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  • Leading Change

    John P. Kotter

    The rate of change is not going to slow

    Down anytime soon. If anything, competition

    In most industries will probably speed up

    Even more in the next few decades.

  • 1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency

    2. Creating a Guiding Coalition

    3. Developing a Vision & Strategy

    4. Communicating the Change Vision

    5. Empowering Broad-Based Action

    6. Generating Short-Term Wins

    7. Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change

    8. Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    The 8 Stage Process of Creating Major Change

    Creating Major Change

  • Yesterday.

  • Today..

  • Six Principles of Leadership for Addressing Adaptive Challenges

    Get on the Balcony

    Identify the Adaptive Challenge

    Regulate Distress Productive level of distress

    Maintain Disciplined Attention

    Give the Work Back to the People

    Protect Leadership from Below

  • Getting on the balcony

    See patterns instead of isolated events

    Understand structure, culture, norms

    Identify struggles over value/power

    Watch for reactions to change/loss

  • Identify the adaptive challenge(s)

    Need to understand whether youre dealing with adaptive or technical work.

    Open to gathering/hearing other perspectives

    History of unresolved conflict

    Festering issue, regardless of efforts

  • Regulating Distress--Holding Environment

    Need to provide environment which creates productive level of distress

    Safe but not too safe

    Fosters necessary discussions

  • Raising the Heat.

    Draw attention to tough questions

    Give people more responsibility than they are comfortable with

    Bring conflict to surface

    Not in the parking lot

    Listen to the gadflies, peons

  • Lower the Heat.

    Address technical aspect of issue first

    Address problem solving by breaking an issue into parts

    Take responsibility backcarry the load

    Use work avoidance wisely for short time

    Slow down process of changing norms and expectations

  • Maintaining the Focus

    Keep attention on the task at hand

    Ensure topic has time to mature

    Watch for work avoidance

    Shifting focus to another topic

    Laying blame

    Creating ad hoc committees

  • Give the Work Back to the People

    Resist the temptation to resolve the issue

    Get people engaged

    Place the work with the relevant parties

    Ensures fair process

  • 1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency

    2. Creating a Guiding Coalition

    3. Developing a Vision & Strategy

    4. Communicating the Change Vision

    5. Empowering Broad-Based Action

    6. Generating Short-Term Wins

    7. Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change

    8. Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    The 8 Stage Process of Creating Major Change

    Creating Major Change

  • 1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency

    2. Creating a Guiding Coalition

    3. Developing a Vision & Strategy

    4. Communicating the Change Vision

    5. Empowering Broad-Based Action

    6. Generating Short-Term Wins

    7. Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change

    8. Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    The 8 Stage Process of Creating Major Change

    Creating Major Change

  • 1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency

    2. Creating a Guiding Coalition

    3. Developing a Vision & Strategy

    4. Communicating the Change Vision

    5. Empowering Broad-Based Action

    6. Generating Short-Term Wins

    7. Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change

    8. Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    The 8 Stage Process of Creating Major Change

    Creating Major Change

  • 1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency

    2. Creating a Guiding Coalition

    3. Developing a Vision & Strategy

    4. Communicating the Change Vision

    5. Empowering Broad-Based Action

    6. Generating Short-Term Wins

    7. Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change

    8. Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    The 8 Stage Process of Creating Major Change

    Creating Major Change

  • 1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency

    2. Creating a Guiding Coalition

    3. Developing a Vision & Strategy

    4. Communicating the Change Vision

    5. Empowering Broad-Based Action

    6. Generating Short-Term Wins

    7. Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change

    8. Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    The 8 Stage Process of Creating Major Change

    Creating Major Change

  • 1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency

    2. Creating a Guiding Coalition

    3. Developing a Vision & Strategy

    4. Communicating the Change Vision

    5. Empowering Broad-Based Action

    6. Generating Short-Term Wins

    7. Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change

    8. Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    The 8 Stage Process of Creating Major Change

    Creating Major Change

  • 1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency

    2. Creating a Guiding Coalition

    3. Developing a Vision & Strategy

    4. Communicating the Change Vision

    5. Empowering Broad-Based Action

    6. Generating Short-Term Wins

    7. Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change

    8. Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    The 8 Stage Process of Creating Major Change

    Creating Major Change

  • 1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency

    2. Creating a Guiding Coalition

    3. Developing a Vision & Strategy

    4. Communicating the Change Vision

    5. Empowering Broad-Based Action

    6. Generating Short-Term Wins

    7. Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change

    8. Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    The 8 Stage Process of Creating Major Change

    Creating Major Change




    Work avoidance


    of learning

    Limit of tolerance





    Distress and Adaptive Work

    Adaptive challenge

  • The key to successful adaptive leadership is disappointing

    peoples expectations at a rate they will tolerate.

    --Ron Heifetz, MD

  • Leading the Change Process

    Performance Consultants

    Make recommendations

    Translate job requirements into competencies

    Apply Science of Learning & Human Performance

    Generate solution options and metrics

    Conduct effectiveness & cost analysis

    (K, S, A, T)

  • Establishing a Sense of Urgency Examining the market & competitive realities Identifying & discussing crisis, potential crisis, major opportunities

    Concepts: Create a crisis: highlight major weaknesses, allow errors to compound Eliminate obvious examples of excess (company facilities, services,etc Set goals & targets unrealistically high Distribute company-wide performance data highlighting deficiencies to more

    employees Force interaction with unsatisfied customers, suppliers, shareholders. Use consultants to force more relevant & honest appraisals Bombard people with information on future opportunities, rewards for capitalize

    on those opportunities, & potential lost opportunities.

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    Creating Major Change

  • Creating a Guiding Coalition Putting together a group with enough power to lead the change Getting the group to work together like a team

    4 Key Characteristics of Guiding Coalition: Positional Power: Are enough key players on board, especially the main line

    managers, so those left out can not easily block progress? Expertise: Are the various points of view, relevant to the tasks at hand,

    adequately represented so that informed, intelligent decisions can be made? Credibility: Does the group have enough people, with good reputations, that

    its pronoucements will be taken serious by the other employees? Leadership: Does the group include enough proven leaders to be able to

    drive the change process?

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    Creating Major Change

  • Developing a Vision & Strategy Creating a vision to help direct the change effort Developing strategies for achieving that vision

    Characteristics of an Effective Vision Imaginable: Conveys a picture of what the future will look like Desirable: Appeals to the long-term interests of employees, customers,

    stakeholders. Feasible: Comprises realistic, attainable goals Focused: Is clear enough to provide guidance in decision making Flexible: Is it general enough to allow individual initiative & alternative

    responses in light of changing condition. Communicable: Is easy to communicate, can be successfully explained

    within 5 minutes.

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    Creating Major Change

  • Communicating the Change Vision Using every vehicle possible to constantly communicate the new vision & strategies Having the guiding coalition role model the behavior expected of employees

    Key elements in communicating the vision: Simplicity. All jargon & technobabble must be eliminated. Metaphor, Analogy & Example. A verbal picture is worth a thousand

    words. Multiple Forums. Big meetings & small, memos, newspapers, formal and

    informal meetings. Repetition. Ideas sink in only after they have been heard many times Leadership by Example. Behavior by important people that is inconsistent

    with the vision overwhelms other forms of communication. Explanation of Seeming Inconsistency. Unaddressed inconsistencies

    undermine the credibility of all communications. Give & Take. Two way communication is always more powerful and one-

    way communication.

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    Creating Major Change

  • Empowering Broad-Based Action Getting rid of obstacles Changing systems or structures that undermine the change vision Encouraging risk taking & non-traditional ideas, activities & actions

    Empowering People to Effect Change

    Communicate a sensible vision to employees. Make sure structures are compatible with the vision. Provide the training employees need. Align information and personnel systems to the vision. Confront supervisors who undercut needed change.

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    Creating Major Change

  • Generating Short-Term Wins Planning for visible improvements in performance, or wins Creating those wins Visibly recognizing & rewarding people who made the win possible

    1. Provides evidence that sacrifices are worth it. 2. Reward change agents. 3. Helps fine-tune vision & strategies. 4. Undermine cynics and self-serving registers. 5. Keep bosses on board. 6. Build Momentum.

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    Creating Major Change

  • Consolidating Gains & Producing More Change Using increased credibility to change all systems, structures & policies that dont fit together and dont fit the transformation strategy Hiring, promoting, & developing people who can implement the change vision Reinvigorating the process with new projects, themes & change agents

    More change, not less. The guiding coalition uses the credibility afforded by the short-term wins to tackle additional and bigger change projects

    More Help. Additional people are brought in, promoted and developed to help with all the changes

    Leadership from Senior Management. Senior people focus on maintaining clarity of shared purpose, keeping urgency levels up.

    People management & leadership from below. Lower ranks in the hierarchy provide both leadership & management for specific projects.

    Reduction of unnecessary interdependencies. To make change easier in both short/long-term, managers identify and eliminate unnecessary organizational interdependencies.

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    Note: Resistance is always waiting to reassert itself!

    Creating Major Change

  • Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture Creating better performance through customer- & productivity oriented behavior, more and better leadership, & more effective management Articulating the connections between new behavior & organizational success Developing means to ensure leadership development & succession

    Concepts: Culture changes come last, not first. Most alteration in norms & shared values come at

    the end of the transformation process Results matter. New approaches usually sink into a culture only after it is very clear that

    they work and are superior to the old methods. Requires a lot of talk. Without verbal instruction and support, people are reluctant to

    admit the validity of new practices. May involve turnover. Sometime the only way to change a culture is to change key

    people. Makes decision on succession crucial. If promotion processes are not changed to be

    compatible with the new practices, the old culture will reassert itself

    Source: Leading Change, John P. Kotter, 1998

    Creating Major Change

  • Copyright 2010 by ICSI

    Transforming Health Care Through Collaboration

    Advancing Leadership Skills for Todays Needs

    A Framework for Tomorrow

    Gary Oftedahl, MD

  • Objectives


    Adaptive Framework overview


    Breaking it downwhat do I do?

    Moving ahead

    Discussion and questions

  • The Way It Is

    We no longer live in a world where we have the right to expect authorities to know the answers

    The challenges our organizations face are complex Require MORE THAN application of expertise

    Require changes in the habits, attitudes and values of people high and low in the organization

  • Recognizing the Challenges of Leadership

  • Framing the issues

    Adaptive Challenges

    Situation is complex, solution not obvious

    Cant be done within present system

    Need to change/address deeply held beliefs and values

    Loss is inherent part of process

  • Framing the Issues

    Technical Challenges

    Problem well defined

    Answer can be found within present structure

    Implementation is clear

    Value of expert to provide answer

  • Adaptive Challenges

    We look for the wrong kind of leadership

    Human behavior and Uncertainty

    Leadership and authority

  • Authority

    Power entrusted to perform a service

    Meeting expectations good leader

    Power and position decrease if expectations are not met

    Important in driving technical change

    BUTwhat if its not technical?

    Leadership = authority but used differently

  • Authority in the Adaptive Work Using Authority with a New Focus

    Frame and provide tough questions

    Rather than fulfilling the expectation for answers

    Let people feel the pinch of reality

    Rather than protect people from an outside threat

    Disorient people so that new role relationships develop

    Rather than orient people to their current roles

    Draw issues out

    Rather than quell conflict

    Challenge the way to do business, distinguishing those values and norms that must endure from those that should go

    Rather than maintain norms

  • Protecting Voices of Leadership Without Authority

    Protect the voices you want to silence

    Annoyance is a signal of opportunity

    Is there potential value in addressing the provocative questions being raised?

  • Leadership Actions for Adaptive Challenges

    Listen Concerns, fears expressed

    Create environment to foster dialogue

    Reflect Feed back from your balcony position

    Assess reaction to see if you are on mark

    Intervene PDSAexperiment

    New discovery to introduce

  • The most common cause of leadership failure is treating an

    adaptive problem with a technical fix.

  • Your Commitment

    Get on the balcony

    Identify the adaptive challenge

    Keep the level of distress within a tolerable range for addressing adaptive challenges

    Focus attention on ripening issues and not on stress-reducing distractions

    Give the work back to the people -- at a rate they can tolerate

    Protect voices of leadership without authority

  • Copyright 2010 by ICSI

    Transforming Health Care Through Collaboration

    Thank you.


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