women and men of faith whose

names we know, but whose lives are not well known. As the psalm says, “Their works

do follow them,” and the memory of their faithfulness follows them. There is

something very nice about the fact that we will be remembered by others, in their

prayers, in their stories, and in their worship, long after we have died, even if we are

not famous or well known in this life. We can pray for St. Bart all the saints:

Grant, O Lord God, to all who have been baptized into the death and

resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ, that, as we have put away the old life

of sin, so we may be renewed in the spirit of our minds, and live in

righteousness and true holiness; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord,

who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,

now and for ever. Amen. (Book of Common Prayer, p. 201)

John Beddingfield, adapted from Lesser Feast and Fasts

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AROUND THE PARISH . . . Attendance last Sunday at 8:30 a.m.: 29; at 11 a.m.: 94 . . .

Pledge offerings for August 9: $3,566; plate: $400.08; online giving: $5,157.

YOUR PRAYERS ARE ASKED FOR . . . David Parobek, William Henry Napier Ellis, Jr.,

Sharon Oates, Jeanne Johnston, Elaine Eaker, Missy Mendes Pepe, Daniel Callis, Sr.,

Tom Farnum, Doretha Hartshorn, Patricia Cain, Rt. Rev. James W. Montgomery, Jay

Campbell, Geralyn Ritter, Rudolph Russell, Stuart Thompson, Edward Jiran, Kelle

Long, Judith Esmay, Robert Strauss, Jason Micheli, the family of Tamara Floyd, Jason

Andre, Howard Menaker, Michael Crowe, Betty Mabon, Irene Butcher, David Gariff,

Edward Weber & family, Grace Lee, Oscar Longalong, Jim Houghton, Tim & Karla

Cook, Francis Sierawski, Merry Lee Mabon, George Smith, Rob Six, Bertha Bowie,

Robert “Mitch” Mitchell, Robert Harrison, Colin & Lindsay Walsh, Ralph Braun,

Carmel and Fred Jordan, Lee Kadrich, Jim Leanderson, Jennie R., Dotty Wallace, Terry

& Ron Horn, Claretta Prescott, Julia Gutierrez, Vivian Addington, Tom Mabon, Susan

Morrison, Margaret Child, Joe Threadgill, Evelyn Reynolds, Chris Cobb, Ana

Hernandez, Walter Hollis, Landis Vance, Mark Henderson, Martha Holdgate, Chip

Meyers. Pray also for those in Foreign Service & overseas, especially Scott Cecil and

Chuck Hunter, and our armed forces on active duty.

LITURGICAL NOTES . . . The flowers on the main altar and in the Mary chapel today are

given to the glory of God and in remembrance of Carolyn L. Hunter on her birthday,

by her children Gary, Kimberly, and Jeffrey.

THE LOVE AND SYMPATHY OF THE PARISH . . . are extended to our former rector, John

David van Dooren, upon the death of his mother, Mrs. Sarah van Dooren, on Monday,

August 17 in Chicago, IL, at the age of 93. Please pray for the repose of the soul of

Sarah, for John David and his family, and for all who mourn.

17TH STREET FESTIVAL . . . The 17th Street Festival is on Saturday, September 12 from

noon until 6 p.m. All Souls will have a booth again this year and we're looking for

volunteers to help outat this fun event. There's a sign-up sheet on the welcome table in

the undercroft. Please sign up there and indicate your time preference. For more

information, contact Greg Lebel at [email protected] or (301)891-1215.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT PRAYER GROUP . . . "Prayer is not a monologue but dialogue. God's

voice in response to [ours] is its most essential part" (Andrew Murray). Please come

and join the Wednesday Evening Prayer Group, meeting from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in

the Mary Chapel, as we dialogue with God. Our God promises, "For where two or

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three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20). Enter the Mary

Chapel via the second set of doors on Cathedral Avenue.

BACKPACK DRIVE A GREAT SUCCESS! . . . Many thanks to everyone who donated

backpacks and supplies for the THC kids. We collected 24 colorful, fun backpacks and

had a good time assembling half of them at our pizza party after church last Sunday.

The kids will be all ready for school next week!

THE HEIFER BRIGADE . . . One of the responses to the congregation’s request for more

opportunities for social action is the creation of the Heifer Brigade. The Heifer Brigade

is an opportunity for church members to join together as a group, for fun, sharing,

creativity, and for the benefit of Heifer International, with minimal effort and

meetings, while holding a number of beneficial activities such as dinner parties,

“painless animal purchases,” Sunday School discussions, fieldtrips, movie nights, and

reading marathons. What we need now is you: briefly, periodically, and uniquely. We

plan to use the magic of the internet to keep our commitment to a minimum while

achieving many things. Combined with the aid of the Holy Spirit and the prayers of

the community, this truly promises to be a painless achievement. To become part of

this activity, please contact Charles Boone at (202)579-8757 or [email protected].

ALL SOULS ARE GREEN: NEW PARTICIPANTS WANTED! . . . Does the line "Give us all a

reverence for the earth as your own creation, that we may use its resources rightly in

the service of others and to your honor and glory," from the Prayers of the People stir

your spirit? Did the Pope’s encyclical on climate change embolden you to do

something? If so, All Souls are Green could be the group for you. New study and

action meetings will start at 5:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month starting

September 10. Questions? Contact Dan Weisshaar at [email protected].

HOW TO HOST BREAKFAST OR COFFEE HOUR . . . Hospitality is an important part of our

identity at All Souls, often expressed in the serving of breakfast or coffee hour to our

guests and fellow parishioners. Breakfast can be anything from oatmeal to full English,

as the host desires. Coffee hour is not meant to provide lunch but to serve as a means

to continue the fellowship after the Mass. At both events, our sexton, Moises, handles

the room set-up, the clean-up (although a helping hand is always welcome), and the

making of coffee and punch. Please consider signing up to host breakfast or coffee

hour in the undercroft. For questions see Jennifer Johnston or Daniel Callis.

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READINGS FOR THE DAILY OFFICE . . . Readings appointed for the week, August 23

through August 29, are listed in The Book of Common Prayer, page 980, “Proper 16”

and at



Low Mass, 8:30 a.m.; Sunday School, 11 a.m.; High Mass, 11 a.m.;

Child care provided; Breakfast in undercroft, following 8:30 a.m. Mass;

Choir Rehearsal, 9 a.m.; A.A. Meeting, conf. room, 3 p.m.

Monday D.A. Meeting, conf. room, 6:45 p.m.; A.A. Meeting, conf. room, 8:30 p.m.

Tuesday Matins, 7:15 a.m.

Wednesday Matins, 7:15 a.m.; Christ House Breakfast, 7 a.m.;

Low Mass with Healing Rite, 12 p.m.; D.A. Mtg., conf. room, 6:45 p.m.

Thursday Matins, 7:15 a.m.; Low Mass, 7:30 a.m.;

Capital Hearings Rehearsal, choir room & nave, 7 p.m.

Friday Matins, 7:15 a.m.; A.A. Meetings, conference room, 6:45 p.m. & 8:30 p.m.


Liturgical ministers for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Acolytes: 8:30 a.m. Gary O’Neill ; 11 a.m. CR1- Jamie Finch, T1- TBD, T2- TBD, Book-

Barry Huber, CR2- Ed Perlman, TR- Will Coley

Bell Guild: Bill Miller, Larry Sturgeon

Greeters: Ben Chia, Lori Commins

Lectors: 8:30 a.m. (OT) Peter Laugesen, (NT) Leigh Harrison, (PP) Scott Yeomans;

11 a.m. (OT) Terry Adlhock, (NT) Will Stewart, (PP) Jim Hughes

Ushers: Dick Self, Tracy Self, Susie Bruninga, Larry Sturgeon

Breakfast: TBD

Coffee Hour: Will Stewart

ALL SOULS MEMORIAL EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Rev. John Beddingfield, rector; The Rev. Elizabeth Orens, honorary assistant; The Rev. Cameron Soulis,

The Rev. Elena Thompson, OPA; The Rev. Christopher Worthley, honorary assistant; Dr. R. Benjamin

Hutchens, II, director of music; Ms. Mary Beth Howard, parish administrator.

2300 Cathedral Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20008-1505; Voice: 202-232-4244, Fax: 202-232-8593

website:; Email the Parish Office: [email protected];

Email the rector: [email protected]; Sermons at

Email the vestry: [email protected]

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