  • 7/27/2019 Amazing Students of Gyan Vihar University Jaipur With Social Commitments - Changing the Society and Spreading





    By :

    Dr. Trilok Kumar JainDean, ISBM (International School of Business Management)

    Suresh Gyan Vihar UniversityJaipur

    [email protected], [email protected]

    Mobile : 9414430763

    Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur has introduced the concepts ofcommunity clubs and social developmental activities. Like other institutions,

    the University also gives emphasis on co-curricular activities. However, the

    response of some of the students is truly amazing. The students take these

    activities with passion and pursue them for achieving the desired goals of

    their own life and also for achieving well being for the society. Their small

    initiatives give them satisfaction, recognition, support and a network to

    continue such activities. The university has been constantly motivating

    students to pursue social development agenda and also to become

    entrepreneurs. The initiatives of the University bring results as we witness

    students converting themselves into social catalysts. Their success stories

    further reinforce the spirit of the University and we get inspired to channelise

    the energies of the students towards this great cause and for the benefit of

    both the student and the society at large.

    I shall mention here about one such student of Suresh Gyan Vihar University

    - Mr. Chinmaya. While doing his engineering, Mr. Chinmaya was actively

    involved in social development activities, which ultimately enabled him to

    start an NGO called ECO PADDLERS (started in 2012) and also a website

    called (it will be launched shortly). Mr. Chinmaya took the

    social development and social activities as responsibilities of every citizens

    and spared some time out of his busy schedule.

    I had interacted with Mr. Chinmaya about his activities. A brief discussion is

    presented herewith: -

    Q: What do you want to do and what is your purpose?[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Ans : There are bicycles from 3000 to 10 lakhs. I want to change the mindset

    of people about cycling. I want to encourage people to adopt cycling. This will

    save our environment, help people in their health and improve our living.

    Q: What are the activities that you organise?

    Ans : I have organised about 20 activities mostly relating to the following

    three areas during the last 2-3 years : -

    1. Cyclothone - to prmote bicycle use, health, environment. All these three

    things are connected. If people start adopting cyclying, they will be healthier

    and they will not cause harm to the environment (which is being done by

    using vehicles). I try to encourage people to adopt cycling. I organised one

    such drive during C3W 2012 (Convention on Climate Change and Water Crisis

    2012 - an annual activity of SGVU).

    2. Cleanliness drive : - Cleanliness should be the responsibilities of the

    citizens and they should ensure that they should not throw away garbage

    here and there. There is a need to raise public awareness and raise public

    actions on these lines. I have been taking initiatives in this regard. We

    choose an area and our team make people aware. We do the cleaning

    ourselves. Other people join us when they see us working. We convey the

    message to the citizens of the area that it is the responsibility of the citizens

    to clean the area around us. We ask people to use dustbins and other such

    things to ensure that there is cleanliness and proper civic sense. Mostly

    people go to park in the evening. They throw away waste papers etc here

    and there. They dont use dustbins. There is a need to make people aware of


    3. Health drive : - I take up topics like cardiovescular health. We organise

    discussions on these issues. We invite specialists and request them to talk on

    important issues relating to the topic of discussion. Thus we are able to raise

    public awareness on issues that affect all of us. We organise such discussions

    periodically and raise public awareness and understanding on issues that

    affect us all.

    4. Promoting youth to empower themselves : The youth can organise

    themselves and hold themselves in the society. They can raise their voice in

    meaningful way.

    Q: When did you organise first event?

    Ans : It was on 29 Sept. 2011. I organised Health on Wheels : World Heart

    Day - on J.L.N. Road Jaipur. It was organised to celebrate the occasion of

    world heart day. There were 4 persons organising this event, but ultimately I

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    had to manage it. My friend Keshave Modi helped me in conducting this


    Q: Can you share your experiences of other events?

    Ans : We have organised many events in schools and colleges to promote

    environmet. Cleanliness drive with the help of the people in Vaishali Nagar

    and Malviya Nagar. The response was good. People have the habit of

    throwing the garbage here and there. It is a very long process to change the

    mindset of people. How to influence people to use better habits? This is a real


    Q. What kind of difficulties / challenges do you face?

    Ans : Some people ask me : Why are you doing it? People dont come forward

    for a good cause always. It is difficult to change the mindset of people. Somepeople oppose you. You have to take this much of risk for this work.

    We dont get the required support from the government departments also.

    Laws are made to regulate people, but these same laws become our tight

    ropes when we wish to organise any events. The government officials are

    very bureaucratic. I give an example : When I went to organise first

    cyclothone. I had to go to various police departments and to take permission.

    I spent a lot of time in taking permission from the police departments. The

    process is so long and so bureaucratic, it was very difficult to do it. .

    Laws are made, but people dont follow them. There is very callous attitudetowards laws, even towards those issues which are for our own interest. On

    2/10/11 an act was passed whereby Smoking has been banned in public

    places. I found that this law was hardly followed. I used to tell people why do

    you smoke in public places. I used to ask shopkeepers not to encourage

    smoking in public places, but people didnt cooperate. I did photography for

    JLF (Jaipur Literatury Festival). I found that people were smoking and drinking

    in the public place. I could not stop them, but felt very bad about it. There

    were hard drinks being served in the evenings. I even found a few reporters

    smoking. I didnt like these, but couldnt do anything on these issues.

    Q: who encouraged you for these issues.

    Ans : My grand-father was a freedom fighter. Since the childhood I have been

    trained to do something for the country and for society. I participated in the

    Blood donation camp on 14 Feb 2010. I did it with RTI Rajasthan Manch in

    Mahaveer Cancer Hospital Jaipur. Later whenever I got an opportunity, I

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