
Carpet free conference hall

Solutions that make cleaning easy

Staying in a hotel should be a pleasant and healthy experience for everyone – including those with asthma, allergies and other sensitivities. To make hotels as accessible as possible to people with these diseases, hotels should have good indoor air quality and cater for food allergies.

Important allergy friendly features

Avoid using fixed carpets Rooms in which guests spend most of their time should be carpet free (e.g. guest rooms, conference and meeting rooms and, restaurants). Use of carpets increases

the health problems for people with asthma and allergies, and degrades the indoor air quality for everyone.

Make good cleaning a priority Clean with non-scented products, low in chemicals. Use dry and wet mopping with microfiber cloths. Remember to clean surfaces that are not easily accessible. Bed linen and quilts should be washed at 60°C with laundry detergent suitable for sensitive skin. Use a central vacuum cleaner or a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter.

Use entrance mats to stop dirt and moisture entering Commonly as much as 70-80 % of dust, grime, and dirt in a building is tracked in

from the outside on peoples feet.

Choose smooth surfaces on textiles and furniture This is to avoid dust sticking to rough surfaces (e.g. curtains, bed blankets, sofas) and to facilitate cleaning. Dust mites live in soft furnishings, so limit upholstery (e.g. throws, cushions, rugs).

Provide a smoke free environment Smoking outside should not be permitted in proximity to air valves, windows, entrances etc.

Provide a pet free environment Clearly post signs of where pets are allowed. Pets should not have access to com-munal space, e.g. restaurants, conference halls, and only be allowed into a limited number of guest rooms. Exemptions exist for guide and service dogs.

Allergy friendly hotels

Allergy friendly hotels….

Use allergy friendly plants indoors and outdoors Avoid fragrant plants and plants that produce pollen in large quantities – in particular indoors and close to windows, doors and air valves.

Cater for food allergies and special dietary requirements Use the 14 allergens listed in EU Labelling Directive amendment 2003/89/EC Annex IIIa as a reference. Label buffet food for all common allergens.

Have a proper ventilation system in place Make sure you have sufficient ventilation and air exchange for intended use in all rooms. Service the ventilation system regularly and change filters frequently to ensure they are effective at reducing indoor pollutants. Bathrooms must have effective ventilation and be free from moisture damage.

Choose health friendly heating solutions Heating solutions should not burn particles of dust and oxygen, nor create air flows causing allergens to be blown around the room.

Choose low-emitting building materials Products should apply to the emission criteria of Norwegian Standard NS- EN 15251:2007, Appendix C, “very low-polluting building” or “low-polluting building”.

Scandic Oslo Airport Hotel – a good example of universal design

Under the banner “What is important to some, is also good for everyone else!” Scandic Oslo Airport Hotel set out to make a hotel where all guests feel welcome. Thus they entered into collaboration with the Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled People (FFO) and the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association (NAAF) at an early stage of the planning and construction phase of the hotel.

Scandic Oslo Airport Hotel is to date the only hotel that has been developed and operated in partnership with NAAF.

Low emitting furniture - Eco-Tex sertified textiles

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