


GEAR JAMMER — GAZETTE ™ Chapter Nov. / Dec. 2016 Chartered June 1, 1983 Volume 108—Edition 5


NOVEMBER 12, 2016


T.E. Walrath Trucking, 11405 24thAve. E Tacoma WA 98445

Truck parking -Tire kicking and coffee starts at 10am.

Lunch at Noon - Meeting to Follow

Our November (Fall) chapter meeting is always an important meeting for the Chapter. At

the Fall meeting, the Chapter discusses and approves the next year’s truck show and all

that goes with it. Chapter members input at this time is very important for continued

Truck Show success. This year we also need to talk about finding a place to store our

show supplies, equipment and materials now that we have lost the use of a members

trailer who has moved out of state.

At the meeting, also we need to talk about the 2017 elections. Information will be avail-

able for those interested in becoming part of the chapter board in 2017.

Come for coffee, stay and enjoy the pot luck (bring a hot dish, cold dish, dessert),

take part in the meeting.

This is a great way to get acquainted with fellow Northwest Chapter members. Bring a

friend and introduce them to ATHS and our Northwest Chapter.





NORTHWEST Chapter 2015-2016 Board of Directors

President: Mike Scott 253-304-2660 [email protected]

Vice President: Judy Watkins 360-825-4192 [email protected]

Secretary/News Letter Al Downs 253-988-4359 [email protected]

Treasurer: Doug Nichols 360-456-3431 [email protected]

Past President: Jack Davis 206-683-0994

Regional VP: Craig Vogel 503-953-6617 [email protected]


Rick Hendrix term exp 2017 206-932-1675 Aaron Kitahara term exp 2017 206-851-4943

Vaughan Moss term exp 2017 724-290-2492 Chris Olsen term exp 2018 206-463-3229

Art Watkins term exp 2019 360-825-4192

Judy’s “Short Stack” Corner I would like to send out a “Thank-you” to those who brought their Trucks to the SW Wash-

ington Fairgrounds joining in on the Swap Meet. We had a nice turn out for the

day. Meeting was a success and lunch was good too.

"The Run to the Rhubarb" A big ‘Thank-you” to Nic Leslie, his Family and Friends who do

the grunt work for a great show. Everyone enjoyed a great day of kicking tires, visiting

with friends, enjoying a yummy lunch and enough B.S. to last the day.


Nov 12th

– Walraths Trucking Fall General Meeting. 12th Walraths: It’s that time of

the year again. This is a very important meeting with many decisions the Membership

needs to share in the decision making. New Chapter Officers and Board Members are a

top priority for our Chapter. Also the Northwest Chapter 2017 Truck needs decided. POT-

LUCK, please bring a dish or two to share with everyone. Chapter will provide coffee and


Dec…A safe journey to all through the Holiday Season and look forward to seeing you in

the New Year.

Take care and Smile,

Judy Watkins




Chapter Board Minutes

Meeting date: __9-24-2016______

Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Board of Directors, NWC-ATHS, was held in conjunction with Chapter attendance at the Harvest Swap Meet in Chehalis WA. The meeting convened at: 11:15 A.M, Vice President Judy Watkins presiding. Approval of Minutes: Judy asked for a motion to approve the July meeting minutes of the NWC-ATHS Board of Directors as reported in the chapter newsletter Doug Nichols made the motion and motion approved. Officers Reports: Judy Watkins again brought up the idea of moving the June general meeting to July due to the number of activities that took place this year that made it hard for members to make the general meeting. The board had agreed with the idea in July and still believes it should go to the general membership for further discussion and action. Secretary Report: Al reported we currently have 150 members in good standing. Many of those who failed to renew are located some distance from the chapter’s core area, and in some cases also members of other chapters. At the last board meeting, Al presented a draft copy of an informational handout we could give someone wanting to join our Chapter previously asked for by Doug Nichols. After re-view by the board and suggestions made, Al returned to the board with an edited version for review and comment. Board approval was given to take the brochure to the next step and try to have some available for the November general meeting. Al reported on correspondence he received concerning the selection of a new ATHS Na-tional Director. V. Lynn Graybill has been selected by the National board to become the new Executive Director. More information will be published in the next Wheels of Time. Treasurer’s Report: Doug Nichols reported $3800 current balance in the treasury. Mike Slade reported he had two small bills yet to turn in. The vote to raise yearly dues to $20 was not held at the June general meeting due to a lack of a quorum. Vote will be held at the general meeting to be held this afternoon in the same location as the board meeting. It was reaffirmed that those members who had paid for years in advanced would have those dues years honored as long as they remained ATHS National members in good standing. Doug has not contacted the Emerald Queen yet to set up the 2017 banquet meeting, but will be doing so shortly. Al had made a motion at the July meeting that if Funds were available, that we again make a $250 donation to the LeMay Family foundation as a way of showing appreciation for their support over the last year. The board agreed and passed a motion to present a check for $250 at the Lemay event in August. That did not occur so it has been determine that a representative of the chapter would make the pres-entation as soon as it can be arraigned.



September Board meeting report continued.

Other reports : Truck Show, Mike Slade reported there were 96 vintage trucks plus a number of manufacturer trucks plus some special interest vehicles. The fire truck and aid car expected to be at the show failed to show up. The kid’s event tent was again a big success as was the sale of show buttons. A big hurrah for the ladies at the gate. The majority of the show expenses have been paid and with the remaining bills we will be just under the breakeven point. There were some issue this year; the 92+ degree heat had some affect on attendance; there were not enough volunteers to spell those working the show causing those volunteers spend more time in the heat due to lack of support. Even with late afternoon sweep of the grounds by chapter members, the owner still found some garbage scattered on site. The property owner discussed with Mike Slade addi-tional stipulations that would need to be in place if the show is to return in 2017. After Mike’s report, Judy opened a follow-up discussion with an acknowledgement that the cur-rent site is evolving and it may or may not be a good fit for the chapter show in the future. Judy shared information gained from talking to members about future truck shows. Among the ideas shared was the idea of rotating between one year a truck show, the next a truck run, and the third a picnic. After considerable discussion, Mike Meyer volun-teered to chair a committee to assess current status and future show options. Al Downs and Mike Slade volunteered for the committee. Nominating Committee Report. Judy in Art’s absence reported that the committee has been talking to members about becoming officers and board members in 2017. Positions up for election: President; Vice-President; Secretary (Al Downs indicated he was inter-ested in continuing his secretary position); Treasurer (Doug Nichols indicated he was in-terested in continuing his treasurer position); Rick Hendrix, Vaughan Moss, and Aaron Kithara’s board positions expire; and Art Watkins will be resigning his board position due to his moving out of the area. Anyone interested in being involved with the board should contact Tom Art or Pat For the Good of the Order: Judy brought up the subject of storage for chapter truck show material and other chapter items. This had been previously discussed at the June general meeting where no solution was reached. Al and Judy received calls that the trailer was needed back before the 22nd of September. Since we didn’t have a solution in place, we needed to make an emergency arrangement that is good for only a limited time. We need to find a place to store our equipment and supplies. Judy opened the floor to comment and discussion. B.J. King discussed conex boxes versus trailers or storage units. Al shared that the going rate for a storage unit the size of the trail we used was about $70 per month. Mike Meyer offered space for a trailer or conex at one of his busi-ness yards if needed. Judy is asking for ideas, options? Announcements: : There will be a board meeting October 8

th at Doug Nichol’s Gig Har-

bor shop. The Next General Meeting will be November meeting 11-12-2016 at Walrath Trucking. Adjournment the meeting was adjourned at 11:55AM.



Northwest chapter – ATHS

Minutes General Membership Meeting

September 24, 2016

CALL TO ORDER: Vice President Judy Watkins called the meeting to order at 12:20 PM

Vice President’s Report: Due to the lack of a Quorum at the June meeting, the vote to raise dues to $20 per year was postponed until the September general meeting. As first order of business, Judy called for a motion to increase dues to $20 per year with the understanding that those who had already paid 2017 + years dues would have those advance payments honored. B.J. King made the motion; Pat Neuroth sec-onded. Motion carried. Secretary/Newsletter: A motion was made seconded and passed to dispense with read-ing of minutes because they were published in the new letter. Al reported the he received notice from ATHS national that a new Executive Director has been chosen: V. Lynn Gray-bill. Treasures Report: Doug Nichols reported that there was about $3800 in the treasury with

some bills still outstanding from the truck show.

Committee Reports: Truck Show: Mike Slade reported that overall indications for the show were positive. High

heat, the Nationals; and the closeness to Brooks this year could have had an impact on

attendance. Mike reported that he and the property owner have had at least one follow-up

conversation and there will be some additional restrictions on future shows at his site.

The Board has put together a committee to evaluate those restrictions and investigate

options for the future.

Old Business: Elections will be held in February 18, 2017. All but one board position will

be open for election. The President position is open and Judy has indicated she will not

be running for reelection as she and Art are relocating to Eastern WA. Art will be resign-

ing his position on the Board.

New Business: Judy brought up the issue of storage for chapter truck show support mate-

rial and other chapter items previously stored in Mike Scott’s trailer which he had gra-

ciously allowed us to use through the end of August. This had been previously discussed

at the June general meeting where no solution was reached. Al and Judy received calls

that the trailer was needed back before the 22nd of September. Since we didn’t have a

solution in place, we needed to make an emergency arrangement that is good for only a

limited time. We need to find a place to store our equipment and supplies. Judy opened

the floor to comment and discussion. B.J. King discussed conex boxes versus trailers or

storage units. Al shared that the going rate for a storage unit the size of the trail we used

was about $70 per month. Mike Meyer offered space for a trailer or conex at one of his

business yards if needed. Judy is asking for ideas, options?

Continued next page



September General Meeting continued.

Announcements for the good of the order: The Chapter new web site is now up and run-

ning thanks to Aaron Kitahara. The new site is: As part of what the board feels should be done to make chapter activities accessible for the entire chapter, a demographic review will be done to find points that may be used as activity locations in the future. REMEMBER! The General meeting in November will be a pot-luck. MARK your CALENDARS: Tentatively, February 11, 2017 will be the next General Meet-ing to be held at the Emerald Queen conference center in Fife (same great location as last year.). A special request has been made to not have such a loud next door neighbor. Adjourn: 1:15 PM

News From National - Update Memorandum

From: Dave Schroyer

To ATHS Board Members

Date: September 22, 2016

Subject Executive Director Appointment

The Search Committee for the new Executive Director and the Executive Board met in Kansas City last week to conduct “in person” interviews with four applicants who were selected from the preliminary telephone interview process.

I would like to announce that we have hired V. Lynn Graybill. Lynn is from Knob Noster, Missouri and has a truck background and has been in management for several years. He will be relocat-ing to Kansas City.

Lynn’s start date will be October 18th and he will be attending the board meeting in Des Moines and is looking forward to meeting and working with everyone.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.



Important Chapter Information


The Northwest Chapter of the ATHS will need to hold elections for the officers and board members

whose terms are up in 2017. Voting occurs at the February 11 2017 general meeting considered

the ANNUAL MEETING in the by-laws. So in starting now, the current board wants to make sure

the membership in aware of the process and how to help find members who want to help move the

chapter forward. At the April membership meeting the members present suggested the duties be

published in the newsletter in order to reach members who haven’t yet been able to attend a gen-

eral meeting.

First off, the question, “how does the process work?”

Our Chapter bylaws state: “A Nominating Committee, consisting of three (3) members, shall be

appointed by the President at the last business meeting preceding the ANNUAL MEETING. Said

Committee will present a slate of prospective Officers and Directors for election at the ANNUAL

MEETING.” The February banquet meeting is considered the ANNUAL meeting.


Officers will be elected for two (2) year terms and Directors will be elected for three (3) year terms in the following fashion:

Election to each office will take place at the designated Annual Meeting with additional nomina-

tions to the recommended slate accepted from the floor.

A majority vote of those members in good standing (paid up dues) present will constitute the election. Director’s terms shall overlap. Therefore, the first year of Director Elections, the term of one Director

shall be for two years, two Directors for four years and two Directors for six years. Thereafter, Direc-

tors shall be elected every other year for three year terms.

Duties of the Officers The PRESIDENT shall preside over all meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors and give direction to the CHAPTER; shall appoint committees, as necessary; and, shall be a member ex- officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

The VICE-PRESIDENT shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President and fulfill any specific assignment the President may wish to make.

The SECRETARY shall present to the membership all correspondence that is received, take min-utes at all meetings, and maintain the records of the Chapter including an active membership list

The TREASURER shall account for all monies received in the name of the Chapter. The Treasurer will pay all bills and present an accounting of all Chapter financial activity at each business meeting. The Treasurer is responsible for sending an annual Chapter financial statement to ATHS headquar-ters upon their request to do so and will revert all outstanding Chapter funds to ATHS headquarters following payment of all outstanding bills should the Chapter dissolve.

DIRECTORS shall participate in discussion, advise, and vote on policy as presented by Officers of the Chapter



CHAPTER EVENT AND ACTIVITIES Mark your calendar January 14, 2017 NW Chapter board meeting tentatively at Doug Nichol’s shop February 10-11, 2017 Corvette Swap meet. According to website a Fri-Sat event.

February 11, 2017 Northwest Chapter General Meeting Emerald Queen conference center in Fife .More info at the Nov. meeting May 20-21, 2017 Seattle auto swap meet ( most call it Monroe) AUG 25-26 2017. 25th Anniversary Brooks Truck Show ! Featuring Kenworth trucks

Found in the back of a tractor for sale or trade paper. Trucks: 1908 Kelly truck, K13, chain drive, hard rubber; 191? Garford truck, hard rubber, engine rebuilt; 191? Republic truck, hard rubber, engine turns; 1918 White truck Model 20, runs, hard rubber; 1937 International D-300 cab-over, runs; Buck 509-925-5245 or 509-899-1447



If you would like to have a want ad or sale ad in the next newsletter but didn’t get it on the Shoppers list

that goes around at a meeting, just contact Al at 253-988-4359 or [email protected] and he will get it listed


For Sale: 1929 Model A P/U. Fully restored. New head, distributer, carb. Recent tune-up. Asking

$21,000. Also for those who might be interested: 1975 AMC matador excellent condition. Ask-ing $5000. Call Annette McGee @ 360-426-2120

8 palettes of commercial Baldwin filters. Oil, hydraulic, transmission, air, etc. Fit Cat, Cummins,

Detroit, Alison, JD, Ford, Allis Chalmers, KW, Peterbuilt, Freightliner, GMC, Case, and most other applications. Worth approximately $7-8 thousand. All are new and in boxes. Lost storage and must sell. $1500 takes all. Steve Borns (360) 239-8080

1977 Fruehauf Van Trailer 26' Single Axle Roll Up Door Maxom Lift Gate Side Door 11R24.5 Tires on Steel Wheels $2,500.00 John DeYoung 425-483-2504

1952 GMC M135 army truck. $2500. Mike Slade 360-280-5996

1948 Kenworth , 220 Cummins, extra hood, Al Downs 253-988-4359

13’ 12yd Dump box, works good. $650 -OBO. Chris Olsen 206-463-3229

9-24.5 wheels and tires, 6 on aluminum wheels. Tires good. Les Reynolds 360-705- 9737

1966 Ford F-350 Dually Cab &Chassis $2500 Mike/ [email protected]

1949 International KB8 call Vaughn Moss 724-290-2492

SQHD Rear ends 4:11 ratio on 4leaf Rayco suspension $400 Stu 253-569-2199 cell

1966 Pete 358 318 4x4 trans Aluminum Frame Wet kit $3500 OBO Jeff 206-387-7089


1970-1975 KW W-900 tandem steel frame [email protected]

Need 8-24.5 round hole Alcoa wheels and 11x24.5 tires Dan C 253-318-9206

2 factory red velour Peterbuilt seat covers Dan C 253-318-9206

B-model Mack drivers seat to fit a 1956 [email protected]


Our Northwest Chapter web site at: is moving. Aaron Kitahara, our web-master is in the process of developing a new and improved site. He can be reached at nwchap-

[email protected] with your comments or questions.




9121 9th Ave Ct E Tacoma, WA. 98445

Annual NORTHWEST CHAPTER DUES are due prior to March 1 of each year. I hope you

feel you got something worthwhile out of your Chapter membership this past year and I encourage

you to continue your membership for 2017.

Please remember You must be in member in good standing with National ATHS in order for

your Chapter membership to be active. NATIONAL DUES of $45 payable directly to ATHS

National Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri and you are billed directly by them.

NOTICE! Chapter membership dues are now $20 per year. Chapter membership payments ( Checks made out to ATHS Northwest Chapter) can be made at

any meeting or sent to:


Northwest Chapter ATHS

9633 65th Lane SE

Olympia 98513

Check your mailing label. If a 15 appears above your name on the address label, our re-

cords indicate, your chapter membership has lapsed. Contact Doug Nichols if the check is in

the mail :)or the records need correcting.

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