  • 7/28/2019 American Resistance to a s






    teaches at


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    American Resistance to a Standing


    QuestionQuote from Madison: "The means of defence

    against foreign danger, have been always the

    instruments of tyranny at home. Among the

    Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war,

    whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout

    all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext

    of defending, have enslaved the people."

    I understand what he means, but can you give some specific

    examples of which events Madison was talking about. Can you give

    other ancient examples where foreign wars are used as a type of



    In June of 1787, James Madison addressed the Constitutional

    Convention in Philadelphia on the dangers of a permanent army. A

    standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not longbe safe companions to liberty, he argued. The means of defense

    against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of

    tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to

    excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all

    Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have

    enslaved the people. That Madison, one of the most vocal

    proponents of a strong centralized governmentan author of the

    Federalist papers and the architect of the Constitutioncould

    evince such strongly negative feelings against a standing army

  • 7/28/2019 American Resistance to a s


    The power of a standing

    army, Adams counseled,should be watched with a

    jealous Eye.

    highlights the substantial differences in thinking about national

    security in America between the 18th century and the 21st.

    While polls today generally indicate that Americans think of the

    military in glowing terms (rightly associating terms like sacrifice,

    honor, valor, and bravery with military service), Americans of

    the 18th century took a much dimmer view of the institution of a

    professional army. A near-universal assumption of the foundinggeneration was the danger posed by a standing military force. Far

    from being composed of honorable citizens dutifully serving the

    interests of the nation, armies were held to be nurseries of vice,

    dangerous, and the grand engine of despotism. Samuel Adams

    wrote in 1776, such a professional army was, always dangerous to

    the Liberties of the People. Soldiers were likely to consider

    themselves separate from the populace, to become more attached

    to their officers than their government, and to be conditioned to

    obey commands unthinkingly. The power of a standing army,

    Adams counseled, should be watched with a jealous Eye.

    Experiences in the decades before the Constitutional Convention in

    1787 reinforced colonists negative ideas about standing armies.

    Colonials who fought victoriously alongside British redcoats in the

    Seven Years War concluded that the ranks of British redcoats were

    generally filled with coarse, profane drunkards; even the successful

    conclusion of that conflict served to confirm colonists starkly

    negative attitudes towards the institution of a standing army. The

    British Crown borrowed massively to finance the conflict (the war

    doubled British debt, and by the late 1760s, fully half of British taxrevenue went solely to pay the interest on those liabilities); in an

    effort to boost its revenues, Parliament began to pursue other

    sources of income in the colonies more aggressively. In the decade

    before the Declaration of Independence, Parliament passed a series

    of acts intended to raise money within the colonies.

    That legislation further

    aggravated colonists hostility

    towards the British Army. As

    tensions between the coloniesand the crown escalated,

    many colonists came to view

    the British army as both a

    symbol and a cause of

    Parliaments unpopular

    policies. Colonists viewed the various revenue-generating acts as

    necessitated by the staggering costs associated with maintaining a

    standing army. The Quartering Act, which required colonists to

    provide housing and provisions for troops in their own buildings,

  • 7/28/2019 American Resistance to a s


    Madisons language

    reflected a common

    concern that the

    maintenance of a standing

    army in the new United

    States would place

    [financial] burdens on the

    young government [of the

    United States].

    was another obnoxious symbol of the corrupting power represented

    by the army. Many colonists held the sentiment that the redcoats

    stationed in the colonies existed not to protect them but to enforce

    the kings detestable policies at bayonet-point.

    No event crystallized colonists antagonism towards the British

    army more clearly than what became known as the Boston

    Massacre. In March 1770, British regulars fired into a crowd ofcivilians, killing five. That event provided all the proof the colonists

    needed of the true nature of the redcoats mission in the colonies.

    Six years later, the final draft of the Declaration of Independence

    contained numerous references to King Georges militarism

    (particularly his attempts to render the army independent of

    civilian authority, his insistence on quartering the troops among the

    people, and his importation of mercenaries to compleat the works

    of death, desolation, and tyranny); by the end of the War of

    Independence, hatred of a standing army had become a powerful

    and near-universal tradition among the American people; theprofessional British army was nothing less than a conspiracy

    against liberty.

    Colonists experiences with British troops, and the convictions that

    sprang from them, help explain Madisons reference to armies

    having traditionally enslaved the people they were commissioned

    to defend. After winning their political independence, the

    victorious colonies faced the difficult task of providing for their

    own security in the context of a deep-seated distrust of a standing


    Madisons use of the imagery

    of slavery points to the

    multiple meanings of that

    term in the 18th century. In

    Madisons statement to the

    Convention, it referred not to

    the literal notion of armies

    marching the citizenry

    through the streets inshackles but to a kind of

    metaphorical slavery. The

    immense costs necessary to

    raise and maintain a standing

    army (moneys required for

    pay, uniforms, rations,

    weapons, pensions, and so

    forth) would burden the populace with an immense and crippling

    tax burden that would require the government to confiscate more

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    and more of the citizenrys wealth in order to meet those massive

    expenses. Madisons language reflected a common concern that the

    maintenance of a standing army in the new United States would

    place similar burdens on the young government; their experiences

    with the British army under Parliament in the 1760s and 1770s

    likewise led to concerns that the executive would use a standing

    army to force unpopular legislation on an unwilling public in

    similar fashion.

    Other members of the founding generation worried that an armed,

    professional force represented an untenable threat to the liberty of

    the people generally. Throughout history, the threat of military

    coupgovernments deposed from within by the very forces raised

    to protect themhas been a frequent concern. In 1783, Continental

    Army officers encamped at Newburgh circulated documents that

    leveled a vague threat against Congress if the government

    continued its refusal to pay the soldiers. Historians generally

    conclude that a full-blown coup detat was never a realisticpossibility, but the incident did little to assuage contemporary

    concerns about the dangers posed by a standing army.

    The experience with professional armies during the 40 years before

    the Constitutional Convention, and the values that sprang from

    those experiences, helps explain why the founders never seriously

    considered maintaining the Continental Army past the end of the

    War of Independence. The beliefs that grew organically from their

    experiences with the British also help explain Madisons passionate

    anti-military rhetoric (he would later refer to the establishment of astanding army under the new Constitution as a calamity, albeit an

    inevitable one); together, they cast a long shadow over the debates

    surrounding the kind of military the new nation would provide for


    For more information

    Watch Professor Whitman Ridgway analyze the Bill of Rights


    of-historical-thinking/24424) in an Example of Historical

    Thinking (


    Kohn, Richard H.Eagle and Sword: The Federalists and the

    Creation of the Military Establishment in America, 1783-1802.

    ( New

    York: Free Press, 1975.

    The Library of Congress. The Federalist Papers.

  • 7/28/2019 American Resistance to a s


    ( Last

    accessed 6 May, 2011.

    The National Archives. The Constitution.


    Last accessed 6 May, 2011.

  • 7/28/2019 American Resistance to a s

    6/6 accessed on 1/29/2013

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