  • 5/24/2018 American Swedish Institute - LoveNorwayX :Installations by Ian Ward Garlant Gallery Guide


    The Construction of Love



    Ian Ward Garlant

    This giant Norwegian flag integrates symbols, words,

    and meaningful quotes from a range of cultures. Tibetan

    inscriptions appear next to Chinese hexagrams. Nordic

    runes bump up against Arabic calligraphy. Each language

    is unique, but the words are created with strikingly similarlines. Universal themes of love and compassion come

    together to form a collage of global truth.

    Tui = Joy (I Ching)

    The I Chingis an ancient Chinese text, originally used for

    divinaon and now considered a book of wisdom. In the

    I Ching, sixty-four hexagrams provide advice on everyday

    challenges. Each hexagram consists of a combinaon of

    six horizontal lines, either unbroken (yang) or split in half

    (yin). This parcular hexagram means tui, or joy. Look

    for it in the upper right quadrant of the ag.

    Wahdah = Harmony (Kufic)

    Kuc script is the earliest version of Arabic, and its geometric style diers from

    the owing lines and curves recognizable as Arabic wring today. Because Kuc

    script consists of straight lines and 90-degree angles, it was ideal for inscribingon metal coins or stone buildings.

    This word, wahdah, means harmony in Kuc. Look for it in the lower right

    quadrant of the ag.

    Alu = Spirit (Nordic Runes)

    Aluis oen translated as spirit, and

    it appears frequently in runic texts

    as a charm word designed to invokemagic. Alu has also been translated

    as ale, perhaps referring to the

    spiritual feeling that can accompany

    intoxicaon. The English word spirit

    shares this double meaning. Alu

    appears sideways on the ag.

  • 5/24/2018 American Swedish Institute - LoveNorwayX :Installations by Ian Ward Garlant Gallery Guide


    Ann ek r = I love you (Nordic Runes)

    Je taime. Te amo. Ich liebe dich.

    Every language has a version of this phrase. In Ancient Nordic

    runes, it appears in poetry as Ann ek r.What does this

    short and sweet phrase mean? Simply, I love you.

    Can you ndAnn ek rin the ag? Where might you nd

    other hidden inscripons of love?

    Sheirab = Wisdom (Mongolian)

    Looking at this Mongolian word, you can recognize

    similaries among ancient scripts. The shapes andlines of this Mongolian text appear very similar to

    the Tibetan and Kuc scripts; all rely on paerns of

    straight lines and rectangles.

    This parcular word, sheirab, means wisdom in

    Mongolian. Although the word is wrien vercally, it

    appears horizontally in this piece.

    Tseina = Love (Horyig)

    The wrien Tibetan language has remained largely

    unchanged since the early 800s A.D. Horyig was a

    type of seal script, meaning the symbols seen herewere used to seal ocial documents. The wordtseina

    means love in Horyig text. Although its wrien

    vercally, this word appears sideways across the top

    of the ag in this piece.

    The Construction of Love



    Ian Ward Garlant

    Artist Ian Ward Garlant constructed this flag out of tough

    yet lightweight boat foam, typically used to construct

    lifeboats on Norwegian oil rigs. He meticulously carved

    each word and symbol into foam panels and then adhered

    those panels to a wooden grid, coating it all with a veneer

    of silvery paint.

    Use this gallery guide to explore The Construction of

    Love. Search through the lines and zigzags. Seek out

    meaning. What can you find?

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